HomeMy WebLinkAbout1. FINAL_FSP_12430_W_44th
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Field Sampling Plan
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Prepared for
City of Wheat Ridge
Community Development Department
Municipal Building, 7500 W. 29th Ave
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
Prepared by
12295 W. 48th Avenue, Unit A
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
(303) 980‐4101
February 5, 2016
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Table of Contents
Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................. v
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose and Scope ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Project Personnel .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Field Sampling Plan Organization ................................................................................................. 3
2 Site Background ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Site Location and Description ....................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Site History .................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Physical Setting ............................................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Previous Investigations ................................................................................................................. 7
3 Field Activities .............................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Mobilization/Demobilization ........................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Methamphetamine‐Affected Property Survey ............................................................................. 9
3.2.1 Methamphetamine Sampling Procedures and Methodology ......................................... 10
3.3 IDW Management ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.4 Data Management ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.5 Additional Field Activities ............................................................................................................ 12
4 Reporting and Schedule ............................................................................................................. 13
5 References ................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 1 Site Location Map ........................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2 Site Aerial Photograph Showing Adjacent Property Use ................................................................ 6
Table 1 Physical Setting ................................................................................................................................. 7
Appendix A: Updated UFP‐QAPP Worksheet #2
Updated UFP‐QAPP Worksheet #5
Updated UFP‐QAPP Worksheet #7
Updated UFP‐QAPP Worksheet #8
Appendix B: Contaminants of Concern
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
All Appropriate Inquiries
American Society for Testing and Materials
Code of Colorado Regulations
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Site Assessment
Foothills Environmental, Inc.
Field Sampling Plan
Investigative derived waste
MMP Materials Management Plan
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Personal protective equipment
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Project Plan
Quality Control
REC Recognized environmental condition
RMC RMC Consultants, Inc.
Site Safety Health Officer
Site Safety Health Plan
Standard Operating Procedure
Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
Uniform Federal Policy
USGS United States Geological Survey
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
1 Introduction
RMC Consultants, Inc. (RMC) has prepared this Site‐Specific Field Sampling Plan (FSP) for a planned
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the residential property located at 12430 West 44th
Avenue in Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, hereafter referred to as the “subject property”. A
Phase II ESA was recommended for the subject property based one historic recognized environmental
condition (HREC) was identified for the subject property as a result of a Meth Lab/Clandestine Drug
Laboratory listing and at the request of the City of Wheat Ridge. The objective of the Phase II work and
organization of this FSP is provided in the following subsections. The site location is shown on Figure 1.
1.1 Purpose and Scope
The Phase II ESA is being conducted as part of the Community‐Wide Brownfields Assessment Project for
Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The City of Wheat Ridge has received funding from the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) to assess properties within the City’s identified redevelopment areas that have
or are perceived to have environmental concerns related to previous uses or the age of the buildings on
site. The City of Wheat Ridge will be acting as the lead authority during the completion of the Phase II
ESA, with support from the EPA Region 8. The objectives of the Phase II ESA for the 12430 West 44th
Avenue property are to identify whether site contamination caused by current or previous use of the
subject property exists. Additionally, findings of the Phase II ESA may be used to determine the need for
developing a Materials Management Plan (MMP). If an environmental concern is confirmed during the
Phase II ESA, the subject property may require a MMP and implementation before it is redeveloped.
Phase II work shall follow the standards for the cleanup of methamphetamine‐affected properties which
are included under Code of Colorado Regulations (CCR) 1014‐3. Regulation of methamphetamine
exposure in the occupational environment is the responsibility of the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA).
This FSP is site‐specific and addresses all field work associated with the activities necessary to complete
the Phase II ESA for the subject property. A Uniform Federal Policy‐Quality Assurance Project Plan (UFP‐
QAPP) and Site Safety and Health Plan (SSHP) have also been prepared for the Phase II work associated
with the Wheat Ridge Community‐Wide Brownfields Assessment Project and are included as separate
documents (RMC, 2014a and RMC, 2014b, respectively). The UFP‐QAPP describes the steps taken to
ensure that environmental data collected are of the correct type and quality required for specific
decisions and use associated with the field work for the project. The SSHP provides the safety and
health guidelines to be followed during the performance of the field portion of this project. All work
described in this FSP will comply with all applicable federal, State of Colorado, and local laws, including
the requirements of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA) and any other environmental standards necessary to meet the project objectives.
G :\w o r k d i r s \W h e a t R i d g e \m x d \W h e a t R i d g e \1 2 4 3 0 W 4 4 t h P I I F i g u r e 1 .m x d 1 /8 /2 0 1 6 2 :3 8 :3 5 P M j k a h l e r t
Site Location Map
Site Boundary
0 2,0001,000
Data Sources: City of Wheat Ridge andRMC Consultants, Inc.; Arvada 7.5' 1965Revised 1994 & Golden 7.5' 1965 Revised1994 USGS Quad.
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
1.2 Project Personnel
The key personnel for this project are David Groy (Project Manager), Claude Murray (Field Operations
Manager), Joseph Mastromarchi (Project Quality Assurance [QA] Manager), Jason Kahlert (Site Safety
and Health Officer [SSHO]) and Andre Gonzalez (Sampling Team Leader). The responsibilities of these
positions and assigned RMC personnel are outlined in the Final UFP‐QAPP for Brownfields
Environmental Consultant/Testing Services (RMC, 2014a). The SSHO and Sampling Team Leader roles
may be filled by the same person. RMC may substitute onsite personnel on specific tasks as long as each
person possesses the skills and meets the necessary requirements for the role.
1.3 Field Sampling Plan Organization
This document is organized as follows:
Section 1. Introduction: Provides the purpose and scope of the Phase II ESA tasks and other
introductory information.
Section 2. Site Background: Provides an overview of the site history and summarizes findings
from previous investigations, if any.
Section 3. Field Activities: Summarizes the proposed Phase II ESA activities and any variances in,
or additions to, the standard operating procedures (SOPs) listed in the approved QAPP (RMC,
Section 4. Project Deliverables and Schedule
Section 5. References
A UFP‐QAPP and SSHP have also been prepared for the Phase II ESA work associated with the Wheat
Ridge Community‐Wide Brownfields Assessment Project and are included as separate documents. Any
site‐specific QA measures and/or safety and health guidelines that are not addressed in the project UFP‐
QAPP and SSHP, but applicable for this Phase II ESA, will be included in this FSP. The UFP‐QAPP
Worksheet #2, QAPP Identifying Information (a crosswalk to related documents), Worksheet #5, Project
Organizational Chart, Worksheet #7, Personnel Responsibilities and Qualifications, and Worksheet #8,
Special Personnel Training Requirements, has been updated to include corresponding FSP sections as
they relate to the required QAPP elements and is provided in Appendix A of this FSP. The updated
worksheet will assist FSP users in identifying the location of project‐specific information within the FSP
and UFP‐QAPP. This FSP will be used jointly with the UFP‐QAPP in completing Phase II ESA tasks for the
subject property.
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
2 Site Background
2.1 Site Location and Description
The subject property consists of approximately 0.75 acres on the south side of West 44th Avenue. A
narrow paved roadway named Wright Street (a short dead‐end street) extends along the eastern edge
of the property and provides access to the driveway for the property. The 0.75‐acre subject property is
improved with a single‐story wood‐frame house and detached garage. Mr. Eads is currently renting the
house to a third party. He is using the garage for storage of supplies and equipment related to his
painting business. The site location is depicted on Figure 1, which was reproduced from a portion of the
United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute series topographic map.
The subject property is located approximately 1,100 feet north of eastward flowing Clear Creek. A Site
Aerial Photograph Showing Adjacent Property Use map is included as Figure 2. The subject property is
located within the area of the Clear Creek floodplain deposits, which form a flat‐bottomed valley
approximately 0.7 miles in width in the area of the subject property, widening downstream to about 1.0
mile in width. The Clear Creek channel is currently incised into the floodplain deposits approximately 20
feet in the general site area, with the channel top‐width measuring about 200 feet. A pond or wetland is
present on the south side of Clear Creek at its closest point to the subject property. The Clear Creek flat‐
bottomed valley is well‐defined by steep sides that rise 40 to 50 feet above the valley floor (Figure 1).
The observed characteristics of the subject property identified during Phase I site reconnaissance is
provided in the Phase I ESA report (RMC, 2015), as well as further details of the adjoining properties.
2.2 Site History
The following summary is based on a review of historical information presented in the Phase I ESA
report (RMC, 2015). During the Phase I ESA, RMC reviewed reasonably ascertainable historical sources
with the objective of identifying obvious uses of the subject property and adjoining sites from the
present, back to the subject property’s first developed use, or back to 1940, whichever was earlier.
Standard historical sources include: USGS topographic maps; aerial photographs; local street
directories; fire insurance maps; property tax files; land title records; building department records; and
zoning/land use records.
The subject property appears as agricultural land on the 1937 aerial photograph. Assessor records
indicate the house located at the north end of the property was built in 1941. The property has been
under residential use since 1941 based on the construction date, inspection of aerial photographs, and
historical city directories. Mrs. Margaret Deorio, previous owner of the property, has indicated that she
and her late husband acquired the property in 1979 as a rental property. She indicated it was used as a
residential rental property until its sale to Rick Eads in 2006. She was aware of the law enforcement
incident involving identification of the property being used as a methamphetamine laboratory (CDL) in
2003. She is unaware of any releases of hazardous substances at the subject property as a result of this
alleged use. The state CDL record for the site indicates that no active laboratory or releases of hazardous
chemicals were observed when the use was halted by local law enforcement.
Jefferson County Public Health indicates that the CDL case is essentially an orphan case since it occurred
before state law required remediation or demolition of properties identified as methamphetamine
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
laboratories. The CDL case status with Jefferson County is “Open”, but can be closed by submitting a
preliminary assessment report documenting methamphetamine cleanup.
This identification of the property being listed on the state ERNS and CDL lists appears to constitute a
historical REC (HREC), because while the county health department is not requiring cleanup due to the
possible release pre‐dating applicable regulation, the presence or likely presence of hazardous
substances due to a release cannot be administratively mitigated without actual proof of site cleanup.
Land use of the adjoining properties was historically agricultural. Development of residential properties
to the north began by 1907, and to the west, south and east in the early 1940’s. Commercial
development of the land to the northeast and southeast began in the early 1970s.
G :\w o r k d i r s \W h e a t R i d g e \m x d \W h e a t R i d g e \1 2 4 3 0 W 4 4 t h P I I F i g u r e 2 .m x d 1 /8 /2 0 1 6 2 :2 7 :1 5 P M j k a h l e r t
Site Aerial Photograph Showing Adjacent Property Use
Data Sources: City of Wheat Ridge, RMC Consultants, Inc., Esri, DigitalGlobe,GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, & USGS.
Site Boundary
100 0 10050
West 44th Ave
X e n o n S t
W a r d R d
W r i g h t S t
I n t e r s t a t e 7 0
12505 W 44th Ave
4415 Ward Rd
1 2 5 0 0 -1 2 5 5 0 W 4 4 t h A v e
4 3 0 0 W r i g h t S t
1 2 4 2 0 W 4 4 t h A v e
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
2.3 Physical Setting
RMC reviewed the current U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5‐minute topographic map and other
reasonably ascertainable physical setting sources to obtain information concerning the geologic,
hydrogeologic, hydrologic, and topographic characteristics of the site. A portion of the topographic map
reviewed as a source of the site’s physical setting is included as Figure 1.
Table 1 Physical Setting
Physical Setting of the Subject Property Source
Site Address(s) and/or
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado User Provided
Parcel Identification
Number (s) 39‐202‐00‐017 Jefferson County
Assessor’s Records Land Area 32,670 square feet (approx. 0.75 acres)
Latitude/Longitude Latitude: 39.77781, Longitude: ‐105.13888
(approximate center of the site) ESRI ArcGIS Explorer
Location on Public Land
Survey System (PLSS)
Southeast ¼, Northwest ¼, Section 20, Township 3
South, Range 69 West, 6th Principal Meridian USGS Topographic Map,
Golden, Colorado
Quadrangle, 1965,
Revised 1994
Approximately 5,430 feet above mean sea level
(MSL) – National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD
Gradient Gently sloping to the northeast
Estimated Depth to
Ground Water Approximately 6 feet below ground surface
Based on inspection of
the old onsite large‐
diameter well. Also
USGS Topographic Map,
Golden, Colorado
Quadrangle, 1965,
Revised 1994
2.4 Previous Investigations
A Phase I ESA was completed in August 2015 by RMC Consultants (RMC, 2015) to identify recognized
environmental conditions (RECs), as defined in ASTM E 1527‐13 and the EPA AAI rule, associated with
the subject property. The following observations were made during the Phase I site reconnaissance:
The subject property consists of approximately 0.75 acres of commercially developed
property. Access to the property is from Wright Street, a dead‐end street off West 44th
Avenue. No RECs were identified through inspection and assessment of the current site
characteristics observed during the subject property reconnaissance. One HREC was
identified for the subject property as a result of a Meth Lab/Clandestine Drug Laboratory
listing. Limited data available regarding this listing indicates that no spills or releases were
observed by law enforcement when boxed‐up laboratory equipment was identified in the
garage in 2003. The incident pre‐dates state‐mandated remediation of such discovered
sites. The Jefferson County Department of Public Health indicates that while remediation is
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
not required, the case will remain open in their records until a remediation assessment
report is provided showing the garage to be free of contamination by methamphetamine.
The old unused well at the subject property needs to be properly maintained or
abandoned. The well is a direct conduit from the surface to the water table that presents a
potential pathway for any contamination to adversely affect groundwater quality. A
licensed well driller should properly seal up this old well if it is to remain unused.
The review of environmental database records identified 15 listings associated with ten sites within the
ASTM‐specified approximate minimum search distances. Based on the regulatory status, distance,
and/or topographic location, these 15 facility listings do not present RECs in connection with the subject
The Phase I assessment revealed evidence of one HREC, which was also then considered a REC, in
connection with the subject property.
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
3 Field Activities
The field portion of the Phase II ESA will consist of sampling activities to determine if, in fact, there
are any contaminants on the subject properties associated with the building structure materials that
may pose a threat to redevelopment and future land use. The following section discusses the field
investigation tasks. SOPs for the proposed field activities are provided in Appendix A of the project
QAPP (RMC, 2014a). Any variances to SOPs outlined in the QAPP will be addressed during the
corresponding field activity discussion.
All laboratory analytical results, laboratory and field quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC)
results, and sample location measurement results are critical information. All other results are for
informational purposes only.
This FSP covers a single sampling event for all media to be sampled. Sample collection methods, as
described in this FSP and associated QAPP, will be followed to minimize variability between samples.
Instrumentation used during this sampling event will be calibrated and operated per manufactures
specifications, details described in this FSP and associated QAPP, and per regulatory requirements.
3.1 Mobilization/Demobilization
Mobilization includes the preparation required to accomplish each phase of the field investigation. RMC
and their contractors will provide all field support personnel for this effort. A variety of tasks will be
performed during mobilization activities, including but not limited to:
Coordinate with property owners to schedule sampling activities and obtain keys for entry to
Identify and establish decontamination and investigative derived waste (IDW) staging areas, if
necessary, for field operations;
Procure personal safety equipment, sample containers, and all miscellaneous field supplies;
Provide field personnel copies of the QAPP and SSHP; and,
Discuss options for the possibility of the sampling sites becoming inaccessible;
Conduct a site orientation with all personnel, including subcontractors, to discuss planned
inventory and sampling activities, site health and safety issues, and any restrictions that may be
imposed due to site conditions.
Demobilization will include decontaminating equipment used on the project and completing site
cleanup. All equipment and supplies brought on to the site will be removed from the site. RMC and
their subcontractors will take care to minimize impacts to the property.
3.2 Methamphetamine‐Affected Property Survey
A methamphetamine‐affected property survey will be conducted at the structures located at 12430
West 44th Avenue to identify areas that may have been impacted by methamphetamine manufacturing
or use. The extent of the methamphetamine contamination, if any, will be assessed. Foothills
Environmental, Inc. (Foothills) will be subcontracted to perform the methamphetamine survey portion
of the project. Foothills’ efforts will be led by Andre Gonzalez, Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH). Mr.
Gonzalez holds the required Colorado certification for methamphetamine assessment. RMC will oversee
and manage the methamphetamine survey efforts.
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Prior to beginning sample collection, building plans will be reviewed. The sampling team will have a kit
containing all necessary equipment. The following items will be included in each sampling kit:
Plastic bottles containing isopropanol or methanol as wetting agents
Containers for sample collection
Wipes (2 inch by 2 inch) for taking discrete or composite samples, as appropriate
Container labels for identifying samples
Sample log, assessment, survey data, and chain‐of‐custody forms
Tape measure, clipboard, and pens
Paper towels and/or wet wipes for wiping sampling tools clean
Duct tape
Marker with indelible ink
Disposable nitrile gloves for hand protection and to avoid cross contamination of samples
Plastic bags for disposal of excess debris and used protective equipment
Protective eyewear for overhead sampling
Half‐face, air‐purifying respirator with high‐efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter cartridge
Ladder for sampling out‐of‐reach areas
Building keys
Camera for photographing suspect areas
3.2.1 Methamphetamine Sampling Procedures and Methodology
State regulations pertaining to methamphetamine are included under 6 CCR 1014‐3, Cleanup of
Methamphetamine‐Affected Properties (CDPHE, 2014). Regulation of methamphetamine exposure in
the occupational environment is the responsibility of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Before sample collection begins, the history of the buildings will be researched using available
documents and records. The methamphetamine inspector will conduct a physical and visual inspection
for suspect materials on the property, which includes collecting wipe samples, and vacuum or vapor
samples, if appropriate, of materials, in accordance with the sampling protocol detailed in Part 1,
Section 6 Sampling and Analytical Procedures, of the regulation 6 CCR 1014‐3 (CDPHE, 2014).
For each sampling area, a diagram will be prepared that shows all suspect materials in the sampling area
and include building number, description of the sampling area, and location sampled, sample
identification numbers, name of the inspector, and date of the inspection, sample collection, and
diagram preparation. Sample locations will be marked with the sample identification number, and the
location will be photographed.
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Methamphetamine sample locations will be chosen by the inspector(s), and will include locations and
quantities that are compliant with CDPHE characterization criteria to the extent possible since the
premises is occupied. The following sampling procedures will be followed:
Personal protective equipment, including gloves, safety glasses, etc., will be donned prior to
sample collection.
Sample containers will be labeled with unique identification numbers, and sample locations and
material type will be documented in the logbook.
Prior to sampling, a 2”x2” appropriate wipe will be wetted with the proper agent, depending on
whether the suspect surface has been repainted. Methanol will be the wetting agent for freshly
painted surfaces. Isopropanol will be the wetting agent for all other samples.
Wipe samples will be will be collected using the “S” and “Square” methods.
Each sample will be placed in a re‐sealable container, which will be then tightly sealed.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) samples will be collected alongside primary samples
at the rate of one QA/QC sample per 10 primary samples. The sample numbers and chain‐of‐
custody forms will not identify the duplicate samples, so that the laboratory’s objectivity will not
be compromised.
Samples will be submitted to the laboratory within two days of collection.
During field sampling activities, traceability of the samples must be maintained from the time
the samples are collected until laboratory data are issued. Initial information concerning
collection of the samples will be recorded on field forms. Information on the custody, transfer,
handling, and shipping of samples will be recorded on a chain‐of‐custody form.
Sampling tools will be decontaminated with wet wipes, and loose material generated during
sampling will be wet‐wiped to remove all debris.
Protective clothing, wet wipes, rags, and drop cloths will be placed in a plastic waste bag for
Primary and QA/QC sample bags will be placed in a large, labeled, re‐sealable plastic bag for
transport to Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. of Denver, Colorado, using chain‐of‐custody
protocols for
o National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Method 9106,
Methamphetamine and Illicit Drugs, Precursors and Adulterants on Wipes by Liquid‐
Liquid Extraction (Issue 1, October 17, 2011), or equivalent.
o NIOSH Method 9109, Methamphetamine and Illicit Drugs, Precursors and Adulterants
on Wipes by Solid Phase Extraction (Issue 1, October 17, 2011) or equivalent.
o NIOSH Method 9111, Methamphetamine on Wipes by Liquid Chromatography/Mass
Spectrometry (Issue 1, October 17, 2011), or equivalent.
o Method 8270D in “Test Methods for the Evaluation of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical
Methods,” EPA Publication SW‐846, or equivalent.
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Analysis of wipe samples and vacuum samples for iodine shall be conducted using Method 9021
or Method 6020 in “Test Methods for the Evaluation of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical
Methods,” EPA Publication SW‐846.
Analysis of wipe samples for lead shall be conducted using NIOSH Method 9100 (May 1996).
Analysis of vapor samples for mercury shall be conducted using NIOSH Method 6009 (August
Analysis of liquid wastes, contaminated soils, soil samples, and on‐site wastewater treatment
system samples will be conducted in accordance with the analytical protocol detailed in Part 1,
Section 6 Sampling and Analytical Procedures, of the regulation 6 CCR 1014‐3 (CDPHE, 2014).
The methamphetamine survey, sampling, and analysis program is designed to provide data to assess the
factors influencing impact from methamphetamine manufacture or use, and, based on this data, the
potential for personal exposure to those constituents, and the need, if any, for abatement. The
assessment will focus on materials containing more than 0.5 µg/100 cm2 of methamphetamine, 22
µg/100 cm2 of iodine, and 40 µg/100 ft2 of lead, and 1.0 µg/m3 of mercury, with limited exceptions as
detailed in the regulation 6 CCR 1014‐3 (CDPHE, 2014). The actual number of samples collected will be
based on the type and quantity of materials observed during the inspection and may be limited because
of tenant occupancy. Information that will be evaluated includes factors related the current condition,
including the nature and extent of observable or detectable contamination, chemical storage, and
disposal. An exposure analysis will consider all factors compiled during the survey and relate them to
the potential for human exposure to the constituents of methamphetamine manufacture or use. The
exposure analysis will result in recommended actions.
3.3 IDW Management
The primary IDW will consist of a miscellaneous disposable personal protective equipment (PPE) and
disposable sampling and will be collected in plastic bags for disposal as municipal waste at an approved
3.4 Data Management
Field notes will be reviewed internally and placed in the project file.
RMC archives all electronic analytical data deliverables by project number on the company’s internal
storage server; RMC servers are amended nightly and fully backed up weekly to ensure data
preservation. RMC will archive the data until it is turned over to the City of Wheat Ridge Project
Manager at project completion.
3.5 Additional Field Activities
In addition to the quantification and sample collection activities described in this document, other field
activities will also be performed in accordance with protocol specified in the SOPs included in the UFP‐
QAPP (RMC, 2014a). Such activities may consist of equipment decontamination, field documentation,
and sample handling, tracking, and custody, as outlined in the UFP‐QAPP (RMC, 2014a).
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
4 Reporting and Schedule
A Draft Phase II ESA Report will be prepared as a consolidation of all the findings and work done during
the project and a summary of the QA/QC elements presented in the UFP‐QAPP (RMC, 2014a) and
distributed for comment. Following the receipt of all comments, a written response‐to‐comments will
be issued for concurrence of any modifications to the Draft Report. A Final Phase II ESA Report
containing the modifications will then be prepared. One electronic copy on of the Final Report will be
provided to the Lead Organization’s Project Manager, Mr. Steve Art with City of Wheat Ridge, for
distribution to stakeholders (EPA Region 8). As required by Code of Colorado Regulations (6 CCR 1014‐3)
regarding methamphetamine preliminary assessments, a copy of the report will also be provided to the
Additional deliverables for this project may also include site‐specific clean‐up options, if warranted, and
development of a MMP.
Currently, the methamphetamine‐affected property survey for the Phase II ESA is proposed to occur in
late January 2016. The Draft Phase II report will be submitted within two weeks of completion of all field
work and the receipt of analytical data. The Final Phase II report will be submitted within two weeks of
receiving comments back on the draft report.
5 References
CDPHE, 2014. Cleanup of Methamphetamine‐Affected Properties, Department of Public Health and
Environment State Board of Health, 6 Colorado Code of Regulations 1014‐3, December 15.
RMC, 2014a. Final Brownfields Environmental Consultant/Testing Services Uniform Federal Policy‐Quality
Assurance Project Plan, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, RMC Consultants, Inc., January.
RMC, 2014b. Site Safety and Health Plan, Phase II Site Investigation, Brownfields Environmental Services,
City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, RMC Consultants, Inc., January.
RMC, 2015. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for 12430 West 44th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado,
RMC Consultants, Inc., August 7.
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Updated UFP‐QAPP Worksheet #2
Updated UFP‐QAPP Worksheet #5
Updated UFP‐QAPP Worksheet #7
Updated UFP‐QAPP Worksheet #8
Draft FSP for a Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Worksheet #2 QAPP Identifying Information
Required QAPP Element(s) and
Corresponding QAPP Section(s) Required Information Crosswalk to Related
Project Management and Objectives
2.1 Title and Approval Page – Title and Approval Page Worksheet #1
2.2 Document Format and Table of Contents
2.2.1 Document Control Format
2.2.2 Document Control Numbering System
2.2.3 Table of Contents
2.2.4 QAPP Identifying Information
– Table of Contents
– QAPP Identifying Information
Worksheet #2
2.3 Distribution List and Project Personnel
Sign-Off Sheet
2.3.1 Distribution List
2.3.2 Project Personnel Sign-Off Sheet
– Distribution List
– Project Personnel Sign–Off
Worksheet #3
Worksheet #4
2.4 Project Organization
2.4.1 Project Organizational Chart
2.4.2 Communication Pathways
2.4.3 Personnel Responsibilities and
2.4.4 Special Training Requirements and
– Project Organizational Chart
– Communication Pathways
– Personnel Responsibilities and
Qualifications Table
– Special Personnel Training
Requirements Table
Worksheet #5
Worksheet #6
Worksheet #7
Worksheet #8
2.5 Project Planning/Problem Definition
2.5.1 Project Planning (Scoping)
2.5.2 Problem Definition, Site History, and
– Project Planning Session
Documentation (including Data
Needs tables)
– Project Scoping Session
Participants Sheet
– Problem Definition, Site History,
and Background
– Site Maps (historical and present)
Worksheet #9
Worksheet #10
FSP: Section 2, Site
Background and History
2.6 Project Quality Objectives and Measurement
Performance Criteria
2.6.1 Development of Project Quality
Objectives Using the Systematic
Planning Process
2.6.2 Measurement Performance Criteria
– Site–Specific PQOs
– Measurement Performance Criteria
Worksheet #11
Worksheet #12
Draft FSP for a Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Required QAPP Element(s) and
Corresponding QAPP Section(s) Required Information Crosswalk to Related
2.7 Secondary Data Evaluation Sources of Secondary Data and
– Secondary Data Criteria and
Limitations Table
Worksheet #13
FSP: Section 2.4,
Previous Investigations
2.8 Project Overview and Schedule
2.8.1 Project Overview
2.8.2 Project Schedule
Summary of Project Tasks
– Reference Limits and Evaluation
– Project Schedule/Timeline Table
Worksheet #14
Worksheet #15
Worksheet #16
FSP: Section 4
Measurement/Data Acquisition
3.1 Sampling Tasks
3.1.1 Sampling Process Design and
3.1.2 Sampling Procedures and
Requirements Sampling Collection Procedures Sample Containers, Volume, and
Preservation Equipment/Sample Containers
Cleaning and Decontamination
Procedures Field Equipment Calibration,
Maintenance, Testing, and
Inspection Procedures Supply Inspection and
Acceptance Procedures Field Documentation Procedures
Sampling Design and
– Sample Location Map
– Sampling Locations and
Methods/SOP Requirements
– Analytical Methods/SOP
Requirements Table
– Field Quality Control Sample
Summary Table
– Sampling SOPs
– Project Sampling SOP,
References, Table
Field Equipment Calibration,
Maintenance, Testing, and
Inspection Table
Worksheet #17
FSP: Section 3
Worksheet #18
Worksheet #19
Worksheet #20
Worksheet #21
Worksheet #22
3.2 Analytical Tasks
3.2.1 Analytical SOPs
3.2.2 Analytical Instrument Calibration
3.2.3 Analytical Instrument and Equipment
Maintenance, Testing, and Inspection
3.2.4 Analytical Supply Inspection and
Acceptance Procedures
Analytical SOPs
– Analytical SOP References Table
– Analytical Instrument Calibration
– Analytical Instrument and
Equipment Maintenance, Testing,
and Inspection Table
Worksheet #23
Worksheet #24
Worksheet #25
Draft FSP for a Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Required QAPP Element(s) and
Corresponding QAPP Section(s) Required Information Crosswalk to Related
3.3 Sample Collection Documentation, Handling,
Tracking, and Custody Procedures
3.3.1 Sample Collection Documentation
3.3.2 Sample Handling and Tracking
3.3.3 Sample Custody
– Sample Collection Documentation
Handling, Tracking, and Custody
– Sample Container Identification
– Sample Handling Flow Diagram
– Example Chain-of-Custody Form
and Seal
Worksheet #26
Worksheet #27
3.4 Quality Control Samples
3.4.1 Sampling Quality Control Samples
3.4.2 Analytical Quality Control Samples
– QC Samples Table
– Screening/Confirmatory Analysis
Decision Tree
Worksheet #28
3.5 Data Management Tasks
3.5.1 Project Documentation and Records
3.5.2 Data Package Deliverables
3.5.3 Data Reporting Formats
3.5.4 Data Handling and Management
3.5.5 Data Tracking and Control
– Project Documents and Records
– Analytical Services Table
– Data Management SOPs
Worksheet #29
FSP: Section 3.4 and 4
Worksheet #30
4.1 Assessments and Response Actions
4.1.1 Planned Assessments
4.1.2 Assessment Findings and Corrective
Action Responses
– Assessments and Response
– Planned Project Assessments
– Audit Checklists
– Assessment Findings and
Corrective Action Responses Table
Worksheet #31
Worksheet #32
4.2 QA Management Reports – QA Management Reports Table Worksheet #33
4.3 Final Project Report – Reporting FSP: Section 4
Draft FSP for a Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Required QAPP Element(s) and
Corresponding QAPP Section(s) Required Information Crosswalk to Related
Data Review
5.1 Overview
5.2 Data Review Steps
5.2.1 Step I: Verification
5.2.2 Step II: Validation Step IIa Validation Activities Step IIb Validation Activities
5.2.3 Step III: Usability Assessment Data Limitations and Actions from
Usability Assessment Activities
– Verification (Step I) Process Table
– Validation (Steps IIa and IIb)
Process Table
– Validation (Steps IIa and IIb)
Summary Table
– Usability Assessment
Worksheet #34
Worksheet #35
Worksheet #36
Worksheet #37
5.3 Streamlining Data Review
5.3.1 Data Review Steps to be Streamlined
5.3.2 Criteria for Streamlining Data Review
5.3.3 Amounts and Types of Data
Appropriate for Streamlining
Draft FSP for a Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Worksheet #5 Project Organizational Chart
Lead Organization and
Approval Authority:
City of Wheat Ridge
Steve Art, Economic Development
& Urban Renewal Manager
Denise Balkas
Regulatory Stakeholder:
EPA Region 8
Bill Rothenmeyer
Contractor Organization:
RMC Consultants, Inc.
David Groy, Project
Manages environmental tasks
and coordinates with lead
agency and subcontractors.
Subcontractor Organization:
Remington Technologies, LLC
(Drilling) Jesse Taylor
Subcontractor Organization:
Reservoirs Environmental, Inc.
Mike Schaumloeffel
RMC Representative:
Claude Murray, Field Operations Manager
Coordinates all field activities and will notify
Project Manager of changes to QAPP and FSP.
RMC Representative:
Joseph Mastromarchi, Project QA Manager
Provides QA/QC oversight, reviews data,
evaluates the need for corrective actions, and
maintains the approved QAPP.
RMC Representative:
Jason Kahlert, Health & Safety Officer
Reviews Health & Safety protocol/practices,
prepares SSHP, and ensures H & S
certification is obtained by site personnel.
RMC Representative:
Jennifer Hussey, Sampling Team Leader
Leads the field sampling effort, reports any
deviations from the FSP, and provides
health & safety and QA/QC oversight.
Line of Authority
Line of Communication
Subcontractor Organization:
Foothills Environmental, Inc.
Andre Gonzalez
Draft FSP for a Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Worksheet #7 Personnel Responsibilities and Qualifications
Name Title Organizational
Affiliation Responsibilities Education and Experience
Steve Art Project Manager City of Wheat Ridge Oversees project and responds to
regulatory agency
American Institute of Certified Planners
(AICP) certification
David Groy Project Manger RMC Manages environmental tasks -
coordinates with Lead Agency
Master of Science, Environmental Policy
and Management, 30 yrs. exp.
Jennifer Hussey Sampling Team Leader RMC
Leads the field sampling effort as
necessary and provides Quality
Assurance/Quality Control oversight
Bachelor of Science/Master of Arts,
Geology, 16 yrs. exp.
Jason Kahlert Project Health and Safety
Officer RMC
Reviews Health and Safety protocols
and practices, responsible for ensuring
OSHA-required H & S training and State-
required asbestos and LBP certification
obtained for applicable site personnel
Bachelor of Science, Geology, 19 yrs.
Joseph Mastromarchi Project QA Manager RMC
Maintains the official, approved QAPP,
reviews data and QA/QC procedures,
and verifies that corrective action is
taken when necessary. The Project QA
Manager position is independent of the
unit generating data.
Bachelor of Science, Geology, 24 yrs.
Claude Murray Field Operations Manager RMC
Coordinates all field activities and
provides Quality Assurance/Quality
Control oversight. Provides health and
safety oversight, acts as backup Site
Safety and Health Officer
Bachelor of Science, Geology, 30 yrs.
Mike Schaumloeffel Laboratory Project
Reservoirs Environmental,
Inc. Manages laboratory project 7 years of experience
Draft FSP for a Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Worksheet #7 Personnel Responsibilities and Qualifications (continued)
Name Title Organizational
Affiliation Responsibilities Education and Experience
Andre Gonzalez Program Manager Foothills Environmental,
Leads the field sampling effort as
necessary B.A.Biology, 28 years of experience
Draft FSP for a Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Worksheet #8 Special Personnel Training Requirements
Specialized Training –
Title or Description of
Personnel Titles/
Location of Training
Site Worker
OSHA 40-hour
HAZWOPER with annual
refresher training
individual or
To be
prior to field
All site workers
Sampling Team
Site worker's employer
Site Worker First Aid/CPR
individual or
To be
prior to field
All site workers
Sampling Team
Site worker's employer
Site Supervisor OSHA 8-hour
HAZWOPER Supervisor
individual or
To be
prior to field
Sampling Team
Sampling Team Leader
RMC Supervisor's employer
Building Inspector CDPHE Asbestos or LBP
individual or
To be
prior to field
Asbestos or LPB
Building Inspector
Asbestos or LBP
Building Inspector
Inspector’s employer
Designation for
Industrial Hygienist
qualifications (§ 24-30-
1402, C.R.S.), CDPHE
approved Consultant
training, & OSHA 40-hour
HAZWOPER with annual
refresher training
individual or
To be
prior to field
Sampling Team
Certified Industrial
Hygienist or Industrial
Environmental, Inc.
Consultant’s employer
Final FSP for Phase II ESA
12430 West 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Contaminants of Concern
Matrix: Surface Wipe Analytical Group/Method: Methamphetamine and Illicit Drugs, Precursors, and Adulterants on Wipes by Solid Phase Extraction, NIOSH 9109 Units: µg/100 cm2
Analyte CAS Number Method Detection Limit Reporting Limit Anticipated concentration
CDPHE Cleanup Standards
(D)-Amphetamine 51-64-9 0.02 0.1 <0.5 0.5*
Cocaine 50-36-2 0.2 0.6 <0.5 –
(L)-Ephedrine 156-34-3 0.02 0.2 <0.5 –
MDEA 82801-81-8 0.06 0.1 <0.5 –
MDMA 42542-10-9 0.02 0.1 <0.5 –
(D)-Methamphetamine 537-46-2 0.02 0.2 <0.5 –
Phencyclidine 77-10-1 0.1 0.6 <0.5 –
Phentermine 122-09-8 0.03 0.2 <0.5 –
(±)-Norephedrine 14838-15-4 0.03 0.1 <0.5 –
Pseudoephedrine 90-82-4 0.02 0.2 <0.5 –
* = See 6 CCR 1014-3 for exceptions.
Matrix: Surface Wipe Analytical Group/Method: Lead, NIOSH 9100
Units: µg/ft2
Analyte CAS Number Method Detection Limit Reporting Limit Anticipated concentration
CDPHE Cleanup Standards
Lead 7439-92-1 0.02 0.2 <40 40
Matrix: Surface Wipe or Vacuum Analytical Group/Method: Iodine, EPA Method 9021
Unit: µg/100 cm2
Analyte CAS Number Method
Detection Limit
Iodine 7553-56-2 5 20 <22 22
* = Taste and Odor.
Matrix: Vapor Analytical Group/Method: Mercury, NIOSH Method 6009
Unit: µg/m3
Analyte CAS Number Method
Detection Limit
Mercury 7439-97-6 0.03 0.3 <1.0 1.0