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Minutes of Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Chair McNAMEE at 7:30 p.m., AprilS, 2001, in the City
Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge,
Commission Members Present:
Jerry Collins
Paulette Cooper
Dean Gokey
Marian McNamee
Mark Miller
Janice Thompson
Paula Weisz
Commission Members Absent:
Nancy Snow
Staff Members Present:
Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner
Jerry Dahl, City Attorney
Mike Garcia, Development Review Engineer
Greg Knudson, Public Works Director
Steve Nguyen, Traffic Engineer
Travis Crane, Planner
Mike Pesicka, Planning Technician
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of AprilS,
2001. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of
Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
Meredith Reckert introduced Paula Weisz from District II and Mark Miller from District III as new
members of the Planning Commission
Commissioner THOMPSON requested an addition to the agenda to discuss the Comprehensive
Plan. It was moved by Commissioner GOKEY and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS
that the agenda be approved with the requested addition. The motion passed 7-0 with
Commissioner SNOW absent.
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April S, 2001
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It was moved by Commissioner COLLI NS and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON
to approve the minutes of March 1, 2001 as presented. The motion passed 4-0 with
Commissioners GOKEY, MILLER and WEISZ abstaining.
There was no one to appear before the Commission
A. Case No. CUP-OI-0l: Application by Foothills Academy for approval ofa Conditional
Use Permit to allow expansion of a private school on property zoned Agricultural-One and
Residential-Two (A) and located at 4725 Miller Street.
Prior to her presentation, Meredith Reckert distributed copies of a letter received AprilS, 2001,
from Karen Heine expressing concern about traffic in the school area. This letter was made a
part ofthe case file.
Ms. Reckert reviewed the staff report and presented slides and overheads of the application.
All pertinent documents were entered into the record and accepted by Chair McNamee. Staff
recommended approval of the application with conditions as outlined in the staff report.
Commissioner THOMPSON commented that she observed school traffic during student pick-
up time. She expressed concern about unsafe practices such as making u-turns in the middle of
the street and parked cars on 47th and Miller that obstruct sight triangles. She inquired as to
whether traffic counts had been done on these streets that are designated as Class 6. Steve
Nguyen informed that traffic counts are within the range for Class 6 streets.
Commissioner THOMPSON requested that no student drop-offs be allowed on 47th Avenue.
She further suggested that staff members park in the newly created parking lot to keep the front
parking lot open for pick-up and drop-off of students, deliveries, etc. Parking should be
disallowed on West 47th Place and part of Miller Street. She also expressed concern about
parking for large school events and suggested the possibility of the school obtaining a permit to
use the Fruitdale Park lot in these instances.
Steve Dodd
Architect for Foothills Academy
Mr. Dodd was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He stated that he has been working closely with
the city on the subject plan for over a year and many suggestions from staff have been
incorporated into the plan. One ofthe primary intents of the plan is to funnel traffic onto the
frontage road and provide a 300-foot drop-offlane that would mitigate u-turns and on-street
parking. The kindergarten students would use the east lot off Miller Street. The plan for the
buildings to be located to the north of the site would also provide a sound buffer from 1-70 for
the neighbors.
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April S, 2001
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Commissioner GOKEY asked if consideration had been given to parking for large events. Mr.
Dodd replied that they have discussed the possibility of parking at Fruitdale Park.
Mary Lou Faddick
Head of School for Foothills Academy
Ms. Faddick was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She explained that there are basically two
large events each year (one at Christmas and one at graduation). The school has been renting a
church facility to hold the Christmas event and will probably continue this practice for awhile.
During graduation, an off-duty police officer has been hired to keep all traffic off the 47th cul-
de-sac. The school is also working with Motel 6 to possibly use some of their parking.
In response to a question from Commissioner GOKEY, Ms. Faddick stated that the students are
only involved in intermural sports activities and gym classes. Students who excel at sports will
participate in competitive sports with their home public school so there will never be a need for
large sporting events to be held at the school.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked if consideration had been given to shared parking with the
Montessori School. Ms. Faddick replied they have been working with Montessori on shared
facilities and traffic mitigation and that there would probably be cooperation for shared parking,
also. She also commented that the families involved with Foothills Academy are pleased with
this plan, especially as it relates to traffic mitigation.
Chair McNAMEE asked if there were individuals present who wished to address the
Commission regarding this matter.
Paul Dierschow
10520 West 47th Place
Mr. Dierschow was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. He expressed appreciation for
Commissioner THOMPSON's observations regarding the traffic problem. He experiences
traffic problems on his way to work every morning. He expressed concern about safety issues
for school children walking down Miller Street to catch the bus to their school as well as
Foothills children who are being dropped off. There is also a problem with motorists speeding
on Miller Street. He supported the plan to funnel traffic onto the frontage road. He questioned
whether the planned 72 parking spaces would be sufficient to accommodate staff and students
who drive.
In response to a question from Commissioner GOKEY, Mr. Dierschow stated that he has
discussed his concerns with representatives of the school and found them to be very
cooperative. He did believe, however, that they did not have a true understanding of the traffic
impact on the neighborhood. He was in favor of eliminating parking on Miller Street.
Chair McNAMEE referred to the speeding problem on Miller and asked ifit would be possible
to install flashing school signals on Miller. Steve Nguyen replied that there are school zone
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April S, 2001
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speed limit signs. Installation of flashing lights are based upon warrant requirements. He
doubted whether Miller could meet "warrant".
Commissioner GOKEY suggested that parking could be prohibited between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00
p.m. and permit parking could be provided for residents of the neighborhood. Steve Nguyen
agreed that restricting parking on the east side of Miller would eliminate pedestrians crossing
the street and would also open up the street. He agreed with restriction of parking during
school hours and perhaps allowing parking during special events. He informed the
Commission that a parking permit program can be implemented if petitioned by the residents of
47th Place. He was in support of the plan that would provide for student pick-up and drop-off in
the parking lot.
In response to a question from Commissioner GOKEY, Mr. Nguyen replied that a traffic island
on Miller would be feasible. Commissioner COOPER commented that the island would
eliminate u-turns.
Commissioner COOPER asked about the neighborhood traffic management plan (NTMP)
process. Mr. Nguyen explained that the process is started with a petition that must be signed by
75% of property owners. Petitions have been sent out to this neighborhood, but have not been
returned. He was in favor of waiting until the 300-foot pick-up lane is installed to restrict
parking or install traffic-calming devices.
Deborah Adams
10471 West 47th Place
Ms. Adams was sworn in by Chair McNAMEE. She stated, for the record, that she lives across
the street from the school where parking in front of her home is an issue. She also experiences
traffic problems in the morning on her way to work. Most of the traffic she encounters is
associated with the Montessori School. She spoke in support of the proposed plan that she
believed would mitigate traffic problems near her home. She expressed appreciation to the
school for their efforts to solve the traffic problems.
Chair McNAMEE asked if there were others present who wished to address the Commission.
Hearing no response, she closed the public hearing.
(Chair McNAMEE declared a recess at 8:45 p.m. The meeting was resumed at 9:00 p.m.)
It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY to
approve Case No. CUP-OO-Ol, a request for a conditional use permit to allow expansion of
a private school in an A-I and R-2A zone located at 4725 Miller Street for the following
1. The existing school plan can remain in place and expand under the existing plan,
however, none ofthe traffic concerns of the neighborhood would be addressed.
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April S, 2001
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2. The increase in floor area being requested is worth consideration in light ofthe
proposed traffic improvements ofthe new plan.
3. The use will not adversely affect the adequate light and air nor cause significant
air, water or noise pollution.
4. Although not consistent with the comprehensive plan, the use provides a transition
between commercial and residential uses.
5. The use will not overburden public facilities and services.
6. The design minimizes impacts to the adjacent properties and surrounding
7. Traffic generated from this site will not adversely affect the Class 6 rating of Miller
With the following conditions:
1. The number. of students will be limited to 250.
2. The improvements along the frontage road, including the on-site drop-off lane,
shall be constructed with the first building permit. The drop-off lane and compact
spaces must meet code (18 foot minimum width plus angled compact spaces in
accordance with the city's parking regulations.)
3. The condition of the large cottonwood trees along the frontage road shall be
assessed to determine which can remain.
4. A drainage report for the entire 4.2 acres shall be approved prior to the issuance of
a building permit.
5. A consolidation plat shall be approved prior to the issuance of a certificate of
occupancy for the first building.
6. The applicant will initiate a Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan for Miller
Street between West 44th Avenue and the south frontage road.
7. Sight triangles for 47th Place and Miller Street will immediately be put into effect.
8. A six-foot cedar fence will be extended along 47th Place where existing van parking
occurs. No drop-off access will be allowed from West 47th Place.
9. Teachers and staff would be required to immediately begin parking in the existing
gravel lot on the west side of this site or where the vans are presently parked.
Commissioner GOKEY offered an amendment to condition no. 8 to require that no
pedestrian traffic from the school onto 47th Avenue through gates or any other device
shall be allowed. The amendment was accepted by Commissioner THOMPSON.
Commissioner COOPER offered an amendment to add condition no. 10 which would
require redesign ofthe plan to add additional parking spaces for the school vans. The
amendment was accepted by Commissioners THOMPSON and GOKEY.
Commissioner GOKEY offered an amendment to add condition no. 11 which would
require vertical landscape buffering between the school property and adjacent houses.
The amendment was accepted by Commissioner THOMPSON.
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April 5, 2001
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Commissioner COLLINS offered an amendment to add condition no. 12 which would
require that, upon completion of construction of the western parking lot and drop-off
lane, no parking will be allowed along the east side of Miller Street and sight triangles
would be established for the entrances and exits to the eastern parking lot and on the
corner of Miller and the service road. The amendment was accepted by Commissioners
The motion passed unanimously.
B. Case No. ZOA-OI-0l: An ordinance amending Article II of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge
Code of Laws concerning the addition of a Conservation Zoning District.
Gerald Dahl, City Attorney, reviewed the proposed ordinance as contained in the staffreport.
He asked the Commission to consider this ordinance as it relates to the greenbelt. If the
greenbelt were rezoned to a conservation district under the proposed ordinance, there would be
some uses that would not be allowed such as benches, parking lots, bathrooms, kiosks, etc.
Caution must be exercised in adding uses to the ordinance that would result in a public park
zone rather than a conservation district.
Chair McNAMEE asked ifthere were any individuals present who wished to address this
ordinance. Hearing no response, she closed the public hearing.
Commissioner COLLINS commented that the proposed ordinance, even though there are some
flaws, is better than R-3 zoning for the greenbelt.
In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Dahl replied that property
owners have options of placing conservation easements on their property: leaving the property
unimproved regardless of zoning or requesting a conservation district zone.
Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern about control of noxious weeds in conservation
areas. Mr. Dahl will check to see if this is covered in the weed ordinance.
Commissioner GOKEY suggested that the word "pristine" be used to describe property that can
be zoned as conservation district. He expressed concern that once a property is zoned as
conservation, it would be difficult to have it rezoned for any other reason. Mr. Dahl explained
that this zoning is no different than any other where a property owner can request a rezone.
Commissioner GOKEY also expressed concern about a possible mass rezone to conservation
district. Mr. Dahl commented that a city cannot downzone to leave a property with no
economic benefit. He also advised that the ordinance could contain wording that property can
only be changed to conservation at the owner's initiation.
Chair McNAMEE expressed concern about the possibility that benches, trails, etc., would not
be allowed in the greenbelt under this ordinance. Commissioner THOMPSON stated that she
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April 5, 2001
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did not believe the greenbelt and Lena Gulch would fall under the intent of this ordinance and
suggested that the greenbelt could be designated as a combination of conservation area and
Commissioner COOPER expressed concern about spot zoning conservation areas.
Commissioner GOKEY suggested a provision for public use that would still adhere to
guidelines of a conservation district. Mr. Dahl replied that if the land is publicly owned,
provision could be made to have additional amenities as long as they are accessories and not
dominant on the landscape, for example, trails, etc.
It was moved by Commissioner GOKEY and seconded by Commissioner MILLER that
this ordinance be tabled, redrafted and presented for consideration at a future date.
Commissioner COLLINS offered an amendment to include private property guidelines as
well as city-owned property guidelines in the redrafted ordinance. The amendment was
accepted by Commissioners GOKEY and MILLER.
The motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner SNOW absent.
There was no old business to come before the Commission.
A. Ancillarv Dwelline: Units - Gerald Dahl introduced this item. He referred to the
memorandum from Alan White contained in the staff report which explained that City
Council has given direction to staff to find a way to deal with second living units within
residential structures when located in a single family zone district. The memorandum
contained five options for the Commission to consider.
Discussion points included:
. Second living units in single family zone districts ruin the integrity of the zone district.
. The city is usually not aware of these units until they are reported for some reason.
. Enforcement is extremely difficult.
. People purchase these properties and are not aware they are illegal. Sometimes this is the
fault of the realtor.
. Education is important to make realtors, homebuyers and homeowners aware of the zoning
regulations. Some people assume that R-2 means you can automatically have two dwelling
units in one structure. The CAP Newsletter would be a good vehicle for this education.
. Grandfathering would only reward people for doing something wrong in the past and
ignorance of the law is no excuse. However, there are times when compassion must be
exercised depending on extenuating circumstances.
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April 5, 200 I
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. Consideration could be given to enforcing changes when the property changes hands.
The Commission reached a consensus to support option no. 5 in the memorandum that is to stay
the course. The city would continue to require owners to prove the second unit was lawfully
established. If no proof was provided, the unit would need to be removed or the structure
altered so that it was not a separate unit. However, situations should be considered on a case by
case basis and extenuating circumstances should be taken into account.
B. Comurehensive Plan - Commissioner THOMPSON suggested that the color
designated on the Comprehensive Plan for Foothills Academy is in error and should be
changed. This should be changed from red (Community Commercial Center) to yellow
(single family - not to exceed 6 du's/acre) to match surrounding properties.
Meredith Reckert suggested that this change be considered during the annual review of the
Comprehensive Plan.
There were no commission reports.
There were no committee or department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner GOKEY and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to
adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
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MARIAN McNAMEE, Chair------
Planning Commission
April 5, 2001
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