HomeMy WebLinkAbout0443 RUG 15 '95 01:07PM MDC HOLDINGS, INC. RECEPTION NO. FOl19419 6.00 230 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO P ":! PG, 0001--001 9/22/95 11: 13 ~~~_.. \IX ~ -- - ,---------- .. I ~...--.:.-=:::::=:..'".:.-.-.-.:.----------..-----...,.-- -~-------1 I I of the 'Countyof Jefferson and State THIS DEED, Made thi8 between JAMES D. HIGHTOwER QUIT CLAIM DEED 15ft-- day of August ,19 95 ' of Colorado, lll'antor, and THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, a municipal I :,', II corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Stale of Colorado , grantee, ....hose legal address is II 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215 I - );- V"; ~~ {-.l'o :;~2:: ~-jQ ~()- .......; ....&- WITNESS, That the grantor. for and in consideration of the sum of ____-______________________-_________ TEN AND NO CENTS [$10.00J--------------------------------_______________j)QlLARS. the !Ccei!)t and sufficiency of which is hereby aclrnowledlled, has remised. released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED. and by these ="en!s d~"" ~mise, ",lease, sell, convey and QUIT ClAIM unto the grantee. ita successors and assi!!lls fun:ver, all the ril'hl, title, i I . interest, claim and demand which the grantor has in and to the real properlY, together with improvements. jf any. SilUale,lying and being , in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, described as fullows: "':.l: The West five [5J feet of the East twenty feet [20'J of that portion of the street platted as Second street which is situate and lying between Blocks 18 and 19, Juchem's Garden Place, lying West of and adjacent to that parcel of land as described in Reception No. 94045438 of the records of the Jefferson County Clerk & Recorder's Office together with the West five [5] feet of the East twenty feet [20'] of said street lying between the North and South banks of the Dulette Ditch. I ! I I' I ~Ji9C~*Xll,,*k~g~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the samc, together with all and singular the appunenances and privileges thereunto belonglng. or In I anywise thereunto appertaining, and Blithe estate, right, title, interest and claim ",'hatsoever, of the grantor. either in law or equity, to tht I only proper use. benefit and behoof of the grantee. its successors and assigns forover, The singular number shall include the plural, the pluralth" singular. and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders, II l!li WITNESS WHEREOF, The grantor ~ execuled thi! deed ~ te set forth 'II ~ ~ I I I I , 'I I I ,I 11 I II I STATE OF et'lDR..l.OO A..J LJ County of ~, } ss, The foregOing instrument was acknowledged before me in the 'County of . Staw I, Ii otr"l"'~do tV Lf .this 15 dayof ,Aw.QLJst ,1995 by J I' i, MARION RU/Z 'ames D. Hightower. I I,' II Notary PublIC. State of IIJ_ 'I'ott My commission expires 0 No 01RU5046975 II' W' ,,__ uallf'ed In Suffolk Coun ~::.::::'''~ --'~'''M'';~09:;t~~2GJ ,;1 -~ =-. - -----..- - 05'..f;0-?-, -~" '/l/ /.'/. 7 i "'0,$22'&0,4.&1. QlIrrClf\IMDD:D -_C=---o:--C::::=..~___ ~-{,/I'V 1 f'7 (I ('0 cOrpar.a'iolt) Brl(j!brd AJ ' , -----.::::::::::=: ~--.___ ' i bI,,61'~, SS25 Iv. 6Ib^"", ~ -------.:;'__~I ! co 8mlil ,"'___ ---=:::::::::::