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May 1, 1997
1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson
WILLIAMS at 7:30 p.m., on May 1, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal
Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Hany Williams
Carolyn Griffith -Excused Absence
Jay Rasplicka
Carl A. Cerveny
Nancy Snow
Janice Thompson -Excused Absence
Thomas Shockley -Excused Absence
STAFF PRESENT: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner
Mazilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary
The following is the official copy of Planning Commission minutes for the Public Hearing of
May 1, 1997. A copy of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the
Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
4. APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Items of new and old business may
be recommended for placement on the agenda.)
Ms. Reckert was approached by members of the audience who were disturbed that Case CUP-97-
3 was last on the agenda. Ms. Reckert advised them that this was just the normal process but
would advise the Commission of their request to move it up on the agenda. Commissioner
CERVENY motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded to move Case D forward on the
agenda. Motion was defeated 3-2. The agenda remained as written, however, there was no
formal motion to approve.
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May 1, 1997
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Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded, to approve the Minutes
of April 17, 1997, as written. Commissioner CERVENY questioned whether or not a resolution
had been proposed at the Training Session by Commissioner THOMPSON. He was unsure
about the specifics and it was decided to wait until the next meeting to consult Commissioner
THOMPSON. Motion passed to accept the Minutes as written 5-0.
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for anyone to speak on any subject not appearing
under Item 7 of the Public Hearing section of the agenda.)
There was no one present to speak.
A. Case No. WZ-97-fi; An applicafion by Good Times Drive Thru, Inc., for
Walter R. Morris for approval of an amendment Planned Commercial
Development final development plan. Property is located at 4020
Wadsworth, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado.
(Continued from Apri13, 1997.)
Ms. Reckert stated that she had an additional exhibit she received from Economic Development
Revitalization Committee for the Commission to review. These were distributed and then Ms.
Reckert presented information regarding this case. She entered into the record slides, overheads,
staff report and exhibits. She further stated that the sign at this location does not meet today's
standard and that Staff is recommending compliance. The sign variance was granted when the
original planned development was approved in 1990 to allow this location a chance to compete,
with surrounding businesses. Discussion occurred regarding parking requirements, landscaping
and its location, irrigation, lighting, size of the building, signage, wheelchair access, proposed
azchitectural design/materials, and setbacks.
Chairperson WILLIAM5 swore in the applicant Boyd Hoback of 8620 Wolff Court #330,
Westminster. Mr. Hoback presented a brief history of the store location. Additionally, he stated
this would be the thirtieth store in Colorado however, would be the company's new prototype to
include indoor seating. There will be a more up scaled ]aok and will be compatible to the
surrounding area. He requested that the Commission allow the size of the sign to remain the
same and stated that other issues of concern would be conformed to.
Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner BRINKMAN seconded, "that Case No.
WZ-97-6, a request for approval of an amendment to a Planned Commercial Development final
. development plan for property located at 4020 Wadsworth Boulevard be approved for the
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following reasons:
1. The property is in the City of Wheat Ridge and all posting requirements and notifications
have been made,
2. The amendment to the PCD fmal development plan is required to allow the building
3. The proposal is consistent with the Town Center Master Plan Design Guidelines,
4. All requirements for the PCD final development plan have been met,
5. All agencies are able to serve the expansion.
With the following conditions:
1. The two new trees in front of the building be moved out of the right-of--way,
2. The parking lot island north of the dumpster be landscaped with at least one tree and four
3. The architect ensure that there is adequate room for a wheelchair to maneuver from the
handicapped parking space to the front door.
Motion carried 5-0.
B. Case No_ W7-97-3: An application by Rob Tucker for Custom Envelope
Corporation for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial
Development final development plan. Property is located at 4990 Iris Street,
City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado.
Ms. Reckert presented this case to the Commission. She submitted into the record the case file,
packet materials, staff report, slides, and exhibits. She stated that the property is within Wheat
Ridge and that all proper postings and notifications haue been met. Discussion was held
regarding parking, landscaping (10% minimum), fire rating, hydrants and access, right-of--way,
consistency of design and materials, curb and gutter, sidewalk, number of employees currently
and after the addition, surfacing of the southern end dock area, directing applicant to contact the
City arborist regarding trees/landscaping options, and construction materials.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in architect Paul Pennock of 2727 Bryant, Denver, and the
applicant Rob Tucker, 31033 Buttermillc Ct., Evergreen. They addressed the issues of
landscaping and sidewalk. He stated that they would add trees but would prefer not to add trees
to the islands but would suggest placing them along Iris Street in front of the parking area.
Bushes will be planted in the existing islands. The addition of a sidewalk along the
Independence side is a concern as there is no sidewalk to the south of the building and he felt that
pedestrians would be forced to cross the street and the sidewalks would not be prudent at this
. point. He stated that there was a hydrant which would haue to be avoided should the sidewalk
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remain a requirement. Ms. Reckert stated it is common in this type of situation to allow the
owner sign and development covenant delaying the requirement for public improvement
Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded, "motioned that Case
No. WZ-97-3, a request for approval of an amendment to a Planned Industrial Development final
development plan for property located at 4990 Iris Street be approved for the following reasons:
1. A plan amendment is required to allow building expansion,
2. All requirements for a final development plan have been met,
3. Staff recommends approval.
With the following conditions:
1. The applicant be allowed to place the trees requested by the Staff along Iris and a
watering system be added to that area,
2. Sidewalks be installed along street frontages where there are none now or a development
agreement if approved by Public Works with across-walk,
3. Parking azeas that are indicated as reserved on the plan shall be developed upon an order
by the Wheat Ridge Planning and Development Director where such parking is needed to
meet parking demand,
Mofion carried 5-0.
C. ('ace No. C.TIP-97-2: An application by Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
for the Archdiocese of Denver for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to
allow the expansion of a church and private school with variances in the
Residential-Two and Residential-Three zone districts. Property is located at
3900 Pierce Street, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of
Ms. Reckert presented this case and pointed out that this application includes a request for two
variances. Slides and aerial photos were provided and Ms. Reckert pointed out the various
buildings. She submitted to the record the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, case file and
packet materials, and exhibits. Discussion was held regarding a "drop off' area, fence height and
materials, landscaping, set back concerns, church/school growth, kindergarten play area, right-of-
way, the neighborhood meeting, street parking, traffic on Pierce Street, and distances from
adjoining property lines.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Dan Muldoon, architect for the project, 1890 Kipling St.,
Lakewood. Mr. Muldoon stated that with him were representatives from the church Father John
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Hilton, Pastor, Mr. Patrick Williams, Asst. Principal, Ms. Kathy Burns, Principal, and Jeny
Clark, Business Manager. He stated that the church is anticipating significant growth and aze
planning for two additional class grades in the next school yeaz. He addressed the parking issues
on Pierce Street and stated that the church has agreed to striping the curb and install "no parking"
signs to disallow parking during the school week Monday through Friday the full extent of the
church property. The church is requesting that parking be allowed on Saturday and Sunday. Mr.
Muldoon shared drawing concepts and slides with the Commission and audience. He stated that
he felt that there would be a hardship if the setback variance is not granted in that two additional
classes have already been established for the next school year The closest neighbor does not
have any difficulties regarding the addition being as close to his garage as is being proposed.
After discussion regarding the fence variance, the request was withdrawn.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in Helen Leg, 4080 Pierce. Ms. Leg's concern related to
parking on Pierce. She stated that she lives in the second house north of the discernment center
where the addition will be built. She said that when people park on Pierce, she as well as other
members of the neighborhood cannot see to safely pull out of their driveways. She would prefer
no parking be allowed at any time next to the discernment center. Chairperson WILLIAMS
asked that the Traffic Engineer be contacted to review the situation. However, the church stated
that they would agree to no parking at any time in this area.
Fence Height Variance
Request was withdrawn.
Setback Variance
Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner RASPLICKA seconded, "that the request for
approval of a 15 foot rear setback variance for property located at 3900 Pierce Street be denied
for the following reasons:
1. There is no hardship or unique circumstances,
2. There aze potential negative impacts on the residence directly to the east,
3. The evaluation criteria does not support approval,
4. Staff recommends denial."
Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner BRINKMAN seconded, "that the City of Wheat
Ridge allow a 7 foot rear setback variance, resulting in a 13 foot setback, for property located at
3900 Pierce Street be approved for the following reasons:
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1. It would make it possible to build two new classrooms,
2. The adjacent neighbor has indicated that he does not object to the variance.
Commissioner CERVENY added the following condition:
Request a Power of Attorney from the legal owner of the property to the east stating that
he does not object to this request.
Motion carried 5-0.
Conditional Use Permit
Commissioner Snow motioned, Commissioner BRINKMAN seconded, that Case No. CUP-97-3,
a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the expansion of a church and private
school for property located at 3900 Pierce Street, be approved for the following reasons:
1. It will allow for the expansion of an existing use,
2. The evaluation criteria support approval of the request,
3. Staff recommends approval of the request.
With the following conditions:
1. Monday through Friday no parking be allowed on the east side of Pierce Street from
north of the church past the discernment house,
2. This area will be reserved for pull-up lane only,
3. Saturday and Sunday no parking be allowed in front of the discernment house a distance
from the north property line to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department,
4. The architect continue working with the City azborist regarding saving the existing trees.
Mofion carried 5-0.
D. Case Nn. CIJP-97-3: An application by the Applewood Baptist Church for
approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow expansion of a church
(baseball field and volleyball courts) in a Residential-One zone district.
Property is located at 11225 West 32nd Avenue, City of Wheat Ridge,
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado.
Ms. Reckert advised the Commission that additional correspondence had been received regarding
this case. There was a letter of support from members of the church who live in Wheat Ridge
and two other letters from citizens who oppose the proposal. Ms. Reckert passed out copies of
an aerial photo designating the areas in consideration. Ms. Reckert presented information
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regarding this case and submitted into the record the comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance,
and exhibits. Ms. Reckert provided slides showing various angles to the property for the
Commission's review. Ms. Reckert stated that the property is zoned Residential-One. A church
and all ancillary uses that typically go along with a church are considered conditional uses in all
residential zoned districts within the City. Conditional Uses are permitted uses, however, there is
the proviso with that designation that there be a site plan review which involves the
neighborhood, a neighborhood input meeting is required and a public hearing before approval.
This church has a portion of its property on the south side of 32nd Avenue within the City of
Lakewood and is primazily the main church building. To the north in the City of Wheat Ridge is
about 14 acres that is owned by the church. There has been a new parking area installed as well.
The intent of the church is to use the recreation amenities as part of their ministry, however,
DeEvelyn High School (located on 32nd Avenue west of the Wheat Ridge city limits) would be
using the baseball field for practice and home games. A neighborhood meeting was held and
many concerns were expressed at that time.
Discussion occurred regarding what path materials were being proposed, adjacent house
locations and future building prospects, possibility of moving the baseball fields to the east,
drainage plan requirements, special event/outside uses, bleachers, use of the fields by outside
entities, and location of volleyball courts.
Chairperson WILLIAMS swore in the following:
David Lloyd, 1425 S. Welch Circle, Lakewood, 80228. Mr. Lloyd is the Chair of the Church
Building and Planning Committee. He stated with him was Treavor Braun who is the Associate
Pastor. He stated that he felt that Staff had performed a very good job but felt there were a few
things in the staff report that he felt needed clarification. The new ball field will replace an
existing softball field although it is informal in nature. The current plan is a scaled down plan
from the one originally presented to the neighborhood last year. That plan had soccer fields and
a tennis court. He expressed concern over some of the Staff recommendations. Item 2 relates to
the six foot high solid fence be specifically built along the western property line. He questioned
this fence having the ability to be a buffer to noise. Item 3 relates to emergency access which
recommends a hard surface and gate be installed and maintained. He stated that they would like
to construct this out of gravel or crusher fines to eliminate the amount of impervious area that
would be constructed on the site. Item 5 relates to curb cut closure. He stated that parking
attendants are available to assure smooth traffic flow and that this particular cut is used
especially on Sunday mornings. Item 6 states no PA system, bleachers, or concession be
allowed. He asked that bleachers be reconsidered for spectators.
Questions were raised regarding how high they would want bleachers, sanitation facilities, and
leaving the curb cut with specific in/out lanes, however, Staff feels one of the cuts needs to be
closed. Commissioner SNOW requested that the response letter from the church dated April 14,
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1997, be read aloud for the audience.
Chairperson WILLIAMS stated that since so many citizens were registered to speak, that if they
agree with what has already been stated, that they simply state that they agree to save time.
Mike Larkin, 3187 Robb, Lakewood. Mr. Larkin stated that he is against the project. He feels
the church has not been a good neighbor. There has been excessive parking on the street while
the new parking lot remains half full. Other concerns included poor response from the church
when approached about problems, traffic, noise, restroom facilities, and he also feels there is a
lack of planning. He suggested keeping it open space.
Mr. Anthony Mazcello, 3241 Routt Street. Mr. Marcello is opposed to the project for all the
reasons previously stated. The noise issue is his main concern and stated that on nights that the
church have functions including loud music, his children are kept awake. He also does not see a
connection with the church and school which he believes should be kept separate. Other
concerns included increased traffic, parking on the street, noise, and sanitation facilities.
Ms. Virginia Sellers, 3310 Routt Street. Stated she and her husband are opposed to the project
and have actually built a fence to protect their property from the public and those riding horses.
• Ms. LeeAnn Mullen, 3275 Quail Street. Stated she is opposed to the project for all the reasons
stated and further testified that she does not feel the church has been a good neighbor. She
regularly picks up trash that is left behind, her trees have been cut and cuttings left behind by the
church, and the raising of the parking lot caused drainage onto her property, in addition the a
three story education building in a residential area. She felt consideration should be given to the
pollution from excessive traffic. She requested a "no play/quiet" time in the neighborhood on the
weekend after a long week at work for everyone.
Mr. Ross Issak, 3204 Quail Street. Mr. Issak is opposed to the project and any further expansion
of the church. His main concern is noise because he works from 60 to 80 hours a week and feels
the extra noise will interfere wish his quiet time. He stated he bought his home because it was in
a quiet area with little traffic and over time it has become extremely noisy into the night. Also,
people drive over his lawn, there is a considerable increase in traffic/pollution, quality of life in
the neighborhood has been affected, and in addition, wildlife issues and property values should
be considered.
Mr. Ross Casados, 3291 Routt Street. Mr. Casados is against the proposal and feels that
everything expressed previously applies to him as well. He is also concerned that ATV activity
will increase in the field with the addition of ball fields.
Mr. Richard Solankee, 11038 W. 38th Avenue. Mr. Solankee is opposed for all reasons stated.
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Ms. Janice Hurst, 10499 W. 38th Avenue. Ms. Hurst is for the proposal because she feels this
proposal is good for the youth and is being built at no taxpayer expense. She believes that the
problems could be controlled and dealt with.
Mr. Wall Previs, 3060 Quail, Lakewood. Mr. Previs is opposed for reasons stated however, is
primarily opposed because of the street parking. He complimented Staff on their work regarding
this case, however, referenced a portion of Ms. Reckert's statement that a church fits in to and is
complimentary to a residential development. He agreed but only to a point. He feels he lives in
a low density area with a high density church which is over saturating the community and is no
longer complimentary to the area. This church is a detriment and has been for some time.
Ms. Joanne James, 3233 Pierson. Ms. James is opposed for all reasons stated however is mostly
concerned with noise and no sound barrier to protect neighbors. She stated that the church had
no consideration of neighbors. An example given was the use of bullhorns during games last
summer which continued to the point she had to close her windows.
Mr. Jerome Sisneen, 3395 Quail Street. Mr. Sisneen is a professional planner and has been a
resident of the area for two weeks. He stated that this cannot be planned in a vacuum and is
opposed to the proposal. He stated that he believes the whole azea needs a master plan and
• landscape plan. He feels this proposal does not fit in the neighborhood.
Mr. Will Sugai, 11158 W. 33rd Avenue. Mr. Sugai agrees with most concerns said and added
that he feels that there is no master plan and that the church is piece mealing this project together.
He further stated that he does not feel the neighborhood issues have really been addressed and
that it has been a mockery and a white wash by the church.
Ms. Jeannie Hill, 3345 Quail Street. Ms. Hill stated she is for the proposal and disagrees with
many of her neighbors. She feels the church has been a good influence in the community. She
stated that she has enjoyed the open space for 20 years but realistically believes that where there
is a church there will be expansion. She says change is hard as is proved by those in attendance.
She stated that a letter was distributed to the neighborhood from a concerned person but feels it
was conflicting in some parts. She relayed that the letter stated that the most important thing was
to preserve the quite and serene character of the neighborhood which is in jeopardy. Later on the
last page she describes the quite neighborhood with blaring radios, increased traffic, parking,
etc., and Ms. Hill does not understand how it could be both ways. She feels the youth ministry is
an extremely important part of the church's mission. She feels it is their property and it is a free
Mr. Dave Cole, 3050 Quail Street, Lakewood. Mr. Cole is opposed to the project as proposed
and agrees with those comments made previously.
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Mr. Pat Bray, 3065 Quail Street, Lakewood. Mr. Bray is opposed to the project and agrees with
Mr. Tom George, 3184 Routt St., Lakewood. Mr. George is opposed to the project and although
he feels the people at the church are pretty good neighbors and good people. He believes that
there should be better communication between the church and the neighborhood. The two things
he is most concerned about is the noise and congestion.
Ms. Barbara George, 3184 Routt St., Lakewood. She agrees with the opposition and believes
that it is the beginning of the end for the neighborhood.
Mr. Darren Richey, 12066 W. Virginia Place. Mr. Richey stated he is for the proposal and is a
volunteer with the church working with the students. There are between 150-200 students drawn
to the church with approximately 45 volunteers. He said there has been no vandalism and feels
that a home field for DeEvelyn is important.
Mr. Ryan Wiemer, 10941 W. Louisiana, Lakewood. Mr. Wiemer is a member of the church and
a student volunteer. He stated he felt this was important because many of the students come
from a background of very little home life and very little from people who are supposed to invest
and care for them. It is good that they have a place to hang out on Wednesday nights and be
around those who do care about them so that they feel life is worth living. He feels this is a great
opportunity to give back to the community.
Mr. Lee Lloyd, 1995 Zang Street. Mr. Lloyd is a volunteer working with the youth at the church.
He stated that students arriving for a game usually come in car pools which should not create a
traffic problem. Most baseball fields aze full and this would provide another for the students at
DeEvelyn as well as giving them the opportunity to be a part of the church and to do something
Mr. David Miller, 3485 Quail Street. Mr. Miller basically does not oppose the project. He
inquired about the volleyball azea and asked if it was for use by anyone. His main concerns,
however, are the noise and lights. He would prefer no lights, sanitation facilities, and that games
only be played until sundown.
Mr. Gary Theander, 3349 Swadley. Mr. Theander is not opposed to the project and feels it
would provide a nice field and facility for students. This should be a very positive experience.
The noise that is being complained about are normal community noises.
Mr. David DiGiacomo, 3275 Quail, Lakewood. He is opposed to the project and feels his
property is more affected than most everyone else. He has observed the church grow for longer
than most as well. He feels that this is an issue of good government with long term, rational,
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careful planning which is consistent with the needs of the neighborhood and all property owners.
Is it good government to allow the conversion of church use to a public school use. He stated
that the Rockies are providing $ l OK to a church so that it can have an exclusive use of a public
school facility using this field. This is an entanglement of a church, the Rockies mazketing arm,
and the public school system. There has been overwhelming opposition and he feels the project
has been piece mealed. He stated he has requested the church to put their parking lot lights on
timers so that he can sleep and nothing has been done. Students have been in his yard loitering
and using his bushes as a restroom. He said the future with the church has been dictated by the
Ms. Robin Christians, 3159 Robb Circle, Lakewood. Ms. Christian is the author of the letter that
was distributed to the neighborhood. She was upset that her area was not included in the aerial
map as well as various other issues directed at the planning department. Ms. Christian stated she
felt that at the neighborhood meeting there was a gross lack of information received from the
church. She is totally opposed to the project and feels the church has no plan and has not
addressed the issues presented to them at any time. Ms. Christians took issue with many topics
from the project, the church, the neighborhood meeting, as well as, the process.
Ms. Carolyn Noble, 11254 W. 38th Avenue. Ms. Noble stated that this appears to be a difficult
issue but is biased about her own property. She does not believe that property owners did not
perceive the future for growth and change. She believes that the church is neither a good
neighbor or listener. She thinks that there should be a liaison available between the church and
the community and volunteered herself to accomplish this. Her main issue is the piece and quiet
which may be lost and is against the project for that reason.
Ms. Georgia Canici, 3204 Pierson Street. Ms. Canici is against the project as the proposal stands
at this time and requested that it be denied.
Mr. Richard Fehr, 10857 W. 31st Avenue, Lakewood. Mr. Fehr is against the project and stated
that members of the church including the pastor do not live in the neighborhood and cannot relate
to the problems the church and this project have imposed. He is opposed to additional traffic and
the affects on wildlife/environment, in addition to children's safety. He felt the parking lot that
was installed was inappropriate as well with its run off going directly into Lena Gulch. He stated
that they have tried to contact the church with no response. He suggested that funds from Great
Outdoors Colorado (lottery funds) be requested to buy the land and assure it as open space.
Mr. Pete Klammer, 3200 Routt Street. Mr. Klammer is strongly opposed to the project and feels
the church is "big business" and that this is just a small portion of what is really wanted by the
church. The church has been a proper but not a good neighbor. He stated that when he and his
children have been walking their dog and playing frisbee, they have been escorted from the
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Mx. Ralph Perri, 1090 Holland Street, Lakewood. Mr. Perri stated he owns property very close
to the baseball fields and plans on building a house there. He does not want to live next to
anything like the proposal. He suggested that if he wanted to put in tennis courts for a private
club, he would not be allowed to. He does not think the church has been a good neighbor. He
feels the proposal will have a total negative affect and it does not fit in the Applewood area. The
church is fine, but anything more is inappropriate.
Jimmy Neblow, (address unreadable). He stated he completely supports the proposal and
acknowledged the increased activity at the church. He stated that there has been no criminal
activity occurring with students from the church.
Frank Bums, 4676 Dudley. Mr. Burns is a member of the church and supports the church's
proposal. He stated he would like to apologize for any perceived wrong doings which may have
occurred by the church. He primarily supports the proposal to be able to reach out to kids. He
also stated that no matter where a proposal such as this is presented, it will be responsible for
some changes.
Phil Hotsenpiller, 124 S. Joy Street, pastor of the church. Mr. Hotsenpiller stated he does not
want to be a bad neighbor and apologized for wrong doing. He stated that the master plan will
' make the neighborhood life easier. The reason he stated was that if the church continues to grow
as it is now, approximately 300 members a year, a third service will be initiated in the fall which
will extend the time of church services. He said that if they don't have a master plan that will
seat more people, additional services will have to be added which will be nonstop. He stated that
the church will make every effort to be a better neighbor and further, that the original plan had
been scaled down for this reason to about. one-third of what it was. He stated that notes are put
on cars parked on the street to request that they park in the parking lot and that they have tried to
keep things in line. He said he does not want to build buildings for buildings sake...but for
peoples sake and feels tlxat they maintain the property appropriately.
Steve Saunders, 11734 W. 33rd Avenue. Mr. Saunders is not a member of the church but stated
he cannot imagine a better use of the land. He would not support a housing development
however, he supports fully the use of the land as a baseball field and commended the church.
Robert Reed, 11157 W. 31st Avenue. Mr. Reed is opposed to the project. He stated that every
time the church has expanded, things have gotten worse including traffic, trash, thefts,
trespassing, property damage, etc..
Scott Wilcox, 3137 Robb Circle. Mr. Wilcox is the father of a boy who was struck by an
automobile from the church. He stated that he attended the hearing regazding the parking lot
which he opposed. He does not feel that the church listens to the concerns of the neighborhood.
He stated that the associate pastor parks on the street every week.
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Ann Whitehead, 11127 W. 31 st Avenue. Ms. Whitehead questioned what the connection was
between the school and church and why only one school would be allowed to use the ball field.
Robin Christians returned to the podium with additional comments. She wanted to answer the
previous woman's question (Ms. Whitehead) and provide clarification to the Commission. She
requested the church to correct her if her facts were incorrect. She stated that the connection
between DeEvelyn High School and the church is that through the Colorado Rockies Baseball
Team, a $ I OK grant was awarded to the church for a community project. However, there was a
condition attached to the grant which was that DeEvelyn High School be allowed to use the
fields. Church members stated this was incorrect. Chairperson WILLIAMS directed the speaker
to address the Commission only. She stated that the Commission should find out the answer to
this question if she is incorrect. She also stated she wanted to know how can anybody who
awards funding, dictate who can use property in a residential area. The main issue at this
meeting is not so much the baseball fields, but the use of the fields by others than the church
especially by a school that has a field already in addition to batting cages. She believes that
everyone has been misled. She said that she had not been asked by "the woman on the end"
(Commissioner Brinkman) as to what she would like to see done with the property. Ms.
Christians stated the church could make a charitable donation to the community, ask the City of
Wheat Ridge to purchase it as part of their open space, Outdoor Colorado was also mentioned,
and one other is having the church divide and move elsewhere.
Discussion was held regarding the neighbors contacting the police department regarding noise or
other problems, development of a contact committee between the neighborhood and church, what
would be the next step for the church should the proposal not be approved, if the request could be
approved with conditions requiring the church to return with a specific plan that the Commission
could review. Ms. Reckert clarified the questions and stated that the case could be continued if
additional information is necessary, before a decision is made. The church has a right of appeal
if they disagree with the conditions placed by the Planning Commission.
Commissioner SNOW motioned, Commissioner CERVENY seconded, to continue Case No.
CUP-97-3 so a compromise could be reached between the church and the neighborhood, to a date
no later than August, 1997, that Staff pick an appropriate date of review, and that this case will
be the only case heard that evening. Motion carried 5-0.
Directives as received from Commissioner SNOW are as follows:
1. The field and volleyball pits be limited to use by the church only.
2. The path to the restrooms be opened and available for all games.
3. Delete the requirement for bleachers. That a drawing be provided that shows that they
aze no higher than 2 or 3 levels at the most.
Planning Cormission Minutes
May 1, 1997
• Page 14
4. That there either be no lights or no lights later than 9:00 p.m. for the volleyball pit.
5. Address the issue of noise protection for the volleyball courts.
6. No bullhorns allowed.
7. Current parking lot lights go off at night.
8. The City of Wheat Ridge make a formal request of the City of Lakewood to allow
parking on nearby Lakewood streets for residents only.
9. Any neighbor is allowed to submit to the Planning Department additional conditions that
they think would be fair.
Ms. Reckert stated that the conditions were very broad and that hopefully a compromise could be
arrived at. Commissioner SNOW stated that these where only her comments and that perhaps no
one else on the Commission will agree with her.
Commissioner RASPLICKA motioned, Commissioner SNOW seconded, that the church provide
a master plan instead of a piece meal plan to the Commission. Motion carried 5-0
Ms. Reckert stated that requesting a master plan from the church could open up a whole set of
new issues. Commissioner RASPLICKA stated that he didn't feel that the church could provide
a master plan at the next meeting to consider this case. He feels that this case needs to be
reviewed at the earliest possible date. He still felt, however, that a master plan is in order.
Commissioner CERVENY motioned, Commissioner BRINKMAN seconded, that the motion to
request a master plan be reconsidered. Motion carried 5-0.
Ms..Reckert stated that a long range planning document should be submitted so that the
Commission would be aware of what may be requested in the future.
Commissioner CERVENY added the following directives:
1. Limit church activities as far as a baseball field would be concerned.
2. Other items can be determined by negotiations between the neighborhood and church.
Commission BRINKMAN added the following directives:
1. The church to develop a recreation committee to get together with the neighbors to
identify the issues and work together to resolve them.
2. The church to develop another committee to deal with general issues of the
neighborhood. Many of the issues brought forward at this meeting were not related to the
project and may have been resolved prior to the meeting resulting in a shorter meeting
and an easier decision. She feels the pastor should possibly be involved as well.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 1, 1997
Page 15
Ms. Gunn advised the Commissioners that the dinner for retired commissioners would beheld
May 9th and asked if they could check their calendars for conflict.
The meeting which was canceled due to weather regarding Light Industrial zoning changes that
was to take place with City Council, has been rescheduled to May 15, 1997, in City Council
Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 a.m. by consensus.
Marilyn Gunn, Recording Secretary