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HomeMy WebLinkAbout0547 i 1\llll Ill!1 \1111 \llll llll! \llll llll! \1111 lllll llll! Ill! Ill! ~: g : g g 2005050467 QUIT 07/18/2005 03:42:12 PM 1 Page(s) Jefferson County, Colorado Ll'C<ltilln. H1201 \\ .tl)Lh .\vt' \VhC<lt RIIJge. Ct) XO()13 ~ QUIT CLAIM DEED K:"IO\\' ALL :\'lE:" BY THESE I)RESE:"ITS, that the S;.tnders \Varehouse Partnership. \vhose address is 1020 I Vv 49\h A venue, Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, Stat I.:' of Culorado, 80033 for the \:onsidcra lion of ONE and 00/100 (5 I (0), in hand paid, acceptance, sufficiency, and receipt of \\'hich is hereby acknowledged, do hereby remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAI:\1 unto the City of Wheat Ridge, a municipal corporation in the State of Colorado, whose address is 7500 \'vest 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Coullty of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 80033 its successors and assigns, forev'er all lhe right, title, interest, claim and demand which the Grantor has in and to the following real propert)', in the l ity of \'\'!heat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to wit: 1\ Iract orland lying in the 51::1'4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range h9 'West of the hth Prin- cipal Me-fidian, l itv of \Vheat Ridge, County or Jefferson, State of Colorado, desC'fibed as fol- lov.:5: Tract 1\, l3\ock I, Sanders Industrial Park, according to the recorded plat thereof: City of Wheal Ridge, Jefferson Counly, Colorado containing 0115 acres, more or less. ~OTE: \11 bearings are relative to one another and are based on the bearing of the East line of the SE', of said Section 16 being N 1I0EI9'IR" E. Said tract containing 5,010 square feet (0115 acres) more or less. Said tract to be used as: Right-of- \\t a)' 1\150 knmvn by street and number as: 1 020 I W 4l}th -\ venue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, S0033 \\' ith all its appul1enances, and do quit-claim any interest to the same subject to easements, rights of \vay and restrictions of record, iL1I1)' 1D- - i<PtJS, Signed lhisJP day of'-l III/e. ,~ YcG en\..t, 11 '-:n <'C~ valmit' -\. Sanders, Grantor (()n hehal f or lhe Sanders Warehouse Partnership) ST-\TE OF COLORADO ) ) SS ) COCNTY OF JEFFERSON T~', fc{:..:going .instRne~t "'CI' "c;(:now1edged before me thi.30~ay of~, 2005 bv "-J<J..\'()r-,.~ 'rl ~~ My commission ex.pires:' _ ~.~ ~~~~~ (\. ~ J({}8( rh~ dr,dh:r llj" this descriptiun is \fichael C, Ucggrr. P.LS., prepared on behalf of "-rv3da Ridge, 50l) I Kipl ing Street, <\nO:lda. l \liorado X()(l\"\ and IS Ilot In be (,ul1struo.:d as n:presentlng a monulllcnted land survey "~_J \ \J.J 3,~