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February 1, 1996
1, CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order
by Chairperson LANGDON at 7;30 p.m., on February 1, 1996 in
the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West
29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Eckhardt
Harry Williams
James Owens - Excused Absence
Jay Rasplicka
Carl A. Cerveny
George Langdon
Wallace Crumpton - Excused Absence
Warren Johnson - Excused Absence
STAFF PRESENT: Glen Gidley, Director of _
Planning & Development
Sandra Wiggins, Secretary
The following is the official copy of Planning Commission minutes
for the Public Hearing of.February 1,_1996. A copy of these
minutes is retained both _in the office of the City Clerk and in
the-Department of Planning and Development of the City of Whew
Planning Commission Minutes Page 2
February 1, 1996
Commissioner CERVENX moved to approve the agenda for the meeting
of February 1, 1996 as printed. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded
the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner WILLIAMS moved to approve the minutes for the
meeting of January 11, 1996 as printed. Commissioner RASPLICKA
seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner ECKHARDT moved to approve the minutes for the
meeting of ,.January 18, 1996 as corrected. Commissioner WILLIAMS
seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any
subject not appearing under Item .7 of the Public Hearing
section of the agenda.)
No one had signed the roster to speak, nor came forward at that
time. -
1. Case No. WS-96-1: An application by Stephen Elkin for
Applewood Reserve Venture fo"r`approval of a
resubdivision of. property known as Distinctive
Addresses at Applewood Subdivision located at 10701
West 32nd Avenue.-
Mr. Gidley informed those present that the applicant had
requested continuance of Case No. W~-96-1. Consensus was to
continue the case to February 15, 1996, the next regularly-
scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
2. Case No. ZOA-95-6: A public hearing will be held on a
proposed amendment "to Wheat Ridge Code. of Laws, Section
26, Zoning Code, Subsection 26-30 (K) Overlay Zones,
regarding the addition of a new subsection (3)
providing for Special Area Restriction Districts (SAR).
Mr. Gidley gave an overview of the proposed amendment.
Commissioner RASPLICKA asked if the proposed Overlay Zone would
be applied-after property was subdivided.
Mr. Gidley answered yes.
Planning Commission Minutes Page 3
f February 1, 1996
Commissioner CERVENY voiced his concern regarding: City expense
in enforcing the proposed amendment, the wisdom of City
involvement in policing neighborhood covenants.
Mr. Gidley stated that,.it could be less expensive to enforce in
one neighborhood, rather than the entire City. He added that if
a higher standard is created, then there would be a greater
presence of Code Enforcem,~nt in that .specific neighborhood on
that issue. He noted that should the Zoning Ordinance be
amended, court challenge may be a possibility. Mr. Gidley stated
that it was a "leading edge" type of legislation attempting to
respond to neighborhood concern, while providing due process. He
Commissioner CERVENY stated that it would be a mistake for the
City to enforce neighborhood covenants. He elaborated. He'
wondered why this item was not being placed on a future ballot,
since it would be paid for by taxpayers.
Mr. Gidley stated that a special assessment could be levied on
those individuals wishing special regulations in order to pay for
the enforcement costs.- He elaborated.
Commissioner WILLIAMS asked about other options.
Mr. Gidley stated that if an individual was fully in compliance
with City regulations, then a claim would have to be made on th_e
basis of a "private nuisance". That claim would have to be
proven in court. He gave some examples.
Commissioner CERVENY suggested that Commission hear from those in
the audience wishing, to speak.
Chairman LANGDON informed Commission that he had spoken with Mr.
Salzman, who was present, many times regarding his concern about
an RV parked next door to him. He added that if Commission felt
it would be inappropriate for him to participate in this hearing,
he would gladly leave the-room. Mr. Gidley stated this item was
not quasi-judicial, but legislative in nature and that Chairman
LANGDON could participate.
Alan Salzman. 10285 West 33rd Avenue was sworn in. He stated
that he and others present were in favor of the amendment to the
Zoning Ordinance presently under discussion. He explained .that
in his particular case, the Overlay Zone would be very beneficial
in maintaining the property values, quality of life and personal
safety. He provided copies of a petition signed by 75 of his
• Chairman LANGDON asked if a special map would be necessary should
the proposed amendment be approved?
• Planning Commission Minutes Page 4
February 1, 1996
Mr. Gidley said an addition to existing zoning maps would be
necessary. He thought perhaps a "clear overlay".could be
utilized with a key regarding special provisions.
Commissioner CERVENY spoke about his concern regarding requiring
only a 2/3 majority for passage. He elaborated.
Mr. Salzman stated he thought there had been zoning changes city-
wide that affected more than one in three persons. Those passed,
he added. -
Commissioner CERVENY had some confusion and he read aloud those
portions of the proposed amendment.
Mr. Gidley explained to Commissioner~CERVENY the differences in
the two different,_types of Overlay Zones; one for multiple use/
activity centers (Subsection 2); 'and-the special area restriction
(Subsection 3) which. is more residential in nature. He gave
Mr. Salzman pointed out to Commissioner CERVENY that neighbors of
his had signed the petition.-
. Commissioner CERVENY reiterated his concern that the required 2/3
majority was inadequate.
Discussion followed.
Commissioner WILLIAMS asked if there were other areas in the City
with similar problems.
Chairperson LANGDON asked if the amendment was approved, would
Mr. Salzman's neighbor with the RV be required to move it?
Mr. Gidley stated that due process would have to be built in,
allowing a reasonable time period for individuals to comply with
the regulation.
Chairperson LANGDON asked if any of tho'se_ individuals signing the
petition owned RVs?
Mr. Salzman answered yes, several signers had owned RVs. He
Chairperson LANGDON asked if regulations currently exist that
would prevent the owner of an RV from moving into his back yard.
Mr. Gidley answered, no there are not. It could be, moved if it
. physically fits in the space.
Discussion followed.
• Planning Commission Minutes Page 5
February 1, 1996
Commissioner ECKHARDT suggested that discussion return to the
question before Commission,.
Delores-'Wellman, #4 Twilight Drive, was sworn in. Ms. Wellman
complained about mechanics-.working out of their garage, old beat
up cars, etc. She added that property values 'decline when --
neighborhoods decline. Barking dogs are a problem and owners
don't-seem to care that the barking is annoying others. Ms.
Wellman stated that RVs should not be parked alongside homes.
She was present to find out what could be done.
Commissioner ECKHARDT stated on this issue he was "torn". He did
not believe that the City should be involved in regulating and
enforcing private covenants. However, he added that what`is
appropriate on one area of the City does not necessarily mean
that it would be appropriate in another area of the City.
Commissioner ECKHARDT suggested a 3/4 majority rather than 2/3
majority be required _for:.passage., He asked if approved, would
requests come before Planning Commission?
Mr. Gidley stated that-as the amendment is currently written,
they would not come before Planning Commission, however, that
could be added. •-
Commissioner-WILLIAMS stated he was uncertain whether it would be
better to have RVs parked in_ the front yard or on the side of .the
property. '
Mr. Gidley stated it depending on how the property was situated,
it would be possible that it could be_worse having the RV parked
alongside the house rather than in the front yard.
Ms. wellman asked what residents could_do to stop their
neighborhoods from declining. - -
Commissioner CERVENY spoke of_covenants, however, felt iL was an
impractical solution.
Ms. wellman stated it was unfair allowing_the minority to ruin a
neighborhood. She elaborated. -
Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Ms. Wellman if the proposed amendment
would allow action to be taken against objectionable situations
in ~ie~neighborhood?
Ms. Wellman stated s_he had not read. the proposed amendment and
therefore could not answer. ~~
Commissioner ECKHARDT summarized the proposed Zoning Ordinance
• Planning Commission Minutes - -Page 6
February 1, 1996
Ms. Wellman asked what Commissioner ECKHARDT's problem was with
City Enforcement of-this proposed amendment.
Commissioner ECKHARDT answered that "exclusivity", that is,
excluding certain things or even people, could be a problem when
enforcing covenants. -He gave some examples and explained.
Mr. Salzman agreed that some covenants or regulations border on_
the petty or insignificant.- He gave_an example and elaborated.
Commissioner CERVENY-asked if it_would be possible to leave
enforcement of the proposed amendment to the residents rather
than the City?
Mr. Gidley answered he did not believe so. Mr. Gidley summarized
issues he had heard: _
1. 2/3_majority too low?
2. Two-step process better that one-step process?
3. Public funds expended for certain neighborhood(s)? _
He elaborated on the three issues.
• Commissioner CERVENY felt the two-step process was important to
insure that citizens involved could have input: He felt if
special regulations were adopted_by a neighborhood, they should
also be able to rescind them-i£ they desire. -
Mr. Salzman agreed that at some point, the neighborhood might
want to remove the special regulations previously adopted. This
would allow the dynamics of the neighborhood to change.
Discussion was heard regarding possible time limitation of the
special regulations.
Chairperson LANGDON asked Mr. Gidley what happens now? _-
Mr. Gidley stated-City staff would. work with the neighborhood to
meet their. particular concern. The neighbors-would then petition
the City. The City would process the application, notifying
adjacent property owners, etc. then schedule a public .hearing
before Commission and then Council.
Commissioner RASPLICKA asked=if Planning Commission would hear.
the case, or would Board o.f adjustment?
Mr. Gidley stated it would have to be enacted by an Ordinance,
but he thought Planning Commission would hear the case.
Planning Commission Minutes Page 7
February 1, 1996
Commissioner LANGDON thought 20 years might be too long. He _
added that perhaps five years would be a good '°trial period", and _
it could ba_renewed-for ten years~aftes that.
Mr. Gidley stated he had concern about placing a time limit on
*_he regulations, He_explained.
Commissioner RASPLICKA pointed out that the regulations, once
enacted, could always be altered.
Mr. Gidley stated that if there -was 'a serious problem, the City
could initiate the process, without any agreement from the
neighborhood. He added that perhaps a statement should be added
that the City has the absolute authority to rescind. Mr. Gidley
felt-only a simple majority should be required to rescind.-
Mr. Salzman noted there were, some "fail safes" built into the
proposed amendment.
Mr. Gidley stated that an "initiative petition" could be
submitted. He explained further.
Mr, Salzman urged Commission to give the proposed amendment a
chance. -
Chairperson LANGDON asked what process the proposed amendment
would follow from here.
Based upon Commission's recommendation; i.e., if-you recommend -
approval with conditions, Staff would make those changes and
forward it to City Council. If Staff had a serious.concern about
Commission's- recommendation, then Council would have to be
informed of St~.ff's concern. Following that, Council would hold
a first reading and set it 'f or, public hearing/second reading. If
Council approved the proposed amendment, then a neighborhood
could come in and petition the City to consider applying these
rules .
Commissioner CERVENY suggested that this ,item be studied further
at a-study session.
Commissioner ECKHARDT moved to Approve the proposed amendment__to
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, Section 26, Zoning Code, Subsection 26-
30(-It) Overlay Zones, regarding the addition of a new subsection
(3) providing for_Special Area Restriction Districts (SAR) and
forward it-to City Council with the following additions:
1. That instead of the owner-initiated petition signed by a 2/3
majority, it be signed by a 3/4 majority;
• Planning Commission Minutes Page 8
February 1, 1996
2. That petitions go first to the_Planning Commission_ and then
to City Council; and
3. A statement be added stating the City of Wheat Ridge shall
have tY~e authority to rescind this Overlay District_upon
proper due process.
Commissioner CERVENY seconded the motion. -
Mr. Gilley noted that discussion had been heard-regarding
majority required to eliminate or_rescind.
Commissioner ECIZH.'9RDT agreed to add to hi_s motion that only a
simple majority of the neighbors involved would be required_to
rescind the-Overlay Zone regulations.
Commissioner CERVENY suggested that property owners be notified
Mr. Gilley stated that Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested
is routinely used for notification purposes, however, should
someone refuse or fail to pick up the Certified Leger, would -
that then count..-as a,!'No" vote? What would be. the significance? ,
• Commissioner RASPLICKA asked if the requirement could be made
"75~ of respondents"?
Commissioner.WILLIAMS asked if the returned letters; could be
considered_"No Response", having no real significance.-- ~ __; "
Discussion followed.
Motion carried 5-0. _
Commissioner CERVENY spoke of his concern regarding the - _
possibility of creating "flagpole" areas.
Mr. Gilley stated a map would be included in the packet to both
Planning Commission and City Council. He reminded Commission
that if they are not satisfied-with the area depicted, etc., they
could deny the application.
1. Mr. Gilley brought Commission up-to-date regarding
decisions recently made regarding the Wadsworth`
• Planning Commission Minutes Page 9
February 1, 1996
10. NEw svslNESs
1. Commissioner ECRHARDT spoke of "gateways°' and the
importance of making a positive impression on those
traveling through our City. He thought. this would be a
good topic to discuss with Council.
2. Mr. Gidley brought to the attention of Planning
Commission the recent design of a sign by a City
planner which will be installed at West .38th Avenue and
Sheridan Blvd.
3. Commissioner RASPLICKA brought Commission up-to-date on
the Rocky Flats Task Force. He will be ending his
tenure in March after serving on the Task Force for a
year. Commissioner ECKHARDT commended Commissioner
RASPLICKA for his fine service with the Rocky Flats
Task Force.
4. Chairperson LANGDON noted that the recent alternate
• resolution sent to Council by Plannirig Commission and
Bnard of Adjustment requesting the use of alternates
from each body to be utilized when necessary to
establish a quorum was found to conflict with the City
Charter. Discussion of attendance followed.
5. By consensus, Planning Commission decided to postpone a
study session previously scheduled for February 8,
There being no further business, by consensus, meeting adjourned
at 9:47 p:m. ~\,\~\\~~~/~/
- Vr1/qI 4 ~ _
~V ~
Sandra Wiggins, cretary