HomeMy WebLinkAbout0419 --- ,9 ~: lJ I , ~\)' I I ~~J' ;?'lo;i ;~~o... 2~- lt~; ~ -'I w U 'c1 ~ W ell 'c1 P rl 0 0 .lO u rfJ ---- l-' ~ :z:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g:; Iii ~ :i l-' :z; 1 ~ :z:: ~ u 0 p 0 :z; PECEF'T I'\J('l NO. q41 l35"'7 1 ,~). I}(i RECORDED IN COUNTf OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO 6/30/94 11 10 Qt1lT CL\\I\\ DEED ,:J(: "'-" ).. I" 94 R-l, XX!Xp{\XOOW\ dul' \In.'~\n\fl'd '.md ....'\i"tlll~ undc\ ,ml! h\ 11'\1.ll li\ l11l' Ll\\" .\\ 11-1;: \tat--' <lj Colorado !..'LII11(lL :lnd City of Wheat Ridge, a municipal corporation i I I L X~fXiK~Nl duh ()I'~dlllh'd and l'\I"lin';.' under ~jfld h\ \irtlll' 01 thl' !:t\\:-, ()Ithl' "1:tlL.: Ilj Colorado !..'Llflll'C \\hl)-';l' k!-':tl ~lddrL'"'' I" 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80125 // ~ \YITNESS, "11131 the grantor. for and in considl'rati<Jn ()ftlMXUfU::iXr dedica t ion f or roadway purposes, 1X~~, the receipt and suttlcicllC\ of\\'hiC'h is herer\' JeJ..:nowkdgc-d, has remised, released. sold and VI I1T ('I '\It>.1LD Jnd bv these pn:<;l'I1t'i dIll'S fL'misl\ release, ~eli and Ql11T CLAlrvl unto the grantee, its SLlCccssurs and assigns forever, all the right. title. intl'rl'sL L'laim and demand which the grantor has in and to thl-' real prupert\, together w'ith Improvements. irany, situate, hing and heing III the * (nUT\t\ of Jefferson and State of Colorado, dl'sl-~rihed as to]lnw5. See Exhibit A also known hv stleel and numhcI a" TO HAVE ,\:"11> TO HOLD the salllc tn~elhl'f with all and ,ingular the appurtcnanl.."es and pri\'ik~~s thereunto hdnnging:, or in anvwi..,e thereunto appertaining, dod all thc e..;tate ri~hL titk interest and claim \vhalsoevcr, oj lhl' grantur. eithel in la\\. ur C,--\Uil\" to the onh proper usc, hcnctit and hehoof of the granlL'c its successor" and assIgns lorc\'et". I~ \VITNESS \\'HEREOt~ The granlm has caused ils ((\rpmat.... nanv.? to he hcn:unto "uhsl.:ribt."d 0.... it'-. \-lT~sidpnt, and its corporate seal tn hL' hereunto altixcd. atte,ted hy ib Sel.-"fetan, thl' day ;lJld vear tirst abo\'l' wrillcn. '~J~~"~4s Jefferson County School District No. R-l -;:- ~ {<~,0t4.W~ David R. DiGiacorro ~'rc~jJcnt SEAl Approved as to form: ~n'h-MuA-d /Jt-i.d. Sc 01 District Attorney STArE OF COLORADO } \S CDunt\ ot 'Se/t=~L~"""'; The foreglHng in~trumcnt was acknowkdgcd before me this by David R. DiGiacomo Nancy J. McNally Jefferson County School District No. My Corrol " . ,.;res ~h CPtl1!llis\HlIl ex-pires Ju'y 28. I ~~5 \Vitnes, lTl\ hand and (lfti(ial 'lea] cfi0 dav ul June l'l 94 President and Secretary of :x (()rporallotl a, as R-l, a quasi-municipal '-1J(J:.~ a / AA) '1"1;1'. l'lIbl]c SI!<Z&-r{ , /"ti;vu.-'.t-' ~""'/~~1:'~'.'?1 G S\,~ 1; illlk,tl\\.,l' l:hr.:"1 .( \1\ ,-lIld 6/.:<7''' .hVL' 7/ Name and A.ddrcss ofPersun Creating 'Jewly Created l.egal Desniplil)ll (S lR-15-IOo.5 C.R.S.1 '0. x-;:-; ~.:", i1.--!L t)1 \ {1 \\:\1 iW.FD [Corporation till 01 pOl alimll BI,';(ll"lll PuhJi"h'ng. 1 4 \, 'fl" ., Dcr.vn, .( r ~:r\ ',) I ~I II 'q~ ':"\111 ------- EXHIBIT "A" CONSULTING EN GIN EERS " SELLARDS & GRIGG. INC. One Union Squate . 143 Union Boulevard. Suite 280 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 (303) 98lH 444 .. PARCEL A .. OPHAH STREET .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION A parcel of land lying within the southeast one-quarter of Section 23, TownShip 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, city of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, state of Colorado, described as follows: ;J- The west 25 feet of the east one-half of the southeast one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter of said southeast one-quarter lying south of that parcel of land as described in Book 2648, Page 280, from Jefferson County School District No. R-l to Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District, recorded July 31, 1974, Jefferson county Records, EXCEPT the south 30 feet thereof, TOGt."'.l'.tl.l::R WITH the west 15 feet of the north 215 feet of the east one-half of the southeast one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter of said southeast one- quarter. This parcel of land is approximately 631 feet in length (north and south) and contains 0.313 acres, more or less. The drafter of this description is Mr. John S. Lambert, PLS 13212, prepared on behalf of Sellards & Grigg, Inc., 143 Union Blvd., suite 280, Lakewood, CO 80228 on February 22, 1994 under Job No. 93037-90 for the City of Wheat Ridge and is not to be construed as representing a monumented land survey. A:93037-2.ld RECEFOT I or'1 NO. '~4 11 3SQ'7