HomeMy WebLinkAbout11701 W I-70 Frontage Road NArvada Fire Protection District
P. O. Box 3•D
Telephone (303) 425-0850 - FAX (303) 422-4569
January 22, 1997
Mr. John Eckert, Chief Building Official
Wheat Ridge Building Department
7500 W. 29th Ave.
Wheat Ridge,-C0. 80034
Austin Mortgage
. 11701 I-70 Frontage Road North
Dear John, ` -
We have reviewed the plans for this tenant finish under the 1994
Uniform Fire Code, and have the following comments.
1. Site:
1. The address numbers shall be posted on a temporary basis and
permanently affixed to the building in a minimum
of 4 inch numbers.
UFC 94 901.4.4 Amended.
2. Exits:
1. The main entrance doors if provided with a key locking
device shall be provided with a sign stating "This Door
Is To Remain Unlocked During Business Hours.
UFC 94 12.107.3
2. When exit doors are used in pairs the doors shall unlatch
with one operation. Edge or surface mounted flush bolts
are prohibited.
UFC 94 12.107.3
3. The remaining exit doors shall be openable from the inside
without the use of key or special knowledge.
UFC 94 12.107.3
3. Exit Stairway Barrier:
1. A door will need to be placed in the East exit stairway
to prevent persons from going below grade.
UFC 94 12.107.
Page Two
4. Exit Signs:
1. Exit signs shall be subject to field inspection. Additional
signs may be required.
ITFC 94 1212.2
4. Emergency Lighting:
1. Emergency lighting shall be subject to field inspection.
Additional units may be required.
UFC 94 12.11.1
5. Corridors:
1. The corridor if required by the Building Department will
need to meet the requirements of the Building Code and
the openings protected with approved 20 minute assemblies.
UFC 94 1207.
6. Portable Fire Extinguisher's:
1. Fire extinguisher's will need to be a minimum of a 4-A
rated, 10-1b AHC dry chemical units. The extinguisher's
will need to be installed at the front and rear exit
doors on each floor not less than three feet nor more than
five feet from the floor to the top of the mounting bracket.
UFC 94 1002.
7. Electrical:
1. The occupant needs to verify that sufficient electrical
receptacles have been provided as extension cords and
or multiple adapters are not permitted, nor shall
flexible cords pass through walls, ceilings or
LTFC 94 8506.3
2. Provide a breaker lock on the exit/egress lighting
circuit in accordance with the Electrical Code.
8. Interior Finish:
1. Carpeting shall be a minimum of a Class II Critical Radiant
Flux and documentation shall be provided prior to
UFC 94 Appendix III-A.
Page Three
9. Additional Comments:
1. Any code requirements that may arise as a result of
construction will be addressed.
2. Access signage that was noted on the building plan
review will need to be addressed as well as construction
fire code comment.s.
3. We would request that doors into stairways be labeled
4. Twenty four hours notice required for all inspections.
Arvada Fire Protection District
Sfave Ae6
r Deputy i Marshal
JRN-24-97 FRI 9:19 ARVADA FIRE PROT DIST FAX N0, 3034224569
_ _Arvada Fire Protccction Dist-rict
~ FIRE MA3'~+SS}R.A+.f.:PJ'Gi'Ciiar
P. O. Evx 3•9
. ARVADA, C4L9t;:?D7
Telephone (303) 425-48en0 FD!X (3e3) 4:%2-4a~9
January 22, 1997
Mr. John Eckert, Chie£ Building Official
Wheat- Ridge Building Department
7500 W. 29th Ave.
Wheatr Ridge, CO. 80034
RE: Austin Mortgage
11701 I-70 Frantage Road North
Dear John,
P. 02
~ •
We have reviewed the plans for this tenant finish under the 1994
Uniform Fire Coda, and have the following comments.
1. Site:
1. The address numbers shall be posted on a temporary basis and
permanently affixeci to the building in a minimum
of 4 inch numbers.
UFC 94 901.4.4 AmenBed.
2. Exits:
1. The main entrance doors if provided with a key locking
devics shall be provided with a sign stating "This Door
Is To Remain Unlocked During Business Hours.
UFC 94 12,107.3
2. When exit doors are used in pairs the doors shall un2atch
with one operation. Edge or surface mounted flush bolts
are prohibited.
UFC 94 12.107.3
3. The remaining exit doors shall be openable from the i.nside
without the use oE key or special knowledge.
UFC 94 12.107.3
3. Exit Stairway Barrier:
1. A door will need to be placed in the East exit stairway
to prevant persons from going below grade.
UFC 94 12.107.
1AN-24-97 FRI 9:20 ARVADA FIRE PROT DIST FAX N0. 3034224569 P.03
Page Two
4. Exit Signs:
1. Exit signs shall be sub9ect
signs may ba required.
UFC 94 1212.2
to field inspection. Rdditional
4. Emergency Lighting:
1. Emergency lighting shall be sub9ect to field inspection.
Additional units may be required.
UFC 94 12.11.2
5. Corridors:
1. The corridor if required bY the Building Department will
need to meet the requirements of the Building Code and
the openings protected wit.h approved 20 minute assemblies.
UFC 94 1207.
6. Portable Fire Extinguisher's:
1. Fire extinguisher's will nead to be a minimum of a 4-A
rated, 10-1b ABC dry chemical units. The extinguisher's
will need to be installed at the front and rear exit
doors on each flaor not less than three feet nor more than
five feet from the floor to the top of the mounting bracket.
iTFC 94 1002.
7. Electrical:
1. The occupant needs to verify that sufficient electrical
reveptacles have been provided as extension curds and
or multiple adapters are not permitted, nor shall
flexible cords pass through walls, ceilings or
UFC 94 8506.3
2. Provide a breaker lock on the exit/egress lightinB
circuit in accordance with the Electrical Code.
B. Int.erior Finish:
1. Carpeting shall be a minimum of a Ciass II Critical Radiant
Flux and documentation shall be provided prior to
UFC 94 Appendix ZII-A.
JAN-24-97 FRI 9;20 ARVADA FIRE PROT D15T FAX N0. 3034224569
~ Page Three
9. Additional Comments:
1. Any aode requirements that may arise as a result of
construction will be addressed.
2. Access signage that was noted on the building plan
review will need to be addressed as well as construction
fire code comments.
3. We would request that doors into stairways be labeled
4. Twenty four hours notice required tor a12 inspections.
Arvada Fire Protection District
S 1eve :2~e r
Deputy i Marshal
P. 04