HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/2011♦ City of W heat�dge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting July 21, 2011 1. 2. 3. CQ 5. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair BUCKNAM at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 7500 West 29` Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Anne Brinkman Alan Bucknam Dick Matthews Scott Ohm George Pond Steve Timms Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Marc Dietrick Tracy Guildner Meredith Reckert, Sr. Planner Tim Paranto, Director of Public Works Arm Lazzeri, Recording Secretary APPROVE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner TIMMS to approve the order of the agenda. The motion carried 6 -0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — June 16, 2011 It was moved by Commissioner MATTHEWS and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to approve the minutes of June 16, 2011 as presented. The motion carried 5 -0 with Commissioner POND abstaining. 6. PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject not appearing on the agenda. Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes) Planning Commission Minutes 1 July 21, 2011 No members of the public wished to speak at this time. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Case No. WZ- 11 -04: An application filed by David Myers for Metro Community Provider Network for approval of a Specific Outline Development Plan for property zoned Planned Commercial Development (PCD) and located at 7495 West 29` Avenue. Meredith Reckert presented this item. She entered all pertinent documents into the record, including a letter dated May 21, 2011 from Jack Kent Anderson requesting that no entrance or exit to the property be incorporated into the development from the north side, and a letter dated May 26, 2011 from Myrtle A. Morris stating she is in favor of the application. Ms. Reckert advised the Commission there was jurisdiction to hear the case. Staff recommended approval for reasons, and with conditions, outlined in the staff report. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Ms. Reckert explained that the request to extend 30` Avenue was initiated by city staff. Half of the street is already dedicated and it makes sense to extend the street to help pedestrian connections and neighborhood traffic. It would eliminate another access from Wadsworth. Tim Paranto stated he did not believe the proposed development would create additional traffic within the neighborhood. There is also a renewed interest by City Council for connectivity and multi - mobile transportation. In response to questions from Commissioner TIMMS, Ms. Reckert stated that 30` Avenue was probably dedicated in the early 1960's when the properties to the north were platted. She also explained that the legal description needs minor corrections prior to first reading. Regarding drainage issues, Mr. Paranto explained that the city wants to make sure drainage issues are not created for properties downstream. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked about funding for construction of 30` Avenue. Mr. Paranto stated that the city would share half of the cost with the developer. Regarding transparency issues, Commissioner BUCKNAM urged staff to revisit the ASDM standards in an attempt to codify more realistic transparency standards for specific applications. Planning Commission Minutes 2 July 21, 2011 David Myers CEO, Metro Community Providers Network (MCPN) Mr. Myers presented an overview of his organization's services as well as a financial background. MCPN has existed since 1989 with eleven locations offering medical, dental and mental health services and is committed to community partnerships. Dr. Barry Martin Vice President, Metro Community Providers Network Dr. Martin has been a physician with MCPN since 1992. He also serves on the board of the City's Senior Resource Center. MCPN is a family practice. Hours are designed to accommodate working patients by staying open in the early evening. There will be no late evening hours. Some weekend hours may be considered. Stacey Root Boulder Associates Architects Ms. Root is the architect for the project. She stated that the entrance was located on 30` Avenue directly across from Webster Street according to Public Works request. The applicant would also be fine with access from Wadsworth if that should be approved. The design will preserve the park -like quality of the property. Both blue spruce trees and an American sycamore on the southern end of the property will be preserved. The design includes as much glass as possible facing the neighborhood. She reviewed proposed elevations and building materials. The building is designed to be energy efficient. John Ouelette Landscape architect In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Ouelette stated that design gives consideration to snow removal storage. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Myers stated that overnight parking will not be allowed. There will be security staff on -site during operating hours and security cameras will be in use during non - operating hours. In response to questions from Commissioner TIMMS regarding employment, David Myers stated that experienced staff will launch the program with additional staff being hired as the program grows. Ms. Root explained that it is intended to keep the well house as it is "grandfathered." If any modifications are made to the well, it would be necessary to go through a well - permitting process. Chair BUCKNAM opened the public hearing. Planning Commission Minutes 3 July 21, 2011 Don Edelen 2935 Webster Mr. Edelen stated that he was in favor of the application and believes this is the best use for the property. He asked about the size of the detention pond and asked if there were plans for mosquito control. He wanted to know if a fence was still planned between the east side of property and residents; if there will be a dedicated pull -off on Wadsworth for buses; and if there will be a stop sign at the western end of 30 th Avenue. He was in favor of a right -in, right -out turn into the property because it is not feasible to turn south onto Wadsworth. He asked that consideration be given to the entrance to the duplexes on the frontage road. Blu and Kate Hartkopp 3190 Wadsworth Mr. Hartkopp expressed concern about access to the frontage road where his home is located if 30 th Avenue is extended. Ms. Hartkopp expressed concern about the number of existing vacant medical facilities in Wheat Ridge. Donald Wilson 2915 Webster Mr. Wilson stated that he is opposed to extending 30 th Avenue to connect with Webster. Christian Mucilli 2940 Webster Ms. Mucilli asked that access to the building come from 32 nd and 29 1h Avenues rather than 30 th Avenue. He expressed concern about increased traffic on 30 th Avenue. He stated that he was in favor of the medical building. Pat Mucilli 2940 Webster Mr. Mucilli expressed his opposition to access from 30 th Avenue because of increased traffic through the neighborhood. He didn't believe tax money should be spent to extend 30 th Avenue. Margaret Baumann 3005 Vance Mr. Baumann expressed concern that extending 30`' Avenue would bring more traffic onto Vance and Webster. An entrance into the facility could be made from 30 th as it is now but she was opposed to extending it. David Law 1045 Cody, Lakewood Mr. Law owns a duplex at 3010 Wadsworth. He stated that he is in favor of the facility but expressed concern about extending 30 th Avenue that would increase traffic and negatively affect quality of life for residents. Planning Commission Minutes 4 July 21, 2011 Ted Hyde Live Well Wheat Ridge (LWWR) Mr. Hyde stated that LWWR has reviewed the plans and supports the project. MCPN would serve as an important safety net in Wheat Ridge given their expertise and proven ability to serve clients with a wide range of needs and resources. The project will also provide jobs and be an aesthetic improvement to this section of Wadsworth. He suggested that the city consider implementing a crosswalk between the development and Hayward Park. In response to a question from Commissioner BRINKMAN, Mr. Myers estimated that 20 -30% of clients would come to the facility by bus. Marta Wood 7385 West 28th Avenue Ms. Wood expressed concern about vacant medical space around town. She lives across the street from the drainage pond and expressed concern about melting snow moving south. She commented that Hayward Park is a drainage pond itself. She also expressed concern about possible future expansion of the facility. Bill Logan Mr. Logan stated that he presently works for Olingers /Crown Hill and worked for many years in the old location where the development is proposed to take place. He spoke in favor of the medical facility. He understood the 30 Avenue dilemma and commented that it is dangerous to turn south on Wadsworth from the subject location. He stated that he would like to see bus stop room and an acel /decel lane. Jack Anderson 3120 Webster Mr. Anderson stated his opposition to an entrance from 30 which would substantially increase traffic and parking on Webster and intrude on the integrity of the neighborhood. Katherine Snyder 2995 Webster Ms. Snyder expressed opposition to 30 Avenue going through. She stated that residents have been assured over and over that this would not happen. She believed that 29 and 32 "d Avenues were adequate thoroughfares in the neighborhood and did not see a reason to have a third one on 30` She suggested a partial access so traffic could not go through to Webster. She spoke in favor of the facility and believed the property is accessible the way it is now. She also wanted to know if a fence would be constructed between the development and the residences. Planning Commission Minutes 5 July 21, 2011 Rene Bergstrom 3025 Vance Ms. Bergstrom stated that she has lived in the neighborhood for ten years during which time she has seen an influx of young families into the neighborhood. She expressed concern about traffic sounds and would like to see the structure closer to the neighborhood to absorb sounds. She also expressed concern about additional traffic coming into the residential area. She could see people wanting to turn onto Webster from 32 Avenue and would like to see the entrance from Wadsworth. Laura Edelen 2935 Webster Ms. Edelen stated that she was in favor of the facility but opposed to 30` Avenue going through. Don Edelen 2935 Webster Mr. Edelen expressed concern about large pools of water that develop after heavy rains and snow on the south end of the duplexes where the 30 Avenue easement is located. He stated his understanding that there is an old drainage ditch that runs along the north side of the 30` Avenue easement and suggested the city look into it. Katherine Snyder Ms. Snyder asked if the development's utilities would be underground. Commissioner MATTHEWS asked the applicant to address the fence, detention and underground utility questions. He also asked for an explanation of 3/4 intersections. Alex Areniello Traffic consultant Mr. Areniello stated that the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will determine whether there will be a 3/4 or right -in, right -out access from Wadsworth. He explained that 3/4 access would allow entrance from the north and south on Wadsworth but exit south onto Wadsworth would not be allowed. He stated that opening 30` Avenue would allow residents to get out of their neighborhood in a way they couldn't before. He stated that traffic projections are that about 300 vehicles per day (VPD) would go out to Wadsworth using 30` Avenue. There would be about 600 VPD leaving the site on 30` Avenue. He estimated that about 5% of the total traffic would use Webster. He stated that the typical residential street carries about 800 VPD. In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS, Mr. Areniello estimated that about 45% of the traffic would come in on 29 from Wadsworth and 10% Planning Commission Minutes 6 July 21, 2011 from the east on 29` There would be about 40% coming from the north on Wadsworth and about 5% coming from 32 " Commissioner BRINKMAN asked if it would be difficult to gain CDOT approval for an entrance from Wadsworth. Mr. Areniello stated that a major facility such as this needs two ways in and out and CDOT would take that into consideration. Ms. Root stated that a fence will be provided along the entire eastern edge of the development. She did not have sufficient information about underground utilities at this time. Ms. Reckert stated that the City does not provide utilities. While new utilities are required to be underground, she was unsure about existing utilities. Commissioner POND asked if a bus turn -out lane is proposed. Mr. Paranto explained that there is presently no plan for a bus turn -out. RTD is resistant to bus turn -outs because it is difficult for the bus to get back into traffic. The plan shows the bus stop just south of the decel lane. Commissioner POND asked about future expansion. Ms. Reckert explained that the applicant would have to come back for approval from Planning Commission and City Council for any expansion. It is unlikely they would expand due to parking requirements, but it is not impossible. In response to a question from Commissioner TIMMS, Mr. Paranto stated he agreed with the traffic numbers. He also commented that 3/4 access makes sense. There is also greater chance of getting a 3/4 access approved at a city street versus a private drive connection. In response to a question from Commissioner POND, Ms. Reckert stated there would be two monument signs on the site. Commissioner TIMMS asked if 30` Avenue would interface with the frontage road if it were to be constructed. Mr. Paranto stated that access to the frontage road would be from 30` Avenue and would provide a safer way for residents to access their properties. CDOT maintains the frontage road. Commissioner BUCKNAM asked the applicant about impact on medical vacancy rates in the city. Mr. Myers responded that MCPN is a primary care facility and there are not enough of these facilities to meet the need. He had no concern about not having enough patients. Ms. Reckert commented that many of the medical facility vacancies in the city do not meet the needs of today's physicians. Mr. Myers stated that areas of expansion do not include Wheat Ridge at this time. Planning Commission Minutes 7 July 21, 2011 Chair BUCKNAM closed the public hearing. (The meeting was recessed from 9: 06 p. m. to 9 :17 p. m.) Commissioner BRINKMAN stated that she is highly in favor of the project. While she had deep respect for city staff's recommendations, she expressed concern with punching 30 Avenue through to Webster. She didn't have a problem with 30 Avenue connecting with Wadsworth because it is already dedicated and would provide safer access for properties on the frontage road. She commented that Wheat Ridge does a great job with the review and approval of detention ponds. Commissioner MATTHEWS shared Commissioner BRINKMAN's concerns about punching 30 Avenue through. Commissioner POND stated that while he agreed with most of the reasons for punching 30 Avenue through, he believed it was a good compromise to allow access from 30 Avenue while not extending it. He stated that he was in favor of the project that will provide economic development and an improvement to the property. He expressed appreciation of the developer's commitment to green building. Commissioner OHM indicated his strong support for the project. Commissioner BUCKNAM commended the applicant for dedication to developing an attractive, useful site that will be beneficial to the community while retaining many of the existing trees. While he could understand the city's goal in creating a grid, the character of this neighborhood is not necessarily grid- oriented. He didn't see a need to extend 30 Avenue to Webster. It was moved by Commissioner POND and seconded by Commissioner OHM to recommend approval of Case No. WZ- 11 -04, a request for a Planned Commercial Development Specific Outline Development Plan for property located at 7495 West 29 Avenue for the following reasons: 1. Due to changed market conditions, the property is no longer appropriate for retail. 2. The proposed Specific ODP is consistent with the Wadsworth Subarea Plan and Envision Wheat Ridge. 3. The proposed site design and architectural elevations are consistent with the Commercial(Industrial Design Standards in the Architectural and Site Design Manual. 4. The zone change evaluation criteria support approval of this request. Planning Commission Minutes 8 July 21, 2011 5. With modifications recommended by Staff, all requirements of an Outline Development Plan have been met which will allow administrative approval of FDPs for the property. With the following conditions: 1. Problems with the legal description be resolved prior to first reading. 2. The applicant continue working with Public Works to resolve drainage design on the site. 3. The proposed materials and colors be specified on the architectural elevations where they are not indicated. A sample board be provided prior to City Council public hearing. 4. On Sheet A4, the graphic be modified to show a detached sidewalk along the entire length of West 29 Avenue. 5. Redesign the 30 Avenue access to provide entrance to the north side of the site without connecting to Webster Street. The motion carried 6 -0. 8. OTHER MATTERS A. 38 Avenue Corridor Plan Update Meredith Reckert informed the Commission that the third and final public meeting will be held August 9, 2011 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Recreation Center. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner POND and seconded by Commissioner BRINKMAN to adjourn the meeting at 9:28 p.m. The motion carried 6 -0. Alan Bucknam, Chair Ann Lazzeri, Secr Planning Commission Minutes 9 July 21, 2011