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Minutes of Meeting
May 18, 2017
The meeting was called to order by Chair OHM at 7:01 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present: Alan Bucknam
Dirk Boden
Emery Dorsey
Donna Kimsey
Janet Leo
Scott Ohm
Amanda Weaver
Vivian Vos
Commission Members Absent:
Staff Members Present: Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner
Zack Wallace Mendez, Planner II
Mark Westberg, Engineering Projects Supervisor
Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner
DORSEY to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 8-0.
5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — May 4, 2017
It was moved by Commissioner WEAVER and seconded by Commissioner
KIMSEY to approve the minutes of May 4, 2017, as written. Motion carried 8-0.
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing
on the agenda.)
Planning Commission Minutes - 1 May 18, 2017
No one wished to speak at this time. .
A. Case No. MS -17-03: an application filed by HRE Development, LLC for approval
of a two lot minor subdivision with a right-of-way vacation and dedication on
property zoned Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -N) and Mixed Use -Commercial
Transit Oriented Development (MU -C TOD) located at 11818 W. 52nd Avenue.
Ms. Reckert gave a short presentation regarding the minor subdivision, right-of-
way vacation, dedication of right-of-way and the application. She entered into the
record the contents of the case file, packet materials, the zoning ordinance, and the
contents of the digital presentation. She stated the public notice and posting
requirements have been met, therefore the Planning Commission has jurisdiction to
hear this case. Ms. Reckert handed out an updated version of the Hance's
Subdivision Replat No. 1 and ask that it be entered into the record.
Noah Nemmers, Baseline Engineering
1950 Ford St., Golden 80401
Mr. Nemmers explained he did not prepare a presentation, but would be willing to
take any questions from the Commissioners.
No Commissioners had any questions at this time.
Mary Taylor
5295 Tabor Street, Arvada
Ms. Taylor asked what the percentage of traffic is, coming from Wheat Ridge to
the Ward Road Station.
Ms. Reckert said she hopes that many of the people in the new development will be
using the station.
Mr. Westberg explained that RTD did an environmental impact study and the vast
majority of the people coming to the Ward Road Station will be from the north and
the west. They do not anticipate a lot of ridership coming from the central and
southern parts of Wheat Ridge. This is the main reason why Wheat Ridge had
Ridge Road connect up to Ward Road.
Ms. Taylor was curious if the City of Arvada had commented on the Ward Road
Station and the increased traffic on Ward Road.
Mr. Westberg explained that Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Denver, Adams County and
Jefferson County were all involved in the planning of this station from 2009-2011
Planning Commission Minutes -2—
May 18, 2017
and Wheat Ridge has been collaborating with neighboring jurisdictions regarding
traffic since that time.
Gary Duncan
5355 Union Way, Arvada
Mr. Duncan explained that his concern is about traffic. He mentioned that there
are 2700 multifamily units proposed to be built between 58th Avenue and 44th
Avenue and Kipling and Ward Road. In addition, there are 2-7% of local residents
who use light rail. Traffic on Ward Road during rush hour is a problem and there
are no plans in place to widen Tabor or 52nd Avenue. He would like to know if
there are any current impact studies or if there will be in the future.
Mr. Westberg stated that Ward Road is a State Highway and the City has a vested
interest in what is happing with Ward Road. There have been conversations with
Arvada and Jefferson County also concerning 52nd Avenue and making it safer by
adding sidewalks. He also mentioned the ballot issue that was passed last
November and that $12 million that needs to be spent on street improvements.
Improvements to Wadsworth are being discussed right now as well as for Kipling
and I-70; hopefully Ward Road will be looked at eventually.
Ms. Taylor asked about the Hance Ranch development, and wondered what the
density of Lot 1 will be.
Ms. Reckert stated the size is 3.91 acres and the concept plan approved a density of
80 units (townhomes).
Ms. Taylor also inquired about the southern lot and why there could be either 250
multi -family apartments or 60 townhomes on 2.6 acres. She asked why such a big
difference. She feels this will be a big impact.
Ms. Reckert said the developer will make the decision based on market conditions.
Chair Ohm wanted to remind all that tonight's hearing is the two -lot subdivision
plat only.
Connie Berg
5195 Swadley Street, Wheat Ridge 80033
Ms. Berg wanted to know the height restriction for the townhomes. In addition,
she wanted to know what will be done about parking.
Ms. Reckert stated the townhomes on the north part of the site are restricted to 35
feet and to the south, the buildings can to up to six stories, but that it is extremely
doubtful the property can support this. She also explained that parking is under
review and comments have not been finalized yet.
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May 18, 2017
Commissioner BUCKNAM wanted clarification about the 45 -foot ROW on Tabor
Street and if it includes the 11 %2 -foot ROW that's dedicated by this plat or is the
11 1/2 -feet being dedicated in addition to the 45 -foot ROW, making the narrowest
part of ROW on Tabor Street 56 -feet.
Ms. Reckert said it is in addition to the 45 -foot ROW.
Commissioner BUCKNAM also asked what the timeline is for extending 51St
Avenue ROW to Swadley Street.
Ms. Reckert explained it is the responsibility of the developer for the section
between Taft and Tabor when the property develops. As other properties develop
to the west, those developers will be responsible for their piece of 51St Ave. Mr.
Westberg added that 51St will stop at Tabor Street, not Swadley Street.
Commissioner WEAVER clarified that the next step in this case will go to City
Council and a site plan will need to be reviewed. She wondered if people want
more information on the traffic where can they find this.
Ms. Reckert says the case file can be reviewed at the City Offices. The next piece
of the plat will show lot layouts and that will be a good time for the community to
give comments.
It was moved by Commissioner LEO and seconded by Commissioner
KIMSEY to APPROVE Case No. MS -17-08, a request for approval of a two -
lot subdivision plat for property generally addressed as 11818 W. 5211d
Avenue, for the following reasons:
1. All requirements of the subdivision regulations have been met.
2. The proposed plat will facilitate redevelopment of the site consistent
with the zone change and Concept Plan.
3. Utility districts can serve the property with improvements installed at
the developer's expense.
4. The criteria used to evaluate a ROW vacation supports the request.
Motion carried 8-0.
Commissioner BODEN asked for a 5 -minute recess.
B. Case No. WZ-17-02: An applications filed by Brendan Gustafson, for approval of
a zone change from Residential -Two (R-2) to Residential -One C (R -1C) located at
6610 West 31 St Avenue.
Mr. Wallace Mendez gave a short presentation regarding the zone change and the
application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet
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May 18, 2017
materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He
stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the
Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case. Mr. Wallace Mendez
handed out a letter received anonymously by the City and entered it into the record.
Commissioner BODEN asked if the property falls short of 31" Avenue or does it
extend all the way to 31St Avenue.
Mr. Wallace Mendez explained that some of what appears to be the property on the
aerial image is dedicated ROW and that is why the property line does not extend all
the way to the street.
Commissioner BODEN also asked what district the new Bulk Plane Ordinance
applies to.
Mr. Wallace Mendez informed the Commission that the Bulk Plane applies to
Residential -One C (R -1C) and single-family homes in Residential -3 (R-3).
Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if the subdivision that will be reviewed
administratively will run north to south or east to west.
Mr. Wallace Mendez stated the subdivision will run north to south so there will be
an east and west property.
Commissioner VOS asked if the current foundation and the home on the new
property will follow the R -1C setbacks.
Mr. Wallace Mendez confirmed the subdivision will be in compliance with the R-
1 C development standards.
Commissioner LEO asked if the R-2 zone district allows group homes and
daycares of a certain size if it is a private home, so that is not going to make a
difference in the zone change.
Mr. Wallace Mendez confirmed that accessory uses such as group homes and day
cares are allowed in all zone districts, and that many of these uses require a large
amount of land area and/or special use permits. He also stated that in the R-1 C,
after the proposed subdivision, accessory uses will be more limited than they are
currently for this property because there will not be adequate land size on either
property. The only use that will be allowed would be a group home for children,
but it will require a special use permit.
Commissioner LEO wanted clarification that the anonymous letter received was
stating the opposite of reality.
Mr. Wallace Mendez stated that is correct.
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Commissioner OHM asked if there will be a variance required with the R -1C.
Mr. Wallace Mendez stated no variance will be required.
Commissioner OHM asked what the minimum lot width is for R-2 and for R -1C.
Mr. Wallace Mendez clarified that the minimum lot width in the R-2 zone district
is 75 -feet and in the R -1C is 50 feet , but for a corner lot in both zone districts the
minimum width is 80 feet. He explained that the minimum lot widths for the
proposed R -1C properties will be met.
Kimiko and Brendan Gustafson, Applicant
6803 West 32"1 Avenue, Wheat Ridge
Ms. Gustafson explained that her family has been a part of the Wheat Ridge
Community since 1978. Right now she and her husband live in the same house her
grandmother did, but it is a duplex, and she would like to live in a single family
home on not as busy of a street.
Mr. Gustafson thanked the Commission for listening to their story and would like
them to consider this zone change so they can develop two houses on the property
that the neighborhood can be proud of.
Bill Tanner
6705 West 31St Avenue
Mr. Tanner stated he misunderstood the zone change being proposed and what the
uses could be in the R -1C zone district. He stated he would like to see this family
move into the neighborhood and build two houses on the property. For this reason,
he is changing his opposition to supportive.
Jane Jones
6417 West 2911 Avenue
Ms. Jones stated she loves this community and was afraid the rezone was going to
be commercial and would like to see the zone change be to Residential -One. She
wanted to clarify there will not be three houses on this property.
Commissioner OHM and Mr. Wallace Mendez explained that only two homes will
be allowed on this property and the allowed accessory uses are minimal.
Joe Drew
6660 West 2911 Avenue
Mr. Drew stated he thinks the zone change is a favorable option for this property.
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Michael Corey
6417 West 29th Avenue
Mr. Corey said he will be happy to finally see someone paying taxes on this
It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner
WEAVER to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-17-04, a request for
approval of a zone change from Residential -Two (R-2) to Residential -One C
(R -1C) for property located at 6610 West 3111 Avenue, for the following
1. The zone change will result in single-family development, which is
consistent with the predominant land use in the area.
2. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or
welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on
the surrounding area.
3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of
the City's Comprehensive Plan.
4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment
in the area.
5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request.
Motion carried 8-0.
Commissioner OHM thanked staff for this case not requiring a variance.
C. Case No. WZ-17-04: An application filed by Ryan and Lisa Conway for approval
of a zone change from Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -Neighborhood (MU -
N) located at 6375 West 44th Avenue.
Mr. Wallace Mendez gave a short presentation regarding the zone change and the
application. He entered into the record the contents of the case file, packet
materials, the zoning ordinance, and the contents of the digital presentation. He
stated the public notice and posting requirements have been met, therefore the
Planning Commission has jurisdiction to hear this case.
Commissioner BODEN asked if the zone change takes place does staff see any
conflict with behavior that can be suitable for someone's backyard, but not suitable
for the park due there not being fences.
Mr. Wallace Mendez agreed that situations can arise, but owner has the option to
fence the property with a 6 -foot fence.
Ryan and Lisa Conway
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3156 West 3811 Avenue
No additional Comments.
It was moved by Commissioner WEAVER and seconded by Commissioner
KIMSEY to recommend APPROVAL of Case No. WZ-17-04, a request for
approval of a zone change from Commercial -One (C-1) to Mixed Use -
Neighborhood (MU -N) for property located at 6375 West 44' Avenue, for the
following reasons:
1. The proposed zone change will promote the public health, safety, or
welfare of the community and does not result in an adverse effect on
the surrounding area.
2. Utility infrastructure adequately services the property.
3. The proposed zone change is consistent with the goals and objectives of
the City's Comprehensive Plan and consistent with the character of
44th Avenue.
4. The zone change will provide additional opportunity for reinvestment
in the area.
5. The criteria used to evaluate a zone change support the request.
Motion carried 8-0.
It was moved by Commissioner KIMSEY and seconded by Commissioner
BUCKNAM to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 p.m. Motion carried 8-0.
Ohm, _ pair
Planning Commission Minutes
May 18, 2017
Tammy Odea Recording Secretary