September 28, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Chair Brungardt at 4:00 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers of the Wheat Ridge Municipal Building, 7500 West 29`
Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Authority members present: Cheryl Brungardt
Joseph DeMott
Kathy Nuanes
Janice Thompson (arrived @ 4:07 p.m.)
Katie Vanderveen (arrived @ 4:05 p.m.)
Others present: Sally Payne, Deputy Director
Betty Maybin, Cornerstone Realty
(left meeting @ 4:55 p.m.)
Larry Nelson, Cornerstone Realty
(left meeting @ 4:55 p.m.)
Kathy Field, Recording Secretary
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — August 24, 2010
It was moved by Joseph DeMott and seconded by Kathy Nuanes to approve
the minutes of August 24, 2010 as presented. The motion carried
3 -0.
There were no officer reports.
There were no members of the public present to address the Authority.
Housing Authority Minutes - 1 - September 28, 2010
A. Status of CDBG funds for WRHA - Status of Potential Projects
Sally Payne reported that the city is awaiting a final determination from HUD
regarding CDBG funds for the 44 and Wadsworth project. The direction now is
to use the $350,000 on a project. The funds must be spent by the end of the year.
Lang Nelson reported that the market analysis report for the Fruitdale School
building will be finalized on October 18, 2010. Sally Payne commented that it
would be difficult to spend $350,000 on rehab by the end of the year.
Regarding 38 th and High Court, Sally Payne explained that CDBG requires
property to be purchased very close to the appraisal amount. The County has
indicated that CDBG funds could be used to purchase the property for the
appraised amount with Housing Authority funds used to cover the difference
between the agreed -upon sales price and the appraisal amount. There was
consensus that no further consideration be given to this property if the seller stays
at his stated price.
Larry Nelson reported on the Jefferson County single family homes. He has
toured the properties and found them to be good candidates for rehab. They
would also meet affordability requirements. He reviewed two scenarios that
included possible purchase and sales prices. He mentioned that consideration
may be given for a bulk purchase and thought it would be worthwhile to approach
JCHA about a lower purchase price based on intergovernmental cooperation that
would preserve the CDBG Funds. Rehab estimates have been received from Eric.
CHAC would serve as the pass - through for closing costs. Two properties are in
the Zone X floodplain and insurance costs would be about $300 /year.
The possibility of adding square footage to some homes and /or adapting some for
handicapped accessibility was discussed. One important consideration is to keep
the houses affordable.
Sally Payne mentioned that because the units are occupied, the Uniform
Relocation Act will apply. However, she didn't think this requirement would be
enough to stop the project. She will check with the County to see if Davis Bacon
wage requirements apply to this project.
It was moved by Janice Thompson and seconded by Katie Vanderveen that
the Housing Authority direct Cornerstone Realty to start the process with
Jefferson County Housing Authority regarding purchase of the homes
located at 3450 Upham, 4330 Yarrow, 4435 Zephyr, 4035 Nelson, 3891
Moore and 7910 West 46 Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The motion
carried 5 -0.
Housing Authority Minutes -2- September 28, 2010
There was consensus to grant Larry Nelson's request for permission to send a
letter of intent outlining terms of what the Housing Authority's offer would likely
B. Follow -up from Strategic Planning session
Sally Payne asked Authority members to read through the updated goals to ensure
they reflect the Authority's wishes. There were no additional comments. The
goals will continue as an ongoing item for discussion at future meetings.
The tours of Florence Square in Aurora and the Lakewood project were discussed.
Authority members were most impressed with the Lakewood project.
There was discussion about a possible name change for the Housing Authority.
This matter will be discussed further at the October meeting.
Sally Payne suggested having a representative from the Division of Housing
speak to the Authority. It would be good to know how the Division of Housing
can assist the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority. Ms. Payne will schedule a
speaker for the October meeting.
There was no unfinished business to discuss.
There was no other business to discuss.
It was moved by Katie Vanderveen and seconded by Joseph Demott to
adjourn the meeting at 5:10 p.m. The motion carried 5 -0.
The next meeting is scheduled for October 26, 2010.
Cheryl BrtRagardt, Ch it
Ann Lazzeri, Secre r
Housing Authority Minutes -3 - September 28, 2010