HomeMy WebLinkAbout0167 I ~ "') RECORDED IN COUNTY OF ~EFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO RECEPTION NO. 85101317 10/21/85 11:40 1~ flO tA)El'l\:NT oJ" PARLEL No. WR-l09(D) {'~ ",i ,'t'" f ,,: - f'" " J .. . ~ TIIl~, !o.(;I~Er:tJENT mnde this --.1'2..- day of :).),,; e' bettoJeE'f1 Hf~i.(REqT E. FIGH'n'ASTEP. and GLENf'ENf It. FIGP.T~'ASTEK of. the County--;fJe1~rSO;:;-"------, Stute uf ( ,lot'ado, he['ein cal led the first party(ies) and THE CiTY OF WIIE^T RIDGE, a Colorado HOllie-Rule City of the County of Jefff"rson, State of ColorAdo, herein called the Second Party: WITNESSETH. that the said first party(ies) for and In consid0r~tion oft he slim 0 f One and OO! 100------------------------------------ DOLI '^ RS to the said first party(if"f>) in hand paid by tll" secc.nd party, the receipt v-lherec.'f lS ht rer,y cuntessed and acknowledged, havt~ granted I bargained, sold, And conveyed and by these presents do grant, ba'gain, sull, convey and cOllfi rm unto t.hE' Sl id second p3rt.y its SlIccessors and 3S5 i gns fon'ver .1 pprpetll:l1 l'asffllenr-., situate in the (,(\l1nty of Jpfferson, St<ltC' of Colorado. Jescrihed AS follows, to-wit: SAid eAsement is describ~d on EXHIBIT A and EXHIBIT D attac~ed hereto arc! incorporated herein, including the right of ingress and egress to and from said tract at land for the' purpose of constructing, r' constructi,,!,., repairing, operat.ing, and maintaining on I he above described land an,i/or In "r upon ,11 I streets, roaels or highways "butting said lands, a public rOAd 'ay, including gutters, storm drains, sidev,lks Clnd hike pal hs; and the fi, st party(ies) do hereby license, permit, or oth ,'ise al ,"!to the joint lIse or ol..cupancy of the public roadway by any other person, association, corporation, or governwcnr-.;1.1 body for elect) ification, y,.f1ter service, fiu. protc,,:tion, sewage, cablevision, t clej'honE' or any other ut i I.ity services deemed necessary by the secolld party. To have and to lwld the said easement above bargained And c!escI'il",d, unt\) the seclJIId party_, its successors and <;~signs fOrflVf>r. The f! rst PArty( iE'S) covenant that they are the ownp, ,; 0: tit, abo, (' dcsCl'ib,'d la11i{S alld tl!at said lal1ds are free and clC3r at prlcllrnbl- illCCS lnd lipns ai W1Lllsopvpr character, eXC12tli lh()Sf eascmrnts and ri.ghts of 'w;)' of rpc.orJ and those held by the following: 0, IlJc~" j! . ! fiiI \J(0j \, / - 5 ..,- The first party(ies) ,'gree that all facilities insti1ll"d on the aho e described easement at rhe second party's expense, shall remain th0 prnpelty of the second pArty, removable at thE' option of the second part.y. It is further undprst.ood and agreetl by the firsl p.arty( i,'s) that the cOh'pensation \Jaid fot this ('asement "ill be accepted as lull. COlTlp,'n<;ation for all damage caused by the exercise of any of the right.s herein Granted; except that the second party shall remain liable fOI" any damage to I.ands~ape and any direct physical damage caused to the propert.y 01 the first party(ies) by its construction forces in 11:e erection and mainten3nce of said pul>1ic roadwFlY, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the first party(ies) have I,ereunto set t.\H'ir hand~; and seals the day Rnd year above written. ~L<-_t -J1? .j ~ ~~~~6...~- HErBERT H. FIGHTt-'AS1\iR :// -}/--;",Y .x:/"'u- nd? x.-L ~ \T~ GLENDENE E. HG ~",,":/i~ SiATE uF COLORADO '/, SS. COUNTY OF ,)t1~ &J{}U - ,', ..:< -t~{ The foreg'o-ing in:>L_l'!IJlH>nt was ,:j knowleug0(~ 91 1:o~~e me this __L-=!_ d<-lY of~.,(,~,:~__' 1, g_~, > hy -J,'....\'-.,_"~-J:.L_Ji.-_:~ilL.",,L..,- 1---'iWr;,' 'r"-', r.,~L ". :o,_~'_ - (''!tL' ~ '-. ,I, ;~"i0t....tU:. k ~'1J'..,4.T-~_JLd;~---/. __._--~--------- \JlTNESS my hand And olficial ","AI. ,k-, ~ly commission expi! ,"s___ _2.__1 (! 7J..E:~,~_,_,.:..',_ ..), ~ ') ~.' / . ;5' , .,. ~, - , I > ,; 1,<,. . / /, I ". fA ~,'/Co' " l' ,/ ___ I~ J tIi J -,-...ZHA~~--I-/'. ,..._l . - -- ')OT[>.cZY ['UHLIC ,I '.Jje) !..U "'r'" d C-<. Lr I, I<.. RECEPTION NO. 85101311 EXHIBIT A Parcel No. 109 (B) Grantor: Herbert H. Fightmaster and Glendene H. Fightmaster A 66 foot wide strip of land over that portion of deed to reco rded in Reception No. Jefferson County Records, 33 feet on I each side of the center line Wh1Ch 1S described as follows: ~ Eeginning at the west one-quarter corner of Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th P.M.; thence N 00008.6' W, (bearings for this description are relative to one another) 566.9 feet along the west line of said Section 20; thence S 77017.5' W, 0.1 feet to number 371, a 7/8" diameter steel pin (0,9' below asphalt surface), said steel pin being Station 0-15.48; thence N 77017,51 E, 642.9 feet to number 376, a steel pin (2.5' below asphalt surface), said steel pin being Station 6+27.40; thence S 89041.9' E, 2013.7 feet to the north-south centerline of said Section 20; thence continuing along aforesaid bearing 7.9 feet to number 369, a 1" diameter steel pin (1.7' below asphalt surface), said steel pin being Station 26+49,06; thence S 89041.31 E, to the west line (extended) of deed to Thomas Clyde Gregory and Emogene Gregory, recorded August 23. 1946 in Book 545, @ page 17, Jefferson County Records, said west line (approximately Station 43+95) is the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING for the north 33 feet of said 66 foot wide strip; thence continuing along aforesaid bearing to the west line (extended) 0f ceed to Weaver Realty Inc., a Colorado Corporltion, recorded April 16, 1982 in Reception No. 82025423, Jefferson County Records, said west line (approximately Station 44+80) is the TRUE POINT OF EEGINNING for the south 33 feet of said 66 foot wide strip; thenc'? continuing along aforesaid bearing to number 373, a 7/8" dhmeter steel pin (1.4' below asphalt surface), said steel pin being Station 52+95.97; thence S 89043.5' E, 1324,8 feet to number 377, a 7/8" diameter steel pin (0.6' below asphalt surface), said steel pin being Station 66+20.79; thence S 89043.5' E, to the east line (extended) of deed to Ben Steele, individually and B.S.S.R. Investment Company, recorded nay 14, 1979 in Reception ~lo. 79042095, Jefferson County Records, said east line (approximately Station 75+90) is the POINT OF TERMINUS for the north 33 feet of said 66 foot wide strip; thence continuing along aforesaid bearing to the east line (extended) of deed to Ralph L. Stafford and Richard D. DeVries, recorded June 23, 1982 in Reception No. 82042868, Jefferson County Records, said east line (approximately Station 76+80) is the POINT OF TERMINUS for the south 33 feet of said 66 foot wide strip; thence continuing along aforesaid bearing to number 374, a 3/4" diameter steel pin (1.3' below asphalt surface), said steel pin being Station 79+44.95; thence S 89031.1' E, 0.0 feet to the north-south centerline of said ~ Section 21; -..-J thence continuing along aforesaid bearing 2654.1 feet to number 375, a point on the east line of said Section 21, said point lies N 00006,3' E, exactly 580.27' from the east one-quarter corner of said Section 21. Point numbers 371, 376,369,373,377,374 and 375 are points either found or developed from a survey believed to have been established by H.W, Gardner, County Surveyor, prior to 1930. Please reference Plat Book A, Page 14 and 15, Jefferson County Records. a:w44lg1,109 RECEPTION NO. 85101317 t. J.\. i.. J.. 1J r-;-' .I. ~ b l\~~ COl'lV....:.yC..' \...-....:. 0;:' ~'J.2 ~~..-;.::..~" )1:0;;2': 4.'.y .ol....;.-.. t:l.LS ....~dtn....~HC...............'-> _.....cl)j ':...;;~......C....:c. \0-0 ..:u~ -;,,0:::::..: ~3 ~eLL vi t~le 06 foo~ wi.de stri.? u;' .LUHU. ~c3cT~Ded ~n ix~~~~~ A cE t~~5 edseili~nt. f ~ ~ ~;?d ;#3reOQ, to "v"",.G./"" ... .;r'7?r-/;;>~'c::::.~ ='7 ~"'" ~--?g/e ro .r~ -,Fer/,.:;;1/ ,a:J':/.!"'2"'" It? 4"/s/ o/.;?a.cJ-o',: ~~hD.nC~ o.n Q"7 .ang/e ro /h~ ..-/,9,-7,,1 o:/, 9?J,"/?'24'" &:7 ~s/ or 7576' 'J' ~e"ACe.- an q4 &7~.?/e ?"o ~~~ rrYh/ c:J/ C19047~CJ" Q c:0s/. or.. 3'S~ 29' /0 /h/~rs-~c",?i;Jn IAr/r..4 /Ae /Var/h I/n~ a/5' 7"A~ E //.:7 CJ/ L.o/s /3 q"d A~.J- Mt!'hce C<::7s/ .t:'A~" Qng/~ ~o ~h~ r/j?n/ o;r 89":..;rfb/....Qnd' Q/o"9 sa",d" , A/cr#7 //n~ a c'/S/ a/' /757&~ ~ 'poP:?/ 0/ ~N?~/A~.' @ Th~ E os~ /O.cJ..oO' o/~.e Nor,th //2' 0/ Lo~ /3. Exct:!!:p"t ;-thi!!" E4S,.-J" es-' Mt!!r~ 0/ r~"e-rv~~'" $~~4./ @ .8~/h.n;/7.9 a/ ;thi!!" 6".)1/. CO/': a/,.the E //2 0/ ~;c/s /5 Q~ /4...j /he.nc~ A/o.r/h q/tf:}n~ ,.tht!r J1/~s/ //~~ 0/ '~eE://.t' o/~o/:J /3'QnqI/4 ~~s/ o/~47:9.~'r~d' CQ'$/ 0/7,Q/7 Q""'.f1/~ /o/he- .r.-j1h/ 0/ ?"'''CJP:4fI!7':qm~ 0/ /CJ.t)..:tJL) ',j ,MeA.::;'/!!" ~.nq,,' a.n9/e ~o /h~-/~# a?" '9CJ~.94fCJn Q: ~# 0/ .5O.00"J' ~"'&t'nc~ on.e:7H QnY/4 /-D' ~h~ r&/7/ P.tt'oC/94"I!)" 0 ~.5/. or /3/.76'~' /A~nce a/.7~".,' > Q'~...9'~'i /-0 ,;the ;-/y/// 0/ ~~7~b'" C7 ~.sr. or ~95' ~ . /";/J!".r~e-.c~2JA /,rl//~ /Ae Spe..-/h ~~~ 0/ /A~ E #2 d,/' , Le:1/s /.3 d-.nd /4./ r4~/?ca- Wi!'"s/ on Q.n .::?n.9/e /" /.h~ ~&#/ 0"- .;:l:7":,:f/'.4/" '::?;1?P Q/e1.n,9 .5'Q'Ad SPCo#'/A //H~ a ~:if. ' 0/ ?.:J'/' 6"3 . ~o po/,h/ &1/ ..bo//n'7;,;?j?, . .' EX.::"c!:',Pr #~ $,,~/A 7' /Ae.rt:::' or ~.r /"i-/"/~dJn c;r?/~;:, @ Tht!!!! E QS/ /00. 00' 0/ /he Sx.-/h t/L' o,f Lo;J /fJ ~ E)('C'~p-/ /h~ ~oq~ 7'~h~.r~~ -/br//'//90hM d~' 'H e d:::.e \-4 f-I ~ G' IE. Y\~ e'^'c::... ~+ F- I G i-+ T W1 A":l T I::-R. 4// .<7~//?.9 //7 ~h~ E//~ or .Lo/s /3q~d /4, L4~'S, sc".Qdv/~/~, Exc~p/ "pq.bkc M:j/?U/&:7Ys. a/V/e5. ~c:;>~s ~.nq R_s~.rvC'/;'- n;/,.hy/ J~/'~~/""So/?" u;.ud,.~' S-k/e C'/ L.oA:,ra-4"o. to RECEPTION NO. 85101311