HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06-211. 2. 3. 4. 5. City of ��Wh6atRdge PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting May 6, 2021 CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair LARSON at 7:00 p.m. This meeting was held virtually, using Zoom video -teleconferencing technology. As duly announced and publicly noticed, the City previously approved this meeting format in order to continue with normal business amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the related public emergency orders promulgated by the State of Colorado and the Wheat Ridge City Council. Before calling the meeting to order, the Chair stated the rules and procedures necessitated by this virtual meeting format. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Kristine Disney Will Kerns Ari Krichiver Daniel Larson Janet Leo Scott Ohm Jahi Simbai Melissa Antol Lauren Mikulak, Planning Manager Stephanie Stevens, Senior Planner Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary APPROVE ORDER OF THE AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner SIMBAI and seconded by Commissioner LEO to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 7-0. CITIZEN COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS (Public comments may be limited to 3 minutes.) No one wished to speak at this time. Planning Commission Minutes May 6, 2021 -1- 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Study Session — Lutheran Legacy Campus Master Plan Update Ms. Stevens started by introducing the MIG consultants: Jay Renkens and Mark De La Torre. Along with Ms. Stevens, they all gave an informative presentation about the background of Lutheran Campus, the upcoming process and outreach, the current phase, and next steps of the Master Plan. Commissioner KERNS suggested integrating trails planning into the master plan. Commissioner LEO asked for clarity on the role of SCL and the City and if one was driving the process more than the other. Staff explained the partnership and that no single voice would dictate the outcome. The community is driving the process. Commissioner OHM shared that he lives nearby and goes through the campus routinely on bike and by car to the high school. He suggested that a trail system along the ditch could be an amenity similar to the High Line Canal Trails; he observed the challenge of crossing 32nd Avenue and asked if 32nd could be signalized or widened. He also questioned the height of the main structure and if it will remain. Ms. Mikulak said he is not alone in desiring a trail system as part of this Master Plan. Ms. Stevens added that if the buildings stay then the height will remain. Commissioner KERNS observed that connecting the campus to the rest of the street grid in multiple locations could help to distribute traffic instead of concentrating it and suggested stop signs at new intersections. Mr. Renkens mentioned there is no traffic plan yet. Commissioner DISNEY lives on Balsam Street north of the campus and observed that although 38th and Lutheran Parkway is angled to restrict driving onto Balsam, but people still do it and they speed on Balsam; she expressed concerns about what could happen to quality of life if additional traffic is not handled appropriately in existing residential neighborhoods. Commissioner KRICHIVER suggested there be consideration for repurposing existing parking lots such as multi -use space and food truck courtyards. Mr. De La Torre mentioned there have been a lot of great new ideas from the neighborhood and they have prompted some good conversations. Mr. Renkens explained that they are completing the existing conditions scan to try to work with Planning Commission Minutes -2- May 2 -May 6, 2021 the site, to understand and work with existing paving, parking, topography, tree canopy, and natural area along the ditch. Ms. Stevens added that to have supported analysis on this project can inform the capacity is of the roadway network to support the types of uses that can go into the Plan. Commissioner SIMBAI complimented the kick-off open house and asked about the process and what staff and MIG see as potential challenges related to the schedule. Ms. Stevens explained that the schedule is front -loaded to get public input early in the process and to highlight that the community input is very important to this process. Mr. De La Torre noted that we are a bit behind the schedule that was presented, but the most important part of the schedule is the sequence of events and not the specific dates. The schedule may slide a bit, but he does not foresee any issues. Commissioner KERNS observed that one of the best parts of the campus is the mature tree canopy in some part and requested that tree preservation be a priority; he also asked if the site could support mixed use, both retail and residential. Mr. Renkens said his team is communicating that a full range of potential land uses is being looked at. Commissioner SIMBAI observed similarities between this site and the changes at the former St. Anthony's campus in Sloan's Lake. Mr. Renkens said he has heard a wide range of reactions to the former St. Anthony's campus (likes and dislikes and in between). The St. Anthony's redevelopment incorporated destination retailers and placemaking and has ultimately been successful as a destination even despite the pandemic. Commissioner DISNEY asked what impact new retail at the Lutheran campus could have on retail areas like 38th Avenue and Clear Creek crossing. Mr. Renkens said the market study will help us to understand what the site could have and agreed that any commercial uses should complement existing commercial areas elsewhere in the City and not cannibalize them. Commissioner LARSON noted that the property is a job center in the Comprehensive Plan, and it would be nice to retain jobs at this location. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Upcoming Dates 1. Next Planning Commission Meeting will be held on May 20. Planning Commission Minutes -3 - May 6, 2021 B. Project and Development Updates 1. TOD area a) S&S Plumbing has completed their new office/flex building b) Toll Brothers residential project is building 200 townhomes and we've issued about a quarter of the permits c) Hance Station Townhomes is a residential project and is building 63 units and has about a third of the permits issued with the two-story models complete on the east side d) Forum Group is building an apartment complex and the parking garage is underway e) Station 53 by Wonderland has sold out their 14 detached single- family homes and started construction on the townhomes on the interior of the project. 2. RTD is undergoing two studies that have public involvement components 1) a fare study and 2) long range planning called Reimagine RTD. 10. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner LEO and seconded by Commissioner KERNS to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 p.m. ZaAG Dan Larson, Chair Planning Commission Minutes May 6, 2021 Motion carried 7-0. Tammy Ode ecording Secretary