HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/30/2000CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting November 16,2000 I. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Macf)OUGAIA. at T-35 p.m.. November 1 Ca. 200(). in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge. Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Jerry Collins Paulette Cooper Dick Doyle Dean Gokey Don MacDougall Marian McNamee Nancy Snow Janice Thompson Staff Members Present: Alan White, Planning Director Gerald Dahl, City Attorney Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Mike Garcia, Development Review Engineer Ann Lazzeri, Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 'Flie following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing ol'November 16 2000, A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department ot'Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVE ORDER OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE to approve the order of the agenda with the addition of Item 10(C) "Election of Officers." The motion passed unanimously. 5. APPROVE MINUTES Chair MacDOUGALL requested an amendment to the minutes to reflect that he called the meeting to order rather than Vice Chair SNOW. Plarmino Commission Page I November 16. 2000 It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COKEY to approve the minutes of November 2, 2000 as amended. The motion passed unanimousiN. G. PUBLIC FORIUM There was no one to appear before the Commission. 7. PUBLIC HEARING This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report. presented slides and overheads of the subject property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and she advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application with conditions as outlined in the staff report, Commissioner SNOW inquired as to the reasons landscaping was only required on the west side and not the east side of the subject property. Meredith Reckert replied that the western and southern sides were focused upon because ol"the greenbelt. Further. the adjacent neighbor to the south requested a fence and foliage. Commissioner THOMPSON asked for clarification regarding the use under the proposed plan. Meredith Reckert explained that it would be limited to recreational 'vehicle sales and storage. Boats may be stored. but cannot be sold. Commissioner THOMPSON referred to the trees under the power poles on 44th and requested that those trees be moved and replaced with trees that don't grow tall enough to require trimming by the Public Service Company. She also expressed concern that there is not sufficient room for trees to be planted along the outside of the fence on Tabor. If the road is ever widened, the trees would have to be removed. Commissloner'FFIOMPSON expressed concern about the proposed right-of-way dedication on Tabor and suggested language from Public Works. She did not believe unrestricted access should ever be allowed from Tabor Street, She further expressed concern about the height of vehicles parked on the eastern and southern edges of the property and asked that code enforcement look into the present situation where tall vehicles are parked in these locations. Mike Garcia stated that there are no plans in the future for widening Tabor. The city is requesting the 15-foot dedication so that, in the event of a future use change, the street would rnect our standard from centerline. Planning Commission Page 2 November 1 6, 2000 Commissioner DOYLE referred to light maintenance of boats. travel trailers and I inotor hornes. The application states "no motor work or drive chain work," fie asked that "drive chain" be changed to "drive train," Commissioner DOYLE inquired about drainage ofxNater troni work in the service bays. Staff replied that this would be under the jurisdiction ofthc appropriate sanitation district. In response to a question from Commission COOPER regarding the curb cut on Tabor, Meredith Reckert explained that it was requested by the fire department to be used tear emergency access only and, to her knowledge. it has never been used. Sandra I'lionipson 3319 Raleigh Street, Denver Ms. 'Thompson, architect for the applicant, was sworn in by Chair MacDOGAL UL. When Mr. Sach learned that he could not provide sales (in the back lot, he decided to pursue the rezoning. She stated that Mr. Sach has a good relationship with his neighbors. She felt this plan meets the neighbors" desires while allowing Mr. Sach to operate his business in the rnanner lie would like. She agreed that there should be a height limitation for vehicles parked along the east and south side. She further stated that there would be twenty feet of landscaping on the west, The City forester has suggested combining hawthorn trees with the fence to provide additional security and the applicant is in agreement with the recommendation. She further stated that there will be no heavy motor, drive train or transmission work done on this property and there will be no storage of propane on the property. In regard to the proposed 15 foot dedication for Tabor., the applicant would like to have the option of removing the existing fence in the event Tabor is ever widened, She stated that the present access from Tabor is locked and the fire department has a key. Commissioner GOKEY expressed concern that the 24-foot opening to the rear lot should be trade larger to accommodate two vehicles at one time to prevent the entry from ever becoming blocked. Commissioner THOMPSON suggested utilizing the seventeen customer parking spaces along the C- I zoning for the parking of taller vehicles, The customer/employee parking could then be located along the east side of the property. Harry Sach 3224 Beech Court, Golden Mr. Sach, the applicant, was sworn iti by Chair MacDOUGALL. He stated he was unaware that he was not to park taller vehicles along the east side of the property. lie would be agreeable, if this is made a condition of approval, to park smaller vehicles there, In response to a question from Cornmissioner'FHOMPSON. Mr. Sach stated that he would be agreeable to using the spaces along the C- I zone property to the west for taller vehicles, Planning Commission Page 3 November 16. 2000 In response to a question from Commission erkIcNAMEE, Meredith Reckert stated that a note could be added to say that anything parked on the east side could not exceed the height of" the fence. Commissioner GOKEY suggested that the amount of customer parking could be reduced, lr- Sach agreed because he does not have a large amount of customers at any one time. Comniissioner GOKEY requested that body work and painting be disallowed on the property, Chair MacDOLJGALL asked if there was a waste dumping facility on the grounds, % ' Sach replied that a dumping station does exist, but it is never used, In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER. Mr. Sach indicated that he would agree to the city's recommendation for a Class 6 road base on the rear of the lot. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Mr. Sach replied that there is an existing irrigation system for the landscaping. George Isquith 4350 Tabor Street Mr. Isquith was sworn in by Chair Macl)OUGALL He was in favor of the height restriction on vehicles parked along the eastern boundary. Fie asked for clarification about the planned commercial development process. Meredith keckert presented a zoning history of the property and explained the purposes of a planned commercial development, She explained that staff is in favor of the plan because it is specific to the property. A regular C- I zoning would allo-,� mane other uses and staff feels this is a protection for the neighborhood. Mr. Isquith stated he is not opposed to Mr,. Sach's operation, but expressed concern about what could happen if ownership changes. Diane Christensen 4311 Tabor Ms. Christensen was sworn in by Chair MacDO1 iGALL. She stated that Mr. Sach has been a good neighbor and is in favor of his application. She requested an eight toot fence on the south and east boundaries with haxAihorns grown close enough to form a tight protective hedge, She also stated that her yard and crawl space were flooded to the foundation line this last summer during a heavy rainfall. She has lived in her house since 1971 . and stated this is the only tirric flooding has occurred. Chair MacDOUGALL asked about the historic runoff for this property. Mr. Garcia stated that the lot drains into a retention pond, However. upon thorough investigation, staff could find no records of a drainage report on this property. Planning Commission Page 4 November 16. 2000 Ms. Christensen stated that the irrigation ditch running" through the property was covered III 1992 or 199 bx the previous owner, Coniniissioner'FHOMPSON suggested adding a condition to require a drainage study t'()r the property, Commissioner COOPER suggested that a condition might be added to prevent the use of the dumping station. She also inquired about requirements for the removal of the dumping station. Z�l Chair MacDOUGALL commented that the sanitation district would need to be involved in the removal of the station. Meredith Reckert commented that a condition could be placed for the existing dump station to be eliminated, and the proper procedure be followed for removal. Commissioner COOPER asked if planting hawthorns 15 feet apart would provide the kind of hedge Ms. Christensen described. Meredith Reckert replied that the 15 foot spacing was recommended by the city forester, but she would check back with him regarding Ms. Christensen's desires. Harry Sac h returned to the podium and testified that the dump station enters into the sanitary sewer. He commented that the facilities were already in place when he purchased the proper He also stated that lie went to Ms. Christensen's house after the storm she referred to and asked if any water got into her house. She told him that no water came into her house. although water did come into her yard. (Chair MacDOUGALL declared a recess at 9:25 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:40 p.m. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner GOKFY seconded that, due to the lateness of the hour, item 10(a) "Zoning Code Rewrite" be continued to a date to be determined later in the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner ITIOMPSON prefaced her motion by stating that she would like to see the Comprehensive Plan adhered to and someday see residential zoning on this property. However. in the meantime. she believed this plan would give some protection to residential properties in the area. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that Case No. N Z- 00 -1 0, a request for approval of a zone change from Commercial-One with unrestricted uses and Commercial-One with restricted uses to Planned Commercial Development and for approval of an outline development plan for property located at 11800,11808 and 11880 West 44th Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It will eliminate two different zonings; on three properties owned by a single entity. Planning Conimission Page 5 November 16, 2000 2. It will allow more control by the cite of the potential negative effects of all open- ended commercial zone. 3. It allows the city opportunity to improve buffering for adjacent property owners. With the following conditions: 1. No bulk propane storage be allowed on the property. 2. Only one freestanding sign, which is presently existing, may remain and, if lighted, the limitations on hours of operation negotiated with the neighborhood must be followed. 3. The solid wooden fence along the western and southern property lines be increased to 8 feet in height. 4. The existing recycled asphalt be replaced with a clean, Class 6 road base. S. The western wall of the building shall have a stucco finish. 6. Dumpster locations need to be added with screening of noncombustible material. 7. No access to Tabor, now or in the future, except for emergency fire access. 8. No storage along Tabor, the southern fence line and adjacent to the open space property shall exceed the height of the fence. 9. Irrigation systems shall be installed for all planted areas. 10. The detention pond shall be designed to retain and release water at the historic flow and will be maintained per a drainage report. 11. The owner shall work with the city and the sanitation district and follow the sanitation district's requirements in regard to the existing dump station. 12. No body work, engine or transmission repair, or paint facility will be allowed on this property; and the words "drive chain" shall be changed to "drive train" in No. 3 of the final development plan. 13. Increased planting would occur from the fire access north to the south side of the building along Tabor Street on the inside of the fence. Planning Commission Page 6 November 16. 2000 Commissioner SNOW indicated she would vote against the motion because: I The original zoning was granted upon representation by the owner that RV siora(le would be an interim use. 2) Citizens have a right to expect that any zoning changes should be in cont'or►llance w ith the Comprehensive Plan. Fruitdale Master Plan in effect at the time for the original zoning as well as the cut-refit Comprehensive Plan show the southern part of the subjJect property as being residential, 4) There have been no recent commercial changes which extend as far south as this application. It will go 200 feet tarther south than other commercial uses and is incompatible with residential neighborhoods on the east, south and the greenbelt oil the west. 5) Drainqg ,e problems were brought up during this meeting that have not been addressed, 6) The final plan and outline plans don't match in regard to the southern and southeastern areas. 7) The Comprehensive Plan should be complied with on the southern portion cif the property. The motion passed 6-2 with Commissioners COLLINS and SNOW voting no Planning Commission Pa-e 7 November 16, 2000 With the following conditions: 1. No bulk propane storage be allowed on the property. 2. Only one freestanding sign, which is presently existing, may remain and, if lighted, the limitations on hours of operation negotiated with the neighborhood must be followed. 3. The solid wooden fence along the western and southern property lines be increased to 8 feet in height. 4. The existing recycled asphalt be replaced with a clean, Class 6 road base. 5. The western wall of the building shill have a stucco finish. 6. Dumpster locations need to be added with screening of noncombustible material. 7. No access to Tabor, now or in the future, except for emergency fire access. 8. No storage along Tabor, the southern fence line and adjacent to the open space property shall exceed the height of the fence. I 9. Irrigation systems shall be installed for all planted areas. 10. The detention pond shall be designed to retain and release water at the historic flow and will be maintained per a drainage report. 11. The owner shall work with the city and the sanitation district and follow the sanitation district's requirements in regard to the existing dump station. 12. No body work, engine or transmission repair, or paint facility will be allowed on this property; and the words "drive chain" shall be changed to "drive train" in No. 3 of the * final development plan. 13. Increased planting would occur from the fire access north to the south side of the building along Tabor Street on the inside of the fence. Commissioner SNOW stated that she would vote against the motion for the same reasons previously listed with an additional reason that the final plan does not clearly and precisely follow the drawing that was submitted and approved with the outline plan. and neither plan has measurements showing exactly what area can be used only for boats and low profile RVs. The motion passed 6-2 with Commissioners GOKEY and NOW voting no. Planning Commission Page 8 November 16, 2000 Comm 1 ss] oner 'I'll OMPSON requested that the staff review the outline development plan and make any necessary recommendations to City Council which would cause the wm plans to match more clearly. It was moved by Commissioner COOPER and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE that the request for approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 11800, 11808 and 11880 West 44th Avenue be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. It will consolidate three existing parcels into one. 2. Fifteen feet of right-of-way will be dedicated for Tabor Street. With the following conditions: I. The casement note requested by Public Service Company be added onto the plat face. 2. Minor technicalities requested by the city surveyor be corrected prior to City Council hearing. Commissioner SNOW stated she would vote against the motion because. while she believed it was a good idea to consolidate the two fully commercial lots on the north end of the property, the southern portion of the property should be developed separately, Further. she was not in favor of the additional 15 feet of right-of-way on Tabor Street. The motion passed 4 with Commissioners COLLINS, GOKEY and SNOW voting no, 8. CLOSE MLIBLIC HEARING Chair MacDOl,.)'GAIA, declared the public hearing closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. 10. NEW BUSINESS A. . Zonine Code Rewrite - Discussion and Establish Meetine Dates It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS that Planning Commission'tnectings be held on November 30 and December 7 to consider only the zoning code rewrite; and, further, that the December 21 Planning Commission meeting be canceled. The motion passed unanimously. Alan White informed the Commission that City Council has set first reading for adoption of the zoning code on January 2-2. 2001. Planning Commission Page 9 zl� November 16, 2000 B. Election of Officers _ '['he follo\� officers, were elected by secret ballot: Marian McNamee. Chairman .Jerry Collins, Vice Chairman C. CML Workshop - Alan White announced that there will be a C: ML. workshop on December 15. Corrunissioners should contact Kathy Field it" they wish to attend. 11. COMMISSION REPORTS 13. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner GrOKEY seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. DON MacDOUGALL, Chair Plannin- Commission Novelliber 16. 2000 Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary sm TO: Planning Cornmission FROM Alan White, Planning and Development Director W Since we have no cases scheduled for either of these dates, we will be reviewing the Zoning Code re-write. Please bring the new code with you to the meeting. It Would probably be helpful if you brought the current code also. Jerry Dahl is not available for the November 30 meeting. I propose to use our time on the 30' to discuss: 1. The Use Charts 2. Special Uses 3. Site Plan Review 4. Design Standards S. Supplementary Regulations 1. The Processes Chart 2. Planned Development Process 3. Subdivision Regulations 4. Expiration of Approvals We have a limited amount of time to review this draft. Please come prepared with questions, comments, or changes.