HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/2004' AGENDA WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY ' July 12, 2004 Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held before the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on Monday, July 12, 2004, at 6:00 p.m., in the second floor conference room of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Cotorado. 1. Call the Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call of Members 3. Approval of Minutes - June 1, 2004 4. Pubtic Forum ('I'his is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) 5. Executive Session under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(e) &(b) for the purpose of determining matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiarions and/or instructing negotiators regarding the 38tn Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment project and receiving legal advice regarding specific legal questions related to acquisition and relocation issues at 38`h Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment project. 6. New Business 7. Adjournment MINUTES OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY June 1, 2004 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER Due to Chair Hashem's laryngitis, it was necessary to elect a designated chair for the evening's meeting. It was moved by Terrell Williams and seconded by Janet Leo to appoint Tom Ma►linson as Designated Chair. The motion passed unanimously. T'he Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was called to order by Designated Chair Tom Mallinson at 5:45 p.m. in the second floor conference room of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commissioners present: Mary Hashem Elwyn Kiplinger Janet L,eo Tom Mallinson Terrell Williams Also attending: Alan VJhite, WRURA Executive Director Corey Hoffinann, WRURA Attomey Don Ostrander, Eminent Domain Attorney Mike Olivas, Kitchen Masters Robert Wallace Terry McFadden, Paradise Billiazds Charles Durbin JeffBailey, Comerstone Development Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Janet Leo and seconded by Elwyn Kiplinger to approve the minutes of May 17, 2004 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Terry McFadden Paradise Biuiards WRURA Minutes Page 1 06-01-04 Mr. McFadden asked to know the status of the proceedings. Chair.Mallinson informed Mr. McFadden that the purpose of this meeting was to make a decision based upon responses to letters sent to property owners last week. He advised those present that an executive session would be held after which the public meering would be reconvened to announce the Authoriry's decision: 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Janet Leo and seconded by Terrell Williams to adjoum to executive session under CRS Section 24-6-402(4)(e) for the purpose of determining matters that may be subject to negotiations, develoing strategy for negotiations and/or instructing negotiators regarding the 38t Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard redevelopment project. The motion passed unanimously. The executive session was convened at 5:55 p.m. Those present for the executive session were as follows: Mary Hashem, Janet Leo, Elwyn Kiplinger, Tom Mallinson, Terrell Williams, Alan White, Corey Hoffmann, Don Ostrander and Ann Lazzeri. The executive session was adjourned at 635 p.m. The regular meeting was reconvened at 6:37 p.m. Jeff Bailey, Mike Olivas, Robert Wallace and Terry McFadden were present for the regulaz meeting. 6. NEW BUSINESS It was moved by Terrell Williams and seconded by Elwyn Kiplinger to proceed with eminent domain on tLe four properties in question and instruct the Authority's attomeys to file appropriate paperwork accordingly; and in addition, direct the attomeys to retain Westem States Land Services to obtain appropriate financial expectations for the relocaHon needs of the three tenants involved. The motion passed 5-0. • Mary Hashem inquired about the status of the Perrins Row project. Alan VJhite replied that he has made several unsuccessful attempts to contact the owner/developer. Terty McFadden asked what the time frame would be for eminent domain and relocation. Mr. Ostrander stated that it should take no longer than two months to arrive at relocation figures. Mr. Hofhnann advised that relocation negotiations could still take place and it would be the decision of the Authority as to what relocation expenses would be appropriate based upon all evidence presented. Mr. McFadden informed the AuthoriTy that the altemative location he had chosen is no longer available. Jeff Bailey, Comerstone Development, requested an executive session. It was moved by Terrell Williams and seconded by Mary Hashem to reconvene WRURA Minutes Page 2 06-O1-04 the executive session. The motion passed 4-0. (Tom Mallinson had left the meeting to make a phone call prior to the vote, but was present for the reconvening of the executive session.) The executive session was reconvened at 6:49 p.m. Those present for the executive session were Jeff Bailey, Mary Hashem, Janet Leo, Elwyn Kiplinger, Tom Mallinson, Terrell Williams, Alan White, Corey Hoffmann, Don Ostrander and Anrt Lazzeri. The executive session was adjourned at 7:09 p.m. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Terrell Williams and seconded by Janet Leo to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:10 p.m. Tom Mallinson, Designated Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secretary WRURA Minutes Page 3 06-01-04