HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/15/2006 ORIGINAL CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting June 15, 2006 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Chair WESLEY at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers ofthe Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Jim Chilvers John McMillin Phil Plununer Jerry Scezney Cassie Spaniel Kim Stewart Scott Wesley Staff Members Present: Alan White, Community Development Director Travis Crane, Planner Sally Payne, Sr. Planner Jerry Dahl, City Attorney Randy Young, City Manager Tim Paranto, Public Works Director Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVE ORDER OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to approve the order of the agenda. The motion carried 8-0. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 18, 2006 It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner SPANIEL to approve the minutes of May 18, 2006 as presented. The motion carried 7-0 with Commissioner SCEZNEY abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one present to address the Commission at this time. Planning Commission June 15,2006 - I - 7. PUBLIC HEARING Case No. WZ-06-03 - An application filed by Cabela's Retail, Inc. and Coors Brewing Co. for approval of an Amended Outline Development Plan and Final Development Plan for vacant land ~enerally located west ofI-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32" Avenue. Case No. WS-06-01: An application filed by Cabela's Retail, Inc. and Coors Brewing Co. for approval of a final plat for vacant land generally located west of 1-70, south of Highway 58 and north of West 32"d Avenue. The cases were presented by Travis Crane. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the cases. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staffrecommended approval of both applications for reasons, and with conditions, outlined in the staff report. Commissioner McMILLIN commented that Parcel 8 deviates the most from the Comprehensive Plan which desiguates this parcel as open space and asked Mr. Crane his opinion on the prospects of commercial development occurring in this area. Mr. Crane agreed that the topography would present development problems; however, staff thought it appropriate to set forth standards just in case someone would be interested in development in the future. Carolynne C. White Brownstein, Hyatt & Farber 410 17th Street, Denver Ms. White, land use counsel for Cabela's and Coors Brewing Co., was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. She submitted into the record a copy of her letter in response to Jefferson County Referral Comments for Cases No. WZ-06-03 and WS-06-01. Copies were also provided for Commissioners. Cabela's voluntarily delayed this application for over a year to address various concerns expressed during public meetings especially in the area of traffic issues. She introduced other individuals who were present to answer questions: Christopher J. Fasching, Felsburg, Holt & Ullevig; Mark Kieffer, Norris Design; Mark Nienhueser, Director ofConstruction/Facilities for Cabela's; and Neil Jaquet, Director of Water Resources and Real Estate for Coors Brewing Co. She stated that Cabela's is committed to this project and becoming a part ofthe Wheat Ridge community. Mark Kieffer Norris Design 1101 Bannock, Denver Mr. Kieffer was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. He stated that he concurred with the staff presentation. Landscape buffers in parcels 4 and 5 follow the southern portion ofthe property adjacent to residential area. He noted that there is a 2 to I slope from the residential lots to the proposed retail uses. There will be extensive landscaping in the buffer area as well as some type of fencing and retaining walls. The existing trail through the site will be preserved and will be 10 feet wide. The intent is to provide a trail Planning Commission June 15, 2006 - 2- connection from 32nd Avenue up to 44th Avenue. Concern has been expressed about accessibility to the Table Mountain Animal Shelter. At this time a sidewalk and roadway connecting to the frontage road is planned to access the shelter. The architectural concept will be unique to Colorado and will reflect the local environment. For example, indigenous species will be used in the aquarium. The store will also include public uses such as a museum and wildlife exhibits. Attention will be paid to each elevation to provide high quality views of the building from every angle. Building height for parcels 4 and 5 will be fixed so there would be no change if someone in the future should bring in extra fill for development. There will be a comprehensive signage program with uniformity and predictability throughout the site. Christopher J. Fasching Felsburg, Holt & Ullevig 6300 S. Syracuse Street, Centennial Mr. Fasching, traffic engineer for the applicant, was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. He stated that, given the state of transportation in the area, it is necessary to play "catch up" to take care of existing traffic issues as well as plan for increased traffic from the Cabela's development and future traffic growth. The Environmental Impact Statement should be complete in the next few weeks. It is estimated there will be 24,000 vehicle trips on an average weekday with an estimated 34,000 vehicle trips on weekends. He noted that those numbers were developed with the assumption that the store would be 230,000 square feet. The size of the store has since been reduced by 20% to 185,000 square feet. Approximately 40-50% of the traffic would be specific to the Cabela's store and approximately 45% oftraffic generation would be to and from 1-70. There would be three access points to the development. The main entrance would be Cabela Drive tying into the new interchange at Highway 58 on the northwest and would serve 45% of the traffic. The access to the east would be going under 1-70 and tying into Y oungfield and would serve 25% ofthe traffic. Cabela Drive to the south would serve 30% of the traffic. Studies indicate that additional traffic from this development would increase current traffic levels on nearby roadways by 10 to 20%. The first traffic improvement would include addition of ramps at Highway 58 and 1-70. CDOT hopes to have these under construction by end of year. There will be an additional interchange onto Highway 58 opposite of Holcomb Street and would serve as the prime access into Cabela's. There will be signage along 1-70 as well as way-finding siguage on site to direct people to 1-70. Another major improvement will be an underpass to the east which will provide four lanes oftraffic and serve as a relief valve for 32nd Avenue. There will be hook ramps at 32nd Avenue and 27th Avenue. One traffic signal will be eliminated on 32nd Avenue and lane additions will occur. Sidewalks will be embellished near Manning School. Youngfield will be widened and the intersection of 32nd and Youngfield will be enlarged. Youngfield will also be widened from 38th to 44th Avenues. Cabela Drive will be five lanes (four lanes with a center turn lane) to accommodate ramp traffic. Carolynne White returned to podium. She stated that the project meets and exceeds requirements of the city code and will accomplish goals of the comprehensive plan especially in terms of providing destination retail. Planning Commission June 15,2006 - 3 - Commissioner BRINKMAN asked about the inclusion of home improvement retail stores. Ms. White explained that the area is conducive to that type of business. Commissioner PLUMMER expressed concern about the 30-foot light poles when the code calls for 18 feet. Commissioner SCEZNEY asked if there was a plan for overflow parking to accommodate weekend visitors to the store. Christopher Fasching returned to the podium. He stated that overflow parking has been accommodated. Parking will also be provided for RV parking. The parking will accommodate length of stay and number of vehicles during peak time. In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. Kieffer stated that they anticipate 65% of Cabela's visitors will come from 1-70 as opposed to 30% for visitors to other development in the area. Commissioner STEWART asked if the applicant was envisioning a Lowe's or Home Depot type store when they refer to "home improvement retail." Carolynne White returned to the podium. She stated that they were not envisioning any particular use. Use will ultimately be determined by factors such as lot size, setbacks, etc. Commissioner STEWART asked about improvements at Highway 58 and 1-70. Christopher Fasching returned to the podium. He explained that interchange improvements are planned for the 44th and Ward area which would relocate the ramps to the east and improve the traffic situation. Chair WESLEY declared a recess at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9: 15 p.m. Chair WESLEY invited members of the public to address the Commission. Flora Andrus 4790 Easley Road, Golden Ms. Andrus was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. Ms. Andrus is president of the Fairmount Improvement Association and a member of Clear Creek Valley Neighborhood Council (CCVNC). She was not opposed to the development but expressed concern about a section of approximately one hundred homes that are fifteen feet from the planned intersection at 44th A venue and Holcomb. She requested that there be consideration of privacy walls along 44th to protect those homes in regard to noise and safety. She expressed appreciation that trails are to be built to connect the community with the Clear Creek trail. She expressed a desire to work with the city and the applicant in finding solutions to pollution, noise and safety issues. Planning Commission June 15, Z006 -4- Dave Kuehn 1498 Xenon, Wheat Ridge Mr. Kuehn, District Manager ofthe Prospect Park and Recreation District, was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. He spoke in favor of the application and stated that the District could not express any criticism of the plans as presented. Cabela's will provide much needed economic stimulus to the area. Recreation operations will also increase due to the proposed new trail connections. Edna Miklos PO Box 5177, Wheat Ridge Ms. Miklos, President of Applewood Business Association, was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. She spoke in support of the Cabela's development. She did ask that the bridge at 3Znd be aesthetically designed; that Cabela Drive signage be installed to inform drivers of residential traffic; and that the buffer area for parcels 4 and 5 be larger than ZO feet with no activity, traffic or light poles within the buffer. She also asked that trails be located away from Cabela Drive. She asked that the applicant work with Wheat Ridge ZOZO for input on developing the gateway to the city. She expressed appreciation to Travis Crane and the city staff for their hard work on this project. Bruce Chalker 3304 Beech Ct., Golden Mr. Chalker, representing the Apple Lane Subdivision, was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. His neighborhood is on the south end of the project and would be the most directly affected. The neighborhood's concerns related to noise and light emanating from the area and he didn't think these issues were adequately addressed in the ODP. The major concern relates to the west-bound ramp passing over 3Znd Avenue which will generate high volume noise as trucks and cars leaving Cabela's accelerate onto 1-70. He requested that construction of sound barriers on the south and west sides of the ramp be completed before certificates of occupancy are issued. He asked that freestanding light poles adhere to the 18 foot height limit outlined in the code, especially for parcels 4, 5 and 6. Further, minimum setbacks for buildings and lights adjacent to residential properties should be measured from the edge of buffer zones rather than property lines. He urged the Commission to carefully review the documents from the Clear Creek Valley Association and the Jefferson County Commissioners. He submitted a copy of his comments to be made a part of the official record. Tim Paranto Director of Public Works In response to a question from Chair WESLEY, Mr. Paranto explained that the city can make suggestions regarding noise abatements, etc., but CDOT has final control. These issues will be addressed in the EIS. Win King 14390 Foothill Road, Golden Mr. King was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. He spoke in support of the application because the current use of the site is underutilized and retail is a good use for the area. Planning Commission June 15, Z006 - 5- He believed Cabela's will be a great asset to the Wheat Ridge area. Traffic issues represent the biggest problem but he believed everyone involved is doing their best to address those issues. Cal Johnson 4255 Everett Street Mr. Johnson was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. He spoke in support of the application and thanked the city staff and Cabela's for their hard work. He expressed hope that CDOT will recognize the traffic problems in the area. Roxanne Runkel 3415 Alkire Way, Golden Ms. Runkel was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. Her property is adj acent to parcels 4 and 5 and she asked that the Commission not relax standards for the buffer between those two parcels. She also requested construction of a masonry fence before construction begins that would provide privacy and sound abatement from Cabela Drive. In addition to connecting the pedestrian trail, she requested that consideration be given to building an equestrian trail. She asked that 18- foot lighting be used on parcels 4 and 5. She disagreed with a statement made earlier in the meeting that Cabela's has worked closely with the public. She stated that neither she nor her neighbors were notified ofthis meeting. Gretchen Cerveny 3425 Moore Street Ms. Cerveny, former mayor of Wheat Ridge, was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. She thanked the city staff and Cabela's for doing a great job over the past two years. She stated that she believed Cabela's is the most exciting thing to happen to Wheat Ridge since she was mayor. Over the years CDOT consistently bumped the city's projects from their list. The proposed Cabela's project has helped these projects stay on the list. She was ofthe opinion that ifCabela's should go away, most of the city's traffic projects would go away. John VilIachica 9695 W. 44th Avenue Mr. Villachica was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. He spoke in support of the application. He owns a small business which provides incomes to twenty families and is struggling due to the slow economy. He believed that Cabela's would bring economic vitality to the community as well as the county and the entire state. Cabela's will attract other quality businesses to locate in the area and would also provide many employment opportunities. He expressed concern that less quality development would occur on this site ifCabela's is not allowed to go through with their project. Janice Thompson 12290 W. 42nd Avenue, Wheat Ridge Ms. Thompson was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. She spoke in support of the application. She expressed excitement about the project which will have a very positive Planning Commission June 15, Z006 - 6 - impact on the western entrance to Wheat Ridge. Cabela's will have a positive domino effect on the rest of the city. She expressed concern about 30-foot lights and suggested that RTD provide bus stops at the development. She stated that the highway improvements would have a very positive effect on the city and she asked that consideration be given to protection from the diamond interchange onto 44th Avenue for the Fairmount neighborhood. She commented that traffic improvements would also benefit the Applewood Shopping Center. She thanked Cabela's and stafffor their hard work on the project. Amy Ito 700 Jefferson County Parkway Ms. Ito, Planning and Development Manager for Jefferson County Open Space, was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. She provided copies to the Commission of a letter from Ralph Schell, Jefferson County Open Space Director. This letter was made a part of the official record. The letter contained a request that the trail be grade separated at Cabela Drive by traveling beneath Cabela Drive. She stated that Jefferson County Open Space would like to work with Coors and Cabela's on the design of the grade separation. Kate Newman Jefferson County Administration Ms. Newman was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. She expressed concern about home improvement stores being permitted in parcels 4 and 5. She was concerned about noise from forklifts and trucks that emanate from stores such as Lowe's or Home Depot and asked that this use be eliminated from parcels 4 and 5. She was pleased with the landscape buffer and asked for clarification as to whether or not buildings would be allowed in the buffer zone. 1fbuildings are to be allowed, she requested the buffer be changed to ZO feet. The ODP calls for trees or shrubs in the buffer zone, and she requested that trees be planted as they are a more effective buffer. She also requested construction of a masonry fence along parcels 4 and 5 to provide visual protection. She asked that the impact on wetlands be considered when designing the alignment of Cabela Drive. She expressed appreciation for the positive response to previous concerns expressed by Jefferson County. Jack Hoopes 14215 Crabapple Road Mr. Hoopes, President of Applewood Property Owners Association, was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. He stated that he also represented the other associations in the CCVNC. He supported previous comments made by Bruce Chalker, Roxanne Runkel, Amy Ito and Kate Newman. He believed the Cabela's development will bring tremendous opportunity to this area; however, there's a lot of work yet to be done regarding bicycle and pedestrian trails. He stated that he would like to see more specific details on how trail connections will occur. He requested that trails not be built close to highways. He also suggested a 100 foot buffer from residential areas to the south along parcels 4 and 5. He also suggested that the city work with other entities regarding the future of Y oungfield. Planning Commission June 15, Z006 - 7 - Barbara Barry PO Box 25, Golden Ms. Barry, President of Applewood Valley Association, was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. The Association consists of 1700 households. She expressed concern about protection of 3Znd Avenue and asked that the front door of the development be shifted from the south to the north onto Highway 58. She expressed concern that key decisions about access have not yet been made and the applications should not be approved until those decisions are made. Reducing the Cabela's store size will not reduce patronage or traffic. None of the roads shown in the ODP and FDP connect to public roadways. The documents do not match all of the verbal assurances made over the past two years. The drawings show 5 lanes to the south and only Z lanes to the east and Z lanes to the north which will not support development traffic using Highway 58 as the front door interchange. Wider roads are needed to prevent traffic from being driven south to 3Znd Avenue. The backyards of homes on Zinnia Court will be encroached upon. Acreage totals keep changing. It is not possible to build 40th Avenue under 1-70 when developers just started design a few weeks ago. Data has not been produced to substantiate the claim that Cabela Drive must be five lanes to serve local traffic. This will create significant impacts on 3Znd and Y oungfield neighborhoods. The Planned Commercial District with proper access and mitigation of direct and secondary impacts would contribute to the existing high quality community. Ms. Barry submitted a written copy of her comments to be made a part of the official record. Jean Osborne 1221 Well St. Golden Ms. Osborne, President of Daniels Wellchester Homeowners Association and a member of the CCVNC, was sworn in by Chair WESLEY. She expressed concern about traffic issues and believed the front door of the Cabela's development will still be 3Znd Avenue and Cabela Drive. She didn't believe the Highway 58 interchange and 1-70 or the 40th Avenue underpass would be in place by opening day in fall ofZ007 and 3Znd Avenue and Cabela Drive would be established as the main entrance for the future. She recommended that Cabela Drive be reduced to two lanes rather than five. She expressed concern that the buffer zone is inadequate along parcels 4 and 5. She also asked that height limits for parcels 4 and 5 be reduced to 30 feet and that light poles be no higher than 18 feet. She asked for clarification of height requirements for signage. She did not believe big box development should be built next to a residential area. There should be better phasing on development that will occur in Z007 and Z008. She asked that traffic improvements be in place before the Cabela's store opens. She asked if there would be a light at the animal shelter. There was no one else to speak. Chair WESLEY closed the public comment portion of the meeting and recessed the meeting from 10:35 p.m. to 10:40 p.m. Chair WESLEY invited response to questions raised during public testimony. Travis Crane stated that maximum height for freestanding signs in the ODP is 15 feet. One project identification sign to be located in the northeast corner ofthe property will be Planning Commission June 15, 2006 - 8- 30 feet in height. Staff suggested that front yard setbacks for parcelS be reduced to 15 feet; however, no reduction in the landscape buffer has been suggested and the 20 foot landscape buffer will remain. In regard to lighting, the code requires 18 feet for lighting height; however, as the city researched lighting requirements metro-wide as well as nationwide, it was found that 18 feet is rather antiquated and 25 feet is widely accepted. Photometric information contained in the staff report indicates that there will be no light spillage onto adjacent properties. Mr. Crane spoke with the manufacturer of the proposed light poles and learned that, under a 30 foot pole, there would be a foot candle reading of 5 which would not cause any light pollution. Commissioner McMILLIN asked about light impact for houses in parcels 4 and 5. Mr. Crane stated that the light fixtures would be fully shielded and, due to grade changes, the lights would be at the same ground level as the adjacent yards. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked about the requests for a masonry fence at parcels 4 and 5. Mr. Crane stated that there have been no additional discussions with the applicant about a higher fence. Maximum fence height in the ODP is presently 6 feet. Commissioner BRINKMAN suggested that the buffer area be planted with more trees. In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. Crane explained that setbacks are measured from the property line rather than from easements or buffers. Commissioner McMILLIN referred to the diamond interchange and asked at what stage sound barriers would be decided upon. Mr. Paranto explained that sound barrier issues are considered in the environmental assessment process. Commissioner PLUMMER disagreed with a 30 foot pole height which he believed is a thing ofthe past. He believed the lighting should be lowered to 18 or 20 feet. Mr. Crane explained that even though a 30 foot height is allowed, the applicant's plans call for freestanding lights not to exceed 25 feet in parcel one. Due to the II :00 p.m. time at this point in the meeting, it was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER that Planning Commission stay in session until at least 12:00 midnight. The motion passed 8-0. Carolynne White returned to the podium to answer questions. She explained that Parcel 4 is not large enough to accommodate a big box store. ParcelS could perhaps accommodate such a store, but is not next to residential. The applicant does not wish to discriminate this use from other uses. She stated that the applicant is agreeable to a grade separation for Clear Creek Trail at Cabela Drive. She explained that while 30 feet is the maximum light pole height, Cabela's plans to have 25-foot poles on parcel one. There are extreme grade separations on Parcels 4 and 5 ranging from 30 to 60 feet which would result in residential areas looking down upon the lights. She asked that light pole height remain the same. It would not be possible to have a 100-foot buffer on Parcel 4 because the parcel is only 100 feet deep. She believed the 20-foot buffer on ParcelS is a good Planning Commission June 15,2006 -9- compromise and stated that no light poles, parking or buildings would be allowed in the buffer area. Cabela's has agreed to build a fence on the property line between the residential and commercial properties. The type of fence will be decided during the Final Development Plan. In response to questions raised about how the subject application could be approved when the Environmental Assessment has not been completed, she stated that there are only two alternatives for the environmental assessment. One would be to approve the suggested traffic improvements and the other would be to take no action. One alternative would allow the project to go on as planned, the other would prevent the Cabela's project. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. White stated that the applicant would be agreeable to an amendment requiring a preponderance of trees in the buffer between parcels 4 and 5. Chris Fasching returned to the podium to address a question from Commissioner McMILLIN as to why the "front door entrance" at Cabela Drive at the Highway 58 interchange is planned to be three lanes when the 32nd Avenue entrance is planned to be five lanes. Mr. Fasching explained that they are looking at five lanes from 32nd Avenue because Cabela Drive will serve as an extension ofthe westbound hook ramps. There will be five lanes at the Highway 58 interchange narrowing to four. In response to a question from Commissioner WESLEY, Tim Paranto explained that responsibility for signage rests with the entity responsible for the roads. 32nd Avenue is a city street and the intent is to sigu traffic getting off the interstate onto Y oungfield. The city will place signage along Y oungfield to direct traffic north to 40th Avenue to encourage drivers to enter the north entrance. CDOT will be responsible for signage on 1-70, Highway 58 as well as the ramps. Commissioner PLUMMER stated that he would vote for approval of the application with a few modifications. It is a project that needs to go forward. Traffic concerns have been addressed and most ofthe traffic will be taken away from the 32nd and Y oungfield area. Commissioner CHIL VERS stated that he would vote in favor ofthe application. The major concerns have been addressed. Commissioner BRINKMAN thanked citizens for attending the meeting and voicing their opinions. She stated that she would vote for approval. Although she still had some concerns, she believed Cabela's would continue to work to address neighborhood concerns. Commissioner SCEZNEY stated that he planned to vote in favor of the application. The two-year effort by the applicant, staff and the neighborhoods has been good. This is a good plan that notes the integrity and value ofthe Applewood community. The applicant has worked well with the community. Planning Commission June 15,2006 - 10 - Commissioner McMILLIN stated that he planned to vote in favor ofthe application. Cabela's is the best possible business to go into the site. It will be good for the city and good for Cabela's. Commissioner STEWART thanked the neighbors for being so active in developing plans for the project. It is a good project for Wheat Ridge. She stated that she would vote in favor of the application. Commissioner SPANIEL stated that her questions had been adequately addressed and she believed Cabela's would be a good addition to Wheat Ridge. She stated that she planned to vote in favor of the application. Commissioner WESLEY stated that he would vote in favor ofthe application. Cabela's, as a good corporation and good neighbor, has worked well with the community and the staff to address concerns and work out the best possible plan. It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-06-03, a request for approval of an amended Outline Development Plan and rezoning to allow additional uses in the Planned Commercial District, for property located generally west of 1-70, south of Highway 58, north of West 32nd Avenue and east of Eldridge Street for the following reasons: 1. A change in character has occurred in the area. The property has historically been used as a gravel mine while the area that surrounds the property has been developed and redeveloped as commercial and industrial properties. 2. The change of zone will bring the property into conformance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The properties contain commercial and industrial designations. The range of allowed uses is consistent with the future land use designation defmed in the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The construction of roadway improvements will adequately accommodate the additional traffic volumes produced by the proposed uses. The improvements will not only benefit the development on site, but also the surrounding properties. 4. The proposed uses will be compatible with the surrounding area, specifically the commercial properties directly to the south, the commercial shopping center to the east ofI-70 and the industrial park north of Highway 58. Required buffers will minimize the impacts to adjacent resident uses. 5. The change of zone will be a benefit to the City, County, School District and special districts by providing additional tax revenue, added retail and service establishments, additional employment and the installation of pedestrian connections to Clear Creek trails. 6. The change of zone will not create an isolated or spot zone district. 7. The change of zone will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare. Planning Commission June 15, Z006 - 11 - With the following conditions: 1. The easements or right-of-way needed for construction of Cabela Drive where it crosses Jefferson County property and off-site to the State Highway 58 interchange and to West 32nd Avenue shall be secured prior to the issuance of any building permit. 2. The traffic improvements labeled as 'Year 2008 improvements' in the traffic study dated June 2006 shall all be constructed prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy. These improvements shall additionally include the pedestrian trails on the west side of Cabela Drive and the west side of the frontage road. 3. A note shall be added to the Outline Development Plan which reads: "Freestanding signs that do not exceed 15 feet in height must have a 10 foot setback from any property line. Freestanding signs which are more than 15 feet in height must have a 30 foot setback from any property line." 4. The footnote under Development Standards which references increased side and rear yard setbacks where adjacent to right-of-way shall be removed. 5. The required front yard setback for parcelS shall be reduced to 15 feet. 6. The language that regulates signage shall be modified to include an allowance for wall and freestanding signage for parcell O. 7. The use chart shall be modified as it relates to processing and assembly to read: "processing, assembly or light industrial operations. " Commissioner PLUMMER moved and Commissioner McMILLIN seconded to amend the motion to provide that maximum pole height be limited to 18 feet with the exception of Parcell where maximum pole height may be 25 feet. The motion failed by a vote of 3-5 with Commissioners BRINKMAN, SCEZNEY, SPANIEL, STEWART and WESLEY voting no. It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner STEW ART to amend the motion to provide that no buildings, parking or siguage will be allowed in buffer areas throughout the entire Outline Development Plan. The motion passed 8-0. It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner STEWART that a preponderance of trees be planted in the buffer area for parcels 4 and 5. The motion passed 8-0. It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN that maximum pole height of 25 feet be maintained for light fixtures. The motion passed 7-1 with Commissioner SCEZNEY voting no. Commissioner McMILLIN moved that building setbacks be measured from the inner edge of the buffer zone rather than the property line for parcels 4 and 5. The motion died for lack of a second. Planning Commission June 15, 2006 - IZ- The amended motion passed 8-0. It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-06-03, a request for approval of a Final Development Plan for property located generally west ofI-70, south of Highway 58, north of West 32nd Avenue and east of Eldridge Street, for the following reasons: 1. The Final Development Plan meets the development standards as listed on the Outline Development Plan, as defined in Article In of the Code of Laws. With the following condition: 1. A ten-foot pedestrian trail shall be shown on the north side of West 40th Avenue on the Final Development Plan. The motion passed 8-0. It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to recommend approval of Case No. WS-06-01, a request for approval of a ten-lot subdivision plat for property located generally west ofI-70, south of Highway 58, north of West 32nd Avenue and east of Eldridge Street for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 2. All required utility easements are being provided. 3. Adequate infrastructure will be constructed with the development to serve the proposed use. It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to amend the subdivision plat to require the applicant to be responsible for providing grade separation of the Clear Creek Trail and Cabela Drive with the trail going underneath Cabela Drive. The motion passed 8-0. The amended motion passed 8-0. Chair WESLEY thanked everyone who participated in the hearing. 8. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. 9. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no Commission reports. Planning Commission June 15,2006 - 13- 11. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee and department reports. 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner STEWART to adjourn the meeting at 11 :36 p.m. The motion passed 8-0. ~x ' Ann Lazzeri, sec~ Planning Commission June 15, 2006 - 14-