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August 1, 1996
1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order
by Chairperson LANGDON at 7:32 p.m., on August 1, 1996 in
the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West
29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Robert Eckhardt
Harry Williams
Carolyn Griffith
Jay Rasplicka
Carl A. Cerveny
George Langdon
Janice Thompson
Warren Johnson -
Glen Gidley, Director of
Planning & Development
Sandra Wiggins, Secretary
The .following is the official copy of Planning Commission minutes
for the Public Hearing of August 1, 1996. A copy of these
minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in
the Department of Planning and Development of the. City of Wheat
Planning Commission Minutes Page 2
August 1, 1996
Commissioner WILLIAMS moved to approve the order of. the agenda as
printed. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion. Mr. Gidley
informed Commission that the item under Discussion and Decision
Items Capital Improvement Projects would not be heard this
evening. Those projects were not yet finalized, he noted. With
that change, motion carried 7-0.
Commissioner CERVENY moved to approve the--minutes for the meeting
of July 18, 1996 as printed. Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the
motion. Motion carried 7-0.
6. PIIBLIC FORIIM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any
subject not appearing under Item 7 of the Public Hearing
section of the agenda.)
No one had signed the roster, nor came forward to speak at that
• time.
1. Case No.WZ-9h-7. ACity-initiated large area rezoning
from Residential-Three (R-3) to Residential-One C (R-
1C) and Residential-Two (R-2). The rezoning area is
generally located between West 32nd Avenue on the
south, West 38th Avenue on the north, Sheridan Blvd, on
the east and Pierce Street on the west.
Mr. Gidley presented the staff report. Entered and accepted into
the record was the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Gidley pointed out
several corrections on the zoning map projected overhead,
explaining the reasons why the corrections were necessary.
Commissioner CERVENY inquired about a written response contained
in the packet.
Mr. Gidley responded that the highest use of the land was not
guaranteed. He elaborated.
Commissioner CERVENY voiced his concern that rezoning might make
some properties less valuable to the owner(s).
Mr. Gidley reminded Commissioner CERVENY that City Council had
• directed staff to proceed with this large area rezoning proposal
and Planning Commission should stick to the topic for discussion.
Planning Commission Minutes
• August 1, 1996
Page 3
Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the property Commissioner CERVENY
was concerned about was located at 5755 West 37th Avenue. She
added that she thought that property already had multi-family
dwelling on it.
Mr. Gidley noted that the property Commission THOMPSON was
referring to (5755 W 37th Ave) was outside the area of rezoning.
He elaborated.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked what the average lot size in the area _-.
of proposed rezoning.
Mr. Gidley measured some of the lots in the subject area and
determined their size, relating the lot size to the number of
dwelling units that could be built with a particular zoning.
Chairperson LANGDON asked Mr. Gidley what the difference was
between R-2 and R-3 zoning.
Mr. Gidley referred
which was projected
zoning districts by
Discussion followed
possible number of
several residential
to a Summary of Zoning District Regulations
overhead. He explained the difference in the
comparing them,
regarding different scenarios and the
:amily dwelling units that could be built on
Chairperson.LANGDON asked Mr. Gidley to explain the process
necessary to build multi-family units on several residential
Mr. Gidley explained how a property owner of several residential
lots who wished to build multi-family dwellings would go about
securing a consolidation plat.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the proposed large area rezoning
would actually achieve the goal of low-density residential.
Mr. Gidley answered that once the zoning was locked into R-1C,
there would be only two possible new subdivisions, referring to
the two large pieces of vacant land in the area.
Commissioner THOMPSON noted that some of the single-family
residences were on large lots.
Mr. Gidley acknowledged that fact.
Commissioner WILLIAMS asked if it would be possible to have
dwelling units built three stories high?
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August 1, 1996
Mr. Gidley answered yes, but he added that was allowed under the
current residential zoning regulations as well. He elaborated.
Commissioner WILLIAMS asked what the setback would be for three
stories (35 feet)?
Mr. Gidley answered that in the R-1C zone side setbacks would be
five feet; 30 feet from front; 10 feet from the back. He also
provided setback regulations for. the R-2 zone and setback
regulations for multi-family dwellings in R-3 zone districts.
Commissioner CERVENY asked if there would he properties currently
zoned R-2 to R-1C?
Mr. Gidley stated no, the proposed rezoning was from existing R-3
zoning to either R-1C or R-2 zoning.
Discussion followed.
Commissioner THOMPSON noted how "transitional zoning"
(multifamily-family to duplexes to single-family residences) can
be used to buffer.
Mr. Gidley elaborated on that concept.
Chairperson LANGDON asked how properties became nonconforming,
such as those zoned R-1C but have a two-family unit on it?
Mr. Gidley noted that the properties in question are zoned R-3,
not R-1C. Some of the lots in the R-3 zone district are sub-
standard for a two-family dwelling, but have two-family dwellings
on them. Many started out as "mother-in-law" apartments. He
elaborated. After a certain period of time, he added, the use
would become legal nonconforming.
Commissioner GRIFFITH asked what could be placed on a certain
parcel of land if the zoning was changed to R-iC.
Mr. Gidley explained that it would allow only a single-family
home on it. However, he further noted that the other lot could
be subdivided and developed into several other single-family
dwellings with a private drive serving them.
Kent Davis, 8080 Melrose Drive, was sworn in. Mr. Davis stated
his family owned 3705 Jay Street which contained two parcels
containing approximately 5.25 acres. One_parcel is zoned R-2 and
the other smaller parcel was zoned R-3, he added. Mr. Davis
stated although there was no plan to develop the land, he wanted
• the zoning to remain as it was. The property currently is for
sale. He elaborated.
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August 1, 1996
Commissioner GRIFFITH asked Mr. Davis what zoning had he applied
for on the property?
Mr_ Davis answered R-3, multi-family. He noted that there was
existing multi-family in the area.
Mr. Gidley noted that his recollection was the application was
for medium-density iapproximately 14-16 units/acre) townhouses.
,Tim Brown„ 3505 Gray Street was sworn in. Mr. Brown stated he
had confusion about the R-1C zoning.
Mr. Gidley explained the proposed R-1C zoning to Mr. Brown.
Mr_ Brown asked about the density that the R-1C zoning would
Mr. Gidley stated that R-1C zoning would allow 8.5 units per
acre. He elaborated.
Mr. Brown asked how the rezoning would affect his property value.
. Mr. Gidley reported that he spoke with the County Assessor
assured him that as it relates to existing development, single
family homes are assessed as they are developed. The underlying
zoning would have no bearing on how a property is assessed.
Valuation, he added, is based upon market in terms of resale
Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Gidley to explain to Mr. Brown
what could be built on his lot if the proposed rezoning is
Mr. Gidley stated that a lot size of 5600, a single family home
could be built on a lot that size, whether the zoning is R-3, R-2
R-lA, R-1B or R-iC.
Discussion followed.
Mr. Brown asked if his house burned down, could he rebuild it?
Mr. Gidley answered yes, he could, in any of the zone districts
he mentioned.
Discussion followed.
Frank Nocera 3690 Pierce Street, was sworn in. Mr. Nocera stated
he would like to retain the R-2 zoning on his property because he
may, at some point, wish to rent a mother-in-law apartment. He
was also concerned about property value. He elaborated.
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• August 1, 1996
Commissioner CERVENY spoke about property values, re-salability.
Discussion followed. .
Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he saw no problem in allowing Mr.
Nocera's property to be rezoned to R-2, rather than R-1C.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked rvr,- Nocera to point out his property
on the overhead.
Mr. Nocera did so.
Edgar Johnson, 3700 Benton Street was sworn in. Mr. Johnson
pointed out two parcels of land (currently zoned R-3) which are
developed as duplexes and should be rezoned R-2.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the. zoning could be changed if the
property owner had not be notified?
Mr. Gidley stated Planning Commission could make the
recommendation and then the property owner would be notified when
the public hearing before City Council is. scheduled.
• Commissioner ECKHARDT asked Mr. Johnson if he knew the addresses
of the two parcels in question.
Mr. Johnson stated he drove past them trying to get addresses,
but had been unable. to read the addresses from his vehicle ._ He
spoke of his concern for a vacant parcel in his neighborhood
being developed at a high density.
C'hervl Brunaardt, 5621 West 36th Place was sworn in. Ms.
Brungardt stated she was in favor of the rezoning. -She stated
that there has been a tremendous increase in traffic in her
neighborhood. She also mentioned her concern that many of the
rental properties are not maintained.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked what the standard lot size was for
patio homes being built?
Mr. Gidley answered the ones near Miller Street on 38th Avenue on
the north are 5,000 to 5,500 square foot lots. The overall
density is approximately 4.9 units per acre, with streets
Ms. Brunaardt stated she had owned her home for 20 years and was
not new to the area.
• Reata Bitter, 3555 Chase Street was sworn in. Ms. Bitter stated
she had lived at that location for over 3..0 years. She added. that
Planning Commission Minutes Page 7
August 1, 1996
she was strongly in favor of the rezoning. She wanted to
maintain the single-family home community.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked Ms. Bitter what was her opinion of
Ms. Bitter stated that a nicely-built and maintained duplex was
Commissioner THOMPSON asked if she preferred single-family to
Ms_ Bitter stated she did.
Marilyn Veitch, 3715 Chase Street was sworn in. Ms. Veitch
stated she was surrounded by apartments. She was in favor of the
rezoning. She elaborated.
Don Gassman 3725 Harlan Street was sworn in. Mr. Gassman stated
he was in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Gassman informed Commission
of the problems he had encountered with apartment tenants
presently and how he did not want the situation to worsen.
• Dick nol7 who had signed .the roster, was not present to speak.
Roberta Thomas, 6595 West 32nd Avenue was sworn in. Ms. Thomas
stated she wanted to retain R-3 zoning on her property. She
added that her property contains two single-family homes on one
lot. One of the homes contains a two-unit apartment. She stated
with R-1C or R-2 zoning, her property could not be rebuilt if it
was destroyed.
Mr. Gidley stated Ms. Thomas' property was unique in that it
contained two primary structures on a single lot, which makes it
nonconforming with the present zoning. Under Colorado and
Wheat Ridge law, unless you have a planned unit development, only
one primary structure is allowed on it. So, as it stands today,
should the structures somehow be destroyed, they both could not
be replaced without obtaining a variance.
Ms, Thomas explained how the property came to be that way.
Mr. Gidley stated that it predated zoning. He elaborated.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked what was the property lot size? And
which of the two structures Could she replace; the duplex or a
single-family dwelling?
Mr. Gidley stated the lot size was approximately 75 feet by 145
feet, so with the current R-3 zoning, only one two-family
Planning Commission Minutes Page 8
• August 1, 1996
dwelling could be placed on the property. He elaborated. Mr.
Gidley stated that he would modify the proposal and recommend
that R-3 zoning be retained on this particular parcel.
Dornthv Archer, 3640 Marshall Street was sworn in. She asked if
previous down-zoning in the City had successfully halted high-
density growth.
Mr. Gidley stated one area east of Fenton Street, between Fenton
and Sheridan Blvd. and south of West 32nd Avenue was down-zoned
from R-3 to R-iC in about 1974. Since most of the area was
built-nut, there hasn't been much intensification in that area.
Ms. Archer pointed out several large, vacant parcels which she
pointed out could be developed into multi-family complexes. Ms.
Archer stated that she was in favor of the down-zoning.
Commissioner ECKHARDT asked if Ms. Archer had feelings one way or
another regarding her own property.
Ms_ Archer stated her concerns were the large, vacant areas she
had pointed out.
Commissioner GRIFFITH asked Ms. Archer if she was in favor or in
opposition to the large area rezoning.
Ms. Archer stated she was in favor of the rezoning.
Discussion followed.
Commissioner CERVENY asked Ms: Archer what would be a fair way to
handle rezoning the large, still-vacant parcels?
Ms_ Archer said she was vacillating between R-2 and R-1C zoning.
She pointed out several smaller parcels that could be similarly
Commissioner CERVENY pointed out that if the large area rezoning
is approved, the option of combining several small parcels in -
order to build multi-family housing would be eliminated.
Ms_ Archer answered she isn't opposed to owners of large vacant
parcels getting a fair amount out of their property, however, she
believes that the neighborhoods should be protected from
developers coming in and putting large numbers of multi-family
units in single-family residential neighborhoods.
Discussion followed.
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August 1, 1996
Ms_ Archer stated her recommendation would be for the entire
parcel to be rezoned from R-2 and R-3 to R-2.
Commissioner CERVENY asked if Ms. Archer would oppose rezoning
the parcel to R-3 if restrictions were placed on the property?
Ms_ Archer stated it would be impossible to enforce such
restrictions if the developer had enough land to build the units.
She gave examples of past instances.
Discussion followed.
Commissioner THOMPSON reminded those present that owners could,
at a later date, apply to rezone their parcels.
Mr. Gidley agreed that was so. Each parcel would be considered
on its' own merit. He admitted that it would be less likely for
the rezoning to be approved.
Ms. Archer asked if certain property owners could protest the
rezoning and ask to be eliminated from the proposal?
• Mr. Gidley explained how something similar to that could happen.
Chairperson LANGDON asked if a stipulation could be made that the
owners of the large, vacant parcels could apply to maintain their
zoning as R-3?
Mr. Gidley stated that would be contrary to City Council°s
directive. City Council, with their directive, has already said
"no" to such a request.
Chairperson LANGDON stated he had problems taking rights away
from individuals without their approval.
Commissioner ECKHARDT asked how City Council decide what they
were going to do before a public hearing was held?
Mr. Gidley stated this was a legislative process, not a quasi-
judicial proceeding. City Council initiated this with an idea in
mind. He elaborated.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Gidley if when Commission is
ready to make a motion, should the properties discussed
individually be voted on separately? She felt some properties
needed to be excluded from the large area rezoning.
Mr. Gidley stated that Commission could, if it should desire,
• continue this matter for the purpose of making a decision to your
next meeting. Between now and then, the property owners not
Planning Commission Minutes Page 10
August 1, 1996
notified (because they were not considered a part of the
rezoning), draft a new map, summarize comments made in order to
help Commission organize their thoughts and make a final
Commissioner GRIFFITH noted that Council not direct Planning
Commission to exclude properties from the proposal. Should the
individual property owners who wish to be excluded from the
proposed large area rezoning go before City Council.
Mr. Gidley agreed that they could. Mr. Gidley stated he thought
that Planning Commission's duty was do what Commission felt was
right in this situation, based upon the information presented to
Commissioner GRIFFITH did not feel that Planning Commission
should make the decision regarding what properties, if any,
should be excluded.
Mr. Gidley stated that Planning Commission can make a
recommendation to City Council to approve as it was presented,
approve as modified, or to deny.
Commissioner CERVENY asked if it was possible to require the
owners of the large vacant parcels to obtain a PRD upon.
development, if the R-3 z~n~*'g is retained?
Mr. Gidley stated that would be an "overlay requirement" on those
vacant properties to require site plan review with building
permit application.
Unless you have specific standards to apply to the site plan
review, then you are setting yourself up for arbitrary and
capricious decisions.
Commissioner CERVENY asked if_specific standards could be set.
Mr. Gidley stated it was possible, but usually it was based upon
design criteria that had some association to another, perhaps
adjacent, development. It would be very difficult to set
standards, when you don't know what objectives you're trying to
Mr. Gidley suggested a reasonable alternative would be rather
than rezoning the large vacant parcels to R-1C, they be rezoned
to R-2. In that way, the option of single-family or two-family
dwellings could be built.
• Mr_ Davis was called back to the stand. He stated if he was
looking to place as many units on his land as possible, he would
Planning Commission Minutes Page li
August 1, 1996
go with the R-1C zoning. Mr. Davis thought a developer would
more likely be interested in the parcel if the zoning was left as
it currently is. He doubted that the zoning could be changed if
the down-zoning is approved. He would want the entire parcel
zoned R-iC if the zoning is changed. Leaving the zoning as it
currently i5 was his first choice, however.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked Mr. Davis if he thought the area
could handle the increased traffic/intensity if it is developed
with multi-family dwellings.
Mr_ Davis stated that when his greenhouses were operating, there
was much more traffic in_the area, with growers and employees
coming and going. Even single-family residences would be an
impact, he added.
Commissioner CERVENY asked if the R-3 zoning was left in place,
would Mr. Davis build the maximum number of units or would less
than be satisfactory?
Mr. Davis stated he doubted 21 units per acre would be built.
• Discussion followed.
Commissioner ECRHARDT stated that discussing a PRD at this time
was a waste of time. He added that a PRD is wide-open and at
this time Commission did not have enough information to discuss
Commissioner CERVENY stated he disagreed.
Discussion followed.
Chairperson LANGDON thought that Commission might not have
adequate information and that the case should be continued.
Commissioner THOMPSON thought that there might not be adequate
time to do that with the recent building moratorium. She was in
favor of voting on the information presented that night. If
certain property owners wished to go before City Council, that
would be their right.
Chairperson LANGDON summarized Commissioner THOMPSON's thoughts
on the matter.
Commissioner THOMPSON stated she felt that Commission had
justification for excluding some parcels, on Mr. Gidley's
recommendation, She added that in some cases, what Council has
proposed just would not work for specific parcels of land.
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August 1, 1996
Mr. Gidley explained that R-3A zoning allowed 14 units per sore,
R-2A allowed 10 units per acre. He noted that Exhibit A, which
was projected overhead, three areas would be modified:
• Solid orange areas would be revised to R-2 (dark shaded)
• One area outlined in orange not rezoned
• 3282, 3230 Chase Street and 3245 - 3219 Benton Street,
5401, 5425 West 32nd Avenue would be revised to R-1C
Commissioner THOMPSON reminded Mr. Gidley that R-3 zoning on Ms
Thomas' property he had recommended be retained.
Commissioner THOMPSON noted the two parcels Mr. Johnson had
mentioned that should be brought into conformance, 3700 Block,
West side of Benton Street would be rezoned to R-2.
Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he had a problem with the property
on Depew Street presently zoned R-3 and the parcel to the west of
it also zoned R-3. He noted that the parcels are surrounded by
multi-family units. He did not believe that those parcels should
be rezoned to a single-family classification.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked if Commissioner ECKHARDT thought R-2
zoning would be better as a transitional zone classification?
Commissioner ECKHARDT thought R-2 zoning would be more
Commissioner CERVENY asked if the large single-ownership property
zoned R-2, Should perhaps come to Commission and address the
Mr. Gidley stated that Mr. Davis was present and he had sgoken to
one of those individuals on the phone and the other large-
property owner had received notification.
Discussion followed.
Commissioner WILLTAMS asked if the decision on this case is
continued to August 15, what repercussions would it have in
meeting the schedule with Council?
Mr. Gidley calculated public hearing could not occur prior to
September 23rd. The September 9th deadline could not be met.
Chairperson LANGDON stated he asked the Commission whether or not
they felt we needed additional information. He thought
Commission should make a decision that night.
Planning Commission Minutes
August 1, 1996
Page 13
Commissioner ECKHARDT stated that the only real troublesome areas
were the four parcels outlined in blue. The others marked in
orange would be rezoned to R-2; Ms. Thomas' property would be
retained as R-3; the property on 35th and Benton would remain R-
3. He proposed that parcels on Depew Street be rezoned as R-2;
all of the Davis property be rezoned as R-iC; property outlined
in blue north of the Davis property rezoned to R-2. The
remaining properties as proposed by Exhibit A.
Chairperson LANGDON asked if Commissioner ECKHARDT wished to make
that a motion.
Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he did, for the following reasons:
1. The property is in the City of Wheat Ridge and has been
posted, therefore jurisdiction has been met;
2. All large area zoning requirements have been met;
3. Objectives set forth by City Council stated in Resolution
#1533 have been met; and
4. The rezoning will bring zoning into conformance with the
Comprehensive Plan.
Commissioner ECKHARDT added the two parcels brought to the
attention of Commission by Mr. Edgar Johnson be rezoned from R-3
to R-2.
Commissioner WILLIAMS seconded the motion.
Commissioner THOMPSON noted there had been no one present
speaking about the parcel north of the Davis property.
Mr. Gidley stated the owner had spoken to him personally. He
added that the mother had requested that a portion of the land be
maintained as single-family home. She requested R-2.
Commissioner THOMPSON stated that the owners who own the two
large parcels to the east circled in blue, did not attend the
hearing. She added that those speaking from the neighborhood
were opposed to multi-family in that area. The owners may not
want their land rezoned R-2. She would be voting against
rezoning to R-2. She thought they should have the opportunity to
come to City Council to request R-2 zoning.
Commissioner ECKHARDT revised his motion to change the zoning on
the two parcels to the east to R-2 and leave them as R-1C. The
• only real changes would be to the Davis property and the property
north of the Davis property.
Planning Commission Minutes
• August 1, 1996
Page 14
Commissioner CERVENY asked if correspondence had been received
from the owner?
Mr. Gidley stated a card had been received, stating the owner
disagreed with the rezoning and wanted the R-3 zoning retained.
Commissioner CERVENY moved to amend Commissioner ECKHARDT°s
motion to leave the zoning on those two parcels to the east as it
is, R-3.
Commissioner ECKHARDT stated he would agree with that amendment.
He added that since multi-family surrounds the parcels in
question, it makes more sense to leave it as is.
Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion to amend.
Commissioner CERVENY asked for clarification on-the Davis
Mr. Gidley stated that the lower parcel is zoned R-2, the upper
parcel is zoned R-3. The motion made is that the entire parcel
be rezoned to R-1C.
Commissioner CERVENY moved to leave the Davis properties zoning
as it presently is, the property zoned R-2 would remain R-2, the
property zoned R-3 would remain R-3.
Commissioner ECKHARDT reiterated that Commissioner CERVENY was
proposing to leave the properties to the east and the Davis
properties as they are presently zoned.
Commissioner CERVENY stated that was correct.
Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded the motion.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked Commission to vote on the properties
that are not being questioned. She suggested individual motions
for each of the properties being questioned. As the motion
stands, she would be voting against it. That doesn't necessarily
mean she is opposed to all properties involved, just a portion.
Commissioner ECKHARDT withdrew his first motion, with the
approval of his second and moved that Planning Commission
recommend to City Council for the reasons stated previously, that
the large area rezoning be approved with those exclusions shown
in orange, red and purple on Benton Street, the parcels outlined
in blue, the property on 38th and property on Depew Street will
not be considered in this motion.
• Commissioner THOMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-D.
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• August 1, 1996
Commissioner CERVENY moved that the property at 6230 West 38th
Avenue circled in blue be rezoned R-2, not R-1C as proposed.
Commissioner WILLIAMS seconded the motion.
Commissioner THOMPSON stated she would be voting against this
motion based on testimony heard this evening from residents
stating their preference for single-family homes rather than
multi-family rentals.
Commissioner CERVENY stated the reasons for his motion as
1. The size of the property which would easily accommodate the
R-2 zoning;
2. The request by the owner that the zoning be R-2; and
3. The property borders West 38th Avenue, which is not an R-1
Motion carried 6-1, with Commissioner THOMPSON voting against.
i Commissioner CERVENY moved that the property zoned R-3 between
Fenton and Depew Streets north of West 37th Avenue remain as R-3
for the following reason:
1. It is surrounded on three sides by existing multi-family
Commissioner THOMPSON stated she would be voting against this
motion because the neighborhood needs a transition from multi-
family development and the majority of the testimony has been
wanting single-family versus rentals.
Commissioner ECKHARDT seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-2,
with Commissioners THOMPSON and GRIFFITH voting against.
Commissioner CERVENY moved that the Davis property, where the
southern two-thirds is presently zoned R-2 and the northern one-
third is presently zoned R-3, that property remain zoned as it
Commissioner WILLIAMS seconded the motion.
Commissioner THOMPSON stated she would be voting against this
motion. The reason why the large area zoning was undertaken was
to secure this area as low-density residential. I don't think
• that R-3 zoning will be compatible with that. Mr. Davis stated
Planning Commission Minutes Page 16
• August 1, 1996
he would support R-1C zoning. Also testimony taken has been
predominately opposing multi-family development.
Motion carried 4-3, with Commissioners THOMPSON, ECKHARDT and
GRIFFITH voting against.
A. Traffic Management Seminar to be held August 10
at Wheat Ridge Municipal Building
A. Regarding the Informational Item - Comprehensive Plan
Consultant Interviews, Janice Thompson suggested
Dorothy Archer's name be submitted to CMI.
A. Jay Rasplicka asked if Planning Commission would like
• to meet with PWAC?
Mr. Gidley will check with Mr. Goebel regarding scheduling a
joint meeting with PWAC, possibly on August 15, prior to the
regular meeting.
Janice Thompson reported she will be out
therefore unable to attend that meeting.
regarding the possible widening of Young
Youngfield needs some center turn lanes.
bottlenecks occur at Casey Camper Sales,
xunz Development.
of town on August 15 and
She stated her comments
Field; she feels
Ms. Thompson added that
Camper World and the
Ms. Thompson asked Mr. Gidley if a joint meeting with City
Council would be held Monday? Mr. Gidley stated that if the
meeting was scheduled, Staff would notify Commission by phone
giving them details.
A. Bob Eckhardt briefly brought Commission up-to-date
regarding the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee.
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August 1, 1996
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned by
consensus at 10:50 p.m.
Sandra Wiggins, tary