HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/04/1998CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting June 4, 1998 1. 2. 3. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair THOMPSON at 7:30 p.m. on June 4, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL: Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Ann Brinkman Jerry Collins Jim Dunn Dean Gokey Nancy Snow Janice Thompson Tom Shockley (excused - illness) Alan White, Planning & Development Director Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist/Associate Planner Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Ann Lazzeri, Minutes Specialist The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of June 4, 1998. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair THOMPSON requested an item be added under Old Business for follow-up from the last meeting. Commissioner BRINKMAN requested an item regarding a June 27th seminar be added under New Business. Alan White requested discussion regarding joint City Council/Planning Commission meetings be added under New Business. Planning Commission Page 1 06/04/98 It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to amend the agenda as requested. The motion carried 6-0 with Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the May 21, 1998 Wheat Ridge Planning Commission were presented for approval. Commissioner GOKEY requested the following amendment: Item 7(a), page 6, following the seventh paragraph, a new paragraph should be added as follows: "Commissioner GOKEY requested that the issue of nonconforming agricultural uses be addressed." It was moved by Commissioner GOKEY and seconded by Commissioner SNOW to approve the minutes as amended. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 with Commissioner DUNN abstaining and Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-98-11: A request by 44 Eldridge, LLC for approval of a Planned Industrial Development combined preliminary and final development plan and plat for the purpose of development of an industrial park located at approximately 13500 West 44th Avenue. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Alan White explained that there are some engineering issues that need to be finalized before this case can be heard. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that this item be postponed to the July 2, 1998 Planning Commission meeting. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent. B. Case No. WZ-98-10: A request by Randy's Realty, Inc. (Club Corners) for approval of a zone change from R-3 to C-1 to bring the property into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and with the use of the lot. Property is located at 6551 West 44th Avenue. The case was presented by Martin Omer which was an application to rezone a 6,500 square foot portion of the property from R-3 to C-1 which would bring it into conformance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The remainder of the lot (19,363 square feet) is properly zoned Planning Commission Page 2 06/04/98 Commercial-One. If approved, the entire portion of the property would be zoned Commercial-One. The property is currently used as a restaurant and tavern; and there is an accessory single family residence located in the rear of the business which is used for caretaker/watchman quarters. Mr. Omer presented overheads and slides of the subject property. He informed that a neighborhood meeting was held on February 24, 1998 and that no outstanding issues or concerns were presented at that meeting. He reviewed the zoning criteria and agency referrals and informed that the proposed rezoning met the City's criteria for approval with recommended conditions as contained in the staff report. He stated that staff recommended approval because the application was considered to be in the best interest of the City as well as the applicant; and that, if the zone request were to be approved, the overall property should meet the current zone criteria for a Commercial-One zone district. He entered the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, case file and packet materials, slides and exhibits into the record, and informed that all notification and posting requirements had been met and there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked why an application for a minor dumping landfill permit was required. Meredith Reckert explained that the language was part of a standard form letter and was not pertinent in this case. Commissioner SNOW asked staff to check and make sure there is no problem. Commissioner SNOW asked if the property met the City's landscaping requirements and asked how large the planter under the freestanding sign would be. Mr. Omer stated that it may not be possible for the applicant to meet all the landscape requirements for new development because he also is required to have a certain number of parking spaces. Commissioner SNOW asked if the applicant would be required to remove some of the banners on the outside of the building. Ms. Reckert informed that there may be very minor violations in regard to the banners and that she would look into the compliance. Chair THOMPSON expressed concern about buffering from lights and noise between Club Corners and the R-3 property which is seven feet behind the building. She suggested that since this is a new C-1, that it would be an opportunity to require a higher fence between the properties and perhaps add more landscaping. Meredith Reckert explained that this was a matter of trying to retrofit an existing situation, and that planting areas have been required based upon the percent of increase in building coverage. Commissioner SNOW commented that if the property is rezoned, the residence on the property, in addition to the deck, could be also be used for commercial purposes. Mr. Omer replied that while Commissioner SNOW's point was well taken, that the present use has been existence for a long period of time with different requirements than if new Planning Commission Page 3 06/04/98 construction were being considered. He also stated that if additional landscaping is required, it would impact the parking requirements. Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern about maintenance of the landscaping and wanted assurance that it would be adequately watered. She also commented that the parking overflows the parking lot onto the street; however, the owner makes sure those areas are cleaned up. Chair THOMPSON asked about placement of trash receptacles. Mr. Omer replied that the staff has suggested the owner enclose the trash dumpster. Andy Cameron 6551 West 44th Avenue Mr. Cameron was sworn by Chair THOMPSON. He stated that he was owner of Randy's Realty, Inc. which is the corporation that operates the bar; that his wife, Rita Mayo, owns the land; and that they have operated the bar for the last year. He clarified that he wanted to construct a ten-foot addition in order to bring in two more pool tables and that when the contractor filed for the building permit, it was discovered that portion of the property was zoned residential. He stated that he has invited neighbors to come to him with any noise complaints and noted that the apartments to the north are situated lower than the bar and are therefore blocked by the present fence. He informed that the house to the west is presently used as a warehouse for a business across the street and has had this use for the past twenty years. He agreed to remove some of the banners and advised that the sign was being repaired and was scheduled for replacement the following day. He stated that he has spent $4,500 for landscaping so far and will keep it watered. He informed that, although the rear parking lot has the appearance of being gravel, it is actually reconstituted asphalt with gravel spread to fill in low lying areas. In response to a question from Chair THOMPSON, Mr. Cameron replied that he has installed two double-headed motion lights in the parking lot and that he will do whatever the police department requires in regard to lighting. In regard to the noise, he informed that the deck will be shut down at 9:00 p.m. when the band starts and that there will be no outdoor speakers. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Mr. Cameron replied that the liquor license has already been approved. Chair THOMPSON asked if there was anyone present wishing to speak. There was no one signed up to speak. Following further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by Commissioner GOKEY that Case No. WZ-98-10, be recommended for APPROVAL to the Wheat Ridge City Council, with associated conditions, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed zoning is consistent with the City's rezoning criteria Planning Commission Page 4 06/04/98 2. It would result in the entire property being in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. There would be no significant negative impacts as a result of the zoning. With the following conditions: a. If the caretaker/security residence changes, or is converted from an accessory use, that the entire site be brought up to Commercial-One zoning landscape standards. If the caretaker/security residence does change from an accessory use, the additional landscaping shall be added to the north and northwest property boundary area. b. Prior to the City Council hearing for this case, the applicant/owner shall submit a revised site plan which meets all the criteria outlined in the City of Wheat Ridge Police Department memorandum dated May 13, 1998. The submitted revised site plan will have been reviewed and signed by Deri Patt of the Police Department, or a designated representative, prior to its submittal to the Planning Department. C. A standard dumpster enclosure shall be constructed (building permit required) wherein the dumpster shall be kept. d. All signage associated with the front freestanding sign shall be kept in a repaired condition. e. Landscaping: (1) The pavement immediately underneath the free standing sign shall be removed and replaced with an enclosed planter area (constructed of material similar to that used for the planter adjacent to the southeast corner of the building) where four evergreen shrubs, or like plant material, shall be planted, with bark/mulch spread, and kept in good living and weed-free condition. (2) The landscape area located along the front portion of the west property line shall be enclosed with material similar to the planter adjacent to the southeast corner of the building. All weeds shall be removed and bark/mulch shall be spread and kept in a clean and weed-free condition. f. A revised Improvement Location Certificate will have to be submitted which shows the wood deck. g. The applicant/property owner shall stripe the rear parking area. All parking stalls shall be clearly striped with the handicapped symbols included as required by the Americans With Disabilities Act. A total of 48 paved and striped on-site parking spaces shall be established and maintained. Planning Commission Page 5 06/04/98 There was discussion regarding the rear parking lot. Martin Omer explained that the reconstituted asphalt with gravel may not hold the striping. Commissioner GOKEY commented that reconstituted asphalt and asphalt paving are two different matters and that he would like to see asphalt paving required to meet the existing paved area. In response to a question from Chair THOMPSON, Mr. Omer replied that zoning ordinance does require a hard surface (pavement or concrete.) Commissioner GOKEY moved and Commissioner SNOW seconded that the motion be amended to state that paving be changed to repaving with new asphalt. The motion passed by a vote of 5-1, with Commissioner BRINKMAN voting no and Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent. Commissioner SNOW requested that the motion contain an additional condition that the building and site adhere to the City's sign and banner regulations for maximum square footage. This amendment was acceptable to Commissioners BRINKMAN and GOKEY. Commissioner GOKEY moved and Commissioner SNOW seconded to reconsider the unpaved parking areas in the rear portion of the property and require them to be paved and striped and consistent with the rest of parking spaces in front, for a total of 48 paved parking spaces. The motion passed by a vote of 5-1, with Commissioner BRINKMAN voting no and Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent. A vote was taken for the entire motion with the changes. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0. Mr. Cameron commented that the paving requirement would be cost prohibitive for him. He was advised that he could appeal the conditions to the City Council. Chair THOMPSON suggested that he meet with staff to discuss his options. (Chair THOMPSON declared a brief recess at 8:55 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:10 p.m.) C. Case No. WV-98-02: A request by Medved Autoplex for approval of a vacation of the southerly ten feet of West 50th Avenue. Property is zoned C-1 and located at the rear of 11001 and 11201 West I-70 Frontage Road North. (Commissioner GOKEY stated that, due to the fact that he was employed by the applicant, he would abstain from hearing this case as well as Case No. PBG-98-01. At this point, Commissioner GOKEY left the Council Chambers.) This case was presented by Meredith Reckert which was an application for approval of a right-of- way vacation for excess right-of-way along West 50th Avenue which abuts the rear of the Medved Autoplex property. The applicant is requesting that the southern ten feet of the forty feet total right- of-way for 50th Avenue be vacated, leaving thirty feet in place for roadway purposes. She informed Planning Commission 06/04/98 that the City is currently reviewing street construction drawings for the public improvements on 50th Avenue as it abuts both parcels. She entered into the record the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, case file and packet materials, slides and exhibits and informed that all notification and posting requirements had been met and there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Ms. Reckert informed that when the property was zoned and platted in the mid-1980's the street was classified as an arterial and therefore there was forty feet of right-of-way dedicated. In the early 1990's the Comprehensive Plan downgraded 50th Avenue from an arterial to a collector. She informed that the City Council recently approved and adopted the city's Neighborhood Traffic Management Program which designated West 50th as a Class 5 street (minor industrial collector). She reviewed the agency referrals, stating that Public Works concurs with the request with the condition that the property being vacated have a slope and utilities easement, and that the Arvada Fire Protection District had no objection to the vacation as long as twenty feet of access lane with an all-weather surface is provided. She reviewed the vacation criteria used in evaluating right-of-way vacation requests. Ms. Reckert stated that staff has concluded the designation of West 50th Avenue has changed from an arterial to a collector status on the comprehensive Plan and that such collector status requires thirty feet of right-of-way where there is forty feet existing. She informed that staff is in support of the vacation with the condition that a utility and slope easement be reserved over the entire ten feet. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Ms. Reckert advised that there were no utilities in the subject area at the present time. Chair THOMPSON asked if the applicant would be responsible for developing the entire street. Ms. Reckert replied they would be responsible for building two passable lanes plus curb, gutter and sidewalk. Dennis Polk 1667 Cole Boulevard, Building #19, Suite #100 Golden, Colorado Mr. Polk was sworn by Chair THOMPSON. He stated that he is representing the applicant. He informed that the applicant had no problem with the slope and utility easement should it be required. Following brief questions and discussion, Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner DUNN seconded that Case No. WV-98-2, a request for approval of a ten-foot right-of-way vacation for West 50th Avenue abutting the rear of the property located at 11001 and 11201 West I-70 Frontage Road North, be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The designation for West 50th Avenue has changed from an arterial to a collector since the time of dedication. 2. A half-width section of thirty feet is adequate for a collector status. 3. The criteria used to evaluate a vacation support approval of the request. Planning Commission. Page 7 06/04/98 with the following condition: A ten-foot utility and slope easement be reserved over the entire length of the vacated property. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 with Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent. D. Case No. PBG-98-01: A request by Medved Autoplex for approval of an amendment to their approved Official Development Plan to add a parking lot, new car dealership and daycare facility for employees. The property is zoned Commercial-One with a site plan requirement and located at 11201 West I-70 Frontage Road North. The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She advised that the property is currently used as Medved's pre-owned car sales and hummer test track. The property is zoned Commercial-One and pursuant to rezoning conditions, site plan review by Planning Commission and City Council is required prior to any construction. The applicant is attempting to address both short-term and long- term development of the property with this application. She presented overhead site plans and slides of the subject property. She entered into the record the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, case file and packet materials, and exhibits, and informed that the property is within the City of Wheat Ridge, that all notification and posting requirements have been made and that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Ms. Reckert reviewed the case history, site plan and agency referrals as contained in the packet. She informed that Building A is shown to be on top of a water line owned by Valley Water District and that the applicant is currently negotiating with Water District as well as the property owner to the west to move that line off site. She advised that access to the property around the transmission tower would remain the same as would the emergency gated access; and that if and when CDOT would approve a modified access permit, this would have the potential of being opened. She stated that 50th Avenue abuts the property on the north with joint for both properties for loading and unloading vehicles and access for the day care facility on the north. She pointed out that there are internal drives and access ways between the two properties and that landscaping on site would be approximately 20%, and that if and when the building envelopes are built upon, the landscaping percentages would probably increase just the way the buildings will be laid out. She noted that this is a minimum of 20% where only 10% is required for C-1. She advised that all minimum requirements for the C-1 zone district have been met or exceeded. She reviewed agency referrals noting that Public Works is in the process of reviewing a revised drainage report for the proposed improvements as well as street construction plans for West 50th Avenue as they abut the site. She informed that it would not be necessary to complete a street width designation process for Council review as indicated in the staff report. She informed that improvements to West 50th Avenue would have to be completed before a certificate of occupancy is issued for the first building. The Arvada Fire Protection district will require additional water lines and fire hydrants with the new dealerships and day care building, and a new water main line will need to be looped from Parfet to Robb Street within the 50th Avenue right-of-way. Water taps and service lines will be needed for each structure. Ms. Reckert reviewed the Planned Building Group Criteria as outlined in the staff report noting that Planning Commission Page 8 06/04/98 it was staff s conclusion that an amendment to the existing planned building group is required to achieve efficient and orderly development of the Medved Autoplex. Staff further concluded that all requirements of the C-1 zone district regulations have been met or exceeded and that the proposed use of the property is consistent with adjacent zoning and land use. Approval was recommended with the following conditions: 1. Water service to the project (looping in 50th Avenue and line relocation) be resolved prior to review by City Council. 2. Adequate parking for employees be provided and specified on the plan. 3. Lighting be shielded to minimize effects on nearby residential properties. 4. West 50th Avenue along the entire Medved Autoplex frontage be completed upon issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the first building. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Reckert stated that the improvements have to occur with any building on the property and that any signs would have to conform to the master sign plan for the property. Commissioner SNOW commented that she has received comment that the broadcast speakers can sometimes be heard across the freeway. She also asked about comments from the referral agencies. Ms. Reckert reviewed the Arvada Fire Protection District comments as well as those from CDOT. She noted that the City of Arvada had no comment on the project. Commissioner BRINKMAN asked about the cover of the plan which states that final parking space count is subject to change with the design of the building footprint. Ms. Reckert replied that was the reason for the condition regarding employee parking. Chair THOMPSON expressed concern about parking and playground safety issues in regard to the daycare center. Dennis Polk 1667 Cole Boulevard, Building 419, Suite #100 Golden, Colorado Mr. Polk was sworn by Chair THOMPSON. Mr. Polk gave a brief history of the project, noting that the applicant thought this had been dealt with in 1994, but due to some inconsistencies somewhere along the line, it is necessary at this time to define what they are going to build and what is going to occur. He indicated that Building A would probably be the first building and that construction would be phased. He stated that it was very important to Mr. Medved to provide a daycare facility for his employees. He commented that while he appreciated the Commission's's concern about safety issues for the daycare center, he wanted to assure the Commission that the safety of employees and their children were even more important to the applicant. He advised that the applicant had to meet far more stringent requirements from the State of Colorado and other agencies than the current City of Wheat Ridge codes provide. He advised that the applicant would meet or exceed every one of those standards. Planning Commission Page 9 06/04/98 Mr. Polk explained that the applicant's plan had been developed with a lot of forethought and exceeded land use and zoning standards. He stated that Mr. Medved was very much committed to the community and that the new buildings will be of the same quality as the existing buildings. He stated that the applicant is committed to screening and keeping lighting as inoffensive as possible while maintaining safety and security. In regard to noise, he advised that there was no noise emanating from the site that exceeded the state noise level and noted that there are plans for the federal government to construct a sound barrier on the south side of I-70 at some time in the future. He advised that the ditches have been piped across the property and that they are working with the water department to solve all of the water issues. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Polk replied that they have an approved master sign plan approved by City Council which they will adhere to at this time; and that the applicant may seek permission from the Planning Commission and City Council for additional signage at a later date. In response to parking concerns expressed by Chair THOMPSON, Mr. Polk replied that they try to keep all employee parking on the site and that he believed the cars parked on the street belonged to customers. He also clarified that the daycare access would not be used for delivery of vehicles. Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about noise emanating from the broadcast system used to page employees and asked if personal pagers could be used instead. Mr. Polk replied that those devices have not proven to be effective in the car business. In response to Commissioner SNOW's concern about the lighting, Mr. Polk replied that the applicant has taken the advice of a lighting consultant in regard to lighting for security and protection of inventory. Nicholas Rollo 165 Union Boulevard, Suite #156 Lakewood, CO Mr. Rollo was sworn by Chair THOMPSON. He informed that he was with a civil engineering consultant group, Carroll & Lange, Inc. In response to questions from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Rollo explained that the retention . pond was designed to retain a 100-year storm and outlined the water flow process on the property He also advised Commissioner COLLINS that the retention pond did not have an oil separator. Mr. Polk replied that the applicant will meet or exceed any and all requirements regarding the retention pond imposed by any entity having authority to do so. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Rollo replied that it was his understanding that the retention pond would be built at the time the first building is constructed. Robert Brutyn 121 Silver Leaf Way Castle Rock, CO Mr. Brutyn was sworn by Chair THOMPSON. He was appearing on behalf of the applicant. Chair THOMPSON asked where the employee parking would be in relation to the new buildings. Mr. Planning Commission Page 10 06/04/98 Brutyn replied that current employee parking has been directed to the east of the Chevrolet facility Any additional employee parking would use the runoff from the first level behind it. Mr. Brutyn informed that there is a lighting plan which shuts off 50% of the lighting at the facility at 11:00 p.m. Frank Wehling 5006 Parfet Mr. Wehling was sworn by Chair THOMPSON. Mr. Wehling expressed concern about parking on Parfet Street during construction. He stated that for three months during the construction of the pre- owned vehicle lot, cars were parked on both sides of Parfet Street from the service road up past his property allowing only one lane of traffic. He indicated that he was not concerned with the construction but did not want the neighborhood to be inconvenienced while it was going on. He also expressed concern about having room on 50th Avenue to put an entrance for unloading vehicles. He also commented that storm water from the complex drains into the Bayou Ditch. Commissioner SNOW stated that it was her understanding that it is no longer legal to drain water into a ditch. Ms Reckert stated that staff is in continuous contact with the ditch companies. Mr. Polk informed that whether or not it is against the law to drain water into a ditch depends upon whether they have an easement or fee ownership in the ditch. Commissioner COLLINS asked what materials would be used for the proposed retention pond. Mr. Rollo replied that there would be a concrete trickle channel, but the pond would be sod even though the drawing indicated it would be asphalt. Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner BRINKMAN seconded to recommend that the Planning Commission recommend to City Council APPROVE Case No. PBG-98-01, a request for approval of an amendment to the existing planned building group plan for the Medved Autoplex located at 1121 West I-70 Frontage Road North, for the following reasons: 1. An amended plan is required to achieve maximum build-out. 2. All requirements of the C-1 zone district regulations will be met or exceeded. 3. The plan is consistent with adjacent zoning and land use. with the following conditions: Water service to the project (looping in 50th Avenue and line relocation) be resolved prior to review by City Council. 2. Adequate parking for employees be provided and specified on the plan at a rate of one per 1,000 square feet of lot area, plus one per employee on maximum shift. That lighting be shielded to minimize effects on nearby residential properties. Planning Commission Page 11 06/04/98 4. That West 50th Avenue along the entire Medved Autoplex frontage be completed upon issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the first building. 5. That no construction or employee parking be allowed on Parfet Street or 50th Avenue. 6. That language for cross easements for the two proposed internal drives be approved by the city attorney and recorded with the County. That lines and hydrants be installed as approved by the Arvada Fire District and that the hydrants be installed before any construction occurs above the foundation. That the owner/developer designate a loading area within the boundaries of its own properties before submitting the plan to the City Council. 9. That the retention pond be designed to meet the federal Clean Water Act standards for removal of oil before the water leaves the subject property. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Chair THOMPSON declared the public hearing portion of the meeting closed. (Commissioner GOKEY returned to the Council Chambers.) 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Recapping business. Alan White reported that they are sending a letter to the owner to inform him that storing RV's off-site is not permitted. 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Alan White reported that staff is attempting to schedule joint meetings between the City Council and Planning Commission on July 9 and July 23 to talk about the Comprehensive Plan process. B. Commissioner BRINKMAN informed that she plans to attend the seminar (Planning Commissioner's Workshop) at the Arvada Center on June 27 and is willing to pay the registration cost. Alan White advised her that there are funds in the budget to pay the registration and that the deadline for registration is June 19. C. Meredith Reckert asked for direction from the Commission in regard to supplying drainage reports, etc. to the Planning Commission. Commissioner SNOW indicated that she would like to receive copies of the drainage studies for large projects. Commissioner GOKEY commented that he felt drainage studies are complicated Planning Commission Page 12 06/04/98 documents and that the Commission simply needs to know that the drainage issues have been reviewed by the engineer. Commissioner BRINKMAN commented that she felt the Planning Commission should be fully aware of potential drainage problems before sending matters on to Council. 11. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Commissioner COLLINS requested that staff look into the possibility of drafting a noise ordinance. 12. COMMITTEE AND DEPARTMENT REPORTS There were no committee or department reports. 13. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner DUNN moved and Commissioner SNOW seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Ann Lazzeri, Recording ecretary J ice Thompson, Chair Planning Commission Page 13 06/04/98