HomeMy WebLinkAbout0237 I~ECORDED IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION NO. 86055483 OS/27/86 12:55 I~'OO II 1', " I I, I i,l A!- } 'I " I' ."'." ';"{"; ~ >" , \ Ii I Ht'l'(j)'dt'd ut }{ct'{'pti'l!1 \'0 ~l., 1,'('Jll('k ~ II THIs DEED :llad" thi, 1'\ [, ~v i Hl86,hcIIH.'n Euqene /". Celano, Larry W. Meyer, I and Reece E. Ridgeway, as tenants xxWk~ in common k~~~~k' ~~oc~xU~~ '}I<:i:!"oftlwfl",tpart,and The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, a municipal ~ ('orpo,'atl"n org-anizpd and pxi:-;ting Ulldt,l' and hv \.ll't Ill' of t Ill' la \\'~ of tilt' State of Co lor ado 11ft Ill' Sl'('()!ld part. wh()~{' lpj.Tal :l(ldrf'''~ i:-: ..2/.df da). (Jf May 7500 W. 29th Ave. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 L- WIT'\iESSETH, That ill/' :-;aid partieS of tht' rir~t part, ror and in cOllsideratio!l (Jftllt' .".UHl of On(' Hllnnrpcl FiFty Fivp Thollsand ($1'1'1,OOO.OO)----------,-------1101LAI\S lit () till' :-;aid pal'ti es (If tIlt, fi I':-,t part in )1 alld )'aid h\' till' :-;a id part v (If t he ,<;;('I'()lld pal't, t hi' n'l'pipt WtH'l'i'nf i~ IH'J'phv ('(Jnfl'~~l'd and H('kllllWlt-'dg'C'd, h,-veg:rantl.'d., barg-ainprl ~(lld alld ('OllVL'Yl'd, and hy thp",l.' pl'e~t'Ilt", do gl'ant hargain, .'.;ell. l'()Il\"('\' and ('onfirI1l, unto thl' ~aid party uf tilt' :"p('ond part, ib ::-lh.'l'l..':-::-:(ll'~ ano a:-:."ig:n:, t\!H'Vi'l', all of11w f()]lowin.l2: d('~l'riht'd lot (Il' par('p] of land. ~itllatl', lying' :'lnd bL'ing' ill the ('nulltvof Jef fer son and State of ('IJlorado, to wit THE NORTH 175 FEET OF THE WEST 279.64 FEET OF THE EAST 306.64 FEET OF TRACT 15, BROOKSIDE EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT TO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON RECORDED IN BOOK 886 AT PAGE 340 ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. r::-- 0J '=:J >- ~~~ i2 v, aho known a", :.;trl'ut and number W. 38th Ave. and Owens St. T()("'ETHEH with :11] ,Hld ~ing'lllaJ' tlw IH'J'i'ditanH'nts and aJlPllrtellanL'I'~ tht'rt'untl! 1ll'lo!lging tlr in anywi:-:l' apPpJ'tainin12:, and thl: t'(,\.l'r~ion and 1"l'\'Pl'Sil)l\,,,, l'l'maindf'l' and rl'IlJaindi'l':';, n'tll:-: i,";';Ul';'; <lIld prufit~ tilt l't'()f, and a]1 ttlt-' p~tat(', right, tith', interest, l'laim and demand vvhat~oP\"{:'1' of the said part iesof tht' fir:-:! part, {.itlwr in law or ('quit\'. of. in and tn the ah()\t' h:'lrg'ainpd pl'L'J1liH~;'; with thf' 11l'I'l'ditanH'nts and appurtt'nant'L'~. T() IL\\ E :\~nTO BOLB till::' :''-lJt1 In'{'misl:'~ abo\'l' hargailH'd and df'~cl"ibl:'d, with tilt' appurtt'llafH'l'~, unto tllt' said partv (Jftlw s{,(,(J!.t{~art, ib ~tH't'(:'~~OI' and assign~ fllJ'P\'PI' \nd the ;.;aid part ies . ufthe fil"stpart, fDl' them SL'1 ves ,t ~~il's, l::'Xt'l'lltors, and admini",t ratol':;, dl) ('o\"pnant, grant, harg'<l.In and <lgrei' to and with Uw ~(\id parts of thp ;-;p('olld part, ib ~Ll('CP~SOt's <In(l as~ig-ns. that at t.he time of tilL' f'll~{'<djng and df::.Ji\.ery of th{'SI' pl'i'~t'llts. they are well sL'ized (Jfthe premises ahovp t'oflvl'yed, a:-: nfj.!;tlod, SU1'(, , IH'rfeet, ab;-;nlute and. indpfpasihk' e~tatt' of inheritalH'p, in law, in fee ::-;impIL-', and hWegoud rig'hL full })O\VPl' and lawful authority to grant, ,I bargain, :-'.{.\l and (.OJ1Vl'\" tilt' same in manner an(1 form a;.; aforesaid, and th<lt tilt' saHll' art:' fret' and ell:'ar from all I fOl'mel' and othel' g-rants, harg".in" ,alps liens, La"',, a"e"lHl'nts and en<,umhrann's of whatp\'l'r kind 01' natlll'e ,o"YI'I', except general taxes for 1986, due and payable in 1987, and subject to the continuing representations in the Receipt and Option Contract (Vacant Land) between the parties dated May 7, 1986. and tilt' UlJO\'{' 1l;!rg;aint'd pn'misf's in the qUil't and pean,f'll] possession of till' said partv of tlH' :-;f'i'ond part, it.s ::-;lH'l'l':-;SOI' and a:-::-;ign:-:, ag'uin",t all and P\'f'ry person 01' IH-'rs()n~ lawfull\' daimin~ 0\' to dainl thL' w\llJh' or an," part tlll'reof, till' said parUeS,f till' first part ,h,lil and will \VA RRANT ".N Il FOR E \ E R DE F'E'\ilJ I'" WlT"ESS WIIEHEOF, TIll' ,aid parties of the fi",t part haVe heJ'l'llllto ,d their han,S and :-;I::'a] S t he day and Veal" fint <.\!)(\YP "\vr~ttpn. ~~_,~~/ if- ~HI ../~''- ~ , , " ./ .../ /. /~~- "/~ i) <.. _ <: 1<-- ~ c-_JS}<~ALl // ,..... / ---"" / . ~~.~ ,'r~~. ~/ISEALI Signed, St'ah'd and [lpliYL'l't'd in tilt' t'rp:-;pnt'p {If "', 1i;.:, .",TATE OF t'OU }\(ADl I, } (;~J' \"i,~, ('.ollntvof 1~llE.r.5(jh ,;s, r T11e-fOl ,,'gOIng Jlbtl un1ent \\ as <wkno\.\ ledgpd hptore me thlS ~ I;::;' t"gtj.,hy E&(,yLl>e jl. ~.ljQntJ y ~-le-e E,tf/~~ ,tv!v "olHnll',::vn ""!n1'es !/::(9).l'l day of /J1~ ~rITNl;B.S InY hand and offi('jal spa!. / / ",.~ ~/d--l;'-lu~' \lJtan' f'uhli<' ',\ I W A, '<" ~C/'7,/y~/ 4/jJ/jj \u. \J,)~. W.\HIL\!\TY IlEEII TO ('OHI'OH,\T10'\; For l'tVltU\l:faphit: R~C(Jrd. BradfurdPubll"hmg,'iX25W 6th....\'c lakev,llt1U,l(,x0214 _1.10"l)2"l"lf!'.iUO I)-XI I .'J,,^ Ir....,...,..7 Il~':> ii Ii \ Ii I, I j, RECEPTION NO. 86055483 , \ { ..:3/ STATE OF C"ifO~.vur, 1$ p/~/ ) ss. COUNTY OF Los Angeles ) ~ '-' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of May , 1986, by Larry \L ;'~eYer My Commission Expires: August 8, 1986 WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~-"':~-"'''_-''--7__-:.:..L.______"" ( ',. ',w ."'~c1 I \ > \ ( / / //, -- l.- i.I.- .. /~ Notary Public I ~ ' ,I' \ ~TE OF , , Z=...l " Tr-,-"",,- ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1986, by My Commission Expires: WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public , !.,!/.yvJ /_/ 1 , :r ;;./ ';", .,"/ f" ,,/,-