HomeMy WebLinkAboutWZ-72-19CASE wZ-72-19 CERTIFICATION OF ZONING XIENONENT I, Louise F. Turner, City. Mar!, of the City. of Wheat Rldgs hereby cartify that the boundary Of certain comin~3 districts within the City. has been amended, supplemented or changed:. by the larislatiue. body Of ,tho City following a public hearing and that a portion of zon % district Aaripultural-One has been amended,. supplemented or changed to zoninr district Industrial : The description of the real property affected by this chance is as follows: (!c,al. Description) Parts of the,SoutM,Nst quarter of Section 16, and of.. the Northwest quarter :tion 21, both in Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth 'Principal. on, in Jefferson County;. Colorado, described as beginning at the Section common to Sections 16,.'17, 20 and 21 of said Township and Range, being also ,uthueat corner.'. of said Section 15 running thence North 000 27' West along :at line of said Section 528.9 feet to a throe-quarter-Inch pipe set an the han4>'nF +6c-G..®.it.,.,-ntclc.. -~.•-m :.-my ana reezriccions. Sai,i change was approved by a vote of r to 3. Fyn:. August 31, 1972 following said :public hearing held aggWlt 4th A,O. 19 72 at 7:30 P.11, at the Offices of the City ofVheo* Riede, 7390 1;ect 30th Avenue,. lower level, :Ihaat Ridne, Colorado. Certified this 1st day of ___5eRtember A.D. 192Z_., (SiAt1 City Clergy: !wP Farm 2-15 . v,NcA~ 'd~^Ce+n~'i I'.a .~iSFt!a iu'STtiN '3°. yiz F. N3, Agcnnu DEGISIGR CASE No. +~v-72-0I William Hr°I7p ;4i nu, es.) Tract iii A.,c°crvoca PUSEIC HEARINGS' CASE NO. WZ-72-?S Mountain Vista Nursing Hume I:-70 and Totior (NE corner).. From Agrlcultura One and Two tj Final Flamed dnit,Cavelopment Purpose: Reti_sment :dome Community Approximat=_ area: S acres (217,600 sq.Ft.) From Residential Tree 'so Re,..idential Tnree A Pt,rpose: Plursing Home: Agproxl^ e .;area: 2.49 acme- (108,IPC a4.:ft.) UNERAL DjiiZUS 's`t»N.. MINUTES ADOU'.RNVGNT ;r t -E:~A i _ trE u;-ir.4 DOL .AtJ S,i3 G Mh ?;..'_y '1~ i 19`71 s.7 DE t, i"T111N Williew Knipp Tract C, Apr,v an; PUBLIC HEAR).1NGSz Mal y:-, f ri Fu; API CA; Kal W Fri Pul Ant a a Finnl Plannrl ,!sit 0e!v%lapmsnt 800..: square feet) NO. WG-72 YL-03 yinlnuestmenIs Simms Street Agriculture One to Residential Two Ise Construction of Duplexes WZ-72-18 I Elmira Tubbs 'Atigus Reuitu3 t Street' culture One to Rusidential Two Construction of Duplexes ~te area:'. .80 acres (34,850 squar WZ-72-19. Darold euna Robb (Mor,nwest crrnsr) sr:•. l:slka .ar,a t#~t al°.,:~;i,... U•i. d ; .d:J E.3I',tle I. r: L land usF •l an no a.. it„' r¢.._t:untial - ''„nit 3J <°uJ• 2• ..c •C. ~c=nt ~qu m on ha• -a%°.. im ev~u°i.tr ;f c°. 37 a ..;ml°aci•c=. ~ oG1 do dam 1,=..c M `louti plain. r:ditiona ght w : .lulred and shall ::ze rcgaestel at ....a cc j a.vis,r,_..,.. 5. ~d wo It a :"C t !U tip P%iS Cy j Oential Two t nczt#_ 5, t£. am n.g Daaart c t arommcnd °f~r•,vai c$' thin am, ,rant due to (l) It in eacarc with. the lama ,,.,e r•-an; (-X) it IF in general car-fgrmance with 2rei hind USE; it dof?fi no' cause an. undue c n,ce •tre'ton of ap,Ua-ion:; (4, it wotvld wnee.uu the: ~•nl m:: of acdauent uses and ttrocture':.; (5" it. would.. rat caum:e an undue nu••de7 an ac,~nuls.. Ti' i rated thatadditianal right-of-way _il:. be necessary to u ...ze this ame me for anvelopment_ Shia right-of-usy wcui3 extend a cul de .>ac .trest an aaditlunai "Co P,:et it ip. exp.=rr ed that .his extension would connect after ar additional .f f:,Jt ti want t6th Avenue ,extended) gained threug+; :future d=evelopment.. Mrs. Pryor asked Mr. Graber if tnqug^r had been given tta :.evelop: the or'party in such a =aanh.:r so to gain on addltiur)a_ r!.te. M Oraodr stated that only .2 sites..: were being planned. MOTION. by Mr. Hahn, second by M.. F,v,aner;. "I uould recorunerd that 4'-72-IP be approved from Agriculture One to Residential two in that it is in reaping with the land: '-as plan--density is law; it i,s not In the flood plain area and the cul- de,.aft will ao. extended through that Eras when it is supdivided.~ Notion passed 5-0 with all . regular members rating. r5E wZ-72-19 Mr. LeeKunz, 184,` Winfield, was present to request a z0fring t from Agriculture One to Intsustrial at z-70 and Rohe onthe northeuast made thefollowingcommentai The landuse plan shows Industrial For th.a parcel. Parcel dues not lie in flood plain. No additional right-of-way ~2 required. k. Development plans are sutenfttad meet criteria as stated in ordinances pertaining to area, landscaping, parking area,,. setbacks.,:..etc. 5. The Planning Department would recommend approval E:aaad an the land use plan and contingent on the `type of uses within.: the industrial area. Mr. Barr also stated that all the racammendatiohd from the Arvada: Firs Protection District: were agried to anq:. had trrlne met by trio applicants. Air. Roessner stated the' in keeping with a good hominess: practice, the applicants should not be required to state who the orcupant=_ of the auilcings will be. Mr. Freeman Radar sis apps r,tud by the applicant t- speak. Mr. Rader stated that the plan met with all the industrial:. requirements, that about If3 of the area :.would be. buildlig with ahoat. 40 percent of the Area landscaped. Mr. Raderstated that thetype of occupants °:hay wantgc to attract were those with a goad corpor- {maws. Mr. hsdar atr..i ac that ind ditch run,ling through the property would be outed to run along the south perimeter. Fig. also stated that t'e dra inage s hall met wi~hthe approval of the Public works iapartmLnt. s stated the; a 25 fort half street presently existed along Robb. ihe appli- aWa-ad to deflcafe vi aldit'onal 5 feeta•rd widen turning ?ones into the park comacdate 1-rger vetiolef. ace: Staten teat the puiidin<could be n#maaonry and aanc~ata caret rust ivn st esred steel. hawman eta'-ed that hewas Conch... I about inruatrlal property abuttinga is- ent community which was approved that night Mr.nr.3der Stated teat tt.v t•lan £evndlacussen ui`nthe Papti:at Asso:letian and thane were roobjections, unzat... .that tia prelimir3ry stage of coast runt ini, ~nuldh t-at ofthat- ffir° :~uilding our all roads, curbs and quttsrs. Lrld Y I~ n woul Be gar„k n at I Ini: site f-, an 1!ing as to-y au•=eC the,. ;:ma r v tv.. t=et ,ere wa co arj=-- ing i,ndu+*_r.rai zo^"..n:; and t tt=e .3:•rse in uc... =.io J.. av r'c.ul+.u^='.. ai-zrI =~h'1- i;nnt is I. 'is Further. state" Lh the aces o.ri:::... lini tae: to the=:a whu 'r❑uY aural car Mr. Hawn Stat( cis,..;, uo •ar" a!-,But to a i q s the o.tuhr or trucks and T,aa,e.a. :.loo stated that su'u 1wo o=- a❑h•=Yam ini wni whs C..:. ware net c❑rdctStile wits i ==",u rut. i voniny, , Mr. bee'r' wUat e., a` ..dusts iaa an, re=.:.r=e.:i_.1.. zoning 'cold G:.•mG ::e..e. Mr. uawn st.`_ed that p1.,3vio hearlrg, it we U,uta-: that it Joule ❑e Out- Bible to contei.n trur+: traffic at the acttom of t;=a hll'm rat*=er th;n havins it co through a residential Oran. MOTION.by TIT, Roessner, sevond by ?r. 8euber; "That u.Z-72-I9 zenirg.. uc change=.i frr.m Agriculture one to Tndustrial for 'An i':du.striaa park ar~ the. basis that it is in contarmarce wit:: the lnnd use plan; that no additional right.-of-way is. needed slu ee the.. addit' final five fast has teen zgeed to by the app...lcan., and it. meets all the criteria I- the ordlnaoces:." Mo:i=.n passed 5-n with all the regular members voting. It. was decided by.. the Commission t at the Traffic department should try to elim- ;inatw t.^;7t7k traffic north of the propPasd lndustr..l development at 1-70 and, Robb. . CASE NO. wZ-72-Z' Mr. Alnx Rebuff was present to request a zoning amendment from Commercial Two to Residential Three at 8784 West 46th Avenue. ' Mr. Barr made the following' comments and recommen❑ations 1.: The land. use old, shc.s commercial for.: this parcel. 2. Parcel does nn:. lie in fIrndPlain. £ 3. No additional right-of-way is red,irau. 4. Use requested exists on this parcel. 5. The Planning oepartment would,. t..ccmmenG approval :of this amendment al- though it does not confers to the land see plan;. it (1) is in harmony with adja- cent districts and their uses; (2) does not dues an undue and congestion cars t centration. of copulation; (3) does not cause a:congestion of traffic in the :.streets; 1'4) is the. appropriate district for this parcel.:. Mr. Carr also stated that the reaadn for this request was to bring .:.e non-conform-ing use into conformance. Mr. Walker stated that the land had been. changed to :Residential Toros but due to:zr, error on the County maps:, was adopted as Com- mercial Two. '.MOTION by Mr. Stewart, second by or. 'Roesan®r; "That wZ-71-20 ci'anging the zoning ?'ram Commercial Two ti Reeioe tai Three be approved deceits the original zoning was not the zoning an the :3aau, it would net cause undue rgngastion'.. of population or undue congestion of t",.ffic in that area." `lotion patmed =juaniim❑usIV with the regular members voting:. CASE NC.-WZ-72-21 Carl 5t reufert of Lutheran Onto .,=.:l was prahent to request a zoning amendment from Residential Three to RQaIsont:al Three x at 5161 what 26th Avenue to bring the existing. us° or, tine pr:;perty iota adnfirmity. ` The Planning i}apartnent over he following canmenta anti: recdmmandatS an: 1. The lend use plan snows low ~Ian.ity.^aaidentiai (C-7 units/acre) for this PaIcni. 2. Is additional right-ofw"'y is rag.:.:red. 3. ~arcal data net lie in f i c. d plain. 4.. Use exist.n., and..re^aaatrd requires dither a Hr>s. dantial' Thrae A, Com- mercial or Hospital. briv sistric_ 5. The use requested is existing on this parcel. 6...' ihe. Planning department rac,,nmen s us_prova s to the irte•t of the a'pll- cation to cause a non eo f'S;'_ng use to a lrga> rn forming use. This :oepartment would however raorm'mend h,tt this appli,.ation of corneas to Hospital fine in can- altering the criteria nnrassary although it is rctea this would be a "Z-o'• :zoning" : this district if i- will to used at any time (Lutheran on 35th is i >p -to! TUG) : would be considered such. Als:-.. "spot zoning" i ncr..as.l. reoomranl-'ad against in that it does not arcteet anjace.:.t neighbarroaas But in t fie °asa, i w ll: sub- stantially prefect adiacent neig",buri-:❑at it. 1 (1) dda_ not an undue and Con-estive: epnrentrat:ion of ptzpulat,.on; t2; =..es not can a cony stlari ,f. traffic... in the etrrets; 3; c''Sarllas the =-•.alue of surroL .di-;g tuiiciinos.. 7:3" i . M. EASSE NO. W-72-19 Ma„notes Tile mactinc, .,..a rel. a, to nr^.er e~ W h..~...~, :n the. Wheat Hides GSty :h.n,...eTs, 7390l Just 38-t A,ilniz.. ;`emo,als of t'e Communion atte.di.=g ;tiara: '::.>,o 'uc'.unan, ctta He.tur, Cnerlee Hahh, Lsl-. d V. Steu.=ert ±leon Pryor an,.. arV Ltwrr t attmnding were: O:ire:tor of Planing P uI Wa'ker, Gurrun Flar>r,er, R uex Relorr, repre- sontatives of the cases iefarr `„hc Cc°nmiesinr, and ather intrust=ud ,.i iz:ens.: CASE NO. WZ-72-19 Lee hun7 wa pre-e:,aL to reHuaat on approval nn the, final. ae.- velopment plan for cn Industrial Par':: o :he :`'.crthwest corner of :.%7O .nd Cora: Mr.. Barr stated that the only stipulation plaas?d ir the park was tF it. UUTa- Pleted within 3 years. He stated t-It a r.ew h-.inage plan rod veer submitted and. was reviewed by. the Public works Gepa:.-tenant.. It was stated that there w Uld to a lake that would be used far it _cation it t,'+e landncapirg. There we, ulsn a let-. ter from engineer Kon. Renwick sta*`srg the rapacity cf the ditch was ac~e°-.sa is `a :.handle the runoff. Mr. Kunz: w^s ss?_ad if he had contacts,; t~.e ditch company and chtaina~ permission to use the ditch. he stated tha he hsd nut. Mr. Barr. stated that ~naa final plans net w:th 911 the recnmmdndationn of Council and ~ha Cumm!-on. :.MOTION by Mr. Hahn, sucurd. try Vita- Prycs; That Gas, No. wZ-72-15, purpose. for an ndakrial Park, Ge approvet'i nn the. Firm Industrial Plat as submitted." Motion Paaasd 5--3 with Mrs. Pryor •vuting F;:c' K,. Roeo.::ner.. Mr. Hawn, 4900 Petit: aekeC if the ditch and rntentlne pond as shown an the plat :would actually exist. He wen told they wool_ hav.:. to in order for the p=rk to be builtCl 045E NO. :UZ-72-23,application to rezone 44th to tfith, Simms to Swarley to a Planned C)y:valopment submitted by merry and Zelma Fightmaster came :us sar a.no- I'crosion..... MC7TILU by Mr. Lawson, secand He M1.. Stewart; "I M4va Chet Case 1,12:-7'L-23 be :for- warded to Zity Council with ..a racomR mnalat Ian o-..- denial for the F:bll'.ainq reasons: "I. It does not ctnfei.-,..>to Lha major cevelopm-nt pattern in the nelxhhorhnod. "2.Traffic accede and agroan is ^'l aderiva'v. "3. it would squad an undue c.:ncer+tration of population. 114. :Commercial. area parking Is not addQUe Le." Motion passed 4-0 with MT. :Hahn and 7r. Bobber ahstain ;g since they were not pre- sent at the haering. ..Howard Hangar of Vol lnv stater pist.::vt rag4Estvc ny iacter permission f-_- a: spacial permit for a w..-ter linf= .,auth an bwens datwarn 44,.n and 4.nd e1ve-..,. ..r Gusnc Park Suodiviscn. MC710l' by. Mi Pahn, sscozx: uy Gr. Bebba , 'het mi-tir--val b "m-itec to axeer..3 a weer line fs^am 44t to 4Iz:id :vithi, Covens Park nvbdivisi:on.' Mntinn paa-~er., 5-0. A mead wa,v presented to ..:r*.,.m3 n:sion `ra..lef's-.3a7 bvdnw- Ms+_hG".ist Cs rch dedi- :.>cati' i:a;d aldnq Clear Creak... MOTION by Dr. rednar, facar_3 by Hr. 9teunrki "shat the does I.r': naee°aGr;d." Motion :passes unsnimaws;y:. Howard 9. i.or~g uiae Present to re-usat a l.cere,o to fec.ck.:=ier:o st.'aet ,.,iuth of.4':th Avenue. lt,. urn stated that the street was dedicated u~st w=a..noi: doing used. HeStatnG that he warted to use. t€e '-land as a fture a r tnat it.. wn,ald improve the .i:ea...