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...&.u.rer ':u"K Subc11 vl!'lon beJ.ng ~ pc;.rl' " T~. h6~1. Jefter50n Countl, Color~u". .iI.' L.j l".. .. '...., ~;tc -. ,;1 ~~. , lIo/.lkin~ :,n and ~y 'l."1.nir.:c;':~ '/O~l. . he f,,:. ~.d:1g :,,(;::1 ;~~'Xl the COUftt.J at Jefferson, 3t,1.te of ";olor:ido, rel'J'J.il'e~ II:':!. c~:'eet~ 1r.~ rA \. the -- v1ll l:e accepted fJr l!lllintenaIlco cy the (;cunty 0:: .'d:fers .n, Il.:.J C :"""". ...~:"";.;" - :11;. c(7:;-l(.. ~ :'1 below r~ve ~een 3ati!!i'n;;t(jr~11 c::":";":,t;t _.J "\:"., :,}- ~ Co.mt.r .~u"'t~ .s..1~~.r-r....:jr .:isid strcatE ~ ro."lc!s ~ LLc I"O;::-.~- .1_:n\t"_ 'i:" t:'.:fcr:'"Jr. C;:'.l.~~~' :f.-.I" Jctferoon COtUltj' CO::::l.is.:ic.rer:.' t ;;1.t . t t. ~'C:u(','/i;-~ ~:-,:>:;t:- an:.... r ,-.d. are heroby decl!O.r_:: :.' t..; \,.u...L-:....~ r')t\:! ~~:_ "1. ~'1~ ~::.!'P C()".L~t.J. :-::aJ --a ~ ~ tv are: ST= P.WLJ ~bb r(.,.l..~, ~".~ 1:G':'~ 89th ..r.R'hu.-~\,,; ~~{;T1'~ UV..lt.L l~-....T.._:"... Jt1"lti f:.:..~h-r.......... .... lll-..J..""'..t.t ,.;vanllla ~~ la' .'..._~ n Ti et.4~..t t...~ :l. Eaaswl1tll. ~V.fttl!.tB 1~"'_ "~lR'J9 ft. Ell~,.."lt14 ;-\V....."""~ tlVtw. L...d. ~tl"e."t ~G .~....a l't~.: t.2. w. ~''""'le('ri.~ }H"n...~ ~..oL w! Rc....J Gel:tFt "ZZ-,9-6 f'--_ Independence r.rivc, fracl2l;' north 0::' ;'e:;l !,~,l \v..n\.1" to 2l.?' :lO'.ltl; of .:est l.let A"'enue ~.:'30&..10 e.I'~""'q "'~lBt"",..,rre ,.,~. ii8~11'''''f'' TeJ....... .ur:l....... :~ :~:.. o_.t" "'f "M~Cl ;"icn.(,;; T:Jtrl.en BlM. t........l :113- ..e"~ 8~ "1 :'~!r. !lace :'0 1) ,T .,1...._:. ....f '1'1J~_ ~A.ee '.l~-"tI.... PJ.a~ll r_. t1..,in", V'."4 +.....' -1.ror-r.nsir f)_'i.or.> N -z.'T-3-b'1 1.,fllo,.ll eL~l;;: ....r~ Ar:lzon&.Av.cuut: L,-" :..d.t,-_.~_ p'('\; ""L.- ~H:1dley ~treet ::'r<n ::. 38th Avenue t, '1';'th Fho, 3 /,.'7 ~ l:est 4liit AvenCle fra:.l:iplir.g ~tre~t v~ l.'1ClLp-_:-.d"no', ~~...._ S "'"Z. t. - - --<1 ~ "';'~R'H'~ JI,..~".i~ r~g:- . ".or1 ~t rP-E'" 1 .:.:. I ........ b. . ~'. 1: p ~ .....,...L .....~ _~i-t.r lil'ii ]:,1' ~OO. s see" ;k..5. ~YV I 3 "' "'" 5,..4' 710' 1456' .,..,...., - , 2SJ' =_C:.L,.' --". H q ~ I. fi i -..-.---.l. Journal of the Commissioners of """''''I'Mn Conntv. COlorado__-- ~.J.o..u 'J.'!= ~:';:"J. 19.>1.3.