HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/25/2003 MINUTES OF WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY November 25, 2003 ORIGINAL. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority meeting was convened by Chair Hashem at 5:45 p.m. The meeting was held in the council chambers of the Municipal Building, 7 500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commissioners present: Norm Burkpile Mary Hashem Elwyn Kiplinger Janet Leo Tom Mallinson Commissioners absent: Terrell Williams (excused) Also attending: Alan White, WRURA Executive Director Jim Windholz, WRURA Attorney Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There being no additions or corrections, the minutes of November 5, 2003 were approved as written. 3. PUBLIC FORUM No one indicated a desire to address the Authority. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Tom Mallinson and seconded by Norm Burkpile to adjourn to executive session under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)( e) for the purpose of determining matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations and/or instructing negotiators regarding financing for the 38th Avenue & Depew redevelopment project. The motion passed unanimously. The regular meeting was recessed to executive session which convened at 5:48 p.m. in the council chambers. The executive session was adjourned at 6: 15 p.m. The regular meeting was reconvened at 6:15 p.m. WRURA Minutes 11-25-03 Page 1 Those attending the executive session were: Norm Burkpile, Mary Hashem, Elwyn Kiplinger, Janet Leo, Tom Mallinson, Alan White, Jim Windholz, Richard Oneslager, and Ann Lazzeri 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Decision rel!ardinl! the 38th Avenue and Depew Development Proiect Richard Oneslager, developer of Perrin' s Row at 38th and Depew, spoke to the Authority during executive session regarding possible financial assistance with the project. The only form of assistance available is tax increment through WRURA. Staff requested direction [rom WRURA as to whether to proceed with necessary steps to enact tax increment financing for the project. It was moved by Tom Mallinson and seconded by Elwyn Kiplinger to direct staff to pursue the 38th and Depew redevelopment project, working with Arne Ray to prepare a pro forma and draft an owner participation agreement. The motion passed unanimously. B. Resolution 9-2003, a resolution adoptinl! amendments to Relocation Policies Alan White advised members of the public that copies of the amendments were available in the back of the room. Jim Windholz reviewed each of the amendments. It was moved by Norm Burkpile and seconded by Janet Leo to adopt Resolution 9-2003, adopting amendments to the Relocation Policies. The motion passed unanimously. C. Resolution 6-2003. a resolution approvinl! all amendments to the DDA Alan White read Resolution 6-2003 into the record as follows: Be it resolved by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority that the four amendments to the Disposition and Development Agreement with Cornerstone for the Walgreens redevelopment project through which includes extensions of time requirements for certain activities and the fourth pertaining to extension of the public improvements fee for remediation and contamination are hereby approved and/or prior approvals are hereby ratified in essentially the same form as the documents accompanying this resolution. The document accompanying the resolution is the fourth amendment to the DDA. Jim Windholz reviewed each of the amendments to the DDA. Tom Mallinson stated he would be opposed to WRURA being obligated for a possible extra $50,000 in remediation costs. Jim Windholz explained that WRURA is only Page 2 WRURA Minutes 11-25-03 responsible for $50,000 in remediation costs. If costs exceed $100,000, payment would be made from the 1 % Public Improvements Fee. Mary Hashem suggested that language be added to the effect that "clean-up will be the least stringent for standard re-use." Jim Windholz indicated he would add this requirement to the contract. It was moved by Janet Leo and seconded by Norm Burkpile to adopt Resolution 6-2003 approving all amendments to the DDA as discussed with the condition that language be added to the resolution requiring that clean- up will be the least stringent for standard re-use. The motion passed unanimously. D. Resolution 7-2003. a resolution authorizinl! retention of Don Ostrander for eminent domain services. E. Resolution 8-2003, a resolution authorizinl! retention ofH. C. Peck & Associates. Inc. for acquisition and relocation services. These two items were presented by Jim Windholz. Resolution 7-2003 would authorize retention of Don Ostrander at a rate of$225.00/hour to assist with acquisition of properties and the use of eminent domain litigation if necessary. Resolution 8-2003 would authorize retention ofH.C. Peck & Associates for the purpose of negotiating with property owners for acquisition of property. Mr. Windholz explained that most relocation negotiations would be handled by staff. However. for legal reasons, a firm such as this must be retained in the case litigation occurs. It was moved by Elwyn Kiplinger and seconded by Tom Mallinson to adopt Resolution 7-2003 authorizing retention of Don Ostrander for eminent domain services. The motion passed unanimously. It was moved by Elwyn Kiplinger and seconded by Janet Leo to adopt Resolution 8-2003 authorizing retention of H. C. Peck & Associates; Inc. for acquisition and relocation services. The motion passed unanimously. 6. OTHER MATTERS - PUBLIC FORUM Chair Hashem re-opened the public forum portion of the meeting and asked if there were any present who wished to address the Authority. There was no response. WRURA Minutes 11-25-03 Page 3 6. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Tom Mallinson and seconded by Janet Leo to adjourn the meeting at 6:42 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. ~~. Ann Lazzeri, Secretary ~ If~ ~- Mary Has em, Chair WRURA Minutes 11-25-03 Page 4