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HomeMy WebLinkAbout0040 873480 \'V i u .J ~,,~\:,.: ; .. .~-.-.- ................. 8731180 iS77 APR 25 ,RM 2: 1I.i~ c. Oj4nOe. Z 8 u f Jefferscn ..;~ ,',:~ (J-I l: ~ ! ~ l Exhi.b.iL ';'H:' I \.' " 1/ ') " 'I . . ~ 1:t .-,~ ยท 'l I'. u .,1 ~ . I lA DEVELOPMFNT AGREEMENT "'---2995 665 THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, as authorized by the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the C!TV OF IJHEA T R I :)GE , is entered into this 1 day of AI nil .' 1977, between the City of ~Jheat Ridqe, a r.1unicTpa-l Corporiltion;-Ilerelna(te-r referred to as City, and John E. Peterson, President & Bill 5tuck, 5e~/Treasurer herei nafter referred to asOwrlet",' ,,-' --- -,-- -,-------- -- --,-- ---~-----~---- YG1 WITNESSETH: 1. WHEREAS, the Owner is the titled Owner of a tract of land in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows' Lot 9, Rose Haven Subdivision, County of Jefferson, 5tate of Colorado; the plat of which is recorded in plat Book 13, Page 60. Exhibit A Annual Report for X Holding Corp. 2. WHEREAS, the Owner desires to develop that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and in fact, has been issued a Building Permit to do so, and 3. WHEREAS, CI'T'h .gu:t.tar..~walk_gj;;,_.l,99CJ-J:ndepende[1g~_, Ct. n____~ boarding that tract of land as deslr1bed 1n Paragraph No 1 and the neighborinq tracts of land an' ir.comp'lete and bel o \'1 those star,Jards as set out in the SUBDIVISIO~ REGULATIONS of the City; and 4. WHEREAS, to be uniform and consistant wlth the existinq neighborinq improve- ments and completion or non-completion of those improvements as required by SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGUL~TIONS will make no significant change at the present in those streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No, 1, and the neiqhborinq tracts of land; and 5. WHEREAS, in order to confor~ to those requjrements as set out in the SUB- DIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, this agreement is hereby determined to be proper. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, THAT, A. The responsibility for meetinq, conforminq to and providing those require- ments as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City is hereby recognized by Owner. B. The Director of Publ ic ~iorks, upon the advice and consent of the Mayor, shall direct the Owner or his assigns and successors to meet those require- ments as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City C. Upon receipt of such notice to furnish or construct the public improvement as required under the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, Owner hereby agrees to construct and furnish a~ Owner's cost, such improvements as are required by the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, and to do so in con- formance with the design standards of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City. D. In the event an implovement district is created by the City to improve or provide those requirements as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS for those streets or streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No, 1 above and the neighboring tracts of lands, the Owner or his assigns and successors agree not to oppose its creation. E. In the event an irnproverllent di strict is created by the City to provide the improvements as provided by the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, the costs accessable against the property as described in Paraqraph No.1 shall not be disproportionate with costs accessallle to other nearby and like properties. 2995 665 2995 666 F. Upon execution of this DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT by the eit) dnd Owners, the City will waive the immeaiate guaranteEs for public improvements as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, G. This agreement is executed by the Owner pursuant to the SUBDIVISION REGULA- TIONS of the CITY OF WHE~T RIDGE. H. The Parties hereto agree that this DE\ELOPMENT AGREEMENT, by its terms, shall be binding upon the City and the Owner, and upon the assign~ and successors thereof; and shall constitute covenants running with the described property. This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT shall be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have set their hands and seals on the date first shown. l~ City Attorney ''"00,4'(7 RECOMMENDED BY: (&_::'..1!.'C<-, (~.-:.',i L L ~ d" t./ 7 7 PubHt Works Department~----'-'------- APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED INTENT: __ ~~-<-R-e___ i-Ly-67 CityAdmi~istrator EXECUTED BY OWNER: /12_ Z!.?~.. L/_~_~____ ~-p~t2X:J~dent --(;Z/ ~- . _ . __'___'___' Bill Stuck, Secretary/Treasurer 8tH~~tJ;'unk__,,_,___ ~~." . " EXECUTED BY CITY, .../ '/ . - 7?~-)) ___' ~.-{ /Y'J~4d:..-Lt;;,=-___, Mayor , ' :,.. \. ",',', I,.,~ .. , ATTESTED TO BY ~, 1./ ':::""/-l,4~ ""~~-- - ____ ~~-.--..-:..l.._~ _~. -.- k....L_--:..._*;. ~.:;...- CitYClerk~I/15/i'l --:-~,' '; ',,\c - ~1;~T~ 0[, r~$RADo is'), ~~~;~\~~~lFFERSON) _ __? The 6regoing i nstrum(~nt was ,.eX2Cu:~ hefo~e n'z,thi S _," J.~,~-+-~------,-- day. of t d. , 1 9,2./... b y ~L2L..kL .r;;; < ' ;It )"L"" ..0..i(..L ..J...ti0d__~___~. '.. ....... ~/'t7::.,..,~.. it" ~ ~,' ~ -, --, ~ 11?"..u~(//~,----- Not.afj Pu51ic My Commission Expires:_~~_,_____,______,_, .,J, ....Ii 2995 666 A . C0UNTY 1ST, " ",~i',' }; ,~" ,I , ... ,{ ,~~,<!".,y i~ ;:~A~~~ ~ <it '!f:;~r: '" '~l,~,. \ .1:;";'....;,', '" '} :} ~'" I......."""'..;.".' ':t, ;:iL'~~~, '~ ,', ~,~. ~ ~,~ '\. '! (~~ ('J ~, <~ .' "'-,~"<,,, 63 ,I r' J.H.S. _'~!il " . ,'1;, r. J"~l::<, ;rtt >~, ~, """, , " 140 - o ~, 1e;J 9795-85 R-l NORTIi SCAt.-E I "e 100' 9143 'I~ 974E' '<.~lijj,,, t~1'i~~ifi ~ --' ---._-- 100) o N 'a~j ~....... r ....., r~ -'f I _ _ .._ __, __.._,..J. ..4 _fJ. r I.... , , o. ,) .......... ~' \ A "'SE:.lV't" / 0 ,;l ,-,.., 5 0 1 2 OF GOD 140,52 C~RCH : 2 - ~l 140.53 >1 --; I.r) " 3.g <I .f 14055 ::a I ' 1t.{) 4iCJ', . ,::...1 Q'\ f') . 14056 ~I ~5 0 0 - Wi , 140,58 01 - .. It) on .6,~ (\; ~I - <"- lr) 1>" 125 6 <SO.... - " N Z -t11 ~ '-J o ~" r- r- ~ 'r ' N g; 2" 25 1>" ....,.. !2~) 7':; 38TH ,--.-., -----i \JI:l.I,OY,.:. 120 " t9"'4S 2995 G .:- 25 ~ 02 ~ o o 155,52 . 'l\>~ ," 'f. tZ:l o z r.:aq Cl Z ~ A.. ~ Q Z' ~ OJl \;) 't 'l'> "fi' 155,53 ~ l]o '\) "t ~I. co O'i o /" :'9 K/~ ~ ;/ " - /' "- 155,56 155,55 ...... ~, 0, J 001 , ., :it ~ '~~~ .~ .'i ." 155,58 12 \:l ~[j l') ,..,tJ ~ 140,6 'i: 10 ..J 0 0 ,125,75 ~ \) .. I a2 ~ 9 = , tl;) , ~,~ ~ ,'.\, E-4 1,' Z .,' ., :::J ~ ~' % " , l(r 8 ;-1 ~ !, ,:.'~ Ie) ; i \?~.' L,,j ~ I'. ~ ~ CI) (Y) -< ,;:.:( ~. ~ 7 ct-o >" <:t, 0< \:Q , - ~ l"i. 125,75 ~ > . [l~. ~ , ' "'1!" '" <0 120 \? , -.;";}," ,~~~ " ':'..' ....... "'..1; :' '5,7~ p:j Q '. N C1> ~\/ o ~, r' I o 1f>2 ' I !!!g~'> . 1& 24 33 o 96(15 11075 l/. "c"..' /..'1';""" ,l! . 2~'::6G7, " ~ ...--. EXHIBIT A 2995 668 . ST A TE Of COLORADO Al REPORT - COWRADo CORPORA nON ~ , Ii ,11$ ThIs ~porl ...10 be rel\lrned for Incomplete or Incorrect para. ..phs. Plea.. mat. cer1aln this report Is IiIPIed betore oabmit- .... II Y lXiCUTED, MUST BE FilED WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE BETWEEN JANUARY _.__._ .~!l!_NAME of .~he!egistered a~ent in COLORADO is : The ADDRESS of the registered office in ('olorado is (P 6 Box not a, (ept.tlkl , . ..,."..'1 The character of the business in which it is Rdually engaged, in the State of Colorado, briefly stated is ;,..... ..., "Real' E,state Rental FouRTH: The names and respective aJdre>scs 01 II> ClIRRF'':T officers are OFFICERS A TT ,\CllMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPT ABLE NAME STREET ADDRESS - CITY - STATE , "'4oftn' B'e' Peters'on o,.,.....t..,.r' htereo'n . .,., ~Itll" '. ..atll....\tCk, , S770 West 46th Ave." Wheatridge, Col, Clirton 'Colorado " 4545 Bai$.~. Wheatridge, Colo. 454' B'alB'a:m, 1YhUtt'"1dge, C'ole. ftFI1I: The IW'lIeS and respective addresses of its ClIRRENT directors are DIRECTORS LAW Rl:QUIRES MINIMUM OF THREE ATT ,\CHMENTS ARE NOT A('CEPTABLE NAMl. STRUT ~[)DRESS - <HY , SI'HE .i....., E.. Peterson ",.i;if....~"... ..Pft.,eraon ,.~ ' "...... 1 ~~ " ......".,....... ,'" . '. , il~~.~i......... ..,~ .1', 1l,K e770 Illest 46th Ave. ,Wheatr1d~e, Cbla Cl iftOil ,Color ado 4545 Hdsam, w'hea:tt'"1:d-ge, C'Olo ~fr~... f ,~~........ '........... (' fl . SIXTH The awegate number of sha, '\ ,\ tiT Ht lRllEU, ,(emu".! by classes, par value of shares', sha..:s without par value and ...... if any, within a class is (State as of llecemher ,\ 1, 1975), 1~, 'f'.f.:' ...'H:t;> C1au :,1 ( rr- \'.'I~EAT RIDGE P. .. uc \Vor,KS Par Val". Por Sharo or stalemont that Shares are wllhou I 29~ Serlt's !' 5,/-l.:. ---::.~.zn._.'_ , (1 f. ,..-, , , 0 j),)'n..A,^-r..v {LL L i "c, "~1""..,,'..m"'m...'. I I' /I /.' ~.'" f',"-I ~ " 1.00 / ~yc-..,_. :,,-.., .. ,~ . ~ 2995669 f ISSl Ul shares, itel11llC'd "I ,IJ>Scs pr IJllle' ,11 ,hares, share, lIithout par \alue and t~r 31 1975), . '\ P,u \ ,Iut Per Share or 'tll~m~nl thot Sharts Uf' wirhour Pat Value S~ries ,;~ifI@ ;lth.reasonahle detail the a'Seh Jllel hahihties "s Lll D<,c~mher 31,1975 Llr the ,,,,,,I le'"r ,~,,'t,197S We request a t} I'd in slInp"l ied haiJnce sheet .\ n \( 11\11:- \ rs .\ R l: \OT .\( ( 1,1' [ \ I! II ,; ~J',r ""'!~. '~~, I . 3,152 4,316 24,680 32,799. 10,154. Total b..te 75.101 LIABILITIES Lea.a tro. Stockholders Loa. '~able Capitol ock ftet.iMd rnings 31,309 5,202 40,356 ( 1,766) Total Liabilities 75,101 FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFJ( ATION NUMBER ~J/ -- CJ~& rP3 77 This '\nnual Report will not he ac- cepted unless it "s'gned by one of the I, dluwl11~ officers i PRESiDEN1, \ ICE-PRESIDLr'>iT, -..J 'iECRETARY TRI:ASI'HER ~~l('RET\RY TENTH: This report is made under the penaltics prcscrlbe,j in I( RS 1973.-'-10-101 I .{"j " 3 -:: :ZS: " 19/,L., ?' ,fd.~~ tf~1 (Titlf') Deted .......... ~,.,.o;f.~ '1'"'/ , ""1' dj~,:' INSTRUCTIONS I ('"Iorado Revised Statutes 1973 Title 7) rile LoW 111"'l" ,0 PRO\ ISIO' lor an EXTEi\SIO" OF TI\l~. for hli, \nnLlal Kepo" -\nnuai I{cporl ~nd Ta, hccomc DEU~QUENT May .:'nd A PI:NAL TY )1000 wd! he assessed after ~b} I,t ICRS, 3 \nnual Report MUST be in the off,ce of the Secretary of State ON May 1st C he l'o".MarJ..ed PRIOR to Mas 1st ICRS 1973-7-10-10.:'), -l '0 Rec't'lfH wili he fUfIIlshed Your ,ancelled check j, cvidence of your paymer; \lake your d:t'ck ur Money Order payahle to Secrctary of Statc addrc' 1 57(, ShCl"';JI' "I Denver CO liO.:'lJ3 2995 669