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-1. -e City of
Minutes of Meeting
August 19, 2021
The meeting was called to order by Chair LARSON at 7:03 p.m. This meeting was held
in person and virtually, using Zoom video -teleconferencing technology. As duly
announced and publicly noticed, the City previously approved this meeting format in
order to continue with normal business amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the related
public emergency orders promulgated by the State of Colorado and the Wheat Ridge City
Council. Before calling the meeting to order, the Chair stated the rules and procedures
necessitated by this virtual meeting format.
Commission Members Present:
Commission Members Absent:
Staff Members Present:
Melissa Antol
Kristine Disney
Will Kerns
Daniel Larson
Scott Ohm
Jahi Simbai
Ari Krichiver
Janet Leo
Lauren Mikulak, Planning Manager
Tammy Odean, Recording Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner SIMBAI and seconded by Commissioner DISNEY
to approve the order of the agenda. Motion carried 6-0.
PUBLIC FORUM (This is the time for any person to speak on any subject appearing on
the agenda.)
Planning Commission Minutes
August 19, 2021
No one wished to speak at this time and public forum was closed. After the Lutheran
Legacy Campus presentation, the Commissioners waived the rules for letting a member
of the community speak because the resident was having issues connecting to the Zoom
Virtual Meeting.
Everett Coleman, Resident
9395 W 3811 Avenue
Mr. Coleman said he was an advocate for the land itself where Lutheran Hospital
currently sits. He mentioned he values agriculture and is part of Regenerate Wheat
Ridge. He would like to see gardens similar to Happiness Gardens at this site along with
more open space.
A. Study Session — Lutheran Legacy Campus Master Plan Update
Jay Renkens, MIG
51817 th St., Ste. 630, Denver
Mr. Renkens gave a thorough update on the Lutheran Legacy Campus Master
Plan process. He summarized public feedback received to date, shared market
and traffic analysis, and described three conceptual land use plans as well as the
respective public reactions to each concept.
In response to a question from Commissioner LARSON, Ms. Mikulak
explained that this Master Plan is an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan
and a guiding document for this specific area. The next step of the process after
the Master Plan is completed is the property will be put on the market and the
future developer will be given the Plan to see what the City expects. She added
that the next item the Commission will see regarding the Lutheran Legacy
Campus, will most likely be a zone change for a mixed-use or planned
development district.
Commissioner DISNEY made an observation that the 3 Concepts are paying
the most attention to the east, west and southern sides of the campus as being
low density and the north side is higher density. She explained that her
concerns lie with the community to the north and the possibility of increased
cut -through traffic. She agrees more with Concept A, with the exception of
flipping the Civic and the Multi -Family Uses and she would like to see more
park spaces or agricultural concepts. She prefers to see nonresidential uses
along 38th Avenue. Commissioner DISNEY added she is very impressed with
this process and the attention City Staff has given to its importance. She is also
grateful that Lutheran is engaging in this process. She shared observations on
the August public meeting.
Planning Commission Minutes -2—
August 19, 2021
Commissioner OHM asked for the peak hour and total traffic counts to be
Mr. Renkens confirmed that the table shared in the slides showed the traffic
volumes at the AM and PM peaks which is specific to the 1 hour in the
morning and 1 hour in the evening with the highest traffic volume. It does not
show traffic counts for the full day.
Commissioner OHM also had concerns about the addition families being added
to the community and children trying to get to school. He would like to see
better sidewalk connections to the schools in the area. His other concerns are
the location of transit access and the parks being too small in this area,
particularly the narrow open space at the northeast side in Concept C. He also
added he appreciates the time and effort being put into this process.
Commissioner ANTOL is curious about how the 3 Concepts were created and
what the Comprehensive Plan's projection is for the needs of the City; for
example, what the demand is for apartments compared to townhomes.
Mr. Renkens clarified that prioritizing the different types of housing is not a
part of this scope, but the absorption of different housing types is within the
scope, adding that the market analysis looked at a 10 -15 -year absorption.
Commissioner ANTOL inquired how the housing will get distributed.
Ms. Mikulak explained that the Comp Plan is dated 2009 and predates a lot of
the demographic shifts in the City and changes in the housing market. It calls
for protecting the character of established neighborhoods and channeling
growth to more appropriate areas. She added that City Council has adopted
policy documents that call for diversification of the housing stock and vacancy
rates are currently very low across all types of housing. Ms. Mikulak stated that
the City fills confident showing this much residential is appropriate for the
community and area needs; the City wants the Master Plan to be realistic.
Commissioner ANTOL would rather see a Concept with more open space/park
area because she feels there is a deficit of open space in this area, and it would
enhance the heritage of Wheat Ridge.
Commissioner SIMBAI commented that he envisioned a mini downtown with
density and commercial uses on the edge and more open in the middle. He
reiterated the need for the site to be a destination in the heart of the City.
Ms. Mikulak explained that there is not a lot of demand and/or acreage to fill
the edge with more intense uses and it is not politically the most realistic,
despite it being a very traditional urban design.
Planning Commission Minutes -3—
August 19, 2021
Commissioner OHM said it is very important to buffer the existing
neighborhoods, and this is a unique site and should be mixed-use at the high
spot in the center which will have some good views.
Commissioner LARSON asked about the potential of reusing the hospital
Mr. Renkens explained that the north tower is fairly new and great for reuse,
but the rest of the hospital is less likely to be reused.
Steve Chyung, SCL (joined by Zoom)
8300 W. 381h Ave., Wheat Ridge
Mr. Chyung mentioned that the north tower accounts for about 1/3 of the total
square footage of the hospital and it is new space. He added the challenge will
be finding the infrastructure to support the north tower because it is tied to the
Central Utility Plant (CUP).
Commissioner LARSON asked if an issue is being created by trying to reuse
medical buildings with a different use, and if it will be appealing to others.
Ms. Mikulak said the City is not trying to get rid of anything; some of the
buildings would be perfect for potentially a new City Hall facility. She added
that developers would welcome building that are already built. None of the
concepts rely on existing buildings nor preclude them from staying.
Commissioner LARSON asked how civic space is defined and if there is the
potential for office space after the pandemic.
Mr. Renkens said there are many definitions of a civic campus including but
not limited to a plaza space, flexible amphitheater, a large central park or all of
the above. Ms. Mikulak added it could be a cultural gathering or performing
arts area or more traditional government or municipal function. Mr. Renkens
said there is potential for office space and the office community would like
amenities nearby in a site such as this.
Commissioner KERNS said this is going to be an asset to the community and
thought highly of Concept A but would switch the Civic and Multi -family
areas. He likes the park space in Concept B and the main street proposed in
Concept C surrounded by the retail. He wondered if the blue house and chapel
could become part of the Civic area. Commissioner KERNS also had concerns
about sidewalk connectivity to different areas in the community including
schools and would like to see more transportation access onto 32nd Avenue
which could mean another signal on 32nd Avenue. He recognized that
Planning Commission Minutes -4—
August 19, 2021
connecting the street grid may not be popular among neighbors but would help
to distribute traffic.
Commissioner OHM also wondered if Rocky Mountain Ditch will continue to
have pedestrian crossings.
Mr. Renkens said the plan assumes they remain, but it's up to the developers.
A. Upcoming Dates
Ms. Mikulak informed the Commission that the upcoming Planning
Commission schedule has several land use cases and code amendments to hear
and expects to utilize both meetings in September and October.
It was moved by Commissioner OHM and seconded by Commissioner ANTOL to
adjourn the meeting at 8:42 p.m. Motion carried 6-0.
Dan Larson, Chair
Planning Commission Minutes
August 19, 2021
Tammy Od ecording Secretary