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Monday, March 12,2001
7:00 p.m.
These are public meetings in which the public is encouraged to attend.
Call Tbe Meetine: to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair DiTullio at 7:05 p.m.
Roll Call of Members
Present: Jerry DiTullio, Chair
Mary Jo Cavarra
Kathryn Fulton
Cheryl Brungardt
Kent Davis
Others Present:
Jack Hurst, Interim City Manager
Jerry Dahl, City Attorney
Alan Feinstein, Jefferson County Housing Authority
Barbara Delgadillo, Executive Secretary
I. Introductions
All attendees introduced themselves and gave a brief explanation of their background
relating to the Housing Authority.
3. Intere:overnmental Ae:reement (lGA) between Wheat Ride:e Housine: Authority and
Jefferson County Housine: Authoritv
Chair DiTullio explained the need for an agreement between the two entities establishing
the roles and responsibilities of each Authority.
Alan Feinstein, Director of the Jefferson County Housing Authority (JCHA), informed
that the new IGA would center on home ownership for first-time home buyers. The
agreement can be as specific or general as the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority determines
necessary. He discussed the existing IGA with the City of Wheat Ridge designating the
JCHA as the local Anthority for the City. The existing IGA would remain valid, but
would cover only the Section 8 and low-income programs. He discussed the example
IGA between the City of Arvada and the JCHA and suggested that the example be
amended and used by the City for a first-time home buyer program for the City of Wheat
Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Minutes
March 12, 2001
Page I
Cheryl Brundgardt suggested using the City of Arvada IGA as a template and changing
the program references from Section 8 and low-income programs to first-time home buyer
Alan Feinstein suggested that the existing provisions pertaining to automatic agreement
renewal and agreement termination be kept. He suggested adding the following
Source of funds
Mechanism for disbursing funds
Mechanism for property acquisition
Upon question of Jack Hurst, Interim City Manager, Alan Feinstein discussed his role in
relationship to a real estate broker. He informed that his role could be defined by the City,
but sees himself as the City's agent working with the broker. He would be able to act in all
capacities ofbuyer and seller and informed that parameters would need to be established
up front in order for him to take immediate action on contracts when necessary. He
suggested that a broker not have an exclusive right due to commission fees.
The issue of possible displacement was discussed. It was noted that the purpose of this
program is to target qualified first-time home buyers within any income range. Cheryl
Brungardt added that possibly the City could designate a certain percentage to be applied
toward low/moderate income and thereby allow the Authority to take advantage of
additional funding sources.
Jerry Dahl, City Attorney, suggested that the obligations and expectations of the Wheat
Ridge Housing Authority and the JCHA be described within,the IGA whether they are
listed in a general or specific manner.
It was moved by Kent Davis to direct the City Attorney to work with the Director of the
Jefferson County Housing Authority in order to draft a proposed IGAfor review by the
Wheat Ridge Housing Authority at their next meeting, seconded by Kathryn Fulton
and unanimously carried.
4. Intere:overnmental Ae:reement Between the City of Wheat Ride:e and Wheat Ride:e
Housine: Authoritv
'Chair DiTullio discussed the proposed agreement for the Authority's review.
Jerry Dahl, City Attorney, noted one correction to Article I, Section 3, to be reworded to
give the Authority the ability to purchase property. He felt that this would protect both
the City Council and the Housing Authority.
Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Minutes
March 12, 200 I
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It was moved by Mary Jo Cavarra to direct the City Attorney to review and modify the
Intergovernmental Agreement as noted above, seconded by Kent Davis and
unanimously carried.
2. Resolution Estahlishine: Wheat Ride:e Housine: Authoritv Bvlaws
Chair DiTullio explained the need for the Authority to establish its bylaws.
Jack Hurst explained the need to have a clear understanding of the Authority's roles and
duties. He suggested adding a section addressing attendance. Other boards and
commissions within the City state that members could be removed with 3 un-excused
The following suggestions were made for inclusion into the Authority's Bylaws:
. Attendance
. Ability to take action and approve purchase of properties
. Ability to hold Special Meetings with a 24 hours noticing requirement
. Authority to set all standards for resale of property
It was moved by Kent Davis to direct the City Attorney to draft Bylaws for the Authority
for their next meeting, seconded by Kathryn Fulton and unanimously carried.
5. Real Estate Broker Services
Chair DiTullio introduced the item giving a brief history. He informed that the City is in
the process of requesting proposals from real estate broker fees and asked whether or not
the Authority members felt that they could benefit from broker services.
Alan Feinstein, JCHA, commented that it may be more convenient to work with one
broker with extensive knowledge of the City when necessary versus a number of brokers.
He noted that a broker may not be needed for all purchases or resales.
Jack Hurst suggested that there be clear expectations of when and how a broker would
interact with the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority and that it be pointed out that broker
services would be utilized on an as-needed basis.
There was discussion regarding the current request for proposals and the need for one of
, the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority members to act as an evaluator of the proposals.
Jack Hurst will check on the rating dates and pole the authority members for an evaluator.
He added that the final 2 to 3 bids would be brought before the authority for their review
and comment.
Kent Davis expressed concern with a broker returning a percentage of their commission
back to the authority; he felt that this may appear as a kick-back. Rather, the broker could
reduce their commission by an equivalent amount.
Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Minutes
March 12, 2001
Page 3
It was the consensus to hold this item until the RFP's have been brought back to the
Authority for their review and discussion.
6. Bude:et
Jack Hurst discussed the need for the Authority to establish an operating budget. The
operating budget would include purchase of property, rehabilitation, staffing costs, legal
services, supplies, and meeting expenses. Jack Hurst feels that the initial operating budget
for the Authority could be funded by the City from the general fund. He informed that
once the Authority develops a proposed budget, the City Council would need to approve
the allocation of funds.
Alan Feinstein noted that information could be obtained from other sources for the
Authority's review in order to get a sense of what is available in the market and make
educated guesses on value and rehabilitation cots.
Jack Hurst suggested that various bankers be invited to an Authority meeting after the
Bylaws and IGS's are developed in order to discuss what types of security they would be
looking for from the Authority to obtain a loan.
Discussion ensued regarding the need for the Housing Authority to act autonomously.
Jerry Dahl noted that once the City Council approves the IGA's and Bylaws including the
Authority's roles, that the line of autonomy would start to be established.
It was the consensus of the Authority to schedule a meeting with various bank
representatives after their next meeting. Further, that the roles and relationship of the
Authority with the City Council including expectations and purpose be placed on their
next meeting agenda.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. to March 29, at 7:00 p.rn. in the lobby conference room
on motion of Kent Davis, seconded by Cheryl Brungardt and unanimously carried.
Jerry DiTullio, Chair
Barbara Delgadillo, Executive Secretary
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Wheat Ridge Housing Authority Minutes
March 12,200]
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