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Echert Subdivision
-v PROTECTIVE COVENANTS he v... sgxd, Ler q r/-Arx or Mr Ms ho -j .7/On/eiJ „'.ftCCtrW_� andosspns, ccyr/w-in/s or !fa'/Pw.r r//pr rhe c �o.rrvnh nrr b z .r,/•s rsr rordo.,d /.e//tt� Lrna,a�• ma✓/p�1fsX1 asr/.rr c6seArq AAige�i >AL� use-l►syneeyan/i/ ✓011xea-y /, /963, P/ n -hi A rir� a!/ ,7fa�M �overNnlJ Jho//�IOTO/KOry 'np1F unR'JJ Pr/ended by P ✓ le- Cf OTafQ�/ry P! /he rhe . ower �J O/ fb/s ,.-, rod s✓Fd/�'� ricn Z rho/ a// /o1s ,n rh/r suddrr sion a -e pvrrml/y road Q�!sidenl0i Tire /n rfy er+Pnr fAioi rAer orrey a any pail c/ rhe a'eo rs r-rnr�d by rhe Bnard o./' Cor»m.s_r�oneir, ,.Ar!lerson C-ou , y ra/or»d0 sac -h or/on sM/r roirpri nCe• oris this 'W'e-a'r/ 3 No S/ uc/ure sAe�/i lwr eYKAT! P/./eirt�,narFrrrnr/redrhrnsnn �r yrs. /o/ o/AH• .'/bre .sigA•-tans,/y and /,w -tom j- der//.qtr, rz✓ 2 erCrnd dK orrda�ie-Aa/ls2rrs ri, /x iyDl/ ondn.+/rei buiHiH qs ixrdc /o.' ,n rtrsiatrr/ro/ urs /Yl�ae 1wn-/irmify dwe//.gs one ererrM,' ,o/aced or a//etc d ,y,� /a1 wid/Yi aysd orrb sho/r be ,r.•c2nred rb . anlar w./h zanirq 77-14 !n//ow,.sq �-xrbi o[r w // rp1 dp pe.,n,rrey fo Prrrre�r walls or wolf norarr/r,Sv- avbesias sh,74ex co// vol"W', sIel'w- le/ofex ar srn„/o rro•// A*mel e Aayi pumim concrete, fAoydre n simr.6� 61x(; z whets used as> Am Rol/ AL --,AW IS, 4 A6 der %rn9 sAn//Grp /fed fo Lr 4-144-/e<� o/Aced n p,(x2v'an a�.ry.6> wi/h 0 9rO°"'d tA�r- niers, exc/u,r ✓r %Crn �rCAps orad yY�io9e�; rat /esr'bon /Ginp Sfw. teL / in cw"e Ot J /V.(! -/b ur. f' dwe/'Mgr O/Jd c4lii7 sgaa/ �•t'r %p e�y{ /lung an./ rn cnre of Aro-rFanr/y dwa ling.' S hb •rt '.dare shall Lr 41nyred lure( /a nc, rzrrf of dire,, ix • Art ,110 /eWl or rxrerri rb rhe sale .b/ hn, e 1/4" S 14-1:.-1pyvidll9 1ho1 fAr m�nrm w►+ rc fa/ side Vora' is -a/ Mss rhos 11S fearY rn nose loss 6 No rodoor 2NC ✓rsion rarrv. anAunna of .s/rrrihi vhf ll by eieck-pf- wirhin rhe af-gret�fYr N.dn ?3 fe�r1 .Q7/.Cl heigb/ to Ep rf>Cr7Jurrt7 trpn /hegrrzrfdszlr�&'t° 7 Noxu11cYiJ o/ offe riot° / ©aE� of x/ii-i/y rh�ll be Conde+r4T7 d any./a/ nor sho// any/hiiq l� obip /hrrer+•r whin/' .nnylr° cr herG+v,r cit srwyY/oxe cr- a nu SGW.re fo rAr,�ey/d _5.W/ayW Ap p+ Other Puff ) a K/e!7'(•V' p/aced rn rh s 4**w wsbrd •Na// or am-/,/~ le'red os o r-e�s.acrncev, feersrs�-vii/ 0/ rmonen y pe Hy ne►•s/io//a.�vsn�.crur of'o 1empa�vy cferarrei-be userlar P r-esidence 9 ./'any v+o-y c)6imirq by o //i ,,^aq/r rhe Lna{erJgikd a h s .6P rJ o afsi.0-x sho// v owfr* 4w-4-4r+fp/ ro c-ro/o/e ori of /*-r 6- 6-0 e ,,,ec, shill be /owr6r/ /br any persnr, or Qrrsans orrni/q .xe�/o'aprrly : r /his suLdm, .r on rc piP•reruM awy proeeYdingr o1 /ow or n epriify o9arirs/any Perron or Pe sons v o/oniq or 1n vro/ore Ony Se h corenon>acdeiYALr,- rrsl nen hm ds"mVws for sus, v oib;,c n /OJnro/dol rn oiony nf'r'•p+e carters Av./,e w/ o/ C'eucr Order .rho//,h era w/.nv of1"ecl any ri rhe 'v*" orov/stens which sfw//CErnoin rn /L// fnirr- orA�Y elteY.l SPATE OF COLORADO ss COUNTY OF ✓£FFERSONl rhe A'ey -y corv"aars r -' PC4'naw.(^dge'P' &-&r w v ThemoJ R Echerr My cewesr/rsrbn Avpfnas.-de+.+�A4�.. [Iv, MCI ' N ECH E RT SUBDIVISION BE/NC A PORT/ON Of- THE s%, OF THE S %p OF THE Sw 1114 OF SECT/ON 23, 73S, R69W OF THE 6TH P M PIP -ROSE MANOR NLAar.SF55 SNf .Ser 19 S•Eore4ae»fs �. s1 b � i 10 � t 9 p ryi S89'S9E /MAr F5 4yi a" 16 IT $ o, 20 18 s y 6 u 5 w I�0 O m N 4 .la 3 li ti Adu. W 387W A YE.J _- � �SCCo SIi'f SiV#Sec 23, r3,S, R6�li' l.. NOT SUQDI✓irED NOTES Crm.. assn -s ,�l rz-'WC101111:t are IC /Ar -IW - AA" eA*V" r y-AA"eA*V" rf, unhu o/%ler xsr SCALE: 1 60' KPdA al siAer•/ �.../n-see-/ions dr /S leeL ,%/•A/V ere• re/.•ren/s o<P a rFr1 /n MTJYhr. I&VS e /r w,re shaAw EoJenenfs oie >b exfervc.' egadsfan' Ao/e /cls ""MD e+ LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE Leer MOOD. DOLUaeDO �9e :ST DED/CAT/ON r KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: /nor 7/wmaf R Eche'.! bernq fAer air>.�r n! 0 1iaC1 of �� �' :n rle SE rj. , fH :� SK'g ef'.Sac/im ?3 and rn '/fav .SN�%iEif.SW.� 011 .SerhCh 1J"", a/.•rh .'�PS, R69N'of the En✓c'A/. ai6t�ibedvs ,'oi±i�s:r.Cc++evv+lerirrrq a/ o,qv -' an . he ,mu/h ,ne of .so/d Sec�ion ?3 .When!( rs ASS AWI wrsf or lrkr 3'E cor-nei A/• rAl 5,-4 S/Yfj ofsord •riC/inn 23. f/ i. N O b65 f, 66/6? !eel fo a aornl < help no. -1h /,neeP.r'rAie slfsij Sr6'� ossa d -*e'%' df wdK-h s /65 *,,e ties' of rhe NE cvrrAw otspr/-$Fo.SK',g,S** at.Secr2rrPf• rhroce S*9w;fE oAGaj said rwrrii l/ne of rhe 5,#,14 ,SK'%fe 4,/-j rrrpn 23, 49f92 Ali o /r rhe ens./ llew Pi f/p Sw5 W E-* Sr4/9 o! -Sec r/nn ?9; rAerR-r-SO'c'.T rTF %V ab s<riJ �eA //nr W SW SEy.s'814 0/,Ferh11?3, 66-14(fel/ )I�id,sa//h /ihp or SFr, irvi 23,r/,tnre N A9 00'/I ohny said Jot/lh /me 0/' f rAKln ?3, lf9.367 A W1 ra /he pcsvif of Ltgpin- -IV,, ease w ,ger sawrh JF% R!'/ r/h reR.•- o//rir •JBrYrisa» Caunly, Colorado. hose. • 01& AV/.su�v11aLd ondpb/ted r r10 /p/s, M --el' .and or s or•sAr»r►, Awet*y u001r- /he -vme and. )i,le c' ECHiERT SUED/VISION :Ind do Gy lArx ,cvrse�rrsg/vnfad atAFrole ib✓N/erTon o g -&es, urs' ,s ft -Mr" -147-1 /xit/afore aErdfrJ o� a�r.Yeokrl TAIws it /rre .•ed t+ o w1 to. the as+e of o//geserr! and r2rwe or✓rrrir of role ,a rhes s/dteivrsioo anee+serreti err orrr and rX�trs SCM/ /oiJ o/ 'acral aas shower an 1hr orcomp�yrng c/ol t� /lir r�sl u^tior; rhav�rrn� cc wird apero/ion oea�r%ihes e, IN WIENESS WNEREOF, l hove sen/ 'ty... JS_ day STATE OF COLORADO CODNTY OF ✓£FFERSONI'ss `,- ha� al.�v.c• Oreo' fob 9 nr�O orad ohi'ieorro ��! EON£RT SUBDIVi aC.4nDw/edye/1 Grtore me rh.sl5. _aW of'Of-T by rhorno> oA4 My 20, Jul ATTORNEYS CERT/F/(;AT£ d, .:elf .�.K!!L„s••+ . m o/2rrary-,�//ow du/y/rcAxed/op/azactd[�Q+t•ccr�rcnrceord aV'�L.bnb6 �"-"WJ' cc•-� /y 19alll' x 47M—~11A "* oloi/ /orals here nabo a c6d rn2d a.Vrd JAeaW e4, lhew,• * nplar or opv�c wvy, and rhe filfe h.rlxh /onds.s in ^r Hca a; !1144 andc%l oI arl iises and errcurnGrorars DoredfArsii..dorrof_S�weE _,:9.sf 11,C SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 111177 o. -1e�ed /or.N, ru rhe ,SYaap cV'rnbrts ab eq.r rtr,n ata bere+by lel IX rbo/'rAe survey ,>! EChERT SUB01V/S/ON W.Y 'Wrx- u a9sr- -y rvcr ✓•simn o.N� rs,�r N.l GCC!//�rgi+^yrnq nape ,orlur a! j' dei/w-bf� fY'J/pwJ .c9ia' c;/ii �r.<.tn Darts rh: r If t y of .lime -:955 %4►rw.a.tr c% f•+*-<- - 'Fi�i7F+if6-.Lvn-ewTv[ron APPROVALS 4/�o.rG' by /hr ,/rF$.sonaanry �'onnvrq Conrm,:uian /Aur/yS dop a!_ c The rr�a-Vq is"s OAVa O✓ed fp. fhi� orad ConrCytlrx-f• o,r/At-,or 6/c way, rgrdr and�1'lrep/i JligN+i !berm-, r:r arxepAln'� //q!Ccrin/y of✓e/rfrsm <o%rodq rALci-�?(y ayy. oi_ aa-.rcJ,Q�T .Sndjerl fc 'htr fa//orrr�mir>nc s hr mx-h/A40&- a t7 rcg7N-slirrVp»�•ofA�r. '• cons/iucrron nr's� do W c aof; rrzvl crs/rr•rr' Ar11s lvrir sarirrorra/./y cA�pi�ly bj, /,bt ..Wihdividef- . 80ARDDF;0uht j LS IONER6 . _ 1;�`�•i=fe,+..i �� as s..._f- %>t[ .C�f�-.,e _.eC�. 7fI i. e+Yirlre� CLERK ANO RECORDER'S GERTIFICATE Al;rD9s1M AYt%iA9yrn 1/llalice d'.%r kri ddARYeretr ea/,.E/Yersa riyinry of 6drk,. Ca/rrado, f/tir.:!AslAo%.fisc .1931 'o -7T' y'.�sp,YY/. lm-' c 13 4. 5 O y4Al/' o�v,� h I .j J 14 w r3 1133� 22't T ih F5 4yi a" 16 IT $ o, 20 18 s y 6 u 5 w I�0 O m N 4 .la 3 li ti Adu. W 387W A YE.J _- � �SCCo SIi'f SiV#Sec 23, r3,S, R6�li' l.. NOT SUQDI✓irED NOTES Crm.. assn -s ,�l rz-'WC101111:t are IC /Ar -IW - AA" eA*V" r y-AA"eA*V" rf, unhu o/%ler xsr SCALE: 1 60' KPdA al siAer•/ �.../n-see-/ions dr /S leeL ,%/•A/V ere• re/.•ren/s o<P a rFr1 /n MTJYhr. I&VS e /r w,re shaAw EoJenenfs oie >b exfervc.' egadsfan' Ao/e /cls ""MD e+ LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE Leer MOOD. DOLUaeDO �9e :ST DED/CAT/ON r KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: /nor 7/wmaf R Eche'.! bernq fAer air>.�r n! 0 1iaC1 of �� �' :n rle SE rj. , fH :� SK'g ef'.Sac/im ?3 and rn '/fav .SN�%iEif.SW.� 011 .SerhCh 1J"", a/.•rh .'�PS, R69N'of the En✓c'A/. ai6t�ibedvs ,'oi±i�s:r.Cc++evv+lerirrrq a/ o,qv -' an . he ,mu/h ,ne of .so/d Sec�ion ?3 .When!( rs ASS AWI wrsf or lrkr 3'E cor-nei A/• rAl 5,-4 S/Yfj ofsord •riC/inn 23. f/ i. N O b65 f, 66/6? !eel fo a aornl < help no. -1h /,neeP.r'rAie slfsij Sr6'� ossa d -*e'%' df wdK-h s /65 *,,e ties' of rhe NE cvrrAw otspr/-$Fo.SK',g,S** at.Secr2rrPf• rhroce S*9w;fE oAGaj said rwrrii l/ne of rhe 5,#,14 ,SK'%fe 4,/-j rrrpn 23, 49f92 Ali o /r rhe ens./ llew Pi f/p Sw5 W E-* Sr4/9 o! -Sec r/nn ?9; rAerR-r-SO'c'.T rTF %V ab s<riJ �eA //nr W SW SEy.s'814 0/,Ferh11?3, 66-14(fel/ )I�id,sa//h /ihp or SFr, irvi 23,r/,tnre N A9 00'/I ohny said Jot/lh /me 0/' f rAKln ?3, lf9.367 A W1 ra /he pcsvif of Ltgpin- -IV,, ease w ,ger sawrh JF% R!'/ r/h reR.•- o//rir •JBrYrisa» Caunly, Colorado. hose. • 01& AV/.su�v11aLd ondpb/ted r r10 /p/s, M --el' .and or s or•sAr»r►, Awet*y u001r- /he -vme and. )i,le c' ECHiERT SUED/VISION :Ind do Gy lArx ,cvrse�rrsg/vnfad atAFrole ib✓N/erTon o g -&es, urs' ,s ft -Mr" -147-1 /xit/afore aErdfrJ o� a�r.Yeokrl TAIws it /rre .•ed t+ o w1 to. the as+e of o//geserr! and r2rwe or✓rrrir of role ,a rhes s/dteivrsioo anee+serreti err orrr and rX�trs SCM/ /oiJ o/ 'acral aas shower an 1hr orcomp�yrng c/ol t� /lir r�sl u^tior; rhav�rrn� cc wird apero/ion oea�r%ihes e, IN WIENESS WNEREOF, l hove sen/ 'ty... JS_ day STATE OF COLORADO CODNTY OF ✓£FFERSONI'ss `,- ha� al.�v.c• Oreo' fob 9 nr�O orad ohi'ieorro ��! EON£RT SUBDIVi aC.4nDw/edye/1 Grtore me rh.sl5. _aW of'Of-T by rhorno> oA4 My 20, Jul ATTORNEYS CERT/F/(;AT£ d, .:elf .�.K!!L„s••+ . m o/2rrary-,�//ow du/y/rcAxed/op/azactd[�Q+t•ccr�rcnrceord aV'�L.bnb6 �"-"WJ' cc•-� /y 19alll' x 47M—~11A "* oloi/ /orals here nabo a c6d rn2d a.Vrd JAeaW e4, lhew,• * nplar or opv�c wvy, and rhe filfe h.rlxh /onds.s in ^r Hca a; !1144 andc%l oI arl iises and errcurnGrorars DoredfArsii..dorrof_S�weE _,:9.sf 11,C SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 111177 o. -1e�ed /or.N, ru rhe ,SYaap cV'rnbrts ab eq.r rtr,n ata bere+by lel IX rbo/'rAe survey ,>! EChERT SUB01V/S/ON W.Y 'Wrx- u a9sr- -y rvcr ✓•simn o.N� rs,�r N.l GCC!//�rgi+^yrnq nape ,orlur a! j' dei/w-bf� fY'J/pwJ .c9ia' c;/ii �r.<.tn Darts rh: r If t y of .lime -:955 %4►rw.a.tr c% f•+*-<- - 'Fi�i7F+if6-.Lvn-ewTv[ron APPROVALS 4/�o.rG' by /hr ,/rF$.sonaanry �'onnvrq Conrm,:uian /Aur/yS dop a!_ c The rr�a-Vq is"s OAVa O✓ed fp. fhi� orad ConrCytlrx-f• o,r/At-,or 6/c way, rgrdr and�1'lrep/i JligN+i !berm-, r:r arxepAln'� //q!Ccrin/y of✓e/rfrsm <o%rodq rALci-�?(y ayy. oi_ aa-.rcJ,Q�T .Sndjerl fc 'htr fa//orrr�mir>nc s hr mx-h/A40&- a t7 rcg7N-slirrVp»�•ofA�r. '• cons/iucrron nr's� do W c aof; rrzvl crs/rr•rr' Ar11s lvrir sarirrorra/./y cA�pi�ly bj, /,bt ..Wihdividef- . 80ARDDF;0uht j LS IONER6 . _ 1;�`�•i=fe,+..i �� as s..._f- %>t[ .C�f�-.,e _.eC�. 7fI i. e+Yirlre� CLERK ANO RECORDER'S GERTIFICATE Al;rD9s1M AYt%iA9yrn 1/llalice d'.%r kri ddARYeretr ea/,.E/Yersa riyinry of 6drk,. Ca/rrado, f/tir.:!AslAo%.fisc .1931 'o -7T' y'.�sp,YY/. lm-' Faax' y4Al/' o�v,� #W 23 �Iti 24 �e IV I� I � 1133� 22't T ih 21 F5 4yi a" 16 IT $ o, 20 18 s y 6 u 5 w I�0 O m N 4 .la 3 li ti Adu. W 387W A YE.J _- � �SCCo SIi'f SiV#Sec 23, r3,S, R6�li' l.. NOT SUQDI✓irED NOTES Crm.. assn -s ,�l rz-'WC101111:t are IC /Ar -IW - AA" eA*V" r y-AA"eA*V" rf, unhu o/%ler xsr SCALE: 1 60' KPdA al siAer•/ �.../n-see-/ions dr /S leeL ,%/•A/V ere• re/.•ren/s o<P a rFr1 /n MTJYhr. I&VS e /r w,re shaAw EoJenenfs oie >b exfervc.' egadsfan' Ao/e /cls ""MD e+ LANE ENGINEERING SERVICE Leer MOOD. DOLUaeDO �9e :ST DED/CAT/ON r KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: /nor 7/wmaf R Eche'.! bernq fAer air>.�r n! 0 1iaC1 of �� �' :n rle SE rj. , fH :� SK'g ef'.Sac/im ?3 and rn '/fav .SN�%iEif.SW.� 011 .SerhCh 1J"", a/.•rh .'�PS, R69N'of the En✓c'A/. ai6t�ibedvs ,'oi±i�s:r.Cc++evv+lerirrrq a/ o,qv -' an . he ,mu/h ,ne of .so/d Sec�ion ?3 .When!( rs ASS AWI wrsf or lrkr 3'E cor-nei A/• rAl 5,-4 S/Yfj ofsord •riC/inn 23. f/ i. N O b65 f, 66/6? !eel fo a aornl < help no. -1h /,neeP.r'rAie slfsij Sr6'� ossa d -*e'%' df wdK-h s /65 *,,e ties' of rhe NE cvrrAw otspr/-$Fo.SK',g,S** at.Secr2rrPf• rhroce S*9w;fE oAGaj said rwrrii l/ne of rhe 5,#,14 ,SK'%fe 4,/-j rrrpn 23, 49f92 Ali o /r rhe ens./ llew Pi f/p Sw5 W E-* Sr4/9 o! -Sec r/nn ?9; rAerR-r-SO'c'.T rTF %V ab s<riJ �eA //nr W SW SEy.s'814 0/,Ferh11?3, 66-14(fel/ )I�id,sa//h /ihp or SFr, irvi 23,r/,tnre N A9 00'/I ohny said Jot/lh /me 0/' f rAKln ?3, lf9.367 A W1 ra /he pcsvif of Ltgpin- -IV,, ease w ,ger sawrh JF% R!'/ r/h reR.•- o//rir •JBrYrisa» Caunly, Colorado. hose. • 01& AV/.su�v11aLd ondpb/ted r r10 /p/s, M --el' .and or s or•sAr»r►, Awet*y u001r- /he -vme and. )i,le c' ECHiERT SUED/VISION :Ind do Gy lArx ,cvrse�rrsg/vnfad atAFrole ib✓N/erTon o g -&es, urs' ,s ft -Mr" -147-1 /xit/afore aErdfrJ o� a�r.Yeokrl TAIws it /rre .•ed t+ o w1 to. the as+e of o//geserr! and r2rwe or✓rrrir of role ,a rhes s/dteivrsioo anee+serreti err orrr and rX�trs SCM/ /oiJ o/ 'acral aas shower an 1hr orcomp�yrng c/ol t� /lir r�sl u^tior; rhav�rrn� cc wird apero/ion oea�r%ihes e, IN WIENESS WNEREOF, l hove sen/ 'ty... JS_ day STATE OF COLORADO CODNTY OF ✓£FFERSONI'ss `,- ha� al.�v.c• Oreo' fob 9 nr�O orad ohi'ieorro ��! EON£RT SUBDIVi aC.4nDw/edye/1 Grtore me rh.sl5. _aW of'Of-T by rhorno> oA4 My 20, Jul ATTORNEYS CERT/F/(;AT£ d, .:elf .�.K!!L„s••+ . m o/2rrary-,�//ow du/y/rcAxed/op/azactd[�Q+t•ccr�rcnrceord aV'�L.bnb6 �"-"WJ' cc•-� /y 19alll' x 47M—~11A "* oloi/ /orals here nabo a c6d rn2d a.Vrd JAeaW e4, lhew,• * nplar or opv�c wvy, and rhe filfe h.rlxh /onds.s in ^r Hca a; !1144 andc%l oI arl iises and errcurnGrorars DoredfArsii..dorrof_S�weE _,:9.sf 11,C SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 111177 o. -1e�ed /or.N, ru rhe ,SYaap cV'rnbrts ab eq.r rtr,n ata bere+by lel IX rbo/'rAe survey ,>! EChERT SUB01V/S/ON W.Y 'Wrx- u a9sr- -y rvcr ✓•simn o.N� rs,�r N.l GCC!//�rgi+^yrnq nape ,orlur a! j' dei/w-bf� fY'J/pwJ .c9ia' c;/ii �r.<.tn Darts rh: r If t y of .lime -:955 %4►rw.a.tr c% f•+*-<- - 'Fi�i7F+if6-.Lvn-ewTv[ron APPROVALS 4/�o.rG' by /hr ,/rF$.sonaanry �'onnvrq Conrm,:uian /Aur/yS dop a!_ c The rr�a-Vq is"s OAVa O✓ed fp. fhi� orad ConrCytlrx-f• o,r/At-,or 6/c way, rgrdr and�1'lrep/i JligN+i !berm-, r:r arxepAln'� //q!Ccrin/y of✓e/rfrsm <o%rodq rALci-�?(y ayy. oi_ aa-.rcJ,Q�T .Sndjerl fc 'htr fa//orrr�mir>nc s hr mx-h/A40&- a t7 rcg7N-slirrVp»�•ofA�r. '• cons/iucrron nr's� do W c aof; rrzvl crs/rr•rr' Ar11s lvrir sarirrorra/./y cA�pi�ly bj, /,bt ..Wihdividef- . 80ARDDF;0uht j LS IONER6 . _ 1;�`�•i=fe,+..i �� as s..._f- %>t[ .C�f�-.,e _.eC�. 7fI i. e+Yirlre� CLERK ANO RECORDER'S GERTIFICATE Al;rD9s1M AYt%iA9yrn 1/llalice d'.%r kri ddARYeretr ea/,.E/Yersa riyinry of 6drk,. Ca/rrado, f/tir.:!AslAo%.fisc .1931 'o -7T' y'.�sp,YY/. lm-'