HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/16/1999CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting lJia r + n September 16, 1999 Via IVY 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair GOKEY in the absence of Chair BRINKMAN 7:40 p.m. on September 16, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. ROLL CALL: Commission Members Present: Jerry Collins Dick Doyle Dean Gokey Don MacDougall Nancy Snow Janice Thompson Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Anne Brinkman (excused) Alan White, Planning Director Martin Omer, Economic Development Specialist/Planner Ann Lazzeri, Secretary The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of September 16, 1999. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. APPROVAL OF ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner SNOW to approve the order of the agenda. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0, with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON to approve the minutes of September 2, 1999. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0, with Commissioners MACDOUGALL and SNOW abstaining, and Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. 6. PUBLIC FORUM There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission on unscheduled matters. Planning Commission Page 1 September 16, 1999 PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ-99-09: An application submitted by J. R. Blumenthal for approval of a rezoning from Agricultural-One to Planned Commercial Development, approval of an amended Outline and Final Development Plan, and approval of a consolidation plat for property located at 4651 Tabor Street. This case was presented by Martin Omer. He reviewed the staff report and presented overheads and slides of the subject property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record and Mr. Omer advised that there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval of the application with certain conditions as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner SNOW asked for clarification about landscaping. Mr. Omer replied that there is presently 25% landscaping as approved in 1995. The applicant is proposing to landscape 20% of the combined overall site. In response to a question from Commissioner SNOW, Mr. Omer replied that snowmobiles and all terrain vehicles (ATV's) are classified as personal recreational vehicles. Small water craft (such as jet skis and wave runners) are classified as boats. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern that Tabor Street was not constructed to accommodate semi-trailer trucks. Also, she wanted consideration given to the fact that semi drivers ignore "no parking" and "no truck traffic" signs. She felt that if semi's are allowed to deliver onto the property, the access drive needs to be made adequate and have adequate sight triangles, and that semi's must be able to park on the property and not outside of it. She expressed concern that this property not develop into RV sales or industrial use. Commissioner MACDOUGALL expressed concern about the noise factor associated with test driving of ATV's. Commissioner DOYLE inquired about screening of rental vehicles from adjacent properties. Mr. Omer stated that it was his understanding that the applicant has agreed to screen rental equipment areas from Tabor Street. (Vice Chair GOKEY announced a brief recess at 8:50 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:10 p.m.) Glen Gidley 8684 West Warren Drive, Lakewood Mr. Gidley, representing the applicant, was sworn in by Vice Chair GOKEY. He stated that because businesses have to respond to the market, the applicant took advantage of the opportunity to obtain an Artie Cat franchise a year after they opened business. The franchise includes ATV's, snowmobiles and jet skis. They have been operating this component of business for two years and, according to owner's records, the majority of ATV's and Planning Commission Page September 16, 1999 snowmobiles are used by ranchers. The predominant testing of ATV's occurs after they are assembled on-site. All but three or four display ATV's are stored inside. He believed that ATV's and snowmobiles fall under the classification of "other similar uses" and could find nothing in writing that states these are not permitted uses. Mr. Gidley reviewed the site plan and stated that the applicant purchased the subject triangle of land primarily to take care of problems associated with delivery. He noted that, while the code requires 10% landscaping, the plan provides 20%; the frontage on Tabor exceeds minimum requirements for street trees; and the I-70 frontage road is a state highway and street tree requirements should not apply (the applicant wants visibility from I-70). In regard to neighborhood concerns, Mr. Gidley stated that the applicant plans to place a sign on the property to prohibit delivery trucks from parking there and, if drivers park there anyway, the neighbors can call the police and drivers will be ticketed. He noted that the plan configuration will allow trucks to turn around on the site and that the owners have also purchased their own semi-truck to pick up products and deliver them to their site in order to decrease delivery trips by other trucks. He stated that the owner makes one order a year for ATV's, snowmobiles and jet skis which results in one delivery per year. He stated that trees were removed along the irrigation ditch at the request of the ditch company. In regard to neighborhood comment that 30 trailers were allowed and now there are 200, he stated that the applicant has always had over 200 trailers in inventory. In regard to detention area concerns, parking on a regular basis will not be allowed and customer parking will take place on hard surfaces. In regard to concerns about semi's, Mr. Gidley stated that the area north of I-70 is an industrial area with three access poinis, one of which is Tabor Street. His client's business didn't bring the semi's to this area. He stated that the applicant averages two semi deliveries per week. He included the prohibition of semi trucks and trailer parking from adjacent commercial zone districts to ensure that the truck stop will not be allowed to expand onto this site and that, even if the applicant sold his property to the truck stop, the truck stop could not use the land to park trucks. In conclusion, he stated that the business generates a substantial amount of revenue for the city and asked for approval of the application. Jim Blumenthal 7048 Torrey, Arvada Mr. Blumenthal, President of Trailer Source, was sworn in by Vice Chair GOKEY. In regard to concerns about weeds on his property, he explained that he usually sprays them three times a year, but this year he was waiting until the subject parcel was approved so that he could spray the entire area at one time. In response to a question from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Blumenthal said he would be willing to move the driveway gate further down the driveway, but felt that this could encourage trucks to park there for the weekend. Mr. Blumenthal stated that parking has not been allowed in the detention area since neighbors complained. He stated that there have been 13 semi-truck Planning Commission Page 3 September 16, 1999 deliveries over the past 90 days and that his plan would allow for semi's to turn around on the property before exiting onto Tabor Street. In regard to a question from Commissioner DOYLE, Mr. Blumenthal stated that US West placed a silt fence on the property. Commissioner SNOW wanted assurance that flatbed trailers used by the applicant to haul snowmobiles not be interpreted to mean flatbed trailers for semi-trucks. Commissioner SNOW also expressed concern that the language was not specific enough to prevent semi's from waiting to load or unload at adjacent businesses. Mr. Gidley stated that he would reword the plan to make sure that this concern is addressed. Mr. Gidley assured the Commission that his client has no intention of selling RV's or motor homes. Commissioner SNOW asked about storage of ATV's. Mr. Gidley explained that they have approximately ten assembled ATV's and the others are stored in crates until such time as they need to be assembled. Commissioner THOMPSON expressed concern about the owner's semi-truck and asked if the truck could be listed as a special use to preclude future owners from having several semi's on the property. Mr. Gidley replied that he would include that requirement in the development plan. In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. Gidley explained that the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) dictated the width of the applicant's driveway. Commissioner MACDOUGALL asked if the pond located west of the building would be filled in when the area is re-graded. Mr. Blumenthal replied that this low area is actually for the collection of oil from a floor drain and was required by Fruitdale Sanitation District to keep oil from draining into nearby ditches. Commissioner MACDOUGALL also requested the applicant to cut the weeds south of the main building. Commissioner SNOW asked if there was adequate room for the largest semi to turn around on the property. Mr. Blumenthal replied there was adequate room for the longest single trailer which is approximately 53 feet in length. In regard to concerns about double trailers making deliveries onto the property, he stated that it would simply not be feasible for double trailers to make deliveries to.the property. In response to a question from Commissioner GOKEY, Mr. Blumenthal stated that no existing landscaping will be removed and that additional landscaping will be added to the new piece of property. Mr. Blumenthal commented that it is hard to control semi's parking because drivers change frequently, etc. and companies will sometimes send one order on three partial loads. In order to address that problem, he stated that his company has a contract with his personal water craft supplier which will allow him to send his own semi to pick up their entire order at one time. Planning Commission Page 4 September 16, 1999 Commissioner THOMPSON requested that hours of test driving be spelled out and that the plan be rewritten to ensure that future owners cannot use this area for an ATV track. Vice Chair GOKEY asked to receive public comment. Mr. White reminded the Commission that there is another application on the agenda and Commission bylaws state that no public hearing shall be started after 11:00 p.m., except upon a majority vote of the Commission. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that the rules be suspended to continue the meeting in order to hear the second case on the agenda after 11:00 p.m. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. Kim Stewart 1700 West 46th Avenue Ms. Stewart was sworn in by Vice Chair GOKEY. She stated that the neighborhood's quality of life has been affected by the increased traffic and the ingress/egress from the property since the inception of this business. In 1995 the applicant said they would have a minimal impact on the neighborhood because few people could afford the high-end customized horse trailers. She expressed concern about fire protection access to her neighborhood and noted that in addition to semi's, Trailer Source customers also park in traffic lanes on Tabor. She didn't believe the plan would alleviate the semi-truck problems. Ms. Stewart stated that things had changed since the neighborhood meeting until this hearing. She felt that personal recreational craft were out of compliance with the zoning and did not fit in with horse related equipment (a limitation that was previously negotiated.) She also stated that the 7000 pound empty weight limitation for vehicles using Tabor is violated all the time and that the police department doesn't respond to complaints concerning this matter. She stated that the neighborhood does not want future owners of this land to have the ability to sell cars and RV's. Ms. Stewart requested that the plan not be approved until a total site plan is submitted to include the property immediately to the south of Trailer Source and that Trailer Source demonstrate the ability to conform to the current zoning for at least 3-6 months before being allowed to have any additional considerations. She further requested that Trailer Source not be allowed to sell personal water craft, ATV's or any other motorized vehicles not allowed under present zoning and that the sale of boats be removed as sales items. She asked that there be no zoning change that would allow any type of floral sales, wholesale or otherwise; that Trailer Source be held accountable for the endangerment of traffic on Tabor as their customers and providers continue to park there during heavy use times; and that Trailer Source not be allowed to utilize the property to the south as a parking lot until such time as the zoning is changed. She stated that the proposed plan will increase traffic and traffic hazards and will not alleviate the Planning Commission Page 5 September 16, 1999 problem of semi's or other vehicles getting in and out of Trailer Source or being there before or after the business is open. She stated that the company has not honored current zoning and citizen questions about these violations which have not been addressed until the present time. She felt the matter appears weighted in favor of the business. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if there was anything that would prevent a future owner from turning this property into car dealership. Mr. White replied that this could not occur unless the plan is amended to allow car sales. In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. White replied that camper trailers and boat sales were allowed in 1995. Commissioner SNOW asked Ms. Stewart what she felt could go in this area without having an impact on the neighborhood. Ms. Stewart replied that the neighborhood is asking for an over- all honest plan rather than doing it piecemeal; and that they feel semi-trucks are dangerous on Tabor Street. Ed Moreno 4655 Swadley Street Mr. Moreno was sworn in by Vice Chair GOKEY. He stated that his biggest concern in 1995 was that semi's would not be able to adequately turn in and out of the property and this has proved to be true. He stated that it is very dangerous for semi's to park on Tabor. He requested that the city install sidewalks for the school children in this area. He also expressed concern about glare from additional advertising signs. He asked the Commission to deny this request because it will increase existing traffic problems. Rita Bader 4675 Swadley Street Ms. Bader was sworn in by Vice Chair GOKEY. She expressed concern about drainage and noted that the neighborhood has experienced flooding for the first time in thirty years. She was not sure if the flooding was related to Trailer Source. She expressed concern about fire safety and illuminated signs. She wanted to know the plans for the property to the south. Ann Keller had signed up to speak, but stated that Kim Stewart addressed her concerns. Vice Chair GOKEY asked if there were others present who wished to address this matter. Hearing no response, Glen Gidley returned to the podium for rebuttal. Regarding horse-related business, the applicant is continuing to do that; however, the additional uses such as selling ATV's are permitted under Wheat Ridge ordinance. He commented that there will probably be a rezoning request for the property to the south at some time in the future, but the applicant doesn't have a plan for that land right now. He stated that the applicant is not parking Trailer Source vehicles on that property now. He agreed that the city should install sidewalks on Tabor Street. He stated the applicant is attempting to mitigate the delivery problems by acquiring his own semi which should decrease deliveries by one-third. He further noted that, although there has been discussion about major traffic problems, there have been no accidents since this business opened in 1996. Planning Commission Page 6 September 16, 1999 Commissioner COLLINS asked if any Trailer Source employees are parking on the south lot. Mr. Blumenthal said that 2-3 employees park in that area, but he would agree to disallow that if it is the Commission's wish. Commissioner COLLINS expressed concern about selling jet skis, etc. since they are not horse related. Mr. Blumenthal stated that the horse business has changed and sales are down and he is simply accommodating the changes in his business. He also stated that he does not anticipate ever expanding onto the property next door. Commissioner THOMPSON asked if the applicant would be willing to build a non-illuminated monument sign on Tabor Street rather than a 25-foot high sign as allowed under the code. Mr. Blumenthal agreed to this request. Commissioner DOYLE asked how much of the business is related to water craft. Mr. Blumenthal replied that this year he ordered for 65 snowmobiles, 70 ATV's and 15 water craft. Commissioner DOYLE asked if he would consider eliminating the water craft. Mr.. Blumenthal explained that taking on the line of Artie Cat involves the entire line which includes generators, ATV's, snowmobiles and water craft It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that the hearing be continued until a new plan is formulated to move the gate back 60 feet to take some traffic off of Tabor and allow for some designated parking areas. Commissioner SNOW stated that if the motion fails, she would make a motion to deny the application. The applicant asked for a continuance to a date specific. In response to a question from Commissioner THOMPSON, Mr. White stated that if this request is denied, the applicant's next step would be to appeal to the City Council. Commissioner SNOW withdrew her second. Therefore, Commissioner COLLINS' motion died for lack of a second. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS that Case No. WZ-99-09, a request for approval to rezone 1.3 acres from A-1 Agricultural to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for DENIAL for the following reasons: The proposed expanded sales and uses do not meet the intended use of the original development which was primarily to be horse-related and portrayed as producing limited traffic. 2. This business needs the use of semi-trailers which are not compatible with the adjacent residential and agricultural uses. Planning Commission Page 7 September 16, 1999 3. Adequate evidence has been presented that the traffic and parking generated from this business impedes smooth traffic flow on Tabor and imposes safety hazards. 4. The addition of retail sales of snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and water craft and the traffic expected from those uses is projected to compound the traffic and parking problems already caused by this business. Commissioner GOKEY commented that traffic reports have not indicated a traffic hazard, there have been no accidents in the area, and the Police Department has indicated no objections. Commissioner SNOW responded that she takes testimony from the neighbors as evidence of traffic problems. Commissioner THOMPSON stated that, while she understands the neighbor's concerns as well as the applicant's concerns, she felt that if the application is denied and proceeds to Council there would be no way for the Commission's concerns to be presented and she would therefore vote against the motion for denial. Commissioner SNOW stated that, although she felt the applicant has done his best to fit in with the neighborhood, this is a situation that cannot be remedied to make it compatible with the neighborhood. The motion failed by a vote of 2 to 4 with Commissioners THOMPSON, DOYLE, GOKEY and MACDOUGALL voting no and Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner MACDOUGALL that Case No. WZ-99-09, a request for approval to rezone 1.3 acres from A-1, Agricultural to PCD, Planned Commercial Development be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. Due to location and access characteristics, the subject property could not reasonably be used for or by any other user than the applicant. 2. The uses proposed for the property are similar to uses permitted in other commercially zoned districts of the City's zoning regulations. 3. Rezoning the property to Planned Commercial Development for the uses proposed is consistent with the City's existing Comprehensive Plan. Subject to the following conditions: 1. The property owner shall provide details of the proposed Tabor Street sign prior to City Council. This sign shall be no more than 5 feet in height, no more than 50 square feet total, and will not be illuminated. Planning Commission Page 8 September 16, 1999 2. The property owner shall install, at their expense and with the review of the City Public Works Department, required sign(s) on Tabor Street and adjacent to the property/business entry driveway, which states that parking is not permitted. 3. Deliveries shall be permitted only when the business is open. 4. The property owner shall meet all criteria of the Arvada Fire District for drive aisle widths and radii and locations of fire hydrants prior to use of the property. 5. The property owner shall coordinate with the Wadsworth Ditch company to satisfy their easement requirements. 6. The property owner shall meet all criteria and requirements of the Valley Water District. 7. If Personal Recreational Vehicles are sold and/or serviced on the property, test driving shall occur on the western end of the property, with speed limits not to exceed 15 miles per hour and shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday only. Dedicated test drive areas, such as test tracks, shall not be permitted. 8. The Outline and Final Development Plan shall be revised to meet the City's landscape requirement for property adjacent to public rights-of-way. One tree shall be provided for every 30 feet (not necessarily at 30 foot spacing) of frontage on I-70 (19 trees) and Tabor Street (14 trees). 9. The property owner shall maintain a ratio of 20% of the entire acreage as landscape area, with drive and display areas not counting toward satisfying this requirement. 10. No more than one semi-truck can be parked on this property overnight and this condition would be for this owner only. 11. The list of permitted uses shall be changed to include No. 37 which would exclude the sale of automobiles on this property; and No. 38 which would exclude the sale of RV/motor homes. A correction shall be made to the permitted uses under No. 14 that it would read: "Parking of automobiles of clients, patients and patrons or occupants of adjacent commercial districts, except no parking of semi-trucks or trailers except while actively loading or unloading." Commissioner COLLINS offered an amendment to exclude Item No. 35 from the list of permitted uses. This amendment was accepted by Commissioners THOMPSON and MACDOUGALL. Planning Commission September 16, 1999 Commissioner SNOW moved and Commissioner COLLINS seconded to delete Item 7, and that snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles and watercraft are specifically excluded. The motion failed by a vote of 3 to 3 with Commissioners GOKEY, THOMPSON, and DOYLE voting no and Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. A vote was taken on Commissioner THOMPSON's motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4-2 with Commissioners SNOW and COLLINS voting no. Commissioner SNOW requested the record to reflect that she voted against the motion for the same four reasons as noted in her original motion to deny Case No. WZ-99-09 found on page 7. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner MACDOUGALL that Case No. WZ-99-09, a request for approval for an Amended Outline and Final Development Plan for 3.03 acres known as the Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Outline Development Plan and the Tabor Development Planned Commercial Development Final Development Plan be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. The Amended Outline and Final Development Plan is consistent with the City's existing Comprehensive Plan. 2. The development standards meet or exceed those of other commercial zones in the city. 3. The Amended Outline and Final Development might resolve the traffic problem With delivery trucks currently occurring on Tabor Street. With the following conditions: 1. The property owner shall provide details of the proposed Tabor Street sign prior to City Council. This sign shall be no more than 5 feet in height, no more than 50 square feet total, and will not be illuminated. 2. The property owner shall install, at their expense and with the review of the City Public Works Department, signage on Tabor Street and adjacent to the property/business entry driveway, which states that parking is not permitted. 3. Deliveries shall be permitted only when the business is open. 4. The property owner shall meet all criteria of the Arvada Fire District for drive aisle widths and radii and locations of fire hydrants prior to use of the property. Planning Commission Page 10 September 16, 1999 5. The property owner shall coordinate with the Wadsworth Ditch company to satisfy their easement requirements. 6. The property owner shall meet all criteria and requirements of the Valley Water District. 7. If Personal Recreational Vehicles are sold and/or serviced on the property, test driving shall occur on the western end of the property, with speed limits not to exceed 15 miles per hour and shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday only. Dedicated test drive areas, such as test tracks, shall not be permitted. 8. The Outline and Final Development Plan shall be revised to meet the City's landscape requirement for property adjacent to public rights-of-way. One tree shall be provided for every 30 feet (not necessarily at 30 foot spacing) of frontage on I-70 (19 trees) and Tabor Street (14 trees). 9. The property owner shall maintain a ratio of 20% of the entire acreage as landscape area, with drive and display areas not counting toward satisfying this requirement. 10. No more than one semi-truck can be parked on this property overnight and this condition would be for this owner. 11. The list of permitted uses shall be changed to include No. 37 which would exclude the sale of automobiles on this property; and No. 38 which would exclude the sale of RV/motor homes. That a correction be made to the permitted uses under No. 14 that it would read: "Parking of automobiles of clients, patients and patrons of occupants of adjacent commercial districts, except no parking of semi-trucks or trailers except while actively loading or unloading." Commissioner COLLINS commented that he felt traffic problems would be increased as a result of this plan approval. It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that reason no. 3 be deleted. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to amend condition No. 9 to read: "The property owner shall maintain a ratio of 25% landscaping on the acreage included in the original planned development." The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. Planning Commission Page 11 September 16, 1999 It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner THOMPSON to amend Condition No. 11 by deleting the words "except while actively loading or unloading." The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. A vote was taken on Commissioner THOMPSON's motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4-2 with Commissioners COLLINS and SNOW voting no and Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. Commissioner SNOW requested the record to reflect that she voted against the motion for the same four reasons as noted in her original motion to deny Case No. WZ-99-09 found on page 7. It was moved by Commissioner THOMPSON and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that the subdivision plat for Case No. WZ-99-09 be recommended to the City Council for APPROVAL for the following reasons: 1. Approval of the plat will consolidate the parcels under one ownership. 2. Approval of the plat provides the unified control required for a Planned Commercial Development. The motion passed by a vote of 4-2 with Commissioners COLLINS and SNOW voting no and Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. Commissioner SNOW requested the record to reflect that she voted against the motion for the same four reasons as noted in her original motion to deny Case No. WZ-99-09 found on page 7. B. Case No. WZ-99-10: An application filed by 44th Eldridge, LLC, for approval to amend the existing 44th Industrial Park Planned Industrial Development to expand the list of permitted uses for Use Area 1-A/Lot 29 of the 44th Industrial Park generally located at 13000 West 43rd Drive. This case was not formally presented by staff due to the lateness of the hour. Because the Commission had thoroughly reviewed the information contained in their packets concerning this application. It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner MACDOUGALL that Case No. WZ-99-10, a request for approval of an amended Outline and Final Development Plan be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1. The amended Outline and Final Development Plan is consistent with the Three Mile Plan and the Draft Comprehensive Plan. Planning Commission Page 12 September 16, 1999 2. The amended Outline and Final Development Plan would permit commercial and light industrial land uses similar to and with no greater impact than those already permitted within Use Area i of the existing Outline and Final Development Plan of the 44th Industrial Park. 3. The development standards meet those of the Industrial Zone District. 4. Approval of the Display Area Criteria will improve the attractiveness of the development area. With the following conditions: 1. The Plan shall be amended to include constructive notice that access to Lot 291Use Area 1-A shall be designed and approved by the City's Department of Planning and Development and Department of Public Works prior to the issuance of any building permit for this lot/use area. Said access approval may require the building permit applicant to complete and submit a traffic study which meets with the approval of the Department of Public Works. Said access will also require approval by the Jefferson County Department of Highways and Transportation prior to submitting to the City. 2. The Plan shall be amended to include constructive notice that a lot specific drainage study will be required by the City's Department of Public Works prior to issuance of a Building Permit. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioner BRINKMAN absent. 8. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING Vice Chair GOKEY declared the public hearing to be closed. 9. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. 10. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. 11. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to rCo e m eeti . a.m., September 17, 1999. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 mmiss' n NKMAN absent. j j DEAN GOKE tc hair Ann Lazzeri, Record' g ecretary Planning Commission Page 13 September 16, 1999