HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/2005 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting February 17,2005 ORIGINAL 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Plummer at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Jim Chilvers John McMillin Phil Plummer Jerry Scezney Scott Wesley Commission Members Absent: Kim Stewart Kevin Witt Staff Members Present: Alan White, Community Development Director Travis Crane, Planner Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of February 17, 2005. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Community Development Department of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVE ORDER OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner WESLEY and seconded by Commissioner SCEZNEY to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners STEWART and WITT absent. 5. APPROVE MINUTES - February 3, 2005 It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner WESLEY to approve the minutes of February 3, 2005. The motion passed 4-0 with Commissioners STEWART and WITT absent and Commissioner CHIL VERS abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There were none present who wished to address the Commission during this portion of the meeting. Planning Commission February 17,2005 Page 1 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. MS-04-12: An application filed by Dan Schneider for approval ofa 4-lot minor subdivision plat with dedications on property zoned Residential-One A and located at 11900 West 38th Avenue. Travis Crane presented the case. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staffrecommended approval of the case for reasons outlined in the staff report. In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. Crane explained that the intended right-of-way for 38th in this location is 50 feet. Dan Schneider 3866 Union Court, Wheat Ridge Mr. Schneider, the applicant in the case, stated he purchased the property this year with the intention of subdividing. The shared access would reduce access points onto 38th Avenue. The lots exceed minimum requirements by 20% or more. He agreed to give Tract A to the city, have plat notes regarding joint access points and to remove the existing detached garage. There were no other individuals present who wished to address this case. Commissioner McMILLIN expressed concern about the right-of-way dedication requested by the city because he wouldn't want to give "back door consent" to widening 38th Avenue. Commissioner PLUMMER stated he understood the city's request for a 10-foot right-of-way for utilities, curb and street alignment. It was moved by Commissioner SCEZNEY and seconded by Commissioner McMILLIN to recommend approval of Case No. MS-04-12, a request for approval of a four-lot subdivision for property located at 11900 West 38th Avenue for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the Subdivision Regulations have been met. 2. All required utility easements are being provided. 3. All created lots will meet or exceed minimum lot size standards in the R-IA zone district. 4. Adequate infrastructure will be constructed with the development to serve the proposed use. With the following conditions: 1. A note be added to the plat which reads: "Joint access points permitted between lots 1 and 2 and between lots 3 and 4." 2. The existing detached garage on lot 2 be removed. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners STEWART and WITT absent. Planning Commission February 17,2005 Page 2 B. Case No. WZ-04-12: An application filed by Exempla Lutheran for approval ofa Final Development Plan for properties located at 8301 and 8321 West 32nd Avenue. Travis Crane presented the case. He entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval of the case for reasons outlined in the staff report. In reply to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. Crane stated that the lighting plan for this project would be consistent with new lighting standards recommended to City Council. Commissioner SCEZNEY asked about signage. Travis Crane replied that the existing sign would remain on Tract A. Any other exterior signage will be addressed during building permit process. Chair PLUMMER asked if there were any present who wished to address this case. There was no response. It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner WESLEY to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-04-12, a request for approval ofa Final Development Plan for properties located at 8301 and 8321 West 32nd Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The Final Development Plan complies with the development standards established by the Outline Development Plan. 2. The Final Development Plan meets the technical requirements as established in Article III for Final Development Plans. With the following conditions: 1. Page 3 of the FDP shall be amended to show 3-inch caliper street trees adjacent to West 32nd Avenue. 2. An administrative amendment to the Exempla Lutheran Final Development Plan must be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit for the hospice facility. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners STEWART and WITT absent. C. Case No. WPA-05-01: A resolution adopting an amendment to the City of Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan to include an area outside the current city limits. Alan White presented the case. He entered pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. He reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Minor changes to the addendum are as follow: 1. The title of Map 1 has been changed to Planning/Growth Area Map. 2. The Open Space designation has been added along the Clear Creek Corridor on the Planning Commission February 17,2005 Page 3 o ~. Future Land Use Map, and the Open Sface and Trails Ma~. The extension of Eldridge south of 44" Avenue to the 32n and McIntyre collector has been deleted on the Roadway Classification Map. A potential trail connection is shown on the Open Space and Trails Map to connect the 32nd Avenue trail to the Clear Creek Trail. 4. Mr. White submitted copies ofletters from the Fairmont Improvement Association and the Prospect Recreation and Park District. These documents were made a part of the official record. He then addressed some of the issues contained in these documents. One of the main concerns of these two entities was the continued exclusion of the Coors parcels from the district boundaries from a tax base standpoint. This issue will be considered at the time the development application is heard by City Council and will probably necessitate an intergovernmental agreement between the City, the Districts and the developers. Regarding the concern about I-70 and Ward Road, Mr. White explained that it is intended that two ramps be moved. He also stated that improvements to the I_70/32nd Avenue interchange will be needed. Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has received environmental clearance and made preliminary plans to complete an interchange at I-70 and SH 58. He clarified that the city is endorsing completion of those improvements, but not proposing any other interchanges along SH 58 or I-70. Future trails are shown on the map but not in the text. The text should include the city's wishes to maintain the north/south trail connection. Regarding the comment that Prospect Recreation and Park District be the park and recreation provider in the area, Mr. White stated that, because there are overlapping boundaries, the city is encouraging coordination and communication with other municipalities, Jefferson County and recreation districts to coordinate division of parks, open space and trails in the area. The comment about acquiring liability releases indemnification to property owners is an issue that should be addressed if liability releases are needed in acquiring easements or trail corridors. When the plan was adopted, the motion referenced incorporating goals and policies of the North Plains Community Plan and the Central Plains Community Plan with the City's plans. Mr. White cautioned the Commission to not consider the land use application tonight. Commissioner McMILLIN asked ifit would be possible to get another interchange from I-70 east of McIntyre. Mr. White replied that those discussions are ongoing, however CDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) require a minimum of one mile between interchanges. CDOT and FHA also have strict policies against giving access to private property from a ramp. Commissioner PLUMMER stated that he would like so see access from I-70 to the commercial property north of Clear Creek between McIntyre and I-70. This would also alleviate problems at Ward Road as well as 32nd and Youngfield. Commissioner SCEZNEY stated that he would have been more comfortable in making a decision if there had been a briefing to the Commission before getting to this point. He expressed concern about impact on 32nd Avenue and asked why a connection to Eldridge was dropped. Mr. White explained it was primarily for economic and physical reasons. Planning Commission February 17,2005 Page 4 Commissioner McMILLIN asked why it would be so expensive to extend Eldridge. Mr. White replied that there is a railroad trestle to consider. Commissioner SCEZNEY commented that there would also be the cost of tunneling under Y oungfield on the east. In response to a question from Commissioner CHIL VERS, Mr. White explained that the Comprehensive Plan, or an addendum, is a general policy guide as to what we want to see happen in this area in terms of general land uses, open space, general alignments and connections of roads. In response to a question from Commissioner WESLEY, Alan White stated that Prospect Recreation and Park District was not notified of the last Comprehensive Plan addendum. Flora Andrus 4790 Easley Road, Golden Ms. Andrus lives in Fairmont arid is also associated with the Prospect Recreation and Park District which contains eight parks with one to be developed. The District's office is in Wheat Ridge. In 1999, approximately 300 acres ofthe District's land was erroneously excluded by the county assessor. The District is currently working with Coors to correct the situation but five years of revenue has been lost. The District would like to work out an arrangement so that it doesn't lose all of its tax revenue. She also expressed concern about Xenon being closed at 44th because it provides access to the District's office and shops. Closing the access would necessitate bringing equipment out onto 42nd and Y oungfield which would be a 4-lane highway. In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Ms. Andrus stated that she would like to have the mill levy continue to come to the District. She also commented that the wording suggested tonight is good ifit is implemented. David Kuehn 16049 West 65'h Place, Arvada Mr. Kuehn is District Manager for Prospect Recreation and Park District. He commented that the majority of the memorandum provided to Planning Commission would be discussed at City Council with the principals involved in the annexation proposal; however, generalities frighten him because there are many things that could financially impact his district. He believed the language implies financial obligation from the District without feedback from board members or taxpayers. He further stated that he would like to see a level of consistency in the addendum that would either include everything about Cabela's or exclude everything about Cabela's because these roadway routings would not even come into play without the annexation. He would also like to see traffic lights at 42nd and Y oungfield. Rhonda Teitelbaum 15021 West 29'h Avenue, Golden Ms. Teitelbaum is a board member of the Applewood Property Owners Association as well as a resident on the south side of 32nd Avenue in unincorporated Jefferson County. She stated that the Applewood Association doesn't take a position on the subject matter but would like to. continue to be included in part of the dialogue as it relates to future development. As a resident, she is opposed to the addendum. She is not necessarily opposed to the development Planning Commission February 17,2005 Page 5 but expressed concern about the "steamrolling effect" of the short time frame. She asked the Commission to deny the addendum to slow down the process. She expressed concern that surrounding communities will lose their leverage concerning proper development of the property once it is annexed to Wheat Ridge. Alan White returned to the podium to state that direction from City Council concerning the parks and open space section was to include policies from the North Plains Community Plan and the Central Plains Community Plan and, therefore, Prospect Recreation and Park District should also express their funding concerns to the County. He reiterated that state law requires the city to update its Comprehensive Plan on an annual basis and that there is still an addendum on the books from last year. Mr. White commented that the 42nd and Xenon issue and northeast access would be addressed when improvements are made to Y oungfield and as the State progresses after funding is in place for SH 58 and I-70. Commissioner WESLEY commented that the matter this evening is a restatement of a previously adopted plan with some addendums. Commissioner McMILLIN agreed that this sets the stage for annexation, zoning and platting and he could see no reason to delay adoption. Commissioner SCEZNEY stated that he did not oppose the addendum but was very concerned about the Eldridge access and would like to see it eliminated. Discussion followed and the following changes suggested: . Page 4, second paragraph, second to last sentence to read: "This entails relocating the current eastbound on-ramp at 38''' A venue to the south and relocating the 1-70 on-off ramp pair at 44'" A venue to the east." . Page 4, fifth paragraph, second sentence to read: "Because of minimum spacing requirements, no new interchanges are proposedfor 1-70. An interchange to access this area more directly from SH 58 between 1-70 and McIntyre would be desirable" and place an arrow on the map to say something similar to "potential access route in general location. " . Page 6, following second to last paragraph: "Prospect Recreation and Parks District currently serves the area. The City, the District and any potential developer should enter into agreements regarding the District's potential loss of property tax revenue. " . Page 8, paragraph under 'Trails" preceding second to last sentence: "A potential trail connection on the east side of the planning area from 32ml Avenue to Clear Creek is shown conceptually. This connection may follow the current Youngfield service road or be located in a new alignment. " It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner CHIL VERS to approve Resolution 05-01 concerning adoption of an amendment to the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission February 17,2005 Page 6 Comprehensive Plan and forwarding said recommendations to the Wheat Ridge City Council. The motion passed 5-0 with Commissioners STEWART and WITT absent. 8. OLD BUSINESS . At the request of Commissioner CHIL VERS, Alan White reviewed the meaning of ex parte contact. . Commissioner WESLEY asked about the status ofa traffic impact study on 38th Avenue and the Exempla entrance. Alan White will contact Public Works Department regarding this request. . Commissioner McMILLIN asked when the lighting standards would go before City Council. Alan White replied that it may be April before City Council is able to schedule this for a study session. He also commented that the city is currently implementing the lighting standards in any new planned developments. 9. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. 10. COMMISSION REPORTS There were no commission reports. 11. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee and department reports. 12. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner WESLEY to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. . /' V . ^ j' / ~ [~~'71h J - Ann Lazzeri, Recor in Secretary Planning Commission February 17,2005 Page 7