HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/25/1996
1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order
by Chairman WALKER at 7:41 P.M. on April 25, 1996, in the
Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th
Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Bill Echelmeyer
Robert Howard
Tom Abbott
Paul Hovland
Robert Walker
Susan Junker
Glen Gidley, Director of
Planning and Development
Sean McCartney, Planner
Mary Lou Chapla, Secretary
The following is the official set of•Board of Adjustment minutes
for the Public Hearing of April 25, 1996. A set of these minutes
is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the
Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat
• MINffTES OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 2
Motion was made Board Member HOVLAND, seconded by Board
Member HOWARD, to approve the agenda as amended and continue
Case No. WA-96-10 until the May 23, 1996 meeting. Motion
3. PUBLIC FORIIM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any
subject not appearing on the agenda.)
No one came forward to speak.
A. base No. TUP-9C,-2: An application by Hans Pedersen for
approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow the parking of a
semi and tractor-trailer on property zoned Agricultural-One
and located at 4859 Miller Street.
Sean McCartney presented the staff report. All pertinent
documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
• No questions were asked of staff.
The applicant; Hans Pedersen, 4859 Miller Street, was sworn
in. Mr. Pedersen said the tractor-trailer belongs to his
son-in-law who hauls sand and gravel for Western Mobile.
The tractor-trailer is parked there during the night and is
never there during the daytime. The son-in-law lives on the
property and this would be a convenience to him. The
neighborhood is use to a lot of semis and this one would
just be coming in at night and pulling out early in the
Board Member ABBOTT asked if the son-in-law was to move, the
tractor-trailer would no longer be needed, and Mr. Pedersen
Board Member ECHELMEYER wanted to know what form of
merchandise would be in the trailer and would it be anything
hazardous, and Mr. Pedersen said it is empty at night and
then during the day only sand and gravel are hauled.
Board Member ECHELMEYER said he was sure he saw three semis
parked there the other day, and Mr. Pedersen said he was not
aware of anything like that; his son-in-law is the only one
that has been parked on his property. Perhaps the trucks
• were parked on the property behind his.
• Mla~tiinS OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 3
Chairman WALKER wanted to know if there would be any loading
or unloading on the property, and Mr. Pedersen said no.
No further questions were asked.
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. TUP-
96-2, an application by Hans Pedersen, be APPROVED for the
following reasons:
1. The tractor-trailer is currently parked on the property
and staff has not received any complaints. The adjacent
property occasionally has tractor-trailers parked on
it for various reasons. Staff believes that persons
working in the area are accustomed to this type of
2. This is a very large piece of property and a semi should
not effect the light and air or cause significant air,
water or noise pollution nor cause drainage problems in
the area. The property is surrounded by commercial and
industrial uses. There is currently significant amounts
of traffic that is commercial and is industrial in
character. The tractor-trailer will be parked on
• private property at all times and not allowed to be
parked within City right-of-way.
3. The vehicle is being parked 225 feet from the nearest
public right-of-way.
1. The parking will be primarily overnight and at the
location described in the packet presented to the
2. There shall be no loading or unloading of the semi
3. This Temporary Use Permit shall be for one year or until
the current driver no longer occupies the dwelling;
whichever occurs sooner.
Motion seconded by Board Member ECHELMEYER. Motion for
approval carried 6-0. Resolution attached.
B. Case No. WA-96-11: An application by C and E Communications
for approval of a 5' front yard setback variance to the 50'
front yard setback requirement on property zoned Planned
Industrial Development and located at 10501 N. I-70 Frontage
Glen Gidley presented the staff report. All pertinent
• documents were entered into record, which Chairman WALKER
Mi,~uir.5 OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 4
Board Member ABBOTT said if the survey pin had been correct
then their setback would have been correct, and Mr. Gidley
replied presumably if the intent was to measure 50 feet to
the north of the correct survey pin then location of the
sign would be 50 feet back. When the incorrect pin was
measured 50 feet back, it is 50 feet to the leading edge.
Mr. Gidley said he believes the applicant had intent to
comply with the law.
Board Member ABBOTT said you could cut off the southern edge
of the sign the required number of feet you could reach the
actual required setback from the real corner location. Mr.
Gidley replied he supposed that could be done, it would have
to be done in a balanced fashion with the other side so that
the foundation could properly support the offsetting
structure. He is not an expert in terms of fabrication of
these things and does not know what it would take to do
Board Member ABBOTT said he did not follow the criteria on
response #1 and was staff saying that the second case we
will be hearing relating to this sign height could be
effected by the outcome of this variance, and Mr. Gidley
said not really, what they are saying is that if from a
practical standpoint that is possible. That is why staff
has indicated the property in question can yield a
reasonable return in use, service or income if permitted to
be used only under the conditions allowed by regulation. If
the actual structure was required to be moved back 4 feet
the addition that's currently being constructed is well
lower than the bottom edge of the sign and actually could be
moved back without encroaching or causing a problem for this
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked are there not surveys on
record with the City on a piece of property like this that
show the actual location of the four benchmarks of the
property, and Mr. Gidley replied the City does not maintain
surveys of all properties in the City. Whenever a building
permit comes in for a building, a survey is required to be
submitted. There is probably a survey when this original
building was built that dates back to around 1975. Again,
the City does not normally maintain surveys, the county
Board Member
property now
• taken for the
survey on the
ECHELMEYER felt that somewhere there must be a
survey on record either by the owner of the
or the owner of the property as the land was
frontage road. Mr. Gidley said there is a
property on record, but that survey is prior
• MIav~iaS OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 5
to buildings being placed on the property originally. When
they did this addition, since it was in line with the
existing building, staff did not require an update to the
survey. To his knowledge, Mr. Gidley said there has not
been any taking in terms of additional right-of-way along
this area since the original interstate was put in the late
60's. This front property line should not have changed.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked whose irrigation culvert is
that on the property, and Mr. Gidley said he is not for sure
but it may be Wadsworth or Slough ditch, and both of those
are owned by the City of Arvada.
Board Member ECHELMEYER said he gets the indication that the
sign was built and put up before the Planning Department
even knew about it, and Mr. Gidley said no, they actually
came in and pulled a permit for the billboard. Staff knew
where it was to go and gave them the permit based upon the
information they had supplied to us. Staff focused their
attention on the requirements and the Code of Laws (gave
them copies of it). In this particular instance, it is his
belief, based on the information he received after writing
the staff report that this is a legitimate error and the
error is based upon a incorrect pin location. It is quite
possible because there are survey problems generally in the
west area. No one knows how the pin got located at that
point, for some reason the pin was there and the applicant
assumed that it was correct.
Board Member SANG said nothing has been addressed yet as to
the height requirement, and Mr. Gidley said that is the next
case. Board Member SANG said if the billboard were brought
into the height requirement of 32 feet, wouldn't it then
effect the sign of High Country as far as blocking it. Mr.
Gidley answered the auto body sign in the photograph has a
10 foot setback and would be approximately 35 feet further
to the south, so he does not believe it would block the
Board Member ABBOTT questioned the staff report saying the
front yard setback variance as being 5 feet, and. Mr. Gidley
answered the actual variance is 4.62 feet, which is less
than 10 percent.
No further questions were asked.
Chris Melcher, attorney with
Strickland, representing the
Communications, was sworn in
Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber and
applicant, C & E
Mr. Melcher said he does have
• MINIITES OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 6
power of attorney from both the property owner and the sign
Mr. Melcher entered into record, powers of attorney, one
dated March 29, 1996 and labeled 'Applicant's Exhibit 6'
and one dated April 25, 1996 and labeled 'Applicant°s
Exhibit 27'.
Mr. Melcher wanted to inform the board that High Country
Auto Body is the property owner and they are the ones who
leased the applicant the right to come and put up the
billboard; they want the billboard there and are not
concerned about blocking their sign or light and air. They
thanked Mr. Gidley for correcting the record as they are
seeking a 4.6' setback. There is no longer any concern
regarding the structural integrity of the sign or any
concern how it was built. He entered into record documents
that were provided to the City that confirms speaking with
Mr. Gidley, Director of the Planning Department and Mr. John
Eckert, the Chief Building Inspector, labeled 'Applicant's
Exhibit 29', and they both confirmed in the conversations
that they have no more concern about that sign. The
• applicants have engineer's certification on every aspect of
that sign, it is completely safe and complies with all
industry building codes and it will withstand, he believes,
wind-pressure of over 100 miles per hour.
Mr. Melcher said he would like to supplement what Mr. Gidley
talked about and that is the general nature of this
neighborhood and location. This property is located in what
the City considers Billboard District #2 (B-2), Mr. Melcher
put on the easel an enlarged copy of the billboard zoning
map of the City. The City, a number of years back, adopted
a policy to try and get all billboards out of the rest of
the City called Billboard District #1 (B-1) and into the B-2
district. The property they are talking about is right next
to I-70 and it is where a large number of billboards in
Wheat Ridge are located... Mr. Melcher pointed out the
billboards and larger signs in the area and mentioned that
two of the Medved signs are applied and permitted as
billboards and not free-standing signs. There are a number
of billboards up and down for all sorts of businesses, and
noted this is a Planned Industrial Development. Volant is a
manufacturing warehouse and. pointed out their billboard and
the Yamaha sign. He continued saying this is not a
residential or quiet area nor an area where it is unusual to
see a billboard as they are all up and down this road. Mr.
Melcher entered into record 5 pictures of the frontage road
. with the billboards, labeled 'Applicant's Exhibit 30, 31,
32, 33, and 34'. He did this so the board could get a flair
• MYNIITBS OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 7
for the properties and understand what they are talking
about. The slides only show one billboard and he just
wanted the board to understand just how many there are in
the area.
Mr. Melcher added the area should be familiar to the board
because Volant was in less than a year ago asking for a
setback variance for their sign. The case is confusing, so
it is hard to tell what their setback range is, it seems to
be anywhere from 9-21 feet. Volant intentionally put their
sign with a 21' setback violation and then Came in and asked
for a variance. He said they are coming in here now with an
honest error which Mr. Gidley has pointed out, and asking
for a much more minor setback.
Board Member ABBOTT stated that prior variances granted by
this board have nothing whatsoever to do with this case.
Volant came in with a proposal much different than the
applicants and we considered it reasonable and granted it.
He does not think it is persuasive to him to argue about
Volant's or other existing signage that occurs along I-70 in
relation to this request.
Mr. Melcher said he merely brought this up because he feels
it should have been handled as an administrative variance
and they certainly thought it was going to be. Their only
objection was Volant, being their neighbor, who had gotten a
variance themselves however, came in and objected to their
variance request; that did not seem fair to them.
Mr. Melcher showed an enlargement of the survey, labeled
'Applicant's Exhibit C'. C & E Communications approached
the City for a building permit, and was given a permit that
said 50' setback. They did their very best to comply with
that permit and placed the sign exactly 50' from the
property line. He entered into record the signed copy of
the lease, labeled 'Applicant's Exhibit 2'. The lease that
was prepared shows the proposed location of the pole-and the
fence was well-inside the property line. Also the
information that C & E received stated that the fence was
well inside the property line and there would be a pin
He said the contractor went out and looked for the pin and
found it under a few inches of dirt and there was also a #4
rebar, which is a standard property pin placement device.
They found the rebar exactly where the property owner said
the pin would be. They measured exactly 50' and if 4.62
feet was measured from the pin to the property to the fence
• MINIITES OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 8
and then add 45.73 feet from fence to the leading edge of
the billboard, it comes out 50.35 feet; just over 50 feet.
At some point afterwards, the City notified C & E
Communications that the setback was too short.
Mr. Melcher said the company was confused and said the
setback was not to short, and they both talked to the City
and explained what they relied on. The City asked for a
survey and so they gave them an 'unofficial' survey from Joe
Asmus while he was doing the official survey. They told the
City they made an honest mistake but will get the surveyor
to tell us and if they were wrong they certainly did not do
that intentionally. The surveyor went out and dug and
measured and what he did, as it turns out, is go to the back
of the property, found a #4 rebar with a plastic cap and
measured 181.5 feet from that cap as the legal description
says. He came up with the 'true deep line' which is just
outside that fence and he measured from that line down to
that cap/rebar which they now found out it was wrong. He
found 4.62' and laid it out but apparently it looks like the
property line was a little short of what he thought it was;
but the billboard is 50 feet from this rebar. That rebar,
• as it was explained, is what you would expect to find and it
was certainly reasonable for them to think that was the
property line. That illustrates how they got here and why
this billboard is where it is.
Board Member ABBOTT asked Mr. Melcher if he was saying they
did not find another pin, and he replied yes, there is no
other pin that they could find anywhere. They certainly do
not know this for sure but years ago whoever surveyed this
property and stuck these pins in the ground, stuck this pin
in and missed it by 4.5 feet. The cap came off probably
sometime when the landscaping or concrete walk was being
done. That is where some surveyor years and years ago
placed that property pin and they certainly thought that was
where the property line was.
Board Member ECHELMEYER questioned if the survey was done 2
months after the billboard was up because even the survey
now does not identify that as a piece of rebar. The
surveyor doesn't call it a benchmark, a corner post, a pin -
- and asked why is there such a problem identifying this
specifically for it is, and why would a man survey a
property two months later and simply say here is a piece of
rebar and not define what it is. Mr. Melcher answered
saying the client, C & E Communications, did not think it
was necessary for them to bear the expense of doing an
• entirely new survey which would cost several thousand
dollars. They understood there was some data as to where
• MINQTES OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 9
the property line was because they honestly did not know.
The property owner told us where the property line was and
quoted what the surveyor said on the survey 'I surveyed and
located the leading edge of the existing billboard on the
property according to existing monumentation'. He does not
say this is the actual property line, just that this is his
best attempt at finding it without a full blown survey. Mr.
Melcher agrees there should be some survey on record with
the City or the county but they have not-found it. The
property owner should also have a survey, and they haven't
found it with him either.
Board Member ECIiELMEYER asked Mr. Melcher if he knew if the
general contractor who put in the rebar used a transit to
locate any of the four benchmarks on the property and he
answered he did not know. The contractor was told by the
property owner to go outside the fence a few feet and there
would be a property pin where the property line is and that
is what they did. They did not think there would be any
unusual circumstances here.
Mr. Melcher addressed the nine. criteria in the staff report:
• 1. Can the property in question yield a reasonable return
in use, service or income if permitted to be used only
under the conditions allowed by regulation for the
district in which it is located.
This property would not yield a reasonable return in use
because if the sign had to be relocated it would cost
somewhere in the neighborhood of $8,000 to $10,000 to dig
the sign up and-move it 4.5 feet.
2. Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances.
They would argue strongly that this is unique circumstances
because they relied on this property pin survey.
3. If the variance were granted would it alter the essential
character of the locality.
No, as this is just a commercial area and if the 4 foot
setback variance were granted it would not alter the
essential character of the locality.
4. Would the particular physical surrounding, shape or
typographical condition of the specific property involved
result in a particular hardship upon the owner, as
• distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict
letter of the regulations were carried out.
• Miavuas.5 OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 10
It would because the erroneous pin placement is a physical
surrounding and a topographical condition.
5. Would the conditions upon which the petition for a variation
is based be applicable, generally, to the other property
within the same zoning classification.
No, because this is an incorrectly placed property pin and
other properties generally will not have this condition.
6. Is the purpose of the variation based exclusively upon a
desire to make money out of the property.
Yes, because this is a commercial enterprise.
7. Has the alleged difficulty or hardship been created by any
person presently having an interest in the property.
They would urge very strongly that in no way was this
hardship imposed by them. They did everything they possibly
could to comply.
• 8. Would the granting of the variation be detrimental to the
public welfare or injurious to other property or
improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is
Absolutely not. The setback is far enough back to not
effect any adjoining signs or property.
9. Would the proposed variation impair the adequate supply of
light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase
the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger
of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially
diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood.
No, this variance will not.
Mr. Melcher added there are a couple of reasons why the sign
cannot be cut off 4 1/2 feet and why it would be a severe
hardship. This sign and virtually all the signs in the City
are standardized sizes. In the advertising industry
billboards are classified according to their size and are
designed for those sizes. If a few feet would be cut off,
it is hard to sell the sign because advertisers won't be
able to use the copy they've prepared because it is not
uniform. Mr. Melcher said he cannot vouch for the
engineering certification of this sign being cut off 4 feet
• as he does not know how it would effect the stress and load.
• MIi~uiaS OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page it
Board Member ECHELMEYER quoted from the staff report saying
the building inspector said the concrete was crumbling and
then indicated he wanted to have it checked to its
suitability for this type of construction; and wanted to
know if that has been done and passed the necessary tests.
Mr. Melcher said this sign has passed all questions of Mr.
Eckert and he has stated he is completely satisfied with the
structural integrity and stability of the sign and the
concrete footing. They have obtained letters and affidavits
from the sign manufacturer and contractor and the engineer
who did stress and load tests and they all said this sign
satisfies all uniform building code and industry standards.
They did not conduct further tests because they did not feel
it was necessary and after they showed Mr. Eckert the
engineering certification he did not think it was necessary
either. The reason for that crumbling is that it was
slightly cold the day they installed the sign and concrete
at the top will cool faster than the footing. The top will
crumble or appear soft, however, the entire footing was
curing and was completely sound when load was placed on it.
No further questions were asked at this time.
Craig Chaffee, 10601 W. 2-70 Frontage Road, was sworn in.
Mr. Chaffee is the Vice President of manufacturing for
Volant Ski Company which is the neighbor directly west of
the property in question. They moved to Wheat Ridge just a
year ago and were located in Boulder prior to that. They
spent a good year looking for a new location and one of the
primary concerns was to be on the I-70 corridor. They are
in a highly competitive mature market and are a very young
struggling company trying to sell a winter sport. They
moved there again to look for frontage and is very important
for them to have visibility for potential customers,
retailers and distributors. It has been very beneficial to
be at their location because they have a lot more
accessibility to people. He has opened the door after hours
several times for people who seen their location and wanted
to get brochures. They are there to attract people to their
business and to get Volant's name out into the market place.
Mr. Chaffee continued saying they are all competing for that
eye-space for people's attention. Right now if you go along
I-70, that sign is the only thing you see and it towers
above everything else.
Mr. Melcher objected and stated they should confine the
comments to the setback and not the height.
Mr. Chaffee said his concern and objection to the variance
for the setback is because the sign is very big and the
• Ml.~ui+sS OF MSBTING: April 25, 1996 Page 12
closer to the street it gets, the more it blocks the corner
of their building and the more it will interfere with
visibility to their facility.
Board Member ABBOTT asked if the owner of the billboard
would be willing to cut off 5' shorter from the south would
that help, and Mr. Chaffee said the more the sign detracts
from them the less people notice their business.
Board Member ECHELMEYER wanted to know if they were leasing
the property they occupy now, and Mr. Chaffee replied yes.
Board Member ECHELMEYER asked if they had a survey that
indicates the southeastern corner of that property, and Mr.
Chaffee answered he does not know. He said they did a major
renovation of the property a year ago and had a lot of
dealings with the City. He knows there was a lot of work
done but cannot say if there was a survey done.
Board Member HOWARD asked if he was familiar with the
variance that his company requested in regards to the free-
standing sign, and Mr. Chaffee answered he did not know they
• got one because Mr. Kashawa handled that personally.
Board Member HOWARD asked then if he was aware why they had
to get a variance, and Mr. Chaffee replied he believes it
was a setback variance, but he is not aware why. Board
Member HOWARD answered the reason for the request was
because of a pre-determined location of .that ditch which
precluded a signage in that particular area, and they had to
go back closer to the building. Mr. Chaffee said they had
an issue with that because it is actually in their parking
lot also. They have a very limited space and have to lease
spaces next. door for their parking. Board Member HOWARD
added the variance was strictly for setback and not height.
No further questions were asked of Mr. Chaffee.
Dennis Polk, Attorney, 1667 Cole Boulevard, Golden, CO, was
sworn in. Mr. Polk said he has certain arguments with the
applicant and finds this very interesting. The 'slight of
hand' for bodies who come in and have an applicant who is a
lessee who is trying to find a hardship based upon their
owner's conduct. Mr. Polk feels they are the same person in
so far as this board is concerned. He stated the map
attached to the lease shows the fence line and the fence
line should place some notice as to where the true
boundaries are. He thinks it is preposterous to try to do
this slight of hand as it is unfair and deceptive.
• MINUTES OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 13
Mr. Polk said in dealing with this T-70 corridor for 12-14
years, he feels this is perhaps one of the most well
documented surveyed locations in the Denver metro area. The
State highway has surveyed that area and you can go to their
office and get reams of surveys. This area is completely
and thoroughly surveyed and it is not difficult to make
reasonable inquiry notice.
Mr. Melcher wanted to know who Mr. Polk represented and he
stated he is a citizen of this area and has a right to
speak, however he is aggearing on behalf of Mr. Medved and
Mr. Kashiwa. Mr. Polk said look at the timing, the made
this application 1-2 days perhaps before the ordinance
changed and then run out and construct this thing in a 24
hour period. He said if you look at it from the time of
their application to the day they started construction.
He added if you are going to spend that kind of money, is it
reasonable to perceive that you should be doing something
more than this `tape-measure survey' when you have been told
the fence line may not be the property line. I submit to
you that they cannot, as a result of this, satisfy the legal
• requirements that are necessary for this body in terms or
rather or not this is a self-induced hardship. Therefore,
on that basis alone the Board should deny this request for a
variance. Mr. Polk said he feels they built it and then
talked to the City, and that is exactly what the Board is
being asked to ratify. He said this is kind of a neat
slight of hand and he wishes he would have thought of it,
and next time he is before the City, he will try it. He
feels this is deceptive and does not feel the City should
adopt that kind of philosophy. There are honest legitimate
mistakes that happen and to please do examine this carefully
and conclude that there is something here that does not
satisfy the City ordinance.
Rebuttal was made by Mr. Melcher saying he will respond to
Mr. Polk first as Mr. Medved is the Cadillac-Chevy and GEO
Mr. Polk specifically objected to Mr. Melcher objection
stating they are not here to try Mr. Medved's signage plan.
He objected to the imputation that occurred regarding Mr.
Medved and don't think it is proper or relevant.
Mr. Melcher stated he did not think Mr. Polk heard the rest
of his point being he represents Medved Chevrolet which has
three signs and has an interest as a property owner who
• wants to get benefit from his property to make these
• M11YUlaS OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 14
arguments. He also represents Mr. Kashiwa who owns the
Volant factory. The Volant factory is here simply as
another business trying to get their benefit to our
Mr. Melcher continued saying he is trying to address these
arguments however, he sees a lot of smoke and is trying to
find where the fire is. Mr. Melcher commented that Mr. Polk
said something about 'slight of hand' and that he is the
owner and the lessee. Mr. Melcher said they are not the
owner, the owner is Daniel Dearing who leased the property
for the billboard to his client, C and E Communications.
Daniel Dearing gave Mr. Melcher's law firm power of attorney
to say that he supports the setback variance application.
The property owner did make a mistake in the lease and they
would like this mistake to be treated as such. They did not
intentionally do this, and Mr. Melcher said he thinks the
property owner honestly believed that the pin was correct.
Mr. Melcher quoted Mr. Gidley saying it is well documented
that in west Wheat Ridge there aren't surveys. Mr. Polk nor
he are surveyors and they do not have expert surveyor
opinion, just hearsay. He does have a survey that he feels
• they should rely on.
Mr. Melcher continued saying that Mr. Polk said they were
building first then asking later; he would ask a simple
question: Why would they do that, why would they build a
billboard 45.73 feet away and sneak 4.6 feet past you. He
said that is ridiculous to risk $10,000 or more to have to
tear this thing out and move it 4 feet away from the
property line. If they had known, the contractor had known,
if anyone had known they would not have relied on the
survey. They are not trying to sneak anything by the Board,
they regret the situation.
To correct Mr. Chaffee, Mr. Melcher wanted to enter into the
record the case file for Mr. Kashiwa's height and setback
variance last year which is Case No. WA-95-14. The setback
was 21 feet and height was a friendly amendment. Mr.
Melcher feels that Mr. Kashiwa's sign does not qualify under
the code because this is not a retail or service business;
it is a manufacturing plant and it states that on the
Mr. Polk respectfully objected because (inaudible) and
secondly, if he is asking to re-hear Mr. Kashiwa's case,
that is not the proper consideration of this Board.
• Mr. Melcher said with all due respect, the reason he brought
this up was one of the rules in the Colorado body of law;
• MINUTES OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 15
the Colorado Supreme Court, is that everyone in the zoning
code has to be treated fairly. Chairman WALKER said at this
point the Volant material is part of last year's minutes
and since all those actions have taken place he does not
feel it is germane at this moment.
Mr. Melcher said again with all due respect, he would like
to put on record and briefly state that the Supreme Court in
1957 with the unanimous decision said that 'to favor one
applicant over another is discriminatory, and suggests the
exercise as unwarranted and uncontrolled discretion on part
of the licensing authority°. It is a situation where you
treat one applicant in a certain way, you must treat the
same situated applicant in the same way. They do have a
similar situation here; they have two properties side by
side, two signs which are intended to advertise, and they
are trying to get fair treatment. They are not going to
argue with Mr. Kashiwa's setback because they think it was
reasonable for the Board to acknowledge and grant that
variance, they agree with that and are simply asking for the
same treatment. Their request is more equitable because the
unintentionally are here before you because they relied on a
• misplaced property pin.
Chairman WALKER stated at this point they are only
presenting material, the motion has not been made yet to
grant or not grant this variance. Mr. Melcher said he just
wanted it on record why they are doing this and thanked the
Board for their patience.
Mr. Gidley spoke on a couple of issues that were raised by
the applicant's attorney. There was a mixing of references
to billboards and signs by the applicant. Representations
that a variety of free-standing signs are in actuality
billboards. There is a definite difference between a
billboard by definition and afree-standing sign, and the
regulations that apply to free-standing signs verses
billboards. The billboard provisions has its own section
and standards which are different than the sign code for
free-standing signs. Regarding our presentation relative to
the height issue, we will pursue that matter later in more
Mr. Melcher said he would refer to Wheat Ridge City Code,
they do agree with Mr. Gidley that there are different
sections for free-standing signs and billboards. He read
the code and said obviously Medved Chevrolet and Volant have
signs over 25 feet, and the Volant sign does not qualify
. because they are not retail. Chairman WALKER said the code
mentioned the word 'service' and believes Volant 'builds' a
• Miavui.c5 OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 16
material that is a service to us to use their equipment.
Mr. Melcher defined service as 'a business that services
products brought in'. Tie noted that two of Medved's signs
were permitted as billboards and the volant as a free-
standing sign.
Board Member ECHELMEYER stated he finds this
incomprehensible that Mr. Melcher has gone through the
trouble with every 'i' dotted and 't' crossed in this lease,
probably the most thorough lease he has ever read. Covered
is the construction of the sign and the sign company to
permitted (inaudible) sign service, but failed to spend $100
to hire a land surveyor to come in and establish a valid
bench mark on this piece of property. Fifty feet is what
you put your name to and the Board will abide by the 50'
that the City demands for this sign, and he believes this
just does not tie together.
Mr. Gidley suggested that comments such as this be, once the
motion is made and after it is voted upon, and any comments
relative to supporting the motion be appropriate after that
also, and ask to be sure and close the public hearing.
• Mr. Melcher responded to the board members by apologizing
for this, saying they did do their best to comply and there
is simply no reason why they would do this on purpose, they
did not gain by it and all they did was go to a lot of
trouble and the company had to pay him a fair amount of
money to come here and talk to the Board and he is sure they
wish they didn't have to waste money on him. Mr. Melcher
wishes he did not have to be here, he wishes they would have
measured it correctly and if they could do it again, he is
sure they would do it correctly the second time.
Chairman WALKER announced the public hearing for this case
is closed,
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT, that Case No. WA-96-
11, an application by C & E Communications, be DENIED for
the following reasons:
With the general acknowledgement of the following:
The survey corner pin which was used to measure the 50'
setback by the sign contractor was in error as to location
and the sign would be located correctly if (not for)
following the erroneous pin.
• MiaruacS OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 17
Both staff and the Board believes
incorrect pin was not with malice
the Wheat Ridge Sign Code.
No correct pin was found.
that the use of the
or intent to circumvent
A building permit was applied for and issued.
The variance is for less than 10%.
1. Objections were registered by two adjacent businesses to
the setback variance requested and is understood by the
Board that these businesses have in the past been
granted sign code variances.
2. The hardship is self imposed and importantly, when
considering the hundreds of thousands of dollars in
construction costs and lease payments, it seems
substantially illogical and imprudent from a business
standpoint that a formal survey was not conducted.
3. Although of considerable expense and potential Loss of
lease income, an alternative would be available by
removing 4.62 feet from the south edge of the billboard.
Motion was seconded by Board Member ECHELMEYER. Motion for
denial was 4-2, with Board Members HOVLAND and SANG voting
Glen Gidley stated this is a passing motion because it is a
motion to deny, it would require a vote of 5 to be in favor
of the applicant. Since it was a motion not in favor of the
applicant, the motion passes.
Mr. Melcher asked Chairman WALKER for a re-vote and direct
the attention to the Volant variance which on self-imposed
hardship, the board decided last year and went with staff's
recommendation that they had intentionally built the sign
with illegal setback and yet this wasn't a self-imposed
hardship and ask for a reconsideration and a re-vote now as
the motion apparently has not passed as drafted. Chairman
WALKER stated the motion has passed as drafted. Mr. Melcher
commented what it means under the code is that if a motion
cannot be passed 5-1, then a default position for the
application is automatically denied.
Gerald Dahl, attorney for the City of Wheat Ridge, disagreed
and said Section 26-6(D) sets forth the minimum requirements
• for 4 votes to approve any variance which is what is being
requested, specifically sets forth if there are 6 members
• MINUTES OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 18
present, there must be 5 affirmative votes to approve the
variance. There was not a motion to approve a variance, the
motion voted on was for denial, and that motion passed by
more than majority of the members present. There was not a
motion to approve the variance so the 5 out of 6 rule is
simply unapplicable here. He disagrees with Mr. Melcher°s
artful interpretation that if you vote 4-2 to deny, then
that must mean it was voted 5-1 to approve. That is not
correct and he doesn't support that position, the commission
has taken the vote it is going to take. Mr. Melcher can
certainly ask for a reconsideration of the vote, but the
Board certainly does not have to accommodate him in that
regard, it is totally up to the Board.
Chairman WALKER stated the vote stands as placed and the
variance is denied.
Chairman WALKER called for a 10 minute recess. The meeting
reconvened at 9:40 p.m.
C. Case No_ wA-96-12: An application by C and E Communications
for approval of a 22' height variance to the 32' billboard
• height requirement for property zoned Planned Industrial
Development and located at 10501 N. I-70 Frontage Road.
The attorney for the applicant, Chris Melcher, requested to
have this case postponed until the next board meeting. Mr.
Melcher bel-ieves under the by-laws they are entitled to one
postponement and would like to exercise that right.
Gerald Dahl, spoke saying on behalf of the City, he would
like to respond to that request. Mr. Dahl said that is
true, the by-laws do say that, there is a parallel code
section 26-6(F)(5)(a) says "postponement after a public
hearing that has been legally noticed, only one postponement
by the applicant may be allowed by the board... Upon the
second request for postponement, the board... shall have the
authority to dismiss the application". As a matter of the
City code, it is less an open question rather if the
applicant has the right to bring us all here, sit us all
down, and say "I changed my mind, I'd like to postpone it".
On behalf of the City, we intend to oppose this application
very vigorously. If it will serve us all to meet at another
day and not have to worry about some argument from the
applicant that they were denied their right to a
postponement, he wants to be as persuasive as he can
whenever this matter is taken up, so the City has no
objection to the matter being postponed until the May
• meeting and added under the rules, it is required to be the
last matter on the agenda. Mr. Dahl stated so all of us
• Mia~uiES OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 Page 19
gentlemen will be in front of you rather late on that
evening if you take a motion to grant the postponement.
Mr. Melcher said he would like to note for the record that
under that rule, Article IV(6), unless impossible, the
applicant must be at the scheduled hearing and ask for a
postponement in person. They are here because the rule
requires us to be here and ask for that postponement. They
have a lot of reasons why, but since the City does not
object, it appears they will be here next month and be
better prepared.
Board Member ECHELMEYER wanted to hear some of the
applicant's reasons for postponement. Mr. Melcher said the
primary reason is that they received the staff report last
Friday and were very surprised by the approach and
statements in the staff report. They feel the staff report
treated the applicants, C & E Communications in a
discriminatory way, has acted arbitrarily in a legal sense,
and has treated them unfairly in relation to other
applicants in the-same position. As soon as they had the
staff report they filed an open records act request on that
• same Friday. He was there at the very first available
opportunity going through the City's records trying to learn
as much as he could about how the City treats billboards and
they have just not been able to go through all of the
materials there are. There are a number of billboards
around the City that are well over height and they would
like to go around the City and see if there are others that
are the same or higher than theirs and establish that a
variance has been granted for these, and if they are to be
treated fairly, should be given a variance to the height.
For the record, they believe they were not treated fairly.
Mr. Dahl interjected saying if Mr. Melcher is going to ask
for a postponement to argue his case for a height variance,
then he ought to save that argument until they have that
postponed hearing. If he wants to tell why he is unable to
be prepared that is fine, but to go further than that is
engaging in the hearing that he sets. Mr. Melcher is not
ready to conduct here tonight, so he's going to have to make
a choice.
Mr. Melcher said he objects because that is mis-
characterizing what he said as he is honestly responding to
a question from a board member, and honestly giving their
reasons. He has to object because counsel is
mischaracterizing his statements, he simply said he is
trying to gather evidence and records which will show
the theory he has.
• Miav~iaS OF MEETING: April 25, 1996 page 20
Board Member SANG asked Mr. Gidley what if
dismiss the case, and Mr. Gidley answered
Board has no authority to dismiss the case
second request after the Board approves t
On a second request then the Board may dis
this particular point they have two option
case until May 23rd as requested, or Conti
hearing this evening.
they opt to
at this point the
only upon a
he first extension.
miss the case. At
s; continue the
nue on with the
Motion was made by Board Member ABBOTT to continue this
case, given the considerable expense involved with this
particular billboard issue, he feels it is only fair to give
both sides a chance to think about the issue in more depth
and hear it next month. Motion was seconded by Board Member
HOVLAND and carried 6-0.
A. Approval of Minutes:
March 28, 1996
Motion was made by Board Member HOWARD, and seconded by
Board Member ECHELMEYER, that the minutes of March 28,
1996, be approved. Motion carried.
B. Discussion on the billboard ordinance. Mr. Gidley spoke
saying there are now 17 allowed billboards in the B-2
District. The rest of the billboards in the B-1
District are illegal and there will be Code Enforcement
action starting on July 1st. There can be no more
billboards put up in the B-2 District, but they can be
relocated from one location in the B-2 District to
another location in the B-2 District.
C. Discussion on determinations and motion.
7. ADJvuicavrlENT
Motion was made by Board Member HOWARD, seconded by Board
Member HOVLAND that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting
was adjourned at 10:11 p.m.
~~~~ ~ ~h~~~~~
Mary o~hapla, Secretary
April 25, 1996 -
Name and Address
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