HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 219 " ,-. ( L-CJI-'Yl Y>"'I,5 ~ (0 ..,ev$' ffc--c. c v cis- f~€- JUn.E 11~-4 Bk-,L / ... "5'1-1. '1.b 1.. - 6 Cj \'A:h':IDl: OF ~TREE'!' _ PO:lTIO~; VA.'\CE S':REET ~po~ ~ot1on by Com.."n16s1oner Kocn, seconc b~... Comrr.1os1or.er 7r-..:.e, e~1 b3' u~sr.l.1l0US vote the tolloldng . esoll,;tlor. Was adopted: i'E!J\i:I.S Co by a plat or Freeman's Subdivision recor~ed 1n Flat Bo~k 7. Pa~e 21. of the Jefferson U!l.'ty records, certaln streets. 8.ven"Jes and alleys 6~Own t~ereor~ \O(e!"e~ce~lcf,tee t.e tt.e T"'.lb11c; Etnd i~ER~ the followinG described portion of street 1s n~ lor.~r neeessar, for use by the D~~llc; a~d ~~EP~ Bald portion ot 8t~eet lies entlrelv witt1n the Co~ty ot Je~ferson. 1s net wlt~lr. the 11~1ts ... any c1 ty or town and do e 8 not torn: the boundr.ry :.lne of .s city, to....n. t.!" county; sot! ItER ~~ ;EA5 no land would by a vecotlon of salj portion of street be lert wlt~~ut an e~ta~ll~~ed ?ub11e . 8... cc-nr:ecttng it with l1nother established ,ublic road; end. .~~tA: the Jerferson County Pl&~ninb Co~m18B1on hac ap~ov~~ t~e propoeec vecstior. of Ea1~ portion or lltr-eetj ::0.' I ':HEP.!::FCRE BE I':' RE50LVED b;.' the BOll.!"d of County CO::..::1 f Gi onere of J e.... "'er'80n CCrl.O:.ty, =olora:!o, ?:r~u~.t to th~ provisions of Chopter 217, 1949 Session Lav~ or Colo~Bdo, trAt the t~l:oving deB- t- td ';:lOrt1or. of et,:"eet situate in t~e Count)' or Jer:rCT'!'":n. an~ Stete of ::.lora~o, be a..,d it 1s ~e:ebY Y&cat~c, subject to a re~ervbtlon or eaAements rc~ t~e cor.tir.ued ~5e of ex1stir.~ s~er, gas, e~;er Or ei:t11er pipe lines ane. .a;)':-::urtE:r.Mces. ex-iF-tine cite::es ar..d BDcurtena.."lCeEJ e..~d exlf>ting ctrie, telephone ena ol~iler' lineA end appurten8r.ce~, if any: Trillt ?o~t1on of Vance Street lying between We~t 2~th Ave~ue and Aest 3Cth Ave~ue, as shown on the Flat of Freem~~18 Subdivision. ':<. / 1 ,q ,. I I I I ,; __..L I _______-1---1____ €7-- --- 25' lo~ o-cllr.,.., l u-L L -1.,,) 0(722-354) ,....-.... (j) ,....-....0 (0.- .-1 1.- '<:t(O .. ~.-C() o Il) '--" '--" 1.0 N 0.. 0 ,....-.... ,....-.... I") ,....-.... 8 I") (0.- I .-1 1.-- '<:t(O ~ .- C() Il) '--" '--" No.. 0 r- o ~ <( :r: Q.. :J I I I I I ~--t~-t- I I I I I I r- (f) 40' a::: P(12-57) W r- (f) CD W ~ ! l"~ I 5i.pRfP~.& I I I I I ~-~-----~ ,....-....,....-.... '-1'"'- ~ NI.{) Il) I I N I'"'-N '--" o..C 0.. ~ ,....-.... '<:t.- NN I I'"'- '--" 0.. I . f . . . ". ." '. . -. .' . I I ........... -l'"'- ll) I N ~ ,....-.... 1l)I'"'- NI.{) I N -.-- '--" 0.. .- '--" 0.. r- (f) :J I r--. <( (0 N I .. .- o '--" 1O0.. I t I I I ~ I ~ I I ~ l'"'- I.{) '--" No.. - ...-.'~ l ;'0 - i , _I~ -.t f.. U" 25' TY OF 0(722-353) .EA T RIDGE ,v J....I.A I I ,....-.... '<:t I.{) N""\ LJ\;;;7' '-L,.-..JF J 20' 0(920-595) 20' 0(9.20-594) GAP ':. U.! -+ I 25' 0(661-110) 50' ,....-.... <( (0 N I .. .- o '--" l{)o.. r--. ,....-.... '<:t N Il) I.{) N""\ N""\