HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/2011♦��� City of W heatRi:oge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting April 7, 2011 2. q 4. 5. CN•\ 1L11�:T�i�Fly rIZ1 L_I _ 1ti The meeting was called to order by Chair BUCKNAM at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29` Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Alan Bucknam Tracy Guildner Dick Matthews Scott Ohm George Pond Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Anne Brinkman Marc Dietrick Steve Timms Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director Meredith Reckert, Senior Planner Tim Paranto, Public Works Director Gerald Dahl, City Attorney Ann Lazzeri, Recording Secretary APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner POND to amend the order of the agenda to move Item A (Case No. ZOA- 11 -03) to Item D. The motion carried 5 -0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — March 17, 2011 It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner OHM to approve the minutes of March 17, 2011 as presented. The motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner GUILDNER abstaining. Planning Commission Minutes 1 April 7, 2011 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes) No members of the public wished to speak at this time. 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Case No. WZ -11 -01 (Addendum to original PC action): An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc., Coors Brewing Co. and Jefferson County for approval of zoning for right -of -way being annexed into the City by Case No. ANX- 11 -01. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She advised the Commission that proper noticing had taken place and there was jurisdiction to hear the case. A portion of the property being annexed (2.7 acres) is remnant right -of -way owned by the Colorado Department of Highways. The applicants for Clear Creek Crossing have no interest in including this piece in the overall development plan, although it makes sense for the City to incorporate it. It was moved by Commissioner POND and seconded by Commissioner OHM to recommend approval of A -1 zoning on a 2.7 acre parcel owned by CDOT located north of 4105 Youngfield Service Road for the following reasons: 1. The parcel location is under consideration for annexation and zoning must be approved within 90 days. 2. The parcel is used for right -of -way purposes and is not being incorporated into the Clear Creek Crossing development. 3. Other right -of -way in the I -70 corridor is zoned A -1. The motion carried 5 -0. B. Case No. WZ -11 -02 (continued from March 17,2011): An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc., Coors Brewing Co. and Jefferson County for approval of a Specific Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road. Prior to her presentation, Ms. Reckert introduced Tim Paranto, Public Works Director and Ken Johnstone, Community Development Director. Mr. Johnstone assured the Commission that previous approvals related to the environmental assessment will be fully implemented. The traffic study demonstrated that capacity improvements being constructed as part of the development project will fully accommodate the new development scenario. Planning Commission Minutes 2 April 7, 2011 Ms. Reckert entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff concluded that a Concept CDP with the Design Standards Pattern Book was recommended for approval by Planning Commission and all development within the Clear Creek Crossing project must be compliant with these documents. While a recommendation of approval was given for the Specific ODP, staff recommended several conditions that would ensure compliance. Commissioner POND asked about the call for extensive landscaping on the north side of Lot 1. Ms. Reckert explained that Cabela's intends to make this an amenity as part of the development and has agreed to work with the city's parks naturalist to develop an appropriate design. In response to a question from Commissioner BUCKNAM, Mr. Paranto explained that the large new water quality pond to the west is the primary treatment facility for all the wastewater. There is a small area on the east side of the project where water will come into a small pond proposed behind the Cabela's store. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if additional changes to the Clear Creek Trail would take place when the overpass over Cabela Drive takes place. Mr. Paranto explained that there will be a ramp from Cabela Drive to access the trail which will be lowered slightly to go under the street. Dennis Armstrong Cabela's Mr. Armstrong stated that the multi -modal means of going through the project has been established and connections to the trail will be a strong amenity for the community. In addition to commitments fulfilled by Cabela's, there has been a real consistency to the project. He requested a favorable recommendation from the Planning Commission to enable the next step to take place. He expressed appreciation to the city staff and members of the community for the time and consideration that has been given to planning this project. Noel Cupkovik Cupkovik Architecture Mr. Cupkovik presented site plans for Lot 1.1 including exterior elevations for the Cabela's building planned to be 130,000 square feet in size. He reviewed building materials and lighting plans to be used as well as Cabela's sustainability strategies for the site. Shad Vermeesch VR Architecture Mr. Vermeesch presented the site plan for Lot 5.1 that includes a Wa1Mart building proposed to be 177,535 square feet in size on 17.86 acres. He reviewed Planning Commission Minutes 3 April 7, 2011 locations for two pedestrian crossings as well as vehicular access to the site. He pointed out a grade change of approximately 30 feet on the east side of the site with a 50 foot landscaping area. There is a grade change of 24 feet along the residential area to the south. He presented the hardscape plan and amenities for the entrance of the building and reviewed the unifying elements that meet requirements of the pattern book. He presented exterior elevations of the building and the lighting plan for the site. He reviewed Wa1Mart's sustainability strategies for the site. Karen Blumenstein THE Realty Ms. Blumenstein presented an overview of THE Realty, a private real estate development company that holds property for the long term. She stated that THE owns, manages, leases and operates its properties and is excited about being a member of the community. Christopher Kenton SEM Architects Mr. Kenton presented proposed site plans for Lots 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 5.2 and 5.3. He presented proposed elevations for potential development of future tenant buildings in the project and demonstrated how they will meet standards set forth in the pattern book. He reviewed potential landscaping plans that will accommodate potential tenants while meeting all requirements of the development. He reviewed sustainable design elements. Ms. Blumenstein suggested two minor modifications to staff's suggested conditions. She requested that the matter of additional buffering at the northeast corner be addressed during the Final Development Plan process. Secondly, while painted concrete is not currently in the pattern book she suggested that it be added with the requirement that it have a textured finish. Carolynne White Land Use Counsel, Cabela's Ms. White summarized the request for approval of the Specific Outline Development Plan. She concurred with the staff report with the exception of the two conditions discussed by Ms. Blumenstein. Commissioner OHM referred to page 3 of the ODP and asked if the truck turn- around will eliminate landscape buffering. Mr. Cupkovik explained that it would touch a lot line and landscape edge and stated that he would take another look at the turn - around to make sure it complies. Commissioner OHM asked if a screening wall would be considered if a landscape buffer is not possible. Mr. Cupkovik replied that an appropriate type wall would be considered, perhaps some type of a vegetative wall rather than a hard wall. Planning Commission Minutes 4 April 7, 2011 Commissioner OHM expressed concern about the trash compactor located within 100 feet from residential property on the Wa1Mart plan. Ms. White commented that the city's code and state law set forth noise standards that may not be exceeded when a commercial property abuts residential property. Mr. Vermeesch noted that there will be a solid wall surrounding the compactor. Further, the compactor will be used less frequently due to recycling measures planned by Wa1Mart. In response to a question from Commissioner POND, Mr. Vermeesch stated that Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification will not be pursued. They will strive to incorporate many aspects of several sustainability systems rather than focusing on one individual system. Ms. White stated that this is also true for the Cabela's project. Commissioner POND referred to the applicant's request to amend the condition regarding the buffer on the northeast corner of Lot 2.2. Ms. Blumenstein clarified that there is a 10 -foot retaining wall, rather than a screening wall, along Clear Creek Drive. Buffering will depend upon the user. She was comfortable with a requirement for enhanced buffering with the type to be decided upon at the time of FDP. In response to a question from Commissioner POND, Ms. Blumenstein stated they are requesting an amendment to the pattern book to include painted concrete as a primary material. In order to avoid the appearance of a tilt -up building, a textured paint would be required. Mr. Kenton explained that concrete can be finished to resemble stucco and would not be perceived as textured paint. Commissioner BUCKNAM commented that he is in favor of using recycled materials and asked if the use of Trespa panels was included in the pattern book. Ms. White explained that the pattern book allows for some variation if staff feels it generally meets the intent of the pattern book. Mr. Johnstone responded that the specific building materials are being considered and may be approved during this specific ODP process. Staff would not necessarily recommend amending the Pattern Book to add painted concrete as a permitted material. In response to a question from Commissioner BUCKNAM, Mr. Kenton stated that maintaining painted concrete is actually easier than synthetic stucco. Painted concrete lasts longer over a period of time than stucco. CHAIR BUCKNAM opened the public hearing. Kevin Smith 3230 Oak Street Planning Commission Minutes 5 April 7, 2011 Mr. Smith read the following statement from the Committee of Concerned citizens of the City of Wheat Ridge in support for the meaningful incorporation of the Clear Creek Greenbelt into Clear Creek Crossing: "Over 30 years ago Wheat Ridge was designated Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation. This designation is given to communities that strive to incorporate the natural environment into their public spaces. Wheat Ridge has held this designation every year since. The Clear Creek Greenbelt is one of the crown jewels of Wheat Ridge's open space system. On just about any day thousands of pedestrians and cyclists travel up and down the multi use bike path some traveling many miles. Clear Creek Greenbelt is a sacred place to those of us who worship the natural environment. Five years ago we first learned that Cabela's would build a 200,000 sq ft corporate flagship, right here in our town. We dreamed of a truly unique facility, next to our cherished Clear Creek Greenbelt, with a water feature for fishermen to test their tackle and for boy and girl scouts to try out a canoe, maybe for the very first time. Many in the audience have driven over 200 miles to visit the Cabela's store in Sydney Nebraska and have shared this dream of a flagship store. The economy took a downward turn and economic concerns required Cabela's to downsize its plan to 130,000 sq ft and to bring in a partner with deep pockets to share the site. When we learned that Wal -Mart was to become the main anchor tenant the flagship seemed to have sailed away to be replaced by a big box floating upon a sea of asphalt among acres of parked cars. Concerned citizens visited the site and went to view the plans. Standing on our cherished greenbelt at the north side of the Cabela's site we looked to the south. On the left is a depression basin to catch parking lot runoff and on the right a loading dock 2 football fields long soon to be littered with idling semi trucks and trash dumpsters. It doesn't have to be this way. Citizens wish to incorporate our cherished greenbelt in a meaningful way. The citizens of Jefferson County own the land wish to build a gateway for those who arrive via the greenbelt, One citizen's vision is to fold the drainage basin into a water feature for testing a fly rod, and put it inside an open space park with acres of trees. Build a 20 ft tall retaining wall sloped with a small forest of tress along the north to screen the loading dock. Access Jeffco Open Space funds so Wheat Ridge and Cabela's don't have to carry the burden alone. Screen away the loading dock and above it put a balcony so that Cabela's customers on the second floor can watch wildlife, gold panners and fishermen on Clear Creek, and enjoy refreshments. Call it "Cabela's Park' if you like and nickname it `Gateway to the Rocky Mountains'. We may no longer have a flagship store but we can still have a Rocky Mountain Gateway Store. Planning Commission Minutes 6 April 7, 2011 Travel south from here along the eastern border of the Cabela's part of the project. The park can continue with a bike path separated from the road by a tall noise barrier. From here the trail travels through more trees, landscaping with benches and bike racks. As you turn west to face Cabela's main entrance on your left will be a forested greenbelt and on your right Clear Creek and the open space park. Cyclists can dismount and pedestrians and people in wheelchairs will never have to compete with cars. What a lovely Gateway to Cabela's it could be. As the path continues south there must be curb cuts, bike racks and cross walks so that cyclists can visit not only Cabela's but also the mini anchors without competing with cars or being blocked by curbs. Continuing south along the trail toward Wal-mart you will see at least two trees far each car in view. Features along the whole stretch should incorporate lighting, curb cuts, fountains, trees, benches, picnic tables, bike rack, and red bikes from the bike share program. As you travel down the path to Wal -mart there must be more landscaping. This part of the design calls for only 28% landscaping when other parts of the design required 30 to 40 %. Wal -mart must put in more trees and more landscaping to support our Tree City USA designation. We demand that City Council require Wal -mart to double that 18% and provide 36% landscaping and plant at least 2 trees for every parking space. They also can have their own park. This park will allow shoppers to spend more time shopping, allowing a place to rest and the children to play. It can serve as a monument to what a good corporate partner can do for a community. There is excess parking throughout the development. We wish to turn it into landscape areas with thousands of trees to support our Tree City USA Designation. From the highway you will not see an ocean of asphalt. You will see a modern shopping center among a forest of trees to grace our natural world." Dan Lopp 10565 W. 32 "d Avenue Mr. Lopp stated that he is a Cabela's customer. He walks the area behind the proposed Cabela's store and is familiar with the wildlife in the area. He would like to see this wildlife area incorporated into the design. He liked the idea of a connection from the trail to the development. Users of the bike path should not have to look at the back side of Cabela's. He suggested that community volunteers work with Cabela's to enhance the area behind the store. Roxanne Runkel 3415 Alkire Way Ms. Runkel owns two acres of horse property directly behind the proposed Wa1Mart. She expressed concern about the security of her property related to the Wa1Mart location. She would like to have a substantial buffer, more than fencing or landscaping, to keep people from entering her property from the south and east Planning Commission Minutes 7 April 7, 2011 sides of the development. She invited Commissioners to visit her property to visualize the impact from WalMart. She entered into the record a publication from the National Park Service regarding recommendations for reducing noise impacts. She also expressed concern about RV parking in the Wa1Mart parking lot. Commissioner MATTHEWS stated his understanding that there were fences on the south side of Wa1Mart. Mr. Armstrong stated the original ODP specifies screening requirements and those requirements have not changed. The wall adjacent to residential on the west will remain. Scott Christopher 2660 Gray Street Mr. Christopher stated that he was very excited about all the positive impacts this development will have on the community. He would like to see safe travel throughout the development including mass transit and bicycle access. Bike parking is very important. He would like to see alternatives to motor traffic encouraged. In response to a question from Commissioner BUCKNAM regarding ratio of bicycle parking, Ms. Reckert stated that bicycle parking requirements are 5% of required parking for buildings 15,000 square feet and under and 2% for buildings over 15,000 square feet. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked if there are any plans for RTD access to the development. Mr. Johnstone stated that RTD has expressed a willingness to discuss routes that would service this area, but nothing has been finalized. Ms. White stated that Cabela's has also been working with RTD in this regard. Ron Kiefel 3893 Field Drive Mr. Kiefel owns Wheat Ridge Cyclery and echoed comments made by Mr. Christopher. As a business owner, he was excited about increased sales tax revenue to be generated by the project. He asked if there would be bike lanes along Cabela Drive. Mr. Paranto replied that there are no designated bike lanes on Cabela Drive or 40` Avenue. A speed limit has not yet been designated for Cabela Drive. In conclusion, Mr. Kiefel stated that he would like to see bike lanes included on Cabela Drive. Susan Motika 3651 Miller Ct. Ms. Motika commented that the number of parking spaces allotted in the development points to the need for shared parking strategies. She expressed concern about future tenants and did not want to see a proliferation of fast food Planning Commission Minutes 8 April 7, 2011 restaurants. While there is a need for increased tax revenue, she expressed concern about the selection of WalMart with their tradition of low wages and the lack of health insurance benefits for employees. Molly Hanson Live Well Wheat Ridge Coordinator Ms. Hanson expressed support for features that support a multi -modal transportation system. She asked if there would be space between the street and the 10 -foot wide multi -use path. Ms. White replied that there will be a 6 -foot landscaped zone between the path and the street. In working with city staff, it was determined that the 10 -foot width was adequate. Barbara Barry Applewood Valley Association Ms. Barry asked the Commission to appreciate the nature of the Applewood community. She requested a correction on page 7 of the March 17 Planning Commission minutes to reflect that she disagreed with some of the staff report conclusions about the ODP but did not disagree with the ODP itself. There were two missing elements from the CDP presented on March 17: (1) a current commitment to required offsite roadway improvements; and (2) an approved traffic analysis showing how nearly double amount of developed floor space would be managed without causing new impact to the community. She appreciated that the first element has been addressed. The second element cannot be resolved until there is an acceptable final traffic analysis. She expressed concern that the total traffic entering and leaving the development will increase 36% over the amount predicted in the 2006 traffic analysis. This significant increase requires special attention to prevent impacts to the neighborhoods. She requested enhanced communication. In response to a question from Ms. Barry, Mr. Kenton stated that WalMart auto service center is not included in the plan. It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner POND to recess the meeting at 9:30 p.m. The motion carried 5 -0. (The meeting was recessed from 9:33 p.m. to 9: 44 p. m.) In conclusion, Ms. White stated that many issues discussed this evening were already addressed in the original CDP and some will not be dealt with until the time of Final Development Plan. She noted that the WalMart site meets the standard of 18% landscaping that has already been approved. She stated that Cabela's does not want to wall off the trail but have a blending of vegetation to create a more natural environment. In regard to parking, she commented that maximum parking requirements are not set forth in the city code or the ODP. However, the parking proposed for Cabela's and WalMart is necessary for use at peak times. Planning Commission Minutes 9 April 7, 2011 Angela Milewski BHA Design Ms. Milewski addressed the buffering on the north side of Cabela's adjacent to Clear Creek. She noted that the building will have four -sided architecture making the north side of the building very attractive. The existing vegetation will remain along Clear Creek and also along the secondary drainage area. This is considered an amenity to the project. A solid wall is not being proposed. Chris Fasching Felsburg, Holt & Ullevig Mr. Fasching addressed the 32 Avenue and Youngfield situation. The increased density will create increased traffic. However, there will be an increase in capacity in both directions where 32 d Avenue passes under I -70. There will be double left turns at 32 and Youngfield. There will be an added capacity at this intersection of 40% while there is an anticipated increase of 20 -25% increase in traffic. There will also be four ways to enter and leave the site. Commissioner POND expressed concern about landscaping around the water quality ponds. Ms. Milewski explained that she is working with city staff to develop an appropriate plan to provide a natural setting for the area. A direct extension of the trail will connect to the east side of Cabela Drive. In response to a question from Commissioner BUCKNAM, Mr. Paranto stated that a CDOT right -of -way permit could include a requirement for landscaping. Chair BUCKNAM asked if others present wished to address the matter. Hearing no response, he closed the public hearing. It was moved by Commissioner POND and seconded by Commissioner GUILDNER to recommend approval of Case No. WZ- 11 -02, a request for approval of Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Specific ODP on Lots 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 within the Clear Creek Crossing Concept Outline Development Plan for the following reasons: 1. All requirements for a PCD Specific Outline Development Plan have been met. 2. The proposed Specific ODP is consistent with the development regulations established in the Clear Creek Crossing Concept Outline Development Plan and Design Standards Pattern book. It was moved by Commissioner POND and seconded by Commissioner MATTHEWS to amend the motion to change Condition 1 to read as follows: On the Cabela's site (Sheet 3) extensive landscaping be designed and installed along the rear of the building with a focus on screening views and activating the space between the rear of the building and the greenbelt and users of the Clear Creek Trail and Clear Creek Crossing. Planning Commission Minutes 10 April 7, 2011 The motion carried 5 -0. It was moved by Commissioner POND and seconded by Commissioner OHM to amend the motion to accept the following conditions: 2. The access drive design from Cabela Drive show lane striping and dimensions to ensure proper functionality. 3. The western entrance from Cabela Drive be properly designed to provide an attractive entrance. 4. Bike parking areas be shown on Sheets 3 and 5. 5. On Sheet 5, screening must occur on the south side of the building including installation of fencing and landscaping consistent with the Pattern Book. 6. On Sheets 5 and 6, the public road be designated "Clear Creek Drive ". The motion carried 5 -0. It was moved by Commissioner POND and seconded by Commissioner OHM to amend the motion to change condition no. 7 to read as follows: Regarding the northeast corner of Lot 2.2, the applicant commits to a buffer area greater in scope than indicated on the ODP to be finalized in the FDA The motion carried 5 -0. It was moved by Commissioner POND and seconded by Commissioner OHM to change condition no. 8 to read as follows: On Sheet 9, the use of painted concrete on building facades be changed to textured paint on concrete. Commissioner MATTHEWS stated he would not support the motion because painted concrete is not in compliance with the design pattern book. Commissioner BUCKNAM stated he would support the motion because he could understand the architect's argument for a more permanent structure and the challenges of matching color with stucco. The motion carried 4 -1 with Commissioner MATTHEWS voting no. It was moved by Commissioner POND and seconded by Commissioner OHM to accept the following conditions: 9. On the elevation designs on Sheets 7, 8, 9 and 10, an analysis be incorporated demonstrating compliance with requirements for building articulation, unifying elements used, transparency and breakdown of architectural materials. Any deviation from these requirements must be justified. 10. On Sheets 5 -10, the document title be revised to designate approval of Lot 1. 1, not Lot 1. The motion carried 5 -0. Planning Commission Minutes 11 April 7, 2011 The fully amended motion carried by a vote of 5 -0. Chair BUCKNAM thanked members of the public who came to observe and to voice their opinions as well as time spent by the applicant and staff on the case. C. Case No. WS- 11 -01: An application filed by Cabela's Retail Inc., Coors Brewing Co. and Jefferson County for a major subdivision plat on property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road. This case was presented by Meredith Reckert. She entered all pertinent documents into the record and advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. She reviewed the staff report and digital presentation. Staff recommended approval because the proposed subdivision meets all requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code and will accommodate the new development scenario for the property. The plat contains 15 lots, an increase of 5 lots over the previous subdivision plat. Lori Baker Land Use Counsel, Cabela's Ms. Baker requested a recommendation of approval of the Clear Creek Crossing Subdivision Plat which is an amendment to the previously approved subdivision plat for Cabela's that was approved in 2006. The plat reflects the addition of approximately 33 acres. There are now 15 lots and 4 tracts. There is also a slight realignment of W. 40 Avenue, Cabela Drive and the new addition of Clear Creek Drive. John Moore Martin & Martin Engineering (civil engineer for applicant) 13950 W. 32 " Avenue, Golden Mr. Moore presented an overview of the final plat for Clear Creek Crossing Subdivision Filing No. 1 which consists of approximately 210 acres. He reviewed vacations and drainage easements as well as dedications and revised lot configurations. Ms. Baker stated that the applicant is in agreement with the conditions suggested by staff as well as the staff s conclusion that the plat complies with all requirements of the city's subdivision regulations and the concept ODP and the Specific ODP. Chair BUCKNAM opened the public hearing and asked to hear from members of the public. Hearing no response, he closed the public hearing. It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner POND to recommend approval of Case No. WS- 11 -01, a request for approval of a fifteen -lot subdivision plat on property located at Planning Commission Minutes 12 April 7, 2011 4000 Cabela Drive and 4105 Youngfield Service Road, for the following reasons: 1. All requirements of Article IV of the zoning and development code have been met. 2. It will accommodate the new development scenario for the property. With the following conditions: 1. A note identifying the use of Tracts B, C and D must be added. 2. The easement note on sheet 1 be modified to indicate that 10 -foot easements must be dedicated around the perimeter of lots, tracts, parcels and /or open space areas. 3. Public Works' comments be addressed prior to the City Council public hearing. The motion carried 5 -0. D. Case No. ZOA- 11 -03 An ordinance amending Chapter 26 concerning nonconforming structures in the Floodway District. Tim Paranto reviewed the staff report for this case. The current ordinance prohibits buildings within the floodway. This means that a building permit cannot be issued to rebuild any structure existing in this area that is destroyed or in need of major reconstruction. There are approximately 80 properties that were in existence before the ordinance was created. He showed maps of the affected areas within the city. The subject ordinance establishes standards for the maintenance of existing nonconforming structures for human occupancy within the city's established floodway district. Mr. Dahl explained that the present ordinance does not allow structures for human habitation within the floodway. The proposed ordinance will allow homes in existence as of February 26, 2001 to remain subject to certain requirements if they require reconstruction after damage. There was discussion among Commission and staff to clarify certain portions of the ordinance. It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner OHM to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance amending Article VIII of Chapter 26 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws concerning nonconforming structures in the Floodway District. The motion carried 5 -0. Planning Commission Minutes 13 April 7, 2011 8. OTHER ITEMS Chair BUCKNAM welcomed Tracy Guildner, representing District IV, to the Planning Commission. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner POND and seconded by Commissioner MATTHEWS to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m. The motion carried 5 -0. 4 '�AAVA 1 rk Bucknam"Ch Ann Lazzeri, Seer to Planning Commission Minutes 14 April 7, 2011