HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA-96-18The City of '
Rid a Department of Planning and Development
g 7500 West 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-.
Phone (303) 237-6944
Owner SQ ~/ L(' ~lL,~ l~ Address
Location o£-
Phone ~j ~7~
Type of action requested (check one or more of the actions listed-below
which pertain to your request )
Change of zone or zone conditions ariance/Waiver
Site development plan approval Nonconforming use change
Special use permit Flood plain special exception
Conditional use permit Interpretation of code
Temporary use/building permit Zone line modification
Public Improvement Exception
Minor subdivision
Subdivision Street vacation
Preliminary Miscellaneous plat
8 Final Solid waste landfill/
~ ** See attachea proceaural guiue =~~~__~~~~ ~•-~--------
for specific requirements. ^ Other
n !1 i. ~. ~ t / T ~
I certify that the information. and exhibits herewith submitted are true. and
correct to. the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I
am acting with the knowledge and consent of those persons list_ed_above,
without-whose consent the requested actior, cannot lawfully be accomplished.
Applicants-other. than owners must submit power-o£-attorney from-the owner
which approved of-this action on hi^ behalf.
Signature of Applicant _ \ - ~ v r -
ribed and sworn,` o m 's ~ day o 19 ~~
`' ..SAL G?-:~t,. u_ Notary-Public ~~ ~ ~ 8/,a/
A ~ ~ '
:~~ ~: 4 My commission expires
Receiv~d'~ Receipt No. Case No.
''• - - -
List. all persons and companies who hold an interest in the described real
property, as owner, mortgagee, le§see; bptionee,-etc: -
"" EAGAEEIIENT 3M MEDiA araaa6 Na.
... STANDARD LEASE AGREdFM-YaarlY Laaaa Na. / -
Reel Eauu RapreuMAHVa (NaJ / - -
Pnone /
~)~~ / ~)
THIS AGREEMENT, dated this ~ day of /L , 79 ! ~ . is bf and between ~4l'~ / ~~"L,cX~a )( / /~f•'/'-~-t5 `-
f .'~}~,~.,L1, ( (.LANDLORD'), and NATIONAL ADVERTISING COMPANY, a Delaware
mrparatlon, doing husiness as 3M Media, whose adtlress is 6850 S. Hadem Avenue, Bedford Park, 111lrlcis 60507 ('OM MEDIA.
1. PROPERTY. LANDLORD is the owner (or aumodzed lessor) at that certain real property (me'Property7 located about I~ -
N.E.~f tAiL,q,~ ~ L+;r.''Q (.J ' ?~~t ,C~ a, tt~-E-s-w sbe of yy~~~.7J / y~st W ~J•~h ~/h,~w`v~_
atreeehghwry arkMnerk (.a~ 1/J ~'g' /.,yt CtJ~7:`~.cf1G «n~Y`~~(~T1 LY
for display(s) faring N-E- WS~i, Bing part of the LANOLORD's property known as 6
~ 1 Streal AOdxs/C#y/ /Sufi
The display(s) are intended io be viewed hom ~- ~ O
wwae ar ninwav
C r/~f Y
2. TERM. LANDLGRD hereby gmrns and leases to 3M MEDIA and 3M MEDIA accepts the gem and leases fmm LANDLORD me Property to have and [o hold
upon the terms and conditlons contained this Lease. The Devebpment Tertn, Pdndpal Tenn, as ertended, and Year-to-Year Tertn are eoltectlvety me `Tenn' of Hus Lease.
nFVa OPMENT TEiM. The Devebpment Tertn of ml. Lease begins on the date above H aaepted bebw by 3M MEDIA (ihe'Commeroemem Date. The Devebpmem
Tertn expires the last day of the month during which the advertlsing strucatre is completed QnGUdlrg illumiretion, H appl(rEable). H 3M Mm1A has rot completed the advertis-
ing swcNre withinfrrx+trieDr(2~1}rtmntlts after the Cammerreemem Date, 3M MEDIA shall elect to (I) temmnate this Lease or ((~ begin the Pdndpal Tenn.
s~t~~) ~.».rh=
pwrN[`IPAL TERM~:I'ENSIOK:-The Prinapal Tenn shall be torten (10) years and sha11 commence upon Cte ftrst tlay of the momh tolbwing the mrtlptetlan of the adverHS•
ing strucNre (or electlon of 3M MEDIA to begin the Principal Tenn). 3M MEDIA has the dgm to extend the Pdroipal Tertn for an addlHOnal term of tan (10) years on rite same
terms and conditlons beginning upon expiration of me initlal Principal Term. 3M MEDIA is deemed to have exertised this right unless written notlce of ron-extension Ea given
to IANDLORD az least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the initlal Pdndpal Term.
vFact-TO-YEAR TERM. Upon me expiredon of the Prinapal Tenn, as eMeMetl, Nis Lease will continue on the then exkdng terms and conditlore an a year-to-year basis.
LANDLORD or 3M MEDIA may terminate this Lease effective at me end of any lease year cl the Yeaato-Year Tertn by giving ar least thirty (so) days written rotloe prior to
the end of mat lease year.
3. RENT. 3M MEDIA shall pay Rent to LANOLORD~nnualty in advance in me following amounts for each Temu DEVELOPMENT TERM 550.00• PRINCIPAL
TFAMlEXTENSION and YEAR-TO-YEAR 7ERM 5 « F`Yr,v,r - .Rent shah be deemed to have peen received on tlrne unless LANDLORD rotl6es
3M MEDIA of non-receipt of payment 3M MEDIA shall be pertnittad rainy (30) days fmm receipt of mace otnon-receipt to make such Payment without being in default of this
a. LEASE PROVISIONS. This Lease comains me previsions on rats page and on me reverse hereof. LANDLORD has read and understands all sect terms and
~ Executed under me hand and seal of me paNes on me dates provided bebw.
OHerpare: ~ -
(0 CANDID Si¢tnure°
Pdnr NemaTAle H Car~autbn or Partnership
wtlness (H app4nble)
Witness (B apptiob4)
CW) LANDLORD NemB ~~t/Y ~P..Or~L..CS LL (/L'r~/~KJ'~G'
~~~r ~: CA 833
Ptxrne Tax IdanHflraden No.
r ~I !7 /I /J~j(~y~ d O~(J} tsEAL1
n ~ANOLOgpsgn.wro
~~)~s ~ lle,.r~,~
Prim Name/T'rtb HCarpwaaur ar ermerahq
Wieless (H epplimGla) .
s (a
_.. (SF.AL7
W iufaaa (H appYUde)
wanaxa (H apPYCaeb)
A¢apunce Data:
CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-571-8080
__ _
® ~ 3. LEASED PROPERTY. 3M MEDIA shall be mmtled to uu the Property to anat. melanin, urviea, amore and repodtlan (If subuquenely
nacuury) an outdoor advertlslnq structure (Ineluding naeeuary strucluns, footings, dwieaa, Power Palu and canneetlons) on the Property }or such
;;~ use or uus a permitted by law. The lased portion of the property indudu all nacusary areas over, across and under the Property to provide for the
construction, maintenance, service of advertising copy, npositlonlnq and removal of the advertlaing structure and to provide for the Installation of
- eleetncal and niaphon• swice to tM advertlang structure, If nacusary.
8. LANDLORD'S COVENANTS. (a) AUTHORITY OF LANDLORD. LANDLORD covenants and warrants that LANDLORD Is either ihs owner, agent
of the owner, or an authorized lesaoe of the Properly and that LANDLORD has full power and authority to enter Into and perform under the govenanta
of this Lease, including, without Iimltatlon, leasing the Property and authorizing the eonatrucilon of the advertlslnq structure at the location providetl.
lANOLORO agrees to provide 3M MEDIA with written proof of such autharizatlan. LANDLORD grants to 3M MEDIA quiet enjoyment of the Property and
warrants end egress to defend'3M MEDIA in the quiet en(oyment of the Property during the Term of thla Leaae. LANDLORD and 3M MEDIA agree that
this Leaae may De recorded st the appraprfate county office.
(b) ACCESSlNO OBSTRUCTIONS. LANDLORD covenants and warrants that 3M MEDIA shell have a reasonable manna of access over, across rend
under the Property, and any ad)olntnq or appurtenant property owned or eonirollsd by LANDLORD, to erect, illuminate, maintain, service, remove and
reposition Its outdoor advertlslnq structure. LANDLORD covenants and warrants eat to erect, place, construct ar malntatn any Improvement, structure.
advertlaing dlaplay, vegetation (including any trees, shrubs, or other vegetation), or any other ob)ect on the Property, area any adjoining or appurtenant
propert/ owned or comroiled 6y LANDLORD, which would in any manner, partially or completely, obscure or oDStruct the normal highway view(s) of 3M
MEDIA'S edvertiainp structure on the Property, or permit any third party to do aa. 3M MEDIA has the right (I) to remove the ohecaring or obstructing
Improvement, structure, advertlslnq diapley or other abject at LANDLORD'S expense; and (11) io cut and/or remove any obacurlnq or obetrueting
vegetation at 3M MEDIA'S expense.
7. INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE. Each party agraee to indemnity and hold harmless the other from any and all claims or demands on account
of bodily Injury or physical property damage caused by or reaultlnq from any negligent or willful seta oromiaalons of the indemnityinq party or Ito agents,
employees or cantractoro. 3M MEDIA agrees to carry, at its awn cost and expense, general liability insurance In the amount of One Million Dollars
(51,000,000) covedng any ouch contingency during the Term of this Lease.
8. 3M MEDIA'S TERMINATION RIGHT. If at any time (I) the normal highway view of 3M MEDIA'S advert[sinq structure In obscured or obatructatl;
(I~ the use or fnatallatlon of such advertlaing structure is prevented or restricted by law or by 3M MEDIA'S Inability to secure end maintain any necenaary
permits or Ifeensas; ar (Iiq 3M MEDIA Is unable, for any period of ninety (g0) eonsocutiva days or mare, to secure and malntatn a suitable advertlaing
pontnci far the advertlaing structure, 3M MEDIA may, a[ its option, terminate this Leaae Dy giving LANDLORD fifteen (t5) days written notice. If In the
nuonable aPinton of 3M MEDIA, any of the above conditions shall only temporarily exist, then 3M MEDIA may, at Its option, instead of terminating this
Leaae, be entitled to pay reduced Rent equal to 5100.00 per year dudng the psdod such eondltions or any of them exist. Upon early terminatfon of this
Leue or reduction in Rent for any reason, LANDLORD agrees to refund to 3M MEDIA any prepaid or overpaid Aent. If SM MEDIA'S advertlaing structure
b adouhls-faced advertlslnq atrueture and any of the eonditlons described In this pangnph affect only ono face of the advertising structure, 3M MEDIA
hu the dght to reduce the Rent (including any paid fn advance) to 50% of the Aent other than terminating the entire Leaae.
g. CONVEYANCE. Any conveyance of the Property to a third party Is subject to this Leaae. In the event of a change of ownarahip of t5e Property,
LANDLORD egress to promptly notify 3M MEDIA and provlda the new landlord with a copy of this Lease.
70. CONDEMNATION. In the event that all or any part of the Property is acquired ar sought to he acquired by any entity having or tlelegatad the
power of eminent domain, 3M MEDIA shall, at lta elacflon and In Its sole diaeretlon, be entitled to: (1) contest the aequlsition ordefend agafnat the taking
of 3M MEDIA'S interest in the Property: (Ig relocate the outdoor advertlslnq atncture and appurtenances onto any portion of the Property not acquired
or to be acquired; and/or, (fist be eompenaated from any award or eansideratlon payable by the acquiring entity for all costa, damages and value loss
Incurted by 3M MEDIA relating to Its leasehold, as Improved with the outdoor advortlalnq structuro. LANDLORD may not terminate this Lease under any
Aght or circumstanea I} the Property has been taken or la throatenad to M taken Oy eminent domain, or if the Property Is conveyed to any entity or its
agent with eminent tlomain authadty. No contemporary or subsequent modigeatlan of this Lease ar the foregoing sentence shall De effective unleaa it
speci0eally references this pangnph and the forogoing untenea.
11. 3M MEDIA'S IMPROVEMENTS. All the outdoor advertising struefuros, power poles, matortals and equipment on the Property ace and shall
nma[n the property of 3M MEDIA and may bs removed by 3M MEDIA at any lima prior to or within ninety (90) days after the termination of this Leaae
x any eztuded Sarm of this Leue. 3M MEDIA apron !o nmow the advertlslnq structure, (exclusive of footinq• which shall only he removed to grade
Avelj and restore the surface 20 lta natural eandltlart.
t2. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Leaae contains the entire agreement 6etwaen the parties and may not be changed except by written agreement
signetl 6y the parties. Oral repreaentatfone or agreements shall have no effect. If the proper legal de:criptlon of the Property Is not attached, either party
may attach or provlda it at a later lima.
13. NOTICE. All notices aro etteeSive upon dispatch and must be in writing and delivered by mail, personal delivery or pommercfal courier to
LANDLORD and 3M MEDIA at the reapeetive addrsases set forth above.
LrouNrY OF )
j SS
Psreal Indenilfleatlon Number.
On this _day of , la _ . Oden ma
m.r a..r• v.r
eb undanlpnad afinear, panondq sPpaerad ~,,.-.,,,,,,~„~,,,
,known to ma (or utlsfsetorly provul to be the penan(al
Irrwr uwto,pr Irrnr ra
when nama(sl b eobeedbad to ma rdww fnserumaeq and DNnq informed of the eanbnts of said inatrumanp uknowledged voluntary
azacutlon of came for tM wu antl purpope bnln wnbinad. Olean antler my Dared and otRelal seal.
My Commlplen Ezpirp:
On this tlaY of . 29 _ ,baton ma ~ ,
u+.r a.,..-. ar.,
the undanigned oHlesr, penonslly sppasrsd .
known to ma far ptldactody Orovanl to M ttu parson(s) whop nsme(sl b wbsadbetl to ma above Instrument. and bdnp Informed
o/ Na eonbnte of.uid InstmmenL. aeknowladgad raluntsry axeoudon of nma tar the uws and Durpous herein contalpd. Given
under my hand erWOmelal psi.
MY Commission EsPiOa:
legal DescrlPtlon of ProPertY (Far Recording Purposes):
Aftrr recording return to: National AdwrUsing Company, Attmdon: Lease Coordinator,
nw.w..r awn
T f~e~J
~ F~
a .n e
.a a a --.
. a
11awWat A'Z~'$ ~. ~,_. .. •r,~.,•,vf•deN«sua,..s:ntY.uI..CS..«1Nrerder.
T®s Ds>ID. Ina. thi. 29th av et July ,1t 75,
balwaatt Bernice M. Lorenz D' Orman
attM tbaabe! Jefferson aedaaWe!
tklaraia,elWlleatpart,and Roxy Vendena and Fr+tncee
L. Vendena, as Joint Tenants
eitM tbanbot Jefferson andaaaot 1
tklonde. of tM aacad part,
WTfNEldeRTH, That the aafd pk y o! the prat Part, !or and ht analdaratlen e! tM aam o! (~ 300)
Three Hundred and no/100-----------------------------------DOLLARe,
to tM aid party o! tM !IM part In land paid br the afd put ie a o! tn. wand part, she taalpt whaew!
Y hereD~ coetwaed aid aekaowledaed, ha a remlwd, pleased, whl, aaeyred sad QVIT OLAf1Y>LD, and b>'
thaw pre[ab do eR remlw, release, aeR, an~q and QVIT OLAI1! ana tM afd part iee at the wtettd part'
their help, ancaewn and wNtna, tererer, aU eha rltht, Ntle, lnanaq eaha and daaattd whfeh the aaW
party e! tM llnt part ha a in and a the lolbwint described tot or petal o! land Ntaab, t~lnt sad
'belat in the Connb e! Je f feraon and eaa e! Cekeado, a wlt~
All that portion of the SW~ Section 13, Township 3 South, Range
69 West of the 6th P,M., described ae follows:
Beginning at a'point 246 feet Weet of the Southeast
corner of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 3 Sauth,
Range 69 WAat, and
thence West along the South line of said Section 244.5 feet;
thence Due North 858.3 feet to the South line of Block 19,
thence Northerly along line of said Block 19 to a point due North
to the place of beginning;
thence South 9?4 Feet to the place of beginning EXCEPT that Dortion
of the above-described property conveyed Co Frank B~rce by Wazran-
tq Deed recorded in Book 282 at Page 76 and excepting that por-
tion conveyed by Warranty Deed by Katherine K. Portman to Anna 8.
Krech recorded in Book 372 at Page 343 and EXCEPT that portion
contained in instrument recorded in Book 2217 at Page 361.
County of Jefferson,
State of ColorEdo.
TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the seine, totether with all and dntnlar tM appurtenance ad pdrlleta thawtna
1»lontfnt a fn aarwLe tMnnna appeetalalat, and aR She web, kthS, t1Ge, inanet and elalm whaawnr, et the
eafd part y a< tM lint part, NtMe la Iaw or paitr, a the onb ProMr nw, baellt and b.haf o! tM ald
part iee e! the wand part, theifs.ln and awttnslenrer.
1N 11'1TNire6 BNERE01/, TM aafd part y e! tM llnt part hs a hennna ut her hand
and seal the dq and reu llnt above wrltan'.y~ ~.~J (~/~,
Y..P!l~ti~.SL-~R....9l.~Lt2.t. ~L7l..k:iC+l..ictL
et=a.d,eeatedandD:fl..ndfaeh.Prawnao! Rern ce M. orenz D~rman
.» .......................,.......«..............«..«........,.........«....,...., ..telaALl
eTATL Of ~.ALOt,A,D/O,
'The~inte)pt inetraawnt ww wb~e~d Mtew Eta thl}, ~ii !~ I dq e! '~J**-+1+~
If S, //J,..I ~-ra.e.+..e~%111. c71.~+..~ /J ~ C~/.r.-,•~..+..-../ r/ -
Mf eenanlwfen spires .5~~ !
,1~T f : I/ltntn m~ hand and elllNsf wN,
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