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Minutes of Meeting
June 20, 2002
Commission Members Present:
The regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission was called to order by Chair
WEISZ at 7:00 p.m., June 20, 2002, in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building,
7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Jerry Collins
Paulette Cooper
John McMillin
Marian McNamee
Philip Plummer
Nancy Snow
Paula Weisz
Kevin Witt
Staff Members Present:
Alan White, Planning Director
Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
Following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of June 20, 2002.
A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of
Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COOPER to
approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed 8-0.
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER
to approve the minutes of June 6, 2002 as presented. The motion passed 7-0 with
Commissioner SNOW abstaining.
There was no one to appear before the Commission at this time.
Planning Commission
June 20, 2002
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A. Case No. WZ-00-09: An application by John Elway AutoNation for approval of a
preliminary and final development plan and [mal plat for property zoned Planned
Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 3501 Wadsworth Boulevard for the
purpose of operating an automotive dealership.
Alan White requested continuance of this case to July 18, 2002. Review from CDOT has been
received but they indicated they have no knowledge ofthe Wadsworth Corridor Plan. The
applicant has agreed with staff that this case should be continued until CDOT completes a
review ofthe Wadsworth Corridor Plan. Mr. White stated that notices were given to all
affected parties that tonight's hearing was to be continued. Letters will be sent out again prior
to the July 18th meeting.
Bud Simon, DHM
1390 Lawrence, Denver
Mr. Simon, representing John Elway AutoNation, was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. He stated
that he concurred with staff recommendations to continue the case until July 18.
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner SNOW to
continue Case WZ-00-09 to the next Planning Commission meeting on July 18,2002. The
motion passed 8-0.
B. Case No. WZ-02-06: An application by Balmar Management Group, LLC for approval
of a rezoning from Residential-Three (R - 3) and Commercial-One (C-l) to a Planned
Mixed Use Development (PMUD) and approval of a preliminary and final development
plan and final plat for property located at 5630 West 38th Avenue.
This cased was presented by Meredith Reckert. She noted the following corrections to the staff
report: (1) Page 7, second paragraph, second line: "sixteen" should be changed to "twenty".
(2) Page 5, second from last paragraph, second line: "incompatible" should be changed to
"compatible". (3) Page 10, condition no. 1 should be changed to "common detention and
landscaping" included on the east side of Lot 7. She entered a letter of opposition received
from Laurel Vance at 3708 Depew Street. Copies of this letter were also provided to members
of the Commission. She also entered a memo from the city traffic engineer setting forth traffic
counts on Depew Street taken over the past weekend. Copies of this memo were also provided
to members of the Commission.
Ms. Reckert reviewed the staff report and presented photographs and layouts ofthe subject
property. She entered all pertinent documents into the record which were accepted by Chair
WEISZ. She stated that all notice and posting requirements had been met and therefore the
Commission had jurisdiction to hear the case.
Commissioner McNAMEE asked if a time limit could be placed regarding the completion of
the project. Alan White explained that, while there is a city requirement for a developer to start
within a year of obtaining a permit, there is no time limit on when the project must be finished.
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June 20, 2002
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Commissioner COLLINS asked if there would be a problem with the line of sight coming out
of the driveway onto 38th. Meredith Reckert replied that staff determined it would not be a
In reply to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Meredith Reckert stated that all
drainage issues had been addressed to the city's satisfaction.
Dave Galloway
Galloway, Romero & Associates
Mr. Galloway, representing Balmar Management Group, was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. He
stated that the applicant would accept all conditions proposed by staff. He presented a brief
history of proposed development activity on this site since 1998 which led to the present
proposal before the Planning Commission. Following the neighborhood meeting where
opposition to the project based on the amount of traffic was stated by neighbors, he ordered a
report comparing trip generations under the present and proposed zoning and uses. This report
was entered into the record and copies were provided for members of the Commission. He
stated the results of the traffic survey indicated traffic would be less under the proposed zoning
than it would be under present commercial zoning. He also stated that there is a historical curb
cut on Depew which will be improved under the proposal. He further stated that all parking,
landscaping, detention, traffic access and density requirements have been met.
Commissioner SNOW stated for the record that she talked with an architect on this project
when he called her office for information on accessibility requirements. When she realized the
project was in Wheat Ridge she discontinued the conversation regarding anything but
accessibility requirements. In response to a question from Chair WEISZ, Commissioner
SNOW stated her discussion would not create any kind of conflict and would not influence her
Commissioner SNOW asked how the second floor of the proposed units would meet ADA
standards if the units were changed to commercial. Mr. Galloway stated an elevator is planned
for the second floor of the commercial/residential building.
Commissioner SNOW asked if there is any lighting planned that would shine into adjacent
residences. Mr. Galloway replied that the commercial buildings would have lighting that
would be buffered by the proposed carport next to adjacent apartment buildings.
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Mr. Galloway stated that the
residential units have single car garages.
Commissioner McNAMEE asked about the phasing schedule for the project. She expressed
concern about exterior construction going Qn over a period of several years. Mr. Galloway
stated there are no current phasing plans. These will take place if and when the proposal is
Commissioner COLLINS asked where deliveries would take place for the commercial area.
Mr. Galloway explained there are no loading docks and deliveries would take place in the
parking lot. This is due to the fact that the proposed businesses will be small.
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June 20, 2002
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Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about businesses such as taverns, nightclubs or dry-
cleaning below the residential units. Mr. Galloway stated that dry-cleaning business would
consist only of pick-up and drop-off.
Richard Oneslager
Mr. Oneslager, owner of the property, was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. He stated that he would
not be willing to give up any of the listed uses.
Chair WEISZ asked if it would be possible to have one large storefront on the first level rather
than two or three small storefronts. Mr. Galloway replied that this would certainly be possible.
In response to another question from Chair WEISZ, he explained that the proposed parking lot
grade would be approximately 6-7 feet lower than the sidewalk grade at the back of the existing
apartment building.
In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Mr. Galloway stated that the owner
plans to retain ownership of the commercial units and the residential units would be sold to
private ownership.
Chair WEISZ asked to hear from those in the audience who wished to address this matter.
Earl D.Quinnell, Jr.
3775 Depew, #10
Mr. Quinnell was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. He spoke in opposition to the proposal because
of the increased traffic which would affect the many senior citizens who live in adjacent
Duane Luebke
12163 W. 30th Place
Mr. Luebke was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. Mr. Lubke owns the 45-unit apartment complex to
the south and the 24-unit apartments across the street. These units were built in 1967 and 1972.
He spoke in opposition to the application because of increased traffic the development would
bring and the impact this would cause to senior citizens living in his apartments. He also
expressed concern about ingress and egress into the development which would cause increased
traffic on Depew. He submitted letters of opposition and a petition containing signatures of his
tenants who were opposed to the development. The letters and petition were entered into the
record. He expressed concern about the carport which would cause pollution from idling cars
for the adjacent apartments.
Commissioner COOPER mentioned that commercial zoning would most likely cause more
traffic than the requested mixed use zoning.
Commissioner PLUMMER commented that the proposed development would probably
increase the value ofMr. Luebke's property.
Victor Boog
143 Union Boulevard, #625, Lakewood
Mr. Boog, attorney representing Mr. Luebke, was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. He expressed the
Planning Commission
June 20, 2002
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same concerns stated by Mr. Luebke. He further expressed concern that the freestanding row
houses could be used for commercial in the future. He questioned the landscaping in that most
of it is in the public right-of-way as part of the streetscaping process and includes non-living
landscaping. He also questioned landscaping being placed in the detention area.
Mr. Galloway returned to the podium. In regard to concerns about increased traffic on Depew,
a left turn lane is planned for Depew. He also stated that Steve Nguyen, city traffic engineer,
advised him that letters were sent to neighbors regarding a meeting to discuss traffic concerns.
No one came to the meeting. All lighting will adhere to city standards. The sidewalk is counted
as landscaping along Depew because it will be detached to match the streetscaping on 38th. All
detention will take place in the parking lot and, therefore, will not be landscaped.
In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER, Meredith Reckert stated that staff did
receive the traffic study presented earlier in the meeting by Mr. Galloway. The traffic engineer
reviewed the study and agreed with the numbers presented in the report.
In response to a question from Commissioner McNAMEE, Meredith Reckert stated
landscaping percentage did not include the streetscaping. Since the sidewalk will be built on
the owner's property, it is a tradeoff.
Commissioner SNOW asked if the residential units on Depew could be used as commercial in
the future. Meredith Reckert explained that this could not happen without amending the
preliminary development plan through a public hearing process. She further stated that a note
would be placed on the plan to further clarify that these units could only be used for residential.
Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about the effect of lighting on properties to the south
and east. Mr. Galloway explained that any lights in the windows ofthe businesses would be
shielded by a 6-7 foot overhang from the walkway for the second story units. The grade
difference would also decrease effects of the lighting.
Commissioner PLUMMER stated he would vote in favor of the application because it is
compatible with the 38th Avenue streetscaping project and he did not believe the development
would impact the adjacent properties nearly as much as a full commercial development.
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER to
recommend approval of Case No. WZ-02-06, a request for approval of a zone change
from Commercial-One and Residential-Three to Planned Mixed Use Development and for
approval of a preliminary development plan for property located at 5630 West 38th
Avenue, for the following reasons:
1. All requirements for a Mixed Use Development District preliminary development
plan have been met.
2. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Streets cape and
Architectural Design Manual.
3. The layout and design, while novel to the city, should be an improvement to the
outdated designs of the neighboring high density apartment buildings.
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June 20, 2002
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4. This proposal will create less traffic impact than if the land were developed with
the current C-l zoning.
With the following conditions:
1. Under "Lot and Building Standards", building setbacks be modified to be ten feet
from public streets.
2. Under "Maximum Building Height" in the "Lot and Building Standards" section
on the first page, all buildings should be limited to 35 feet.
Commissioner McMILLIN eXplained that, even though many neighbors expressed opposition
to this project, he would vote in favor of the project because it is a main street type of
development very suitable to this area. It would be unreasonable to deny an application
because there are traffic problems in the area as long as the traffic would not be increased
disproportionately. This proposal is very similar to developments existing elsewhere in the
Denver metro area that seem to be working well.
Commissioner McNAMEE requested a friendly amendment to request that a note be
provided on the preliminary plan regarding the mixed use building to provide that, at the
choice of the applicant, the entire building could be used as commercial. This would cause
the language on the preliminary plan to match the final plan. The amendment was accepted
by Commissioners SNOW and PLUMMER. The motion passed 8-0.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS
to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-02-06, a request for approval of a Planned
Mixed Use Development final development plan for property located at 5630 West 38th
Avenue, for the following reason:
1. It is consistent with the proposed Preliminary Development Plan and generally
consistent with the City's commercial development standards.
With the following conditions:
1. Coverage by parking and drive aisles be added to the site data table on page 1.
2. The homeowners association covenants be finalized prior to the public hearing
before City Council.
It was moved by Commissioner COOPER and seconded by Commissioner McNAMEE to
recommend approval ofthe subdivision plat being considered concurrently with Case No.
WZ-02-06 for property located at 5630 West 38th Avenue for the following reasons:
1. The subdivision is consistent with the proposed final development plan.
2. All requirements of the Subdivision regulations have been met.
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Planning Commission
June 20, 2002
With the following condition:
1. Language be added to the document regarding maintenance of the common
detention and landscaping included on the east side of Lot 7.
Commissioner SNOW requested an amendment to add a second condition which would
require payment of $13,800 in lieu of park land dedication as recommended by the Parks
and Recreation Commission. The amendment was agreeable to Commissioners
COOPER and McNAMEE. The motion passed 8-0.
(Chair WEISZ declared a recess at 9:25 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:35 p.m.)
C. Case No. WZc02-02: An application by Roger Loecher for approval of a rezoning
from Residential-Two (R-2) to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and approval
of a preliminary development plan for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard.
The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report and presented
photos and layouts of the property. She entered all pertinent documents into the record which
were accepted by Chair WEISZ. She stated that all notice and posting requirements had been
met and therefore the Commission had jurisdiction to hear the case. She entered a letter into
the record from a property owner to the east. The property owner objected to alcohol sales,
massage parlors, adult entertainment/products or a use which would increase traffic onto 35th
A venue. She would prefer to see one family-friendly, low-traffic generating business--not two.
She does not object to the luxury car rental business but does not want to see a speculative
tenant go into the building.
Commissioner COLLINS expressed concern that a storm drain doesn't exist at 34th Place. Alan
White explained there are plans to place a storm drain on 35th Avenue this summer. It was
clarified that the storm drain will be placed in 35th Avenue and run south to tie into the storm
sewer in 34th Avenue. Commissioner COLLINS also requested that, like State Beauty Supply,
no right turns be allowed onto 35th. He also expressed concern about impact to the neighbors
from lighting. Meredith Reckert stated she would look into this concern.
Commissioner COLLINS asked why there is no acceleration lane on Wadsworth in the plans.
Alan White explained that traffic to be generated by this application is too minimal to justify an
acceleration lane.
Commissioner COLLINS asked how this application relates to the minimum separation
between car lots. Alan White explained that the cars will be restricted to the inside of the
building. The restrictions referred to by Commissioner COLLINS relate to outside lots.
Commissioner McMILLIN inquired about setbacks and buffers. Meredith Reckert explained
that the application is a planned development and, therefore, a five foot setback can be allowed.
Staff has recommended the rear setback be increased with a six-foot high solid fence with
upright landscaping be installed in this area.
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June 20, 2002
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Roger Loecher
5500 West 44th Avenue
Mr. Loecher, the applicant, was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. He showed a drawing of the
proposed building to the Commission. There will be ten-foot glass doors to bring the cars in
and out of the building. The building will hold 15-16 cars. In front of the building there is a
20- foot dedication to the city, 15 feet of landscaping, 10- foot Xcel Energy easement, 18 feet for
parking, 24 feet for fire department requirements, 5 feet of sidewalk and a l5-foot setback. The
building can be no smaller than designed. Therefore, he has asked for a 5- foot setback on the
rear property line. He disagreed that landscaping in the rear would make any difference since
trees and shrubbery would be hidden by a fence. He offered to give some trees to the neighbor
to plant in her yard in front of the fence.
Commissioner SNOW asked how the list of uses was determined. Meredith Reckert replied
that they started with C-l uses, eliminated some uses and then Mr. Loecher contacted neighbors
to see what their preferences were.
Chair WEISZ asked to hear from those in the audience who wished to address the matter.
Linda Epperson
7520 West 35th Avenue
Ms. Epperson was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. She expressed concern about the second type of
business which could go in the building. She preferred a low-traffic business, such as a tax
consulting business. She also expressed concern about noise from air conditioning units. She
requested that businesses not be allowed to operate after 9:00 p.m.
Jackie Ingenthrone
7575 W. 35th Avenue
Ms. Ingenthrone was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. She was opposed to the proposed building
being built so close to her house because it would block her light. She requested that only one
business be allowed.
In response to a question from Commissioner McMILLIN, Meredith Reckert stated that no
studies have been done regarding the effect of light and air to Ms. Ingenthrone' s property as a
result of the proposed building.
In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Meredith Reckert stated that the
proposed building would only cover 27% of the lot. The problem arises with the back of the
building being so close to the property line.
Commissioner McMILLIN asked what the setback for the proposed building would be from
35th Avenue. Meredith Reckert replied that it would be approximately 40 feet from 35th
John Beaver
7447 West 35th Avenue
Mr. Beaver was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. He expressed concern that there are no sidewalks
along Wadsworth and suggested that detached sidewalks be installed.
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June 20, 2002
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Anne Brinkman
7420 West 34th Avenue
Ms. Brinkman was sworn in by Chair WEISZ. Construction has begun on the new drainage
system and she expressed concern that this drainage system could draw water away from
existing wells in the neighborhood. She also requested that a monument sign be required for
the business and, further, that no outside intercom be allowed.
Commissioner COLLINS asked if the city was installing the new drainage system in order for
the applicant to develop his property. Alan White replied that the drainage system is being
installed to take care of drainage problems in the area.
Commissioner COOPER asked Mr. Loecher ifhe could live with a lO-foot setback in the rear
of the property. Mr. Loecher replied that he could live with this if it is compensated for by
removing 5 feet from the front requirements.
Due to the lateness ofthe hour and the necessity to further discuss possible uses to be allowed
for this site as well as to give stafftime to look into the front dedication, easement, etc.
requirements, there was discussion about continuing the matter.
Mr. Loecher indicated he would like to settle the uses at this time. He noted that the electricity
that serves the property is single phase which would not accommodate large compressors, etc.
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER
to reconsider the motion made at the last Planning Commission meeting to cancel the July
11 th meeting in order to continue this matter. The motion passed 8-0.
It was moved by Commissioner McNAMEE and seconded by Commissioner PLUMMER
to continue the hearing on Case No. WZ-02-02 to July 11,2002. The motion passed 8-0.
Commissioner WEISZ noted that she will not be able to attend the July 11 th meeting.
Mr. Loecher requested guidelines from the Planning Commission regarding uses.
Commissioner McMILLIN commented that one reason for continuing the hearing is that the
Commission does not feel the standard commercial setback often feet should be reduced in this
Commissioner SNOW stated that she would not vote to approve the application unless there is
a 10-foot setback at the rear of the property.
There was no old business to come before the Commission.
Commissioner McMILLIN reported that he met with a member of the Lakewood Planning
Commission who indicated there are members of the Lakewood Planning Commission who
Planning Commission
June 20, 2002
Page 9
would like to meet with members of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission to discuss matters
of mutual concern. He asked Commission members to consider this idea.
There were no commission reports.
There were no committee or department reports.
It was moved by Commissioner PLUMMER and seconded by Commission COLLINS to
Od~ tho m_g otJO'~ p.~ Th. motion ...~~~ ,~.:
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
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Planning Commission
June 20, 2002