Minutes of Meeting
May 6, 1999
CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair
BRINKMAN at 7:30 p.m. on May 6, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal
Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
2. ROLL CALL: Commission Members Present:
Commission Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
Anne Brinkman
Jerry Collins
Dick Doyle
Dean Gokey
Don MacDougall
Nancy Snow
Janice Thompson
Tom Shockley
Alan White, Planning Director
Sean McCartney, Planner
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of May 6,
1999. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of
Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner THOMPSON seconded to approve the order
of the agenda. The motion passed by a vote of 7-1 with Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent.
Commissioner COLLINS moved and Commissioner DOYLE seconded to approve the minutes
of the April 15, 1999 meeting as presented. The motion passed by a vote of 7-1 with
Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent.
There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission.
A. Case No. V VV-99-02 An application by Michelle Sewell to initiate a vacation of an existing
remnant piece of right-of-way east of 6410 West 44th Place. The property is currently zoned
Residential-Three, Restricted-Commercial and Commercial-One.
This case was presented by Sean McCartney. He reviewed the staff report and presented slides
and overheads of the subject property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record
and accepted by Chair BRINKMAN. The properties directly adjacent to said right-of-way
have alternate access onto West 44th Place and West 44th Avenue; therefore, no properties
would be left without public access. Because the southern portion was vacated in 1987, Lamar
Strett will never be extended to West 44th Avenue. Although the Public Works Department
stated that they will not support the request based on the uncertain future of the adjacent land
being developed as a park, the Parks and Recreation Department does not see a need for the
remnant piece of right-of-way. Therefore, staff s recommendation was for approval of the
Vice Chair GOKEY commented that if the right-of-way is vacated, the applicant would be able
to erect a fence which would prohibit the adjacent owner from using the area for through traffic
to and from his business. Mr. McCartney replied that this was correct and also noted that the
adjacent owner has direct access onto 44th Avenue.
In response to a question from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. McCartney stated that he was of
the opinion that since the owner originally dedicated 25 feet for the right of way, the land
would revert back to the owner if the right-of-way is vacated. Alan White explained that
vacated right-of-way reverts back to the owner who originally dedicated the right-of-way.
In answer to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. McCartney stated that the
applicant cannot legally erect a fence unless the right-of-way is vacated.
Rodney Felsie
595 Canyon Boulevard, Boulder
Mr. Felsie, attorney for the applicant, was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. He stated that the
staff presentation covered all pertinent points and his applicant agreed with staff's
recommendation. He stated that the present use is dangerous in that trucks driving through the
residential parking lot endanger lives of children in the area. He also concurred that the right-
of-way would revert to the property that made the original dedication.
Commissioner SNOW asked if the applicant could put a fence on her own property to prevent
through traffic. Felsie replied that she would have to place the fence outside of the right-of-way
and residents would have to walk around the fence to get to their parking.
Lisa Bartow
6410 W. 44th Place, Wheat Ridge
Ms. Bartow, property manager for the applicant, was sworn in by Chair BRINKMAN. She
stated the vacation would provide safety for children in the area by preventing through traffic
from entering their neighborhood. She stated that the apartment house owners have
maintained and used this right-of-way for the last 27 years and that the apartment building has
been inexistence for 38 years. JC Drain, owner to the east, purchased his land in December of
1998 and has been using the right-of-way for 4 months. She would like to put up a fence on the
Planning Commission Minutes -2- May 6, 1999
east side of the driveway to protect children as well as the residents' quality of life. She entered
the following documents into the record for the Commission to review:
1. Photographs of commercial vehicles using the subject area.
2. Petition containing 18 signatures of neighborhood residents indicating they are in favor
of the vacation.
Commissioner MacDOUGALL asked how many parking spaces were on the lot if the right-of-
way is included and how many would be lost if parking was prohibited in the right-of-way.
Ms. Bartow replied that there are 10 units, and 14 parking spaces. If the right-of-way could not
be used, 4 parking spaces would be lost.
In response to questions from Commissioner DOYLE, Ms. Bartow explained that the
apartments were built in 1961 and the subject area has been used for parking since that time.
The piece to the south was vacated in 1972. The present owner discovered she didn't own the
driveway when she investigated the possibility of erecting a fence to prevent the truck traffic
from using it as a thoroughfare.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked how many parking spaces would be available without the
use of the right of way. Ms. Bartow replied there would be ten parking spaces. Commissioner
THOMPSON commented that off-street parking benefits the city as well as the neighbors.
Commissioner COLLINS questioned the operation of a business in this zone stating that
although the property is zoned commercial in the front, the garage is located in the back portion
of the property that is zoned residential. Mr. McCartney stated that the city has taken code
enforcement action in this matter.
Ms. Bartow stated that the city has issued nine citations to the owner of the commercial
property, but he has continued to use the property in spite of the citations.
In response to a question from Chair BRINKMAN, Ms. Bartow replied that none of the
neighbors who were approached with the petition refused to sign.
Chair BRINKMAN asked if any accidents have occurred as a result of the truck traffic. Ms.
Bartow replied that there have been no accidents but two police reports are on file. One resulted
from her request to the owner of the commercial property to discontinue driving trucks through
the area because of the children's safety. He threatened her and a police officer came out and
took a statement. The morning after she filed the report, she made another report to the police
department because her car tires had been slashed.
The following individuals indicated they were in favor of the application, but did not wish to
Planning Commission Minutes -3- May 6, 1999
Christine VanDyke - 9346 West 44th Place
Ruth Malone - 7610 Robinson Way
Marlon Capillupo - 6410 W. 44th Place
Jessica Stuhlmiller - 6410 W. 44th Place
Toi Pietchell - 6410 W. 44th Place
Mr. White noted, for clarification, that a copy of the deed included in the Commission packet
indicated that the property was deeded to the County in 1960.
Chair BRINKMAN asked if the owner of the commercial business could continue to use this
area even after the vacation is granted by moving the guard rail and exiting father north. Mr.
White replied that the city would have to grant permission for him to do this.
Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the Commission could be assured that if the vacation
takes place, the vacated parcel would legally belong to the applicant. Mr. White replied that
ordinances for vacation of right-of-way direct the county assessor to assign ownership of
property pursuant to state law.
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON that
Case No. WV-99-02 be continued until such time as the City Council makes a definite decision
about the park for the following reasons:
Plans for the park are indefinite at this time. The City Council has made no final plans
about whether or not to buy the adjacent land for a park and, if it is purchased, what the
layout of the park and necessary parking will be.
2. Public Works has recommended denial due to the uncertainty of future development of
the park and possible need for parking or access.
3. The problem of commercial trucks crossing the property can be stopped by city action.
With an additional recommendation:
1. That the case can be reheard after City Council makes a decision about the park with no
additional application fee.
Vice Chair GOKEY stated that he would not support this motion because the park issue is
indefinite and the applicant has a definite problem that needs to be addressed at this time.
Mr. White asked for a point of clarification regarding what would constitute a council decision
on the park situation.
Commissioner SNOW offered the following amendment to the motion:
Planning Commission Minutes -4- May 6, 1999
If the Council votes not to enter into negotiations for the park, that the applicant come back
immediately. If purchase of the park is not approved by a year from now that the applicant can
come back with no fee.
The amendment was accepted by Commissioner THOMPSON.
The motion failed by a vote of 1-7, with Commissioner SNOW casting the one affirmative vote
and Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent.
It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Vice Chair GOKEY that Case
No. V IV-99-02, an application for approval of right-of-way vacation of an unused portion of
Lamar Street (approximately 6400 West 44th Place) be recommended to the City Council for
approval for the following reasons:
The property has not been developed and has been recently used only as a parking lot
and access for the adjacent multi-family structure to the west.
2. The Parks and Recreation Department does not see any future needs for this right-of-
way for future use in the development of a park to the east of the right-of-way.
The request will not hinder the future road improvements established on the Wheat
Ridge Comprehensive Plan.
4. It will eliminate an indirect access to West 44th Place due to safety reasons.
It will not prohibit the possibility of legal access to West 44th Place for the land owner
at 6375 West 44th Avenue.
If the vacant land to the east is developed, there would be adequate access to West 44th'
With the following condition:
We would retain the utility easement per the recommendation of the Public Works
Commissioner SNOW offered an amendment to the first reason to include the words "until
very recently" preceding the words "used only as a parking lot......"
The amendment was accepted by Commissioner THOMPSON and Vice Chair GOKEY.
Commissioner SNOW noted that she would not support the second motion for the first three
reasons stated in her motion to continue.
Planning Commission Minutes -5- May 6, 1999
The motion passed by a vote of 6-2 with Commissioner SNOW voting NO and Commissioner
SHOCKLEY absent.
Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner MacDOUGALL seconded that the Planning
Commission adopt a resolution that, regardless of the outcome of the vacation application, the
staff take all possible steps to take legal action as soon as possible to stop the commercial usage
of the property that is not zoned commercial including the use and passage of heavy trucks
through noncommercial property onto West 44th Place.
Commissioner COLLINS questioned the lack of action in spite of nine citations being issued to
the commercial owner. Mr. White replied that it is an active ongoing case and he is not aware
of the exact reasons for issuing each citation.
The motion passed by a vote of 7-1 with Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent.
A. Vacancy on Planning Commission
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW, seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON and
unanimously carried with Commissioner SHOCKLEY absent, to adopt a resolution
presented by Alan White requesting the City Council to announce a vacancy on the
Planning Commission.
Chair BRINKMAN closed the public hearing and adjourned the meeting to a study session for
discussion of the Comprehensive Plan at 8:45 p.m.
It was moved by Vice Chair GOKEY and seconded by Commissioner SNOW to adjourn the
meeting at 9:48 p.m. The motion passed by a vote of 7-1 with Commissioner SHOCKLEY
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
ANNE nAN, Chair
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