HomeMy WebLinkAboutR 140 IIIJIUTIS lOR JULY 8. 1963 ~. _ COlat7 C-s...lClDeI'll aet. 1D J'eIIU&r ...aiOll OIl Mead.." Jul7 8, 1963, wit.h C~MiODer Joe B. lAwi., , C I_t.... CbNt.w L. HoaIc1nMDJ C-u.lCIDer Jobft v. JuapJ U1d, LouriJle Mart.1D, Deput., Cleft t.o t.he , 1l'I'1I.: II1at.M tor .hIM 10. 1963; .1_ 11, 1963; June 17. 1963; J\lDe 18, 1963J J\lDe 24, 196' UId .1_ 25, 1963, all npl.u' ~1Dp J ..,.. J"Md aDd aJlPl"O"d. e..101l. wre rNd aDd apprond. t... MIl z.w.c ~J t1aaDoiall'llport tor t.he .oath ot .1_. 1963. '. Gtt1oe, u.t. ot Pr18CIDeN c~t.t<<l aDd Diacharpd tor t.he .ont.h ot .1_. 1963. - Qeoaoae I. BaaIIler. Jr.. Ella I. BaaIIler. E. JaM Pol1n& aDd Bltt.7 Jean Lee ~3<obO N L.).)-i~ wI.- of ~-:l"r Ho ........... __ tIT c-s...lClDel' JUIlp aDd tIT .-i_WB YOt.e t.he tollow1nl reaolutlO1l ... _tit all UaNe .-1Mi.... YOt.1II& RAp_' . 1'r -... t.IIat. tM ....",.. 1IIb~re1a Georp L BaaIIl.r. Jr.. Ell_ I. BaaIIler. E. Jane Pol.1It&. UId BRt7 ..... we ... .1Ik.... to tile CoIat.7 of .JetteNal a JIU'IlKual "11"1_ aDd ~t.-ot~ _. OIl UIll acroee a cert.aia strip lIIIt.tap/l.1d.tII tile ri&IIt to eat... UpcIIl Rill p.-t~ to cautruct.. lIdataiD. ud/or repair aaid utUit.7 liDM ~ I'l n., ... '....',7 Mevibed bel'll:lDaftel', be .... bel'lltIT is appl'OYell aDd ac~" tor l'lICoNJJIC: A atrip 1l'iIII , teet eacIl aiM of a c_t.erl1De aDll ",,_i~ at a po1B hca 1IIblob tile C~ South comer ot Lots J aDd I., Block 6, H1ll0l'lllJt He1Pt.a. a rac"'ed plat in t.he racord. ot Jette,... C~7, st.ate ot Colondo, 11.. Sou.tllw17 85 teet. 110" or 1.... aaid po1a\ be1II& t.h. Sou.\ber17 poillt. ot illt.enect.101l wit.h Ul aist1n& utUit.7 .., 'If At; to~ Iortll 06. 25 t Iaat.. a dlllt.UlC. of 66 teet. 8OI'lI 01' la_. Mid poJat. be1ll& toile IIorthw17 interaect.1CID v1t.h all a1st1ll& ut1l1t7 ...pq"Qt. txJ 7\. -J 70 7 G;a --- G'-. t.>> ---' ..p- C) Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Co!<!r~d~,. JULI at 196' 19 6J OL"' ..., ,.at.. '" ....... a.. -......o~" TSUI I