HomeMy WebLinkAbout3240 Allison Street "'1"';"'/ ~"..4~ tpr. ., ......, . -", --: -, Cityof Wheat PERMIT NO: JOB ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION: 080533 3240 ALLISON S,T Tear off "iIld ieplace 50 *** CONTACTS .*. gc 303/670-3048 Terry Harper ** PARCEL INFO ZONE CODE: SUBDIVISION: ** UA UA. **FEE$!JMMARY .. Permit Fee Total Valuation Use Tax ** TOTAL ** I hereby ,eertifY"tMt ,tbe-s.tb.aCk-1118,tanc'es prol'9,,~:d'''X: ordinances, ruUs or, re$1,laFiona:' df thE! 'CityofwMati Rk measur.ments shown, and'allegat~ons made ate aqcur~te: t applica,tiOn and t.l1.stI ueume, ,t '1 re-SponsibiHty for co applica.t:lle:~ Wh 1:& e !X'dinan.t for wOrk under thi, Signature <. 1. Thre~l?ermit was,i8Illu~,in acc6rdance with the pzoV1si State of Colorado. and todil! "z6ning Regulations :a ~ ord1nanC8.,o~thef~ty. This.. permit shall expi:e180'daysfrOm the isaue, date. Ap.' ,eXUnJfi9I1may be ,gpnt&dat' tl1e discreti: n! Ifth~s'"pe)':"l'flite~i%,e8.,~ a n~,~pe:r;mit maY be ,ac<Ptir: dj changes have been or will be ITI8de in the original ' la exCeedeci:one <U'Year.. : It ,Ch4nges have been or ,:j.f s ,be paidf~r,a newpermtt.":,,.. ..: : No ,work of _any'mannerahall,be done that will cha e; Contractor. shal1'.noti'fy.the'Bu'11dinglnspector tw t' writtim~~p~:rova~,on-i:n8l'ecti?r1. .9ar? ..before prcx:eedng The issllaince- of' a permit or, the approval ofarawin an' apprOval of;", any _ vi.ol:au.c)n. :ef.t ovisions :of t~ All plan review i8'S~ject nspections; 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sigrtature'of ChiefSuilding , ." '- " ..... INS~BCTtON tl.lIQtl1lST.. L REQUESTS MUS'l"BE MADE . (3'03)234-5~3i3 3f~ ANY BUSINa $ D ,'(',-' IT - 080533' I IS OED: J,'lk IRES: ares 6f asphalt OS/28/2008 11/24/20Q8 sh$.ng'les 01-8383 Harper Services UA 0/ CT VALUATION: 9,800.00 1 4 ~ .t ermitapp1i e, covenant", t I ihclve read r 1 ce with t~e Plana aulfj .'- ~t,ion are accurate,and, (\Onct_ vio1a't'e.awlicahle easements or ~estrictions of record; that ~11 d agree to abide by all conditions printed on this Wheat Ridge Bui,lding c()~ (LB. C)_ ai1dallother ct tO,field inspection. s(ve!OeJ our application and is subject to tl'le la.;_ 9! :the'; eat Ridge. coloradooranyotherappli~able 'ests for Building i !fee of onEl- specit'iC~t on or aba4 i'. i e I ,tural flo,", fa r i (24), . hQ~4 i !8ucceseive d edficati~ b I i ding codes , extension must be received prior t6expitat~;on Udal. aU the amount normally reqUired. ,provided no ons and any suspension' or' abandonment hUDot nment exceeds one (l)~a~,ful1fees tdiaU f water causing a drainage prOblem; n advance for all inspections and shall receive hasee of the job. shall not be coristruedto be a permit for; nor . r any other ordinance, law. -rUle or --regulation.' e ILDING b FleE: (303)235-2855 FOR INp ECTION THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY.