Minutes of Meeting
December 2, 1999
CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair
MACDOUGALL at 7:30 p.m. on December 2, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Chair MACDOUGALL welcomed Paulette Cooper as a new member of the Planning
ROLL CALL: Commission Members Present:
Anne Brinkman
Paulette Cooper
Jerry Collins
Dick Doyle
Don MacDougall
Nancy Snow
Commission Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
Dean Gokey (excused)
Janice Thompson (excused)
Alan White, Planning Director
Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner
Bob Goebel, Public Works Director
Greg Knudson, Public Works
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
The following is the official set of Planning Commission minutes for the public hearing of
December 2, 1999. A set of these minutes is retained both in the office of the City Clerk and in the
Department of Planning and Development of the City of Wheat Ridge.
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner COLLINS to
approve the order of the agenda. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0, with
Commissioners GOKEY and THOMPSON absent.
It was moved by Commissioner SNOW and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN
to approve the minutes of November 18, 1999. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0, with
Commissioners COOPER and COLLINS abstaining and Commissioners GOKEY and
THOMPSON absent.
There was no one signed up to speak before the Commission on unscheduled matters.
A. Case No. WZ-99-12: Application by Roger Loecher for approval of a zone change from
Residential-Two to Restricted-Commercial-One for the purpose of building a 4,200 square
foot credit union and office building on property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard.
(This case was continued from November 18, 1999 because the drainage report had not been
approved at that time.)
This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She reviewed the staff report and presented
slides and overheads of the property. All pertinent documents were entered into the record
and accepted by Chair MACDOUGALL. Ms. Reckert advised the Commission that there
was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the criteria involved in evaluation of a
zoning change request. Because the proposed 24-hour drive-through ATM would create
negative effects for adjacent properties, staff recommended denial of the case. A correction
was noted to page three of the staff report as follows: Colorado Department of Highways
will not allow direct access to Wadsworth (not West 35th Avenue).
Commissioner COLLINS expressed concern about traffic on 35th, including truck traffic,
and felt a traffic study should be done before any decisions are made.
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if the addition of another commercial property at this
location would increase the possibility of a traffic light warrant at 35th Avenue. Bob Goebel
replied that any increase in traffic volume takes you closer to the potential for a warrant but,
even with the completion of a commercial building, this situation would probably not meet
the requirements for a warrant.
Roger Loecher
4599 Carr Street
Mr. Loecher, the applicant, was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated his request for
a zone change which he felt would be an improvement to this area of Wadsworth.
Commissioner SNOW asked if the drive-up lane for the ATM could be located on the west
side of the building to alleviate concerns of neighbors who live to the east of the building.
Mr. Loecher replied that this had been considered; however, with the 50-foot setback
required for this area of Wadsworth, he could not make that design work. In response to
another question from Commissioner SNOW, he replied that ATM companies require 24-
hour operation; however, there is very little night use of the ATM's.
In response to a question from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Loecher stated that Lutheran
Hospital Credit Union does not have a drive-up ATM.
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked the applicant if he would agree to removing two of the
principal permitted uses for this location: (1) Clinics and off ces for counseling and
treatment of psychological, social, marital, developmental or similar conditions including
Planning Commission Minutes
December 2, 1999
the counseling and treatment ofsubstance abuse and alcoholism; however, not including
residential facilities or residential treatment; and (2) parking of automobiles of clients,
patients, patrons or customers or occupants of the adjacent commercial districts. Mr.
Loecher stated that he would agree to the removal of these uses if he is allowed his proposed
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked the applicant if he had considered moving the ATM to
the north side of the building. He replied that this had been considered; however, that
location would not allow for a turning radius.
Commissioner SNOW expressed concern about the effect of security lights on the adjacent
neighbors. Mr: Loecher replied that there would be lights under the canopy and there is no
further requirement of which he is aware for security lights.
David Kotzebue
797 Camp Eden Road, Golden
Mr. Kotzebue, engineer for the applicant, was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. In
response to a request from Commissioner COLLINS, Mr. Kotzebue explained the drainage
system design for the subject project. He stated that his plan meets city and state criteria.
Commissioner COLLINS asked what plans there were for storm drainage to soak into the
ground. Mr. Goebel explained that water is soaked into the ground in its present condition.
If developed, water flows from the site at the same historic rate; however, volume is much
greater than that which comes off the site at the present. It is designed to flow down 35th
Commissioner BRINKMAN expressed concern about an increase of drainage into the
property at 7575 West 35th Avenue. Mr. Kotzebue replied that, according to standards, the
plan has been designed for drainage to stay the same and it would be released to the curb and
gutter. He felt this would be an improvement over existing conditions where there are
several low spots where water collects.
Commissioner SNOW asked if Mr. Kotzebue had performed a study regarding the effect of
the drainage plan on water tables in the area. Mr. Kotzebue replied that his study applied
only to surface water and he could not answer questions concerning water tables.
James Turre
1375 East Tufts, Englewood
Mr. Turre, representing the owner, was sworn in by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated that
the proposed use would be an improvement to an unsightly area. The owner has not
considered other proposed uses which he felt would be detrimental to the adjacent
neighbors. There would be a six-foot landscaped area with a six-foot fence that would
buffer the building from adjacent neighbors. He didn't feel it was right to use this vacant lot
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December 2, 1999
as a catch-all for water to build up water tables for wells on properties which have city
Commissioner SNOW stated that her earlier comment about the wells referred to her
concern that the project not take water away from existing wells. She did not mean that the
vacant lot should be used for water storage for wells. She also added that the Planning
Commission is responsible to see that no development occurs which would deplete the water
supply to the wells.
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if the applicant would be willing to eliminate the drive-
up ATM. Mr. Turre replied that he did not have the authority to make that decision.
Vince Fandell
2745 Taft Court, Lakewood
Mr. Fandell, representing Lutheran Credit Union, was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL.
He explained that the Lutheran Credit Union has been existence for 26 years and has been
housed at Lutheran Hospital. Over the past several years he has received many requests
from members of the credit union to expand the facilities because of inadequate parking at
its present location. Members also requested a place to do business without getting out of
their cars. By building a new facility, he would be able to accommodate existing
membership and not lose member base to competitors. The existing office on the Exempla-
Lutheran campus would remain.
Mr. Fandell stated there are approximately 4,000 members and that 80-85% work for the
hospital with the remainder of the members being retired or separated from service with the
hospital. The 15% of retired or separated employees is the segment he wants to serve with
the new facility. Since a credit union is established by charter and can only serve Lutheran
Hospital employees, the plan is not to increase membership but to serve existing
membership. The credit union would occupy 2500 square feet of the proposed 4300 square
foot building. Mr. Loecher had requested that he attempt to locate a tenant for the other
portion of the building that would be compatible with the credit union use.
In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Fandell stated that he
would not be interested in this location if the drive-up ATM is eliminated.
In response to a question from Commissioner COOPER regarding the need for a 24-hour
ATM, he replied that it is necessary to meet the competition. He also replied that he could
provide counts from Rocky Mountain Bank Card in regard to 24-hour ATM activity.
Commissioner SNOW asked if there were projections for the main facility to move to the
proposed location. Mr. Fandell stated that there is no change in location for this facility in
the five-year plan.
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(Chair MACDOUGALL declared a recess at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:15
Bob Goebel addressed the drainage associated with this property. Commissioner SNOW
asked if there was a plan for storm drainage improvements in this area. Mr. Goebel replied
that there is nothing in the capital improvement budget for such a project at this time.
Because there is a history of drainage problems in the area, he stated that staff would be
willing to help the neighbors present a drainage improvement to the City Council for
inclusion in the capital improvement budget.
In answer to a question from Chair MACDOUGALL, Mr. Goebel stated the nearest storm
drain for this property is at Upham Street to the east.
Linda Epperson
7520 West 35th Avenue
Ms. Epperson was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. She stated her opposition to the case
because a 24-hour ATM is not compatible adjacent to a residential neighborhood and the
project would increase an existing drainage problem. She stated that installation of curb and
gutter would not alleviate the problem because the street elevation is higher than her home.
In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Epperson stated that she
felt a doctor's office or similar business would be acceptable for this area. She also
suggested a "no left turn" sign coming out of the drive.
Jackie Ingenthrone
7575 West 35th Avenue
Ms. Ingenthrone was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. She stated her opposition to the
rezoning because the proposed drive-through lane for the ATM would face her bedroom.
She was also concerned that the project would increase existing drainage problems. She also
noted that she no longer has water in her well.
Marlin Weinberg
7500 West 35th Avenue
Mr. Weinberg was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated his opposition to the
rezoning. He expressed concern about increased traffic which would result on 35th Avenue.
Dave Dowda
7510 West 35th Avenue
Mr. Dowda was sworn by Chair MACDOUGALL. He stated his opposition to the rezoning.
He did not feel that a 24-hour drive-up ATM was compatible with the neighborhood and he
was also concerned about increasing the existing storm drainage problems.
Chair MACDOUGALL asked if there were others present who wished to address the
Commission. There was no response.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 2, 1999
It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner SNOW that
Case No. WZ-99-12, a request for approval of a rezoning from Residential-Two to
Restricted-Commercial-One for property located at 3502 Wadsworth Boulevard be
denied for the following reasons:
1. It is inconsistent with the designation on the Comprehensive Plan.
2. As designed, it is incompatible with adjacent residential land use.
3. A 24-hour ATM and drive-up lane is incompatible with the neighborhood and
would cause a negative effect on adjacent properties.
4. Drainage from this development would increase flooding problems for the
adjacent properties.
5. Increased traffic on 35th Avenue would have a negative impact on the
neighborhood for several blocks to the east.
The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioners GOKEY and THOMPSON
Chair MACDOUGALL declared the public hearing portion of the meeting to be closed.
There was no old business to discuss.
There was no new business to discuss.
There were no commission reports.
There were no reports.
It was moved by Commissioner COLLINS and seconded by Commissioner COOPER
that the meeting be adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.
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Ann Lazzeri, Record' g Secretary
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December 2, 1999