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HomeMy WebLinkAbout0347 J( o ~~m <:. ~cn ~i t~ L~ ~ <:::1.,:;'- C~~ os: .- ""- .' RECEPTION NO, 5/22/91 15: 05 RE<,'ORDED IN COUNTY OF ,JEFFERSON STATE OF ~OLORADO 91043316 5.IJ)fb Project No.: 8-38.02-91 Location: 5712 W 38~h Ave Wheat Ridge, CO .3f'J , -"-" WARRANTY DEED RICHARD G. GRIFFIN, AND HELEN MARY GRIFFIN whose address IS 5708 w. \ 38th Ave., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colora- \./ do, 80212, for the consideration of r!~_~~~~QLLQ.Q_Q.Q!:!:~B:~ ($10.00), i n h and p aid, her e b y s ell and con V e y tot h e C i t Y 0 f Wh eat R fdg;;- a municipal corporation in the State of Colorado, whose address is 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 80033, the following real property, in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to wit: A tract of land lying In South, Range 69 West of Wheat Ridge, County of scrIbed as follows: the NE 114 of Section 25, Township 3 the 6th Principal ~eridian, City of Jefferson, State of Colorado, de- The North thirty (30) feet of that parcel of land recorded at the official records of the County of Jefferson. State of Colorado at Book 2822. Page 23 and described as the North 155 feet of the West 60 feet of the North 1 acre of the East 2 acres of the West one-half (W 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northwest one-quarter (NW 1/4) of the North- east one-quarter (NE 1/4) of said Section 25. Said tract containing ;~~~~'~,- ~;~\()~ed 1800 square feet, more or less. as right-of-way for W. 38th Avenue. Also known by street and number as: 5712. W. 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80212. With all its appurtenances, to easements, rights of way Signed this z1~ day of and warrant the title to the same subject and restrictions of record, if any, State of Colorado, '\,1&: ) , 199]. 22 u~ 4-------- ~ . ~---~~ ~~---------------- ~~'!~~ :QfJ::~:: tJELEN ~ARY G~FC1N, ~~~t;antor County of Jefferson ) ) s s . ) The foregoing LAf2~L_-__- ' . 1 . 'J'3/1J 1 n s t rUin e n t was a c k now e d g e~ d be for e met 111 S c:>i. ,- day 0 f 1991, by /lhaIt ("'/'l \.,1) tj, C,5e ------ --~~----------------------------------------- Witness my hand and seal. eXP1res:_~~~__~~~T______19~Li_ /' [), (,"-lIlt1 U. (^- A- j I- /1.. t -,dJ N;t;ty-p~bli-;---------------------- My commission SEAL C~~~_~L_f~~~~i~i~~~~___________ Addres~ {j...:J}!!.~J:})~fJ:;;~~'::.!.L1.<.;:~(t,-_lX{~!!