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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 ~-I..o , <4 .~, ~ "... ~ ";",.- 1982 ~ BUDGET ...' '''-... P U E:iux 632 ru U)Hl,rJ[ 3iJ, 2\1-6944 The City of /" :',IIUWl',T ;(\lllfWl_NlJL' 'vIIIL!,j Hlul,l unl,HfIl,J\JHIJIJJ,' ~heat <Ridge CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED January 15, 1982 Ms. Beth Bernard Colorado Division of Local Government 1313 Sherman Street Room 523 Denver, Colorado 80203 Dear Ms. Bernard: Attached hereto is a certified copy of Resolution No. 765, Series of 1982, adopted by the Clty Council of the City of Wheat Ridge on January 11, 1982, which rescinds Resolution #744, re-adopts the City budget and establishesmill levy for the purpose of deriving property tax revenues for fiscal year 1982. Resolution #744 had been forwarded to you as an attachment to our letter to you dated October 26, 1981. Also enclosed is a copy of the 1982 Budget as adopted which was not available In October. Sincerely, /1 --f)^ /111c]r~D -j{ . L Mh..vJ Thomas H. Palmer City Administrator THP:ly Att. cc: Mayor Stites Ci ty Clerk/ City Treasurer Director of Administrative Services "rli~. Carnation City" II ANNUAL BUDGET II 11 II n IT [ ~ IT IT If r r r r ,- ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JANUARY 1, 1982 TO DECEMBER 31, 1982 CITY OF WH EAT RIDGE 1982 BUDGET CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MAYOR FRANK STITES CITY COUNCIL HILLIM! D. Bmlf'lAN DISTRICT I DISTRICT II DISTRICT III DISTRICT IV LARRY f<1ERKL I KEN LE\:T S I , I I LOUISE'URflER I \ KP,V ORE I I I CITY TREASURFR I 1 I JAMES r'lALONE , I I~UtHCIPfl.L JUDGE I ANTHOilY ZARLENGO ! I I I I PAT AIELLO KErn DAVIS NARY JO CAVARRA CITY CLERK CAROL F. HAMPF CITY ATTORflEY JOHN E. HAYES CITY ADMINISTRATOR THOMAS H. PALMER DIRECTOR OF ADr-llNISTRATIVE SERVICES........................... .HUGH H. BROi-lil DIRECTOR OF COflii'lUrHTY DEVELOP~iEtn ....................... CHARLES H. STROiIiBERG DIRECTOR OF PARKS Ar~D RECREATION ...........................RICHARD H. BREDT CHIEF OF POLICE ............................................EDlJARD R. PINSOi~ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC \JORKS .................................... RODGER O. YOUilG CITY OF vJlJI:flT RIJ::GE 1982 BUL'GET TABLE OF CONTLNTS Budget Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i v General Fund Revenue Summary ................................... xv Revenue Summary All Funds Expenditure Summary .................................................................... .. ......................................"............................................ .. DEPARI'MENTAL SUMl'1ARIES City Council .................................................................................................. .. xvi xvi i Treasurer ...................................................... 3 1 Mayor .......................................................... 7 City Administrator ............................................. 10 City Attorney .................................................. 13 City Clerk ..................................................... 15 Municipal '~ourt .............................................. ............................................ Administrative Services .........................o,................................................ .. 19 2J Poliee Comnunity DevelopJll2nt .......................................... 37 ...................................................................................................... .. Public Works ............................................................................................ .. Parks & Recreation .................................................................................... .. General Operations ...................o,............................................................ .. Reserves ................................ '"................................................ '"................... Special Funds ................................................ . Capital Improvetrent Fund ................................... Revenue Sharing Fund ....................................... Conservation Trust Fund .................................... Park Acquisition Fund ...................................... Senior Center Fund ......................................... Building Repair/Demolition Fund iii 54 74 94 115 117 118 118 125 126 127 128 129 BUDGET MESSAGE October 14, 1981 Mayor Stites and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Colorado Dear Mayor and Members of City Council: Submitted herewith is the final 1982 Annual Budget for the City of Wheat Ridge. In this letter of transmittal I will present the highlights of the proposed budget in order to bring to your attention some of the main points and major decisions made in compiling this document. As the City's elected representatives, you have an important role in making decisions regarding the specific services which ~he City will provide in 1982. In addition, your decisio~s as to this budget document also determine the quality as well as the quantity of the services which you, as elected officials, wish to provide. There are a number of proposals which differ from 1981 which ~f adopted, will enable the City to maintain the level of service as in 1981, or in some cases allow us to do more construction in-house. The final 1982 annual budget reflects no increase or decrease in City service levels but does require an i~~;'ease in cost just to provide the same level of service as in 1981. Our objective in preparing the proposed budget was to provide the same services with a minimum of increased cost. I have, however, provided supplemental budget proposals for your review which include additional personnel to continue our programs. These items approved and added to the budget totaled $42,300. We believe that the City Council, staff, and employees have all done an excellent jOb in providing services for less in 1981. The final 1982 budget is an extremely tight budget but will enable us to maintain existing services. Our priority in preparing the budget for 1982 again reflects my philosophy of placing primary importance on our employees since they are the City's most valuable resource in providing quality services. Therefore, the recommendations on personnel salaries and benefits submitted along with the budget provided what we believe to be continued recognition of the importance of our employees, and meets the requirements of parity pay as agreed to with the Police Protective Association. ... BUDGET MESSAGE Mayor Stites and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge BUDGETARY PROCESS In reviewing the proposed budget, the City Council should keep in mind that the basic purpose of the budgetary process is to set Council programs, projects, services, and activities to be undertaken, and identify resources or revenues available for financing them. The City Council, however, should also look upon the budget as more than a financial document. For the elected officials, it represents a total process through which Council policies are made and the level of services are set for the ensuing year. Financial control is the traditional function or purpose of a budget. But, in addition to financial control, a budget also expresses a vast amount of information. Such data includes: manpower requirements, equipment needs, programs and services being provided, and other indicators of the quality of services, activities and work programs. ~his kind of information gives the City Council an opportun5ty to see what resources are needed to accomplish Council gCals and objectives. Another purpose of the budget is to serve as a guide for policy implementation. It is in this area that the City Council has the responsibility to eXpre~s its service objectives, particularly in terms of the quantity and quality of those services, and ascertain through t~e performance of the work program whether its goals for ~he City are to be carried out in terms of available fin8nclal resources, as well as what resources the Council mus~ provide if the staff is to accomplish those goals ana objectives. The City Council has the responsibility to weigh the effect of its decisions during the review and adoption process. Your decisions to allocate more resources or less resources to specific programs or functions will have a direct result in the type and level of work to be done. It is certainly a very difficult task to compare and allocate the needs of one program with the needs of another, and to weigh the desirability of the services proposed against the money required to finance them. During 1981 considerable progress was made toward the goal of making City services both more effective and efficient. Starting with a 1981 budget which was actually less than the 1980 budget, additional measures were taken to improve both services and internal operations. These measures included: v BUDGET MESSAGE Mayor Stite~ and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge 1) in-house engineering services saving the cost of hiring consultants; 2) improved computer capabilities allowing for less time-consuming manual calculation and more complete and accurate information; 3) in-house polygraph testing of police applicants; 4) more efficient audits and tax collection to reduce revenue lost due to delinquent accounts; 5) recycling of City vehicles; 6) energy conservation measures to reduce the impact of utility increases; 7) improved accounting of recreation program costs and subsequent fee adjustments to allow for costs to be more fully recovered; 8) initiation of discussions for development of at least three major retail shopping areas in the City; It is with these steps and many others in mind that the 1982 preliminary budget Has pres(:, ted for your revieH. The preliminary budget provided ;or continuation of these improvements and made no additional recommended changes which will further improve the effectiveness and efficiency of o~r City services. I am pleased with the progress rrade in 19b1. BUDGU SUMMARY The final 1982 budget calls for General Fund expenditures of $5,634,387 This 1982 General Fund budget compares to the 1981 revised budget of $5,100,244, and therefore represents an increase of 10.5%. In addition, a total of $3,592,069 is provided for our special funds, which include Capital Improvement Fund, Park Acquisition Fund, Conservation Trust Fund, General Revenue Sharing Fund, Senior Center Fund, and Building Demolition Fund. The Capital Improvement Fund alone totals $3,263,500 to finance proposed capital projects in 1982. This proposal reflects a cost of $955,000 for Schedule III and IV of the Lena Gulch project and $850,000 for the second phase of the Harlan Street project. u.; BUDGET MESSAGE Mayor Stites and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge The Revenue Sharing Fund will have $292,234 available in 1982. The proposed Revenue Sharing Fund shows expenditures for major equipment, and drainage projects. GENERAL FUND REVENUE PROJECTIONS Revenue estimates for 1982 are somewhat more optimistic than the approach used in 1981. In 1981 there was considerable concern and uncertainty about the general economy. The year did prove to have some surprises, particularly the continued high interest rates. The Wheat Ridge local economy performed well despite the uncertainties and the 1981 budget is projected to conclude the year by adding to the fund balance rather than reducing it as was projected. Revenues beyond those anticipated in the budget will contribute ap~roximately $573,500 to the year-end fund balance. Most of this reflects the high interest earned on City invsstments but it also includes the strong performance of the ~&les tax and other revenue sources. Overall, revenue sour~es met or exceeded expectations during generally difficuJ.t economic times. While 1982 does not promise a con3iderably improved eCOnOillj, it does appear from t~e 1981 experience that the local economy is strong and thus City revenues can reasonably be expected to duplicate the good year about to be completed. New commercial development plau~~d for 1982 further adds to the optimistic projections, although their impact is figured conservatively pending th~ir final approval and completion. Some of the City's major revenue sources are described further below: Property Tax--The increase in assessed valuation is estimated at 4.5% which reflects the increase from previous years. With an assessed valuation of $131,958,577 and the current mill levy of 3.5 mills, the City's resulting revenue is estimated at $457,200. . Sales Tax--An increase of 12% over 1981 is anticipated for the sales tax revenues on the 1981 base plus an additional amount included in anticipation of the sales tax generated by new developments starting business during the year. The increase of 1981 over 1980 is projected at 15%. If this good growth continues, higher revenues than budgeted would be the result. vii BUDGET MESSAGE Mayor Stites and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge Use Tax--The continuation of new capital purchases and construction by Wheat Ridge businesses is projected to produce $550,000 through the application of the use tax. This may also increase significantly if large construction projections develop as planned. Building Permits--An increase of 98% was realized in 1981 in revenue from building permits reflecting the considerable construction activity around the City. With $85,000 projected to be realized in 1981, the 1982 estmate is $100,000 based on the building activity continuing after a very slow year in 1980. Highway User's Tax--The City will benefit from the recent increase on gasoline by the state from 7~/gal1on to 9i/gallon. Cities receive 18% of the receipts with the coun~ies and the state receiving 22% and 60% respectively. Reve~ue for Wheat Ridge is projected to increase 13% in 1982 tc $390,000. Parks and Recreation Fees--Due to improving the fee strl'cture to have programs self-sustaining, the fees increased 63% in 1981 over 19;:.0. Growth in this revenue is expe~ted to continue due to further improvements in the accounting and collection procedures plus the general high i~tsrest and participation in parks and recreation programs. The revenue for 1982 is budgeted at $110,000. Interest--Interest rates are predicted to change little through 1982. With careful monitoring of City funds for possible short-term investment and taking advantage of attractive short-term investment instruments, substantial revenue can be realized. In 1981, with the iqterest rates at record highs, the City will realize approximately $375,000. As interest rates are not expected to rapidly decline, this will continue to be a good revenue source for the City. For 1982, $250,000 is budgeted. The actual amount will depend on the amount of City funds available for investment and the interest rate on those funds. Other 1982 revenues for the General Fund are estimated to remain close to 1981 levels which limits the overall revenue growth. This is the reason for continued efforts to improve those revenue sources which provide good growth year to year. As the sales tax is both the City's major revenue source and also one showing good growth, the City is able to look ahead to 1982 without major revenue concerns. viii BUDGET MESSAGE Mayor Stites and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge GENERAL FUND LONG RANGE PROJECTIONS Again this year the staff is providing an up-to-date projection of future revenue and expenditure trends for the General Fund. We thought it would be wise for the City Council to not only review each year's budget, but also to review projections into the future. The attached table on General Fund trends reflects t~e impact of the City's revenue and expenditure trends as of August 1981. We will plan to make these projections a part of each budget for the City. Five options were presented in last year's budget to avoid shortfalls by 1984 and beyond. Option number 4 was chosen as a primary step. Option 4 read as follows: "4. Follow the recomme,dations of the fiscal impact analysis and step up the Cit~'s efforts to attract additional retail and other businesses. Following this policy would mean concentrati~g on commercial development whico significantly contributes to the City revenues t~rough sales tax, use tax, or tre prvperty tax. This approacL means expanding the tax base pach year in order to meet the shortfall in revenues. This policy would require placing a priority on planning and development of areas consistent with the City's Comprehensive 0evelopment Plan. The City would have to be active as a community promoter and encourage and support the recruitment of new businesses. This effort could involve the City serving in the roles of initiator, coordinator, and, if needed, provider of assistance through City-supported industrial revenue bonds for commercial development." This option has meant increased efforts in the past year to attract new business. The Ridge Village Shopping Center with its new King Soopers store and our work in initiating development at the Wadsworth Town Center is expected to add substantially to our sales tax revenues. Staff is also working on the Kipling Activity Center to again insure an overall master plan and optimal sales tax return. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND As the City Council knows, the capital improvement budget is financed by an allocation of 1% of the City's sales tax, and ix z 0 H tl 3 ~ Q w ~ 00 Ol 01 1:2 0 b OJ Cf} c- H Ol ::c 01 ~ ~ @ CJ - ~ 0 ....., 0 0 dP 0 0 0 0 0 ~Ll) 0 o. a,O 0, 0 0 0 0 c- . 0 0 0 0 0 to . 0 en ~ r 01 . . . 3 00 If) (Y) + N en + (Y) 0 en (Y) . ;:t 0 (Y) N 01 ;:t 00 c- ;:t 0 0 it r (Y) c- 01 ~ . ~ 'J N 0 00 N 01 " ~ CJ 1~ 0 ~~ C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ll) r . . 3 00 01 Ol ;:to ~ . Ll) 0 w Ol 0 c- c- c- ;:trl (Y) 0 <D 01 Ll) Ll)+ 0 w. + p:; r ;:t W 'J ~ ~ P-. N c- o c- N rl c g~~ 0 ~r ~ 0 0 0 Q c 0 0 0 0 ~ c 0 0 0 0 . ~ ~ ~ . ;:t Ol rlC- 0 eno 01 0 co 3 co 01 (Y) . Lf) ;:trl 0 0 01 en ill en en ::t en+ Ll) to 'J 01 . .+ ~ ., ~ ~ N <D Ol to N Q 01 0 01 gt 01 0 0 ~ w 0 w w 0 0 -=t 0 ;:t ;:t 0 0 (Y) ~ ~<:loO ~ ~ f:3 ro co ro ro ill C--N m 0 rl m 01 01 . (Y) 0101 01 0 0 01 ill (Y) ro ro <;.+ Ll) If) IS: .+ ~ r N tD ro ill N 0 0 0 ~r 01 0 01 0 0 0 to 0 w 01 N (Y) ;:t 0 (Y) ~ ~"'" ~ ~ ~ r b N to Ll) 00 co 0 to ~ N Ll) 0 . If) (Y)rl 01 0 ill <Xl (Y) <Xl en 01 tDrl If) If) 01 m ~ .+ r r, + r 01 N If) <Xl If) N (Xl LC' ~t w ~r Lr 0 Ol ~ ;:t m 0 co ~ If) <Xl 0 0 ill r ~ r r ~ 01 0 If) N ill (Y) C) N 0 rl co (Y) 001 (Y) <Xl 01 l1) 0 I N H m m (Y)+ N co+ (Y) ;:t ;:t b 01 r r r r r X Cf} 01 If) r-- ;:t N f-Ll ~ " 0 (Y) ;:t 01 0 ::t .s 0 ;:t ;:t 0 0 ;:t Q ;:t <Xl N N ;:t 0 ;:t bH3 01 r r r . r . r N 01 ;:t 0 tD 0 OJ H~cx) -=t (Y) C-- 0 01 0 w ~(Xl~ to C-- (Y) 01 (Y) ;:t (Y) r r r r r 'J 01 ;:t w If) 01 .:t- oo N (Y) m ro U) ro (Y) N (Y) 00 .:t- o (Y) C-- 01 co N ro en ~o r .'0\0 ~ r'dp ~ r r co 01 0 co ro 01 m (Y) N ~~ .:t- (Y) rl C-- en 01 C-- <Xl (Y) W c--+ (Y) (Y) + m (Y) (Y) . r, ~ r, r <:t; 01 ;:t to ;:t 01 <D N <Xl ~t Ol ;:t co Ol W N co C-- ro 0 (Y) 01 Ll) w C-- (Y) <Xl ;:t ~en r ,.. 0\0 r r r r ., Ol co ;:t C- C-- W ill W Ll) 01 B~ co 01 01 0 001 .:t- .:t- o rl 01 (Y) + Ll) 01+ + w 01 .:t- r r r, ~ r <:t; 01 ;:t Ll) (Y) rl 0 ;:t ;:t ~~ ;:t tD to co 0 ro 00 Ll) to. If) ill Ll) C-- N C-- 01 ;:t (Y) ffi~ r ,.. 0\0 r r ~ r r 01 Ll) rl C-- Cl m ;:t 01 ill en 01 If) Ll) Ll) m <Xl N (Y) W C-- + ;:t (Y)I + rl ;:t r ., r ~ <:t; (Y) ;:t (Y) 01 M -- ~8~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Cf) ~b t,J ~~ --0 cbf~ ~~~~ r-c1 !jt3 tl ~~ ~ s~ H g ~~. ~ Z~Cf} !j r;-"r-c1 g~ p:; <'- :5 ~ t:;! ~~ ~ ~ nj ~()~E!~ ~~CIl8 ~~g; ~~ ;r:: rJ r;:; Q) u ~p: ~~ _. c.r:: (~ ..- ~~!jt5 (Xl .~ ~ dP :>-< ()~7r-c1ri P-. ~ d,o -< '-' u G'1 [fJ ", ri P-. ( ) r.1 BUDGET MESSAGE Mayor Stites and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge additional personnel or services were deleted. However, the staff felt t~at Council should review several of the more important re1uests for additional needs. These items were listed in an attached supplemental budget and were not included in the budget document. These additional requests were left out of the budget because Council has indicated in the past year that they did not wish to add any personnel or services to the budget. However, I felt that it was important for Council to review these necessary additional requests for inclusion in the Dudget document. These requests included the following: 1. One additional Code Enforcement Officer in temporary personnel for a 6-month period--$8,800. (Denied) 2. One-half additional position for a full-time Senior Center Coordinator--$8,352. (Approved) 3. One additional Civiiian Laboratory Technician in the Police Department--~21,106. (Denied) 4. One additional ~rime Prevention/Training Officer for the Police Departme..,i,--$21, 106. (Approved) 5. Two additional dispa~chers--$33,634. (Denied) 6. Five additional Police Officers for the Patrol Division--$108,317. (Two approved) 7. One additional position in Shops Division for inventory control--$16,091. (Denied) 8. Equipment for preventive maintenance program in Shops Division including front end alignment machine ($7,200); brake drum lathe ($4,500); and a wheel balancer ($1,500). (Denied) . SPECIAL COMMENTS As is the case with the preparation of every budget, there are always a number of items which must be eliminated in order to arrive at a budget of services which are within available resources. This year has been even more difficult in view of department needs just to maintain the existing level of services. BUDGET MESSAGE Mayor Stites and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge help to alleviate drainage problems throughout the City that occur during rains as experienced last June. Street improvement programs anticipated for 1982 are a continuation of the 1981 programs based on priority needs within the system and routine maintenance to provide safety and prolong the life of the existing system. Programs for 1982 are: 1. 26th Avenue Reconstruction - Pierce Street west depending upon Lakewood's position--$200,000. 2. Various Streets Reconstruction - This is the same as 1981 based on priority needs of individual streets within the City--$500,000. 3. Crack Seal and Chip Seal - Crack seal provides for the sealing and filling of cracks in the existing pavement to keep out the water that will eventually deteriorate pavement. This chip seal maintenance function produces a new wearing surface as well as provides a weather seal on the existing pavement to extend its useful lif~--$175,000. 4. Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Replacement - This is a continuation of the 1981 50/50, Owner/City participation plan on a volunteer basis. Citizens wishing the deteriorated curb, gutter and sidewalk in front of their homes to be replaced, petition the City to be included in the program. The program is on a first come-first served basis--$75,000. 5. Shop Improvements - This proposed project would provide funds to improve the Shops building. This building needs to be modernized. It is now an eyesore, inside and out--$35,000. 6. Lena Gulch Warning System - This project is a joint venture with Jefferson County, Lakewood and Consolidated Mutual. Total cost is estimated at $100,000 with the City of Wheat Ridge share being $15,000. SIJPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ITEMS In reviewing budget requests for 1982, several proposals for xii I' BUDGET MESSAGE Mayor Stites and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge Our City government for many years has been sound financially. It has been operated without excessive tax rates and has lived within its budgets. The residents of Wheat Ridge should receive a high level of City services. It is our continued objective to improve the quality of services that our citizens need. As a staff, we will strive to improve servicing our citizens with efficiency, courtesy, promptness, confidence and economy. I want to take this opportunity to again this year express my appreciation to our Director of Administrative Services, Personnel Officer, Executive Secretary, our Department Heads and Division Heads for the long, tedious hours of work that they spent in compiling this budget document. I want to especially thank our Department Heads and Division Heads for the difficulty they had in pr~senting budget requests in view of their needs, but yet ~ulding the line as much as possible. Also, I want to o. press my appreciation for the many extra hours and effort Jut into the preparation of this budget by our office staff. The long hours of typing and assembling the various comporcnts of the budget are very much appl'eciated. Respectfully submitted, ') ,., l' k01'-O--/Yt'. V -cL~N2^-.-/ Thomas H. Palmer City Administrator THP:ly 1982 BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY 1980 1981 1981 1982 REVENUE SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET Taxes Property Tax 419,373 432,000 437,000 457,200 Liquor Occupational Tax 45,264 36,000 29,600 32,000 Auto Ownership Tax 40,814 40,000 42,500 45,000 Sales Tax 1,695,009 1,918,200 1,95/,,100 2,313,500 Use Tax 487,044 450,000 525,000 550,000 Public Service Franchise Tax 529,008 575,000 620,000 740,000 Telephone Occupation Tax 92,976 96,000 97,600 102,500 SUB-TOTAL 3,309,488 3,547,200 3,705,800 4,240,200 Licenses and Permits Amusement Nachine License 1,525 1,250 4,000 5,000 Arborist License 610 450 600 600 Contractor's License 22,919 23,000 22,000 24,000 Liquor License 3,187 3,000 3,000 3,000 Security Guard License 485 400 400 400 Building Permits 43,202 40,000 85,000 100,000 Street Cut Permits ~38 9,000 _7,500 8,000 SUB-TOTAL 79,866 77 ,100 122,500 141,000 JntergovernmenLal Revenue Cigarette Tax 197,059 193,000 205,000 213,000 County Road and Bridge 198,520 200,000 198,200 197,000 Highway User's Tax 280,139 310,000 345,000 390,400 Motor Vehicle Registration 116,303 120,000 98,800 110,000 Jefferson County Open Space 141,835 38,500 -0- -0- SUB-TOTAL 933,856 861,500 847,000 910,400 Charges for Services Zoning Application Fees 6,620 6,500 5,000 6,000 Liquor Hearing Fees 6,940 3,200 5,000 6,000 Parks and Recreation Fees 61,140 55,000 99,500 110,000 Swimming Pool Fees 32,884 40,000 33,000 35,000 Police Record Search Fees 2,726 3,300 3,600 4,000 SUB-TOTAL 110,310 108,000 146,100 161,000 Fines and Forfeits Fines - Nunicipal Court 78,434 78,000 72,500 73,000 SUB-TOTAL 78,434 78,000 72 ,500 73,000 Other Revenues Interest Earnings 164,241 30,000 375,000 250,000 Rents - Hayward/Hart 10,232 5,000 6,440 5,600 Miscellaneous Income 44,694 25,000 30,000 25,000 Fund Balance Carryover 1,600,604 1,n42,443 1,930,506 2,352,100 SUB-TOTAL 1,819,771 1,702,443 2,341,946 2,632,700 GRAND TOTAL 6,331,727 6,374,243 7,235,846 8,158,300 xv 1982 REVENUE SUMMARY ALL FUNDS 1980 1981 1981 1982 ACTUAL REVISED ESTUIATE BUDGET BUDGET GENERAL FUND Revenues - All Sources 4,731,123 4,731,800 5,305,340 5,806,20CJ Carryover Fund Balance 1,600,604 1,642,443 1,930,506 2,352,10C TOTAL 6,331,727 6,374,243 7,235,846 8,158,300 REVENUE SHARING FUND Revenue Sharing 228,028 234,184 234,768 248,134 Interest 18,150 7,500 25,000 10,000 Carryover Fund Balance 181,345 222,544 229,132 34,100 TOTAL 427,523 464,228 488,900 292,234 CAPITAL IMPROVEHENT FUND Revenues - All Sources 2,117,541 1,939,000 2,557,126 2,413,500 Carryover Fund Balance 696,152 1,676,000 1,525,524 850,000 TOTAL 2,813,693 3,615,000 4,082,650 3,263,500 PARK ACQUISITION FUND Revenues 416 600 20,776 1,100 Carryover !ound Balance 2,397 2,750 2,813 22,000 TOTAL 2,813 3,350 23,589 23,100 CONSERVATION TRU~T FUND Revenues 140 100 15 10 Carryover 1< ,md Balance 4,353 2,900 385 400 TOTAL 4,493 3,000 400 410 SENIOR CENTER FUND Revenues -0- 2,000 4,000 2,050 Carryover Fund Balance -0- -0- -0- -0- TOTAL -0- 2,000 4,000 2,050 BUILDING REPAIR/DENOLITION FUND Revenues -0- 10,000 10,225 550 Carryover Fund Balance -0- -0- -0- 10,225 TOTAL -0- 10,000 10,225 10,775 - TOTAL REVENUE 9,580,249 10,471,821 11,845,610 11,750,369 xv; 1982 BUDGET EXPENDITURE SU~~RY ALL FUNDS 1980 1981 1981 1982 DEPARTI1ENT /DIVISION ACTUAL REVISED ESTH!ATE BUDGET BUDGET Mayor 17,446 19,961 19,035 20,655 City Council 41,056 46,690 46,016 47,950 City Clerk 97,444 108,832 108,187 119,713 City Treasurer 149,054 159,817 159,536 182,222 Municipal Court 77 ,936 77 ,754 74,914 81,059 City Administrator 55,740 62,366 60,967 68,319 City Attorney 53,286 56,950 56,550 65,050 Administrative Services Administration 36,976 41,120 40,745 45,328 Purchasing 36,191 43,589 43,213 49,273 Personnel 67,806 76,103 72,458 80,449 Building Haintenance 63,214 66,017 64,725 63,044 Sub-Total 204,187 226,829 221,141 238,094 Community Deve:upment Administration 44,120 55,017 52,579 57,753 Planning & Zoning 125,941 131,326 130,064 131,661 Building Inspe, tion 68,292 79,752 79,333 85,496 Code Enforcement 33,568 43,299 40,900 49,589 Sub-Total 271,921 309,394 302,876 324,499 Police Administratio,' 89,682 76,508 75,937 72,557 Support Services 475,940 524,786 511,979 550,985 Patrol & Traffic 767,051 915,143 885,471 1,065,952 Technical Services 223,672 259,451 256,041 286,223 Animal Control 39,186 45,667 35,187 48,556 Sub-Total 1,595,531 1,821,555 1,764,615 2.024.273 Public \.Jorks Administration 38,793 74,022 68,469 67,384 Engineering 299,460 367,865 348,742 232,086 Street Maintenance 287,443 325,989 319,571 560,119 Traffic Maintenance 64,272 81,596 64,834 92,250 Shops 254,526 315,903 295,870 376,436 Sub-Total 944,494 1,165,375 1,097,486 1,328,275 ,"- r, xvii EXPENDITURE SUMM}UZY - 1982 BUDGET (Continued) xviii ~l-~- . ANNUAL 8UDGET BUDGET SUMMARY ACCOUNT 102 DEPARTMENT CITY COUNCIL I r I I DROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE The City Council is elected by the citizens of ~fueat Rid~e and functions as the lC3is- lative branch of the City ~overnment. Contact with the City Council is conducted through the Mayor or City Administrator thus insuring an efficient organizational arrangement. The Council consU tutes the legislative body of the City and has all legislative nowers and functions of municipal 3overnment, except as otherwise provided in the Charter, and has the power and authority to adopt such ordinances, resolutions, motions and rules as it shall deem nroper. r r r r r r r r r I BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 ACTUAL REVISED ESTIMATE BUDGFT lL,,17r. H,500 1Lf,Lf66 26,878 32,lo/) 31,550 -0- -0- -0- L,1.056 46,690 46,016 BUDGET 1982 14,400 , I I I 33,550 I -0- 1 r PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY LI 7 ,950 r NUMBER or PERr,1ANENT EMPLOYEES r lEMPORAI1Y EMPLOYEES COST CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE i--==-==::--------------=..::...--==--== ^r~ r~ U ^ Leu DC CT T a . ~. f' ^<~ l:-,--_ SUMMAItYOr Or'U\AllrJG r:XP[IWlTuncs T 1~~~i~~_~_~~~!!~~_.e~~~?.~~~~~_~IL_______ h ---.--- -------------------------y- r- orlJr C 1 (;0[>( r rLV~~~~1 _ ___. [X(>[U$[ 11 eM 1980 M:TllA' PERSONAL SERVICES (01-102-00-00-600) r 619 Salaries 8 Councilmembers at $150/Month 14,102 T 621 Workmen's Compensation 76 T 651 r f T f T r n, 776 , , n 702 706 716 728 798 799 fI II MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-102-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Pr inting & Postage 386 OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-102-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting Expense 1 National Conf. $1000 ea. Colorado Municipal League $300/ea. Jeffco Govt. & Other $200/ea. 1 Colorado Municipal League slot for a Board or Commission member $300 7,845 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 134 Legislative Memberships DRCOG Colorado Municipal League National League of Cities Other 6,800 8,445 1,280 775 16,553 Training & Safety -0- Other Equipment Maintenance -0- Management Contingency 1,960 Miscellaneous Services & Charges -0- TOTALS 41,056 1 gill JU'VrSFD [\{J[)(;r:r 14,400 100 800 10,500 150 17 ,940 200 100 2,000 500 46,690 lACCOU:~ 1 102 - 1981 19R? ESTJr1;\lT PfWPOS' 14,400 800 10,000 150 17,800 200 100 2,000 500 46,016 14,400 66 -0- 800 12,500 150 17 ,300 200 100 2,000 500 47,950 :j -ANNUAL BUDGET PAGt 3 t II T J BUDGET SUMMAf~Y ACCOUNT 103 DEPARTMENT TREASURER DIVISION N/A r PROGRAM 1. { -1 DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE Maintain accounting records according to generally accepted accounting principles. Accounting records will include: General Ledger, Cash Receipts, Cash Disbursements, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Sales Tax, Use Tax, Fixed Assets, Police Pension, Cash Investments, Vendor Audits. If 2. Provide Data Processing Service to all departments. r r r STATEMErH OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES GOALS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Accurate accountability of city revenue and expenditures Invest City funds to maximize interest earnings ~ore computer time and service available to more city departments Conduct 100 vendor audits per year r OBJECTIVES: 1. Provic~ more and better up-to-date data for revenue forecasting and , invest~ent of idle cash r 2. Providp current data on budget expenditures for better management by operatiug departments 3. Hork widi operating departments to determine how their departt:lents Lan r better sprve the city through the use of the city's computer 4. Proviop taxpayer assistance through more personal contacts r r r r r ~ BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET i REVISFD I ACTUAL 8UDGFT ESTIMATE 1982 PERSONAL SEriVICES 103,898 114.036 113,038 132,967 =1 OPERATING EXPENSES 44,266 4L;,725 45,673 48,355 , 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 890 825 825 900 I 149,054 159,586 159,536 182,222 I 1 NUMBEI'l OF PERMANENT , EMPLOYEES 5.5 6 5 5 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST -0- -0- -0- -0- lr 1 I I ir , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A{<.jNUAL i3UDG~::T PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT 01-103 DEPARTMENT Treasurer DIVISION N/A CLASSIFICATION NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE I BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 -' 1980 1981 1982 FULL TH1E - Ci ty Treasurer (Elective) - - - - 14,400 Data Systems Programmer 1 1 1 15 24,536 - , Sales Tax Auditor 1 1 1 10 19,056 I I Accounting Technician 2 2 2 8 40,764 1 Accounting Clerk 1 1 1 1 12,965 ~ I Da ta Entry Cl erk 1 0 .0 -0- TOT AL 111,721 l l l . l - l OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 21,246 1 TOTALS 6 5 5 132,967 1 COMMENTS 1 No change in staffing. 1 - 1 , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r -====::--------- ----:::=::::=: ^ r ~ N U ^ Leu 0 GET -- SUMlIi1MIY or Of'LI\^TIlW CXI'[NOITUIlCS r __,___h h_ (liijiJ jOLI'All1 t/UH 01 - GENERAL TR~ASURER r -==-==-'~===~~~=-,~--" - .- onJITT [XP[llee IlCM (;OU[ I I f . -..=- -- PERSONAL SERVICES (01-103-00-00-600) 602 Salaries & Wages r 603 Longevity Pay 1 610 Overtime Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel r 620 FICA Expense Employer 621 \~orkman',; Compensation r 622. Health, Life and Dental Insuranc" 630 Retirement Expense r -f 651 r 702 r MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-103-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-103-00-00-7UO) Conference & Meeting Expense National League of Cities ($1,000) CML, Miscellaneous r 706 Dues, Books & Subscript-ions 728 Training & Safety r 740 Auto t1ileage Reimbursement ~ \ r, , ,I ,------- UIVI:'IUII N/A -- -. --------- . ._. ---- 1980 ^CTllAL 90,528 804 172 -0- 5,609 56 4,298 2,431 9,253 942 248 762 430 f'A<;r 5 _~_~__1^C~~~:' ~ - 19E1 1981 19E? RFVISfCO [)U[)(;ET [STIi~,'JT prlQI'C'j' 96,236 866 400 200 6,268 137 6, 160 3,769 9,000 1,400 ~OO .. -0- 425 607 95.6H 111,721 325 200 6,432 36 6,027 3,795 8,500 1,400 200 -0- 560 -0- - 400 200 7,526 -0- 9,220 3,900 8,300 1,600 385 -0- 600 -----------^f't\'UAL CUDCE-T-- .--- ---------. \JI\I I ,. j ~ ,_~-A "Mil" SUMMMIY 01 OPLI\^TIIJG EXI'UWITUnCS (uhl-j 01 _ GENERAL r)LI'^'il'~i;~;~URER -_._~-~-----_.~--- --"- .-- - - ------ -- --- -."- ._----------~ - ---..- OI1JI'C r COUl 750 758 759 776 799 [xprll~[ n (; M Professional Services Rentals & Leases Telephone Expense Other Enuipment Maintenance Misce1:aneous Services & Charges CAPITAL. OUTLAYS (01-1D~-00-00-800) 802 Office furniture & Equipment Type.Ti ter TOTALS ,---- UIVI:'IUII N/A __._ h _ __ .._. __ 1geo ACTlIf\L 6,150 26,305 58 38 80 890 . 149,054 19m RFVTSr:n nUI!(; FT 9,000 24,450 50 100 100 825 t^C\;.100l~' 1 - 1981 19/\ ESTJ!~I~lT pr:,WCc 8,500 8,5trj 26,238 20,6C I 75 10n 100 8,.1~_' 1 DO 1C 825 9C- 159,586 159,536 182,22 r -PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE The Mayor is the elect:ed leader of the City of Hheat Ridge. The Mayor takes the leader- I ship role in connnunit:, policies, working with Council to meet community needs. As Chief Executive Officer of the City, the Mayor sees that ordinances, resolutions and policies of the City Council are enforced. The Mayor, under City Charter, leaves administration of the Ci ty to the City Administrator who is responsible for all r administrative functions. STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ( 1. Goal: Lead Council to provide necessary City services to the citizens of mleat Ridge at the lowest possible cost. r Objective: a. Scrutinize all costs on a daily basis for possible elimination and/or savings. b. Require justification for all expenditures in terms of contributions r to Council goals and policies. \ 2. Goal: Request of and work with the staf' to develop a more detailed and justifiable r Capi tal Improvements Program with ~ long range financial plan. Objective: a. Have City Administrator and appropriate staff develop fcrmat for Cap i:..:> 1 Improvement Program. r b. Bring proposed long range Capital Improvement Program and financial plan to City Council for approval 3. Goal: Complete Schedule III & IV of Lena ,'111ch drainage project and second phase of r Harlan Street Drainage project. r i r r- I 1980 198/ 1981 BUDGET BUDGET HISTORY ACTUAL REVISC:D ESTIMATE BUDGET 19R2 r PERSONAL SERVICES 15.466 17,011 16,945 I 17,705 I OPERATiNG EXPENSES 1,980 2.QSO 2,090 2,950 i CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- -0- -0- -o- r 17,446 19,961 19,035 20,655 i ; \- NUMBER OF PERMII.NENT ! EMPLOYEES .5 .5 .5 .5 I TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST -0- -0- .-0- -0- , CITY OF WHE.L\T RIDGE PAGE 8 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01- 104 Mayor N/A A~JNUAL BUDGET CLASSIFICATION NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE I BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 j 1980 1981 1982 , , . I - FULL THtE Mayor (Elective) - - - 6,000 - Executive Secretary .5 .5 .5 7 9,708 TOTAL 15,708 - - - - - - - OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 1,997 l --.J TOTALS .5 .5 .5 17,705 ~1 COMMENTS I No change in staffing. 1 .. I -- CITY OF VJHEAT RIDGE T - -----: ^r~NU^L CUOCr=T.- ~^<![~-1L SUMMAflY or Of'L1lATIIJG [Xf'CNDlTU!lCS fUN!) lOil".:li-iiXL-I-~-i T ~"=~_1<~_~:NE~_A~_,~_~1A~OR u_ _ 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 172 1,000 300 1,000 . 706 Dues, Books &" Subscriptions 107 100 100 100 . 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement -0- 50 20 50 759 Telephone Expense 38 100 50 100 798 Management Contingency 1,394 1,000 1,000 1,000 799 ~liscellaneous Serv ice s ~ Charges 6 100 20 100 " TOT ALS . 17,446 19,961 19,035 20,655 . . - " . " T 620 -T , l -T T T T T T 621 622 630 ;/551 T T T r _ t~!lt~ll_ ___ [XP(IJ~E nCM 1980 hCTUA'- PERSONAL SERVICES (01-104-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 111,208 FICA Expense Employer 874 Workmen's Compensation 16 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 40 Retirement Expense 328 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES T01-104-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 263 OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-104-00-00-700) 1 <)fI1 RFVTSFf) [)[If)(;U 15,198 1 , 011 21 429 352 .f , , I 600 I r~~~LJ:n - 1981 19B? ESTJ':/\H r:\C1ros: 15,198 15,708 1 , 011 1,052 12 -'0- 372 352 556 389 600 -600 <u ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY r r ACCOUNT 106 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMINISTRATOR DIVISION N/A Ii PRO(iR/i,M DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE The City Administrator is the Chief Administrative Officer for the City and directs '-I operations under the c.dministrative division of the City government. The City Administrator coordinates and directs the work of all City employees under his admin- istrative jurisdiction to carry out Council policies, appoints and removes employees under his control, and recommends to the Mayor and Council legislation, improvements r to meet community neecs, as well as policies and services offered to the citizens. I !1-STATEr'l1ENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal: Continuing "team work" atmosphere between the City Council and City staff , without delving too far into each other's areas of responsibility. r Objective: Provide for a closer working relationship with the City Council through informal n~etings with at least 2 sessions to focus on goal setting. Goal: Continue to develop the format for a cost accounting system for City services. Develop implementation schedul~ and procedure following adoption of recom- mended approach. Goal: Continue efforts to improve the City's economic vitality so that necessary services are assured for the fature. T T If If Goal: Improve organizational efficiency and team work by developin~ a program for department heads tealll building. f r [ - , BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET I r ACTUAL REViSeD ESTIMATE BUDGrT 1952 PERSONAL SERVICES 47,743 55,086 55,047 60,769 I OPERATING EXPENSES 7.998 7.2RO 5,920 7,550 r CAPITAL OUTLAY -0 -0- -0- -0- 55,741 62,366 60,967 6R.3l9 NUMBER OF PERMANENT I EMPLOYEES 1. 75 1.5 1.5 1.5 r TEMPORARY LMPLOYEES COST 4,200 -0- -0- -0- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -1 rf\\:J<:' -U-__ ANNUAL BUDGET - - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE - ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01-106 City Administrator N/A - CLASSIFICAT ION NO EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I GUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 - FULL TIME City Administrator 1 1 1 43,000 -, Executive Secretary .5 .5 .5 7 9,708 Public Administration Intern .5 0 0 -0- - TOTAL 52,708 - - - - - - OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES ! 8,061 l l TOTI'-LS 2 1.5 1.5 60,769 I COMMENTS , No change in staffing. l \ l I -I , I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -====::-------:- ---:--=-.:::= ^ f ~ N U ^ Leu 0 G ET -- 1 SUMMMIY 01 OPLllATlrJG r:XICNDI1UnCS 1 I uTi i) ril'/Ii'I-I-i.IL-r-l-l r ~_~__~~_~=_c~:~~~~~_,z~ITY ~~~H_N IS~RA_:OR OIUICT l.out r r ;- h Exrr.IlS[ 11[1.1 PERSONAL SERVICES (01-10b-OU-00-600) '602 Salaries & Wages T 604 Deferred Compensation 620 FICA 'T 621 Workmen's Compensation T 622 Health) Life, and Dental Insurance 630 Retiremen~ Expense T T 651 l T 702 T T 'fO 6 740 T 759 776 T '{98 r 799 ,r MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-106-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Annual Report Xerox Charges Postage, etc. Printing & Postage 2,800 1,000 200 OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-106-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting Expense International City Management Association ($1,000) CML, Miscellaneous Dues, Books & Subscriptions Auto Mileage Reimbursement Telephone Expense Other Equipment Maintenance Management Contingency Miscellaneous Services & Charges TOTALS _r~V;x~l_ 1980 ACTUM 42,663 1,604 2,162 26 960 328 3,136 679 353 6 115 178 362 3,169 55,141 19f\1 RFVISEn r.{I[~(;ET 48, 198 1,950 2,588 61 1,937 352 3,830 1,400 400 50 . 300 100 1,000 200 . 62,366 1'^(~[:_12 r~~~U:d --- ----~ - 1981 19B? ESTl;~j';T[ r~;wos 48,198 52,708 1,950 2,150 2,588 2,7-81 22 -0- 1,937 2,741 352 389 3,000 4,000 1,400 1,600 400 500 20 50 300 200 100 100 500 600 300 400 60,967 68,319 I--'AGt n ANNUAL 8UDGET 1 BUDGET SUMMARY T T ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 107 CITY ATTORNEY N/A I PROGRAM DESCRiPTION Arm PURPOSE Legal advisor to the City Council, Nayor, Boards & Conunissions, City Administrator, r and Department Heads in matters relating to their official powers or duties, represents the City in litigation and is responsible for the prosecution of offenses filed in the Municipal Court. r r 3. 4. 5. Provide legal advice and services to Mayor, Council and management staff. Keep the City up.-to-date with current judicial rulings on administrative and law enforcement practices. Defend the City's interest in Court Service ~s City Prosecutor before the Municipal Court. Drafr qnd/or review all documents, including ordinances, resolutions, contracts and cnstruments of conveyance. r r r NOTE: Ci~v Attorney serves City Council on a contr~ctua1 basis. r r r r r BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET I ACTUAL REVI SfFP ESTIMATE f:JUDG-T 1982 PERSONAL SERVICES -0- -0- -0- -0- ! OPERATING EXPENSES 53,287 56.950 56,550 65.050 CAPITAL OUTLAY -0 -0 -0- -0- 53,287 56,950 56,550 65,050 r I r NUMBER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES r TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST CITY OF WHE.L\T RIDGE ===:------::=--:------- ^f~NU^L CUDCET'- r 1'~(~[:.lL SUMMMIY or Of>L11A"f1fJG r:XI'l:NDITUnCS '~~l~_~_=-_~ENE~~.~ __e:'^~-ZfV~-lA T~OR_~E_~______h___ _..I~i~I_~~~~__ ______ --..-.----- .._--_._--_._.--~------------..- [xr[II~[ !lEM 1980 ACTUAl 19m RFvTSFn [)UU(;U OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-107-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 55 560 500 500 732 Witness & Juror Fees 200 1,200 750 Professional Ser~ices City Attorney Prosecuting Attorney 51,168 54,000 44, 1 0~1 18,000 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges J 1,304 750 TOTALS 53,287 56,950 ___J^C1C007U:,] 1981 19B? ESTW/\lT PR;JPO: 400 400 500 500 1,000 1,200 54,000 62,100 750 750 56,550 65,050 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGt 15 .. BUDGET SUMMARY r I ACCOUNT 108 J I Responsible for official City records, i.e. Ordinances, REsolutions, Contracts, Building Codes, l'fueat Ridge City Code, Charters, Licensing of Liquor & Beer Establishments, Amusement Machine Devices, and Security Guards. Process Senior Citizens' Property Tax/Rent Rebates. Publish all legal notices. Secretary to City Council, i.e., attend Council Meetings, prepare Agenda Packets, write Minutes, Conduct Elections, Register Voters. DEPARTMENT DIVISION N/A CITY CLERK I f->f~OGRAM OESeRIPTlmi AND PURPOSE 1- r fSTATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. r 2. 3. 4. r 5. r r r r r r r . r , ! I , ,- i i ,-;- Keep files & index up to date. Work \Jith Departments on Archival "Retention" of records. Continue up-to-date microfilming to make records more accessible. Promotp public confidence in municipal government through efficient update and c,ntrol of permanent records. Keep citizenry informed of City Council actions through publication of legal DOL) ces. = 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET I BUDGET HISTORY ACTUAL REVISED ES TII.-1ATE i BUDGET 1982 \ PERSONAL SERVICES 37,751 43,332 42,562 52,213 --i I OPERATING EXPENSES 58,356 65,375 65,500 66,350 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,331 LLJ 125 1,150 97,444 , 108,832 108,187 119,713 , - - := NUMBER OF PERMi\NENT EMPLOYEES 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST 1,000 1,500 1,000 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE .i . '-. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISIOr~ 01-108 City Clerk N/A - CLASSIFICATION NO. EMPLOYE~S GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 FULL TIME Ci ty Cl erk (Elective) - - - 18,600 - Deputy City Clerk 1 1 1 6 15,648 - Secretary .5 .5 .5 3 6,863 -. TOTAL 41,111 -I I - TEMPORARY PERSON~EL 1,500 - CONTRACTUAL PERSONNEL 1,000 I - l I I l OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 8,602 l l , TOTJ'.!..S 1.5 1.5 1.5 ~2,213 l COMMENTS No change in staffing. 1 . 1 . I ANNUf\L BUDG=r PAGE 16 CITY OF WhEAT RIDGE --:=:::=--------=--=---=-==---=--=--=--::: ^ r ~ N U ^ Leu DC CT -- T T f'^<!I~JL_ SUMMAftY 01 Of'L"ATII~G EXP[NOITUnCS (CiulI 1[)u'^li-'iXL-'~ll 01 - GENERAL CrTY CLERK T _~o~_="-,~-=~_~=~~=_,~-,~~=====~=~=-.----- orlJl'CT COlJL T T, 602 T 610 T 617 T T 619 620 621 622 630 r 1 T 651 T 702 T 706 I:XI-rr,:;[ IUM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-108-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages Overtime Pay City Temporary Personnel Contractual Temporary Personnel FICA Expense Employer Workmen's Compensation Health, Life, and Dental Insurance Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-108-00-00-650) Office Suppl~~s, Printing & Postage OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 101-10d-OO-OO~700) Conference & Meeting Expense International Institute of Municipal Clerks ($1,000) CML, Miscellaneous Dues, Books & Subscriptions T 708 Election Expense 714 Legals & Publishing T 715 Recording Fees f r _IUj~~_~~~~ 1980 f\nUAL 32,460 36 -0- 726 1,992 28 1,473 1,036 4,286 1,332 82- -0- 6,464 469 1 gfl1 ~FVlc;rn nll~)(~U ____{A~~~0:, 1 1981 19B? ES TJ I ~,~] [: r:~iWOS 34,776 150 1,000 1,50'1 2,290 j 49 l 2,203 I 1,364 I 5,500 1,500 300 4;000 6,000 2,000 34,776 41,111 100 150 1,000 1,000 2,200 22 2,100 1,364 5,000 1,500 300 4,500 5,500 1,500 1,5'00 1,000 2,865 -0- 3,943 1,644 5,500 1,600 300 -0- 6,000 2,000 f'M;r --::::=:------:-.=--=-===-::::=:--== ^ r ~ l'-J U ^ Leu 0 GET -. SUMMMIY 01 Of'L1IATIHG r:XI'L:NDITUIlCS --,- 1-- ,_____u._ m' I U1IlJ lJU'^1II I,'un 01 - GENERAL C:TY CLERK -=~=-=,;:::-'==--:.....:.:.:...-==-=--::..:...=- :=.-":=-=~~-=':-~-':-==---=~r. _. ,----- UIVI:"lUII N/A -- _ ... -- --- ---- -~_.- rCC~;J~' T ~ OlIJfTr <-OU[ [XP[f,~( 11 [M 72E Training & Safety 74C Auto Mileage Rei_mbursement 75 ( Pro f e s s ion a 1 S e r. v ice s Ordinance Codification 758 Rentals & Leases 75S Telephone Expense 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 79'C. Tax RebaLe/Sr. Citizen 1980 M:TUA'- 191\1 RFVTSFn EUDGET 1981 19R. ESTIr~i\T::: Ft\nroS': 165 -0- -0- - - 190 250 250 3 ) - 6,585' 6,600 6,000 6,60 (J . - 404 375 .300 40 0 21 50 I 50 ) I - , 338 1,700 I 2,000 2,50 ') 38,157 37,000 38,500 41,0 (TO 27 100 100 l' 799 Miscellaneous Services & Chargc~ CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-108-00-00-800) 802 Office Furniture & Equipment Time/Date Stamp City Seal Stam p Digital Display Advocate TOTALS , 1,337 125 125 1 , 150 300 350 500 97,444 108,832 108,187119,7r-:l ANNUAL BUDGET PI\Gt. 19 ! II 11 i II PROGnAM DESCRIPTion AND PURPOSE BUDGET SUMMARY ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION N/A 109 MUNICIPAL COURT iT The Municipal Court is prescribed by Colorado Statute and by the City Charter. The mission of the Court is to conduct a fair and impartial forum as required by la",. r T STATEMEiH OF GO,L\LS AND OBJECTIVES 1. T 2. T 3. IT iT 1\ Ir Ir I I- II r Our Goals and Objectives remain the same, to conduct a fair and impartial forum and to interpret the law. Under the probation functions of the Court we attempt to prevent recidivism among the defendants who are guilty of violating the law. The CCt1~t attempts to promote and encourage safe and defensive driving through its "Traffic Safety Program". . r BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET I ACTUAL REVISED ESTIMATE I 8L1DG~f"T 1982 I PERSONAL SERVICES 68,920 68,804 65,992 72,524 I OPERATING EXPENSES 7,76l, , r 8,700 8,700 8,335 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 693 250 222 /00 -I 77,377 77 ,754 74,914 -, 81,059 I , j NUMOER OF PERMANENT - EMPLOYEES 2.75 2 2 2 r TEMPORARY lMPLOYEES COST 700 700 1,500 .. , . CITY OF WHEAf RIDGE <l PAGE 20 ANNUAL 3UDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT 01-109 DEPARTMENT :lunici pal Court DIVISION N/A CLASSIFICAT ION NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 FULL TIME Chief Court Clerk 1 1 1 9 21 ,396 - Deputy Court Clerk II 1 1 1 4 16,770 - Deputy Court Clerk I .75 0 0 -0- I TOT AL 38,166 ! - I - - TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 1,500 I CONTRACTUAL PERSONNEL 25,392 - - . - - OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 7,466 l l TOTALS 2.75 2 2 72 ,524 l COMMENTS No change in staffing. l - l ~ .- - I 1 I ! I I I CITY OF \dHt:.AT RIDGr:.. T r -----:::::::---===:::= ^ r ~ N U ^ Leu 0 G CT -- PM,!" 21 SUMMM1Y 01 Or'L11ATItJG EXI'UJDITUnES IUIJ{) IOil'^ii-I-IXLI~-l IUiVI:'\-\;ll IAccou:n r ~~=__~_l=:=~~~!!~_L__,=___M_~_~!..c~!-~_~_ CO_~~T=r--=~~,.u____~!A.==--=_~__ 109 OfIJ'-Cl (:OU[ T [xrrIlS[ IT [M 1980 IICTUAL 19m RFvISFn ElI[)C[,T - 1981 19R? [STJ'~/n:-: r:\:1ro~' PERSONAL SERVICES (01-109-00-00-600) Overtime Pay 40,895 -0- T 602 Salaries & Wages 610 -0- 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 22,663 Contractual Temporary Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Bail iff Probat1on Officer Personnel 10,272 6,420 1,500 7,?00 2,507 620. FICA Expense Employer 59 621 Workmen's Compensation 2,022 622 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 7711 630 Retirement Expense . MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-109-00-00-b~0) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 2,663 1,347 660 Operating Supplies Traffic School Wor k Boo ks Ship Charges Film Lease Other rl rI 525 60 450 200 '. 36,928 34,449 38,166 800 500 500 700 700 1,500 24,1'].-. 24,192 25,392 I j 2,55'1.1 2,557 2,691 601 27 -0- 2,089 2,089 2,776 1,478 1,478 1,499 2,200 1,900 2,200 3,000 1,235 1,900 ----:::.:::::::: ^ r ~ N U ^ Leu D GET -' I' AI; r '>? SUMMMIY 01' Of'Ll\^TIIJG [XI'LNDITUIlCS ,'UN!) !OLf'fiil'i/TUil 01 - GENERAL MU~ICIPAL COURT _-::;-~-:::;-:;- =_-='~=~--=:;;;'A~':::--_-==-"::;::~-=----==-":"-'-:"==...-__"' ,JjjVI0"OU ____ N/ A l}~~:'T ~--=-- ---- OflJICT (;OU( [XIV':'!: H(M 1980 MTllfl\_ 19111 RrVIsr:n GIlDen , 1981 19R FSTW/'.lT r:wro~_ OTHER CHARGES AN) SERVICES (01-109-00-00-700) - . 702 Conference & Meeting Expense -0- 300 300 3c 706 Dues, Books & Suoscriptions 81 150 150 150 732 Witness & Juror Fees 855 -0- -0- ::-0 - 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 88 600 600 600 750 Professional Serv ices 2,305 2,450 2,450 2,45-0- Court Steno 1, <: 50 Dr i v er Training 1,~00 759 Telephone Expense -0- 200 200 50 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 379 46 700 700 50 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 200 200 50 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-109-00-00-800) . 802 Office Furniture & Equipment Legal Size File 200 693 250 222 :20 TOTAL 77,377 77,754 74,914 81,05 ANNUAL [~UDGET BUDGET SUMMARY J i I T ACCOUNT U5 DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ['RGGRAM DESCRIPTiOn At:1D PURPOSE .'Abt L3 . DIVISION ADHINIST1V\TION r To provide adJ::1inistrative support to the City Administrator including budget administration and to coordinate the Personnel, Purchasing and Building Maintenance Division. fSTATEMENT OF GOALS A~W OBJECTIVES 1. Evaluate the City's financial condition a. Analyze the City revenues and expenditures. b. Analyze the City's ability to meet expenditure obligations, i.e., operating expenses, reserves, debt and other long term liabilities. c. Analyze the condition and long term financial needs of the capital plant-streets, buildings and equipment. d. Identify and evaluate comrlUni ty 1weds and resources ,vi th regards to tax base and economic and demographic ct1racteristics. 2. Develop and recommend financial options for future budget planning. 3. Develop alternative approaches for capitJl improvement budgeting. a. Usini~ financial condition conclusions, provide for long-term budtceting. b. Establish capital equipment roplacement fund. 4. Support the goal of each division in th~ ~epartment of timely and effective service to employees and other departments. f r r r r r r r r 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET 1 r BUDGET HISTORY I REVISED 1 ACTUAL ESTIMATE I I BUDGET 198? , PERSONAL SERVICES 34,372 38,545 38,420 42,t,53 r OPERATING EXPENSES 1,741 2,575 2,325 2,875 ! CAPITAL OUTLAY 864 0 -()- -0- 36,977 41,120 4(),745 45,328 , r NUMBER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 , , r TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST ..0- -0- .-{)- -0- ~' - ,..., CITY OF WHEAT RID"E :i " -. ~ - PEI~S' ,:~EL SCHEDULE ,. ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01- 115 Administrative Services Administration CLASSIFICAT ION NO EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 AN~q BUDGr."T PI\GE 24 1 I I " FULL THtE Director of Administrative Services 1 1 1 Senior Secretary .5 .5 .5 5 28,872 7,044 35,916 I -I TOTAL OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 6,537 l l l l -1 TOTALS COMMENTS 1.5 1.5 1.5 42,453 Senior Secretary is shared on a half-time basis with Personnel Division. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE n-- n onllCT CUUC I'M;[ ')5 ----- - .---'=.- ----- ^ r ~ N U ^ Leu DC ET -- SUMrv'lMIY or Of>L1I^TIfJG [XI'I:NDITUf1CS [XP[I/:[ 11 [M ^CTUM. ESTI",',Tr r~oros~ rTJT:iij ICill'AiI-itXl.Tii r5iV1:'iUll AcC6Lj~<l . n~~~=_~2',o=_::~E~~L_.,:~_!D~_I_N I~_~RA_~I~_~ :;~_V~~_E_~_ _ __~~t~IN_~~~~~_~~_~__I~~__ - 1980 19n1 1981 19R? Rrvrsrn nLlDCU I PERSONAL SERVICES n (01-115-00-00-600) 602 Salaries & Wages n 603 n n n n n n n n n 604 610 620 621 622 630 651 660 702 706 759 n 776 n 799 n Longevity Pay Deferred Compensation Overtl"',~ Pay FICA Expense Employer Workmen's Compensation 30, 306 32,623 32, 623 5,916 76 132 132 -0- 40 1,038 1,038 1 , 155 -0- 200 100 200 1,862 2,188 2,188 2,420 19 43 18 -0- 1,826 2,050 2,050 2,702 243 271 271 60 Health. Llfe and Dental Insurance Retiremert Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-115-00-00-650) Office Suppl~es, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies OTHER CHARGES AND SERViCES (01-115-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting 'Expense Municipal Finance Officers' Association ($1,000) CML, other Dues, Books & Subscriptions Il~ I~-. :t~_'< 1......''''( Telephone Expense Other Equipment Maintenance Miscellaneous Services & Charges 224 1 300 225 50 300 '00 100 953 1,600 1,300 1,300 397 128 .400 400 400 200 175 75 200 -0- 75 75 38 100 200 200 -====::--.-----.=--=--==--=--==--== ^ f ~ N U ^ Leu 0 G CT -. ,'^(;r 2 SUMf..MflY 01 0f'L11ATUJG [XI'[NDITUnCS r'll-l-j(J ICill'A-ii-iiXLlii lOiV':-IlJ'1 01 - GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE S_~.RV!CE~._.. __A~MIN_~~TRATIO~ -'--:::-=.:~.=--=:=-_-:..:.;::~--=.=..-::.:...=-:.=--.....:-....::::-~-=---=-~- --- --- - '.,...- ODJrCT (.OU( 1980 [XI'[lIS[ 11 [M f\CTUM_ CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-115-00-00-800) 802 Office Furniture & Equipment 864 TOTALS 36,977 19m Rf:Vlsr:n fill [V; [T -0- 41,120 _rC~~~I~~~~ - 1981 19R ESTlni\lT P'\liI'OS -0- -0- (0,745 i 45,32<7 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY I-'Abt 27 ! ~ r ACCOUNT 116 DEPARTMENT ADHINISTMTIVE SERVICES DIVISION PURCIIAS ING F :>r~OGR!\M DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE r r To utilize standardized and accepted purchasing practices in the procure~ent of ~ateria1s and services for use by City departments in a timely, efficient and economical manner, to contract for City improvements and to provide the City with adequate insurance coverages. r-STATEMENT O~ GOr"LS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To improve the City's purchasing procedures by issuing an updated and revised Purchasing ~anual. r To expend the central office supply warehouse to include a wider variety of co~.only used items in an effort to reduce the overall cost of such sUPDlies to City departments. I 3. To encoura?e the use of Colorado State Contracts and awards, Federal (C::<\) price schedules and to participate in cooperative purchasing efforts with orher government entities. r r r r 8. r r r r I \ I L~ 2. 4. To continuously monitor the City's insurance program to insure economical and compre- hensive cov2rage and to join a self-insurance program. 5. To process, evaluate and present bid packay,es. 6. To develop new sources of supply and maintain successful and ethical lelationships with vendors. 7. To insure the purchase of the necessary quantity of supplies and mater~dls at the best cost to the City and in the most ti~ely and efficient manner possible. To encourage purchasing from 1fueat Ridge merchants and contractors. BUDGET 1980 ACTUAL 3l, 803 1,3R9 -0- 36,192 , I 1 I 1981 REVIS.@ BUDGt-T 1981 ESTIMATE I BUDGET 1902 47.273 2,000 -u- 49,273 HISTORY 60'lO~9 39,738 3,475 -0- 43,213 PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,500 -0- 43,5R9 NUMBER OF PEnMANENT EMPLOYEES 2 2 2 2 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST -0- -0- -0- -0- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - -- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01- 116 Administrative Services Purchasing -' CLASSIFICATION NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 I FULL TIME 1 1 1 13 22,949 - Purchasing Agent Purchasing Clerk 1 1 1 4 16,551 - TOTAL 39,500 - i I - - - - - I OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 7,773 -I l TOTALS 2 2 2 47,273 l COMMENTS No change in staffing. l l ~ I ANNUAL BUDGET '1 PAGE ?f\ _ r.nv n!= V,/I-L- AT Pltl~r,::' r,::=------.- 11-----.-- ----.= ^r~NU^L eUDGET-' r SUMMM1Y 01 OPLI1^TlfJG EXI'[NOITUnCS ,TiN!) Ir:>L' 'AI l'I'iXCfl'j IUiV,:"IU'11 r ~= ~2__=_~~N_E_~~~ __,=_~~_~~N ~~_~RA TIV~._ ~E.R V_I C E_~__. ___ _~U ~_~~A SING _ onJICT [Xf'W5[ IHM 1980 1 C)!\l T WLJ[ RFV r SF:n ^CTtlM_ EllDCD r f 651 652 T 660 T 702 T 706 T 728 740 T 759 776 T 799 f r PERSONAL SERVICES (01-116-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 30,255 264 Longevity Pay FICA ExpE'nse Employer 1,871 Workmp~'s Compensation 19 Heal th t, Li fe Insur ance . 1,474 Retirement Expense 920 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-116~bo-00-650) Office S~~plies, Printing & Postage 392 339 Central ~tores Credit Operating Supplies 51 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-116-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting Expense 90 228 13 -0- Dues, Books & Subscriptions Training & Safety Auto Mileage Reimbursement Telephone Expense 39 Other Equipment Maintenance 204 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 33 * Central Stores Purchases - This account is a revolving fund--charges are made to departments as supplies are issued to them.. 33,912 420 2,284 44 2,562 867 7,500 (5,000) 100 200 250 -0- 50 .100 250 50 II .:I "M;r 29 _rc~~~:< ~_ - 1981 19R? [STl'i/\TE r!\opos' 33,912 42 () 2,28LI 2,500 600 7,500 (5,000) 100 200 250 -0- 250 50 22 75 50 39,500 219 2,661 -0- 3,313 1,580 6,000 (5,000 100 200 250 -0- 75 75 250 50 111"\ ""Irp, ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY t-'Abt. 30 .. T ,T ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT I 117 AmlINISTRATIVE SERVICES .r== , , , - 'fJROGR/\M DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE DIVISION PERSON"NEL 1 If To provide a comurehensive personnel system and nrogram, based on werit nrinciuals and equal employment onportunity which meets the co~unity's goals of efficient govern- mental operations. To insure a municipal building communication system which responds to co~unity needs. !T STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES , ',- 1. To hire employees who meet the needs of the departments and the City, at the same T time following EEOC and affirmative action guidelines. 2. To develop, implement, and maintain a pay plan and fringe benefit package which fairly and equitably compensates employees. T 3. To develop and implement training proprams which aid in the development of employees. 4. To reduce turnover, increase productivity, and increase morale of Cicj employees. 5. To serve the needs of 140 employees and their dependents with their mc'dical and dental insurance. T T If I f r r BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET i r ACTUAL REVIS!tD ESTIMATE I BUOG-T 1932 I PERSONAL SERVICES 48.167 43,490 42,308 49.074 , r OPERATING EXPENSES 18,775 32,613 30,150 31,375 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 864 -0- -0- -o- j 67,806 76,103 72,458 80,449 1 r , NUM8ER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES 3.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 r TEMPORARY ~MPLOYEES COST -0- -0- -0- -0- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PN,:;t 31 ~ - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE - ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01- 117 Administrative Services Personne 1 - NO. EMPLOYECS I CLASSIFICAT;ON GRADE I BUDGET -I BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 - FULL T It~E Personne 1 Offi cer 1 1 1 12 21 ,014 - Senior Secretary .5 .5 .5 5 7,044 -0- - Secretary 1 0 0 Switchboard Operator 1 1 1 1 11 ,640 - TOTAL 39,698 I - - CONTRACTUAL PERSONNEL 2,000 I l l . l OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 7,376 1 l TOTALS 3.5 2.5 2.5 49,074 l COMMENTS I The Senior Secretary is shared on a half-time basis with the Administrative Division. l 1 I AN~IUAL 3UDGET CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r -::=:=::-------- ---==--== ^ f ~ N U ^ LeU D GET -- SlJMMAflYOr OC'lIIATIIHi [XI'CNDITUIlCS r (UIJI) , JU'AII-ii.tI_.,-il IIJIV/:..iUIj f ~~_.~.1 ~o=~.~~~E_~~J=~~:~1~~~~~~_~ T~VE~~;.~!;:_CES :;_R~~N~~~ onJICT [:y.r["~[ nCM 1980 r (:OU( ^ClUM. 602 T 603 610 619 620 621 622 623 630 PERSONAL SERVICES (01-117-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 41 , 946 Longevity Pay 120 Overtime Pay -0- Contractual Temporary Personnel 841 FICA Expense Employer 2,579 48 Workmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insurancl; 1,704 490 439 Unemployment Insurance Retirement Expense MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES (01-117-00-0~-650) 651 Office Suppli-es, Printing & Postage 9,594 -0- 660 Operating Supplies 702 706 724 726 7~' .~ 740 II OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-117-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting E~pense 147 60 Dues, Books & Subscrip\ions ...v..r-? J..;l:~'v....'-.A.-"'J"''- ~l........v"" l'- '\1. f1edical Services 310 2,338 1,832 46 Recruitment & Advertising Training & Safety Auto Mileage Reimbursement 19f\l RFV1<;rD [)[IDe; 1'1 34,905 132 200 2,000 2,357 68 2,738 -0- 1,090 9,913 100 200 175 1,500 4,000 10,000 150 Iw;r 32 _lAc~~~:n - 1981 1987 ESTIi?,F p~\,1rO: 34,905 136 -0- 1,500 2,357 18 2,423 -0- 969 7,500 100 200 150 1,500 3,500 10,000 75 39,69' -0- . 20l 2,00C 2,67) -0- 3,487 -0- 1 ,016 8',000 100 300 175 2,000 4,000 5,000 100 ^r~NU^L CUDCET-- SUM MArtY 01' 0f'L11ATltW r:X"[NDITUnC$ ..- -.- I'-:(~~J I uli f> liJ-LI'/01-'i'~L-iir I'JiVI~il'-ll J'\CCOU:7j _~_~ _1,~_:__~~ NE~~:___,=~~~ I~IS T ~_~~I_VE ~_:~~:_~_C_E-=_ _~___P~R S~~~E L, _______~~_ ~ _~~ OflJrCT tout 1980 ACTlJJ\L [Xrel/SE HEM 750 Professional Services 4,138 . 758 Rentals & Leases 759 Telephone Expense 89 95 71 55 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 799 Misce11a~0ous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-115-00-00-800) 802 Office Furniture & Equipment 864 TOTALS 67,806 1 <Jill RFvrSFn GUDGEl - 1981 19R. ESTr~^lE rR~PO~ 6,000 6,700 11 ,0 100 100 1 - J 250 150 100 75 75 3 ) 150 150 100 -0- -0- -' 76,103 72,458 80,4/1'! ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY t-'Allt. l4 r ACCOUNT 118 DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION BUILDING HAINTENAo'lCE I PROGRAM DESCRiPTION MiD PURPOSE r luintain the Municipal Building structure and equipment and provide custodial service for all departments. r r STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Perform systematic preventative maintenance on Municipal Building environmental control equipment. r Minimize the effect of utility rate increases by effective use of buildinf, environ- mental controls. r 3. Provide reZLlar and thorough custodial service. 2. 4. Increase IIse of in-house personnel for building repairs and modificat;i-ons. r r r r r r r ~ BUDGET 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET I HISTORY ACTUAL REVISED ESTIMATE I FJUn(;"T 1<:,82 , I PERSONAL SERVICES 38,988 39,017 38,225 44,3L,4 ! OPERATING EXPENSES 24,226 27,OUO 26,500 18,700 I CAPITAL OUTU\y -0- -0- -()- -0- I 63,214 6n ,017 6L,,725 63,044 I NUMBCR OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES 2.5 2 2 2 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST I -0- -0- -0- -0- r r r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PAGE 35 ANt,!UAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT 01-118 DEPARTMENT Administrative Services DIVISION Building Maintenance CLASSIFICAT ION NO. E'1PLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 19B? , FULL TH1E Building Maintenance - Supervisor 1 1 1 14 25,490 I Building Custodian 1.5 1 1 1 11 ,640 I -, I TOT AL 37,130 I - , - - - I l 1 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 7,214 l l TOTALS 2.5 2 2 44,344 l COMMENTS No change in staffing. l 1 - 1 CITY OF WHr- .~T R1DGt_ ----------------^f11'-'U^L CUDC'f::T-- -- --------,---. \j \J \ L.:. T SUMMMIY 01 Of'LIlATIIW [XI'[NDITU!1CS _!.'.^~:(:-36 l ~rC!~t 1 (l:TI-j(J l')-L1'^II-(i;,-L-I~ir IIJiVGlUl1 r =~~__c_~_1~::~_~~NE_~~~__L=^!~2~~:S_T=~_~ TI_~E:_~~_~!.~I_C E~_ _~ u~_~_I ~DI ~_~_ orlJlCT 1980 CO[)[ [XPfll:;C 11 [M ACTUAL MAINTENANCE 19f\l RrVJ<;Fn nLllJ C; r:T - 1981 19R? T ESTJi~l\lT rr.>,wc;s PERSONAL SERVICES r (01-118-00-00-600) 602 Salaries & Wages T 610 Overtime Pay T 620 FICA Expense Employer 621 Workmen's Compensation -T 622 Health, Li fe and De n tal InsurancE: 623 Unemploy'nent Ins ur anc e T 630_ T T T T T Retirement Expense 33, 950 32, 430 32,430 37, 130 -0- 200 100 200 2,081 2, 164 2, 164 2,501 135 838 146 -0- 1,610 2,087 2,087 3,280 350 -0- -0- -0- 862 1,298 1,298 1,233 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 101-11b-00-OO-6~0) 660 Operating Supplies 3,810 6,000 5,200 6,000 OTHER SERVICfS AND CHARGES (01-118-00-00-700) 704 Contractual Services 9,800 10,536 80 17,500 17,000 8,400 774 Facility Repair & Maintenance 3,000 4,000 4,000 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 500 300 300 TOTAL 63,214 66,017 64,725 63,044 T T r , I t-'/\Gt. 3/ ANNUAL BUDGET "I J BUDGET SUMMARY r r ACCOUNT 120 DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPHENT DIVISION ADMINISTRATioN r PROGRAM DESCR1PT10i~ Arm PURPOSE .r I r STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES t Goal: Compatible Economic Development for Sound City BudRet; Continue to promote and develop ~ r-the cOllUJ1ercial activity centers and commercial nodes that are designated on the Conprehensive Development Plan to achieve maximum sales tax revenues with good urban design. Objective a. Use tax increment financing through the Urban Renewal Authority to construct the public portion of the Hadsworth Tmm Center. Provide staff services to the Authority. Objective b. Vs~ a Special Improvement District to facilitate the private improvenents for the Hadsworj h T01m Cen ter. Objective c. Hork to achieve coordinated development of a shopping center east of Kipling between 44th pvenue and 1-70 in the Kipling Activity Center. Objective d. T:'ork to solve the se\>Jage treatment problems of special districts along Clear Creek so that optimum developnent can occur in all of the Kipling Activit:, Center and the r Multiple "and use area north of 1-70 and Kipling. I Goal: Imorove r'tcrgovernmental Relations. Improve relations with adjacent cities, counties, I special districts, regional, state and federal agencies. i Objective a. Participate in the comprehensive planning activities of DRCOG. If Objective b. ;Jork with special districts to solve water and sanitary sewer problems. i Goal' Positive Climate for Pride in City. Improve ordinances, policies and procedures so they stimulate people to care for and develop their property to produce a positive impact on , f1,fueat Ridge. Objective a. I i enforcement. r- Objective b. lout policies The Community Development Department assists the City in its development and redevelop- ment to reach the goals of the cOll1l1',unity as formally stated through the COI>:preh,~nsive Development plan. The Department protects the health and safety of the City through requiring proper building construction, the demolition of unsafe buildings and the enforcement of trash and litter ordinances. r r Achieve a positive balance between self help programs and strong code Increase the level of voluntary compliance. Improve zoning ordinance so it is easier to complete deve10pnents that of the Comprehensive Plan. carry Ir BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET j ACTUAL REVISED ESTIMATE , ClUDGr"T 1982 , PERSONAL SERVICES 41,570 51,517 49, SOL, ------< 5L,,103 I OPERATING EXPENSES 2,550 3,500 3,075 3,650 I , CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 44,120 'i5,Oll 52,579 57,753 - , NUMBER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES . COST 1,500 1,500 2,000 I IF- i! i - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE :J ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDUl.E - .._--_...._-- PAGE ~R ACCOUNT 01-120 DEPARTMENT Community Development DIVISION Administration CL/l.SSIFICAT ION NO. EMPLOYE::S GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 FULL TH1E Director of Community Development 1 Senior Secretary .5 .5 .5 5 36,036 7,8f!l 43,878 TOT AL TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 2,000 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 8,225 l l , TOTALS 1.5 1.5 1.5 54,103 COMMENTS J 1 No change in staffing. Senior Secretary is shared on a half time basis with Planning -1 & Zoning Division. 1 CITY OF WHEAT RiDCE T ---- ^r~NU^L CUDGET-- PAG[ 39 SUMMMtY or OPUlkflNG eX/,[NDITUnCS T I~~:~!_- ~~_N~j~t:~rl~~~~:~~:l;TY DEVELO P ['1ENT ,---- UIVI:"IOII __ . !,D!'yn?_~RATION IACCOU:~ T 120 onJICT T [out T 602 1 604 'T 610 617 1 619 620 1 621 1 622 630 1 1 651 1 660 1 1 1 1 1 ._-~--- ----. EXf'~"S[ 11 EM 1980 MTUfIl. . 1981 19R? EST H~/'\TE rROf'OS[' 19m RFVISFD [JUDeLY PERSONAL SERVICES (01-120-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 36,438 40,596 40,596 l3,878 -0- 1,338 1,338 1, 442 302 1,000 1, 000 1,000 -0- 1,500 1,500 2,000 -0- 2,000 -0- -0- 2,019 2,866 1.2,866 2,857 37 52 -0- ; 39 1,316 1,900 I, ,900 2,612 1,458 265 265 314 Deferred Compensation Overtime Pay City Temporary Personnel Contractual Temporary personnel FICA Experse Employer Workmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insurance Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-120-00-00-650) Office Supplies, printing and Postage 246 700 600 550 operating Supplies 38 50 50 50 . ----=---=--:--::: ^r~NU^L eUOCCT-- I'M;!" 40_ J A DEVELOP11ENT 16iVI:'~~lt~IN ISTRA nON r'-CC~~~- "- ;.::----" -- ...----- . ..-.-.--.- ._----~---~~-- ---.- 1980 191\1 1981 19R, RFV!SFf1 !lCTU/I.L {\lIDC;U fSTJi',',Tf" P:\~H'OC' SUMMAflY 01 Of'L1\A'flfW EXPUWITU[\[S IU"U IULI'fllll r.1L111 01 - GENERAL COMMUNITY ~=-=-=-.:::;==.;=~===~-~ .~ -- - -- OflJI'Cr cout [XPEIl:;[ n [M OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-120-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 1,089 American Planning Association ($1,00 ) CML, Miscellaneous 1,300 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 405 425 -0- 728 Training & Safety 26 740 Auto'Mileage Reimbursement 53 75 759 Telepholic Expense 103 200 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 471 550 200 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 119 TOT ALS 44, 120 55,017 1,300 1,601T 425 425 -0- -0 50 150 7r: 20u 400 50C 150 200 52,579 57,7: '> . I ~ ' i ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY r r ACCOUNT 121 [ DEPARTMENT COMMUNI1? DEVELOPMENT DIVISION PLANNING & ZONING . r PROGRAM DESCR1PTlm~ AND PURPOSE r The Long Range ~ection provides research, analysis, and reoorts on various projects to implement the Comprehersive Development Plan, and assist in citizen particioation in planning acti vi ties including the Mass Transi t Committee, the City Chamber Coordinating Committee and the Community Development Committee of Council. Short Range Section supports the Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment by providing information for processing land use cases. r rSTATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal: Insure that the City has an adequate Tax Base and other sources of revenue to meet its fiscal needs. r Objective: Emphasize (,conomic development and redevelop~ent within commercial centers and existing deteriorated commercial areas. Goal: Insure that the Comprehensive Development Plan services as a meaningful guide for ',r decision making. . Objective a. Continue the revie~v and update of the Comprehensive DeveloPTT1ent Plan for i the major centers; Commercial, Industrial, and Multi-Use; Ir Objective b. Assess the effectiveness of the existing land use categories and consider alternatives and/or additions. . Goal: Provine support to the Planning CommissJon, Board of Adj ust~ent, and Ci ty Council, and high quality of service to the oublic. r Objective a. Improve staff reports by providing more detail information and clarity. Objective b. Continue to make ~inor revis;l'ns to the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision I Regulations to make them easier to under" and, more in concert ~lith the Comprehensive I r Plan and economic development objectives, a.'<1 easier to administer and enforce. r " , r BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 19BI I BUDGET '''1 . ACTUAL REVISED ESTIMATE I I G U 0 G TT 1982 i PERSONAL SERVICES 108,116 109,156 108,314 120.386 I I OPERATING EXPENSES 16,255 77.000 21,580 10,350 I , CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,570 170 170 925 125,941 131,326 130,064 131. 661 r NUMBER OF PERMANENT 6 EMPLOYEES 5.5 4.75 4.5 I I TEMPORARY LMPLOYEES COST 10,200 8,139 - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDG!:.. ACCOUNT 01-121 ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT Community Development PA,GE 42 l I DIVISION Planning & Zoning CLASSIFICAT ION NO EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 FULL TmE Chief of Planning 1 1 1 18 30,392 -I Planner II 1 1 1 12 21 ,195 Planner I 1 1 1 10 17,970 l Planning Technician 1 1 1 8 16,306 i l Planning Dr2fting Technician 1 1 0 -0- I Senior Secret2.ry .5 .5 .5 5 7,842 -I Clerk Typist .5 0 0 -O- r j Planning IntE"'r. .5 0 0 -0- I TOT AL 93,705 I - TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 8,139 - - OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 18,542 l I l TOTALS 6.5 5.5 4.5 120,386 l COMMENTS , Senior Secretary is shared on a half-time basis with Administration. The Planning Drafting _! Technician position has been eliminated i n 1 982 . -- , · _1 I CITY OF \41 FAT RlfJGF I'M.t" 43 ---------------- Af"NUAL CUOCCT-- .--- ----- ----. \J \ r SUMMMIY or Of'L1\^TII~G [XI'l:NDITUI1CS (TiiJiJ Ili-r.:j'^i\-iiXLl'il IIJtVI:-IUIJ _=,_ o~__,:=,~_:~~~~__.___ cor~M_~N I~Y DEV~~O~:~NT_ _P_L~NN~N_~__AN~ ZONING __r~~~LJ:< 1 onJ (C T COUC 602 604 610 617 n 620 ! 621 I -n 622 I n 623 . 630 . I n [Xr-[Il~[ 11 [M 1980 ACTUAL " 1981 lSR? 1qfll RFVTSF:n GlIll,;r:r Er;TW/ilT rf'~r)c~' PERSONAL ~ERVICES (01-121-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 94,698 82,839 82,839 93,705 -0- 1,022 1,022 1 ,216 1,668 2,000 2,000 2,0-00 -0- 8,700 8,700 8,139 6,010 6,491 6,491 6,958 (8 ) 130 130 -0- 3,761 5,342 4,500 6,704 647 -0- -0- -0- 1,340 2,632 2,632 1,664 Deferred Compensation Over time Pay City TpNporary Personnel FICA EXp~nse Employer Workmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insurance Unemployment Insurance Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES T01-121-00-0Q-650) '651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 8,000 6,5'00 7,909 1,908 7,500 2,200 660 Operating Supplies I ~ n n n II 2,500 2,000 -==--==:------------= ^r~NU^L CUOCCT-- SUMMAflY 01' 01'L11ATltJG [XI'UJDlTUflCS r-CJIJtJ IOiI'AII-I-ii-LfiT IUiV I:;tC;1J =_=__~_1~_~=~::~_:_R_~L__ :c__~ot1~ ~N I_T_~_ ~~_~~L~pr1~NT on _ _~~~NN_I_N G ---.- - I'M;[' 4' AND ZONING H ,__f~~iou:n ~ onJICT caue 19BO AClllrd 19m RFVISED [HIIJ(;U 1981 19[\( [XPCIl,C 11 CM - ESTHii\n: PQt)r'C's~ OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-121-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 2,988 270 600 238 400 400 110 -0- -0- 236 35\l 300 2,675 10,000 10,000 183 350 450 8 130 130 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 728 Training & Safety 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 750 Profe0sional Services 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 792 Miscellaneous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-121-00-00-800) 802 Office Furniture & Equipment Desk 200 Boo kc a se 225 .. Fil e 500 1,351 170 170 808 Vehicular Equipment 219 -0- -0- 60 400 --0_ 3<;- -0-:' 4C 100 92_ -0 TOTALS 125,941 131,326 130,064 131,6L I-'t\ht- ~r: j . ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY P~\ be 4S . ~ r r ACCOUNT 122 DEPARTMENT COM}WNITY DEVELOPlffiNT DIVISION BUILDING INSPECTION I PROGRi\M DESCRIPTION i\ND PURPOSE r The Building Inspection Division is designed to safegu.ud the life, safety, property and welfare of the City through the proper interpretation and enforceflent of the Uniform Building, Hechanical, Plumbing and Fire Codes, the National Electric Code, and other referenced publications. r r STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES r He shall continue to provide the best inspection services, proper safety of the citizens' property and appurtenances and utilities through continuing education and on the job training. r The Civil Defense Plan has been completed, and we now intend to move ahead with a training program for City employees. Both the Chief Building Inspector and the Builaing Inspector work on civil defense matters. r The program to require the demolition of dangerous buildings will continue. A revolving fund of $10,000 was established in 1981 for this purpose. r r r r r r PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 425 79,752 1981 ESTIMATE 75,358 3,550 425 79,333 --; BUDGET I 1982 ---l 81.:"1 \ 3,975 -0- 85,496 r BUDGET HISTORY 1980 ACTUAL 64,732 3,560 -0- 68,292 1981 REVISfo--D 8UDG" T 75,Lf87 3, ~140 I r r- NUMBER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST -0- 500 500 500 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. P^GE 46 .:.... PERSONNEL SCHEDULE - - ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISlON 01- 122 Commun ity Deve 1 oprncnt Building Inspection CLASSIFICAT iON NO EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 198i 19E12 - FULL TIME Chief Building Inspector 1 1 1 16 30,109 -- Building Inspector 1 1 1 10 18,873 Clerk Typist 1 1 1 1 13,872 - Electrical Inspector .33 .33 .33 10 6,291 - TOTAL 69> 14 5 - 500 - TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - - - OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 11 ,1376 l l 1 TOTAlS 3.33 3.33 3.33 81.521 COMMENTS ~ No change in staffing. l , 1 I Ar'~NUAL 8UDG~T I I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE lJ Ii. n---======-===::=:-=::.:===--===-.::.::: ^ r ~ f ~ U ^ Leu 0 C ET -- I SUlVlMMIY or OPLllATlrw EXP[NDITUnCS n I'M;r 47 - .--- Ilil~l) rU,/iil-l-iXLlil rjiV~~f-~DING JA~~~U:~- n~~"~~_~--~ G~_:~~A:= ,=_~O~~U~ I~Y_~~V:~O_~:~~~_ __ _ __----------~_N-~!-E~!-I~~~-- onJ! CT COU[ [Xf'Cl/$C 11 [1.1 I 1980 ACTUAL 19111 RFVISFO [1lIDCU - 1981 19R? ESTH~i~l [ [)[)'JPOS - ^r~NU^L CUDCET.- ----- --- 1[- -.I SUMMM1Y or OPl.llATIIJG [XI'[NDITUncs rU"I) '.)L1'AlIl tOiL" 1 01 - GENERAL I COi11'lUNITY DEVELOPt1ENT _.- --"?--"- ------.- --------~~~---_._--_.. - -------- ------~_._-~-------~------. - onjlCT (.OlJ( [XP(IlSC IT CM OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-122-00-00-700) 702 Conference and Meeting Expense 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 750 Professional Services 776 Other Eq~ipment Maintenance 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-122-00-00-800) 802 Office Furni~ure & Equipment TOTALS " JI.)iV~:'~\'{DI~G INS_PEC:ION 1980 ACTUAL 927 300 21 102 138 25 -0- 68,292 19f1l RFVJSrn GlID(;U 3 270 315 50 25 I 200 i 750 130 425 79,752 "AC.r 48 _J~CffY'T 1981 ESTJ'~,\lT 250 300 50 -0- 750 200 50 425 79,333 - 198. rIIQi'O' , 300 325 50 -0- 1000 200 100 -0 85,49 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUMMArW IJAtJt. 4':J ACCOUNT 123 [ DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION CODE ElJFORCEJIENT ~ROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE To respond to the needs 0; the citizens and of the City and to cause violations to be quickly abated while applying extensive public relations. To continue to strive for a sense of pride in illieat Ridge so that fewer violations exist. STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To be able to serve the citizens of Wheat Ridge in a fast and efficient manner. 2. To strive to infom citizens of certain ordinances and codes so that fewer violations are created. - 3. To implement a more active Code Enforceme~t program so that violations can be abated and recurrences can be kept to a minimum. To vwrk closer with the courts and attorrleys so penalties are imposed for violations and citizens will be less apt to violate codes and ordinances. To provide an overall weed program to ke~p vacant lots and private property free from excessive w~eds. - 4. 5. - - I- I r r 1980 -.1 BUDGET HISTORY 1981 1981 BUDGET I ACTUAL REVISED ESTIMATE BUDGFT 1932 i PERSONAL SERVICES 30,539 37,019 ; 35,300 4/" IiJ9 I , I OPERATING EXPENSES 2 901 6,280 5,lino l: .950 r CAPITAL OUTLAY 128 -0- -0- -0- ~- 33,568 43,299 40,900 49,589 NUMBER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES 3 2 2 I ,- TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST 3,000 4,112 6,096 .~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . PAGE.5iL _ ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT 01-123 DEPARTMENT Community Development DIVISION Code Enforcement -I ) J CLASSIFICAT ION NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 I FULL TIME - Code Enforcement Officer I I 1 1 1 10 17 ,970 Code Enforcement Officer I 1 0 0 -0- - Clerk Typist I 1 1 1 1 12,565 TOTAL 30,535 - - - TEtWORARY PERSON~JEL 6,096 - - l l OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 8,008 l l TOTALS 3 2 2 44,639 1 COMMENTS A seasonal Code Enforcement Officer is budgeted in the temporary account to assist with 1 increased work load during the summer. 1 , J CITY OF WhEAT RlnGF ====::-----:------=:=-:-= ^r~NU^l CUDCET-- n SUMloJ1M1Y 01 OPLI\^TIIJG [XI'l:NDI1UnCS n rrCU~~'~lo:_G"E N EN A L J~'~~~~~;'ITY 0 -'~V~o~O P~EN! .. J'iV~"~~';. ENE.OR CE".ENT__. . _ J;;t'''~_ onJ! CT EXP[JI:;C 11["'1 1980 I 1.9fll 1981 198? COliC RFV r s!Cn flCTlIA'- ,f\liDGCT ESTl'~i'.lT P!\or'QS'. IT . 602 IT 603 IT 610 , 617 n 618 I 620 ~ 621 . I ~ 622 r 623 I 630 "Mor 51 -- ~.~-- PERSONAL SERVICES (01-123-00-00-600) Salaries & '/Jages 24,725 26,722 23,891 30,535 417 636 636 -0- 478 400 400 300 -0- 3,000 4, 112 6,096 -0- 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,564 2,060 2,060 2,575 70 215 215 -0- 1,606 1,880 1,880 2,651 1,016 -0- -0- -0- 663. 1,106 1,106 982 Longevity Pay Overtime Pay City Temporary Personnel Cour t 'Pay FICA Expense Employer Workmen's Compensation Health, Life, and Dental Insurance Unemployment Insurance Retirement Expense ". MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 101-123-00-00-600) , 651 Office Supplies, Printing, & Postage I 1,965 2,280 2,200 950 2,000 1,200 T 660 Operating Supplies l T T T r 476 1,000 '. ~ 1 -====-------- ---:::=:::= ^ r ~ N U ^ Leu D G ET -- "^<:l~...5L_ SUMrJlAflY 01 O/'LlIATItW EXI'L:NDITUflCS (l)Tj{) r-lI'^'I-ii.-1L-'~il riVi:'IOll IAccou:~ ~=__~~~~:_ ~~:~~_~~:__,=:~~J~~~I~~ DEV:.:.OP:.E_N~ _._ ... ~~~:._~_~:OJ1_~_~MEN~~~__~ -.:~__ onJI'Cl (OUC [xrrr'o( 11 CM 1980 ACTUAL 19m RFV r SF:[) GUDC[1' - 1981 19iV Esnr:nT P::O;'O' OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-123-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 241 200 100 201 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 15 150 100 150 718 Ordinance Enforcement 39 2,000 2,000 1,001_ 728 Training & Safety 1 5 100 -0- -0 740 Auto Mil eage Reimbur semen t 86 150 50 10u 776. Other Equipment ~laintenance 64 200 100 201 799 Miscellaneous Serv ic es & Charges -0- 200 100 100 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-123-00-00-800) 802 Office Furniture & Equipment 128 -0- -0- :'0- TOTALS 33,568 43,299 40,900 49,58( r'^<;r 53 --------------- ------- ^ f,l N U ^ Leu 0 G rT --- -.----------- \j I L - SUMMMIY 01 Of'LIl^TIIW r.XP[NDITUflr.S ,-OTjIJ --FU'I\I-,","iXL-'-ir IlJiVi?:il)I~ IACCOl~- 1I~-~-~~~ c-~-=~~~-~~:J~_-_-=~-_:~~ ~ __ _____=~~;~-=~~~~v_~~- ~_~~~T~_R =-~_~ __ __ ~ 124 _ OflJI CT Ey,r[IIS[ I1(M 1980 I 191\1 1981 19R? (oue RFvrsrn ^CTlJAL ! BlID,;U [STW/\l F PROPOS' n. . 610 n 61'( I n n 799 I n I I n PERSONAL SERVICES (01-506-00-00-600) Overtime & Premium Pay -0- 2,000 2,000 2,000 City Temporary Personnel -0- 3,000 3,000 3,000 OTHER SErVICES AND CHARGES -( 0 1 - 3 0 G - r )) - 0 0 - 7 0 D ) Miscell~neous Services & Charges 4,889 4,889 5,000 2,000 7,000 5,000 TOTAL 10,000 10,000 o. '. ANNUAL BUDGET t-'1-\lJt~ 54 IT I , IT au DGET SUMMAfW ACCOUNT 201 DEPARTMENT POLICE DIVISION ADHINISTRATION : r PROGr~r-\M DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE ! r' The Chief of Police is responsible for all activities of the Police Department and, therefore, must supervise and coordinate those activities. The Chief must attend required City Council meetings for input and information to City Council as well as IT meetings with the Animal Control Commission, the Police Advisory Comnittee, Personnel Commission, and the Civil Service Commission monthly or as needed. The Police Depart- I ment must maintain a high level of visibility and availability to the public and be f ~esponsi vE.' to t~e~r needs: . He TllUS t become even more pro-active in our do; ly routine T 1n corDa tlI1<' crlm1nal actl Vl ty. I STATErv'lEf\JT OF GCJALS ANU 09,JECTIVES i 1) ~aintain emer~ency response time at less than three Tllinutes. IT Ir I ir 2) Increased emphasis on narcotic criTlles. 3) Increased emphasis on juvenile crime reduction. 4) Continued emphasis on budgetary controls of spending. 5) Reimplement crime prevention and training program. r r Ir I ir [ - BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET I r ACTUAL REVISftO ESTIMATE BUDG T 1982 I PERSONAL SERVICES Sf) SOil 06 C)~3 66 1129 66.207 OPERATING EXPENSES 33.176 9.525 9,F).') 6,350 -I r CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- R9.fi32 76.503 75.937 72.557 r - NUMBER OF PE-:RMANENT EMPLOYEES 3 2 2 2 -- TEMPORARY LMPLOYEES COST -0- -0- -0- -0- - -' ~ - CIT) OF WHEAT RIDGe ., , PERSONNEL SCHEDULE - - ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01-201 Police Administration - ANNU^L BUDGET Pf\.GE 55 CLASS1FICAT :ON NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1980 BUDGET 1981 BUDGET 1982 FULL TIME Chief of Police 1 1 1 39,035 - Senior Secretary 1 1 1 5 17,609 , Police Officer II I l Training & Crime Prevention 1 0 0 -0- , TOTAL 56,644 i 1 . , i l l l l l OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 9,563 1 1 TOT/lLS 3 2 2 66,207 1 COMMENTS . No change in staffing. 1 . 1 .... .1 CITY 0, WHEAT R!DGE -------------- Af1I"U^l ['UOC'j-:T .'. rr====:.:==-------------,.. \j" .J \ - SUMrJlMtY 01 OI'L1\^TltJG [XI'L::IWI1UI1CS -r I'^!;r 56 ~:j~;_~ ~~~~_R~_~ .-r~~~~~~r~~~=:~=;-- .____ __lu~~~~~_~_~~E~A Tr.9_~_h__~~~~r~C2C001LJ:.1 onJi'C I COu( T I I n 602 n 610 620 .rr 621 622 IT 630 n , , -IT 633 651 660 IT IT 702 IT 704 IT 706 11728 740 n 750 758 f [XP[l Jo[ 11 [t A 1980 (leTlIA' PERSONAL SERVICES (01-201-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 49,908 -0- Overtime Pay FICA Expense Employer 930 368 Workmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insurance 1,914 Retirement Expense - CCOERA 607 Police Retirement Expense 2,779 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-201-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 682 924 Operating Supplies OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-201-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting Expense International Association of Chiefs of Pol ice ($1,000) CML, Miscellaneous 720 Contractual Services 3,707 Dues, Books & Subsc,riptions , ) j . , 'fi I ~ ~ / J'...... ,c- t : ILl L.- Training & Safety 258 8,145 Auto Mileage Reimbursement -0- Professional Services 988 Rentals & Leases 12 1 C)fll Rr:VT<;r:n IllID[;!: 1 58,021 200 1,127 851 2.788 650 3,346 1,200 150 1,375 500 300 -0- 100 3,500 150 1981 19R? ESTJ~^l'E PROPOS!. 58,021 200 1,127 697 2,788 650 3,346 1 , 100 150 1,300 500 300 -0- 100 3,658 150 156,644 200 1, 193 -0- 3,747 705 3,718 1,200 150 1,600 500 300 -0- 100 -0- 150 ,; "MoC 57 .---------.-------- ^ r 'f" U ^ L [' U 0 C'" f-T -. ---------------. \J '-J ,J I L - I UtJU jO'EI'/;HftX(NT rJ1VI:"I IIII r ccou:n __?~ _ =-. G~~ER_A:___~_?L~:_= _,____ ADtlIN ISTRA nON 201 -..-- .'.'. -------_._._~----,---~-.....:....:;.-=-~~~=-::.~-+..-_._~. -.--'-~ ---_._-----::-~...,.--~ Of1JIC I LUU( SUMrll1M1YOr Of>L11ATIIJG [Xl'l:IJDITUIlCS [xrCII~( 11 I: M 19130 19f11 - RFvIsrn 1981 19R? M~Tl'^L [\1J[)(;FT rs T 11-:1'.1[' rRoro 1,589 1,900 1,500 1,500 243 250 250 250_ 27 -0- -0- 500 1,664 100 100 100 - Telephone Expense 759 776 796 799 Other Equipment Maintenance Police Explorer Cadet Expense Miscellan~ous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-201-00-00-800) 1,500 -0- -0- -0- -0- 805 Communic2tions Equipment 808 Vehicular ~quiprnent 811 City Ha~l Improvements -0- -0- 1 0 ,727 1,990 -0- -0- -0- TOTALS 89,682 ~2,557- 76,508 75,937 ANNUAL BUDGET t'l\ l,t_ 53 BUDGET SUMMARY ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT 202 POLICE DIVISION SL~PORT SERVICES -I ROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE To provide investigation of felony cri~es, certain misdemeanor crimes, child abuse cases, and other assivned cases. ~o provide evidence processinf. nhotop,r<1nhic processing, and other forensi c and criminalis tic services. To provide enforce1'1cnt of Im-ls regulatin~ liquor sales, security guards, and to provide for backp,round investip,ations of police applicants. To provide training for the entire department. Yo provide narcotics enforce- ment and intelligence services. To provide crime prevention services. ;TATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1) }~intain <1 recovery and clearance rate of 40% for all cases assigned to the division. 2) Continue and improve narcotics enforcenent targeting at apprehension and nrosecution of pushers ann a decrease in the availability of narcotics and dangerous drufs, narticu- larly in pl'L lic schools. 3) To provic, an averap,e of 40 hours of in-service training ner denartnent member. \ 4) To increas~ the availability and use of criminalistic services by both investigative and patro' personnel. 5) Provide a~ 0ffective and innovative crime prevention Drogra~. 6) Enhance coordination of investigative resources through increased use of cri1'1e analysis aJQ intelligence information targeted toward priority offenses. r r BUDGET HISTORY 1980 ACTUAL 4t,'l 476 l8.5t,2 '---- 7.921 1981 REVISE;P BUDG~T 4r,4 0f:6 36.41,() t,,260 524,786 1981 ESTIMATE 473.829 33,890 r PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY L~ '1260 BUDGET 1982 516,840 33,370 775 I 550,985 -I j r 511,979 r NUM8EH OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES 17 15 15 16 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST -0- -0- -0- -0- r rlTV f1r.:' \MI--!~ AT Rln~;:- -- ill PAGE 59 .. ,- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01-202 Police Support Services CLASSIFICATION NO H1PLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 FULL T mE Police Lieutenant 1 1 1 19 34,860 Police Sergeant 2 2 2 17 63,216 Investi 9ator II 9 9 9 14 245,898 Police Laboratory Technician 1 1 1 14 26,329 Police Officer II 3 1 1 11 23,594 Crime Prevention/Training Officer 0 0 1 11 18,876 Senior Secretarj 1 1 1 !.: 14,280 TOTAL 427,053 - OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 89,787 TOTALS 17 15 16 516,840 COMMENTS The position of crime prevention/training officer has been added in 1982. '- , Af\~NUAL BUDG=-T CIT'l OF WI-IF AT Rlnr-l=" -, l -I l 1 J r;=::------------------ ^f \ r J U ^L r-' U DC' I-T 1'-..--------------'-- \l \ 1\ ,J I":' ---- n SlJMrvlMIY Of' or'LJ\^'ClfW [XI LI~()I1Un[s ',-CirjIJ -~-:--}jEI'XFiYrX(i,if 01 - GENER~~_J POLICE n_~_~C~"-C '<=,=====-==_,:_-:==~-~==~~=-~-~=; 011.11 cr C.UliC n 602 n 603 n 610 n n n n n n n n n n 614 618 620 621 622 630 633 651 660 '102 706 II [XPCII$[ 11 [M PERSONAL SERVICES (01-202-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages Longevity Pay Overtime Pay Standby Pay Court Pay FICA Expense Employer Workmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insurance Retirement Expense - CCOERA Police Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-202-00-00-650) l---- --- UIYJ~ll)lj ___S~P_PORT _ SERVICE~ Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies Film & Chemicals Targets & Ammo Evidence Funds Crime Prevention materials and films OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-202-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting Expense Dues, Books & Subscriptions 2000 3000 1200 1200 1980 ^CTlIAL 380,076 2,338 11,992 4,556 957 848 3,884 15,443 -0- 29,382 1 ,914 5,774 234 1,093 ~l .'_ :J. I' ^ (~<:-6.0... IAccou:n 202 - - - ~ 1 CJf11 RFVJsr:n [)\ 1\)(; l:T 393,238 3,192 16,500 4,25U 1,400 1,035 11 ,666 19,706 617 32,482 4,000 8,400 300 2,100 1981 [STH~i\l[ 393,238 3,000 12,000 4,250 1,400 1,035 6,718 19,706 -0- 32,482 3,200 7,000 250 2,000 - 19R? rr<oros ~ 427,053 966 12,000 5,260 1,400 2,221 -0- 27,978 572 39,390 3,200 7,400 250 1,700 -=:.::=::-----======---====-= ^r~ N U ^L [~U DC ET ::- .---2:. ^ (~l.:...6.L SUMTv1^flYOr Of'L1\^'llt4G [XI'[IWITUflCS IUlJiJ -IO-E1'/I-f-i'frX(N r 01 - GENERAL POLICE ==--'="';-'===-~=--==-~~.;~.--.:====":"=::;-'::":='-~-"':""'="-=-~;:::" orlJrCI COuC 728 730 741 750 758 776 799 Jjj~,_~~y ~_~~~ S~~_~ I ~~_S [XI'(II~C n (M Training & Safety I /I,}",. ,)', :.. .:\ ... 'i'~''-''-- ~ (,....-_..... , _ ;:-, \.~,'Y"'1-""'-' ,~'c....,v. t Uniforms & Protective Clothing Uniform Allowance $500 per man/year Professional Services Rentals & Ledses Other Equipment Maintenance Miscellaneous Services & Charges Investigation Expense CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-202-00-00-300) 804 Engineering & Photo Equipment Case for color video camera Macro-copy lens 350 275 805 Communications Equipment 809 Other Major Equipment 832 Tools & Work Equipment TOTAL 1980 ACTllfl\ 8,145 -0- 5,900 180 264 224 2,959 580 3,572 3,769 -0- 19m RFVrsrn nIID(~n 10,000 95 6,800 450 295 1,000 3,000 200 4,060 -0- -0- recau:'l 202 ~ 1981 ESTH~I~lT 10,000 95 6,800 250 295 1,000 3,000 200 4,060 -0- -0- 475,940 524,786 p11,979 - 19m- f'ROro'" 9,5uC; ) 7,500 250 2 :; 700 2 , 5 o-J 6 ') - tr'- -I - 150 550,9: ) ANNUAL [iUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY t-'AGt-_ fi? I ! , :1 I Ir I ACCOUNT 203 DEPARTMENT POLICE DIVISION PATROL/TRAFFIC t::RnC;F~I'M DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE To provide the ci tizenE of h'heat Ridge with the ment possible and to maintain the highest level for all citizens living in or traveling through prevent violations of the 1m.; including traffic bring to justice those who do. To enforce the law equzlly, impartially and fairly, and to aid the citizens in all reasonable requests for service. r STATEMENT 0::- GOALS AND OBJECTIVES r hi?hest quality professional law enforce- of protection for both lives and property h'heat Ridge. To utilize all methods to and aggressively work to identify and r r 1) To provide for safer vehicular movement throughout 1''heat JUdge by developing a con- sistent and directed traffic enforcement profram. r 2) Attempt to maintain acceptable levels of service by closely monitoring all acti vi ties being perfomed, and priori L zing calls for service. r r r r r r 1980 1981 1 r BUDGET HISTORY 1981 BUDGET I REVISED i ACTUAL ESTIMATE . tJUD GI- T 1%2 i . " PERSONAL SERVICES 7t"n ]'1') R66,47'l ~)!13,,)7l 1,004,812 ! r OPERATING EXPENSES 23, 9n 7 45,065 37,'100 54,250 I I CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,952 3,600 3,600 6.890 1 , 767,051 915.H3 [185,471 1,065,952J I NUMBCR OF PERMANENT I EMPLOYEES 35 35 35 37 r TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST -0- -0- -0- -o- r: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAGE 63 ACCOUNT 01-203 DEPARTMENT Police DIVISION Patrol & Traffic .' CLASSIFICATION NO, EMPLOYEES I GRADl BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 I 1980 ISOI 19B2 I I FULL TI ME Pol ice L ieutenol:t 1 1 1 19 34,860 Police Sergeant 3 3 3 17 91,500 Senior Police Officer 6 6 6 14 156,734 Police Officer ( I & II 24 24 26 10- 11 524,722 Senior Secretary 1 1 5 17,609 -I , I 825,425 i TOTAL 1 i l l l l OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 179,387 l ] TOTALS 35 35 37 .004,812 COMMENTS ] Two police officer positions have been added in 1982. 1 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -1 Ii J I'^(.{" 6~ ____ ~.__~::t f.--------.-----.--------- ^f,l f'. U ^ L to, U DC' I-T - -..---.------------. \j \I , \.J 1":'- r SUMMAflY 01 Of'L11^llrJG CXPOJDlTunr:s r fUTJ{J ~liEI'^-AtiX(Nr 01 - G~_~_~~~-, POLICE _-=~~~~'"O:'..~=_=_=~::;:.;.~~;;;;:_-~=-...:.=_==__:..;:....~___::;_~~-;.;:~=;.::...-- __ r on,l/ (;J (;OlJ( /m.__. lJIVI:"liJl~ __.p~~.T~~L..~_ TR~FFI_~_ ~rc~g3:' 1 [xrVloC IlCM 1980 ACTUAl - 1981 19R? [STlr:I'.l [ PROPOS' 1 C)fll Rrvlsrn BiJ[)[;IT n I 602 n 603 n 610 . 618 n 620 n 621 622 .n 630 633 "n IT 651 IT 660 i 1 1 ~ l I PERSONAL SERVICES (01-203-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 607,458 690,697 690,697 825,425 7,786 9,677 9,677 5,322 20,769 25,500 15,500 18,750 15,577 14,500 11,500 13,150 903 1,079 1,079 1 , 180 9,764 19,747 10,240 -0- 29,744 43,717 43,717 59,499 562 649 649 704 47,629 60,912 60,912 80,782 Longevity Pay Overtime Pay Court ~-ay FICA Expense Employer Worxmen's Compensation Health Life and Dental Insurance Retirem~nt Expense - CCOERA Police Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-203-00-00-6~0) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 6,100 2,030 2,103 4,500 5,000 7,000 Operating Supplies Road Flares, First Aid Supplies, Ammunition, etc. 5,000 5,000 --------------- --,---- ^ r ' f" U ^ L [' U 0 (' I~T . _~.__~____________ \J \J .J t _ I'M;r 6~p SUMIliMIY 01 OPLllA-fItJG [XI'[fJDITUncs I uij f J rE 1'/,-RTi ji(t.j r 01 - GENERAL POLICE ~.=_,==~=~~~.,:." ' u,._' u.Tj~?~~~L .& TH~FFI~h~=~~~1^C~~~:'l 0[1.11 (;1 (;OU( - --~_.__.. -----.y- [Xf>f-IIS[ 11 (,,,1 OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-203-00-0U-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 704 Contractual Services Mental Health Expense Blood Tests (Drawing) 3,000 3,000 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions Regional Law Enforcement Association Notary Fees, etc. 728 Training & Safety Bullet proof vests (15-R) @ 185 Canine equipment - chains, collars, leashes, training equipment 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 741 Uniform Allowance 34 @ 500 per man per year 750 Professional Services Analyze blood specimans on DUI cases Psychological Consultations 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 796 Police Reserve Officer Expense Uniform Replacement & cleaning 799 Miscellanous Services & Charges 1980 M:TlJA, 282 185 223 3,017 2,767 11 ,071 -0- 926 1,127 176 19m RFvIsrn BIIIJC!:l 250 5,400 1981 EST ] '~i~ T r 250 4,000 300 300 3,265 3,000 6,000 4,400 13,600 13,600 -0- -0- 1,200 1,200 3,750 1,500 200 150 19R'7 PfWPO. 250- 6,00C 30L 3,000- 7,50C 17 ,000 4,000- 1,500 2,500 200 r-===-::--------::.::::.:=--==-==-.::::::: ^ r ~ f ~ U ^ Leu 0 G CT - T 'I . ,,^(;[- 66 SUMMM1Y ur Of'L11^T1fJG r.X"L:UD!"TU[lCS T f UtW ~LiEI';;\-f1,(i. (;,-, 01 - GENER~~I POLICE ....:::;:~':.-.::-.;.:::;'- .==--.:....==~----:...::_:::_--:=-~~--=~~~~-..;:-_:..:::'--=.- <- T Of\Jlcr (DUe r T T 'r ~ I -n i on n n n n n p I H [XP(.U$[ n etA CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-203-00-00-800) 80~ Office Furniture & Equipment 80C Communications Equipment Hand held radar unit 1600 3 Mobile radios 4800 80C Other Major Equipment Handguns - 2 @ 245 TOTALS __.J~i~~~~_OL__~ TRAFFIC 1980 ACTUAL 864 -0- 2,088 767,051 19m RFvIsrn !\11!lC[T 200 3,400 -0- recou:, 1 203 o 1981 19R? ESTJr;f',l[ PROrosr 200 3,400 -0- 915,143 885,471 -0- 6,400 490 1L,065,95 ANNUAL BUDGET f-11\Gt 57 r BUDGET SUMMAHY r ACCOUNT 204 DEPARTMENT POLICE DIVISION TECHNICAL SERVICJ:S T I pr~O(;RAM DESCRIPTIOI~ AND PURPOSE r Records Section--Records repository for the "meat Rid~e Police De~artFent. Provice data analyses and management information. Services provided 2~ hours per day, seven days oer Vleek. r Communications--To provide cOlmnunicat ion services 24 hours per day, 7 days oer VleEc,k. r STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES r Records Section Provide orofessional police record-keepinz and related services to public and other crivdnal justice agencies. Process and maintain police reports and a variety of related docuT'lents concerned Fith crime or ot~er officer-assisted services; generate computer and other crime statistics; provide comuuter-aided investigative assistance to police personnel~ provide public and telE~,.nne assistance to citizens and other criminal justice agencies, including furnishiub report conies and collecting monies in compliance with HB 1597, records searches, dnd referral for officer assistance as needed. r 1) 2) r -1) C01'1I".unicatic',1S Section Provide professional police comnunication services to the public and other criminal r justice aV"ilcies. 2) Serve as tr" cOffiBunications link between those needing assistance and those who can provide thi,' assistance' generate crime statistics for the City of ~TIeat Ridge and other gevernmental entities' provide computer service for Police personnel; provide information and direction for citizens via teleohone contact- and provide professional radio communications for all police, fire, and E~S personnel of the City of In,eat Ridge. r r r r BUDGET HiSTORY 1980 1981 ACTUAL REVISfl BUDS T PERSONAL SERVICES 187.4% 22(';.1116 OPERATIN G EXPENSES 29 728 31,tf35 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,LIL19 -()- 2:' 3 _ 6).) 259 [<51 NUMBER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES 15 15 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST -0- -0- , ~DGET I' ESTIMATE I~G2 , 223.691 24-5.896-\ J2~350 35,065! -0- 5,2G2 j 256,041 286,223 I r r r 15 15 -0- -0- .- CITY OF WHEAT f1lDGE Ar'~NUAL BUDGET PEHSONNEL SCHEDULE PAGE 68 ACCOUNT 01-204 DEPARTMENT Police DIVISION Technical Services CLASSIFICATION NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 FULL TIME Senior Public Safety Dispatchel 1 8 17,184 Public Safety Dispatcher 7 6 6 5 86,443 I Senior Police Records Clerk 1 5 14,952 -I Po 1 i ce Reco rds Clerk 8 7 7 2 86,739 ! TOTAL 205,318 1 I OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 40,578 -, -.J ~ l 1 TOTALS 17 15 15 245,896 COMMENTS No change in staffing. CITY OF WHEf-\T RIDGe: 1 r'--------~---------------- ^f 'I"LJAL I-'Ll DC' I-T ----- _.~----_._---------.__._- \J \J J '" ,_ - - ,'^(;r 69 _ r_____. , -- T SUMliliMIY 01 Of>LlI^-,IIJG [XI [1~DITUIl[S Il'UiJIJ j6f.1'!'-frfMC:i'il 01 - GENERAL POLICE ___ _,_ _,____ _,____ __ __ __.,_______u_ __________._'________, ~--- _._~ _._--~-----~._._--"------------.- on./I CI coue 602 603 610 .~ 618 620 621 622 630 633 [XPCII,e 11 (1.1 PERSONAL SERVICES (01-204-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages Longevity Pay Overtime Pay Court Pay FICA Expense Employer Worklnen I S Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insurance Retirement Expense - CCOERA Police Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-204-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 660 Operating Supplies n n n n .IUi!~~~':{~~CA~ SERVICES ~1^c~g~J:'~__- 1980 flCTlIf\l - 1981 19F1? ESTJ~^lr rRorosr 19F1l RFV!Srn DllD(;U 163,522 190,347 190,347 205,318 227 262 262 365 641 1,200 850 950 110 200 200 200 7,845 10,000 10,000 12,682 132 261 182 -0- 9,711 14,509 14,000 19,422 2,411 5,128 4,900 5,204 2,897 4,109 2,950 1,755 8,212 9,900 10,800 9,900 31 50 50 50 '-::':::::::::':=':::==~=:"::::=:::=--=--=-:::: ^ r ~ N U ^ L r: U DC l:T -- SUMrv1M1Y 01 Of'L1\^TlrJG !:Xf'[IWI'l UIlr:S 1~~~_I~~~l=:=~:~_~H;~LI~I~~~~'~~~-===~~~='___h ._. rii~?~~~~~A~ SE~VI~~_~ OfUi Cf LOuc 702 706 740 750 758 776 799 [Xf'rrl~C 11 C M 1980 ACTlJAI OTHER CHARGES & SERVICES (01-204-00-00-700 Conference and Meeting Expense Dues, Books & Subscriptions 201 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 34 Professional Services State Microfilm Unit 4,333 Rentals & Leases CCIC/NlIC Terminal 3,060 Other Equipment Maintenance Radios, (Entire Dept.- 17,000) Miscellaneous 13,681 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 174 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-204-00-00-800) 2,767 3,092 590 802 Office Furniture & Equipment 805 Communications Equipment 809 Other Major Equipment Computer Terminal - PROMIS 1 Cjf\l RFVJSrn n [1/1(;[-' 100 300 50 250 4,050 I 18,585 150 -0- -0- -0- ,'^(a' 7 ~rc~g~:.-l - 1981 198 [STJ!~,''-.'T rRorO::,i 100 300 50 250 4,050 17,500 150 -0- -0- -0- 1 C 30n 5v 20 4,41 19,00(\ 15 -0- -0 5,262 TOTAL 233,673 259,451 256,041 286,223 == ANNUAL BUDGET F/\bt. 71 ,. r BUDGET SUMMARY r ACCOUNT 206 DEPARTMENT POLICE DIVISION ANIMAL CONTROL .- PROGRAM DESCF/IPTI_OP.J AN) PURPOSE I To provide humane animal control services and enforcement of City ordinances relating to Animal Control. To respond to the requests for assistance from Hheat Ridr;e citizens, and actively patrol the City seeking out violations of animal control ordinances or violations of State laws pertaining to Animal Control and lhldlife. r r STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES r 1) Haintain the highest quality of service possible to the public. 2) }laintain current enforcement of violations, and provide tighter ins~ection of kennels in the City. r 3) Become more involved in educational ?~~grams in areas of pet safety and care. r r r r r r 1980 .., BUDGET 1981 1981 BUDGET I HISTORY ACTUAL REVI):;.~ D ES TI r.\ATE BUD FT 1982 PERSONAL SERVICES 38 323 43.457 33,652 L,7,066 i I OPERATING EXPENSES 863 2,010 1,335 1,490 CAPITAL OUTLAY -0 200 200 -0- 39.186 45,667 35,187 48,556 ---:< NUMOER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST -Q- -0- -0- -0- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ,---~..- r r- I i r ANNUAL GUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAG[ 72 ACCOUNT 01-206 DEPARTMENT Police DIVISION Animal Control " CL.l\SSIFICATION NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 - FULL TIME Animal Control Offi cer I I 1 1 1 7 16,460 - An i ma 1 Control Offi cer I 1.5 1.5 1.5 5 21 ,131 - TOTAL 37,591 - , , - - - I I l . -I - OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 9,475 l l TOTALS 2.5 2.5 2.5 47,066 1 COMMENTS No change in staffing. 1 I r- J CITY OF WHeAT RIOGF r====:---------===-=--==-= ^f~ N U AL C U DC CT.- SUMIviMIY or Of'L1\^TltJG [XI'UWlTuncs 1 luljjJ ~CiE 1'/,-ritiXr:-t.i 1 1 01 - GENERA POLICE ",--==~=..,,--'==--:....===-=~_.- ------------=;~ onJI el 1 cOue T [xrc"s( 11 eM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-206-00-00-600) T 602 Salaries & Wages 610 'T r 618 620 621 622 630 r T r n ~ , 651 660 702 706 730 n n 741 n fl 776 799 Overtime Pay Court Pay FICA Expense Employer Workmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insurance Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-206-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-206-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting Expense Dues, Books & Subscriptions Uniforms & Protective Clothing Uniform Allowance Other Equipment Maintenance Miscellaneous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-206-0u-00-800) 809 Other Major Equipment II TOTALS -l------ UIVI:"IOII ANH1AL CONTROL - - .. -- -- _. -. ------ --- -- 1980 f\CTlJA' 31,667 1 ,441 577 2,065 326 1 ,838 409 2 228 -0- 15 324 238 -0- 56 -0- 39,13') 19n1 RFVIsr:n [)lIDC;[T f'^<;(" 73 tACCOll:~ 1 206 - 1981 19R? ESTJ~^l'r PROPosr 34,086 27,500 1,500 600 2,40( 1,020 2,677 1 , 167 100 500 100 50 750 360 50 100 750 450 1,950 287 2, 115 600 100 500 50 35 275 250 25 100 200 200 45,667 35,187 37,591 1,500 600 2,659 -0- 3,435 1,281 100 365 100 50 350 375 50 100 -0- 48,556 i ~ , T DESO~IPTION AND PURPOSE PROGRAM T lbe Administration Div:.sion of the Public Horks DepartJT\ent coordinates division operations of the Depa,.tment. Each Division Head sunervises and directs the oDe ration of his division and is responsih Ie to the Director of Puhlic Horks. The Director coordinates and advises consulting engineers efforts in design and construction of T the City projects. TSTATEMEf\lT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Objectives: T The Administration Division's objective is to coordinate the programs within the Public Horks DepartJT\ent and to make sure all divisions function as effectively and efficiently as possible. T Goals: l. Recommend organizational chanzes to provide a more effective department. 2. Work toward reduction of drainage r~oblems and be more responsive to citizen r complaints. 3. Provide a means of better conrrnunicat; on \vith the City Administration and other Depa.tments to keep them informed of the response to their concerns and requests. r r r r r BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET i r REV I S::EED ACTUAL BUDC T ESTIMATE !9C2 1 I , PERSONAL SERVICES 27,366 57.672 54.984 60.7341 OPERATIN G EXPENSES 11.l,27 16.350 13,41'5 5,350 r CAPITAL OUTLAY -0 -0 -0 1,30n 38,793 74,022 68,469 67,38l, I I NUMBER or PERMArJENT EMPLOYEES 2 2 2 2 r TEMPORARY LMPLOYEES COST _C CITY OF WilL-AT RIDGE I I I I I I i ~ I PAGt: /5 - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE - - ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01- 301 Public \'Jorks Administration CLASSIFICATION NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1881 1982 - FULL TIME Director of Public Works 1 1 1 37,848 I - Senior Secretary 1 1 1 5 14,087 TOTAL 51 ,935 - - - - I - - . - OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 8,799 . TOTALS 2 2 2 60,734 - COtvlMENTS No change in staffing. I . - ANr~UAL 8UDGET l l 1 1 CITY OF WhEAf RIDGE ~I I: J I'M;r 76 ---- -.--. .------------ --.----- ^ r t f" U ^ L [' U DC l-:T ". ,------.----------- \l" .> t _ - SUMIJlfdlY or OI'L1IATlfJG [XPL:rWlTunC$ TUNi) IU'El'xriTixcN'r ILiiVI:.iOIJ rCCOLJ:I~-- =.o~~:l=-=_~~ ~~~~ L __.:._.~_~~=~:~. w~~~~___:~=;__h__'_ ,,~_~r.I_:N,~S,~~~I~-t~-n---~=- ~ 301 _ TOfUfcr (;01.>( T T 602 604 T 610 T 620 621 T 622 T T T T T r 630 651 660 r r [);P[lIoC 11 (1.1 19BO M~TlI^1. , 19B1 1987 19m RFvIsr:n BII[)(;U [~T]!.~;'.lr p:\oro~" PERSONAL SERVICES (01-301-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 24,584 50, 140 47,855 51 ,935 275 1,413 1 ,413 1,514 -0- 240 240 300 1,507 2,978 3,190 3,095 132 165 165 -0- 314 2,142 1,800 3,608 554 594 321 282 Deferred Compensation Overtime }"ay FICA EXyense Employer Workmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insurance Retire~2nt Expense MATERI~LS & SUPPLIES (01-301-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 1,090 2,500 2,235 100 2,500 Operating Supplies 40 100 200 . 1 ------::::::: AfJNUAL [~UDGCT:;:- ,'^!;r 77 SUMMM1Y or Of'LIlATlfW [XI'CNDITUIlCS [1 ,.Ui"jiJ lr:;E"Xidixr:l~r 01 - GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS n~=o==~'==-~=~==-,~.~==~-==~=~'~-=O;- on It Cl (;OU( IT 702 ~ IT 706 740 11 759 ! 760 774 776 [Xf'r/l~( 11 [1.1 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES (01-301-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting Expense American Public Works Association CML, Miscellaneous Dues, Books & Subscriptions Auto Mileage Reimbursement Telephone Expense Utili ties Shops Build ing (transferred to 305-760) Facility Repair & Maintenance (transferred to 305-774) Other Equipment Maintenance ,----- U1VI:"IUI1 ..' ~.~r~?I~_~~A T ~o N.__ 19130 flr:TlIAL 2,071 $1,000 401 26 41 5,435 1,482 840 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-301-00-0O=bOO) 802 Office Furniture & Equipment Printing Calculator 850 Cabinet 250 Marker Board 200 T T TOTAL -0- 38,793 19f\l RFVlc;rn [~t !l}.; ET 1,300 400 50 300 9,300 2,000 300 100 -0- 74,022 r----- ~ 1\~~~lJ:.l , 1981 198? ESTJI~,'.1T rl\OroC 1,300 1,600 400 400 50 50' 200 200 6,800 -0- 2,000 -0- 300 300 100 100 -0- 1,300 68,469 67,384 ANNUAL BUDGET I---'I\Gt. 78 . BUDGET SUMMAf~Y I ACCOUNT 302 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC HO~l(S DIVISION ENGINEERING PROGRAM DESCRIPTI0rJ AND PURPOSE I To provide, develop, and coordinate the engineering design and construction quality control in support of the Public Horks Department. r 'STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES r 1. Promote effective research of land documents 2. Provide construction inspection of street improvements 3. Prepare design and construction plans and specifications 4. Provide engineering administration on contracts for street and drainase improvements r r l- - - . - - I BUDGET HISTORY 1980 \98\ 1981 BUDGET 1 - REVISfFD I ACTUAL BUDG T ESTIMATE 1982 PERSONAL SERVICES 1l5.221 170,585 1(,<),505 215,506 1- OPER/\TING EXPENSES 182,961 196,400 176,937 14,400 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 ry7() 880 2,300 2,900 ~~ u 299,460 367,865 348,742 232,806 : NUMBER OF PEHMANENT EMPLOYEES 8 8 8 9 - TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST -0- 3,000 3,000 -0- - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE j PAGE 79 A~JNUAL BUDGeT PERSONNCL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT 01-302 DEPARTME~JT Public Works DIVISION Engineering CLASSIFICATION NO BUDGET I 1980 EMPLOYEES BUDGET I 1981 GRADE BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1982 FULL TIME 5 30,315 50,316 73,722 -0- 15,532 14,087 -0- 183,972 Engineering Assistant 3 1 1 1 1 1 o 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 20 15 10 City Engineer 1 Civil Engineer o OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 31,534 I 1 1 I I , 1 l , l i l l l l l Engineering Technician Secretary o 1 1 o 7 Public Works Inspector Engineering Drafting Techniciar o TOTAL 215,506 l COMMEIHS Secretary position was eliminated in engineering and a clerk-typist position was added on a l shared basis to the Street Maintenance and Shops divisions. The City Council in mid-1981 ap: roved an expansion and reorganization of this division to include the addition of two Civil Engineers and one Engineering Technician. The position of Public Works Inspector was e1imin- -1 ated. TOTALS 3 8 9 ('ITV ill:' "dl-J::" ^T Dlr\t'::'r= ==:=:---------.: -------..:::: ^ r ~ N U ^ Leu 0 G CT -- T SUMMM1Y 01 0f'L11^TlfJG [XP[NOrTUI1CS 1',\(;[' 80 ---- J n ::~~1~=_2~ER ~L -C:~~~!~" .OR KS_""_~,,~~J"i~~U;~E ERIN G._______~-Jc~~~'n onJrCT I [Xf'ruSCI1(M 1980 I 19B1 1981 1987 COU[ Rf'VT sr:n ~ flOUr\!_ ,1~liDG[T ESTH~':\E i)[WI'QS' IT. 602 IT 610 IT 617 620 n 621 622 n 630. n 6') 1 n 660 n n n n n n n PERSONAL SERVICES (01-302-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 103,146 145,281 145,281 183,972 518 1,000 4,000 2,000 -0- 3,000 3,000 -0- 6,354 8,551 8,400 12,460 161 502 324 -0- 2,927 7,767 6,000 12,778 2,115 4,484 2,500 4,296 Overtime & Premium Pay City Temporary Personnel FICA Expense Employer Workmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insuranc~ Retirement Expense MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES (01-302-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 1,481 5,068 2,000 6,200 2,000 2,000 Operating Supplies 5,287 5,287 -:-.=--==::-.=------==.--======-==::= ^ r ~ N U f\ Leu 0 C ET .-- f',\(;r 8 SUMlv1AflY or Or'L1IATIfJG EXPL:NDITUnCS IU~I)Ol _ GENERAL rjLl:~~I~~~iTWORKS -e.=-':=.:=7,=_~..:=--==-=-~~~ :_~-=--=~~~..;:-~:;- OOJleT cauc o;rr."~[ IlCM OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-302-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 750 Professicnal & Consulting Fe€s 758 Rentals & Leases 761 Street Lighting & Signal System (tran~ferred to 303-760) 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 778 Traffic Signal Maintenance (translp.rred to 304-704) 793 Title Res2arch & Reports 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-302-00-0Q-800) 802 Office Equipment Drafting Equipment 2,000 Calculators - 2 @ $200 809 Other Major Equipment TOTAL '. IljiVi~IUII __ ~N?~N::~ING 1980 ^CTUAL 19m RFVISED nU[)(;ET 37 100 54 150 4,544 7,000 12 300 125,913 148,000 -0- 750 !l5,525 30,000 283 2,713 44 100 1,278 -0- 400 480 299,460 367,865 f^c~~~:~r . 1981 19R:~ FSTlr~i\lT r:~oros; 6,000 200 140,000 21,500 1,000 1 , gO 0 100 150 600 100 400 20 75~ :'0 =- 2,80 -0- 750 -0 1,50 200 2 40, , - 50lT 348,742 32,80 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY fJ,L\ lJ t. 82 r r ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 303 PUBLIC WORKS r PROGRAM DE SCRI PT I Ol'~ AND PURPOSE STREETS The Street Division of the Publie Works Dept. is responsible for the day LJ day maintenance of the City's Rights-of-Ways, streets and drainage facilities. Their work includes: 1) The repairing of chuckholes, crack sealing and sealcoating of existing uaved streets 2) Grading and basing of shoulders and unpaved streets and alleys 3) Snow removal and sandings during winter 4) The cleaning and upkeep of drainage facilities rSTATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To provide the City with cleaner and safer streets throughout the year. To provide for the control of storm water runoff during storm periods throughout the year, r r r r r r r r r L F- 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET i BUDGET HISTORY REVISFD ESTIMATE 1 ACTUAL BUDGET I?G2 I , PERSONAL SERVICES 20tf,213 2t'6,739 240,471 287,329 : I OPERATING EXPENSES 77 , 341 79,250 79,100 272,790 I I -, CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,8QO -0- -0- -0- I 287 ,t,tlt, 325,989 319,571 560,119 , NUMBER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES 13 13 13 13,5 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST 9,500 f),500 15,400 -- . -, ~ r ell '( OF WHt.AT i-1IDGE l ___J r ! ..i PAGE 33 - - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01-303 Public Horks Street Maintenance ~ CLASSIFICATION NO. Er.1PLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 FULL TIr~E Street Maintenance Supervisor 1 1 1 15 28,677 ~ Motor Equipment Operator I I 2 2 2 8 40,519 - Motor Equipment Operator I 4 2 2 6 31,244 Public Works Maintenance - Harker 8 8 8 3 106,157 Clerk Typist ,25 0 ,5 1 5,820 -I TOTAL 212,417 j TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 15,400 - . 1 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 59,512 l l TOTALS 15,25 13 13.5 287,329 -, COMMENTS The position of clerk typist is shared on a half-time basis with the Shops Division. All seasonal positions are included in the temporary account. A~\NUl\L L3UDG[:"T 1 .1 1 1 1,ITY OF WHF L\T RlflGI=' h- ==-==:==-=-==-~-==--====::.=--:::::::::::: ^ r~ N U ^ Leu 0 G FT -- II SUMMAflYOr OI'L1IATlfJG eXPL:NDI1Uncs I I n P^(;C 84 UI~I) ICjEI'XrtTi'1-Ct~-T r5iVI:-llIII IA'CCOLJ~- l~:_~,~~~__:~G_E~:!:~~__:___~~~:~~_ ~?_RK~..~'~=r-~==_ _ _S:~~~_T~~-==-==-~-=-:-=-__ 303 _ QO.IITl 1980 I 1 CJnl 1981 19R? COI 'c [xr'['j~[ Jl [M I~F V I Sf I) T M-:TlIAL ,[)[I[1(;!T ESTl!:......Tr- ['[(oro: I T 602 T 603 610 T 614 T T 617 620 621 622 T 630 T T 651 , rr T 660 T T I T PERSONAL SERVICES (01-303-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 166,563 183,413 183,413 .12,417 468 631 -0- -0- 9,450 8,000 8,000 10,500 3,753 5,000 4,500 5,000 -0- 9,500 8,500 15,400 11,041 13,739 13,739 16,302 1,623 6,296 2,159 -0- 8,959 13,403 13,403 19,781 2,355 6,757 6,757 7,929 Longevi ty Pay Over time Pay Standby Pay City Temporary Personnel FICA Expense Employer dorkmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insurance Retirement Expense MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 101-303-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 136 69,907 400 500 400 Operating Supplies Asphaltic Concrete Aggregate Base Course Crack Seal Material Salt and Sand Weed Control Sweeper Supplies Work Tools 71,000 84,715 71,000 30,575 4,140 14,550 26,750 1,700 6,000 1,000 "-====:=----------- ------- ^ r 'I' IlJ ^ L t-' U DC I-T -. u. .-----------. \I \j _J \ ..:. "^(;(- ___ . -_c SUMMAflY or OPLIlA",IUG eXI'CNDITUflCS ~~~:~~1~ - .~~_~~H~~.C:~~~~T~~T WORKS 1------ lJ1Vl:'IOII STREETS -- - ..... --- -- - ,-- - - 00.11 cr couc [Xf'r."~[ J1 CM 1980 ^CTlIA1. OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES (01-303-00-00-700) 165 67 525 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 728 Training and Safety 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 3,987 -0- 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 1,677 758 Rentals & Leases -0- 760 Util ities Street Lighting and Traffic Si~nals (formerly 302-761) 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 879 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges -0- 2,670 805 Communieations Equipment 809 3,220 Other Major Equipment TOTALS 281,555 1 <)fll RFVlsrf) [)[I:)(: 1-1 100 100 1,750 4,000 100 500 -0- 1,000 200 -0- -0- r-\<'-oo:r 1 . -- ---.. 1981 19(; ESTJ:~':\lT r:lnpo' 100 20 100 100 1,750 1,50_ 4,000 6,60. 50 7'5" 500 10,00 -0- 168,000 1,000 200 -0- -0- 1,00. 200 -0 -0- 325,989 319,571 560,11 ANNUAL BUDGET t-'/\ \.J t. llG .. BUDGET SUMMM,y r r ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 304 PUBLIC WORKS TPAFFIC , PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE r The Traffic Division i,; responsible for ereetion and maintenance of control devices in conformance with the Hanual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices which includes the striping of streets and crosswalks. r r STATEtv',ENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1) Upgrading of all sir,ns to meet latest regulations r 2) Replacement of deteriorated signs 3) Update traffic counts to aid engineering in street requirement design 4) Initiate a sclledule painting of crosswalks and street striping r 5) Initiate a traffic signal update progra~ to upgrade and sequence all traffic lights within the City 6) Provide capabilities for in-house mai~lenance of existing traffic signals and installation of new warranted liLhts r r r i - . ,.- ~ . - BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET REVISED ACTUAL BUDG~F.T ESTIMATE 1982 PERSONAL SERVICES 29 294 36.796 24.534 40,950 ~ OPERATING EXPENSES 34.979 Mf,700 40,200 45,900 I I CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- 100 100 5,l,00 64 273 81.596 64,834 92,250 NUMOER OF PEHMANENT 2 2 2 2 EMPLOYEES - TEMPORARY lMPLOYEES COST -0- -0- -0- -0- - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE:. {J,NNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE P^GfillL _ ACCOUNT 01-304 DEPARTMENT Publ ic Ilorks DIVISION Tra ffi c CLASSIFICATION NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 - - FULL TIME Traffic Technician I I 1 1 1 7 19,415 - Traffic Technician I 1 1 1 5 14,087 TOTAL 33,502 - - - - - OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 7,448 TOT.6J...S 2 2 2 40,950 COMMENTS No change in staffing, - l l l l 1 CITY OF VlH!:.AT RIDGE -:::::=---===:::-:: ^ r ~ l'~ U ^ Leu DeE T -- SUMMM1Y or OPLlIATItJG CXI'[NDITUIlCS U~l) !O-E:I'I:ii"ti.1GNl 01 - GENEHAL PUBLIC WORKS T-~=.~.===~====-,~-~~=~~----=----~-=~~=;.__._. Cl (;OliC T I T rXf'[Il~[ 11 (1.1 PERSONAL oERVICES (01-304-00-00-600) 602 Salaries & Wages -T :T J T T 610 620 621 622 630 651 66C T T T T BC 75t 776 T 79( T T Overtime Pay FICA Expense Employer Workm~~'s Compensation Health, Life and TIental Insurance Retirerr.~nt Expense MA TERI A' ,S & SU P PLI ES (01-3CLJ -uO-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies Traffic Paint & Beads Traffic Signs, Sheeting and Letters Tools, Work Equipment 19,000 )(C,,500 500 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES (01-304-00-00-700) Uniforms & Protective Clothing Rentals & Leases Other Equipment Maintenance Miscellaneous Services & Charges _1~i~I~~U?~, I~__ I 1980 J I\CTlI^'- 26,410 316 1, 611 317 640 -0- -0- 33,866 463 300 322 28 1 CJnl RFVISr:D [) I J[) C; i:T 30,379 750 2,070 821 2,060 716 100 43,600 500 100 300 100 I'^(;t- 88 [Cf~~;; 1 -. - 1981 19P,? ESTII:,:.l [" rf"\Orc~ 20,900 750 1,400 811 1,400 -0- 50 39,500 400 100 100 50 33,50L 1 ,00 C 2,31;:' -0- 3,242 89Li 50 45,000 550 100 100 100 I'^(,l" ----- ------- Af t l"'lJ^L [' U DC' l-::T -.. -..------------. \J \I _' \ L.: -- ---"=,,,,- SUMMAflY or OI'L1IATIUG [XI'L:rmITUIlCS IlJ~1 J riE I'/,-idi.l C i--i1 -----. l.\CCOU:' 1 UIVI:"IUlj _ L:r~_A~_~I~__ 01 - GENERAL PUBLIC wORKS 304 - __..___.__~__.________.__ 0______---"- _~__ ___ _.___ .-- ----- ------ --------.---------------.- - onJI'CT (:xrCIl~[ 11 [1.1 1980 191\1 1981 198 couc RFVISFD !\CTlIl\t [)l![)(; !:l ESTJI'.!'.T~ r~oro: CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-304-00-00-800) 802 Office Equipment -0- 100 100 809 Other Major Equi pmen t -0- -0- -0- 5,400 Air Powered Paint Pump 600 Electric Generator 1,500 Electric Post Dr i v er 3,300 TOTALS 64 , 273 81,596 64,834 92,2_) ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY ,",Aut. .9..0 r r ACCOUNT 305 DEPARTMENT DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS SHOPS fPROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE 1 The purpose of the Public \-Jorks Shop includes: 1) N'lintenance of all City mvued vehieles and equipment; 2) To initiate a reeycling and rebuilding proi~ram as a substitute for purchasing new vehicles and equipment wherever feasible~ 3) Provide a comprehensive preventive maintenanee program for all City vehicles and equioment" maintain adequate supply of equipr:1ent parts, oil, fuel and lubricant supplies' 4) Provide statistical data on operations cost; 5) Maintain vehicle historical data on each vehicle or item of equipment. r fSTf.l.TEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1) Keep all vehicles or items of equipment operational 2) Keep operational costs down 3) Keep vehicle and equipment dmm time to a mlnlIDum 4) }Eintain a preventive program keyed towards reducing down time and 5) Initiate a recycling and rebuilding program where deemed feasible r fuel consumption r r r r I r I i r I 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET 1 BUDGET HISTORY ; ACTUAL REVIS:;El ESTIMATE I C3UDG T 1982 PERSONAL SERVICES 88,432 100,433 99,520 1I5,Db! OPERATING EXPENS:::S I 162 96L, 215 420 196 350 257.300 ! CAPITAL 3,13] -0- -1)- 4,000 . OUTLAY 251,,527 315,903 295.870 376,436 - NUMBER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES 4 4 4 4.5 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST -0- -0- 3,100 4,320 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r r J PAGE 91 AN~JUj),L BUDGET PEf~SONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT 01-305 DEPARTMENT Pub 1 i c vJorks DIVISION Shops CLASSIFICATION NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 FULL TIME \ Shops & Yard Supervisor 1 1 15 28,677 -I Auto & Equipment Mechanic 3 3 3 9 57,084 Clerk Typist .25 0 ,5 5,820 -, , TOTAL 91 ,581 l l TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 4,320 l l I l l OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 19,235 l 1 TOTAlS 4,25 4 4,5 115,136 1 COMMENTS Clerk-Typist is shared on a half-time basis with the Street Maintenance division, 1 1 rrrv n!:" \W--l!:" AT PfnrC' 1 h:::::::::=:===-=="--'-:==---===--=::: ^I~ N U f. Leu DC CT :.- ~ I SUMlv1AflY or or'[:IlA'j:,IJG CXI'[NDITUnCS i IT "Ma' 92 ---- - .---- UNi~l _ GENERAL r-!:~~~~~~-iTWORKS r~=~ ==~=~=~ "~==~===~~=--=-r- .-- on_wer cuuc T. I T 602 ~ 610 ~ 617 620 T 621 j 622 I IT 630 i T 651 T 660 T T T T IT I T r r----- UIV/:"IOII _~H_OP~ ~1^f5~lJ:'1 [Y.r-CII~[ 11 [M 1980 M:TlII\I. - 1981 19R? ESTJ~fT[ r~Dro~' . 19!1l RFVIsrn [)l1[},;U PERSONAL SERVICES (01-305-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 76,500 83,822 83,822 91,581 Overtime Pay 952 1,000 1,000 2,100 City Temporary Personnel -0- -0- -0- 4,320 FICA Expense Employer 4,780 5,642 5,642 6,566 . Workmen' s Compensation 965 2,061 1,099 -0- Health, I.ife and Dental InsurancE 3,261 4,685 4,685 7,280 Retirement Expense 1,974 3,273 3,272 3,289 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES (01-305-00-00-650) Office Supplies 268 300 250 350 Operating Supplies Fuel, Grease and Oil Parts - Equipment & Auto Reconditioning Accident Fund Shop Tools 158,259 214,020 195,000 243,950 148,700 82,100 6,650 5,000 1,500 ,.-:::::;:=::::=.::.-==.::=---==-.:.::.==::::..--==.:::= ^ r ~ l~ U f\.. L [~U D G CT :- SUMlvlMIY or Of'L1IATlfJG [XP[f~OITUncs I u~i) 1[)E:.I'I:frfi.i"(i~ 1 01 - GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS -:-:...=:..~ ~-=:..=--=-=-=-~_:.;-~-.:=-~-=-~-..:::...=---=--~==.=----_::::;:==;.- on_lIel couc [xr[/l~c 11 [M OTHER SEW'ICES & CHARGES (01-305-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 704 Contractual Services 706 Dues, Boo~s & Subscriptions 728 TrainL1'2" & Safety. 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 760 Utilities (transferred from 301-760) 776 Other E~ujpment Maintenance CAPITAL OTJTLAYS (01-303-00-00-800) 809 Other Major Equipment Stationary Air Compressor 3,500 832 Tools & Work Equipment Tool Box 500 TOTALS .__.......--r IUtVI:'\Ulj SHOPS - .-. -- --- --- . ---- 1980 M:TlIrd -0- -0- -0- -0- 809 -0- 3,628 -0- 3,131 1 <)!Il RFVISfn nll[1~~!:T -0- -0- -0- -0- 900 -0- 200 -0- -0- 254,527 315,903 ~~ ^<! l:-.9. ~r\~~~U:'1 . - 1981 19[ [STH~i\lT pr.'orC" -0- -0- -0- I I I I , -0- 900 -0- 200 -0- -0- HI 2,200 2:'-" 7: I 1,200 8,OC 500 3,5C_ 5C 295,870 376,43 ANNUAL BUDGET I-'/\bt ')L1 .. r BUDGET SUMMAHY r ACCOUNT 601 DEPARTMENT PARKS & RECREATION DIVISION ADNINISTRATICN , \ . 'RoriF\AM DFSU\IPTION AND PURPOSE r Responsible for developing a complete system of parks and providing a wide range of recreational programs, r fST,4TFMENT OF GOALS A!\JD OBJECTIVES 1. To provide quality parks facilities and recreation programs to all age groups of the communi ty , f 2. To provide additional aetivities for senior citizens through the recently acquired vllieat Ridgc Senior Centcr. r 3. To meet, as adequately as possible. the ever increasing demand for Darks and recreatic:l services lVith the limited resources provided for these services. r r r ~ r i - - - ~ BUDGET 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET HISTORY ACTUAL REVISED ESTIMATE BUDGi'"r 1932 PERSONAL SERVICES L'8,911 55 _ 061 54,415 61,773 r- OPERATING EXPENSES 3,5L>3 3~915 3,945 1>,215 CAPITAL OUTLAY 141 -0- -0- -0- 52,595 58,976 58,360 65,988 ::= - -- - "- NUMBER OF PERMl\NENT EMPLOYEES 2 2 2 2 - TEMPORARY LMPLOYEES COST -0- -0- -0- -0- ~ . , I I I -~ :---i I ! CITY OF WHEAr RIDGE ~l ~i A~JNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAGE 95 ACCOUNT 01-601 DEPARTMENT Parks & Recreation DIVISION Administration , CLASSIFICAT ION NO EMPLOYEC:S GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDC;ET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 FULL TIr~E Director of Parks & Recreation 1 1 i 33,552 - Senior Secretary 1 1 1 5 16,370 - TOTAL 49,922 - , - - - - - OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 11 ,851 l l TOTALS 2 2 2 61,773 1 COMMENTS No change in staffing, l 1 I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -::=::=------- --- --===-----:--=-== ^ f ~ l'~ U f\ Leu 0 C ET -- T SUMMAflY 01 Of>L1IATlfJG [XI'[NOITUnCS I'M;r 96 r--'--- lJIVI:'II)11 _ A~_M~~ I~ !~~TIO N ~/'CL.OU:ll 601 - .-- --~ 1980 ^CTL1A\ 19m RrVISFn [JlJDGr:T - 1981 19R? T EST JI~I'.lT PROl'05 T -- ----.-..-- Ilil~lj lOLl'AII I r.\l.Il T 01 GENERAL PAHKS AND RECREATION r -~=.=~ =~=-~~~~=~-~- :-:===~=~~=--~~~;-.--- OOJITT [xrr.w[ IlCfA LOut - J I . 602 r 603 610 T 620 T T T T T T T 621 622 630. 651 660 r T II II PERSONAL SERVICES (01-601-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 41 ,088 1 ,381 Longevi ty Pay Overtime Pay 456 FICA Expense Employer 2,423 Workmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insurance 1,874 1,644 Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 101-601--00-00-600) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 1,858 Operating Supplies -0- 45 45,189 1,620 500 3,147 59 2,723 I 1,823 i 1 I 1,800 100 44,635 49,922 1,580 2,169 560 550 3,147 3,527 -0- -0- 2,723 3,608 1,770 1,997 1,800 1,800 90 100 ---------------^f.'NUAL CUDC'r:T-- --- ---------. \J I L. 1'-\(;[" 9 SUMMMIY 01 OPLIlATltJG [XI'[NDITUflCS I Ul41J Ir-;U'/0i-IMLI'j'T 01 GENERAL PAHK3 & RECREATION .::.-~;;-..:::...-----;::-::- ::.===----~--;--=-=--=----_:.:=::.....-=-- - ~~.-- r-----. - -- -- . lJIVI~IUIJ ACCOlJ~<1 .___.~~M.I~N:Sl'~~~I~N __~~__I_~___ onJI cr caUL 1980 r\CTlJ^i_ [xr-r.,,:;[ l1Ct~ OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-601-00-00-70G) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense National Recreation and Parks Association ($1,000) CML, Miscellaneous 1, 139 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 118 728 Training and Safety 45 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement -0- 41 758 Rentals ~ Leases 759 Telephone Expense 290 52 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges -0- CAPITAL OUTL/iYS (01-601-00-00--800) 802 Office Equipment 141 TOTAL 19!\l RFVISEn BU[)C;U 1,300 140 -0- 50 25 300 100 100 -0- 52,595 58,976 .. - 1981 198: ESTH~;\F f'!iQr)C'~--: 1,300 1,601 140 140 -0- -0 50 25 300 140 50 2:"- - 30i 100 100 101 -0- -0- 58,360 65,98,_ ANNUAL 8UDGET BUDGET SUMMARY r''''\JL '.10 r i if I ir , ACCOUNT 602 [ DEPARTMENT PARKS & RECREATION DIVISION RECREATioN , I , I PROGRAM DESCRIPTlmJ AND PU8POSE The Recreation Division provides a wide spectrum of planned activities ranging from r athleties to leisure art~ to Senior Citizens programs to ~eet the needs of the citizens of I-Theat Ridge. r rSTATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goals: 1) offer quality, worthwhile programs [ 2) meet the chanf,ing needs and demands of the residents of Pheat Ridge for recreation programs . r Objectives: 1) increase usage of the Senior Centey by both seniors and the general Dublic; 2) create a successful drop-in prc~Lam at the Senior Center for seniors' r 3) maintain the quality and level 0; service of recreation programs to the residents; 4) increase the success of recreatioT, programs as a pay-as-you-go program, r r r . r - [ BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 BUDGf::.T i r ACTUAL REVIS~EFD ESTIMATE I I 8UDG_T 1982 I PERSONAL SERVICES 165,916 197.146 196,241 I 215,085 1 OPERATING EXPENSES 49,262 58,530 53,680 59,595 r CAPITAL OUTLAY 205 2,420 2,035 1. 305 215 383 258.096 251. 956 275,985 I NUMBER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES II 3,5 3.5 4.25 r TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST 70,682 70,682 65,640 . CITY OF WHEAT f-1IDGE ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAGE 99 ACCOUNT 01-602 DEP~.RTMENT Parks & Recreation DIVISION Recreation CLASSIFICATION NO. EMPLOYEES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 1980 IS81 1982 GRADE. BUDGET -I' 1982 " - FULL Trr~E Recreation Supervisor 1 1 1 15 24,330 -\ Recreation Program Coordinator 2,5 2.5 2.5 11 51,039 I - Clerk Typist ,5 0 .75 1 8,730 TOTAL 84,099 - , - 65,640 - TEMPORARY PERSONNEL CONTRACTUAL PERSO~~EL 46,882/- _.~-- 1'..../ I - -I OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 18,464 l l TOTALS 4 3,5 4.25 215,085 -I COMMENTS All seasonal positions are included in the temporary account. A temporary position 1 authorized for eleven months has been changed to permanent part-time status. 1 I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE n -- ^r~NU^L CUDCCT-- SUMlv'l^IlY or Of'L1I^TItJG [XPUWIIUflCS I'M;r 100 ~'~~":~1:C~:C~,:,:,:J~'~~~~"~<R~A,;~~~~<c~,I'"~~~~~~~:':~~~." ' ,IAC~~~'" . OOJICT [Y.f'f.II~[I1[M 1980 I 19f\l 1981 19R? COU[ RFVTSFD ^CTt1AL ,[)Uil(;I-l ESTIi~/\E PRCWcr: II fl. 602 n 603 n 610 617 n 619 , n 620 n 621 n 622 623 n 630 n 651 n 660 n 702 n 706 n 11 PERSONAL SERVICES (01-602-00-00-600) 65,618 65,618 -0- -0- Salaries & Wages 128,687 Longevity Pay 65 Overtime Pay 1,146 550 500 City lcmporary Personne~ -0- 70,682 70,682 42,220 42,220 ContracLural Temporary Personnel 23,320 (These costs are offset by fees to plrticipants, with the exception of Se~ior classes) FICA ~^pense Employer Workmen's Compensation Health & Life Insurance Unemployment" Insurance Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-602-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-602-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting Expenses Colo. Parks -and Rec. Society Dues, Books & Subscriptions 84,099 -0- 200 65,640 46,882 8,061 9,102 9,102 10,041 1,038 3,044 2,189 -0- 2,07? 3,509 3,509 5,208 36 -0- -0- -0- 1,485 2,421 2,421 3,015 8,647 12,411 10,000 9,500 12",500 12,500 197 230 230 269 200 200 9,000 12,500 230 215 --------::= ^f~NUf\L CUDCET ..- ,'^(,r 1 l SUMIVlAfIYOr OI'L1I/\TlfJG EXI'UWITUflCS --__ ~_. _.____..h IUIJIJ UlI'AIII t.1un 01 - GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION --=-~=;--.':;C:;::'--=.~~-~-=-~_;:"-::~==--~=-=----=-=-~....:.:..=.=;.___.__ OOJICT COU[ 728 730 740 758 760 T(4 776 779 ._IUiV~JI~~I_ RECREATION_ .._u __ rC~~Lf~ [Xf'[_IJ~[ 11 [1-1 Training & Safety Uniforms & Protective Clothing Auto Mileage Reimbursement Rentals & Leases Utili ties Ye aIde Firehouse, Anderson Bldg., Bathhouse & Swimming Pool, Senior Ctr, Facility Repairs & Maintenance Anderson Bldg., Ye Olde Firehous~ Bathhouse and Swimming Pool, Senior Center Other Equipment Maintenance Miscellaneous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-602-00-00-800) 802 Office Furniture & Equipment 809 Other Major Equipment" Chairs - Senior Center Slide Projector Pace Clock - Pool 930 200 175 TOTALS 1980 f,CTlIAL 436 781 597 250 21,233 4,402 37 205 -0- 1 qrn RFVISFD !~11W;[-T 650 900 600 350 29,800 3,000 2 200 . 1981 1 em, ESTIM^Tf r~~ro~' 300 30( 850 950 900 90er- 350 60C 25,500 31,500 3,000 3,000 300 30c.- 50 10C 1,000 . -cr- 100 1,420 1,000 1,035 1,3C 215,383 258,096 251,956 275,985 ANNUAL BUDGET n.\\JC lUG BUDGET SUMMARY r r ACCOUNT 603 DEPARTMENT PARKS & RECREATION DIVISION PARK NAINTENANCE -I PRO~Fil\rv' DESCRIPTIOI~ AND PURPOSE r The purpose of the Parks Maintenance Division is to de'/elop and PJaintain a system of parks and open space for the enj oyment of the ci tizens of Hhea t Ridge. The sys tem currently includes 15 park sites and 280 acres of greenbelt. The Parks sites are PanoraI~G, RGndall, Stites, Senior Center, Johnson, HaYHard, City Hall, Richards Mansion, APEL-Baeher, Boyds Crossing, h'heat Ridge, Prospect, Paramount, Sod House and ~luseum, and Kullerstrand Elementary School , _OJ T r STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goals: r 1. To provide a high level of maintenance in all city park 2, To cOPJplete 3 capital improvement projects: a, Construction of Ha~vard Park Pumping Station. b. Conversion of Wheat Ridge Park from potable water r e, Development of Richards ~~nsion grounds. Obiectives: 1, Provide a complete maintenance pr03ram for 119 acres of bluefrass tUlf. 2. ~aintain 7 restroom facilities for public use. 3, Maintain 1] playgrounds for public use. 4, Open swirunir g pool by June 1, 1982 and p'~ovide maintenance during s\vLl'rUng season, 5. Provide maintenance and repair for 12,872 square feet of recreation bui1din~s, 6, Stripe athletic fields for baseball, softball and soccer, and recreation facilities. to ditch \vater. r r r r r r 1980 1981 1981 I BUDGET HISTORY I I BUDGET I r ACTUAL REVIS~fFQ ESTIMATE I I BUDG _, 1982 J PERSONAL SERVICES 158,220 17Q ,237 175,166 191,391 i OPERATING EXPENSES 32,506 91,61', 95,',07 "8 ---------1 108,0,0 ! r CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. 94"1 1. 710 1. 710 1. 830 I 242,67'1 272,561 272,233 302,101 I I j r NUMBER OF PERMANENT I EMPLOYEES 7 7 7 6 ,- TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST 5],525 51,525 57,868 ....... CITY OF WHEAl RIDGE ANNUAL GUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE -- Pl\GE Im=~-' l DIVISION l Park Maintenance ACCOUNT 01-603 DEPARTMENT Parks & Recreation , CLASS1FICAT:DN NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDC,ET 1982 I 1980 1981 1982 ! FULL TI/'1E -\ Parks Maintenance Supervisor 1 1 1 15 28,677 Parks Maintenance Leadworker 2 2 2 6 32,160 l Parks Maintenance Worker 4 4 3 3 40,791 l Clerk Typist ,5 0 0 TOT AL 101,628 l l TEMPORARY PERSONi1;::L 57,868 1 CONTRACTUAL PERSONNEL 500 1 1 . 1 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 31 ,395 1 1 I TOTALS 7,5 7 6 191,3Ql 1 COMMENTS -I One Parks Maintenance Worker has been eliminated in 1982, 1 r - '] CITY OF WHEAT RIDGe. r;:=----------- ------- ^ f t f\J U f\ Leu 1) C'" r-r -- 11------------------ \J II": r i~ 01: ~ "M.t 104 SUMlv1AflY 01 OPLlIATltJG r:XPL:NDITUllCS IlJrH) ~ULl'^lIlt/'LUT r 01 - GENEH L PARKS & RECREATION ~_:.-"'-:::--::--.~=-:-:,~-:-~--=..::;:~-'~.-__=__==__===....;o::~_=_=__=_=_=;,--.-- _ OIlJ'CT couc [XP[ll:'C HeM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-603-00-00-60J) 602 Salaries & Wages 603 Longevity Pay 610 Overtime Pay 614 Standby Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 Contractual Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 621 Workmen's Compensation 622 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 630 Retirement Expense . MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-b03-00-00-600) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 660 I n Operating Supplies Turf Maintenance Building & Pool Maintenance Baseball Field Supplies Construction, Miscellaneous OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-603-00-00-700) n 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 7u4 n Contractual Services Building Maintenance 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions fI 728 Tra in ing & Safety 11 , 000 7,000 4,700 12,500 rJiVI:'IClllpARK MAINTENANCE 1/'CCl'~:~~. - 0-' __ ;___ . _ _._ __..,____~__~~__ _____.~ 1980 ^CTlJAL 131,844 337 4,995 2,646 -0- 240 8,471 1,666 5,397 2,624 173 28,269 -0- 33 31 19f\l RFVISFD [JIJl'()[-T 1981 198? ESTJ~~Tr pqOPO=' 94,811 94,000 101,628 321 216 -0- 4,000 4,000 4,?00 3,000 3,200 3,000 51,525 51,525 57,868 500 250 500 10,468 10,468 11,189 3,940. 1,604 -0- 6,716 6,212 8,641 3,956 3,691 4,065 350 200 250 36,000 34,333 35,200 5 190 190 200 -0- -0- 11,580 50 50 50 350 200 250 ",\(;[" 1 0 .----------.. --.-..-----------.-..-. ^f~NUf\L CUDGET-- SUMMMlY or Of'LIlATltW r:XI'[NDITUflCS (Cirjl) IOLI 'A,i-I-'-XCiiT \lJiVI:"llill _.. ~_l_.:-_.?~~~R_~~____~R~~~_ND_~~_~E~ ~_~ON__ __ .. _P~R_K.S_ MAIN!E.NA_NC.E ------- ---~.._--_.__.-.--- --------------. - - _rC~~~~J_~ OIlJi'CT (:ULJe 730 , 740 758 760 774 776 799 802 809 [Xr-r:rl~[ 11 0.1 - 1980 I 19f\l 1981 198:_ ~r:-VJSFD ^CTlIAL [JIII1C;IT ESTH~t.T;:- r 1\C1PC~ : 1,476 1,924 1,804 1,9h -0- 50 30 " ~ 3,257 2,000 1,000 1,800 44,038 40,000 46,500 50,00 3,109 8,000 7,000 5,500 2, 115 1,600 1,800 2,00-0 -0- 1 ,100 2,300 10 Uniforms & Protective Clothing Auto Mileage Reimbursement Rentals & Leases utilities Facility Repair & Maintenance Other ~quipment Maintenance Miscellaneous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-603-00-00-800) Offiee Furniture & Equipment 200 -0- -0- -0 Other Major Equipment Line Trimmers - 3 @ 220 Hand Mowers - 2 @ 385 Flexible Harrow 400 1,748 1,710 1,710 1,83" TOTAL 242,674 272,651 272,283 302,10_ f~/\Gt 106 ANNUAL BUDGET r BUDGET SUMMARY r ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 604 PARKS & RECREATION FORESTRY I ?ROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE r As directed under City Code, Chapter 22, the Forestry Division, through the City Arborist is responsible for the care and maintenance of all trees and shrubs nDon public rigltts-of- way, parkland and Greenbelt areas. The division also inspects tree s and shrubs gro' n~ r on any property ",ithin the City to determine if any destructive pestilence or communicable disease exists. The City Arboris t also administers ordinance enforcement, commercial arboris t lieensing and supervises a field crew. r STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goals: To continue to maintain a comprehensive urban forestry program, keeping wi tit the r high standards necessary for designation as a TREE CITY U,S,A. Objectives: r 1. to ')rovide proper maintenance of all City owned trees, including parks and righ ::s-of-way including trimming, removing, spraying and repairing; 2, t,1 increase public awareness of shade tree values in urban areas: r 3. to computerize inventory of all City owned trees and include on City as'.,et sheets; r 4. 'to continue highly successful Nei6hborhood Tree Planting Prog:':'::Tfi; 5. t~ promote Arbor Day into a comTnuni ty-v7ide celebration' 6. 1:c, give citizens the opportunity to receive concise and eomplete information r of ~ horticultural nature. r r r 1980 1981 ------. r BUDGET HISTORY 1981 BUDGET I ACTUAL REVI)SGEFD ESTIMATE BUD T 19[32 PERSONAL SERVICES 5L 261 59,20~ 53,2l>9 6l" 55~~ r OPERATING EXPENSES 4 405 10,700 10,600 14,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY 292 -O- j r 55,958 69,90l> 68,849 78,852 I NUMBER OF PERMANENT -- EMPLOYEES 3 3 3 3 , I TEMPORA!\Y E:.MPLOYEES COST -0- -0 -0- -0- - .- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE J . -, I- I PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01-604 Parks & Recreation Forestry -- CLASSIFICATION NO. H1PLOYEE:S GRADE BUDGET BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1982 1980 1981 1982 .-1 FULL TIME I City Arborist 1 1 1 11 23,594 -' , Tree Trimmer 2 2 2 6 31 ,398 , I TOTAL 54,992 -I ~ : I -, l l l l OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 9,560 TOTALS 3 3 3 64,552 COMMENTS No change in staffing. . - AN~'Ut\ L BUDG':'T P/\GE 107 I -. , CITY 0[- WHEAT RIDGE 1 1 l 1 1 -1 ------------.-- ----- ^ r.ll\J LJ ^ Leu 0 (' r:::"T -. ------------ ----. \J I L:. n SUMlv1MIY 01' OPLlIATllJG r:XI'L:NDITUflCS l'^<;[- 108 n luijli riLl'A,-II-i';'l.iir jIJiVI:"IlJII li\cc'olJ:n n~=_~~l~_-:.=~~~_~.R=~_L__.="~~p~.~~-~_:_ R~~~_:;T_I~!~___..._ .. _ __~?~~~!_R2_______~=___L 60_4 onJICT D;rU"CITCM 1980 I 19f\l 1981 19R? CDU[ RFVISFD ".CTlII\L . f\lj[)(; [l EST H~!\T [: PReWD:' n. 602 n 603 610 n 620 n 621 622 n 630 n 651 n 660 n n 702 n n n n n PERSONAL SERVICES (01-604-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages Longevity Pay Overtime Pay FICA Expense Employer Workmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dental Insurance Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 101-604-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating S~pplies park trees and shrubs neighborhood tree planting prog, fertilizer, insecticides, etc. 3000 5000 2000 OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES (01-604-00-00-700 ) Conference & Meeting Expenses 44,364 49,744 49,744 54,992 408 431 204 -0- 565 350 250 350 2,802 3,338 3,338 3,708 214 1,052 534 -0- 1,660 2,408 2,218 3,302 1,248 1 ,961 1 ,961 2,200 377 400 475 500 2,328 6,000 5,670 10,000 141 200 175 200 --- ^r~NU^L CUOCET - SUMMM1Y or OPLlIATIIJG [XI'[NDITUflCS ITJ~IJ "Jii'/~ii-li.1l.-ril 01 - GENERAL I PARKS & RECREATION ...:.-~~_~..::---:..~o:-..::.~.:=....-==~~ ;-=-_.=--=;:;;...~===-~-==.;:-+__....::.-=---=;====.:.. OOJI eT COU[ [Xrr.'lSC IHM 704 Contractual Services .706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 718 Ordinance Enforcement 728 Training & Safety 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing , , 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 758 Rentals & Leases 760 Util Hies 774 Facility Repair & Maintenance 776 Other Equipment Maintenance CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-604-00-00-800) . 802 Office Furniture & Equipment TOTAL LlIVI"IUII FORESTRY 1980 M:TUAL -0- 199 -0- 152 289 -0- -0- 149 460 310 292 55,958 19m RFVISFD [JUD[;Il -0- 175 500 150 375 100 50 800 1,500 450 -0- 69,984 " f'^(;[- 1 ) _r~~OJJ'<l _, - 1981 19ft ESTI~~lF pqnro~ -0- 175 750 90 320 100 45 400 1,600 400 -0- 1,00 17r SOu 101 375 301_ 50 40tT _ 25' 450 -0. 68,449 78,85? ANNUAL OUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY n-\\Jc. 110 r T [ r PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE ACCOUNT 605 DEPARTMENT DIVISION PARK RANGER PARKS & RECREATION r To regularly patrol City Greenbelt, parks and open space areas and enforce regulations in these areas. To presl~nt informative outdoor education programs, programs dealing with wildlife, plants, outdoor recreation and the natural environment to citizens groups, schools, organizations and the general public. To provide Sod House and Historical interpretation and to perform maintenance and construction on Greenbelt and open space areas, r fSTATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goals: 1) to maintain park areas safe and crime free; 2) to restore natural areas to highest level of pristine quality: r 3) to present the best interpretive programs in the metro-area: T Objectives: 1) to increase our Greenbelt and pur.- control; 2) to improve the fisheries in t~e Cleenbelt lakes: 3) to re-establish wildlife in nat,"ral areas. r r r r r r BUDGET HISTORY 1980 1981 1981 BUDGET I r ACTUAL REVISED ESTIMATE BUDGET 1982 I PERSONAL SERVICES 61. 752 70,838 70,f,20 88,784 I OPERATING EXPENSES 5.255 5.700 5,960 5,750 I r CAPITAL 477 LU(T , OUTLAY 67,484 76,53(j 76,380 94,73f, ! NUMBER or PERMANENT 2 2 2 2.75 EMPLOYEES r TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES COST 20,565 17,041 18,062 20,565 CITY OF WHEAT RIDG E PI\GE 111 ANNUAL 8UDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE -] -, ACCOUNT 01-605 DEPARTMENT DIVISION Parks & Recreation Park Ranger CLASSIFICAT ION NO. EMPLOYEES GRADL BUDGET - I BUDGET I BUDGET I BUO(jET 1982 1980 1981 1982 - -I I I - FULL TIt~E Park Ranger/Natu:alist I I 1 1 1 11 23,594 - Park Ranger/Naturalist I 1 1 1. 75 9 35,194 TOTAL 58,788 - - TEMPORARY PERSO~NEL . 1 7 , 041 I - - - - - OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 12,955 , , , l l TOTALS 2 2 2.75 88,784 l COMMENTS . A temporary position authorized for ten months has been changed to permanent part-time status l All seasonal positions are included in the temporary account. l I I - 1 cln OF WhEAT RIDGE n----==:-----------::::::==.===--== ^ r ~ N U ^ Leu 0 C ET -- SUMMMIY 01 OPLJIATltJG [XI'L:NDITU[lCS -- .--- -------;r-7 f'N;r 112 r kUTiiJ IlfU'^il.l-i'1L.'.~ r ILiiVI:"llllI ~Ac.COLJ:<1 . rL~=~2 ~_~=~.~~.~~~_L _.,~_.:~_!_~..~~~_ _~ _ REC R~:~ T I.~.~_ _~~.__~~R~ __~~E!____~~___1~_~5_. 10llJrcr 1980 19m' 1981 -1 (lO? (Ol C [xrr:II~[ nEM ,,:;c> . ; , ,;f-VI srn ^CTlJAL [Hille; rT EST ]\';'.1 t- P F,(\I' OS , n I' 602 n 603 I I 610 -n , I 617 -n 618 I 620 n 621 I n 622 _ I 630 .n I n 651 ~ 660 11 702 n 706 I 720 n 728 : 730 n 740 n 741 I -(58 n 776 PERSONAL SERVICES (01-605-00-00-600) Salaries & Wages 53,684 39,904 39,90)~ 58,78~ 720 1,048 1,048 48(, 195 200 200 - 20(. -0- 20,565 20,565 17,04., -0- -0- -0- 600 3,347 4,104 4,104 5,16r 859 1,086 668 -0- 1 ,511 2,319 2,319 4,722 1,436 1,612 1 ,612 1,781 Longevity Pay OvertimE: Pay City 72.nporary Personnel Court 'Pay FICA Expense Employer ~orkmenis Compensation Health, .ife and Dental Insurance Retiremer.t Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-605-00-09-650) Office SuppliBS, Printing & Postage 155 100 135 . 12S 3,101 3,200 3,200 3,00C 75 100 100 100 65 200 lOO 100 556 '800 800 800 -0- ,100 100 100 583 500 500 50D 93 100 100 150 -0- -0- 350 350 13 100 75 75 611~ 500 500 450 Operating Supplies Conference & Meeting Expense Dues, Books & Subscriptions ~' . '1-'; 'j ~........I '-'" ) e'" L t .;,. 't"~ I c-<. ... ~ .. Veterinary Services Training & Safety Uniforms & Protective Clothing Auto Mileage Reimbursement Uniform Allowance Hentals & Leases Other Equipment Maintenance --:---===-------=---::-- -----:: ^ r ~ I ~ U ^ Leu 0 C [T -- "M;!" 11" SUMrviMIY 01 OPLlIATltJG [XI'CNDl1UnCS ---- -~ -_._-~_.- --- I ~~~~_~~~~:I~E_R.~~ =1~l_~'~I~I~~l~ :I& _ OiurCT caUL [xrVl:'EI1U.I CAP IT AL OUTLAYS (01-605-00-00-800) 809 Other Major Equipment TOTAL " o. RECREATION _._ri~?~~~~ R_~NGER 1980 f.clll r\l 477 67,484 19f\l RrVISFD [JllDl~!:l -0- 76,538 _rC~2~:~1 : - 1981 191\. EST r: : I'. n: r{(lwo~ -0- 2 J 76,380 - 94,73 f:::::===-----.:----==--== ^r~NUAL CUDGET-- SUMMMIY or Of'L1IATING EXP[NDITU[lCS '1 r'Ma: 114 i"UN"fJ :'~-L'I^i\-I-t"l-t.-r-IT 1 =~QJ.~o-:-==QJ-:~'1!~JV~..~=L~CA~ NjJ "j: o!\! _J E-''U'_.L~ A L r:- _ rjV~~;:1I ..- --- - --.. .-. OOJrCT 1 COL>C 1 610 1 1 799 1 1 l 1 -' ExrVlSC IlEM 1980 ACTUAL 19f\l RFVISHl nUDCCT __~L~:in 1981 19R? ESTIM^TF rRnrosr' - - - 1 1 , I PERSONAL SERVICES (01-606-00-00-600) Overtime & Premium Pay A 11 D e par t men ': s 1,500 1,500 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-606-00-00-700) Miscellaneous Services & Chargp 2,173 1,700 NOTE: To cover the cost of the ~ity's participation in the Carnation ~estiva1. No cash contribution is made by Lhe City to any outside agency. TOTAL 3,673 3,200 1,500 1,500 1,700 1,700 3,200 3,200 . -- ^NNUAL CUDGET-- ~. 621 n n I I 623 i D ! 759 760 T j 1',\(;[ 115 SUMMAflY 01 OPLIlATfNG r:XI'L:NDITUflCS 1980 ACTUAL PERSONAL SERVICES (01-610-00-00-600) Workmen's Compensation (All Departments) 22,373 Unemploy~ent Insurance (All D0~artments) 3,029 OTHER S2HVICES N-JD CHARGES (Ol-610~00-OO-700) Telepho, e Expense (All City Offices) 44,470 UtiJiti~s (Municipal Building) E1ec~ric, Gas, Water 40,141 SPECIAL SERVICES (Ol-6l0-GO-OO-710) 711 Appraisal Expense 2,000 712 Annual Appreciation Dinner 2,366 713 School Crossing Guards 6,751 721 Jefferson County Animal Shelter r n I n I n 1,117 55,462 20,000 46,000 43,200 3,000 2,500 8,500 7,025 27,894 15,000 48,000 43,000 . 19R? 40,00 20,00 52,oor 5l,ooe 3,000 3,0 oe 2,500 3,0 OC , 7,500 8,5 OC' 3,000 6,9 18 " ^r~NUAL CUDCCT-- fW,( 11 E SUM MAllY or OPLlIATItJG EXP[NDITUIlCS 1-.U1J.t-J IOlI'A'"I-ii.1"l.ll-1 j[JiVI:"16iJ 01 - GENERAL GENERAL OPERATIONS EXPENt;ES --=-;-==,,::-=---==--=~-=--=-::=.~-:. . --" - - y:.... _.- ..- -- ------- --_. IACCOU:~T 610 OOJr"CT couc [Xf'[Il~[ Ilr.M 1980 ACTUAL 19!1l RFVISFD BlIOc;FT - 1981 19B? ESTW;\Tr rRCH'SS: INSURANCE AND BONDS (01-610-00-00-730) 780 Insurance Personal and Property Liabilty, Auto Insurance, Police & Public Officials Liability, Horse Mortality 78,713 101,825 80,000 80,OC TOTAL - - 400 600 400 5C - 1,482 2,000 i 3,000 3,00 " -0- 29,000 29,000 - cr-- 177,440 263,650 239,400 266,4] - 785 Bonds Treasurer, Notaries 787 Claims Asainst the City 779 Capital Depreciation (move to 607) . - lu~i) :5LI'MI-I-i,ILr~1 1 01 - GENERAL I RESERVES ~..::=---~-:- :;-=..::-:=::...~;::= ~- ::;;:'-=-~=-"'==::"--=====--=:=-----===--~"::"~r- 1-- I OOJr"er COU[ 1 1 779 .1 789 -1 794 795 1 797 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ---- ^r~NU^L CUOCET-- I'A<;[ 117 ---- SUMMM1Y 01 OPLIlATIIJG [XI'[NDITUflCS fAccourH 607 fJlV1C,1u"1' N/A - .. --- .-- [xr[lI~C 11 CM I 1980 ACTUAL 1981 19R? ESTI~^T[ PROros[ 19111 RFVISFD [JUDGET OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-607-00-00-700) Capital Depreciation Reserve (transferred from 610-779) -0- -0- -0- lao,ooo -0- -0- -0- 100,000 -0- 400,000 -0- 500,000 -0- 873,999 -0- ",.823,91: -0- 31,716 -0- 17,()()() -0- 1,295,715 -0- k.S60,91. Self-Insurance Reserve Contingency Reserve Unallocated Fund Balance Salary Reserve TOTAL . 118 OOT 0 000 o o~ 0 ~I 0000 0 000 00 0 0000 0 000 00 0 "" . . . 00\0\0 0 000 0\0 \0 ootntnoo 0 000 000 00 tn NCO 0 ONrl C'l tn co . . . " C'l C'l rl rl Nrl C'l 00 10 00 0000 00 0 ~I 000 0 00 0000 00 0 00 10 00 0000 00 0 . . . . \00 \0 0 0 0 00 0 0\0 \0 tn tn 0 tn 0 tntnOO tn tn 0 N M N 0 r-.r-.Nr-i ON C'l M M rl C'l M ~ 00 I 0 00 0000 0 I 0 ~I 000 0 00 0000 00 0 00 I 0 00 0000 0 I 0 0 . . . . . . . 0 00 0 00 0 tnOtn 0 0 ~ \0 tn rl tnO tnCOtnr-- rl rl P-< 0' 0 NN r--tnrl 0 0 ~ ~ \0 N M rl C'l C'l < :z CO ~ ~ 0' >< ~ rl ~ :> 0000 0 ~I 0 I 0 00000 0 I 0 ~ ~ N 000 0 00 0 ClOOOO 00 0 :> P-< CO 00li"l tn 0 I 0 OOtnOO tn I tn H ~ 0' . " , . " . . . l'L< H rl o V"'IOO M 0 0 00 CO 0 tn C'l M \.0 r-- (V1 r-- tn 0 Otn-:ttn r-- r-- r-.. ~ 0' CO N C'lr--\Orl 0' ~ \.0 <'1 ~ N N N H <'1 P-< < u ~ 0 00 u ~I 000 0 000 0 I 00 00 00 00 0 H 000 0 000 co 00 0000 Oli"l 0 ~ tnOO tn 000 0 I co o ,00 , , tn ~ . " ~O ~ U) l1"l<D u:l C'l 0 0 C'l 0 tnO 0 OV"'l C'l H M 0 tn \0 tntnO 0 Or-- r-N ..-1 M <'1M \0 0 MM CO N C00'N N tn M 0<'1 N H N M (V1 C'l ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~Z tn 0 ~O 0 U N >< N 0' (i1 0 \0 00 0 (f)- \0 Cf) 0 Ul <::: ~ H I H ~.j.J 0 \0 p:: ~ OM 'M rl ::J ~ oJM~ +-J <IT ~ 0 u o.oJ<lJ () H ~ S 00 Q) "' EO: Q) 0 +-J ~ Q) <lJ +-J Z 0 <::: 00 "'> Q) ~ ~ ~ Q) +-J ~'M 0 0 00 P< 0 < S <::: ~(f)>-I '-' E-< X < Z Q) Q) '" >:: u:l ~ 0 ~ Z ~ '" ~ 00 S H "0< 0 Q) ~ u E-< H H Q) 0 ;j <ll u 1->8 0 E ~ ~ 0 ;2 >:: H 0 :> Q) Q) Q) Q)H M Q) ::J ~ ~ H Q) 0. ..c: Q) 0 :l :l () . +-J ~ :> ~ H (j E-< 0 oj () s () >:: I-> >:: >:: >:: +-J ~>t..c: 0 H < ~ U N ~ >:: 00 H M oj O-ClJ ClJ oj oj H 0 (i1 >< ~ ~ CO X oj ClJ ::l M S ~ ~ >:: 0 o <U u 0- I': t-< "' ~ oj +-J rl I-> ClJ t: 0 M H<< ClJ u 3 M S ~ 0 0 ~ 0 (i1 rl E-< 00 oj H ::l bJJoJ ClJ +-J "<lJ ::l H P< Z t-< :> ~ ~ Q) (i1 < +-J cd rl cd U '-' ..c:..c: >:: rl.o 0 X ::J H P-< :::> <ll 'fi I-> E-< 'M >:: I-> >:: 00 Q) W +-J 'M oj H~ 00 ~ ~ ~ ::l Q) <ll '" 0 '" 'M oj ClJ 'M <ll \0 -:t cd Q) ::l-rl oj Po >:: M W >:: E-< >:: cd ;:r:: H ~ H N-or :8 (f) uP::) C 0 Q) oj >:: ::l ClJ H +-J ClJ ..c: ~ :> u:l H~ 0 (f) H Cf) t-< <ll X 0 ~ ~ Z CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1982 REVENUES Sales Tax (31-500-504) , , , , Interest Earned (31-580-581) . 1981 Fund Balance (31-580-589) TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Drain~ge Improvements (31-302-833) , , , , , Harlan - Schedule II (partial) , , . , , , * Lena Gulch - . , . , , , , , , , , , , , Schedule III, Schedule IV (acquisition) Lena Gu-leh Flood Detection System Wheat Ridge allocation Miscellaneous , , , , , . , . , , Street Improvements (31-303-840) . , , , , , 26th Avenue ReconstructioIl (Pierce west to Wadsworth) (First phases) Maintenance , . . , . . , , , , , , Chip and Crack Seal . , , . , , , , Curb, Gt'tter, Sidewalk, . . , , , , , , , Bikeway Improvements (31-303-856),.. Public Horks Shops Improvements (31-305-812) , (Garrison Street) TOTAL EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE 't, FUND TOTAL 850,000 955,000 15,000 200,000 200,000 500,000 175,000 75,000 - (" * ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES BY URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT - 600,000 CONSTRUCTION; 22,500 Lfu~D ACQUISITION G~"C I . " ..~i \:.'/,'1'!:-;'7'\ ~. - ,:.."\~l.. I 1f;J7 . rf.. ' ','.;.. -l;~' I 119 2,313,500 100,000 850,000 3,263,500 2,020,000 950,000 20,000 35 ,000 3 , 025 ,000 /.18,500 3,263,500 120 OPEN SPACE PROJECTS 1982 Crown 1ill - 1982 Payment Mugele - 1982 Payment Hayward Park - Improvements Wheat Ridge Park - Improvements Richard's Mansion (Hart Estate) Improvements 100,000 69,208 149,000 70,000 100,000 TOTAL 488,208 All project costs funded by Jefferson County Open Space Program 121 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1983 REVENUES Sales Tax (31-500-504) , . , . Interest Earned (31-580-581) , 1982 Fund Balance (31-580-589) TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Drainage Improvements (31-302-833) , . Harlan . , , . , , , , , , . , , , . Schedule II (completion), Schedule III Miscellaneous ' . , . , , . . . , . , , . , Street Improvements (31-303-840) , . . , . , . 26th Avenue (West to Wadswort;,~ (Completion) 44th Avenue ' . , , , . , , . . . , . Maintenance ' , . , , . . , , . , . , Seal Coat and Crack Repair Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, , . , , , , , , , TOTAL EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE FUND T()TAL 2,660,000 75,000 238,500 2,973,500 1,050,000 850,000 200,000 1,923,500 300,000 750,000 648,500 150,000 75,000 2,973,500 -0- 2,973,500 .i _ .. 122 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1984 REVENUES Sales Tax (31-500-504) , , , Interest Earned (31-580-581) 2,960,000 ------2.0,000 TOTAL REVENUES 3,010,000 EXPENDITURES Drainage Improvements (31-302-833) . . . , , . . , Lena Gulch - Schedule IV, Schedule V . 1,250,000 Miscellaneous , , , . . , . , , , ,. 200,000 1,450,000 Street Improvements (31-303-840) , , , , 44th Avenue , Maintenance . Seal Coat and Crack Repair Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk , , , , . . , 1,560,000 750,000 585,000 150,000 75,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE FUND TOTAL 3,010,000 -0- 3,010,000 123 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1985 REVENUES Sales Tax (31-500-504) , . . Interest Earned (31-580-581) 3,256,000 50,000 TOTAL REVENUES 3,306,000 EXPENDITURES Drainage Improvements Lena Gulch Schedule Miscellaneous , , (31-302-833) , , , . , V (Completion) , . , , 1,250,000 250,000 1,000,000 Street Improvements (31-303-840) , , , , , , 44th Avenue . Maintenance . Seal Coat and Crack Repair Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, , . . , . . , , . 1,800,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . 750,000 750,000 200,000 100,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE FUND TOTAL 3,050,000 256,000 3,306,000 124 CAPITAL UlPROVEMENT FUND 1986 REVENUES Sales Tax (31-500-504) , . , , Interest Earned (31-580-581) , 1985 Fund Balance (31-580-589) TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Drainage Improvements (31-302-833) Miseellancous Projects . . , , Sceeet Improvements (31-303-833) Maintenance , , . . , , , , , , , , . , , Seal Coat and Craek Repair Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk. , , . . , , , , , TOTAL EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE FUND TOTAL 3,580,000 50,000 256,000 3,886,000 1,000,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 200,000 100,000 2,300,000 1,5E6,000 3,886,000 1?5 REVENUE SHARll~G FUND 1982 Revenues 19-520-543 19-580-581 19-580-589 Revenue Sharing Allocation Interest Earnings Estimated 1981 Fund Balance TOI'AL REVENUES 248,134 10,000 34,000 292,234 - Expenditures Administrative ~€rvices 19-115-811 ~funicipal Building ~vork Police 19-203-808 Patrol Sedans - 7 2 new @ 9,000 5 recycled @ 5,000 5,000 43,000 Public WJrks 19-301-805 19-302-833 19-303-808 19-305-808 19-604-809 Radio System Inprovsnents Drainage Inproverrents Backhoe Equiprent Recycl~ :::-7~ Power ~~sistITailgate 'IOI'AL EXPEND~TURES I I 3,900 2,500 2,400 1,400 50,000 109,034 . j I 42,000 " , ~ ~J/A 33,000. " -I-- _ her-- I ,/ 6,400 Parks and Recreation 19-603-8()Q 3,800 292,234 AI /l . /; t//f} CZ4./z.../ ~'La(.~ / 'iJ $5 Od cJ ./ 126 CONSERVATION TRUST FuND 1982 REVENUES 54-520-539 Grants, State of Colorado -0- 54-580-581 Interest Earned , 10 54-580-589 1981 Fund Balance 400 TOTAL REVENUES 410 EXPENDITURES 54-508-862 To be used for landscaping materials , . , , . 410 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 410 NOTE: The Conservation Trust Fund is a restricted fund established by the City pursuant to State Law to provide for the receipt and disbursement of funds received from the State for the aequisition and/or development of park and conservation sites. PARK ACQUISITION FUND 1982 REVENUES 11-550-555 Sutdivision Fee 11-580-581 Interest Earned 11-580-589 1981 Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES 11-501-862 Park Land Acquisition and/or Developments to be determined by City Council . , , . , . TOTAL EXPENDITURES NOTE: The Park Acquisition Fu~J was established by the City in 1972 to ~"ovide for the accounting of funds received ano earmarked for acquisition of park lands throughGllt the City sustained largely by developer ~ayrnents pursuant to Ordinance and by contribution, 127 1,000 100 22,000 23,100 23,100 23,100 REVENUES 53-580-588 53-580-581 53-580-589 EXPENDITC:<ES 53-602-799 SENIOR CENTER FUND 1982 Miscellaneous Income . , . . . . , . . . . . . Interest Earned , 1981 Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES Miscellaneous Expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES NOTE: The Senior Center Fund provides for receipt and disbursement of donations to the Hheat Ridge Senior Center, , " Q 128 2,000 50 -0- 2,050 2,050 2,050 BUILDING REPAIR/DEHOLITlO'~ FUND 1982 REVENUES 55-580-581 55-580-589 Interest Earned , 1981 Fund Balanee 550 10,225 TOTAL REVENUES 10,775 EXPENDITURES 55-122-718 Ordinance Enforcement 10,775 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,775 NOTE: The Building Repair/Demolition Fund provides funds for repair or demolition of unsafe structures when deemed necessary by City ordinances, The fund is reimbursed through legal action against the owners of the structures, 129 , , ~ I I