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City of
Minutes of Meeting
April 23, 2015
The meeting was called to order by Chair ABBOTT I at 7:03 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29" Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado,
Board Members Present:
Alternates Present:
Board Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
No one wished to speak at this time.
Thomas Abbott
Sally Banghart
Janet Bell
Dan Bradford
Paul Hovland
David Kuntz
Betty Jo Page
Larry Richmond
Meredith Recent, Sr, Planner
Gerald Dahl, City Attorney
Kenneth Johnstone, Community Development
Daniel Brennan, Chief of Police
Kim Waggoner, Recording Secretary
A. 'Case No. WA -15-03: An application filed by Michael Pate/Carol Bausinger for
Electric Guard Dog for an appeal of an administrative zoning determination related to
the separation between an electric security fence and an existing perimeter fence
(Case No. WA -14-1 1) pursuant to Section 26-603.E (Fence types prohibited), The
City's Police Chief and Chief Building Official have determined that an electric fence
must be separated from an external fence a minimum of three feet in order for the
fence not to constitute a hazard to public health and safety. The applicant is
Board of Adjustment Minutes April 23, 2015
requesting an interpretation that would allow an electric fence to be separated from
the existing perimeter fence by one foot on property located at 9850 — 9870 West 1-70
Frontage Road South.
The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She stated the applicant filed an appeal
of an administrative zoning decision relative to the separation of an electric security
fence and an existing perimeter fence. The applicant is requesting an interpretation
that would allow an electric fence to be separated from the existing perimeter fence
by one foot. She stated the role of the Board is to either uphold or overturn the
decision of the Community Development Director, She stated the interpretation
would be applied to all other industrial and commercial properties in the city of
Wheat Ridge.
She stated the property has been experiencing an increasing number of theft and
vandalism crimes. In effort to curb property crime the owner would like to install an
electric security system.
Ms. Reckert indicated that since her employment with the City since the early 1980's,
electric fences have been determined not to be allowed at all due to concern for public
safety issues and potential for human or animal exposure to a dangerous fence. The
shock from an electronic device is not predictable. The impact can vary based on
climate and weather conditions, size of the person getting shocked along with any
possible medical conditions.
The Board can either uphold staff's code interpretation or overturn staff's
interpretation. She reiterated that the interpretation would apply city wide to certain
other classes of commercial and industrial properties.
She introduced Police Chief, Dan Brennan, City Attorney, Gerald Dahl and
Community Development Director, Kenneth Johnstone at the staff table.
Mr. Dahl stated the Boards' role is to determine if a one foot separation is safe or not.
There are two options available for decision on page seven of the staff report.
Conditions are not an option for this type of case.
Board Member HOVLAND asked why the applicant waited a year to reapply and
whether it is because they are asking for an interpretation as opposed to revisiting the
original variance decision.
M. Reckert replied affirmatively. It was indicated that the original variance
approval from staff occurred on November 20, 2014.
Board Member BANGHART asked if the municipal code allows electric fences,
Mr. Johnstone stated the code is silent to electric fences. There are a number of
different permitted fences that are listed in the code by example. The list has not
Board of Adjustment Minutes April 23, 2.015 2
necessarily been used as prohibitive for other fences that are not listed. The code is
silent to electric fences which is why an interpretation is needed as to when and under
what conditions an electric fence would or would not be permitted.
Mr. Dahl stated there is a provision in the code that lists prohibited fences referenced
in the staff report. A determination was made that the electric fence is a hazard. The
three foot separation was added as a condition to the variance to address the hazard of
public safety concern.
Board Member BANGHART asked if other people besides the Police Chief, CBO
and Community Development Director came to same conclusion,
Mr. Johnstone stated there was no extensive research done on what other jurisdictions
allow. The Chief made some inquiries to other jurisdictions which do prohibit them,
The City and County of Denver in a general sense prohibit electric fences but give the
Fire Chief the discretion to approve them in certain instances.
Board Member KU TZ stated the code allows barbed wire fencing in certain cases
with a three foot separation. It seems this decision is similar to that provision,
Ms. Reckert replied that is typically for agricultural fences in residential settings. In
commercial and industrial districts two stranded barbed wire is allowed on top of a
six foot fence if pointed inward. This would be allowed on the subject property.
Board Member PAGE asked for clarification for the vote.
Ms. Reckert stated to uphold staff's code interpretation a negative vote would be
made. To overturn staff's interpretation a positive vote would be required.
Mr. Dahl stated a yes vote indicates a one foot separation is okay, A no vote
indicates a one foot separation is not okay.
There was additional discussion about the interpretation.
Mr. Dahl stated the interpretation decision will apply to the context in which the
application was brought forth including the zone district which is a commercial
Mr. Johnstone concurred. He stated a commercial district could abut a residential or
agricultural zoned property.
'rhe appellants were sworn in by Chair ABBOTT.
Randy Ketelsen
Ketelsen Campers of Colorado
9870 W 1-70 Service Road Soul
Board of Adjustment Minutes April 23, 201 S
Wheat Ridge, CO
Cynthia Williams
Electric Guard Dog
121 Executive Center Blvd.
Columbia, SC
Mr. Ketelsen expressed his appreciation for the cooperation with Community
Development and the Police Department to solve the crime issue at the property. He
stated the system is a two prong system. A shock is administered when two wires
make contact. It is also a monitoring security system. The police are called if the
alarm is activated. The system is a solar powered twelve volt system. It monitors and
reports infringements on the perimeter. Industry standards for this system for
effective use are a one foot separation from the exterior fence. The City of Wheat
Ridge approved the fence with a three foot separation. The perimeter of the property
has a six foot high screened chain link fence around the thirteen acres. A person
would have criminal intent to touch the system as the slatted screened chain link
perimeter fence is on the outside and the electric fence would be one foot on the
inside. He indicated that they were at the BOA meeting to ask the question about
reducing the separation from three feet to one foot.
Board Member PAGE verified the exiting chain link fence is on the north, south, east
and west side of the property. She asked the height of the fence and if it is the same
height abutting the school.
Mr. Ketelsen replied yes, it is six feet tall, screened and it surrounds the entire
property. The portion of the fence that adjoins the Pennington's property would not
be electrified. The monitoring system will alert the police if it is touched and it is
only in operation at night. He anticipates the electric fence will be on from 10:00
p.m, to 4:00 a.m.
Ms. Williams stated the issue is that staff has determined it to be a life safety hazard
at one foot but not three feet. It is the same fence at one foot as it is at three feet.
The system has been tested by multiple experts on pulsed electric security. She
referenced the information in the packet including the ICC Standard. She stated
Electric Guard Dog adheres to the installation standard 60335-2-76. The standard
states the electric security fence should be installed at three to eight inches from the
perimeter fence. Most jurisdictions allow one foot.
The electric fence will be inside private property. The standard requires a perimeter
non -electrified fence no less than six feet in height which will enclose the electric
fence. In this instance, the perimeter fence is slatted and totally screened. A three
foot distance creates an entrapment zone and would make it easy to get in between
the two fences. It also creates a non -maintainable area that becomes useless to the
property owner. These systems are used to protect outdoor storage, They are not for
Board of Adjustment Minutes April 23, 2015 4
residential use. It is battery powered and does not plug into the grid. You cannot
reach through the screened fence. The studies show the system cannot cause
ventricular fibrillation. When touched it will give an unpleasant feeling but it cannot
injure you.
Board Member BELL asked about the two pronged system.
Mr. Ketelsen stated there are alternating wires. A person would have to touch the
ground wire and the lead wire to be shocked. The second function is a monitoring
system which would alert the police when the alarm is activated, It would be
installed in zones. The property that abuts Pennington Elementary would only have
the monitoring function.
Ms. Williams stated all zones would provide some protection.
Board Member BELL stated the most exposed area is along the school yard and rear
parking lot, Is it possible to only install the monitoring function to avoid the hazard,
Mr. Ketelsen stated it is not a hazard but the security need is everywhere. fie is
willing to compromise the functionality on the area that abuts the school.
Board Member KUNTZ stated staff did find the fence is a hazard and they are willing
to mitigate the hazard with a three foot separation.
Mr. Ketelsen stated there is no documentation to back up it up, The City would not
approve something that is hazardous.
Chair ABBOTT asked the contractor to reiterate the safety factors.
Ms, Williams stated it is a twelve volt battery. It does not plug into the grid. The
safety study has been provided, The City has determined it is safe or it would not be
allowed even with a three foot separation.
Board Member BANGHART asked Mr. Ketelsen what his objection is to the three
foot separation.
Mr. Kettleson stated the industry standard for the most effective use of the system is
less than a one foot separation from the perimeter fence. Someone could get in
between the fences at three feet, the alarm would go off and the police would come,
No one can get in between a one foot separation or less but anyone could get into a
three foot separation. In addition, there would be a loss of usable land with a three
foot separation.
Chair ABBOTT asked staff about the rest of the city bearing on the outcome of the
case if the security fence is defined as non -lethal.
Board of Adjustment Minutes April 23, 2015 5
Mr. Dahl stated the interpretation would apply citywide but only in the context of this
application and the factors such as it is a commercial zone district, type of fence,
twelve volt, pulsed, warning signs, to the extent it adjoins school and it is only on at
night. It would apply to other operations in commercial zone districts with the same
conditions heard here.
Board Member HOVLAND asked if the Board sided with the applicant, whether staff'
could look at zoning code provisions to cover similar situations.
Mr. Johnstone replied that if the Board is supportive of the applicant's request to
reverse the interpretation, it would be appropriate to advise City Council of the
determination and the implications and let them decide if that would cause a review
of the fence code in regard to electric fences,
During the review, staff concluded that it had been a long standing policy that electric
fences were defacto prohibited, When staff considered potentially allowing an
electric fence, not only in this specific instance but also from a policy perspective,
staff factored in on the interpretation how it would apply citywide and not just the
Ketelsen property.
The concern with the entrapment zone between the perimeter fence and the electric
fence is the ability to get away from the electric current. The three foot separation
would provide the ability to get away from the shock.
Board Member BANGHART stated there is less of chance of getting into the one foot
separation than the three foot separation area.
Mr. Johnstone stated there are two reasons for concern. At one foot with an open
chain-link fence an arm could reach through the standard chain link distance. The
other reason is the concern for the area of entrapment.
Board Member PAGE asked if the current is pulsed or if it is constant.
Board Member RICHMOND asked if anyone breached the existing perimeter fence
by going under it or attempted to go under it.
Mr. Ketelsen replied no.
Chair ABBOTT asked about the pulsed electricity,
Ms. Williams stated it is 1/10,000 of a second,
Mr. Ketelsen commented on the notion of someone getting in between the one foot
separation area. He said the police will be alerted. The wires could be stretched and
a person could clear the fence and breach the perimeter however a person could not
exit the property in the same manner.
Board of Adjustment Minutes April 23, 2015 6
Board Member KUNTZ stated if this is approved and becomes popular, electric
fences could be the new thing for industrial and commercial parcels to install. He
opined one night of discussion is not enough to determine a citywide decision. City
Council should rule on something that could apply citywide.
Board MernberPAGE stated it was unfortunate that the property owner would give
up so much property for a dead zone. The communities that are approving these
systems are subject to approval from the Fire Department not a citywide allowance,
Board Member KUNTZ stated had the applicant appealed within the ten days, the
Board would have heard an appeal for the property and it would not apply citywide.
Mr. Dahl stated the appeal right was not exercised. This avenue is available and the
applicants choose to utilize the interpretation course of action instead.
Board Member HOVLAND asked whether the applicant appealed a year ago, would
it have been site specific or an interpretation.
Mr. Dahl replied it would have been exclusively for the property. The interpretation
while available throughout the city will be available only under the conditions and
characteristics as heard here tonight.
Board Member HOVLAND stated the appellant has done a good job documenting
other cases and providing industry standards. He didn't think he had heard anything
from the City to substantiate the three foot separation as opposed to the one foot
Board Member BRADFORD asked if there have been any other requests for an
electric fence.
M. Reckert stated there have been requests over the years and the response has been
that they are not allowed.
Board Member RICHMOND stated be thought the use of electric tences should be
given more consideration because it could be a crime deterrent for the police
Board Member BANGHART reiterated the City has approved the electric fence. The
issue is the separation of one foot or three feet from the perimeter fence. She asked if'
a precedent has been set for any commercial property similar to this one to have an
electric fence since the City approved the electric fence.
Mr. Dahl stated yes in the sense it is an interpretation to the extent of whether staffs
decision on the one foot separation should be overturned.
Board of Adjustment Minutes April 23, 2015 7
Mr. Dahl clarified that had the applicant used his appeal rights it would have been an
appeal of an administrative variance and it would not be an interpretation and the
request would have been reviewed on its own merits.
Mr. Johnstone added that in granting the variance staff was conscious in limiting the
variance to specific facts at hand in terms of the remoteness of the perimeter of the
site, the configuration of it, and the presence of vacant land next store. Much like the
findings of this evening, factors of this case may limit the future applicability of the
action the board will take tonight.
Chief Brennan stated he did some research on electric fences. There are situations
where an electric fence can be an effective deterrent as noted in the packet. The
consideration staff gave on this case based on the property and crime issues is the
location of property adjacent to a school and playground. Pennington School and the
ball fields are utilized often by the community. The decision was not made on the
perspective that this kind of an electric fence is an unsafe device but how the
circumstances of the property and concern in regard to children. The school also
expressed a concern. Staff tried to find a win/win situation for a well-respected
business owner in the city. Electric fences are primarily installed in industrial areas
such as truck stops, impound lots and in areas where a lot of deliveries are made or
where large items are stored.
fie stated be didn't have the impression from Mr. Ketelsen that lie anticipated the
police department to respond to every alarm. 97% of alarms in the community are
false alarms. The police department responds to verified alarms or knowledge of the
Chair ABBOTT expressed sympathy for Mr. Ketelsen for the loss of money and the
anxiety of the situation. The members spoke of the implications of the decision and
the wisdom of letting the elected officials look into this further.
Board Member BELL questioned the motion template and the appellant names listed
on it for Electric Guard Dog.
Ms. Reckert stated all the names in addition to Ms. Williams are employees of
Electric Guard Dog and it would be appropriate to use them.
Upon a motion by Board Member BELL and second by Board Member PAGE,
the following resolution was stated:
WHEREAS, the property has been posted the fifteen days required by law; and
Board of Adjustment Minutes April 23, 2015
WHEREAS, the relief applied for may be granted without detriment to the
public welfare and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the
regulations governing the City of Wheat Ridge,
1011.1111 1 11 1 1 # I # I I I # #
RHIt"WINYMIA11801 1 "10 1 H I I I
Mr. Dahl stated the intent of the motion is unclear.
Board Member BELL restated the motion.
I therefore, move to adopt a resolution to uphold staffs code interpretation for
the reasons set forth in the staff report.
Board Member PAGE seconded the motion.
There was a discussion about the motion and vote.
Mr. Dahl stated the motion to uphold the staff s determination failed. In order to
grant the appeal a superm�jority vote is needed. A denial is deemed without a
supermajority vote. The appropriate thing to do is to take a motion to grant the
Mr. Dahl suggested the following motion:
I move to approve a resolution approving the appeal and overturning the staffs
determination that an electric fence with a one foot separation does not
constitute a safety hazard.
It was moved by Board Member HOVLAND and seconded by Board Member
BANGH ARTto adopt a resolution approving Case No. WA -15-03.
There was discussion about the motion and vote.
The Motion was approved by a vote of 5-3 with Board Members KUNTZ,
ABBOTT and BELL voting no. However, because a super -majority vote did
not occur, the request for interpretation is not approved.
Ms. Williarns requested findings of fact.
Mr. Dahl stated he would be happy to prepare findings of fact which would be
available for review by the Board at the May 28, 2015 meeting.
Board of Adjustment Minutes April 23, 2015 9
It was moved by Board Member PAGE and seconded by Board Member BELL
to have the City Attorney prepare findings of fact.
Motion approved 7-1 with Board Member KUNTZ voting no.
Mr. Kettelston stated he in more interested in finding of fact from the Board and not
the City Attorney.
Mr. Dahl stated the procedure is that he will prepare lindings of fact based upon the
record. The Board will vote on it at the next meeting. The hearing is closed and the
applicant is not permitted to have further individual conversations with the Board
Ms. Reckert stated the applicant has a thirty day period to appeal to district court.
Mr. Dahl stated the thirty day window starts from when the decision is final when the
findings of fact are approved.
Chair ABBOTT closed the public hearing.
There was a discussion about a training session. A training session may be scheduled
before the next meeting or another date when there are no cases scheduled.
A. Approval of Minutes — January 22, 2015
Board Member BANGHART stated she was present at the meeting but not on the list of
board members present.
It was moved by Board Member PAGE and seconded by Board Member
HOVLAND to approve the minutes with the correction.
Motion approved 7-0 with Board Member RICHMOND abstaining.
11. Election of Officers
Board Member HOVLAND was voted Chair.
Board Member KUNTZ was voted Vice Chair.
Board of Adjustment Minutes April 23, 20115 10
It was moved by Board Member HOVLAND and seconded by Board Member
KUNTZ to adjourn the meeting.
The vote was unanimous and the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Thomas Abbott, Vice Chair
Kim Waggoner, Rec r i g Secretary
Board of Adjustment Minutes April 23, 2015