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Minutes of Meeting
February 15, 2007
The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to
order by Chair WESLEY at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
Anne Brinkman
Jim Chilvers
John McMillin
Phil Plummer
Jerry Scezney
Cassie Spaniel
Kim Stewart
Scott Wesley
Staff Members Present:
Alan White, Community Development
Travis Crane, Planner
Sally Payne, Senior Planner
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner
SCEZNEY to move item SA, Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan, to be heard
before items 7A & B, Briefing and Updates on the X-Zone and the
Architectural Manual. The motion passed 7-1 with Commissioner
BRINKMAN voting no.
5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 1, 2007
It was moved by Commissioner McMILLIN and seconded by Commissioner
CHIL VERS to approve the minutes of February 1, 2007 as presented. The
motion passed 7-0 with Commissioner SPANIEL abstaining.
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject
not appearing on the agenda.)
Planning Connnission
February 15, 2007
There was no one present to address the Commission at this time.
A. Wadsworth Corridor Subarea Plan
Alan White commented that the corridor plan is the first step in a very long
process to arrive at a vision for the future of Wadsworth. The subarea plan is the
result of a planning study so there has been little engineering analysis. This plan
gives information to property owners who want to develop or redevelop before
the actual widening takes place.
Sally Payne distributed a revised table of contents that addressed concerns
expressed at the previous meeting about layout of the plan.
Commissioner SCEZNEY expressed concern that the plan is in opposition to the
Comprehensive Plan and about calling this a "preferred option." While he agreed
with the I 62-foot right-of-way, he would like the document to list all options
rather than just proceeding with the preferred option. He expressed concern about
the preferred option causing an alienation of the east and west sides of Wadsworth
from 38th to 44th Avenues. He was concerned that the consultant stated he "didn't
know" when asked how a major intersection example would work. He suggested
that if details are not clear or need further study, these exhibits be removed from
the main document and placed in an appendix
Commissioner PLUMMER agreed with having 162 feet from 1-70 to 32nd
Avenue. This would leave options and guidelines for development when the time
comes. He commented that none of the buildings are over five stories in the Bel
Mar development. He wasn't sure if the Bel Mar concept would work in Wheat
Ridge. He stated his opposition to raising height limitations at this time. He
didn't agree with the preferred option because he didn't get the feeling from
meetings he attended that the majority of people preferred increased density.
Commissioner STEWART agreed that it was not her feeling that the majority of
people at the meetings wanted higher density. She preferred replacing the higher
density in the plan with medium density. She commented that there are other
ways to make changes without changing the charter. She expressed concern that
the plan didn't show any areas where kids could play which is important if Wheat
Ridge wants to attract young families to the area.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that he would like to hear statistics about
the success of Bel Mar at a future study session. He commented that the plan
makes a statement that the city might consider changing the height limit in the
charter; however the charter can only be changed by election.
Planning Connnission
February 15, 2007
Commissioner CHILVERS commented that the 2020 plan wants to attract vibrant
families in Wheat Ridge in general, but the new urbanism is more likely to attract
couples without children. Families with children would most likely settle in parts
of the city where houses have yards. He expressed more concern about whether
the quality of schools in the district would attract families.
Commissioner BRINKMAN stated that she was in favor of making Wadsworth
162 feet all the way through Wheat Ridge. She was not in favor of narrowing it
down. She expressed concern about noise impact and stated that there needs to be
adequate buffering for the surrounding neighborhoods. She didn't believe
Winston & Associates adequately explained why they suggested narrowing a
portion of Wadsworth. She expressed concern as to whether the plan is in direct
opposition to the Comprehensive Plan.
Commissioner WESLEY commented that he thought confusion arose because of
the layout of the plan which was presented at the last meeting and the new layout
should be a good clarifier. He believed the plan was too specific in certain areas
like changing the charter because many things can be dealt with in other ways
when specific developments come up. While he preferred sending it to Council
with recommendations at the last meeting, he believed the Commission was
correct in voting to continue the case to allow more discussion in order to be more
comfortable in making a recommendation.
Alan White stated that a mailing was sent to over a thousand people in an attempt
to get the community involved and resulted in thirty to sixty people attending the
meetings. He commented that the subarea plan is intended to set the stage to let
CDOT know what the community wants when it comes time to improve
Wadsworth. He stated that the plan doesn't preclude further study and
consideration of all the alternatives that will be considered during the
environmental impact statement process. He further commented that a plan
needs to have a vision, rather than several alternatives, in order to make land use
Commissioner PLUMMER agreed that a plan is needed in order to address
planning issues such as landscaping, sidewalks, etc.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that he respected the process that led up
to the plan and he believed it is necessary to work toward a preferred alternative.
While he preferred the frontage road idea, he was concerned about a system for
getting people on and off those frontage roads.
Alan White commented that the frontage roads still need to be studied in more
Sally Payne commented that 60 to 75 people attending a public meeting
completed a survey that indicated they preferred the frontage road alternative.
Planning Connnission
February 15, 2007
Commissioner BRINKMAN stated that she attended that meeting and agreed with
Ms. Payne.
Commissioner SCEZNEY questioned the frontage road from the perspective of
metrics shown in the plan as they related to density. He stated that a one-lane
frontage road does not make sense to him. He stated his preference to proceed
with all options because he didn't agree that the preferred option is necessarily the
public's desire.
Alan White commented that the frontage road would be unique in the metro area
where cars can drive through but have the ability to pull off for retail shopping.
There would be parking in front of the businesses but there would also be access
to the back of the buildings where more parking would be located.
Concerning the reference that the subarea plan supersedes the comprehensive
plan, Alan White commented that this is a more updated vision for the corridor.
The Comprehensive Plan references the 1999 plan that was never officially
adopted as a plan for the community. There are plans to update the
Comprehensive Plan later this year. He stated that he had not done an extensive
analysis of what the conflicts are.
Commissioner SCEZNEY read a portion of the Comprehensive Plan that states
There's a general consensus that the citizens of Wheat Ridge do not want to see
Wadsworth Boulevard widened to six through lanes. This is in accordance with
many planners and engineers recognition that we cannot build our way out of
congestion problems and commented that this represents one conflict with the
subarea plan.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that adoption of the subarea plan would
not trigger the widening of Wadsworth but, if and when it happens, would tell
how the city would like it done.
Commissioner STEWART commented that the city has no control over whether
or not CDOT decides to widen Wadsworth.
Alan White commented that there is a plan to update the Comprehensive Plan
later this year.
In response to a question from Commissioner SPANIEL, Alan White stated that
the subarea plan is a guideline. For example, as a result of recommendations
made to City Council, overlay districts could be developed where height and
density couldn't be changed, but setbacks and other things could be changed to
get the regulatory framework in place for development or redevelopment. There's
no flexibility with certain provisions of the charter so, in consultation with the
consultant, it was felt that a look at changing the charter might be warranted.
Planning Connnission
February 15, 2007
Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern that if this planning doesn't take
place now, it will have to be done in fifty years.
Alan White agreed and thought the traffic engineers and CDOT would also agree.
He stated that a revised version ofthe subarea plan would be provided to the
Commissioners before the public hearing in March.
A. X-Zone
Alan White reviewed the proposed ordinance that would implement code changes
relating to the development review process and form based zoning. City Council
will conduct a study session on this ordinance. He answered questions from the
Commission to further clarify certain parts of the ordinance. There was a
consensus of the Commission to set this ordinance for hearing.
B. Architectural Manual
Travis Crane reviewed the draft Architectural and Site Design Manual. Working
with the current manual for the past six years led to a major transformation as set
forth in this new manual. Sections have been reorganized; design principles have
been established; standards to achieve design principles have been included;
redundant sections have been deleted and ill-defined or redundant processes have
been eliminated. Staff has solicited input from the development community and
the manual will also be presented to Wheat Ridge 2020 for comments. He invited
input from Commission members after they have had a chance to review it.
Commissioner McMILLIN suggested including lighting standards in the manual.
It was moved by Commissioner CHIL VERS and seconded by Commissioner
STEWART to adjourn the meeting at 9:23 p.m.
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cott Wesley, Chair
Planning Commission
Planning Connnission
February 15, 2007