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Minutes of Meeting
July 15, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Chair MATTHEWS at 7:00 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29 Avenue, Wheat
Ridge, Colorado.
Commission Members Present:
Anne Brinkman
Alan Bucknam
Marc Dietrick
John Dwyer
Dick Matthews
George Pond
Steve Timms
Commission Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
Dean Gokey
Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner
Tim Paranto, Public Works Director
Sarah Showalter, Planner II
Gerald Dahl, City Attorney
Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner TIMMS and seconded by Commissioner
DWYER to approve the order of the agenda. The motion carried 7 -0.
It was moved by Commissioner BUCKNAM and seconded by Commissioner
DWYER to approve the minutes of June 3, 2010 as presented. The motion
carried 7 -0.
6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject
not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes)
Planning Commission Minutes 1 I July 15, 2010
There were no individuals present who wished to address the Commission at this
A. Case No. WS- 10 -01: An application filed by Jones Engineering for the
Seniors' Resource Center for approval of a 28 -lot consolidation plat for
property located at 3227 Chase Street and zoned Residential -One C.
Chair MATTHEWS disclosed that one of the applicants belongs to his Rotary
Club. The Rotary Club has agreed to donate money for construction of said
property. However, he did not believe this represents a conflict since he has no
direct financial interest in the case.
The case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered all pertinent
documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to
hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff
recommended approval for reasons outlined in the staff report.
Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there is a time limit to the variance
extension. Ms. Reckert replied it would expire within 180 days; however, the
Community Development Department has the ability to grant extensions. An
extension was granted to facilitate their fundraising.
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked about the response from the Wheat Ridge
Sanitation District. Ms. Reckert replied that she just received a letter from them
after packet preparation indicating the District had no concerns about the
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if there was any concern about future
widening of 32 Avenue. Ms. Reckert stated that Public Works had no concerns.
William Brummett
William Brummett Architects
Mr. Brummett stated that fire access will be in on, and back out from, Depew
Street. This plan was acceptable to Kelly Brooks.
In response to a question from Commissioner POND about the drainage easement
in the north parking lot, Mr. Brummett clarified that it would only be used for
drainage and not a parking lot.
In response to a question from Commissioner BUCKNAM, Mr. Brummett stated
that the additional building footprint falls to the north of the vacant lot. He also
commented that most of the lots they want to consolidate will clear up a situation
that has existed for a hundred years.
Planning Commission Minutes 2 July 15, 2010
Brian Krombein
Jones Engineering
He stated his understanding that the fire access does not need to be dedicated as
an easement. The purpose from the alley of the easement is for the city for snow
plow access.
Chair MATTHEWS invited comments from members of the public.
Jennifer Hoffman
5495 West 32 " d Avenue
She stated that she hadn't seen plans and asked what improvements would be
made. She expressed concern about lighting impact on adjacent properties as well
as impact of doubling the use of the senior center.
William Brummett returned to the podium and explained the planned addition.
He stated that the parking lot will have new lighting that will meet the stricter new
regulations and errant light should be decreased from what it is now. The parking
lot will have a new surface and landscaping will be installed.
Gene Ricciardi
5515 West 32 °d Avenue
Mr. Ricciardi stated his opposition to the plan. His house faces Depew Street and
he expressed concern about another access onto Depew. His neighborhood has
already been affected by bus traffic from Chase Street. The expansion will create
more traffic on Depew Street.
Bill McIntyre
3283 Chase Street
Mr. McIntyre stated his opposition to the plan. The expansion would double the
parking and increase the number of emergency vehicles. He stated that he has
rejected an offer to purchase his property for parking expansion. He commented
that he has lived there since 1978 and has never seen a snow plow in the alley.
He stated it is dangerous for him to exit his property on his motorcycle because of
the bus traffic.
Bob Timm
Seniors Resource Center (SRC)
Mr. Timm stated that he is vice president of development with SRC. SRC has
been on this property since 1982 and provides services throughout the metro area,
mainly the Jefferson County area. The subject location serves as headquarters for
SRC. The lower floor is used as an adult day care center from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. Most of these people are transported by SRC vans so.there will be some
increased numbers. There is also space in the building for community volunteers
for the RSVP center. There are currently 60 staff people. Traffic should not
increase substantially.
Planning Commission Minutes 3 July 15, 2010
In response to a question from Commissioner MATTHEWS, Mr. Timm stated
there are no plans for residential facilities at this site.
In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Timm stated
there will be an increase of 15 on -site staff.
William Brummett returned to the podium and showed the site plan to the
audience and to the Commission. He explained that the traffic entrance drive
will be between two buildings which should reduce disruption to the
neighborhood. The drop -off point would be under the bridge connecting the two
In response to a question from Commission DWYER, Mr. Brummett explained
that buses would exit onto Depew as they do now, but the plan would give them
two options instead of the present one.
Chair MATTHEWS reminded those present that this hearing only addresses lot
consolidation. The site plan is not being considered at this time.
Meredith Reckert informed those in the audience that they could come in to city
hall and take a look at the building permit plans. Planning Commission's action
tonight is onlz a recommendation to City Council. There will be opportunity at
the August 9 City Council hearing for more public input.
Mr. Timm stated that flyers were placed on doors in the neighborhood two weeks
ago. Last Thursday a neighborhood meeting was held and only two people
attended. He invited citizens to come view a scale model of the building in the
There were no more individuals who wished to speak. Chair MATTHEWS
closed the public hearing.
It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by
Commissioner BUCKNAM to recommend approval of Case No. WS- 10 -01, a
request for approval of a 28 -lot consolidation plat on property zoned R -IC
located at 3227 Chase Street, for the following reasons:
1. All requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code
have been met.
2. It will facilitate the expansion of the existing facility.
With the following condition:
1. The legal description be corrected to be on current city datum
including section ties prior to City Council public hearing on August
9, 2010.
Planning Commission Minutes 4 July 15, 2010
Commissioner BUCKNAM stated that he was initially concerned about the
northwest part of the consolidation because there is a significant amount of green
space there. But in light of the fact that there is an access issue in terms of public
safety concerning access for fire trucks, he is satisfied with the plat.
Commissioner DWYER stated that he could find no reason not to approve the
plat, but he would hope SRC would do a better job of communicating with
The motion carried 7 -0.
B. Case No. ZOA- 10 -04: An ordinance amending Article I of Chapter 26
concerning the provision for conditions of approval in the zone change
Gerald Dahl addressed concerns expressed by Commissioner DWYER. The
code, as presently written, only gives Planning Commission and City Council
power to approve or deny a zone change request. In the past, there have been
occasions where approvals have been given with conditions. Those conditions
run the risk that there is not a code base to support it. The question then becomes
whether the conditions are enforceable. The condition can be enforceable if the
applicant consents to it. This ordinance was drafted to clarify conditions of
approval during a zone change process.
Commissioner DWYER agreed with language. However, since Planning
Commission would be enabled to impose conditions under the new ordinance, he
asked what protection from the risk of litigation would be provided.
Mr. Dahl explained that the first line of defense is the staff report that
recommends approval with conditions and reasons for the conditions. The second
line of defense is the Planning Commission placing conditions which are backed
up by the code. The third line of defense is the city attorney's task to examine
Planning Commission recommendations before they go before Council.
Chair MATTHEWS asked to hear from the public. Hearing no response, he
closed the public hearing.
It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner
BUCKNAM to recommend approval of Case No. ZOA- 10 -04, a proposed
ordinance amending Section 26 -112 (private rezoning) concerning conditions
of approval during the zone change process.
The motion carried 7 -0.
(The meeting was recessed from 8:19 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.)
Planning Commission Minutes 5 July 15, 2010
C. Case No. ZOA- 10 -03: An ordinance amending Articles II and VI of
Chapter 26 concerning accessory buildings on properties with commercial
and industrial zoning.
This case was presented by Sarah Showalter. She entered all pertinent documents
into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the
case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended
approval for reasons outlined in the staff report.
Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there were any restrictions in terms of
provision of electricity, etc., such as a mobile refrigeration unit. Ms. Showalter
replied that the code amendment has no restrictions, but these matters would be
addressed in the building permit process.
Commissioner TIMMS asked if the intent was for a commercial property owner
who wants to have more than one, or an industrial property owner who wants
more than two accessory structures, to be able to apply for a variance. Meredith
Reckert stated that this is something that staff will address before the ordinance
goes to council. Commissioner BRINKMAN requested that staff also look into
whether or not a commercial business could obtain a variance to have a shipping
container as an accessory structure.
Commissioner POND referred to paragraph A of Section 2, that says "buildings
on challenging residential properties... " He asked if this only referred to
residential properties.
Commissioner BRINKMAN suggested that paragraph A, referred to by
Commissioner POND, should be changed to cover residential, commercial and
agricultural. Ms. Showalter agreed that the word "residential" should be
Commissioner POND referred to Section 2, C (ii) regarding metal accessory
building restriction that requires residential accessory structures over 120 square
feet to have textured wood grain appearance to horizontal clapboard. if the
building is metal. It seems odd to put a wood -grain surface in a small structure in
a commercial/industrial property that could be counter to the requirement of
matching architectural appearance for these properties. Ms. Showalter
commented that those smaller structures will probably be pre -made storage
structures that would easily meet those restrictions.
Chair MATTHEWS opened the public hearing and asked if there were members
of the public who wished to address this case. Hearing no response, he closed the
public hearing.
It was moved by Commissioner BRINKMAN and seconded by
Commissioner POND to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance
Planning Commission Minutes 6 July 15, 2010
amending Articles II and VI of Chapter 26 concerning accessory structures
on properties with commercial or industrial zoning.
With the following conditions:
1. Prior to going to City Council, the question regarding variances be
addressed with regard to number and type of accessory buildings
2. Strike the word "residential" from Section 2, Subsection A: Purpose
and Scope.
The motion carried 7 -0.
It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner
BUCKNAM to adjourn the meeting to study session and to amend the study
session agenda to discuss the bicycle /pedestrian plan prior to the streetscape
design manual discussion. The motion carried 7 -0.
The regular meeting was adjourned to study session at 8:45 p.m.
A. Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan
This matter was presented by Tim Paranto. He reviewed a draft of the Bicycle
and Pedestrian Master Plan. There was no recommendation required of Planning
Commission. The plan is scheduled for a public hearing before City Council on
August 9.
In response to questions from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Paranto replied
that neighboring community's routes, either developed or planned, were obtained
from neighboring cities and provision was made to connect all of them. Denver
routes were extended through Wheat Ridge. It is hoped to eventually have one
regional bike /ped map. He mentioned that Denver has chosen 46 Avenue as the
main connection rather than 44 Avenue.
Commissioner BUCKNAM commented that, even though Denver has not
designated 32 " Avenue as a major bike route, most cyclists use 32 "d to ride from
Denver to Golden, and it is forward - thinking of Wheat Ridge to add 32 "d for a
designated bicycle lane.
Commissioner BRINKMAN asked about the Rocky Mountain Ditch path
between Wadsworth and Lutheran. Mr. Paranto replied that it was determined not
to be a major route due to objections from property owners who lived along the
Rocky Mountain Ditch.
Planning Commission Minutes 7 July 15, 2010
Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if any plans had been made for bike storage
along the routes. Mr. Paranto replied that this will be considered during phase
three of the plan.
Commissioner TIMMS complimented staff for work on the document which is a
great thing for the city. It should help in marketing the city.
Commissioner MATTHEWS expressed frustration that there is no access to the
greenbelt between Kipling and Youngfield from the south. He agreed with
Commissioner TIMMS that the plan is well done. Mr. Paranto stated that staff
recommended a couple of north -south linkages west of Kipling but were taken off
due to citizen objections.
Greg Seebart expressed his total support of the plan.
Bill Maher commended staff for their efforts on the plan. He expressed support
of the plan on behalf of Live Well Wheat Ridge.
Meredith Reckert commented that the plan would be a supplementary document
to the Comprehensive Plan that can be modified when necessary.
Commissioner BRINKMAN commented that this plan should be marketed as it
sets Wheat Ridge apart from some other cities in the metro area.
B. Streetseape Design Manual
This item was presented by Sarah Showalter. In order to create streetscape design
standards that correspond with the Bicycle - Pedestrian Master Plan and to update
the outdated Streetscape and Architectural Design Manual, staff is drafting a new
Streetscape Design Manual.
Commissioner BRINKMAN commented that there has to be consideration given
to "orphaned" sidewalks and sidewalks on one side or two sides of the street. Ms.
Reckert explained that the subdivision regulations need to be revamped to address
this issue and that it is not really governed by the Streetscape Design Manual.
Commissioner TIMMS asked if streetscape standards would apply to CDOT
roads, such as Sheridan. Ms. Showalter replied that improvements would have to
meet CDOT standards.
Commissioner BRINKMAN suggested that it would help to dress up subdivision
entries, especially in older existing neighorhoods.
Commissioner POND suggested that the Parks Master Plan should be referenced
in the streetscape plan.
Planning Commission Minutes 8 July 15, 2010
Commissioner DWYER suggested requiring pedestrian signals at all crosswalks.
C. Mixed Use Zone District Project Update
Sarah Showalter followed up on some items in Draft 3 and updated the
Commission on the conversation about legislative rezoning between staff and City
Council at the study session on June 21.
Regarding the question of whether or not mixed uses should be required in mixed
use districts, staff removed that requirement for large sites because the approach
of the code is to provide incentives for mixed use but not require it and it is
possible that such restrictions could push development away. There were also
questions about how this would be administered and enforced where large sites
are subdivided. City Council wants to pursue city - initiated rezoning in target
areas. This could involve large parcels of land, and it was felt some flexibility in
the code was desirable.
Commissioner DWYER commented that he would have a difficult time
supporting a mixed use zone where mixed use is not required. If not required,
maybe it should be zoned another way.
Ms. Showalter replied that the original intent for the mixed use zone, is that most
districts don't allow mixed use and it would encourage and allow mixed use.
Further, there are very few municipalities that require mixed use in their mixed
use codes because it is difficult to enforce. She didn't believe it was counter to
the purpose of the district. It would provide incentives for mixed use. The goal
for the district is to stimulate redevelopment and potentially rezone a large area.
There may be a small area within the large area where mixed use wouldn't make
sense. She also commented that mixed use does not always mean having all
mixed use on the same site.
Commissioner DWYER commented that he is more comfortable with this since
the goal is to rezone large areas.
Regarding the public input process, Ms. Showalter stated that requirements were
incorporated into the draft for sites over ten acres to have neighborhood meetings
and a public comment period. City Council was in favor of this at its study
The public hearing before Planning Commission will take place on August 5,
Planning Commission Minutes 9 July 15, 2010
D. Planning Commissioners DRCOG Workshop
Meredith Reckert reminded Commissioners that the DRCOG workshop is August
7 t and those interested in attending should call Kathy Field. The deadline to
register is July 30.
It was moved by Commissioner DWYER and seconded by Commissioner
TIMMS to adjourn the study session at 9:54 p.m.
The motion carried 7 -0.
Ann Lazzeri, Secretary
Planning Commission Minutes 10 July 15, 2010