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Wheat Ridge Housing Authority
Minutes of Meeting
February 24, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Chair Thompson in the City Council
Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 291h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado,
Authority Members Present:
Authority Members Absent
Thomas Abbott
Chad Harr
Tracy Langworthy
Janice Thompson
Jennifer Walter
Also Present: Lauren Mikulak, Senior Planner
Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development
Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty
Ann Wang, Accountant
Kim Waggoner, Recording Secretary
C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 27, 2015
Mr. Thomas requested to strike the following from page 4, Paragraph 6, "Ms,
Langworthy if she would like."
It was moved by Mr. Abbott and seconded by Ms. Langworthy to approve the
minutes of January 27, 2015 as amended.
Motion approved 4-0.
Housing Authority Minutes
February 24, 2015
There were no officers' reports.
No one wished to speak,
2015 Budget
An amended budget was provided to the members. Ms. Wang stated there was an update
due to the purchase documents for the properties on Otis Street and 44t" Place, Ms. Wang
reviewed the project lists, general expenses and projected income.
Chair Thompson inquired about the conference and meeting budget for the 2015, Ms.
Wang stated it is the same amount budgeted as 2014. Ms. Mikulak indicated these funds
could be used for conference registrations for Authority members. Mr. Johnstone stated
they could also be used for working dinner meetings. Ms. Langworthy stated the funds
could be utilized for a retreat.
Mr. flarr inquired about the city reimbursement line item. Ms. Mikulak stated it is
reimbursement to the City for staff hours dedicated to the Authority including hours for
herself and the Recording Secretary. She stated Ms. Payne's hours for 2014 were not
provided before she left the City and therefore are not included in the 2014
Mr. Harr inquired about the line item for repairs. Ms. Wang stated previously there were
expenses for Fruitdale but there were none for 2014, Ms. Mikulak stated in the past there
had been some repairs on the sold rehabilitated homes that were paid for by the Authority.
It was moved by Ms. Langworthy and seconded by Mr. Abbott to approve the
amended proposed budget for 2015.
Motion approved 4-0.
1. Update on Single Family Homes Rehab and Sales
Ms. Mikulak stated Mr. Werlidt is out of town. There were no issues with the asbestos
report. The first two building inspections are complete. A third of the contract amount
has been paid out to the contractor.
Housing Authority Minutes 2
February 24, 2015
Chair Thompson stated she stopped by the property today. She said the kitchen cabinets
have been removed, the plumbing is in, and the wall patch work is complete. The wall
texture throughout the home matches. The French doors have been removed and the
living area is now open. The cabinets were removed from the laundry room. The
contractor is aware of the time restraint and is diligently working to get the remodel done
by the March deadline. He is focusing on the internal items first which are required to
pass inspections.
Ms. Maybin stated a potential purchaser is very interested in the property. She stated that
finding an income qualified buyer is a challenge at with a list price of $240,000,
2. Fruitdale School
Ms. Mikulak reminded the Authority of the recent actions related to the pending sale of
Fruitdale School. At the last meeting the Authority had made a motion to extend the
purchase contract by 30 days allowing the Fruitdale Building Corporation (FBC) more
time to complete due diligence and commit to closing. Their primary concern at the time
had been securing insurance. The FBC recently notified staff that they would be
withdrawing their proposal and seeking to tenninate the purchase contract based on a
decision made by Mountain Phoenix Charter School Governing Council not to accept the
Fruitdale building for future expansion.
Chair Thompson expressed regret that it did not work out but she is excited about the new
M. Langworthy stated new interest was generated for the Fruitdale School. She stated
she would still like to save the building.
Mr. Abbott stated he is disappointed as lie thought it would have been a great economic
development generator for 44'h Avenue.
It was moved by Ms. Langworthy and seconded by Mr. Harr to terminate the
Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property, dated October 28, 2014 and
related to the sale of the Fruitdale School Property at 10803 W. 44'h Avenue for the
following reason:
1. 'Tice buyer has withdrawn their proposal.
Ms. Mikulak stated a recent article in the Denver Post generated more interest in Fruitdale
School. She described a third proposal that had been received in July 2014 in response to
the RFI from Hartman Ely Investments. The proposal was received before the RFI
deadline, however, the applicant did not meet the original RFI requirement for a
mandatory site visit and was deemed not eligible for full consideration. The staff memo
provided for the July 22, 2014 meeting suggested that the Hartman Ely proposal could be
considered fully if the Authority determined neither of the two eligible applicants were
Housing Authority Minutes 3
February 24, 2015
worthy of further consideration. The Authority is now in a position to consider the
The original proposal from Hartman Ely was provided in the packet. Staff recommends
allowing the applicant time to refine and prepare a more detailed proposal to present to the
Ms. Langworthy asked if the applicant was aware of the lack of systems with the building.
Ms. Mikulak stated he has not toured the building yet but has expressed that he has
worked with vacant buildings in similar conditions. He is aware of the financial
Mr. Harr stated perhaps the Authority should consider preferred possible uses while the
applicant prepares a proposal. He would like to see some market rate housing which
would benefit the area.
There was some discussion about the reverter clause.
M. Langworthy wanted to ensure the applicant has reviewed the financials and knows
how much of all investment the project will require.
In response to Mr. Harr's inquiry, Mr. Johnstone stated the building is about 15,000
square feet.
Ms. Mikulak stated the market study, historic structure assessment, construction
documents and the original RFI are all on the website and the applicant has access to
Discussion continued about the applicant's resume, innovation, his admiration for historic
sites, the proposed uses and the current market condition.
Mr. Abbott and Chair Thompson stated they would like to move forward allowing
Hartman Ely to refine and present a proposal.
Chair Thompson allowed a member of the public to speak.
Deb Boll
4786 Flower St.
Ms. Bollig stated she is on the committee that had submitted the proposal for the Wheat
Ridge Education Center for Arts in July 2014. She asked if the proposal was a viable
Chair Thompson summarized the Board's discussion and findings from their July 2014
inecting and review of the original RFI responses, She indicated a central difference
among the proposals was that the school proposal provided reliable revenue streams and
the arts center proposal did not.
Housing Authority Minutes 4
February 24, 2015
Ms, Mikulak concurred.
Ms. Bollig stated the committee could not commit to a fund raising effort until project
confirmation was received. She stated some investors have been approached who would
like to put their name on the building or rooms and asked if they should submit another
Ms. Mikulak, stated the Authority currently has two options. If they decided to review the
Hartman Ely proposal exclusively then she would not recommend that the arts center
prepare a new proposal. If a new RFP is issued in the future, that would be a good time to
submit another proposal.
Ms. Bollig agreed that the school was the highest and best use. She stated that the reuse of
Fruitdale presents an opportunity for citizens to band together and work toward creating
something they are proud of. It may not fit with the financial reality.
Ms. Langworthy stated it is challenging to get a body of people to move together unless it
is very controversial. The arts center proposal would have been more appealing if it had
more of an action plan. The school proposal hit a road block and it could not go forward,
The Authority is looking for a group that could resolve the significant challenges
associated with the reuse of the property.
Ms. Bollig stated Hartman Ely could do a lot of that. Ms. Langworthy stated lie seems
well versed in historic reuse and may be able to handle potential roadblocks.
Mr. Abbott stated it seems Ms. Bollig, is aware of the art center proposal's deficiencies and
how to fix them. He suggested they contact a developer to discuss a partnership.
Mr. Harr commented on the Hartman Ely proposal and suggested that Ms. Bollig should
contact them. He stated he was contacted by someone regarding a potential reuse of the
property for a Parks Department facility.
Mr. Johnstone stated there has been no recommendation to include the Fruitdale building
in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The City does not have the funds to renovate the
building. He commented on the funding gaps that make redevelopment difficult. Reuse
proposals will need to have the ability to apply for philanthropic grants or other federal
grants and will need to have access to reasonable and reliable funding sources. The
charter school was eligible for philanthropic grants that were aligned with their mission,
A housing project would generate revenue via rent. An ongoing benefactor would be
required for project without clear revenue streams.
There was some discussion about the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center and how it operates
financially. Ms. Thompson stated those kinds of uses have some tax subsidies. She stated
the city cannot financially assist the reuse of Fruitdale. She stated the preliminary
Housing Authority Minutes 5
February 24, 2015
Hartman Ely proposal does not request any assistance from the city. The arts center
requested assistance with writing grant proposals.
Craig 1-forlacher
10720 W.451" Ave.
Mr. Horlacher stated he agreed with the memo in the packet. He asked if Jefferson
County Schools had an opinion on the reuse of the property as a public charter school,
Ms. Langworthy stated Jeffco Schools probably will not support it since they chose to sell
Mr. Horlacher stated he was not sure that affordable housing would fit in the building. He
suggested office space. He also suggested the reverter clause be dealt with to make the
building more appealing to buyers.
Chair Thompson stated a new developer may have the resources to deal with the reverter
Mr. Harr stated the developer may come up with a creative use such as livable artist lofts
and artist studios for education.
Ms. Langworthy would like to see a refined proposal from Hartman Ely before
implementing conditions.
Mr. Harr agreed with M. Langworthy.
Chair Thompson stated there are a currently limited number of homes for sale in the
Denver metro area. Ms. Maybin agreed.
Discussion continued about previous development in other areas, risk associated with
adaptive reuse, impacts on the neighborhood, and possible expansion of the property to the
vacant land to the rear of the building.
It was moved by Ms. Langworthy and seconded by Mr. Abbott to provide an
exclusive 60 days to Hartman Ely Investments for delivery of a refined proposal for
the reuse of Fruitdale School, with the ability for the Executive Director to grant up
to two 30 -day extensions.
Mr. Johnstone stated a study session is on the radar for future projects.
Ms. Mlikulak added the budget will also need to be reviewed for future projects.
Housing Authority Minutes 6
February 24, 2015
It was moved by Ms. Langworthy and seconded by Mr. Harr to adjourn the meeting
at 5:14 p.m.
Motion carried 4-0.
Next meeting is scheduled for March 24, 2015.
impso t
Housing Authority Minutes
February 24, 2015
Kim Waggoner, rding Secretary