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January 2,1997
1. CALL THE MEETING OR ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson
WILLIAMS at 7:30 p.m., on January 2, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal
Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Meredith Reckert, Planner
Marilyn Gunn, Secretary
Commissioner WILLIAMS moved to approve the Agenda for the meeting of December
19, 1996, as printed. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Motion carried
8-0 to approve the agenda.
Commissioner CERVENY moved to approve the Minutes of December 19, 1996, as
printed. Commissioner LANGDON seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0 to approve
the Minutes with Commissioner GRIFFITH abstaining due to absence from this meeting.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
January 2, 1997
Page 2
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing
under Item 7 of the Public Hearing section of the agenda)
No one was present to speak.
1. ("?cP Nn.. SIJP-96-5: An application for approval to allow the addition of
commercial mobile radio panel antenna on an existing lattice tower on
Residential-Two zoned property located at 7500 West 29th Avenue (City Hall
Ms. Reckert presented Staffls report on Case No. SUP-96-15. She stated that the
applicant was SBA of Denver, Inc., for Sprint Spectrum, 6310 S. Fiddler's Green Circle,
Englewood, 80111 and that the owner of the property is the City of Wheat Ridge. This
property is zoned Residential-Two and is used for the Wheat Ridge City Hall facility.
The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge and all proper posting and notification
requirements have been met, therefore, the Commission does have jurisdiction to hear
this case. This is a request for a Special Use Permit to allow additional Commercial
Mobile Radio antenna to be installed on the City Hall lattice tower. Ms. Reckert advised
,that recently City Council passed new legislation relating to these types of facilities and
generally the regulation states that towers such as this are allowed in commercial zones
and are not allowed in residential zones, however, since there is an existing tower located
at City Hall, this would be a legal nonconforming use. She advised that there was a
neighborhood meeting held December 3, 1996, for input from residents of the
neighborhood. However, she stated that the applicants and herself were the only ones
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Ann Prouty, 6312 S. Fidder's Green Circle,
Englewood, who represents Sprint in their application to place nine (9) Personal
Communication Services antenna on the existing tower. Using this tower she stated
would eliminate the need to request to build other towers in the City and will provide
extensive service azea. It will also not interfere with current radio/cellular traffic. She
further stated that City Council had approved the lease for this facility in July, 1996. The
tower has been analyzed and can hold the additional antenna without any problems. She
provided overheads to elaborate on the appearance of the tower before and after and
requested that the Commission approve this request.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Gary Pultz, 7667 E. Warren Drive, Denver, the
engineer for Sprint. He stated he was in attendance to answer any questions of the
Commission. He stated that Arvada, Lakewood, and Jefferson County Police Department
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
January 2, 1997
Page 3
had been contacted and they have all responded that they have no problem with the lease
of this facility.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Andrew Orcowski, 7667 E. Warren Drive, Denver.
He stated that as an engineer for the company, he was in attendance to clazify any
questions. He wanted to address the capacity question. He stated that their proposed
request has been designed to include expansion for the next five (5) years including
additional channel banks. Therefore, he stated that additional towers for this company
would not be needed in the City.
Questions raised by the Commission included the concern regarding police department
needs and use; numerous tower use requests; ability to withdraw the special use to allow
the antenna to be used for emergency/safety purposes; how many antenna can the tower
feasibly handle; would this and other companies request additional antenna; how wide the
coverage. A request was made by the Commission that the surrounding entities be
checked to see if they have a need or potential need to use this antenna for emergency
purposes and to assure the capabilities for City Hall use in the future as well as structural
Commissioner CERVENY motioned and Commissioner LANGDON seconded, "that
Case No. SUP-96-5, a request for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow the addition
of CMRS panel antenna onto an existing lattice tower on Residential-Two zoned property
located at 7500 West 29th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons:
1. A Special Use Permit is required to allow the collocation of CMRS panel
antennas on an existing, nonconforming tower,
2. The collocation will alleviate the necessity of additional shorter towers,
3. The evaluation criteria support approval of this request,
4. Agencies have indicated no adverse considerations with regard to this addition,
5. Property owners and notification requirements have been met.
With the following conditions:
1. The City recheck before City Council meeting to assure that the Wheat Ridge
Police Department feels that this will not interfere with any future needs of the
2. That the neighboring communities be recontacted for input into their future needs
ad possible use of this antenna."
Motion carried 8-0.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
January 2, 1997
Page 4
2. Case Nn. W7,-96-16: An application for approval of a rezoning from
Agricultural-One to Planned Residential Development and for approval of
an outline development plan on property located at 11361 West 44th Avenue.
Ms. Reckert presented an overview of the staff report regarding this request. The
applicant and owner is Tom Sloan for Wycoff Construction Company, 6428 Newcomb
Street, Arvada, 80004. The approximate area of the site is 2.7 acres and is zoned
agricultural. She entered into the record the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, case
file with packet materials and exhibits. The property is within the City of Wheat Ridge
and all notification and posting requirements have been met, therefore, the Commission
does have jurisdiction to hear this case. Ms. Reckert clarified that the plan development
approval is a three step process. The outline development plan which is the first stage is a
concept plan to establish parameters as far as the design guidelines for the property is
addressed and is fairly general. The second two steps are the final development plan and
the platting process. In this case the applicant is asking for outline plan approval only.
Ms. Reckert noted that prior to any building permits being issued, the applicant would
have to go through another development review process for the final development plan
and plat before the Planning Commission and City Council.
Ms. Reckert further stated that City Council is considering the possible purchase of this
property for park land purposes. At their December 18, 1996, meeting they authorized a
study of this property by a architect who specializes in historic preservation to determine
the significance of the property and establish a monetary cost estimate for refurbishing
some of the existing structures on the property. At City Council's meeting of January 13,
1997, they will be presented the information from the architect who is working with the
Director of Parks and Recreation.
Ms. Reckert continued the staff report with regard to rezoning. She stated that a
neighborhood meeting was held on December 19, 1996, which had a very good turn out.
Many concerns were expressed at the meeting which were addressed. Various agencies
responded with special needs required by their agencies.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Tom Sloan, 6428 Newcomb, Arvada. Mr. Sloan
stated he was providing attractive and affordable housing for citizens. Mr. Sloan
provided an overview of his vision of this site. He stated that City Council appeared
ready to spend a considerable amount of money to restore and purchase this property. He
stated he hired an architect to evaluate this situation as well. Mr. Sloan has been advised
that the property does not qualify for state or national historical designation. Mr. Sloan
stated he has been trying to give a historical building to the City which in fain could
move it to another location to save and restore it.
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January 2, 1997
Page 5
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Michael Casey, 1768 Platt Street, Denver. Mr. Casey
is the architect for the Wycoff Company. Mr. Casey clarified that the property is a little
over three (3) acres which includes the property dedication requirement. He further
elaborated on the proposed development which overall equals 9.6 units/acre.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Tom Shockley, 11605 W. 46th Avenue, Wheat Ridge.
Mr. Shockley stated that he is against the rezoning, density, and that he felt the proposal
is not compatible with surrounding area.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Kim Stuart, 11700 West 46 Avenue, Wheat Ridge.
Ms. Stuart stated she was against the rezoning but would support single family dwellings
and not duplex or townhouse type homes.
Explanation regarding the City Council's moratorium on building permits and rezoning
approvals were provided to the audience.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Diane Mattox, 4515 Robb Street, Wheat Ridge., Ms.
Maddox stated that she would prefer if zoning remained agricultural. She further stated
that she also would prefer single family units with space if the area could not become a
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in George Jorgerson, 4515 Robb Street, Wheat Ridge.
Mr. Jorgerson stated he felt the same what other residents did. He does not want multi-
family residential. Single family housing is preferred.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Paul Anderson, 4610 Queen Court, Wheat Ridge. Mr.
Anderson is opposed to rezoning because it would have a negative impact on local
wildlife, (Prospect Park holds a variety of wildlife that the subdivision would disrupt),
several other project are in process therefore, how much growth is needed, traffic is
overburdened in the area and the new subdivision will make it worse, water and sewer
systems are already taxed, there is an obligation to future generations to show what the
origins of Wheat Ridge were and should allow the Historical Society to share this
property with all citizens.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Claudia Callas, 8701 West 38th Avenue, Wheat
Ridge. Ms. Callas stated she did not support the zoning change. She was concerned
about the lustorical value of the property and the wildlife. She stated as a member of the
historical society that they have been pursuing this land and dedication of its historical
value for over two years.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Alice Datma, 4645 Robb Street, Wheat Ridge. Ms.
Plamung Commission Meeting Minutes
January 2, 1997
Page 6
Datma stated she was not opposed to the rezoning. She also owns 4655, 4665, 4675 as
well. She stated she is appalled with the messes that must be cleaned up when people do
not keep their promises as it relates to the sod house, the new post office, the bam
housing old farm equipment at the Wheat Ridge Historical Park. She would prefer to
develop the area to clean it up and hopefully the property values would increase.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Terry Moore, 6428 Newcombe Street, Arvada. Ms.
Moore is the realtor for the applicant. She elaborated on the product being proposed and
stated that this would be the fifth project that she and Mr. Sloan have worked upon
General discussion was held and the concerns expressed by the Commission included
saving various large trees located on the property, number of units being proposed, curb
cuts, parking, fire response, street width, traff c, landscaping, open space, density,
transients and income housing vs family residential, townhouses/duplexes vs single
family, affordable dwellings, zoning changes, overall development of this parcel, and
historical value.
Ms. Reckert advised the Commission that they did not have to approve or recommend
this proposal. They could approve it, deny it, approve it with conditions, or continue for
more information.
Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner JOHNSON seconded, that "Case
No. WZ-96-16, a request for approval of a rezoning from Agricultural-One to Planned
Residential Development for property located at 11361 West 44th Avenue, be
APPROVED for the follotiving reasons:
1. It is consistent with the Fruitdale Valley Master Plan,
2. The rezoning evaluation criteria support approval of the request,
3. All requirements for a Planned Residential Development outline development
plan have been met."
Motion carried 7-1, with Commissioner Thompson voting no.
Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded, that Case
No. WZ-96-16, a request for approval of an outline development plan for property located
at 11361 West 44th Avenue, be APPROVED for the following reasons:
1. All requirements far planned residential development outline have been met,
2. It is desirable for the City of Wheat Ridge to have affordable housing.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
January 2, 1997
Page 7
With the following conditions:
The builder/developer shall provide a clause in the purchase contract that
identifies that the purchaser intends to use the dwelling unit as primary residence,
not a rental,
2. There will be a minimum of 35% landscaping,
3. That all mature trees as practical, are to be preserved,
4. There will be no more than 9.6 units per acre.
Commmissioner CERVENY wished to enter into the record the observation that six (6)
residents were in opposition to the development with one in support. Also that the
developer consider modifying his plan to see if affordable housing is still practical by
providing increased landscaping along 44th Avenue and allowing these units to be either
doubles that are sold as individual units per site or single family detached homes.
Commissioner THOMPSON stated for the record that she would be voting against the
motion. She felt the design of the buildings are very nice, however, being a
representative of this area and finding that so many residents are opposed to this proposal,
she would rather wait and see this postponed and give the Commission an opportunity to
see what the City of Wheat Ridge is going to do with the Baugh Property and also it
would give the Commission an opportunity to discuss with the developer what will be
Motion carried 5-3 with Commissioners THOMPSON, GRIFFITH, and ECKHART
voting no.
There was no old business to discuss.
A. CASF, NO. ZOA-96-15: Ordinance re,Parking Regulations:
Ms. Reckert presented an overview of the parking regulation including changes to
encompass Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines, multifamily and
office/wazehouse parking. She stated that there has been some concern regarding the
parking ratios particularly as it pertains to multifamily units. Commissioner
THOMPSON commented that off street parking is still a problem inmost areas of Wheat
Ridge. She requested that the regulation be flexible and even though it is being increased
at this point, she believed that the number of units should be reduced to increase parking.
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January 2, 1997
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Ms. Reckert stated that parking changes would have to be presented at a public hearing.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked that in regard to multifamily parking that a provision
be made for allowing additional parking exceeding the 5-10% increase if no on-street
parking is adjacent to the development.
Acceptance was reached by consensus with Commissioner RASPLICKA voting no.
B. CASF, NO. 7,OA-97-~ ;Industrial District Regulations
Ms. Reckert reviewed the Industrial District Regulations to the Commission. She stated
that City Council was concerned as they thought the regulation was too loose. There was
thought given to rezoning all Industrial areas to PID which would be a difficult endeavor.
Director Gidley is recommending that Commercial-Two district uses be reviewed and
perhaps stiffened to require some allowed uses as special uses.
Acceptance was reached by consensus with Commissioner RASPLICKA voting no.
Commissioner THOMPSON requested that a new slide projector be purchased so that all
information can be reviewed. Ms. Reckert stated that the sound and A/V systems need to
be revamped or replaced. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if this could be included in
the budget.
Commissioner THOMPSON motioned, Commissioner LANGSTON seconded that Staff
investigate all alternatives to providing an updated AV system and new slide projector.
Motion carried 8-0.
Ms. Reckert stated that there is some concern regarding the new procedure of holding one
Public Hearing and one Study Session per month. For the month of February's Public
Hearing there are already three cases. It will be a testing period to see if this plan is
feasible. It was suggested that if there are obviously too many cases that part or all of the
Study Session be dedicated to becoming a Public Heazing.
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January 2, 1997
Page 9
There were no reports.
There was consensus to adjourn the meeting. Chairperson WILLIAMS adjourned the
meeting at 11:10 p.m..
The next Planning Commission meeting will be held 1/16/97.