HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/16/171. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. City of Wheat _ge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting February 16, 2017 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair OHM at 7:03 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 291h Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Dirk Boden Emery Dorsey Janet Leo Scott Ohm Amanda Weaver Alan Bucknam Donna Kimsey Steve Timms Staff Members Present: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Mark Westberg, Engineering Projects Supervisor Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner WEAVER to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — January 5, 2017 It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner LEO to approve the minutes of January 5, 2017, as written. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda.) No one wished to speak at this time. Planning Commission Minutes February 16, 2017 -1— 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No: WZ-16-08: An application filed by EnfiroFinance Group for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R-2) to Mixed Use Neighborhood (MU -N) for the property located at 4255 Yarrow Street. Ms. Reckert gave a short presentation regarding the Zone Change and the application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Commissioner LEO asked if this project falls within the Urban Renewal Area. Ms. Reckert explained the Urban Renewal area is more towards Wadsworth and this property is just at the edge of it. This case was sent to the Urban Renewal Director and he had no comments. Commissioner DORSEY asked if there could be a street built to connect 42nd with Wadsworth. Ms. Reckert thought it highly unlikely that a street connection will be extended from Yarrow west to Ammons but there may be an opportunity for an extension to the east. Mr. Westberg concurred and added that a long range planning effort could be explored for an extension of 42nd Avenue from Wadsworth to Yarrow Street with a possible crossover signal. Commissioner DORSEY hoped this would alleviate some of the traffic. Commissioner BODEN asked about the possibility of a 35 -foot structure being built on the property and whether a 30 -foot buffer would impair Happiness Garden's sunlight. Ms. Reckert explained there have been and will continue to be conversations with the City Forester, Margaret Paget, who manages Happiness Garden's regarding the interface between the two properties. . Commissioner OHM inquired about the zoning on Happiness Gardens. Ms. Reckert replied that it is zoned Residential -Two (R-2). Commissioner OHM asked if Yarrow Street is a neighborhood main street commercial corridor. He wondered why this property being two lots deep should be rezoned to MU -N when compared to the 38th Corridor, which was rezoned to Planning Commission Minutes -2— February 2— February 16, 2017 MU -N and is only one lot deep. He wondered whether a zone change to Residential -Three, (R-3) was considered. Ms. Reckert explained that 381h Avenue has different characteristics than 44th Avenue. While different zone change options were discussed with the applicant, the zone change to MU -N was more desirable because of the shorter processing time. . Commissioner OHM also asked about possible installation of a traffic light at Yarrow Street and 44th Avenue intersection. He expressed concern with sight distance at the intersection due to the retaining wall for the assisted living facility. He expressed additional concern for redirected traffic once construction on Wadsworth begins and the need for storm drainage improvements at the Wadsworth and 44th Avenue intersection. Mr. Westberg stated there is no plan to extend the storm water drainage west on 44th Avenue but there are plans to remediate drainage issues at the 44th[Wadsworth intersection. Cameron Bertron, EnviroFinance Group 4601 DTC Blvd. #130, Denver Mr. Bertron explained to the Commission that his group specializes in Brownfield redevelopment and remediation of contaminated sites and that they will be cleaning this site to a residential standard, which is more intensive than the commercial standard. Commissioner BODEN asked again about the 30 -foot buffer and sunlight. Mr. Bertron explained that there will be less of an impact from the structures on the site than the 30 -foot pine trees on the eastern side of Happiness Gardens. He also explained there will be nice open space transition to the open space on Happiness Gardens. Discussion continued about potential traffic and drainage impacts from the site being developed. Commissioner WEAVER indicated that she is in support of the zone change but that she understands the traffic concerns. She is more concerned about the contamination on the site and feels it needs to be remediated in an appropriate way by a developer familiar with the procedures. Commissioner OHM indicated his awareness of issues with remediation but is still concerned about traffic impacting the neighborhood. He also has concerns about mixed-use zoning being placed in neighborhoods instead of straight residential or planned development zoning. Planning Commission Minutes -3 — February 16, 2017 Ms. Reckert stated that because the site is over 1 -acre, it could not be rezoned to R- 3. The Planned Development process would take longer than the mixed-use zone change. Mr. Westberg added that the City will be asking for traffic impact study with the site plan and plat. It was moved by Commissioner BODEN and seconded by Commissioner WEAVER to recommend approval of Case No. WZ-16-08, a request for approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R-2) to Mixed Use - Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 4255 Yarrow Street for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, and welfare of the community. 2. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Wadsworth Subarea Plan. 3. The zone change will promote redevelopment and revitalization of the property and may serve as a catalyst for other property redevelopment or improvements in the area. 4. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request. With the following condition: 1. Additional traffic information be submitted at the time of administrative site plan review to determine whether the installation of a traffic signal at the corner of 44th and Yarrow is warranted. If it is warranted, the applicant will be responsible for the proportional share of the cost of such signal installation. Motion carried 4-1, with Commissioner OHM denying. B. Case No. MS -16-04: an application filed by Regency Centers for US Retail Partners for approval of a three -lot minor subdivision for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at approximately 3400 Youngfield Street. Ms. Reckert gave a short presentation regarding the Minor Subdivision and the application. She entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting requirements had been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Dan Daly, 12498 W 3511 Avenue, Wheat Ridge Planning Commission Minutes -4— February 4— February 16, 2017 Mr. Daly asked what was going to be done about the traffic exiting out of the south end of the Applewood Village Shopping Center. He feels the fueling station will add even more traffic to the mix. Mr. Westberg explained that as a part of the fueling station project there will be a traffic signal installed on the south end of the shopping center at 32nd Avenue. It is under design right now and will be installed the summer of 2017. Doug Druliner, 3400 Wright Street, Wheat Ridge Mr. Druliner had three issues he was concerned about: 1) the traffic on 32nd and Youngfield will increase with a fueling station, even though a signal might be an improvement. 2) He was concerned whether the detention pond will be lined and fears if the water from a storm soaks into the ground it might flood basements that are down slope. 3) He was also concerned about a gas station being so close to a residential area and thinks it is unfair to the residents if the gas tanks leak and seeps into the ground and to the neighbors" properties. Mr. Westberg explained the new signal will be coordinated with the signal at 32nd and Youngfield and will be synchronized to accommodate vehicles together. Regarding the storm water pond there is a water quality portion, that will drain in 40 hours and the flood portion will drain in a few hours. He stated that water should be there no more than 2 days at a time and if there is overflow it will run out on to 32nd Avenue. Mr. Westberg also explained that the gas tanks will be built to current state and federal regulations. Commissioners OHM and WEAVER reminded the audience that all of these questions were addressed at a previous meeting for the fueling station and this meeting is to consider the subdivision plat. It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner LEO to approve Case No. MS -16-04, a request for approval of a three -lot subdivision plat for property generally addressed as 3400 Youngfield Street, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met. 2. The proposed plat will facilitate construction of the King Soopers gas facility and detention pond for the southern portion of the center. 3. Utility districts can serve the property with improvements installed at the developer's expense. Motion passed 5-0. 8. OTHER ITEMS Planning Commission Minutes -5— February 5— February 16, 2017 Mr. Westberg announced that a new flood plain study for the Clear Creek basin might reduce the 100 -year flows in Clear Creek by as much as 30%. This could have a significant impact on existing houses in the flood plain. He also announced that the City of Wheat Ridge has moved up to a Class 5 community in the Community Rating Service, which will give residents a 25% discount with their flood insurance instead of the 20% reduction they receive now. Ms. Reckert let the Commission know that Community Development has two planner vacancies but are in the process of interviewing to replace the Planning Technician. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner DORSEY and seconded by Commissioner BODEN to adjourn the meeting at 8:39 p.m. 5 - Ohm, IChair Planning Commission Minutes February 16, 2017 Motion carried 5-0. Tammy Odean—Ilkecording Secretary IMM