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February 24, 1986
The Cjty Council Meeting was called to order by the Mayor at 7 30 p m
Councilmembers present Kent Davis, Tony FIasco, Doris Ibb.ison, Rod
Johnson, Larry Merkl, Moe Keller, Randy West, and Claudia Worth Also
pres(~nt Ci ty Clerk, Wanda Sang; City Administr'itor, Tom Palmer; City
Attorney, John Hayes; I\ct,ing Puhlic Works Director, Ric !1inetor stiiff;
and interested citizens
APPROVAL OF MINUT~S of February 10, 1986
Motion by Mr Merkl for the approval of the Minutes of February 10,
1986; seconded by 1vlr We3t; vie-ried 7-0 with Me ]'1'1'>"1 '11,st,dinj.ng (he
was abse1t 2/10/86)
Floyd B Palmer, 6900 W 44th Avenue, addressed City Sales and Use Tax
stated he does not ha,ve sales tax due, tlor does he charge sales tax;
read his letter of comment into the record Mayor instructed City
Admi,Ji.strator to look into thjs
t>layor Sti.tes introdu _..,cj .scouts who were present J.ll the Audi ence
f.!~~~_ Motj on by Mrs Worth to approve the Tr 1 IS f'~r of Ownership from
Skagqs Companies, Inc to Osco Drug, Inc dba Osco Drug Center
#2220, 4260 Wadsworth Blvd, Wheat Ridqe This is 'i Class J-l
Retai 1 3 2% Beer- Liceflse s'~conded by Mr Davis; carried 8-0
It~~2_ C B 228 - An Ordinance providing for the appruval ,r t-"~"ni.nq
from Residential-Two to Restri cted C,) fl,n'~rci ill-One on land
located elt 3495 Wadsworth Boulevard, City of ~fheat Ridge,
Cc)unty of Jefferson, StrIte ,) F (')1 <Jrado
(Case No WZ-85-27) (Lockwood)
Council Rill 228 was introduced by Mr Davis on second reading; i itle
read by the Clerk; Ordinance 655 ass i.qned ~lr Gidley presented the
_ctse Jack Lockwood, 9999 W Kentucky Drive, Lakewoud, applicant, was
sworn in by tJie rvla.yoL, qave hi.s C~~i:))ll:::; r-)r~ w-IJILin':::f the rezonjng, and
showed plans to COllnci 1 i10t i on by Mr Davj s that Ordi nance 655 be
adopted for the fOllowjJll] c~elSOr)S I The pr ).u,~('ty is wi thin the City
of Wheat Ridge, arId all r)~tification and posting requirements have been
met, therefocp t1Are is jilciscji,,;'ion to h,~~, I h s ('asp 2 Staff
concludes that 1'.",,,; ,-i ~i>~ 1 Commercial-One zoninq could be compati.ble with
th(~ resident i ally zoned and ut i.lized propert_ i '~s adjacent I'J) th,= si te, if
th~ ~,i ~ i 3 pr-:)perly planned 3 One of the criteri.a for rezonj.ng is
Fe0ruary 24, 1996
Pd']e -2-
whether there have ])e(~n chdllJes ill the nei.'1h1)orhood and becduse of
chan'Jes that have taken plnce i.n the'lrea, this allows for dpproval of
thi.s category With the following conditions 1 Planning Staff
-IS'-'" ell I [Ftt development i.s consistent with the representations l[ldde to
tl~ Plan-ling commi.ssi.on re']drdillg the develop'n,~nt 'lnd th,~ I_11-<111-Y
represented in the pictures )resented to the Planning Commission Th~
buildi.ng should be an office struLture c()nstructed of brick 2 That
Publi.c "'(lrks requirement for a 10 Foot de,ii,'ation on Wadsworth and a 15
foot radius at the i.ntersc~ i lL' 1,~i; 3,~~)nded by ,Ir We~t; "trri.ed
Item 3
C B 229 - An Ordindnce amendin'J Chapter 20, Streets of the
Code of Laws of the City uf vVhei.1 Ri.lge by ddding thereto
sections relatinq to Standards foe Placinq and Maintaining
Traffic COtltrol Devi ces
Counc.il Bil' 'l)) -"i.~ i ltrl)duced on second re''1ding by ~lr Davis; title
read by the Cl,or'\; ",1 il:lIJ'e No 656 assiqned Motion by ~lr Davis for
the adoption of Ordinance 656 with the correcti.on that under SeLtiun
2()-3S the word "hereto" be changed to "hereby"; seconded by l'lr FIasco;
Cd,-r f~d 8-0
Item-i_ C B 230 - An Ordindnce ar[lendin,~ Chctpter 5_;'\, i=l,'<,ti..Jns, of the
C.Jde of IftwS of the Ci ty of Wheat Ridqe, COUllty of Jefferson,
State of Colorado, by addi rig thereto i\xt icle III, R.esider!"y
Requirements for Elective OFFice which Ordinance is adopted n
i.mplementation of Section 4 4(a) of the '1.)!1" Rule C'l;'lrter of
the City )f r,/1W''lt Ridqe
Counc.il Bill 230 was intrndll .",d HI,"'" )11,1 '~tdIl1S '01' Mrs T';:ell,~r; title
read by the Clerk Sworn in by the i1ayor were ~~_J2~'t!~, 3582
Allison Street, whn state.'j Ll.i.t he dJ'~S1't b,~li'~J'" six months is long
enough; did survey and all 52 Home Rule cities have 1 /ear residency
requi.re,nent wi t 1 the ex 'epL 11.)11 <) F 3, .:h) lIve 3 year residency
Phillis LancashJ(', 4()7" SV2C U, r'~-Id t [-[- ~c fro;[l Wheat Ridge United
Ne.iqhborhoods;-.-feels it should be 1 ye'lr i Iste':ld of h r!1nnths
Doris Smith, In30S W 34th Avenue, re~d statement from members of
Wheat -R:{cige Charter COITI'ni.ssion
Dougal Graham, 3330 Chi~l:-~ (i!'=c) coed t) t~ll l':.h(~ rr~ll-th) 8t-1.tt~d he loves
our deln'-)'('l T_ ('iSl Hid l)'~l" 1'[- ..v'll; i, "i-,-,) hClckward; spoke
for Area-4 Planni ng CO!l1lni t"",~ co h'ive a 1 year residency requirement
Louise Turner, 112'36 W 38th Ave, hopes Council will turn down six
Iflonths and amend for 1 year; feels minimum of 1 ye'ie s essential to
k:(1~)vV Wh1-t i- 1 )r )(~,~ss invol "A~
i1otion by Nrs Keller for the adopt;)rt ,,0 ('''\'1 n II '231 s.,> )nd,~d by
Mr Merkl Motion b/ 1ri 'ller to amend under Section 5A-2S to re~~
"twelve consecutive months"; sPcu(llh"d '1' ,J," f'li led 4-4 wi.th
Councilloel[lbers I- eller, West, FIasco, and Worth vot i.n'1 yes
Ori ginal t'loti on Failed 4-4 wi tll Connci lmem ,<-:r" T I I ) I ,'ll. 3 _ " r'lerKl,
and Ibbisnrl v Jt. inq yes
Ii' -;:, ') r ! l :/ '2 :1,
- .Jo.-
Item 5
C B 232 - An Ordinance -il11Pfl,j;flJ Ch'l,ter ~A., A.dult
E1t~' i-d,i l'l~qj- Fd.,'i.ljties, of the Code of Laws of the City of
Wheat Ridge, Color~do
Council Bill 232 was intLIJd I ~ ';"1'1) Id reiiding by ~lr ~1erkl; ti tIe
read by the ~l~r~; Ord n~nce No 657 assigned
Douqal GrahCin "skI i 11'.;1:.;)15 'IIi 1.." 1f'1.<'~i:i.)<l re(J~cdinq this Ordindflce
~-t-=~;}~~ 1 i. J 1 r.}) 1 1 l(~ ,-1<: 1
l'1nice Thompsoll, 12~90 W 42nd Ave, stated 51~ was very pleased with
the upgcc1.dir1'] of this Ordinance
i'lotion by i-1r Merkl for the adoption of Ordinance 657 and that it take
eff,~,'t 1 it! i.f't,.;,' fi'l,~l flllblication; seconded by ~lr West; _'lcrjed
[tem 6
DECISIQNS, ~ESOL~'I [(~N~, "i\Iil dOT [O,-r'i
~lotion to cOflsidec changiug
Sessi.uIl to i,jonday, !\pciL '2l,
th~ Political Party Precjnct
the Monday, Apri.l 7, 1986 Study
198G or "i.tlcel altogether due to
Cctlll'IIS 1,..., I <1<} held on Apri 1 7
Moti,)~ by ~jrs Worth to change the Stlldy Sessi.ol frolll April 7 to A.pril
~L, lCl~;, j'18 t,) ':Ull' 1',; seconded by Hr !>1erkl; carried 8-n
[ten 7
i'1n"til)(l i h-tl i-l'~ l)r) )<J!-5s 1 ll.l l F{)l- 14th Avenue, between
Younqfield an i I'r,l)()r, be adopted, vii 1- 1 liJlgl:?S ciS 1 i s.ted, if
any, and that the -:: i._Y'l<1<) ,;- -( ",11(':[ C-) proceed w th th~ 44th
Avenue FADS projec I:, t, t l'~(> ,I)' (ssary actions to meet the
July 1 st advert i.sinq deadl in", \t1<1 c.) ')'lpe'lsd b; DMJ~1 for any
w)r:,\. d()n~~ i.i Jllr dl f'~E-~( T'"ion pend:Lng reimburSelneryt From the
1)_i,)) t_) purchdse one (1) 1/2 Ton r,jodel Fo,:] :,-,,_, "
fc '11 K' en Novak Ford at a total cost of $6,626 23 with
,', IS _ )~i ng ch'irqed to Acc Jlltlt_ LJo 57-305-807
,- 1")
t I ~
Motion to appr.)ve the pu,ch'ise )f t'1'~ Co11 )~,
with cost charqerl co _7',., , Jlltll: lJo lCl-305-809
< '
shop equ.ipment
) 1 ( i) 1\
,v _ 1 '; I I I 1
) Li. 1 ...) -:i:-
1....f) r"1\)clel
:=;- )Ill 'I JI!
-J - '1'1 ')
4000 Drum/Disc Lathe reconditioned
-lJ <1 i.':'Jlipment Rental Company dt d
( " )
) 11 ~ (1 j)
i11d equi pment
~ J J 1')) ') ')
'1)del 650 Gas Infrared Emissi')'l i'\nalyser
from Foothills i'\uto-Te'h t;- 1 totcil cost of
D ~loti')'1 tu 1)'11- '-t" (J'l'~ (1) used Blade-~lor 747 Art.iculrited
Gri.der equjpped per attached 1'1, -I i- , ) 1 sheeL from 1j 'd ;\I,),-"e
t~lllipment Co,npany at 1. tot,~l _)st of '?33,544 Or) vlith cost beinq
111'- J 1) 11 It. :Jo ','- ~ 15-,107
February 24, 1986
Page -4-
7 A
Janice Thompson, 12290 W 42nd Ave , suggested to stack three to
trucks instead of two; adequate signages for trucks turning into
stop; encourages U-turns; would not like to see 41st Ave opened
Xenon Street; are medians going to be landscaped?
Kathryn Jenson, 12005 W 44th Ave , hopes Council is worried about small
business as well as large businesses objects to medians; light at
Young field?
Kay Ore, 10565 W 46th Ave , expressed her concern regarding double left
turn off Youngfield; spoke on behalf of grant on Tabor to Youngfield;
take whatever steps necessary to preserve grant
Mr FIasco commented on grant; stated grant looks a lot better than a
week ago
Motion by Nr FIasco that the proposed plan for 44th Avenue, between
Youngfield and Tabor, be adopted with necessary design changes as
determined by staff and consultants; seconded by Mrs Worth; carried
Motion by Mr FIasco that the City adopt a policy to proceed with the
44th Avenue FAUS Project, to take any necessary actions to met the July
1st advertising deadline, and to compensate DMJM for any work done at
our direction pending reimbursement from the State; seconded by Mr
West; carried 8-0
Davis asked to pull Item A Motion by Mr
D ; seconded by Mr Merkl; carried 8-0
Ric Minetor presented proposal and introduced Herman
Davis for approval of
Gunther of
up to
Item 8
Motion to re-appoint and appoint new members to the Boards and
Commissions for terms that will expire March 2, 1986
Nr Merkl gave report for Community Development Commjttee Motion by
Mr Merkl that the Mass Transit Committee be dissolved; seconded by Mr
West; carried 8-0
Motion by Mr Merkl that Bonnie Scoma, Tom Stegbauer, and Carl A
Cerveny be reappointed to the Planning Commission; terms to expire
372789; seconded by Mr Davis; carried 8-0
Motion by Mr Merkl that Linden Meeks and Doris Smith be reappoj.nted to
the Personnel Commjssion; terms to expjre 3/2/89; seconded by Mr West;
carried 8-0
Motion by Mr Merkl that Dr William Trefz and Karin Heine be
reappointed and Ervin G Clingan be appointed to the Animal Control
Commission; terms to expire 3/2/89; seconded by Mr West; carried 8-0
Motion by Mr Merkl to appoint Verlee K Strahmann to the Arborist
Board; term to expire 3/2/89; seconded by Mr Davis; carried 7-1 with
Mrs Worth voting No
Motion by Mr Merkl to reappoint Jerry Sang and to appoint Charles F
Jones to the Board of Adjustment; terms to expire 3/2/89 seconded by
Mr West; carried 8-0
Motion by Mr Merkl to reappoint Paul D Recen, Duane P Chesl~
Richard J Ondrusek, and Charles Hiltz to the Building Code Advisory
Board; terms to expire 3/2/89; seconded by Mr West; carried 8-0
Motion by Mr Merkl to reappoint Gerald E Hillenburg to the Civil
Service Commjssion; term to expire 3/2/89; seconded by Mrs Keller;
carried 8-0
Motion by Mr Merkl to reappoint 0 W Preston and Beverly Phillips to
the Parks & Recreation Commission terms to expire 3/2/89; seconded by
Mr West; carried 8-0
February 24, 1986
Page -5-
Tom Palmer reminded Council that their Goal Session will take place
Saturday, March 1, 1986 at 8 30 am; lunch will be about noon Six
Councilmembers will be there; t1r Davis and Mr Johnson won't attend
John Hayes stated a mechanics lien had been brought against the Cruise
Foothills Medical Building Bond Attorney is still interested with going
forward; agree to come in wi.th inducement resolution contingent on
withdrawal if sales tax generation project comes in also dates and
amounts of bond money available Consensus was 5-3 that Council is
interested for them to come in
He brought in the Ordinance regarding Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk as
information only, but jf Council wished jt could be on first reading
He spoke to Section (3) "unfeasible" instead of "feasible", to see if
this is what committee jntended; explained the difference is 10% as
opposed to 50%
Council Bill 233 - An Ordinance amending Section 5-94 1 Public
Improvements required, of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge,
Council Bill 233 was introduced by Mr FIasco on first reading; title
read by Clerk; Motion by Mr FIasco that Council Bill 233 be approved on
first reading, ordered published, public hearing be set for Monday,
March 24, 1986 at 7 30 p m in City Council Chambers, Municipal Bldg ,
and if approved on second reading, take effect 15 days after final
publication; and that the word "feasible" be changed to
"unfeasible"; seconded by Mr Johnson; carried 8-0
Doris Ibbison stated that a Marion Gilison has a residential facility
for Seniors and had invited Council to tour thjs facility Council
requested that Doris Ibbison make the arrangements
Motion by Mr Davis to change the March 10 Regular Meeting to March 17,
1986 since four Councilmembers will be out of tOwn March 10; seconded by
Mr Merkl; carried 8-0
Larry Merkl reported on CML Meeting CML adopted Wheat Ridge Resolution
on Postal Zip Codes Numerous cities are looking to do this also Pat
Schroeder backs this Resolution and a meeting is bejng set with Post
Office at National League of Cities meeting
Mayor Stites withdrew discussion of Wadsworth Town Center from Study
Session Agenda
Tony FIasco subject of RFP contracts being awarded do we want to change
purchasing policy
February 24, 1986
Page -6-
Claudia Worth stated that school buses on 44th Avenue are being passed
when school bus is stopped; asked Mr Palmer to have Police Department
crack down on this
Motion by Mr West to adjourn; seconded by Mrs Ibbison; carried 8-0
Meeting adjourned at 10 00 P m
J/" ,,',1-- .~ 'j (, ~
Wanda Sang, ity C rk
,{ ~'u ~J~-Uz:~
Kent Davis, Council President