HomeMy WebLinkAboutR 102 .. - .As.., - -""M, ... - 'Il...!!f~ ClaJa _ Wolfh R. Proct.or tor all... personal 1njuJ'i.. and 4&111&.e. &8 a result or a collision on Janual7 11,1961 .. DIU' tile juDot.lon of C:lW1t.7 H1&bwJ No. 126 and State Hlghway #8 invo1vine a Count1 _plOTee, one 0.. 'bNiD, 1n t.he ..OUIlt of $16,540.00 _. pra.entec1 to the Boarcl of Count1 CCIIIIIl1..i01111.... ClIIIII' .rap IIQwec1 that the claia ba den1ec1, ..ooneS bJ CCIIIIIl1uioner lAw1s and laid denial _. apprOYec1 bJ \7 ... 1d.th C-iaeloners Juap and lAwi. votinl "~"l and CCIIIIIl1sa1oner Hoskinson abHllt: , HI IT RISOLVIIl. that the atonaa1d c1a1m 18 herebJ and herewith 4eniec1. MW or c: 4..t...,. Jwtp. aeeCllld bJ C~loner lAwi. and bJ ID&jorit1 vote the tollow1n& resolution .. 1d.t.h C t-1C8Vl1.Juap and Lew1a votinl "AIe"1 C~..loner HoM1nson abaent: U. c-\7 of .Jettenon, Stat. of Colondo, requires all street. and r08ds to be sat1sractor1l1 c~etec1 on tile _ 1dll be acceptec1 tor II&!nteaance bJ the Count1 ot Jert,reon, and U. 8trMU .... I'OlIIIIa as d.8CI'1bec1 below have been _ti.tact~ canpletec1 and the Count1 Road Sllperrlaor -If J t.ell \be _ ... nc~ec1 the lI&id etreet. and reeds to the CCIIIIIl1ulonere 01 Jettereon CClUIlt7 tor tar ~e parpoen. 1Id-. . 1T RI8OLOD _ t.he lIoud or J.rr....on CClUIlt1 CCIIIIIl1se1oners that the tollow1n& Areat. and reed. aca._ tor Coaat.7 ~e and are h....bJ dec:larec1 to be Count1 r08ds and a part ot the CClUIlt1 roM ...~ PA'fIll 111.> L ~ PlM'. &1'_ if- h r.t ....-t tG _ ~ Clift llB liooltb lid. of-Stn- ...... rL~.. Ira II...,. DAa" 8_t.h 211' 201.' __ GllAlIU!D ~ I '1IIe8 COUJ't, tr<a 39th Avenue North "2:z. - 3 - "cr 5 605' betore the lIoud at thl8 time the meetine ac1joumec1 upon unan1a0ll1 vot.. JEFFERSON COUNTY C<JO!.ISSI<M:IlS PY~--fif~U ~) Chaizwan ~.J ) ~~--t ~:.tj C~rtc .1 ('y~o.~ j ~ ~cY \) . ~- - W () {'J eJj 7' . 7\l I