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Introduced by Alderman !"1erkl RESOLUTION NO. 344 Series of 1974 WHEREAS, there is in effect an annual General Fund uppropri Jtion resolution for 1974, and WHEREAS, needs have arisen which renuire changes to be m:de in those appropriations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that accounts be changed as shown on the attached schedule of General Fund accounts. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that none of the changes above shall be construed to change the total General Fund appropriation 3S filed with the Division of Local Government. DONE AND RESOLVED this 3rd day of October 1974, by a vote of 5 to 0 , A. D., '-.- /' ( 4~"~'~~ Homer L. Roesener; ATTESf: ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. "44 Acct. No. 411.11 411.12 411.2 411.41 411.42 411.43 411.44 411.45 4 '\2.11 41::'. I:' 412.13 412.14 4'13.11 413.1? 413.13 413.14 413.15 413.19 414 415.11 415.12 415,13 415.14 415.15 415.21 415.22 415.23 415.24 415.29 415.41 415.42 415.43 415.44 415.49 419.11 419.12 419.13 419.14 419.19 419.42 Classification Current Budqet CITY COUNCIL Council Fees Council Expense Legislative Committees TOTAL 9,000 3,000 8,500 20,600 CITY CLERh ~ersonal Services Supplies Other Charges Capi tal Outlay Publishing 19,378 1,650 2,500 300 9,500 33,328 TOTAL MLJrJICIPAL L:oURT PersonQI Services Supplies Other Charges C-"pi tal outloy 28,084 1,400 3,800 3,400 35,684 TOTAL MAYOR/ADMINISTRATOR oersonal Services Supplies Other Charges Capitol outl:;y Mondgement Contingency City Administrator 18,506 1,500 5,500 700 10,000 23,750 61,056 TOTAL ELECTIONS -0- TREASURER'S OFFICE Personal Services Supplies Other Charges Cdpital OutldY Auditing 51,752 1,600 4,000 1,200 5,000 64,552 TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY Personal Services Supplies Other Charges Cdpital Outlay City Attorney 16,936 2,000 4,200 2,580 19,284 45,000 TOTAL PERSONNEL ?ersonal Services Supplies Otller Charges Capital Outlay Director of Personnel TOTAL 22,708 3,300 3,575 950 11,220 41,753 PLANNING ~ersonal Services Supplies Other Charges CCipi t21 Outlay Director of Planning TOTAL 50,995 3,000 7,200 3,415 17,484 82,094 GENERAL GOVERNMENT-BUILDINGS McJifltenailce 5,000 Page Net Change -0- +9,435 + 42 +9,477 -2,000 + 1 , ODD 300 178 -0- -1,478 +4,819 + 565 + 440 SOD +5,423 -0- + 300 -0- -0- -0- -1,950 -1,550 -0- -1,000 +1,338 + 1,000 538 800 -0- 300 -1 , 000 -0- 542 + 480 -1,362 -2,895 -0- + 260 241 +2,415 462 -0- -0- +2,400 -2,400 -n- -0- -0- of 5 Revised Budget 9,000 12,435 8,542 30,077 17,378 2,550 2,200 122 9,500 31 ,850 32,902 2,055 4,240 2,900 42, 107 18,605 1,800 5,500 700 10,000 21 ,800 59,405 -0- 50,75:' 2,938 5,000 562 5,200 64,552 16,535 1,000 4,200 2,038 19,754 43,638 19,812 3,300 3,835 709 13,535 41,291 50,995 3,000 9,600 1,015 17,484 82,094 :>,000 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO.;44 Acct. No. 4:::'1.11 421.12 421.13 421.14 421.19 421.21 421.22 421.23 421.24 421.31 421.32 421.33 421.34 421.4 421.51 4,2'i.52 421.53 421.54 42"\.55 421.56 42i.~ 421.81 421.82 42'1.83 421.84 421.91 421.92 421,93 421.94 421.95 424.11 424.12 424.13 424.14 424.19 425 431. ': 431.21 431oL~ 431.23 431.24 Classification Current Budget POLICE - Administration Personal Services Supplies Other Charges Capital Outlalj Chief of Police 10,509 3,200 1,375 750 18,815 34,750 TOTAL I Ilve st iga t ion Personal Services Supplies Other Charges CClpi tol Outlalj 93,755 4,189 4,875 525 103,455 TOTAL Truffie and Patrol Personal ServiLes Supplies Other Charges Capitdl Outlay 370 , 4 '; 9 4,500 1,500 28,000 404,419 TOTAL Police Trainillg 4,800 Support Services Personal Services Supplies Other Charges Capital Outlay Equipment Maintenance <,Escue Service 84,310 545 325 5,451 47,000 700 139,33'1 TOTAL Police Station 52,000 Burglary Tactical Unit Personal Services Supplies Other Charges Capital Outlay 124,355 5,400 5,131 7,200 143,085 TOTAL Animdl Control Personal Services Supplies ;:Jther Charges C"pit31 Outlay Pound Fees 15,459 750 1,500 3,549 8,400 30,858 912,709 TOTAL POLICE TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION ~ersonal Services Supplies Other t::harges CCipital Outlay Chief Building Inspector Ordinance Enfnreement TOTAL 45,459 4,200 7,000 1,500 14,354 1,000 74,533 PUBLIC WORKS "iight of Way -0- Engineering Personal Services Supplies OthEr Charges ~c,pi tal oUtl3Y 134,550 5,000 4,500 35,500 181,560 TOTAL Page 3 of 5 Net Change -1,000 -1 ,000 -0- 100 + 779 -1,321 -3,700 -0- -0- 431 -4,131 +22,000 - 2,000 + 493 -0- +20,493 -0- + 750 -0- -0- + 333 +23,500 -0- +24,583 + 4,000 -0- - 5,400 -0- + 67 - 5,333 7l); ';'00 - 1,200 -0- 600 - ;',251 +35,030 -10,000 - 2,000 - 2,000 - 1,000 + 521 -0- -14,379 -0- -14,432 -O- J- 450 -12,287 -26,259 Revised Budget 9,609 2,200 1,375 650 19,595 33,429 90,055 4,189 4,875 194 99,324 392,419 2,500 1,993 28,000 424,912 4,800 85,050 545 3~5 5,784 70,500 700 163,914 55,000 124,355 1,000 5, 13'1 -;,257 'U7,753 i5,708 50 L,oO 3,549 7,800 27,507 947,739 36,469 2,200 5,000 500 14,985 1,000 50 , 154 -0- 120,128 6,000 4,950 24,213 155,301 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 344 Acct. No. 431.3 431.31 431.41 431.42 431.43 431.44 431.5 431.61 431.62 431.63 431.65 431.71 431.72 431.73 431,74 431.81 43'1.82 43,.83 431.84 431.85 431.86 431.89 432,21 432. 2~' 432. 2~' 432.24 432.3 432,51 432.52 433.6 433.64 451.11 451.12 451.13 451.15 452.11 452.12 452.13 452.14 452.15 452.16 452.13 Classification Construction-Rehabilitation Construction Easements Maintenance of Condition Personal Services Supplies Other Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL Snow Removal Trafflc Services Personal Services Supplies Other Charges Signal Maintenance TOTAL Shops ~ersondl Services Supplies Other Charges Capi t?l Outlay TOTAL Administration Personal Services Supplies InsurLlnce L,ti Ii ties Other CI"':rges L.:apital Outlay Dirertor of Public Works TOTAL Strt!et L.;leaninq Personal Services SU'Dlies Ot!12 r Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL Street Lightirlg Storm Sewer and Drainaqe ,'Jew Systems Maintenance TOTAL Weed Control Capital Outlay TOTAL PuBLIC WOR~S TOTAL PARKS AND REL.;REATION Clecreation Personal Services Supplies Other Charges Contractual Services TOTAL Parks oersonal Services .:Jupplies ~lainterla'-l ce Other Cllarges Capital Outlay-Development Capital Outlay-Equipment Parks and Clecreation Director TOTAL Current Budget 182,072 4,000 171,239 122,000 46,000 9,385 348,624 12,000 20,570 20,000 4,000 18,000 62,570 1,500 3,000 1,000 4,000 9,500 28,625 1,500 14,000 4,000 6,000 11,000 18,360 83,485 25,590 3,500 5,500 20,000 54,590 56,000 50,000 6,000 56,000 2,500 6,615 9,1'15 1,059,515 53,505 5,733 2,500 10,652 72 , 390 86,085 11,500 28,500 3,500 71 ,400 8,145 14,724 223,854 Pag e 4 of :; l\Iet Change + 2,660 - 1,500 -0- +27,653 + 2,420 -0- +30,083 -0- + 992 -[J- -0- -0- + 992 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- + 1,000 -0- + 2,000 - 2,500 - 3,900 + 924 - 2,475 - 4,000 - 1,000 + 1,500 -0- - 3,500 -0- -25,719 -0- -25,719 -0- -0- -0- -25,719 - 3,000 -0- -0- + 3,000 -0- -10,000 -0- + 9,700 + 1,200 -0- + 300 - 1,200 -0- Revised Budget 184,732 2,50LJ 1'71,239 149,553 48,420 9,335 378,707 12,000 21 , 562 20,000 4,000 18,000 63,552 1,500 3,000 1,000 4,000 9,500 28,525 2,500 14,000 5,000 3,500 7,100 19,284 81,009 21,590 2,500 7,000 20,000 51,090 56,000 23,281 5,000 29,281 2,500 6,515 9,115 1,032,797 50,505 5,733 2,500 13,552 72,390 76,085 11,500 38,200 4,700 71,400 8,445 13,524 223,854 < ~t1?~