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HomeMy WebLinkAbout0019 . "oil ..."d.d 'L;;I;::;~d",kmmM._mm_mmmm :~ 1 ::~: =.c\=+~~=~=,~!e~e~t~on.~o~!:'::'~!":?'~'~",,,,__,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,......:....::--,................:':..'.....lln~Tt~ ,-~=="- {t1-~~ II THIS DEED, Made this I I iWi:./Jfy' FVL,~7l1 (;l,....f:t/) day of NCI/l:.MOf:.r<.. seventy (") o c: z .... -< ~ ,...,.~ c' c' l::lI ,..., n in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and - between SKELLY OIL COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ~ :&~ authorized to do business in Colorado, .KllIIxSl:Ml!:~ of the first part, and THE CITY OF W HE AT RIDGE. COLORADO, a municipal corporation organize ~ :&~ and existing under and by virtue of the law of the ll:!l!:KState of Coforado, of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration- B~ to the said part y of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, haS remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents do e s remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said party of the second part, its JI:atN, successors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said part y of the first part ha S in and to the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson Colorado, to-wit: o on " >. - c:::J N- ~~ a') X .. -.a c:::lI ";... rn '::" OC'I_ ;.t: r .. '" m " o '" o rn ;>;l a') and State of A triangular tract or parcel of land situated in the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in the City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, more particularly described as: Beginning at the intersection of the south right of way line of West 32nd Avenue with the west right of way line of Wadsworth Boulevard, said point being 30 feet south and 50 feet west of the northeast corner of Southwest Quarter, Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 69 West; thence west along said south line of West 32nd Avenue, said line being parallel with and 30 feet south of the north line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 20 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 23.3 feet, more or less to a point on said west right of way line of Wadsworth Boulevard located 12 feet south of the point of beginning; thence north along said west right of way line to the point of beginning, containing an area of 120 square feet. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular thc appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said party of the first par~, ei~l.(ft:~~ ~aSVo~rs equity, to the only prep<;r-:use, benefit and beh09,I1I,o~:~be .~}d party of the second part, ltS ~ and assigns forever. /'! )!,",' .,-- " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the first pl}ft haS hereunto set its'l ,h'U1.d and seal on the day and year first above written, SKE,tLY L C/OM Y ~:,',!'j " '.I ~l' ,I" x't -;I '''t' :..., ..........'/'" .~':',:.. :. ,....,.. ^ ....:..{SEAL] ,\ /" J {,.......J';. I /.~l11 ...:......rd.....[SE~Ll . a, r; tvti:.'U.1 res'!. e,nt.. . ' ......,"..,..:.[SEAL] Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of A,TJ1:)3;~~u /)1 U",',v, '\.,,-1-'- Xlc!- ' Assistant Secretary STATE OF~~ MISSOURI 1 rs, u......[SEAL] J.l\.CKSON County of .. c ~ ' ~.~';:..:.I,.(/. {,..... '. ,-} I'.. "'.1,. "l' fl'" '" ;' ,., The foreg~g in&trument was acknowledged before me this ""A, D,19 Ie l-b,y* Paul A. Tanner. ....~ ( My 'commi~{~~C~~Pires ,21 : 971 ';J~-")"'~ . > ,.... :,(, / I' \ ,,' ',j U,i\I\. " ;? ')" ~'f, day of "'j-" c.' ) J"L--{.--t"z. . Witness my hand and official seal. , 19 ? /1 "'/ i nL__".,.Ls.:~..:~.:f...~:3_-, ./' ul,...'uu,:~",~~LLW: ' ~',I..'''''>i~i~',:;;''P;;bi;~,uuu. I , !I I . If, by natural p!"rson or persons here ill~ert name or names: if by person acting in repreRentatiYe or official capacity or as attor~ey-m-fac~, then Insert name (If ~ersun aR ~xecutor. attorney-in-fact or other capacity or description: if by officer of cor- poratIOn, then Insert n~me of such officer or offIcers, as the pre:-(ldent or other officers of such corporation naming it -Statu,tory .tbJknou'lcdguwnt, SC8stQn 1927 . ,...' .,' No. 933. QUIT CLAIM DEED. -Bradford-Robinson Printing Company. 1824-46 Stout Street, Denver, Colorado ~~.. w (D -..: -...;; I wi , .bo 1'" 1. /, '.' . M bl 1 to '" .. 0 .... Ii I '< .. " ,,' 0 -, ~ 0.- 0' '" .... ().:) "' 0;' " '" '" i!rO I r "' "' ... " '" "\;," (',.. '-i 0 "' I c .., 0" Ilq '\ ~ ; ': .:r 0.- '< 00 , ~, " >-:l I!~ '\, '\ I <Ii ~ " "' ;.. li~ I "J " .., \'. " ~, '\ "' 0 S '" >-:l Ii z "' ... ...' l>J != !f' 0.- '< .... i:; IN \ '" "' '< (j 0 0 11\ ~ ~\ '" I' 1" 0- .... ... 0 II .... ~ :0-' C "'J t'-l f' '.' " ~ ;:; \\.' ~ " I' 0" "' '" '" C"l > I' '< :5 " \2 0 @: 0 , 0 t"" - '\ II r- oo 0 I' ~ '" I[ 5' ::>;I !I (') 00 ;.. if ;; Ij 0 c 0 If "" s . "' trj II' " " , Q. '" " trj "' ... " II 0 0' ~ F '" ~, 0 00 !i " 0' Q. t:!! -..,..-J ", . " '" 00 0- '" Acceptance of the ~it~in deed is t. ," d of recommended hlS ....,',....~........... ay ""~"'"''''_''''''''''''''''''''''''' ,.....,19 WHEAT RIDG~ PLAl1NING CC1UJISSION BY: ___.__....__...,..:,<,..,....,........-......_u.:............ . Chairman ACCEPTED FOR ROAD PURPOSE Sub,jec t to cendi ticns that the City shall 8EC ~e mainten&nce only after c'nstru~~i0n there of in Dccordance with E,~div~siun Rezu]EtiollS of the City of ~!h2'). t l:: 'lE:e as ~aid I-s3ulations al~~l:.'/ to roads >Y~::( 1t~~~2rmri:rDf:~i~'f!{~ MaJor , -') -"" ATTEST :--::.-~_._~:.._ _' :~m..L:~___-::t:.~.A '" , ~ c '-.' City Clerk trem . m:tO ....u....._..,__--:-~..,... ..,..---...,.._~-:][ ~{lrrI"A Jj~-'.---..1~ t.~ Iii (~'-;-" -__._........~:,~!,o...~~ TO , ...u......._~_.._~__ _,. '" : J:S:;rct.z;'V '" "h._hh.. .Itl!l>BW / ..h..nhh. h.,______..h ,/ ............ -I' 'I'1;:) 'r!rDanTLVIDIhl JO LID ..,..... ,i:a ? ",c'cr , )'3 JC ,. ;'!~ 'Iri'.. " , ..l':j"/ A'+ ,) "-+- ;:"i:. j) ~..;\.;i' ~,j = )V SKELLY o L COMPANY 3_60 FOX STREf:T TELEPHONE 433-6837 nE~, \'FR, COLORADO 80ZH; [)IST~:::~ ;ALs[;:uA~~GrR Decemoer 2, 1970 PETRlJlfU'" SALES Hr. AlLert E. Anderson, Hayor City of 1Nheat Ridge 7470 w. 38th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado Re: Skelly Cil Company Property 32nd and Wadsworth Blvd. Dear }fuyor Anderson: Pursuant to previous correspondence, we cnclos3 herewith Cuit Claim Deed, fully executed on behalf of Sh,lly Oil Company, by which \.TA convey a small parcel of land at the above subject location. In this connection we also attached Certi.fioate of Resolution. Thi.s should consuMmate this transaction, but if ~'ou need further informat ion or loan be of further help in thi:=. r1a tter please feel free to contact me. Very truly y~,S, ,-( c.t:: \ _,) -c----J-, I' r-)I\",~~'~"r, ''( G. H. Partridge ~( Regional Real Estate RApre;5entative GHPlst Ene: , ;: 00\ '" ;) ; w Z L- a \~ c.G ~oo 0:: 'ow ยท N a ~Nl Q ....:::" ,J W 0 .- "" <, ~~ "" I)() .. N' '" 52 c;: i N 'u r- --' N u - ,.... 0') - " .... r:> :z: (.;) ',) :::> M .... w a C (%: ... 397806 ma4l!l11 IS 8150....:, & 1518&.17 :t.CA " 01.50 :IleA CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That at a regular meeting of the Board of Dlrector~ of ~Kel~y Oil Company held at the office of said Company in Tulsa, Oklahoma. on October 18, 1966, at which meeting a q,uorum was present, a resolution was adopted by said Board as follows: BE IT RESOLVED, That until otherwise ordered by this Board, the President or any Vice President of the Company shall have authority to make, enter into, sign, execute, and deliver on behalf of the Company all receipts, releases, deeds, leases. bills of sale, conveyances, contracts, agreements, stock certificates, and other documents of like nature, with attestation by the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary in cases in which such attesta- tion is necessary or proper; and FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President or any Vice President, In either case joined by the Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer, be and they hereby are authorized to effect loans and advances at any tLme for this Company from any bank, trust company, or other source, or, for other Company purposes, including, but not limited to, the guaranteeing of loans made to who.:.~y-owned subsidiaries, to exec'Jte rotes or other evidences of indebtedness, each Dote or other evidence of indebtedness to be signed for the Company by the President or any Vice President. in either case joined by the Treasurer or an Assistant Treas'Jrer, under its corporate seal, duly attested when necessary; and said officers are hereby similarly authorized to sellar discount any and 311 commercial paper, bills receivable, and other instru- ments and evidences of debt at any time held by this Company and, to that end, to endorse, assign, transfer, and deliver the same, each endorsement and/or 8ssigr,- ment to be execut~d for the Company by the Preshie[lt or any Vice President, in either case joined by the Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer, under its corporate seal, c1uly attested when necessary, The undersigned, Assistant Secretary of Skelly O~l C~mDany, 10es hereby certify that the foregoing 1s a true copy of s~id ,esolution adopted by the Board of Directors of said Compary ,,~ saiJ meeting; that said resolution has not been repealed or amerJed, I['id is [lOW in fl)ll force and effect, and that, since the lIt!: day or July, 1960, Paul A. Tanner tws been a duly elected Vice Presiden' (' C said Company < IN ',HTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand '3r;,j t~!e:2\s~l., Qr s,aId Company this...:::s-fi day of /?Q-t '--e...+~+ "=--_ .. ~r." ::t f fi;'\Eri , 'JvA:,' l___K__o ';1 ;r "':' jt-/>Z ~ ( ~~.'P- ,/';' ;'" "(SEAL)' y '. '--Assistant SecretaTy.---.------ Skelly Oil Company "'.. , "; ., ""'" -," -"'.'" '* 2226 228