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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, , COLORADO - 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET ~ GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION AWARD FOR - Distinguished Budget Presentation PRESENTED TO City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado For the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1987 - - The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented an Award for Distinguished Budget Presentation to the City of Wheat Ridge for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1,1987. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan and as a communications medium. The award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 ADOPTED BUDGET -TABLE OF CONTENTS- TItle Page GFOA 1987 Budget Award Table of Contents..................... City AdmInistrator's Budget Message... Resolution Adopting the Annual Budget. Budget and Financial Policies.... General Fund History/Projections.... Expenditure and Revenue Summary AI I Funds. Revenue Summaries..... ExpendIture Summaries. List of OffIcials..... Organizational Chart.. Permanent Appointed Employees by Budget Year. GENERAL FUND NON-DEPARTMENTAL Department Summary.. City Council..... Mayor........... . City Administrator/Personnel City Attorney....... Wheat Ridge Festival........ CITY CLERK - Department Summary. Deta i I . . . . . . . . . .. - MUNICIPAL COURT Department Summary. Deta i I . . . . . . . . . . . OTHER MISC. ACCOUNTS Department Summary... Reserves............ General Operations. TREASURY Department Summary..... Treasurer/Accounting. Budget/Sales Tax. Purchasing...... D a taP r DC e s sIn g. . . i ...i-III . . . . J v-v . v I-v i r I .Ix-xxix . . . . . xxx . xxx I -xxx II .xxxiil-xxxix .xl-xlv . . . . x I v I .. x I v i I . x I vii I ...Page ....Page ... ..Page .Page .Page ..Page .Page .Page .Page .Page .. Page .Page ...Page .Page . Page .Page .Page .Page 1 3- 5 7- 9 11-13 15-17 19-21 23 25-27 29 31-33 35-36 37-38 39-40 41 43-45 47-49 51-53 55-57 Table of Contents (can't) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Department Summary.................. Adm i n i strat ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Planning/Zoning/Code Enforcement. Code Enforcement..... BuildIng Maintenance. Building Inspection. Civil Disaster....... POLICE Department Summary. Administration... Support Services. Operations....... PUBLIC WORKS Department Summary. Administration.... Engineering...... Street Maintenance. Traffic Maintenance. PARKS AND RECREATION Department Summary. Admin istration.... Recreation....... Parks Maintenance & Forestry. Forestry...... . Park 5 Ra nger s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAPITAL OUTLAY SUMMARY General Fund CapItal Fleet Management Fund Equ Ipment Summary.... Replacement Vehicles. .Page ..Page .Page .Page .Page .Page .Page .Page ..Page ..Page .Page .Page .Page .Page .Paoe ~ ..Page .Page .Page .Page .Page .Page .....Page .Page .Page 59 61-63 65-67 69-70 71-73 75-77 79-81 83 85-87 89-93 95-99 101 103-105 107-109 111-113 115-117 119 121-123 125-127 129-131 133-134 135-136 137-138 139 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Capital Improvement 6 year plan.................Page 140-141 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Deta t I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i i 143-146 Table of Contents(con't) OTHER FUNDS Park Acquisition Fund.. Open Space Fund........ Senior Center Fund..... Conservation Trust Fund. BuIldIng Repair/Demolition Fund. .Page .Page .Page .Page .Page URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Department Summary.... ........ .... Kipl ing Activity Center........... Economic Revital ization Authority. Citywide Economic Development. Wadsworth Town Center......... .Page .Page .Page .Page .Page FLEET MANAGEMENT FUND Program Summary... Financial Summary. Division Summary. Division Detai I ... .Page ..Page .Page .Page GLOSSARY Glossary................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page - i i i 147 148 149 150 151 153 154 155 156 157 159 160 161 162 163-165 ~' (I Fl 'J >( r- i, : r,j; i <;i rt,lf,J I_in of - ,II'! / E. -'1 < 11 f i [j'Ji l.. ~heat <Ridge BUDGET MESSAGE October 19, 1987 Mayor Stites and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Colorado Dear Mayor and Members of City Council: I am pleased to submit for your final consideration the proposed 1988 Annual Budget. I have only been with the City a short time. However, I believe the Annual Budget presented provides for a sound, fiscal plan and acceptable service level for 1988. 1987 FLnancial Condition The 1987 adopted budget anticipated the depletion of $168,445 of the General fund balance. As 1987 revenues began to fall short of the projected receipts, management responded. As of today, we expect to receive approximately $7,340,000 in revenues, over half a million dollars less than was originally anticipated. The organi- zation responded to this fiscal emergency by reducing the projected expenditures by approximately $850,000. The net effect of this is that we will add over $65,000 to the fund balance instead of using over $168,000. I believe this demonstrates the ability of this organization to meet changing financial conditions. Additionally, the staff should be commended for maintaining a high quality of public service. 1988 Highlights The submitted 1988 budget is best described as maintaining the current level of services while keeping expenditures to a minimum. This no-frills budget is based upon extremely conservative revenue estimates that I think we will far exceed. In fact, I believe that we will see our fund balance return to levels closer to the 2 million dollar mark by the end of 1988. LO'!Q-Range Term Although I believe we are not facing a financial crisis for the immediate future, we must never become complacent. The Citizens' Financial Advisory Committee will be helping us to examine future revenue scenarios. I would emphasize that we must consider both '"Iv sides of of the equation; the revenue received and the service level provided. As we look to the future, we must consider the changing financial and community environment. I have every confidence that the Financial Advisory Committee will assist the Council in their policy making rnle. Conclusion I believe that the City of Wheat Ridge is in an excellent financial condition today and will continue to be so in the future. I wish to thank Chief Jaquay for his work as the Acting City Administrator and particularly for the first draft of this document. I would also like to thank Bern Kimmey and Patty Crew for spending the necessary hours to translate legislative and management policies into a final working document. Jim Malone provided historical and financial insights to me. I appreciate his help. Finally, I look forward to the next phase of this process. The implementation of this budget will be the true test of our abilities. Respectfully submitted, 4/4L~ MiZel J. Smith City Administrator MJS:ly v RESOLUTION NO. __~~___ Series of 1987 TITLE: RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CITY BUDGET. ESTABLISHING A MILL LEVY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DERIVING PROPERTY TAX REVENUES. AND APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY TO THE VARIOUS FUNDS AND SPENDING AGENCIES IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED BELOW. FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO FOR THE 1988 BUDGET YEAR. WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Annual Budget for the fiscal year 1988 has been establIshed and PublIc HearIngs and Meetings have been held after duly published publIc notIces; and WHEREAS. The Budget provides for revenues equal to or greater than the total proposed expendItures as set forth In said budget In the total amount of $ 14,493.650 which Includes the f 0 I I ow I n g fun d s : 1. General Fund.......................... $ 9,635,855 ~1ayor. . . . .... . ..... . . .. .. $ Wheat RIdge Festival..... City Council............. CIty Clerk............... CIty Treasurer........... MunicIpal Court.......... City Administrator....... CIty Attorney............ Planning & Development.. Pol tee................... Publ ic Works............. Parks & Recreation....... Reserve Accounts......... Genera I Operat ions....... 30.952 8,850 117.050 96,187 361,918 127.514 189,476 115,500 547,900 3,156.228 1,496.536 1,094,358 1,585,536 707,850 2. Capital 'Improvement Fund.............$ 2.880,000 3. General Revenue Sharing.............. 3,250 4. Park AcquisitIon..................... 25,400 5. Conservation Trust Fund.............. 330,000 6. Sentor Center Fund................... 17,500 7. Building Repair & DemolItion Fund... 15,385 8. Open Space Fund....................... 1.100,000 9. Urban Renewal AuthorIty Funds........ o 10. Fleet Management Fund................ vi 486,260 Page 2 Resolution No. 1058 WHEREAS, $533.150 of the Genera I Fund Budget is est i mated to be derived from ad valorem property taxes and the balance derived from other estimated revenue sources; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The City of Wheat Ridge total Budget as stated in this Resolution be hereby approved, adopted. and appropriated for the fiscal period beginning January 1. 1988 and ending December 31. 1988. - B. The property tax m III I evy for Genera I Fund operat i ng purposes is hereby established at 2.033 mills and assessed against al I real property located within the City of Wheat Ridge for property taxes to be co II ected in 1988 for the va I uat i on year 1987. DONE AND RESOLVED this _~~~~___ day of Qstob~E_________, A.D. 1987. - ----~~~------- Frank St I tes, Mayor - - g~ Wanda sang,-C~I;;k vii - - \ . .~ .'-....... ) I f c.:..... ,: , ~ : () I , , , , " . , RESOLUTION NO. ...lil6.2___ Series of 198) TITLE: RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, ANNUAL 8UDGET, FOR THE 1988 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Annual Budget for the fiscal year 1988 has been adopted through Resolution 1058 on the 26th day of October, 1987; and WHEREAS, It Is the desire of the CIty Council of the City of Wheat Ridge to amend the 1988 Annual Budget to provide for the Property Tax Limitation as Revised by Jefferson County and the State of Colorado Department of Local AffaIrs. November 10.1987; and WHEREAS, $540.000 of the General Fund Budget is estimated to be derIved from ad valorem property taxes and the balance derived from other estimated revenue sources; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The City of Wheat RIdge Budget for fiscal year 1988 be amended as provided in this resolution. B. The property tax mIll levy for General Fund operating purposes be amended to 2.082 mills and assessed against al I real property located within the City of Wheat Ridge for property taxes to be co II ected In 1988 for the va I uat Ion year 1987. DONE AND RESOLVED this 23rd day of November. A.D. 1987. i ,I --~~~- Dan W II de. Mayor ) , 1/ CG~~k ity ~k 'l) viii - - - - - 1988 BUDGET AND FINANCIAL POLICIES FORM OF GOVERNMENT The City of Wheat Ridge was Incorporated in August, 1969, and com p r i s e sat 0 t a I are a 0 f 9. 1 s qua rem I I e s . I n 1 976 . \~ he a t Ridge became a Home-Rule city, as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 31. The Charter for the City of Wheat Ridge provides for a Council-Mayor-Adminlstrator form of government. The executive power is vested in a Mayor who appoints an Administrator, wIth the approval of City Council, to run the dally affaIrs of the City. The City Council Is composed of eight members who are elected bi-annually, two from each of the four districts. The Mayor, City Clerk, and City Treasurer are elected at large for two-year terms each. The rights of the people have been retained through the powers of reca II, I n It I at i ve and referendum. The Charter I s a document of consensus and compromise. As provided by the Charter, all the powers and the determination of all matters of pol icy are vested in the Council except as otherwise provided. The City Administrator, as provided by the City Charter, is responsible to the Mayor and CIty Council for the proper administration of al I affairs of the City and to that end shal I have the power and be required to: a) Be responsible for the enforcement of the laws and ordinances of the City; b) HIre, suspend, transfer and remove City department heads under his/her jurisdiction; c) Make appointments of subordinates on the basis of merit and fitness; d) Cause a proposed budget to be prepared annua II y and submitted to the City Council and be responsiblle for the administration of the budget after its adoption; e) During the month of July, and as often as the Council may require. prepare and submit to the Council a budget status and forecast report with any recommendations for remedial action; f) Prepare and submit to the Council, as of the end of the fiscal year, a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the City for the preceding year and, upon the request of the Council. make written or verbal reports at any time concerning the affaIrs of the City under his/her supervision; g) Keep the Council advised of the financial condition and future needs of the City and make such recommendations to the Council for adoption as he/she may deem necessary or expedient; h) Exercise supervision and control over al I departments under his/her jurIsdiction; ix I) Be responsible for the enforcement of al I terms and conditions Imposed in favor of the City in any contract or publ ic utility franchise. and upon knowledge of any violation thereof, report the same to Council, for such action and proceedings as may be necessary to enforce the same: j) Provide engineering, architectural, maintenance, and construction service required by the City: k) Attend CIty Council meetings and participate In dIscussIons with the Council in an advisory capacity: I) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Charter, by ordinance. or required of him/her by Council and which are not inconsistent with the Charter. BUDGET On or before the first day of September of each year. the City Administrator shall submit to the Council a proposed budget for the next ensuing budget year commencing the fol lowing January 1, with an explanatory message. The proposed budget shal I provide a complete financial plan for each fund of the City and shal I show comparative figures for the last completed fiscal year. comparative figures for the current year, and the City Administrator's recommendation for the ensuing year. The CIty CouncIl sets times for publIc hearings, at which time, the publ ic may comment on the proposed budget. After the publ Ie hearings, and before the first day of November of each year, the Counc II sha II adopt the budget for the ensu i ng year. In addition to the operating budget, a six-year Capital Improvement Program is revised and extended annually. The City Council adopts the program as a planning document, but does not appropriate the multi-year expenditures. Annual installments to the identified projects are appropriated In the annual operating budget or by supplemental appropriations. Thus, major addItions to the infrastructure are not normally accounted for through a Capital Projects Fund. - - The budget document is prepared on a GAAP (Generally Accepted AccountIng Principles) basis, consistent with the accounting records and annual financial statements of the City, in accordance with the Colorado Local Government Budget Law. AppropriatIons are controlled and the budget is only amended in conformity wIth Colorado Revised Statutes. Supplementary budgets and appropriations must be adopted by resolution at a City Council meeting after publ icatlon of the proposed resolution In a local newspaper. x GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Genera I Fund - The General Fund Is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for al I financial resources except those required to be accounted for In another fund. Special Revenue Funds - SpecIal Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than specIal assessments, expendab I e trusts. or major cap ita I projects) that are I ega II y restrIcted to expenditures for specified purposes. Special Revenue Funds of the City Include the following: Bulldinq Repalr/Demol ition Fund - The BuIlding Repair and Demol ition Fund was establ ished during 1981, as a revolvIng fund. Structures are repaIred or demolished at City expense, and the property owner Is then billed for the cost of the repair or demolition. - Capital Improvement Fund - The Capital Improvement Fund (formerly Sales Tax Improvement Fund) was establ ished to account for monies received as a result of a one percent (1%) increase In the CIty's sales tax starting March, 1976. The revenues of this fund are to be used for capital projects, i.e. drainage, street, and traffic Improvements. All projects are funded and completed within the budget year, and are recommended by the Street CommIttee, reviewed by the Planning CommIssion, and approved by City Council. - - - - Revenue Sharinq Fund - The Revenue Sharing Fund was establ ished to account for those funds received through the "State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended." The Act provides monies to units of local government to be used for ordinary and necessary maintenance, operating expenses, and capital expenditures authorized by the Act, which also specifIes certain restrictions and procedural requirements. The 1988 Revenue Sharing budget Is comprised of the final amounts distributed in February, 1987, unless the program is reinstated. - - - Park AcquIsition Fund - The Park Acquisition Fund was establ ished to account for funds received and designated for park improvements and the acquisition of additional parklands. Senior Center Fund - The Senior Center Fund was established during 1981 to account for contributions made to the Wheat Ridge Community Center. The expenditures of this fund are used to support actIvities of the Center. xi Open Space Fund - The City of Wheat Ridge Is committed to preserving valuable remaining open space resources. The Jefferson County Open Space Program acquires land for public enjoyment (I.e., parks, playgrounds. lakes, tra i I s. etc.) and then donates the land to the City for use as public land. Open Space funds are derived from a .5% sales tax collected by the State for Jefferson County. Urban Renewa I Fu nds - The Urban Renewal Authority was established during 1981, wIth seed money from the City of Wheat Ridge to be respons i b I e for and seek to accomp II sh the redeve I opment and rehabll itation of bl ighted areas. Revenue is currently being received from sales tax increment growth over the 1981 base year, from property taxes, and from interest earnings on invested funds. Fleet Manaqement Fund - Annually, through the use of a fleet management fund. the CIty budgets sufficient funds for the regular maintenance, repair, and replacement of al I City owned vehicles. Fiduciary Fund Types (Expendable Trust Fund)- The Expendable Trust Fund is accounted for In essentially the same manner as a governmental fund; it is used to account for assets held by the City In a trustee capacity or as an agent. Conservation Trust Fund - The fund accounts for monIes received and restricted as to use in the acquisitIon, development and maIntenance of new conservation sites or for capital improvements or maintenance for recreational purposes on any publ ic site, pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 138. Funds are derived from distribution of 40% of the net proceeds of the Colorado Lottery and is received once a year In September. xii REVENUES Revenue Policy - The City of Wheat Ridge strives to achieve and maintain the most balanced revenue structure possible. Because Wheat Ridge Is a well established community, annual revenues are stabilized and can be used year to year as a sound revenue base. Annually the City reviews all fees for licenses, permits, fines and other miscellaneous charges as part of the budget process. Revenues are conservatively estimated and projected for five years and are updated annua II y. - TAXES - Property Tax - Property taxes are levied on December 31, and attach as an enforceable I ien on property as of January 1. Taxes are due as of January 1, and are payable In full by July 31 if paid In installments, or April 15 wIth a single payment. Taxes are de I I nquent as of August 1. I f the taxes are not pa i d with In subsequent statutory perIods, the property is sold at a publ ic auct ion. Jefferson County bIll s and call ects the property taxes and remits collections to the City on a monthly basis after deducting a 1% collection fee. It Is the pol icy of the City to record the property tax receivable in the year In which the taxes are levied and to recognize the property tax revenues in the year in which the lien attaches on the property. The receivable of $533,150 is based upon budgeted net taxes to be received in 1988. Genera I Fund - Liquor Occupational Tax The City of Wheat Ridge levies an occupational tax on al I operators licensed to sell various classifications of liquor within the city I imlts. These operators are billed annually based on the following schedule: Classification D-Retail Liquor Store E-Drug Stores F-Beer & WIne G-Hotel & RestaurantCExtended) Jl-3.2 Package Beer Off Premises J2-3.2 Beer On Premises T-Tavern Amount $ 500 500 500 700 500 500 1100 - The revenue derived from I iquor occupational tax has remained consistent over the past seventeen years with an increase each time the rates are Increased. The most recent increase was effective the 1986 budget year. The City anticipates $46,000 in revenues from thIs source for 1988. xiii Vehicle Ownership Taxes - This is a tax paid by owners of motor vehicles, trailers, semitrailers and trailer coaches In I ieu of any ad valorem taxes. The amount of the tax paid is a function of the class, age, and value of the vehicle. Generally, the amount of tax paId decreases with the age of the vehicle. Specific ownership taxes for Class A vehicles, which Includes any motor vehicle, truck, truck tractor, trailer or semitrai ler used to transport persons or property over publ ic highways for compensation, are paid to the State. The State distributes this revenue among counties based upon the proportion that state hIghway mileage in the county bears to the total state highway system. There are no restrictions on the use of this revenue. AI I other classes of specific ownership taxes are paid to the county. The County Treasurer then distributes this revenue based upon the amount that the property tax collected by the county and each pol itical and governmental subdivision bears in relation to all property taxes collected in that county. The revenue derived from this source stays consistent each year and a total of $47,000 has been budgeted for 1988. Sales Tax - The City of Wheat Ridge levies a 2% tax on all retail sales, leases, and rentals, with one-half, or 1%, going Into the General Fund for operations, and the other 1% going into the Capital Improvement Fund to finance capital projects. Through a very agressive policy of prompt and efficient collection of sales and use taxes, sales tax collections make up 32% of the City's total General Fund revenue and 93% of the Capital Improvement Fund revenue. The major sales tax revenue producers for Wheat Ridge are publ ic uti I ities, grocery stores, and I iquor stores. All three areas fluctuate based on weather or holidays, but they are stab I e businesses and continue to provide a strong base for sales tax revenues. Use Tax - A 2% use tax is levied upon the use of tangible personal property and taxable services not subject to the Wheat Ridge sales tax. This tax is strictly a General Fund revenue source. A provisIon has been made in the 1988 budget for a contract auditor to supplement the Treasurer's staff in the collection of additional sales and use tax. Publ ic Service Company Franchise Fee - A franchise payment is accepted by the City from the Publ ic Service Company of Colorado in I leu of all occupancy or occupation and I icense taxes, and all other special taxes, assessments or exercises on the right to do business. The current franchise expires January 20, 1990. Revenues are derived from a sum equal to 2% of the gross revenue from the sale of gaseous fuel and 3% of the sale of electricity within the corporate xiv limits of the City up to a ceilIng of $2,500 annually on any single customer. Public Service Company remits a sum of $188,000 on the last working day of each quarter, with an annual adjustment made on the last day of the first quarter of each year. Telephone OccupatIon Tax - There Is levied on and against each telephone utility company operating within the City, a tax on the occupation and business of maintaining a telephone exchange and I ines connected therewith in the City and of supplying local exchange telephone service to the inhabitants of the City. The annual amount of the tax levied is $127,050, paid In twelve (12) equal monthly Installments, each installment to be paid on the last business day of each calendar month. - LOdqer's Tax - Effective January 1,1986, an excise tax ~/as levIed on the price paId or charged for the lease, rental, or furnishing of rooms or other pub lie accomodat Ions in any hote I, apartment hotel, guest house, guest ranch, mobile home, auto camp. trailer court or park, or any other place furnishing rooms or other public accomodations. The tax levied and collected is at the rate of five percent (5%) of the purchase price paid, and Is In lieu of City sales tax. Through tourism promotion, the CIty anticipates an increase in Lodger's taxes from the hotel/motels along the 1-70 corridor and an additional $5,000 has been budgeted over 1987 projections. - Admission/Amusement Tax - An excise tax of four percent (4%) was also levied effective January 1, 1986, on each person who pays to gain admission or access to a performance of a motIon picture or to the use of lanes and pin setters for bowling balls in a bowling alley located within the city I imlts of Wheat Ridge. Due to Wheat Ridge not having any motion pIcture theaters at the present time, and the bowl ing alleys being well establ ished, the City has budgeted the same amount as projected for 1987, $45,000. - LICENSES AND PERMITS - Amusement Device Licenses - This is an annual I icense fee for operating amusement devices, for the purpose of promoting amusement facilIties providing a lawful and wholesome recreational outlet for young persons, specifically and generally to the citizens of the City. All establ ishments pay an annual fee of $50.00 per amusement devIce. Appl icants for an arcade I icense shall pay a $50.00 invest i ga Ion fee. A I I fees are pa i din advance. Arborist Licenses - The Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge issues Arborlst Licenses for the purpose of engaging in the forestry business within the city I imits, upon recommendation by the Arborist xv Board. The application fee is $10.00, and the annual I icense fee is $25.00. Wheat Ridge has been named Tree City U.S.A. for the eighth consecutive year, by the National Arborist Association. Contractor's Licenses - This is an annual I icense fee for all construction contractors doing business within the corporate boundaries of the City of \~heat Ridge. The fee is either $50.00 or $75.00 annually based on the type of contractor being I icensed. After September 1 of each year, the amount of the I icense is discounted 50%. Liquor Licenses - The State delegates the authority of issuing certain liquor I icenses to the Wheat Ridge City Counc i I. The State Department of Revenue allocates 85% of the lIcense fee to be appl ied to the Old-Age Pension Fund. A fee of $450.00 is collected as a new I icense investigation fee; transfer of ownership or location is $250.00; change In managers is $75.00; neVi licenses requ I re a $200.00 survey fee;annual I icense fees range from $3.75 to $78.75, based on class of license. Buildinq Permit/Inspection Fees- \'/ I t h I nth eel t y I i m Its 0 f \'I h eat Rid g e i tis u n I a VI f u I for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, Improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure regulated by the UBC (Uniform Building Code). or cause the same to be done without first obtaining a separate permit for each building or structure from the building official. Permit fees are based on the doll ar va I uat ion of the work to be done. If work authorized is not commenced within 60 days of issuance, or If work is abandoned or suspended for 120 days, then a new permit is required and the fee shall be one-half of the original fee. Building permits are being budgeted based on economic trends in our local area. The 1988 budget allows for an increase of $13,500 over 1986 actuals and a decrease of $3,000 from 1987 estimated actuals. - - Street Cut Permits - The Publ ic Works Department issues street cut permits for all street excavation, curb and gutter, sidewalk, cross pans, and street or road construction work done within the city limits of Wheat Ridge. Prior to 1987, water and/or sanitation districts and publ ic utll ities were exempt from these permit requirements. The 1988 budget has been increased $7,000 due to elimination of these exemptions and the Increase in administrative overhead for inspecting these permits when completed. Cable Television Permits - For the privi lege of having a cable television permit, the company shal I make permit payments for the use of the streets and other faci I ities of the City In the operation of the cable television system. The company shal I pay 3% of gross subscriber revenues minus sales taxes and other subscriber based taxes every xvi six months. The permit fee may be Increased or decreased by the City at any time the company institutes a subscriber rate change. pursuant to section 21A-15 of the ~unicipal Code. Cable Television permit fees have remained stable due to I ittle change In local population. Elevator Inspection Fees - In December of each year. the businesses located in Wheat Ridge that have operational elevators must be inspected for safety. The City charges $45.00 for each elevator inspection. Revenue from this source is very minimal and does not fluctuate annua II y. Business LIcense Fees - Effective December. 1986. the City imposed an annual business I icense fee for al I vendors doing business within the city I imits of l'lheat Ridge. A $5.00 first-time application fee is charged for new businesses. and an annual renewal fee of $10.00 is charged January 1 of each year and collected on the January sales tax return form. At the present. over 2.500 businesses are I icensed. bringing an estImated $30.000 In revenue to the City. - INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - State Clqarette Tax - The State taxes wholesale distributors of cigarettes at the rate of twenty cents per pack. State tax stamps are issued to the distrIbutors as evidence of payment. Each year an amount of State funds equal to 46% of the proceeds from the tax on cigarettes is distributed to counties and municipal ities that do not impose any fee, I icense or tax on cigarettes. The amount received is based on the proportion of State sales tax collected in each municipalIty and from the unincorporated area of a county. The 1988 budget figure reflects an increase of $9.000 over the 1987 budgeted amount based on the amount of state sales tax revenues collected by the State Department of Revenue. per Colorado Municipal League estimates. - - Jefferson County Road and Bridqe Tax - Each county in the state maintains a county road and bridge fund for road and bridge construction, maintenance, and administratIon, funded by a mi II levy property tax. Each municipality located in any county Is entitled to receive half of the revenue accruing to said fund. for the purpose of construction and maintenance of roads and streets located withIn the city's boundaries. Legally, this is the only use for these funds. Jefferson County collects this tax and remits It to the City quarterly. The 1988 mil I levy has been set, brInging an estimated $375,000 in income to the City. State Hiqhway Users' Tax Fund - The Highway Users' Tax fund Is comprised of several revenue sources. The first is the net revenues derived from imposition of xvii any I icense or registration fee, from any "ton-mile" or "passenger-mile" tax, from penalty or judicial assessments. from certain miscellaneous collections, and from excise taxes on gasolIne or other liquid motor fuel equal to the first seven cents per ga I Ion. The second source Is the additional revenues raised by excise taxes on gasol ine or other I iquid motor fuel in excess of the first seven cents per gallon. The third source is an allocation from the "windfall" monIes in 1987-88 and a General Fund allocation from 1988-89 through 1990-91. which wil I be subject to legislative appropriation each year. This third source is a partial replacement for the revenue loss due to the repeal of the Noble Bill provision in 1987. Funds receIved from the base HUTF revenues may be used for engineering, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, equipment. improvement, and administration of streets and roads. No more than 5% of these funds may be used on administration. Revenues from the additional motor fuel taxes and the "windfall" and General Fund monies may be used for new construction, safety improvements, maintenance, and capacity improvements; none may be used for administrative purposes. The Colorado Municipal League has prepared a listing of the amounts to be allocated to the various municipal ities for 1988, which was used as the basis for the 1988 budget. This amount is an Increase of $59,000 over 1986 actuals and a decrease of $40,692 from 1987 budgeted revenues. Motor Vehicle Reqistration Fees - State law requires payment of an annual registration fee for all vehicles. The amount of the fee is based on the class and use of the vehicle. Out of each fee paid by the owner of the vehicle, $2.50 is credited to the county within which the vehicle Is registered. In addItion to the base fee, an additional fee of $1.50 is paId for every motor vehicle, trailer, and semitrailer. Both the $2.50 and the $1.50 fee collected by the county are al located among the county and cities and towns within the county on the basis of the number of vehicles registered in each city and town, and for the county, in the unincorporated area of the county. The revenue received by a county, city or town from registratIon fees must be spent on the construction or maintenance of roads and bridges. The City of Wheat Ridge has budgeted $115,000 for motor vehicle registration fees for 1988 based on prior years actual receipts. - State of Colorado Hlahway Safety Grant - The Colorado Division of Highway Safety (DHS) is responsible for developing and implementing the Governor's Traffic Safety Program. The primary goal of this program is to reduce traffic crashes, fatal ities, and injuries in Colorado through the coordinated efforts of State and local agencies, groups and associations. Highway safety funding allocations, and the rules governing their distribution, are received for one year at a time. Out of the total cost for implementing this program in xviii Wheat Ridge, grant proceeds are expected to be $181,694, with the City paying for an estimated $87.000 of In-kind charges. CHARGES FOR SERVICES - Zoninq Appl ication Fees - The City requires that an application fee be paid for all rezoning requests and a site plan review fee be paid for al I site plan reviews. These rezoning requests must then meet posting, publ ication, and public hearing requirements established by the City. Per City Code, a fee of $200.00 per application is charged for rezoning requests. and $150.00 per site plan review. Special use permIts and variances requIre $50.00 processing fees. Liquor Hearlnq Fees - The City charges $50.00 per each new liquor license locatIon. This fee is for a public hearing and survey for citizen's I iving in the vicinity of the new liquor establ ishment. to whether they approve of the establ ishment being in their ne ighborhood. or not. - Parks and Recreation Fees - The Recreation Division has developed the following objectives in the establ ishment of its fee pol icy: 1) to provide a variety of different types of recreation programs and services to youth, adults, and senior citizens in the areas of athletIcs, leisure arts, continuing education programs and seasonal aquatics. 2) Operation of two community centers and one outdoor sw i mm i ng poo I. 3) To make these programs self-sustaining through fees and charges, the Recreation DIvision should recover a mInimum of 40% of its total costs In revenues generated through fees and charges. - - Swimminq Pool Fees - Admission and lesson fees charged for the use of the City swImming pool. The 1988 budget shows an increase of $10,000 over 1987 estimated actuals due to the projected revenue from installing a waters I ide at the outdoor swimming pool. This increase does not include a raise in fees, but added volume of participants. Concession stand revenue should also increase with the addItional swimmers. Pollee Records/Search Fees - These fees are to reimburse the City for costs related to the release of records information. Based on number of annual requests, these fees reimburse the City for approximately $15,000 annua II y. xix FINES & FORFEITURES - r~ u n lei p a I Co u r t Fin e s - AI I fines are set by the court for each violator, within legally set I imits. Traffic tickets, summons, jury trials, and forfeitures and received by the Treasurer's office from the r'lunlclpal Court as CIty revenue. The amount received annually Is approximately $130,000. With the addition of the State Highway Safety Grant in 1988, an Increase In traffic tickets issued and fines received should boost revenues above the yearly average. OTHER REVENUE - Interest Income - The CIty Treasurer is responsible for the prudent investment of all City funds and schedules Investments to insure that there Is as I ittle Idle cash as practical. Due to the decl ine in interest rates in 1987, estimated revenues from interest are go i ng to be about $50,000 I ess than budgeted In 1987. With the increase in rates as we approach 1988, we are anticipating an additional $20,000 in 1988, over 1987 estimated actuals. The rates and economic indicators show a slow but steady growth for the year ahead. Rent/Richards-Hart Estate - The City of Wheat Ridge purchased the Richards-Hart Estate in 1983, and in 1985 restored it to it's historical background, using Open Space monies. The mansion is currently used for public meetings and special events, and deposIts are collected and returned for It's use. The City also purchased a duplex located at the site and rents it out to occupants for whIch we collect a nominal fee on a monthly basis. r,1 i see II aneous Income - Revenue sources that are not easily categorized in the other revenue accounts are accounted for under f.1iscellaneous Income. This includes copy charges, auctIon proceeds, mineral severance tax, and pension forfeItures. TRANSFERS IN - The Urban Renewal Authority has paid back to the General Fund a percentage of sales tax increment for the Kipl ing Activity Center annually. The amount budgeted for pay-back during 1988 has been establ ished at $30,000. The 1987 budget provided for a transfer from the Capital Improvement Fund of $200,000 to cover engIneering and administrative costs connected with capital improvements made by the City. That amount has been increased to $453,994 for budget year 1988. A separate fund was establ ished in 1982 for Open Space transactions. Jefferson County collects a .5% sales tax for the Open Space Program. The county, cities and towns in Jefferson County may participate in the program. Expenditures and/or xx contract obi igations must constitute purposes which are authorized by the Program. These Include: administration of Open Space, planning for Open Space, acquisition of Open Space, development of access to Open Space, development of paths and trails on Open Space, construction of public trails. preservatIon and/or maintenance of Open Space, protection of Open Space, construction and acquisItion of recreation capital improvements. and, maintenance of recreation capital improvements. In 1987, an estimated $170.000 for preservatIon and maintenance costs of city parks was budgeted for reimbursement from Open Space to the General Fund. In 1988, this amount has been increased to $220,000. Other Funds - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - Sales tax comprises 93% of the revenue for this fund. The income (50% of sales tax receIved) is distributed monthly and Invested until needed to pay capital project contracts. usually in the late Summer and Fall. The $25,000 miscellaneous income amount Is the citizens share of the curb/gutter/sidewalk program which takes place every Summer and provides Wheat Ridge citizens an opportunity to replace old worn sidewalks wIth new ones at a reduced cost. A I so i nc I uded in 1988' s budget I s the jo i nt project with the City of Lakewood to reconstruct 32nd Avenue between Youngfleld and Simms Streets. Lakewood owns 1/6 of the right-of- way and Wheat Ridge the remaining 5/6. A similar project undertaken in 1986-87 for 26th Avenue between Wadsworth and Pierce Streets was very successful. The carryover each year is based on unspent appropriations, usually occurring when costs come In less than anticipated. Large carryover balances are reallocated the following year and a revised budget document Is approved by City Council and the Division of Local Governments Is notified per Colorado Budget Law. - - - - REVENUE SHARING - In the past, the Federal Government provIded funding for the Revenue Sharing program. Currently, there is anticipated a balance of $3,200 to carryover into 1988, which will end the program. - PARK ACQUISITION FUND - When a new subdivision is approved for Wheat Ridge, the developer Is required to place a certain percentage of the project cost into the park acquisition fund for future purchases of additional parklands. This amounts to a very small contribution each year and the fund balance Is increasing until enough is accumulated to purchase parkland. OPEN SPACE FUND - AI I revenue to the open space fund is derived from the Jefferson County Open Space Program sales tax collections. Reimbursement can either be made on a prepayment basis with the approval of a contract agreement, or on a postpayment basis with xxi supporting invoices and actual charges. The City is expending 1.1 million dollars in 1988. with 100% reimbursement expected from Jefferson County Open Space. SENIOR CENTER FUND - Through the efforts of senior citizens in our community, donations and fund raising events earn approximately $10,000 annually for acquisition of items to be used at the senior center. Purchases are made only after the funds have been accumulated. CONSERVATION TRUST FUND - The Conservation Trust Fund statute governs how munIcipalities can expend lottery proceeds. Each municipality's share is based on population estimates from the prior year. Because proceeds are distributed on September 1 of each year. budgeted expenditures can not take place until after the proceeds are received. So, there is usually a carryover from one year to the next for use of the proceeds. wh Ich fluctuate annua II y. BUILDING REPAIR/DEMOLITION FUND - Revenue for this fund is derived from seed money establ ished in 1981, for use as a revolving fund. Structures are repaired or demo I i shed at City expense, and the property owner is then bill ed for the cost of the repair or demolition. To date, this fund has never been used. FLEET MANAGEMENT FUND - Maintenance and overhead charges for al I City-owned vehicles are compiled monthly on an actual cost basis by the Vehicle Fleet Specialist position. These charges are then billed to each - department and the revenue offsets the expenditures made in the Fleet Management Fund. Each department In the General Fund with vehicles allots a certain dollar amount each year to be transferred into the Fleet Management Fund to purchase new vehicles. Capital expenditures for new vehicles are based on need within a citywide fleet replacement program. - - xxii EXPEND ITURES - Genera I Fund The General Fund Is comprIsed of nIne different departments and twenty-eight divisIons. Each division Is broken down Into four classIfications: Personal Services. Materials and Supplies. Other Services and Charges. and Capital Outlays. These classifications are then divided even further Into obJect/line Items. Personal Services Include salarIes. overtime pay. Insurance. retirement, and other related costs to the City for permanent and hourly employees.The 1988 budget allocates $170.000 more for regular employee salaries and benefits than did the 1987 budget. The City of Wheat Ridge has a compensatIon plan that al lows for progression through the salary ranges adopted by City Council, that al lows for recognition of extraordinary performance by employees, and that Is competitive in the marketplace. Employees who exhibit high qual ity Job performance may be recommended for a performance increase wIthin the assigned salary range of the posItion. Such Increase shall be determined based upon evaluation by the appropriate supervisor. and based upon a matrix. The percentage Increases provided for in the matrix are establ ished by the City Administrator based on the funding level approved by the City Council. ~1aterials and Suppl ies encompasses administrative costs. such as off Ice supp I ies. postage. and photocopy charges. Other Services and Charges contains such Items as dues. books, subscriptions. conference and meeting expenses, lease/rental payments. training and safety programs. telephone charges. etc. Capital Outlays (as I isted on pages 137-138) are fixed assets over $200 approved by City Council. The Fleet Replacement account Is the amount set aside to be transferred to the Fleet Management Fund annually to fund the purchase of new vehicles as scheduled by the program. - Other Funds Cap Ita I I mprovement Fund - The City continues to operate under its existing capital improvement Pol Icy: 1) The City devbelops a multi-year plan for capital Improvements and updates It annually. 2) The CIty makes al I capital Improvements In accordance with the adopted Capital Improvement Program. 3) The City Identifies estimated costs and funding sources for each capital project requested before it Is submitted to City Council, 4) The City uses intergovernmental assistance to finance only those capital Improvements that are consistent with the Capital Improvement Program and City priorities. and whose operating and maintenance costs have been included In the operatIng budget forecasts. xxiii Capital expenditures relating to storm water drainage, streets, and traffic are financed by one-percent (1%) of the City's two-percent (2%) sales tax. Revenue SharInq Fund - Due to the Revenue Sharing program being dIscontinued by the Federal Government, this fund accounts for the final revenue and expendItures supporting the program until It Is expended. which should be In 1988. unless more funds are distributed. Capital Items purchased by the Pollee Dept.. and approved by the City Council. will close out this fund in 1988. Park Acquisition Fund - The total amount carried over from 1987, wIll be used for park Improvements In 1988. Open Space Fund - As Itemized on page 148, Open Space funds for 1988 w' II be used for park acquisition and Improvements. and a reimbursement to the General Fund for expenses Incurred In the maintenance of City parks. - - Senior Center Fund - Accumulated proceeds from fund raisers wll I be used to provide a cover for an outside patio at the Wheat Ridge Community Center in 1988. - Conservation Trust Fund - The Colorado Lottery distributIon for 1987. plus a carryover from 1986, will be used for several park Improvements, and the addItion of a watersllde <!It the municipal swimming pool. Bulldinq Repair/Demolition Fund- Due to this being a revolving fund to provide monies to repair and demol ish buildings In Wheat Ridge, the full amount budgeted is carried forward each year to fund expenses Incurred. - - - Fleet Manaqement Fund - This fund provides preventative maintenance 3~d repair for al I CIty vehicles and equipment. Hazardous materials and waste management has been added to this fund in 1987 to comply with State and Federal regulations regarding the disposal of City created wastes. Four emp loyees. auto parts. fue I. and other charges related to the operations of this Fund are accounted for. and charged back to the General Fund. - xxiv CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The CIty of Wheat Ridge is bounded on three sides by four municipal ities. The fourth side is unincorporated Jefferson County, which we do not plan on annexing in the near future. Even though Wheat Ridge was Incorporated in 1969, this bedroom community of Denver was establ ished in the early 1900's. and the citizens here strive to retain it's rural atmosphere. Eighteen water and sewer districts lie within the City limits of Wheat Ridge. with some districts overlapping Into other municipalities. Fire protection is also a special district funded through property tax dollars. The City does not have a library, nor a municipal airport or golf course, nor does it provide garbage collection service for it's residents. Metro Denver transportation is funded through a .6% sales tax collected and distributed by the State. The Capital Improvement Program and Fund encompasses streets. bridges, curbs and gutters, drainage systems, and I ighting systems Improvements and projects, in \~heat Ridge. - Citizen Participation - It is the intent of the City CouncIl to develop and Implement a program for soliciting citizen involvement and participation through the formulatIon of a Capital Improvement Program and the creation of the "street committee". The Street Committee has been instrumental In helping to prioritize capital projects to be completed in the 1988-1992 Capital Improvement Program. Citizen input is received through publ Ie hearings prior to the adoption of the City's annual budget, when appropriations for each year's expenditures are authorized. The City Charter requires review of the annual capital budget by the Planning Commission prior to the preliminary budget being submitted to the CIty Council. - - - - Cap ita I I mprovement Po I icy - The City continues to operate under the fol lowing Capital I mprovement Po I Icy: 1) The City develops a multi-year plan for capItal Improvements and updates it annua II y, 2) The City makes all capital improvements In accordance with the adopted Capital Improvement Program, 3) The City Identifies estimated costs and funding sources for each capital project requested before it Is submitted to City Council, 4) The City uses Intergovernmental assistance to finance only those capital Improvements that are consistent with the Capital Improvement Program and City priorities and whose operating and maintenance costs have been included In the operating budget forecasts. Capital Financinq - The Capital Improvement Fund is financed with a one-percent (1%) sales tax approved by voters effective March, 1976. This accounts for 93% of the revenue for this fund. The remainder xxv comes from interest earned on invested monies, and citIzen matching funds for the annual curb/gutter/sidewalk program. In 1988 and 1990, additional matching funds are antIcipated for joint street projects with the City of Lakewood. Sales tax revenues have a strong Impact on the projects scheduled for a particular year, and the City upholds the pol icy of budgeting and completing only those projects which have fundIng for that year. Capital outlays for vehicles and equipment were funded with Federal Revenue Sharing monies prior to 1987. When the program ended, these items were Incorporated Into the General Fund budget. Parks and Recreation capital projects are paid out of the City's attributable share of Jefferson County Open Space monies, derived from sales tax, and the Conservation Trust Fund with proceeds from the State Lottery. Governmenta I fac I I it ies are budgeted in and paid out of the General Fund. Economic development is funded and admInistratively controlled by the Economic Development and RevitalIzation Commission (EDARC). formerly Urban Renewal Authority (URA), and funded through sales and property tax, and interest proceeds. Effective in 1987, the Capital Improvement Fund reimbursed the General Fund for engineering costs associated with capital projects. This Included personal services only. The 1988 budget expands this reimbursement to Include personal services, materials and suppl ies, and other services and charges. - - - - - - xxvi INVESTMENT POLICY - Investment Pol icy - The City of Wheat Ridge makes use of pooled cash to Invest under the prudent investor rule. The prudent Investor rule Is that investments shal I be made with the exercise of that judgement and care. under circumstances then preva II lng, wh Ich persons of prudence. dIscretion. and intell igence exercise in the management of their own affairs. not for speculation but for Investment. consIdering the probable safety of their capital as wel I as the probable income to be derived. The City Treasurer Is responsblle for Investment of City funds within the following guidelines and is directed to carry out the Investment procedures as fol lows: 1) Determine cash flow requirements from al I sources available (Department Heads, Purchasing DivIsion. Budget Officer, Council Minutes, etc); 2) Determine amount of Idle cash and length of time money can be Invested to best fit City needs; 3) Request interest quotes for each investment from the entire list approved by City CouncIl. The results of such request for quotes and also which quote was accepted shall be forwarded to Council, as Information. at the next regular meeting; 4) Award investments accord i ng to hi g hest quote and, If there Is a tie quote, preference of determination shal I be based on: a) local bank or savings and loan within the City limits, and, b) distribution of funds made to the institution with the lesser amount currently on deposit. 5) All funds of the City to be deposited with an eligible public depository, as required by C.R.S. 11-47-105. 1973. Per The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Statement 3, footnote disclosure is required In the annual audit report as regards to the deposit of public funds with financial Institutions. The City has adopted the policy of limiting the dollar amount on al I Certificates of Deposit to the maxImum insured amount by the F.D.I.C. and F.S.L.I.C., $100,000. The City can also use Securities of the U.S. Government and it's agencies. Repurchase Agreements, and the ColoTrust pool. - xxvii DEBT POLICY The City may borrow money for any municipal purpose as provided herein and Issue the following securities to evidence such Indebtedness: a) Short-term notes. b) General obi igatlon bonds and other like securities. c) Revenue bonds and other like securities. d) Special or local improvement bonds and other like securities. e) Any other legally recognized security which the Council may provide. The City of Wheat Ridge will use debt financing when it Is appropriate. It wil I be judged appropriate only when the following conditions exist: 1) When long-term capital projects are desired; 2) When It can be determined that future citizens will receive a benefit from the Improvement. It is currently the pol Icy of the City not to enter Into debt financing and to continue with a "pay-as-you-go" philosophy for all capital outlays and Improvements. Capital expenditures occur In the year they are budgeted. and no project is initiated unless it can be finished within that year. - The CIty is currently using a lease/purchase plan to pay for a large piece of equipment. The lease agreement specifically states that the lease/purchase can be cancelled at any time If the City Council does not appropriate funds for that purpose. Funds are budgeted and encumbered for that years payments only. - - ... xxviii RESERVE POLICY General Fund Reserve- The City of Wheat Ridge strives to maintain unapproprIated reserves that total at least eIght percent (8%) of the General Fund operating budget. This pol icy is carried out In the annual budget process. The 1988 budget reflects a reserve amount of $863,000, or nine percent (9%) of the total General Fund budget, and an unallocated fund balance of $722,536, or seven and one-half percent (7.5%). General Fund cash of $100,000 has been restricted by the City Council for emergency sItuations affectIng the I ives and property of the Wheat Ridge's citIzens. Expenditures must be approved In advance by the City Council, or in situatIons where members of CIty Councl I cannot be contacted, the Mayor and the City Administrator can approve emergency expenditures, provided a subsequent report Is made at the next City Councl I meeting. - - xxix - - - - .... co "' o '" "' 0\ o I " 0\ I "i 0 -. -. ",j '" 1 1 0 I '" . 0 I '" " I .... CO 0 U"\ I 0 " 1 I I '" 1 0 1 '" I '" '" 0 " 0 0 0 I ".. I - I ".. I 0 U"\ 0 0 I U"\ 0 U"\ +- 1 . . I . 0 0 0 . 0 0 I I . t a t a I a '" U I N '" t 0 I . I '" I . 0 I U"\ I N I r- I U"\ 0\ '" I '" " I '" 1 " 0 r- 0 '" 0 I 0 t '" t '" I 0 0\ ...., I 0 0\ 0 en 0 0 r- 1 1 I 0 . en I en I 0 - 0 I 0 a t t a I t I a I 1 a I a L. t t 0\ I I 0 I 0 0 - I I - 0 - ll. I I 0 0 - 0 0 I I I I I I I I 0 0 t 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 '" .... 0 U"\ I N l 0 " 0 " " " 1 '" '" 0 .... 1 " I .... 0 .... .... '" 1 en '" 0 '" I '" 1 " 0 " " .... 0 a a 1 a I ".. a 0 ".. a . a a N U 0 en - 0 - 0 0 '" 0 0 N " '" N 0\'" I " l - I U"\ 0 '" 0 '" - .... '" 0\ ...., I '" l .... I " t " - 0 '" t en en I -0 1 0 0 . I . 0 0 L- I I I 0\ I 0 I "- I I 1 0 - I l 0 I 0 -'----L- " I " - <X) . 0\ I 0 '" 0 .... 0 '" I - N '" U"\ I 0\ 0 0 +- I U"\ '" " ".. 0 I ".. <0 I 0 - - U I . . a 0 a I 0 I a I a . 0\ '" 0 en 0\ en <0 1 t <0 I en 0\ 0\ ...., t " 0\ en " en I '" 1 " I '" - - 0 I - " 0 U"\ I . '" I r- - L- I a a a 0 I 1 1 "- I - 0\ 0\ 0 0 I ; :..... 0 0 I I I I I " 0 '" N <0 0 0 I " 0 0 0 0 '" .... U"\ <X) ".. '" 0 ".. I - t 0 o+- 0\ " en 0 '" I 0 I '" . 0 0\ U . a a . a I . I a I a 0\ '" " '" <0 " '" I '" I en I " -...., U"\ 0 '" " I I " I N 0 " '" .... 0 I - I .... L- . a a I a I "-; -; <0 '" 1 - I - " '" '" N I en I 0 0 0 0 0 0 '" '" l '" .... 0 ".. '" 0 ,,~ .... 1 0 I O\+- U"\ U"\ .... 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'" I >- I ::> I " " - Ol I Ol '" '" I 1.-" 0 '" +- '" I L. ::> " '" '" <II - <= I c: <II >- " I '" '" '" +- '" I '" - Oll "'..... c: " I 01'" '" Ill- 0 - '" c: I ....+- ::> c: ::> 0 c: " c: 0 .... W c: 0 c: > " .... " 0 " > L. III 0 <II'" c: '" c: I III c: III 0 '" L- III 0 -L- c: +- ::> 0 ::> I.- 0- l c: "'''' '- '" 0 .c '" I .c I c: '" 1.-- l +- '" Ill"" 1.--"" 0 - '" I -Ill I "'" > '- > I U 0.1 U I Ill.c III III 0 c: "'-en 0 "to 0 " '" ~ ",L rn ! <~ ~ 2 ; r~ Q.l I ,~ I~ ! ~ : =;t: ~al!,~!E~<t'> .c c: : t~ ~ '" C> xxx 1988 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE AND REVENUE SUMMARY - - Treasurer-4% Hunicipal Court-2% City Clerk-l% -3% . Licenses & Perm~t %-Chgs. for Services ines & Forfeitures-2% Other Revenue-2% EXPENDITURES REVENUE Expenditure levels have remained at a 1.5% spread between 1987 and 1988 b~dgets. No significant changes were made at the department level. Restrictions of expenditures to 2% less than 1986 actuals were enforced to al low for e~ployee compensation during 1988. The 1987 budget did not make allowance for any salary increases, neither cost-of-I iving nor performance/merit. The effect of this expenditure tIghtening for 1988 will allow for the reserves to maintain at least an eight percent (8%) share of the total General Fund budget, and an unallocated fund balance of seven and one-half percent (7.5%). Revenues, excluding the 1987 carryover fund balance, comprise $8,079,588. Sales tax remains as the largest source of revenue at 2.6 mi II ion, down 3% fror.1 the 1987 budget. Property tax revenue has increased 6.5% over 1987 due to re-valuation of property values using 1985 as a base year. City Council approved funds to hire a contractual sales/use tax auditor for 1988. Additional revenues generated from this position should increase use tax approxImately 6.5%. Intergovernmental revenue wil I remain about the same. State Cigarette tax income wIll increase, but State Highway User's tax wil I decrease proportionately. State funding of a Highway Safety Grant raises revenues up to the same percentage level as 1987. The addition of a watersllde at the municipal swimming pool, funded through the Conservation Trust monies, should bring an extra $10,000 In revenue to swimmIng pool fees; an increase In metro area Interest rates should bring In an additional $20,000 In revenue OV0r 1987 estimated actuals. Transfers to the General Fund from the CapItal Improvement and Open Space Funds has increased 71% over 1987 to defray some of the expenses provided by the General Fund to these other funds. xxxi 1988 OTHER FUNDS EXPENDITURE AND REVENUE SUMMARY Open Space Fund Capital Improvement Fund 59.3% 22.64~s EXPENDITURES Fund Budget Percentage Cap. Imp. $2,880,000 Rev. Shar. 3,250 Park Acq. 25,400 Open Space 1,100,000 Sr. Cntr. 17,500 Cons.Trust 330,000 Bldg. Rep. 15,385 Fit. fH . 4 8 6 , 26 0 59.30% .07 .52 22.64 .36 6.79 .32 10.00 Total $4,857,795 100.00% * Excluding Carryover I Cons. Trust Fund-2.9% Other Funds- .301% Open Space Fund 24.5% REVENUES Fund Budget* Percentage - Cap. Imp. $2,805,000 Rev. Shar. 50 Park Acq. 1,500 Open Space 1,100,000 Sr. Cntr. 11,000 Cons.Trust 130,000 Bldg. Rep. 800 Fit. I-It. 432,909 62.60 % .001 .03 24.50 .25 2.90 .02 9.70 Total $4,481,159 100.001% xxxii CITYWIDE REVENUE SUr,lI~ARY BY FUND REVENUE SOURCE -------------------- TAXES Real Property Tax Liquor Occupation Tax Vehicle Ownership Tax Sales Tex Use Tax PSC Franchise Tax Telephone Occupation Tax Lodger's Tax Admission/Amusement Tax Total Taxes - LICENSES & PERMITS Amusement Machine Tax Arborist License Contractor's License Liquor License Fees Security Guard License Building Permits Street Cut Permits Cable TV Permits Elevator Inspection Fees Business License Fees Total Licenses & Per~its - INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE Cigarette Tex County Road & Bridge Highway User's Tax Motor Vehicle Registration St of Colo Hwy Safety Grant Tota I I ntergovernmenta I Rev - - - CHARGES FOR SERVICES Zoning Appl ication Fees Liquor Hearing Fees Parks & Recreation Fees Swimming Pool Fees Pol ice Records Fees Total Charges For Services FINES & FORFEITURES Municipal Court Fines Total Fines & Forfeitures OTHER REVENUE Interest Income Rent/Richard-Hart Estate f.1 i see II aneous Income Total Other Revenue TRANSFERS IN CARRYOVER FUND BALANCE TRANSFER TO BUDGETED REVENUE TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES 1986 ACTUAL 494,847 40,693 47,165 2,495,055 743,125 778,004 121.000 217,050 38.894 4.975.833 8,850 1,045 35,908 11,905 2,620 101,593 13,371 45,377 3,150 140 223,959 166,280 353,935 516,028 116,920 o 1,153,163 8,478 1,000 126,180 46,921 17,264 199,843 132,573 132,573 141,845 10,426 24,798 177,069 84,054 2,380,818 o 1987 BUDGET 500,616 48,000 45,000 2,746,919 828.617 801,346 121.000 187,083 42,678 5.321,259 8,500 950 53,568 8,137 2,600 131,250 12,000 48,000 2,000 33,000 300,005 171, 142 374,848 615,692 125,000 o 1,286,682 7,000 2,000 126,000 45,000 16,500 196,500 130,000 130,000 160,000 10,000 33,500 203,500 411,773 1,339,172 168,445 1987 PROJECTED 500,000 46,000 46,000 2,493,000 725,000 753,197 127.050 230,000 45,000 4.965,247 8,000 950 42,000 9,000 260 118,000 17,000 44.086 1,200 30,000 270,496 160,000 370,000 590,000 115,000 o 1,235,000 7,000 1,000 128,000 40,072 12,000 188,072 125,000 125,000 110,000 10,000 25,000 145,000 1988 PROPOSED 533,150 46,000 47,000 2.600,000 775.000 775,000 127.050 235,000 45,000 5.183,200 7,500 1,000 41.000 9,000 o 115,000 20,000 45,000 1,200 30,000 269,700 180,000 375,000 575.000 115,000 181,694 1,426,694 7,000 1,000 128,000 50,000 15,000 201,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 10,000 25,000 165,000 411,773 703,994 1,565,550 1,556,267 o 0 9,327,312 9,357,336 8,906,138 9,635,855 xxxiii CITYWIDE REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUND (Cont'd) REVENUE SOURCE 1986 1987 1987 1988 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED PROPOSED ------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Sales Tax Interest f'.1iscellaneous Carryover State Grant Lake\~ood f'latch 2,495,056 87,593 23,338 1,210,644 o 318,273 2,746,919 50,000 25,000 124,600 o o 2,493,000 50,000 25,000 860,281 413,589 o 2,600,000 55,000 25,000 75,000 o 125,000 Tota I Cap I ta I Improve. 4,134,904 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 2,880,000 REVENUE SHARING U. S. Government Interest Carryover Total Revenue SharIng PARK ACQUISITION FUND Interest Subdivision Fees Carryover Total Park Acq. Fund OPEN SPACE FUND Carryover Interest Jefferson County Tota I Open Space Fund SENIOR CENTER FUND f,1iscellaneous Interest Carryover Total Senior Ctr Fund CONSERVATION TRUST FUND State of Colorado Interest Carryover Total Conserv. Trust BUilDING REPAIR/DEMOL. Interest Carryover Total Bldg Repair/Demo 151,814 8,240 69,274 2,946,519 o 200 34,058 229,328 --------- ---------- 34,258 1,124 450 18,532 20,106 40,589 o 332,545 373,134 8,373 1,036 22,696 500 700 19,732 20,932 o o 820,000 820,000 10,000 900 26,587 32,105 --------- ---------- 37,487 108,613 5,861 83,571 198,045 780 13,005 13,785 108,000 5,000 156,729 269.729 450 13,455 13,905 xxxiv 3,841,870 o 200 64, 166 o 50 3,200 64,366 --------- ---------- 3,250 500 700 19.732 20,932 o o 820,000 820,000 10,000 900 26,587 37,487 108,000 5,000 156.729 269.729 450 13.455 13,905 700 700 24,000 25,400 - o o 1,100,000 1,100,000 10,000 1,000 6,500 17,500 125,000 5,000 200,000 330.000 800 14,585 15,385 REVENUE SOURCE FLEET MANAGEMENT FUND Charges for Services Transfers In Interest Carryover r,liscellaneous Total Fleet Mgmnt. URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY** Sa I es Tax Increment Property Tax Increment Transfers In Interest Carryover - Tota I Urban Renewa I ECON DEV AND REVIT COMM*** - TOTAL ALL FUNDS - CITYWIDE REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUND (Cont'd) 1986 ACTUAL 294,754 157,358 929 137,545 7,134 597,720 30,842 29,922 o 18,495 291,442 1987 BUDGET o 451,987 5,500 36,245 o 493,732 1,500 16,381 75,000 o 128,716 1987 PROJECTED 354,629 97,358 5,500 36.245 o 493,732 92,000 89,320 o 3,400 224,280 ----- 1988 PROPOSED 301,818 126.091 5,000 53,351 o 486,260 o o o o o 370,701 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- o 221,597 o 409,000 o o o - ** Urban Renewal Authority renamed Economic Development and Revltal ization Commission, October, 1987. *** See separate bud9ct document. - - - 14,926,439 14,215,495 14,493,037 14,493,650 xxxv -l <: 0'1 '<t N If'I If'I 0 0 t") r-- If'I I- If'I OJ N 0 If'I If'I If'I 0 OJ '<t 0 '<t r-- OJ If'I \0 '<t N If'I '<t I- r-- If'I OJ If'I N r-- '<;t 0 N 0'1 N 0'1 '<t '<t \D '<t r-- t") r-- '<t 0'1 OJ r-- t") t") '<t '<t If'I If'I \D \D \D \0 <A I -l N OJ r-- 0 0 0 '<t r-- '<;t '<t -lv) 0 0 t") If'I N If'I N lJJ => r-- \D If'I t") 0'1 '<t '<t N N Uo ~ ~ ~ V) lJJ 0 r-- l!"I 0 0'1 '<t 0'1 If'I Z N t") '<t '<t 0'1 t") N t") ::;:<: N N <A l- V) 0'1 0 \0 N If'I N 0'1 \0 OJ ~ lJJ lJJ r-- N 0'1 '<t 0'1 0'1 N t") 0 0:: ::;: r-- 0 N N \D N 0 r-- lJJO I-U '<t 0'1 '<t '<t \0 t") N N ZZ r-- \D \D If'I r-- 0 N '<t '<t N t") N fA 0 V) OlJJ <:U lJJ 0::0:: 0:: \D OJ 0 '<;t N r-- N t") t") O=> V) => OJ If'I If'I t") If'I l!"I l!"I If'I r-- -lO 0:: o<ll- en N 0 '<t r-- \D N \D If'I OV) <: V) lJJ '<;t l!"I 0'1 en 0\ 0 0 0 N U lJJ l!"I >- >- lJJu.. If'I If'I If'I r-- \D 0'1 N t") - .co 0 ZO:: t4 lJJ Z -l -0 C!l V)=> <: u..u.. 0 lJJu.. U => V) o::z-l V) 0 0'1 en 0 t") 0 If'I t") ~ lJJ<: u.. V) lJJ t") N \D r<i \D 0\ \D 1->0:: lJJ U ~ \D r-- t") \D If'I \0 0 '<t <:lJJlJJ Z C!l0:: lJJO::z lJJ 0::0> 0'1 If'I 0 If'I t") \D '<t N :J: lJJ I- <:u..o:: '<t If'I l!"I '<t r-- r-- 0\ 0\ - :l:-lC!l :J: lJJ <: I- U V) "" u..o:: V) OlJJ <: l-l z -l >-lJJ ><:Vl t") 0 0 r-- r<i N N r<i 0 t") - I-C!l Ol-lJJ l!"I 0'1 OJ If'I If'I N If'I \D - C!lz=> t") N r<i en '<t '<t 0 0'1 en U O::lJJZ lJJ::::lJJ r-- 0\ r-- t") \0 \D If'I '<t I-Z> N 0 t") '<t '<t 0 If'I ZO::lJJ r-- r-- en 0'1 en OJ 0\ t") - lJJ 0:: "" V) V) l- N r-- N If'I "'" N r-- en ~1 lJJ If'I 0 "'" \D t") \D '<t l!"I V) :;: 0 t") If'I en N N 0'1 en Z 0:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lJJ lJJ t") \D 0 0'1 If'I If'I If'I OJ If'I Un. 0 0\ r-- If'I N CO t") N N -l o<l <A r-- N 0'1 r-- 0 0 N CO t") If'I \D r-- OJ t") 0 r-- \D 0 r<i If'I \D N '<;t '<;t \D 0'1 OJ '<t CO V) \D t") '<;t 0'1 r-- N \0 0\ 0\ lJJ 0 OJ t") 0 If'I N '<;t If'I N >< t") If'I 0'1 t") CO N r<i \0 CO <: ~ ~ ~ ~ l- N N N r<i r<i "" '<;t "" "" "" "'.., -l <: UO:: r-- eo 0\ 0 N r<i '<;t l!"I \0 V)<: r-- r-- r-- en en ro eo CO ro CO - lJJ 0'1 0'1 0'1 CT\ 0'1 0\ 0'1 0\ 0\ 0'1 u..>- - xxxvi Furm General Fund Capital Improve. Revenue SharIng Park Acquisition Open Space Senior Center Conserv. Trust Bldg. Rep;:, i r/Demo Fleet r-1gmnt. - Urban Renewal /\uth. Total - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CONSOLIDATED AGGREGATE FUND BALANCES 1986 1987 1987 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTI~ATED 2,380,818 1,339,172 1,565,550 1,210,644 124,600 860,281 69,274 34,058 64,166 18,532 19,732 19,732 40,589 o 22,696 26,587 26,587 83,571 156,729 156,729 13,005 13,455 13,455 137,545 36,245 36,245 291,442 224,280 12,),716 4,268,116 2,967,025 1,879,294 xxxvii 1988 PROPOSED 1,556,267 75,000 3,200 24,000 o o 6,500 200,000 14,585 53,351 o 1,932.903 IJJ ~ 0 - 0:: r- ;< ~ r:J:J UJ ;> r:J:J :t IJJ 0'\ ~ ..J ..... . ..J 0 r-.. u.. ..J 0'\ 0 - ~ ..... ;< t: u - '" ~ - ~ ;.< - ---- --- '" -:t U") --r c- O' ..... - - ("") c- O' ..... - N c- O' r- c o o ..... o oS o XXXV;;; '" STllH '" o if) <J> ..... ~ <J> I" ~ <J> W ~ <J> .l'- ~ -(f> V1 ~ <J> 0\ ~ -(f> "'-l ~ ..... \0 "'-l 0 ... \0 "'-l ..... .... '" "'-l N .... '" " ..., .... '" " .,. .... '" " V1 .... '" " 0\ >I- .... '" " " .... '" " 00 >< .... t1'l '" :.- " ::<' '" en .... '" 00 0 .... '" 00 .... .... '" 00 N .... '" 00 W .... '" 00 ~ ..... '" 00 V1 .... '" 00 0\ ..... '" 00 " ..... '" 00 00 - - - $5,020,952 4,986,000 est. $5,200,000 projected DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM CITYWIDE EXPENDITURE SU~~~.lARY BY FUND 1986 ACTUAL 1987 8UDGET 1987 REVISED 1988 BUDGET ------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- GENERAL FUND NON-DEPARTMENTAL City Council Mayor City Admin/Personnel CIty Attorney Wheat Ridge Festival Tota I Non-Dept. CITY CLERK r!,UNICIPAL COURT - TREASURY Treasurer/Accounting Budget/Sales Tax Purchasing Data Processing - Total Treasury - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Administration Pian/Zoning/Code Building Maintenance BuildIng Inspection Code Enforcement Civil Disaster - - Total Plan. & Devel. POLICE AdministratIon Support Services Operations Total Police PUBL I C \'IORKS Administration Engineering Streets Traffic Tota I Pub lie \'Iorks 94,345 29,570 199,273 109,474 8,777 441,439 150,721 111,960 111, 130 111,973 36,816 85,596 345,515 77,323 227,454 79,031 122,767 56,248 2,872 565,695 359,242 778,214 1,798,757 2,936,213 98,109 404,756 802,249 134,884 1,439,998 88,610 30,613 222,187 105,750 9,350 456,510 111,248 108,593 113,125 111,508 40,945 90,159 355.737 22,304 248,466 76,891 120,676 o 4,784 473,121 351,761 763,329 1,930,105 3,045,195 120,573 437,402 886,510 160,571 1,605,056 xl 88,610 30,613 222,187 105,750 9,350 456,510 119,748 124,248 113,125 111,508 40,945 90,159 355,737 78,332 248,466 76,891 120,676 o 4,784 529,149 325,324 763,372 1,932,863 3,021,559 120,573 437,402 886,510 160,571 1,605,056 117,050 30,952 189,476 115,500 8,850 461.828 96,187 127,514 107,167 131,763 42,695 80,293 361,918 77,470 264,897 78,897 121,636 o 5,000 547,900 288,013 793,517 2,074,698 3,156,228 94,540 414,965 828,959 158,072 1,496,536 CITYWIDE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND (Cont'd) 1986 1987 DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM ACTUAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND PARKS AND RECREATION Administration Recreation Parks Maintenance Forestry Rangers 84,695 414,398 450,461 143,544 94,927 Tota I Parks & Recr. 1,188,025 OTHER MISC. ACCOUNTS Reserves Unallocated Fund Bal. Transfers Out/Fleet Transfers Out/URA-ERA Genera I Operat ions o o *(157,358) o 582,198 Tot a I ~.1 i s c. Ace t s . 582,198 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 7,761,764 OTHER FU~JDS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 3,189,760 REVENUE SHARING 165,161 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY*** 72,389 ECON DEV AND REVIT COMM** 0 PARK ACQUISITION FUIJD 0 OPEN SPACE FUND 363,226 SENIOR CENTER FUND 13,050 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND 66,946 BUILDING REPAIR/DEMO FUND 0 FLEET MANAGEMENT FUND 454,641 85,042 435,925 661,387 o o 1,182,354 840,000 499,172 (97,358) 75,000 605,350 2,019,522 9,357,336 2,946,519 34,258 221,597 o 20,932 820,000 37,487 269,729 13,905 493,732 1987 1988 REVISED BUDGET 85,042 435,980 662,246 o o 1,183,268 840,000 384,996 (97,358) 75,000 662,065 1,962,061 9,357,336 4,095,789 64,366 409,000 20,932 820,000 37,487 269,729 13,905 493,732 88,781 420,408 585,169 o o 1,094,358 863,000 722,536 (126,091) o 707,850 2,293,386 9,635,855 2,880,000 3,250 o o o 25,400 1,100,000 17,500 330,000 15,385 TOTAL ALL FlHlDS 12,086,937 14,215,495 15,582,276 14,493,650 486,260 *Included in individual departments fleet replacement acct. #807, except Pol ice-Operations Traffic Grant. **See separate budget document. ***Name change to Economic Development and Revital ization Commission, October, 1987. xli DEPARH1ENT SUr,H-1ARY FUND DEPT. GENERAL 01 EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES Non-departmental City Clerk r'~unicipal Court Treasury Planning & Development Po lice Public \'Iorks Parks & Recreation Other Misc. Accts. Total Personal Service - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Non-departmental City Clerk r,'uniclpal Court Treasury Planning & Development Po lice Public Works Parks & Recreation Other fvlisc. Accts. Tota I r,1ater I a I - - OTHER SERV. & CHGS. Non-departmental City Clerk t'l u n lei p a I Co u r t Treasury Planning & Development Po lice Pub lie \'1 0 r k s Parks & Recreation Other Misc. Accts. Total Other Services CAP ITAL OUTLAYS Non-departmental City Clerk Municipal Court Treasury Planning & Development Po lice Pub lie \" 0 r k s Parks & Recreation Other Misc. Accts. Total Capital Outlays TOTAL DEPARTHENT 322,464 74,339 98,454 263,037 481,318 2,484,256 812,234 838,193 174,354 5,548,649 6,343 5,275 5,102 19,629 29,983 35,568 179,035 104,604 512 386,051 102,778 71,107 4,673 61,910 45.617 212,436 378,415 219,806 407,332 1,504,074 9,854 o 3,731 939 8,777 203,953 70,314 25,422 o 322,990 321,377 75,918 98,443 268,382 372,777 2,558,605 879,167 774,986 163,000 5,512,655 4,800 5,280 4,300 20,835 31,612 44,485 215,540 103,387 o 430,239 118,085 30,050 5,550 56,520 59,060 302.682 399,000 269,093 1,781,522 3,021,562 12,248 o 300 10,000 9,672 139,423 111,349 34,888 75,000 392,880 7,761,764 9,357,336 xlii 321,377 75.918 114,098 268,382 428,805 2,565.535 879.167 775,900 163,000 5,592,182 4,800 5,280 5,050 20,835 31,312 44,485 210,979 103,387 o 426,128 118,085 38,550 3,750 56,520 59,360 300,182 399,520 268,344 1,736,761 2,981,072 12,248 o 1,350 10,000 9,672 111,357 115,390 35,637 75,000 370,654 9,370,036 321,353 63,740 114,685 266,013 443,285 2,683,580 885,739 739,242 253,000 5,770,637 7,050 5,170 6,550 18,625 33,035 41,188 176,900 98,739 o 387,257 96,675 26,677 5,979 63,130 63,242 322,824 359,090 225,859 2,040,386 3,203,862 36,750 600 300 14, 150 8,338 108,636 74,807 30,518 o 274,099 9,635.855 DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1986 ACTUAL 1987 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1988 BUDGET ------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- GENERAL FUND NON-DEPARTMENTAL CITY CLERK '.WN I C I PAL COURT FC:ASURY PLMHlI NG & DEVELOPf,1EfIT POLICE PUBL I C \'IORI< S PARKS AND RECREATION OTHER MISC. ACCOUNTS TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPE~!D ITURES 441,439 150,721 111,960 345,515 565,695 2,936,213 1,439,998 1,188,025 582,198 456,510 111,248 108,593 355,737 473,121 3,045,195 1,605,056 1,182,354 2,019,522 456,510 119,748 124,248 355,737 529,149 3,021,559 1,605,056 1,183,268 1,974,761 461,828 96,187 127,514 361,918 547,900 3,156,228 1,496,536 1,094,358 2,293,386 7,761,764 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 9,635,855 9,357,336 xliii 9,370,036 - - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO GENERAL GOVERNr"ENTAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTIONS GENERAL FUND lAST TEN FISCAL YEARS FISCAL GENERAL PUBLIC PUBLIC PARK S & YEAR GOVERNMENT SAFETY WORKS RECREATION TOTAL 1977 S; 929,233 $1,039,401 $ 511,142 $767,969 $3,247,745 1978 957,828 1,091,526 707,406 431,370 3,188,130 1979 960,157 1,403,831 806,805 552,629 3,723,422 1980 1,155,293 1,598,132 991,384 654,024 4,398,833 1981 1,434,850 1,845,757 792,902 716,726 4,790,235 1982 1,556,311 2,107,584 1,011,001 801,999 5,476,895 1983 1,866,888 2,351,177 1,133,201 920,512 6,271,778 1984 1,737,907 2,340,767 1,855,061 997,960 6,931,695 1985 1,843,649 2,443,412 1,867,383 1,079,096 7,223,540 1986 2,174,816 2.871.557 1.385.839 1,172.194 7.604.406 - - xliv COl~SUM.ER l' CE ll'lDEZ r- Q:J a- .... (./) IJ,.1 :r. '" -D OJ ~ ':> a- ..... ~ ~ . ~ 0 Z to'" IJ,.1 ~ B <f. C. ~ r-l .r\P' <.) 0"1 ~ OJ.4. - ~ a>t.: .t! IJ,.1 ($j ~ ti ,-'l .....:>- C. 0"1 (.) .-I ~ 0 r-l ~ 0 I po. ~ I>< - - .-I 0 Z ($j ~ ~ <-' ~ Z ':> 0"1 $ :::> 0 ti ~ .-I <-' ~ 0 if> Si (.) 0 OJ - g p a- - ,.J ~ ..... ~ (.) 4: ,.J ~ - ~ ~ ~ <" ~ (;j, - c o o ~ - - o o <" o o ('l ..... " o o ..... a- OJ 0- ..... Q:J OJ a- ..... - ?J ~ ~ ~ '$ ~ ~ '$ ~ ~ ?J ~ ,~~ '$ ~ '$ ~ ~ 0 r- .ifr .ifr .ifr .ifr .ifr .ifr r- ..... ..... .ifr _a- ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .ifr ..... ...... ...... .ifr <IC .ifr <f> .ifr <fr .ifr <IC <f> i\\I S~W1.c 0<1 - OFFICALS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MAYOR DAN WILDE CITY COUNCil LARRY MERKL DISTRICT I DORIS IBBISON KENT DAVIS DISTRICT II TONY FLASCO NANCY SNOW DISTRICT III RANDY WEST CLAUDIA NORTH DISTRICT IV ~lOE KELLER C \TY CLERK CITY TREASURER - \'/ANDA SANG JAMES O. MALONE - JOHN E. HAYES MUNICIPAL JUDGE ANTHONY ZARLENGO CITY ATTORNEY - - CITY ADMINISTRATOR - MICHAEL J. SMITH DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT...................CHARLES H. STROMBERG DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION...........................RICHARD H. BREDT CHIEF OF POLICE..........................................HOWARD E. JAQUAY D I RECTOR OF PUBL I C WORK S. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. R I C M I NETOR BUDGET/FINANCE OFFICER...............................BERNADETTE J. KIMMEY PERSONNEL ASSISTANT......................................PATRICIA A. CREW xlvi 0> o c CO C 0> 'E .~ ~ 'E 0> E 0> o .... o C U1 06 0> o C CO C 0> C .~ ~ III ~ .... CO 0. - - - XI \Ii i 0> o c co C 0> - C .- co ~ o ;;:: - co .... to- III C o .~ o 'c ~ ~ o o o .- ~ .... .... 06 "0 .... ~ 0. .,., .... - III 0> .... o u.. en c '~ III 0> o o .... 0. co ~ (:) 0> o ~ C 0> C '~ ~ en c :.0 :s CO c o -::; o 0> 0. III oS en c :.0 ~ CO .... 0> - III co III '0 II) 0> g ~ .... 0> en ,... o a: Cl o u.: ..... "0 .... co ~ 0 .- ~ ~ ~ s:; _ o ,- .... ;: ~ en 0. 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'" ro c Ul en 'N CQ L '<t \D N \Or-N LrI L <D C '<t +- u '" Ul _ Co.- L_ 0 CO c C>- o. c Ul c;. 0 0 0 (j) c <lJ 0 OJ {'J LJ +- 0 {'J +- 0 +- >- C~ - W 0 +- L > {;] 0 C :0 (ll CJ ~ 0 :0 '- (j) 0 0 01 L CL La.. CL C1 E C -". U - (;] 0 C) l- +- ~ <=,3 L C LU c..- a.. OJ I L L- C c: ~ >- W I 10 C) [J >- c--.: 0 I CL- c. L c c:. (1J N L 10 l- I Q (.)-- :0 C) LJ -1- ~ :J + G- ee: I 0 LJ U) c: U If! 0 0 0 0 .. <: I I ;;- "- {;] c: -- -- I- ",,,- I- w a.. I c +- c: (j) (c;- _co L l- lL] , 0 -- :J L - 0 :J {;] ,,- C I - ,- I-C C c.. C >:. ". xlviii DEPARH1ENT SUM~~ARY FUND GENERAL 01 DEPT. NON-DEPARTMENT 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 322,464 321,377 321,377 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 6,343 4,800 4.800 321.353 7,050 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 102,778 118,085 118,085 96,675 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 9,854 12,248 12,248 36.750 TOTAL DEPARTMENT 441,439 456,510 456,510 461,828 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - POSITION TITLE Auth/GradeSALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mayor (elective) Councilmembers(elective) City Administrator Personnel Ass i stant Executive Secretary Senior Secretary 1 8 1 1 1 1 $700/month 1 $700/month $275/month 8 $275/month $4,652/mo 1 $4,583/mo 15 2403-3005 1 15 2253-3155 1 0 1898-2373 1 10 1780-2492 5 1454-1818 1 5 1363-1909 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES City Attorney City Prosecutor 56,000 34.000 56,000 36,000 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 4 4 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Non-Departmental CIty Council PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The City Council serves as the legislative and pollcymaklng body of the City of Wheat Ridge. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Increase the City Council's knowledge of polley issues through counc i I meet i ngs and study sessions. 2. Consider ordinances and resolutions and act upon them. 3. Provide legislative leadership, respond to electorate, govern the City. - - PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 1987 1988 INDICATOR ACTUAL EST! MATED PROJECTED - Council Meetings Held 35 36 36 Ordinances Scheduled/ Acted On 54 50 50 Resolutions Scheduled/ Acted On 42 50 50 3 DIVISION S U r.1f~ AR Y FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 NON-DEPARTMENTAL CITY COUNCIL 00 102 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 26,400 26,400 26,400 26,400 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 169 1,000 1,000 900 OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 59,376 52,810 52,810 54.000 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 8,400 8,400 8,400 35.750 117,050 TOTAL DIVISION/DEPARTMENT 94,345 88,610 88,610 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO S IT I 0 ~I T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Councilmembers(Electlve) (8) Members $275/month $275/month TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL o o 4 FUND GENERAL DEPT. NON-DEPARTMENTAL DIV. CITY COUNCIL DIVISION DETAIL 01 00 102 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 651 Misc. Office Suppl ies 654 Photocopy and Printing Ex 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 702 Conference & Mtg. Exp. 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 712 Annual Apprec. Dinner 716 Legislative Memberships 728 Training 750 Profess i ona I Serv ices 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 798 Management ContIngency 799 Misc. Services & Charges TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 800 807 Fleet Replacement TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 26,400 26,400 12 5 1 106 o 169 16.339 o 5,898 18,616 o 3,204 2,944 11,744 631 59,376 8,400 8,400 94,345 5 26,400 26.400 300 300 300 100 1,000 18,500 200 8,500 16,000 o o 2,610 6,000 1,000 52,810 8,400 8,400 88,610 26.400 26,400 300 300 300 100 1,000 18,500 200 8,500 16.000 o o 2,610 6,000 1,000 52,810 8,400 8,400 88,610 26.400 26.400 300 300 300 o 900 16,000 100 7.000 19.100 o o 4.800 6,000 1,000 54.000 35.750 35,750 117.050 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Non-Departmental Mayor PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Mayor is the elected Chief Executive Officer of the City. The Mayor appoints and supervises the City Administrator. and is the head of the City for I ega I and ceremon i a I purposes. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES A. The Mayor Is the recognized head of City government for a II I ega I and ceremon I a I purposes. The ~'ayor' s signature must accompany a II contracts binding the City. B. The Mayor appoInts and supervises the City Administrator In accordance wIth Section 3.4 of the City Charter. - C. The Mayor sha II have the power to veto any ordinance passed by the City Council In accordance with procedures set forth in Section 5.14 of the City Charter. - 7 DIVISION SUMMARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 NON-DEPARTMENTAL MAYOR 00 104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 28,246 25,978 25,978 26,977 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES OTHEP SERV. & CHGS. 193 600 600 450 1 , 131 4,035 4,035 3,525 CAPITAL OUTLAYS o o o o TOTAL DIVISION 29,570 30,613 30,613 30,952 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSITION TITLE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~ayor(Elective) Executive Secretary . 5 10 $700/month 1898-2373 .5 10 $700/month 1780-2492 - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL . 5 .5 8 FUND GENERAL DEPT. NON-DEPARTMENTAL DIV. MAYOR DIVISION DETAIL 01 00 104 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 RetIrement Expense 25,128 1,840 713 565 22,699 1.623 1,084 572 22,699 1,623 1,084 572 23,876 1.707 776 618 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES ---------- --------- --------- --------- 26,977 650 651 r'1isc. Office Suppl ies 654 Photocopy and PrInting Ex 655 Postage Costs 28,246 96 55 42 25,978 200 300 100 25,978 200 300 100 150 200 100 TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES ---------- --------- --------- --------- 450 700 - 702 Conference & Mtg. Exp. 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 759 Telephone Expense 798 Management Contingency 799 Misc. Services & Charges - TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 800 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL MAYOR 193 762 36 1 0 o 323 o 1, 131 29,570 9 600 2,500 100 35 100 1,000 300 4,035 o 30,613 600 2,500 100 35 100 1,000 300 4,035 o 30,613 2,100 50 25 50 1,000 300 3,525 o o 30,952 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Non-Departmental City Administrator/ Personnel PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The City Administrator Is the Chief Administrative OffIcer of the City; this responsibility Includes directing operations, Implementing council policIes. and makIng polley recommendations to the Council. The Personnel Office reports directly to the City Administrator and has responsibility for employment and employee relations, and also all City Insurance. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES City Administrator A. Provide for a closer working relationship wIth the City Council through informal meetings with at least one session on goal setting. B. Cont I nue to deve lop cost account i ng app II cat Ions for City services such as the Fleet Management program. - C. Continue efforts to Improve the City's economic vitality so that necessary services are assured for the future. Personnel A. Hire employees that meet the needs of the City while following EEOC, AffIrmative Action, and revenue shar i ng gu i de I I nes. B. Develop, implement and maintain a pay plan/fringe benefIt package which fairly and equitably compensates employees, and which maximizes the purchasing power of the City's fringe benefit dollars. D. Manage City's insurance program to provide adequate coverage. Implement a strong loss contro I program. 11 DIVISION S Ur'H-lAR Y FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 NON-DEPARTMENTAL CITY ADMIN./PERSONNEL 00 106 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 157,995 174,999 174.999 157,476 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5,981 3,200 3,200 5,700 OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 33,843 40,140 40,140 25,300 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1,454 3,848 3,848 1,000 ------------ --------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL DIVISION 199,273 222,187 222,187 189.476 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE POSITION TITLE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - City Administrator 1 $4652/mo 1 $4,583/mo Personnel Assistant 1 15 2403-3005 1 15 2253-3155 Executive Secretary . 5 10 1898-2373 . 5 10 1780-2492 Senior Secretary 1 5 1454-1818 1 5 1363-1909 Secretary **.5 3 1258-1574 0 3 1180-1652 ** One-half Secretary position moved from Code Enforcement Into City Administrator/Personnel Division in 1987 - moved back to Planning/Zoning in 1988. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 4.0 3.5 12 DIVISION DET A I L FUND GENERAL DEPT. NON-DEPARTMENTAL DIY. CITY ADMIN./PERSONNEL 01 00 106 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Object Account Classification Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 600 ------ 602 Salaries and Wages 132,540 136,471 135,471 128,798 604 Deferred Compensation 2,755 2,802 2,802 3.012 606 Auto A I I ow a nee 0 0 1,000 3.000 610 Overtime Pay 0 100 100 100 617 City Temporary Personnel 4,025 14,000 14,000 4.500 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel 323 0 0 0 620 FICA Expense Employer 8,672 9,976 9,976 9,176 622 Health and Life Insurance 6,817 8,433 8,433 6.440 630 Retirement Expense 2,863 3,217 3,217 2,450 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 157,995 174,999 174,999 157,476 650 ------ 651 r.ll sc. Office Suppl ies 4,794 1,200 1,200 4,000 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 540 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 655 Postage Costs 580 800 800 500 660 Operating Suppl ies 67 200 200 200 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 5,981 3,200 3,200 5,700 700 ------ - 702 Conference & f-1tg. Exp. 1 , 8 1 6 2,700 2,700 1,800 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 771 1,500 1,500 1,000 724 Pre-Employment Physicals 2,578 2,000 2,000 2,000 726 Recruitment & Advertising 3,492 6,500 6,500 3,000 727 Tuition Reimbursement 6,139 2,000 2,000 2,000 728 Training 3,249 7,000 7,000 300 740 Auto ni I eage Relmb. 114 300 300 200 750 Professional Services 12,785 11,000 11,000 11,000 759 Telephone Expense 111 300 300 100 772 Fleet Repa i r/f-1tce. 999 2,140 2,140 0 776 Other Equipment Malnt. 248 500 500 400 798 f-la n ageme nt Contingency 548 3,000 3,000 2,500 799 1,1 i sc. Services & Charges 993 1,200 1,200 1.000 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 33,843 40,140 40.140 25,300 800 ------ 802 Office FurnIture & Equip. 806 3,200 3,200 1,000 807 Fleet Replacement 648 648 648 0 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1,454 3,848 3,848 1,000 __uu TOT AL CITY ADI'1N/ PER SO NNEL 199,273 222,187 222,187 189,476 13 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Non-Departmental City Attorney PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Provide assistance to the legislative and executive branches of the City In the areas of general legal services, clvi I I itlgation and appeals, and ordinance prosecution and appeals. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES A. The City Attorney will furnish all legal services required by the City except for specialized legal work in water law, and mun i c i pa I bonds. These legal services will be provided in a manner consistent with the contractual agreement between the City and the City Attorney. - B. The CIty Attorney wll I subcontract the services of a prosecutor for municipal court cases and have superv I sory respons I b i Ii ty for the act ions of the prosecuting attorney. - 15 DIVISION SU/.1rMRY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 NON-DEPARTMENTAL CITY ATTORNEY 00 107 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 PERSONAL SERVICES 106,377 90,000 90,000 107,000 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES o o o o OTHER SERV. & CHGS. CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL DIVISION 3,097 15,750 15,750 8,500 o o o o 109,474 105,750 105,750 115,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO SIT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 CONTRACTUAL - City Attorney(contract) 56,000 56,000 Prosecuting Attorney 34,000 36,000 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 2 2 16 FUND GENERAL DEPT. NON-DEPARTMENTAL DIV. CITY ATTORNEY DIVISION DEl A I L 01 00 107 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel 106,377 640 Outside Personal Service 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 - 702 Conference & r.1tg. Exp. 704 Contractual Services 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 732 Witness & Juror Fees 799 MIsc. ServIces & Charges TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. - 800 - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS - ------TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY - 90,000 o o 90,000 o 107,000 106,377 ---------- -------- -------- -------- 107.000 28 o 98 403 2,568 90,000 o 1,250 2,500 2,500 1,000 8,500 90,000 o 1,250 2,500 2,500 1,000 8,500 o o 1,000 2,000 2,500 500 2,500 3,097 ---------- --------- --------- --------- 8,500 109,474 17 15,750 o 105.750 15,750 o 105,750 o o 115,500 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Non-Departmental Wheat Ridge Festival PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program funds the CIty of Wheat Ridge's contributIon to the annual Wheat Ridge Festival. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES ... In 1988, the 19th Annual Wheat Ridge Festival wll I be held for three days in August. This Festival is a celebration of the Wheat Ridge community that features a parade and a wide variety of other activities. City monies are used to pay City personnel assigned to the Festival, and to provide other goods and services used for the Festival. ... ... ... ... ... 19 DIVISION S U r,1I'1ARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 NON-DEPARTMENTAL WHEAT RIDGE FESTIVAL 00 606 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 PERSONAL SERVICES 3,446 4,000 4,000 3,500 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES o o o o OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 5,331 5,350 5,350 5,350 CAPITAL OUTLAYS o o o o TOTAL DIVISION 8,777 9,350 9,350 8,850 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONnEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO SIT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL o o 20 FUND GENERAL DEPT. NON-DEPARTMENTAL DIV. WHEAT RIDGE FESTIVAL Object Account Classification DIVISION DETAIL 01 Actual 1986 00 Budget 1987 606 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 610 Overtime Pay TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 714 Legals and Publishing 799 Misc. Services & Charges TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 800 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL WHEATRIDGE FESTIVAL 3,446 3,446 o 5,331 5,331 8,777 21 4,000 4.000 o 350 5,000 5,350 o 9,350 4,000 4,000 o 350 5,000 5,350 o 9,350 3,500 3.500 o o 350 5,000 5,350 o o 8,850 FUND GENERAL CITY CLERK DEPT. CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL DEPARTMENT PO SIT ION T I TL E - - City Clerk (elective) Deputy City Clerk Clerk-Typist AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL DEPARn~ENT SUMMARY 01 01 ACTUAL 1986 74,339 5,275 71,107 150,721 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE BUDGET 1987 75,918 5,280 30,050 o o REVISED 1987 75,918 5,280 38,550 119,748 BUDGET 1988 63.740 5,170 26,677 o 600 111,248 96,187 Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 6 2 2 $22,575/year 1558-1948 1 1185-1481 .5 21 6 2 1.5 $22,575/year 1461-2045 1111 - 1 555 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTP-tENT PROGRAM Non-Departmental City Clerk PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The City Clerk maIntains a public file of all ordinances and all codes adopted by reference and all official city records, deeds, and titles. Along with the mayor, certifies al I city ordinances within forty-eight hours and maintains a book thereof. Acts as custodian of the city seal. Publ ishes ordinances and legal notices, keeping citizens informed on council actions and attesting to publ ication. Conducts City Elections. Issues I icenses. Prepares counci I agendas and minutes. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES A. Keep c I t I zens I nformed of a II City Counc i I act ions through publication of legal notices, minutes, and agendas. - B. Make available al I city records, ordinances. resolutions, contracts, building codes. city code of laws. charter, agenda items, city counci I minutes, and tapes of counci I minutes to the citizens of Wheat Ridge. - - PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 1987 1988 - INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED Voter Registrations 212 150 400 Senior Citizen Refunds 1569 Legal Publications 305 300 300 City Council ~1eet i ngs 35 36 36 Liquor License (new) 1 6 20 20 Liquor License Renewal 60 64 64 Resolutions Distributed 42 50 50 Ordinances Distributed 54 50 50 Codification Supplements 4 4 4 25 DIVISION SU/~r~ARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL CITY CLERK CITY CLERK 01 01 108 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 74,339 75,918 75,918 63,740 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5,275 5,280 5,280 5,170 OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 71,107 30,050 38,550 26,677 CAPITAL OUTLAYS o o o 600 TOTAL DIVISION 150,721 1 1 1,248 119,748 96,187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSITION TITLE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- City Clerk(Elective) Deputy City Clerk Clerk-TypIst 6 2 $22.575/year 1558-1948 1 1185-1481 .5 6 2 $22,575/year 1461-2045 1111-1555 - - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 2 1.5 26 FUND GENERAL DEPT. CITY CLERK DIV. CITY CLERK DIVISION DETAIL 01 01 108 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - 602 Salaries and Wages 610 Overtime Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 - - 651 r.Hsc. Off ice Supplies 654 Photocopy and Printing Ex 655 Postage Costs 62,511 o o 408 4,414 4,625 2,381 74,339 1,907 1 , 9 1 8 1,450 62,640 100 o 1,000 4,486 5,186 2,506 75,918 880 2,200 2,200 62,640 100 o 1,000 4,486 5,186 2,506 75,918 880 2,200 2,200 53.280 100 o 400 4,009 3.820 2,131 63,740 1,869 1,880 1,421 TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES ---------- --------- --------- --------- 5, 170 - 700 - 702 Conference & Mtg. Exp. 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 708 ElectIon Expenses 714 Legals and Publishing 715 Recording Fees 728 Training 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 750 Professional Services 759 Telephone Expense 776 Other Equipment Malnt. 792 Tax Rebate/Senior Citizen 799 Misc. Services & Charges - - - 5,275 1,643 1,281 22 16,429 1,931 590 18 1,950 32 2,916 44,351 -56 5,280 2,500 300 7,000 8,000 6,000 o 300 4,000 50 1,800 o 100 5,280 2,500 300 7.000 8,000 6,000 o 300 12.500 50 1,800 o 100 2,500 1,255 22 16,100 1,892 o 18 1,911 31 2,948 o o TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. ---------- --------- --------- --------- 26,677 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 71.107 30,050 o 38.550 o o 600 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ---------- --------- --------- --------- o 600 ------TOTAL CITY CLERK 150,721 27 o 1 1 1 ,248 o 119,748 96,187 DEPARTr~ENT SUr.1MARY FUND GENERAL 01 MUNICIPAL COURT 02 DEPT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 98,454 98,443 114,098 114.685 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 5, 102 4,300 5,050 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAYS 4,673 5,550 3,750 6.550 5,979 3,731 300 1,350 300 TOTAL DEPARTMENT 111,960 108,593 124,248 127,514 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PO S IT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Chief Court Clerk Deputy Court Clerk 8 2 1682-2103 1185-1481 8 2 1578-2208 1111-1555 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Presiding Judge Asslstant Judge Ba i I Iff Probation Officer Day Court Total Contractual Service 12,169 13,021 7,607 8,140 3,600 1,680 12,979 12,979 4.200 2,100 40,555 37,920 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 2 2 29 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Municipal Court r,lunicipal Court PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The r.lunlclpal Court is necessary to provide a fair and Impartial forum as defined by the City Charter and Colorado State Statutes. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES - 1. Prevent recidIvIsm through the Probation program. - 2. Pro~ote safe defensive driving through traffic safety programs. 3. Provide clerical and administrative support for r,1 u n i c i p a I Co u r t . - - - PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - 1986 1987 1988 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED - Traffic tickets 2261 2476 2846 Summons issued 5635 5795 5986 Traffic school placements 289 332 365 Pre-trIal conferences 166 217 239 - Jury Trials 8 7 9 Trials to Court 83 108 119 Pleading guilty lesser charges 1217 1339 1370 Probation placements 329 311 345 Revenue per summons $21.41 $26.95 $29.90 31 DIVISION SU~H-1AR Y FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 t~UN I C I PAL COURT r.1UN I C I PAL COURT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 02 109 BUDGET 1987 BUDGET 1988 REVISED 1987 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 98,454 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5,102 OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 4,673 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 3,731 TOTAL DIVISION 111,960 98,443 114.685 114.098 4,300 6,550 5,050 5,550 3,750 5.979 300 1,350 300 108,593 124,248 127.514 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE - POSITION TITLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 Chief Court Clerk Deputy Court Clerk 8 2 Contractual Services: Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Ba i I Iff Probation Officer Day Court Total Contractual Service AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 2 1682-2103 1185-1481 8 2 1578-2208 1111-1555 12,169 13,021 7,607 8,140 3,600 1,680 12,979 12,979 4,200 2,100 40,555 37,920 2 32 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL MUNICIPAL COURT ~1UNICIPAL COURT DIV/SION DET A I L 01 02 109 . Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised Budget 1987 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 603 Longevity 610 Overtime Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense 42,872 o 564 7.528 39,430 3,606 3,103 1 ,351 42,692 o 1,000 6,000 39,355 3,553 4, 135 1,708 42,692 o 1,700 19,637 40,555 3,671 4,135 1,708 42.656 1,267 1,950 20,790 37,920 5,007 3,389 1,706 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES ---------- --------- --------- --------- 114,685 650 - - 651 r.1isc. OffIce Supplies 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies - TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 - 702 Conference & Mtg. Exp. 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 750 Professional Services 758 Rentals and Leases 759 Telephone Expense 776 Other EquIpment Maint. 799 Misc. Services & Charges - TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. - 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT 98,454 1,601 1,606 771 1,124 5,102 254 206 o 3,200 o 5 928 80 4,673 3,731 3,731 111,960 33 98,443 1,000 1,200 600 1,500 4,300 600 300 o 900 3,000 50 600 100 5,550 300 300 108,593 114,098 1,750 1,200 600 1,500 5,050 600 300 o 1,800 100 50 600 300 3,750 1,350 1,350 124,248 2,500 1,700 850 1,500 6,550 350 220 o 3,135 1,250 50 910 64 5,979 300 300 127,514 DEPARH1ENT SUI.1t.1ARY FUND GENERAL 01 DEPT. OTHER MISC. ACCOUNTS 09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 174,354 163,000 163,000 253,000 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 512 o o o OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 407,332 1,781,522 1,736,761 2,040,386 CAPITAL OUTLAYS o 75,000 75,000 o TOTAL DEPARTliENT 582,198 2,019,522 1,974,761 2,293,386 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE POS ITION Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ - - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL o o 35 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Non-Departmental Other Misc. Accounts PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program accounts for two dIvisions, Reserves and General Operations, which are not accounted for in any other area. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES A. A capital deprecIatIon reserve account has been established to account for the future depreciation of fixed assets. At the present time, the City does not depreciate fixed assets. B. The self-insurance reserve I ine Item was set-up for future use as a pool to provide either employee benefIts and/or property casualty insurance for the City. C. Contingency reserve monies are set aside to cover unexpected expenses that may occur throughout the budget year. D. Unal located fund balance is the difference between budgeted revenues and budgeted expenditures whereby additional revenues have not been appropriated for a partIcular purpose. E. General Operations includes citywide operations expendItures such as util ities and insurance. 36 DIVISION SUt~HARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 OTHER MISC. ACCOUNTS RESERVES 09 607 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 PERSONAL SERVICES o o o o MATERIALS & SUPPLIES o o o o OTHER SERV. & CHGS. o 1,339,172 1,237,696 1,585,536 CAPITAL OUTLAYS o 75,000 75,000 o TOTAL DIVISION o 1,414,172 1,312,696 1,585,536 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO SIT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL o o 37 DIVISION DEl A I L FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL OTHER MISC. ACCOUNTS RESERVES 01 09 607 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object Account Classification Actual 1986 Budget Revised 1987 1987 Budget 1988 600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES o o o o 650 TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES o o o o 700 779 Capital Depreciation 789 So I f Insurance 794 Contingency Reserve 795 Unallocated Fund Balance 796 Emergency Reserve 797 Salary Reserve o o o o o o 100,000 100,000 500,000 499,172 100,000 40,000 100,000 45,000 500,000 452,696 100,000 40,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 722,536 100,000 63,000 TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 01,339,172 1,237,696 1,585,536 800 -------- 893 Trans. to Cap. Imp. Fund 0 0 0 0 - 896 Trans. to URA-ERA 0 75,000 75,000 0 897 Trans. to Fleet r.lgmt. 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 0 75,000 75,000 0 --------TOTAL RESERVES o 1,414,172 1,312,696 1,585,536 38 DIVISION S U ~1I~ AR Y FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 OTHER MISC. ACCOUNTS GENERAL OPERATIONS 09 610 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 174,354 163,000 163,000 253.000 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 512 o o o OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 407,332 442,350 499,065 454,850 CAPITAL OUTLAYS o o o o TOTAL DIVISION 582,198 605.350 662,065 707,850 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PO SIT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL o o 39 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL OTHER MISC. ACCOUNTS GENERAL OPERATIONS DIVISION DETAIL 01 09 610 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 621 Worker's Compensation 623 Unemployment Insurance 625 Medicare FICA TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 653 Postage Credit TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 711 Appra i sa I Expense 712 Annual Apprec. Dinner* 713 School Crossing Guard Ex. 721 Jeffco Animal Shelter 759 Telephone Expense 760 Utilities 781 Personal & Property Liab. 782 Insurance Deductible 799 Misc. Services & Charges 173,065 1,289 o 174,354 512 512 o o 9,697 10,048 63,739 48,871 240,301 o 34,676 150,000 10,000 3,000 163,000 o o 7,000 10,850 57,890 50,810 290,000 o 25,800 150,000 10,000 3,000 163,000 o o o o 7,000 10,850 57,890 50,810 346,715 o 25,800 240,000 10,000 3,000 253,000 o o o o o o 7,000 10,850 63,000 45,000 250,000 50,000 29,000 - ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 407,332 800 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL GENERAL OPERATIONS * Account 712 moved to 01-102 582,198 40 442,350 o 605,350 499,065 o 662,065 - 454,850 o o 707,850 FUND GENERAL TREASURY DEPT. DEPARTMENT SU'~r,\ARY 01 03 CLASSIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES CAP (TAL OUTlAYS TOTAL DEPARTMENT 263,037 268,382 268,382 266,013 19,629 20,835 20,835 18.625 63,130 61,910 56,520 56,520 10,000 14,150 939 10,000 355.737 361,918 345,515 355,737 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PO SIT ION T I Tl E ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - City Treasurer (elective) Finance Assistant Data Systems Analyst Purchasing Agent Accountant Accounting Technician Sales Tax Technician Accounting Clerk Switchboard Operator - - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL $24,OOO/year 15 2403-3005 15 2403-3005 14 2347-2934 8 1682-2103 5 1454-1818 5 1454-1818 2 1185-1481 2 1185-1481 8 41 $24.000/year 15 2253-3155 15 2253-3155 14 2201-3081 8 1578-2208 5 1363-1909 5 1363-1909 2 1111-1555 2 1111-1555 8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Treasurer Treasury/Accounting PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Processes a II revenues and expend i tures for a II City funds, i nc I ud I ng Accounts Payable, and Payroll. r~aintalns the accounting ledgers and journals for the City. Manages cash flow and the investment of City money. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES - 1. Receipt of all revenue and timely deposit In bank to earn interest for City. 2. Purchase order and disbursement processing In an accurate and timely manner to gain cash dIscounts for the City. - 3. Bi-weekly payrol I to al I employees with minimal errors and payment when due. - 4. Investment of Idle City cash for highest earnings available. - PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 1987 1988 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED Receipts Entered 5462 5500 5550 Disbursement Checks Issued 7406 5600 5600 Payro II Checks Issued 5250 5400 5450 Interest Earned on Investments 265,905 210.000 225,000 43 FUND DEPT. DIV. DIVISION SUr"H~ARY GENERAL 01 TREASURER TREASURER/ACCOUNTING 03 103 CLASSIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES OTHER SERV. & CHGS. CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL DIVISION PO SIT ION T I TL E City Treasurer(Elected) Accountant Accounting Technician Accounting Clerk AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ACTUAL 1986 96,297 4,250 9,644 939 111,130 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE BUDGET 1987 99,325 5,800 8,000 o 113,125 REVISED 1987 99,325 5,800 8,000 113,125 BUDGET 1988 97,517 4,200 4,850 o 600 - 107,167 - Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 8 5 2 3 $24,000/year 1682-2103 1 1454-1818 1 1185-1481 1 44 8 5 2 3 - $24,000/year 1578-2208 1363-1909 1111 - 1 555 - - - FUND GENERAL DEPT. TREASURY DIV. TREASURER/ACCOUNTING DIVISION DETAIL 01 03 103 Object Account Clesslflcation ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Budget 1988 Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 610 Overtime Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense 82,080 o o 76 5,800 5,602 2,739 83,287 o o 200 5,955 6,552 3,331 83,287 o o 200 5,955 6,552 3,331 81.914 o o o 6,152 6.525 2,926 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES ---------- --------- --------- --------- 97,517 650 651 Misc. Office Supplies 654 Photocopy and Printing Ex 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies - TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 - - 702 Conference & Meeting Exp. 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 728 Training 740 Auto Mileage Relmb. 750 Professional Services 758 Rentals and Leases 759 Telephone Expense 776 Other Equipment Malnt. 799 MIsc. ServIces & Charges - 96,297 1,320 1,007 1,923 o 4,250 2,604 383 o 108 o 6,258 69 216 6 99,325 800 2,000 3,000 o 5,800 2,600 400 o 150 500 2,600 100 1,350 300 99.325 800 2,000 3,000 o 5,800 2,600 400 o 150 500 2,600 100 1,350 300 1,300 1,000 1,900 o 4,200 2,500 400 o 100 o 750 100 800 200 TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. ---------- --------- --------- --------- 4,850 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 9,644 939 8,000 8,000 o o 600 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ---------- --------- --------- --------- o 600 ------TOTAL TREASURER/ACCTG. 111,130 45 939 113,125 o 113,125 107,167 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Treasurer PROGRAM Budget/Sales Tax PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Responsible for annual budget of the City matching available resources with needs. Preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and various other financial reports. Administration of sales and use tax. switchboard operations, and incoming/outgoing mail. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Completion of 1988 Annual Budget in which expected expenditures balance with anticipated revenues. 2. Produce accurate and informative financial reports to assist City Council and staff. 3. Enforce sales and use tax compl lance through audit and administration of taxpayer education. a. To maintain less than 1% del inquency rate. b. To provide taxpayer assIstance programs aiding in the education of new and existIng business' regarding City tax codes. c. To establ ish a better cooperative working relationship with the Wheat Ridge Chamber of Commerce regarding taxpayer assistance and tax comp Ii ance. - 4. Handle all switchboard calls in a pleasant. effective, and effIcient manner. - 5. Process Incoming/outgoing mall In an accurate and timely fashion. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 ACTUAL INDICATOR Comprehensive Annual Finane i a I Report 1988 Annual Budget Sales & Use Tax Audits Sales & Use Tax Accounts De I I nq uency Not I ces Issued Liens Issued Against Personal Property Summons Issued for Tax Code Violations Tax Reporter- Newsletter Average Daily switchboard calls received Average Monthly postage processed 1987 ESTIMATED 1988 PROJECTED 1 1 20 2195 514 1 1 20 2480 627 1 1 50 2570 600 33 55 55 125 1 135 1 150 1 450 400 450 $1,221 $1, 167 $1,200 47 DIVISION SUt.mARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 TREASURY BUDGET/SALES TAX 03 115 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 94,334 92,578 92,578 87,343 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 6,880 6,980 6,980 6,200 OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 10,759 11,950 11,950 37,420 CAPITAL OUTLAYS o o o 800 TOTAL DIVISION/DEPARTMENT 111,973 111,508 111,508 131,763 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSITION TITLE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grad SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finance Assistant Sales Tax Technician Switchboard Operator 15 5 2 2403-3005 1454-1818 1185-1481 15 5 2 2253-3155 1363-1909 1111 - 1 555 - - - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 3 3 48 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL TREASURY BUDGET/SALES TAX DIVISION DETAIL 01 03 115 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Object Account Classification 600 602 603 6'1') 'v 617 618 619 620 622 630 - Salaries and Wages Longevity Overtime Pay City Temporary Personnel Court Pay Fee Personnel FICA Expense Employer Health & Life Insurance Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 651 Misc. Off ice Suppl ies 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 702 Con fer e nee & r,1t g. Ex p . 704 Contractual ServIces 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 740 Auto MIleage Reimb. 750 Professional Services 758 Rentals and Leases 759 Telephone Expense 776 Other Equipment Maint. 799 Misc. Services & Charges TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL BUDGET/SALES TAX Actual 1986 79,574 o o o o 375 5,627 5,785 2,973 94,334 1,746 1,331 3,722 81 6,880 219 o 350 133 8,175 1,498 98 211 75 10,759 111,973 Budget 1987 76,698 o 200 o 200 400 5,513 6,499 3,068 92,578 480 2,500 4,000 o 6,980 600 o 250 250 9,500 1,000 100 150 100 11,950 o o 111,508 49 Revised 1987 76,698 o 200 o 200 400 5,513 6,499 3,068 92,578 480 2,500 4,000 o 6,980 600 o 250 250 9,500 1,000 100 150 100 11,950 o o 111 ,508 Budget 1988 71,759 1,095 o o o 500 5,389 5,730 2,870 87.343 1,400 1,150 3,650 o 6,200 500 26,000 350 150 8,500 1,500 100 220 100 37,420 o 800 o 800 131,763 A. B. - C. D. - E. - F. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Treasurer Purchasing PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Responsible for procurement of suppl ies, materials. equipment and services for the City. Continue changes in purchasing with cost reduction as prime objective. Encourage competitiveness by employing practicalIties In specifications, real ism In economics. good faith in legal considerations, and the highest professional ethics in personal relations. Assume suitability, appropriate qual ity, rei iable vendor performance in order to meet City's needs and efficiencies. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Pursue professional excellence in communicating Idth using departments, administration, and vendors. Assist in development and preparation of standards and specifications, designating what is needed; promoting fair and qual ity competition, therefore, accomplIshing cost reduction. Manage acquisition process; prepare Invitations for bids, including contractual provisions; solicitIng bids; evaluating responses; and award contracts. Establ ish and Inltate inventory management program involving purchasing, storing and distribution. quantity requisitioning, and dIsposItion of surplus property. Promote service oriented attitude through timely procurement; information to requesting departments and overal I professional standards. Coordinate with and assist accounting to minimize delinquencies and contract problems. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 1987 1988 INDICATOR ACTUAL EST I ~1ATED PROJECTED Number of bids, quotes proposals 80 85 90 Number of purchase requisitions 18,350 18,400 18,400 Number of purchase orders 4,392 4,500 4,600 51 DIVISION SU/-iIt.1ARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL TREASURY PURCHASING 01 03 116 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 33,956 36,635 36,635 39,175 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,166 2,960 2,960 2,125 OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 694 1,350 1,350 1,395 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DIVISION/DEPARTMENT 36,816 40,945 40,945 ..2,695 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO SIT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchasing Agent 14 2347-2934 14 2201-3081 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 52 FUND GENERAL DEPT. TREASURY DIV. PURCHASING DIVISION DETAIL 01 03 116 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 - 651 Misc. Office Supplies 652 Centra I Stores 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Supplies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES - 30,830 2,178 365 583 33,956 893 409 752 13 99 2,166 31,573 2,257 1,542 1,263 36,635 860 1,000 1,100 o o 2,960 31,573 2,257 1,542 1,263 33.151 2,490 2,208 1.326 36,635 39,175 860 1,000 1,100 o o 875 400 750 o 100 2,960 2,125 700 ------ 702 Conference & Meeting 0 350 350 500 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 281 500 500 500 740 Auto r,1 i I eage Reimb. 258 200 200 250 750 Professional Services 38 0 0 0 759 Telephone Expense 4 1 75 75 75 776 Other Equipment Maint. 30 75 75 30 799 ~1isc. Services & Charges 46 150 150 40 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 694 1,350 1,350 1,395 800 ------ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 0 0 0 0 ------TOTAL PURCHASING 36,816 40,945 40,945 42,695 - - 53 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Treasurer Data ProcessIng PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Coordinates, reviews and makes recommendations on the purchase requests for data processing equIpment, software and services. Performs operational tasks as needed to enhance operation of the system. Provides internal consulting services to other departments in regards to data processing servIces. software and hardware. Maintains and develops al I necessary data processing programs. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. To provIde support to other departments in office automation and data processing areas; a) provIde advIce and answers to automation questions from other departments; b) provide installation and training support for other departments personnel as their departments automate; c) write computer programs in response to the needs of other departments. - - 2. To maintain a five-year master information services plan; a) with input from other departments, through the DP Steering Committee produce a 5-year automation goals and objective plan for the City to follow and Implement; b) continue to revIew and update thIs plan annually In light of new needs, technology and/or other consideration. - 3. To Insure the City's Data Processing and information needs are met in the future; a) to establ ish guidel ines for the aqulsition of automation hardware and software; b) review and make recommendations for the aqulsition of hardware and software to top city management. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 1987 1988 INDICATORS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED Short-term Service Requests 330 395 425 No. of Hours to Complete Service Requests 850 1050 1250 Long Term Requests 2 2 2 Maintenance Changes 20 20 45 Training Classes/ No. of Persons Trained 4/40 4/40 4/40 55 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL TREASURY DATA PROCESSING DIVISION S Ur.1f~AR Y 01 03 117 CLASSIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUDGET 1988 ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rcRSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES OTHER SERV. & CHGS. CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL DIVISION/DEPARTMENT 38,450 6,333 40,813 85,596 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 39,844 5,095 35,220 o 10,000 39,844 5,095 35,220 10.000 90,159 41.978 6.100 19,465 12,750 80,293 PO S IT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 Data Systems Analyst AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 15 90,159 2403-3005 S6 15 2253-3155 FUND GENERAL DEPT. TREASURY DIV. DATA PROCESSING DIVISION DET A I L 01 03 117 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Budget 1988 Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Hea I th and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense 33,206 2,346 1,586 1,312 33,838 2,419 2,233 1,354 33,838 2.419 2.233 1,354 36,199 2,719 1 , 6 1 2 1,448 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES ---------- --------- --------- --------- 41,978 650 651 Misc. Office Supplies 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES - 700 - 702 Conference & Meeting Exp. 704 Contractual Services 706 Dues. Books & Subscrp. 728 Training 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 750 Professional Services 755 Computer Software 758 Rentals and Leases 759 Telephone Expense 776 Other Equipment Maint. 799 Misc. Services & Charges TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL DATA PROCESSING 38,450 4,253 274 o 1,806 6,333 o 172 222 o o 5,250 o 25,435 66 9,668 o 40,813 85,596 57 39,844 2,520 75 o 2,500 5,095 o 4,000 250 o 50 3,400 o 15,470 50 12,000 o 35,220 o 10,000 o 10,000 90,159 39.844 2,520 75 o 2,500 5,095 o 4.000 250 o 50 3,400 o 15,470 50 12,000 o 35,220 10,000 10.000 90,159 5,000 300 o 800 6,100 400 o 245 370 50 2.000 550 o 50 15,800 o 19,465 12,750 12,750 80,293 DEPARH1ENT S U lil~' AR Y FUND GENERAL 01 DEPT. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAYS 8,777 9,672 9,672 443,285 33,035 63.242 8,338 45,617 372,777 31,612 59,060 428,805 PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 481,318 29,983 31,312 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 59,360 TOTAL DEPARTMENT 565,695 473,121 529,149 547.900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PO SIT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Director of Planning and 22 3151-3940 22 2955-4137 Development Director of Planning 1 20 2876-3595 1 20 2697-3775 Chief Building Inspector 1 15 2403-3005 1 15 2253-3155 Planner II 1 11 2009-2512 1 11 1884-2638 Planner I 1 1 0 1898-2373 1 1 0 1780-2492 Bldg. Malnt. Supervisor 1 1 0 1898-2373 1 1 0 1780-2492 Code Enforcement Off. II 1 9 1773-2216 1 9 1663-2327 Building Inspector 1 9 1773-2216 1 9 1663-2327 Electrical Inspector .33 9 1773-2216 .33 9 1663-2327 Senior Secretary 1 5 1454-1818 1 5 1363-1909 Secretary .5* 3 1258-1574 1 3 1180-1652 Building Custodian 1 2 1185-1481 1 2 1111-1555 Clerk-Typist 1 2 1185-1481 1 2 1111 - 1 555 * .5 Secretary was transferred Into City Administrator's budget in 1987. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 11.83 12.33 59 - - - - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Plenning & Development PROGRAM Administration PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Provides executive direction to the Planning and Development Department and the EconomIc Development and Revltal izatlon Commission. r~anages the City's economic development program to improve the City's revenue base. Coordinates Intergovernmental activIties. Supports Civil Disaster and Building Maintenance. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Compatible Ec090mic Development for sound City budget. A. Coordinate economic development activities with other department functions to insure a sound revenue base that compl iments the Comprehensive Plan, meets the City Codes and creates a pleasant I ivlng environment based on good urban desIgn. 2. I mprove I ntergovernmenta I Re I at ions. A. Participate in the comprehensive planning activities of DRCOG. B. Work with special districts to solve water and sewer problems. C. Coordinate planning and development with City and county government and work with CML, state government and reg I ona I agenc i es. 3. Positive CI imate for Pride and Safety In City. A. Achieve a positive balance between self-help programs and strong code enforcement. Increase the level of voluntary compl lance. B. Improve zoning ordinance so It Is easier to complete developments that carry out the pol tcies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Review the Comprehensive Plan with the Planning Commission. D. Inhance public safety through the consistent appl !cation of the building, construction, and fire codes. E. Insure the best response to civil disasters. F. Maintain a safe, comfortable, and attractive Municipal Building. 61 DIVISION S U r.1t., AR Y FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 PERSONAL SERVICES 72,908 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 343 3,424 CAP /TAL OUTLAYS TOTAL DIVISION 77,323 04 BUDGET 1987 13,946 1.292 6,418 648 648 120 REVISED 1987 69,974 1,292 6,418 648 78,332 BUDGET 1988 68,572 2,300 5,950 648 77,470 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PO SIT ION T I TL E 22,304 Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 Director of Planning and Development 22 Senior Secretary . 5 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 1.5 3151-3940 5 1454-1818 62 22 . 5 5 , .5 2955-4137 1363-1909 FUND GENERAL DEPT. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIV. ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DETAIL 01 04 120 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 604 Deferred Compensation 610 Overtime Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 651 ~A.isc. Office Suppl ies 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 - 702 Conference & Mtg. Exp. 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 759 Telephone Expense 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 776 Other Equipment Maint. 799 Misc. Services & Charges 62,875 1.867 1 5 649 3,908 3,173 421 72,908 340 o o 3 343 1,890 261 42 61 702 288 180 10,950 o 1,000 o 855 703 438 13,946 292 o o 1,000 1,292 2,000 840 100 500 2,158 500 320 58,412 1,899 1,000 o 4,073 4,152 438 69,974 292 300 250 450 1,292 2.000 840 100 500 2,158 500 320 58.412 1,898 o o 4,503 3,321 438 68,572 300 o o 2,000 2,300 2,200 500 o 400 2,000 500 350 TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. ---------- --------- --------- --------- 5,950 - 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 807 Fleet Replacement 3,424 o 648 6,418 o 648 6,418 o 648 o 648 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ---------- --------- --------- --------- 648 ------TOTAL P&D ADMINISTRATION 648 77,323 63 648 22,304 648 78,332 77,470 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Planning & Development Planning & Zoning and Code Enforcement PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Planninq & Zoninq: Performs professional planning work in both long range and operational planning. Provides research, analysis, and reports on various long and current planning proposals in order to achieve Comprehensive Plan Amendments to further refine or reflect changing public polley. Provide staff support to City CouncIl. PlannIng Commissions, Board of Adjustment and various other planning related commIttees or task forces. Code Enforcement: To respond to the needs of the citizens and of the City by vigorously enforcing the zoning, flood plain, sign, weed and trash. and nuisance codes, and to cause violations to be quickly abated while applying extensive public relations. To continue to strive for a sense of pride in Wheat Ridge so that it remains a fIne City. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Plannlnq & Zonino: To insure that the ComprehensIve Development Plan serves as a meaningful guide for decision making, and that an adequate legal and administrative basis exist for effective implementation of the Plan. A. B. Continue the review and update of the Comprehensive Development Plan for the designated areas of commercial, IndustrIal and multi-use nodes. Assess the effectiveness of the existing land use categories and consider alternatives and/or additions. Continue to work through to completion. a major work program begun in 1986, which reviews and revises the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations and Sign Code to make them easier to understand, more in concert with the Comprehensive Plan and EconomIc Development objectIves. and easier to administer and enforce. C. Code Enforcement: A. Serve the citizens of Wheat Ridge in a fast and efficient manner. B. Educate citizens as to the related codes and ordinances so that fewer violations occur. C. Implement a more effective Code Enforcement Program that wil I decrease violations and recurring violations. D. To continue a close working relationship with the Municipal Court in order to Impose penaltIes that result In fewer violations in the future. E. Provide Wheat Ridge with an efficient overal I weed program. F. Coordinate the City-wide spring trash clean-up day with the participating City departments and the trash haul ing companies. 65 DIVISION S U r.1t-1A R Y FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT PLANNING & ZONING 04 121 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 191,857 194,616 194,616 208,502 ~.lP..TER I AL S & SUPPLIES 14,878 18.710 18.410 19,220 OTHER SERVo & CHG S. 15,785 27,871 28,171 31,240 CAP !TAL OUTLAYS 4,934 7,269 7,269 5,935 - TOTAL DIVISION 227,454 248,466 248,466 264,897 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE - PO SIT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE - No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Director of Planning 1 20 - 2876-3595 1 20 2697-3775 Planner II 1 11 2009-2512 1 1 1 1884-2638 Planner I 1 10 1898-2373 1 1 0 1780-2492 Senior Secretary .5 5 1454-1818 . 5 5 1363-1909 - Secretary . 5 3 1258-1574 1 3 1180-1652 Code Enforce. Off. II 1 9 1773-2216 1 9 1663-2327 - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 5 5.5 66 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION DETAIL 01 04 121 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 604 Deferred Compensation 610 Overtime Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 618 Court Pay 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense 150,125 1,703 1,851 14,915 o 160 11,223 8,665 3,215 142,880 1,732 3,900 18,342 2000 o 11,950 9,829 3,983 142,880 1,732 3,900 18,342 2000 o 11,950 9,829 3,983 154,468 1,732 2,070 21,400 790 o 13,423 10,172 4,447 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES ---------- --------- --------- --------- 208,502 650 651 rlisc. Office Suppl ies 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operat i ng Supp I I es 191,857 1,861 5,713 2,131 5,173 194,616 1,360 8,200 3,150 6,000 194,616 1,360 8,200 3,150 5,700 1,300 6,990 2,430 8,500 TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES ---------- --------- --------- --------- 19,220 700 - 702 Conference & t-1tg. Exp. 704 Contractual Services 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 718 Ordinance Enforcement 728 Training 730 Uniforms 8. Proto Clothing 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 750 Professional Services 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 776 Other Equipment Malnt. 799 Misc. Services & Charges 14,878 2,120 o 1,251 o o 65 416 8,514 1,203 1,454 762 18,710 200 7,500 1,200 2,000 o 100 595 9,000 1,206 5,160 910 18,410 1,700 7,500 1,200 2,000 o 100 595 7,500 1,506 5,160 910 500 8,000 1,270 2,000 1,500 100 415 9,000 2,945 4,735 775 TOTAL OTHER SERVo 8. CHGS. ---------- --------- --------- --------- 31,240 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 807 Fleet Replacement 811 City Hall Improvements 15,785 3,890 1,044 o 27,871 4,785 2,484 o 28, 171 4,785 2,484 o 3,500 2,435 o ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL PLANNING/ZONING * 4,934 227,454 7,269 7,269 248,466* 248,466 5,935 Code Enforcement included in Planning/Zoning in 19878. 1988 264,897* 67 DIVISION SUMt.1ARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PLANNING 8. DEVELOPMENT CODE ENFORCn1ENT 04 123 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 PERSONAL SERVICES 45,312 o o o MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 3,762 o o OTHER SERV. /'; CHGS. 5,734 o o o o CAP ITAL OUTlAYS 1,440 o o o TOTAL DIVISION 56,248 o o o NOTE: Code Enforcement Division was incorporated into Planning/Zoning in 1987 8. 1988. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PO SIT ION T I Tl E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - Code Enforce. Off. II Secretary 1 . 5 9 3 1773-2216 1258-1574 * ** NOTE: **One-half Secretary position was transferred into City Administrator's Budget in 1987 - transferred 100% into Planning/Zoning in 1988 *Position of Code Enforcement Officer was transferred into Planning/Zoning in 1987 and 1988 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 1.5 o 69 D I V I S I 0 t~ DETAIL FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT 01 04 123 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ObJect Account Classification Actual 1986 Budaet 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 600 ------ 602 Salaries and Wages 30,368 0 0 0 610 Overtime Pay 261 0 0 0 617 City Temporary Personnel 6,943 0 0 0 618 Court Pay 806 0 0 0 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel 0 0 0 0 620 FICA Expense Employer 3,055 0 0 0 622 Health and Life Insurance 2,793 0 0 0 630 Retirement Expense 1,086 0 0 0 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 45,312 0 0 0 650 ------ 651 t., i sc. Office Supplies 620 0 0 0 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 401 0 0 0 655 Postage Costs 346 0 0 0 660 Operating Supplies 2,395 0 0 0 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 3,762 0 0 0 700 ------ 702 Conference 8. t-leet i ng Exp. 0 0 0 0 704 Contractual Services 6, 137 0 0 0 706 Dues, Books 8. Subscrlp. 43 0 0 0 718 Ordinance Enforcement -1,454 0 0 0 730 Uniforms 8. Proto Clothing 19 0 0 0 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 9 0 0 0 772 Fleet Repair/Maintenance 632 0 0 0 776 Other Equip. r.1a i nt. 318 0 0 0 799 Misc. Servo & Chgs. 30 0 0 0 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 5,734 0 0 0 800 807 Fleet Replacement 1,440 o o o TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1,440 o o o ------TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT 56,248 o o o NOTE: Code Enforcement Division was incorporated into Planning/Zoning in 1987 /:, 1988 70 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Planning & Development Building Maintenance PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Maintain the Municipal BuildIng and related equipment. ProvIde dally custodIal servIce. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Perform preventive maintenance on al I municipal building environmental equipment. 2. Provide rei table custodial service. 3. Establish a program to conserve energy. - 71 DIVISION SUt.1~1ARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BUILDING NAINTENANCE 04 118 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SO ~lAL SERVICES 60,020 57,591 57,591 57,747 r~ATERIALS 8. SUPPLIES 8,840 8,500 8,500 9,000 OTHER SERVo & CHG S. 10, 171 10,800 10,800 12,150 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 0 0 0 0 - TOTAL DIVISION 79,031 76,891 76,891 78,897 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE - PO SIT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - Bldg. ~'aint. Supervisor Bldg. Custodian 1 0 2 1898-2373 1185-1481 10 2 1780-2492 1111-1555 - - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 2 2 72 FUND GENERAL DEPT. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIV. BUILDING MAINTENANCE DIVISION DET A I L 01 04 118 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 610 Overtime Pay 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 660 Ope rat i ng Supp II es TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 704 Contractual Services 740 Auto Mileage Relmb. 7 7 4 F a c I I I t Y R e p air & r,1 a i n t . 799 Misc. Services & Charges TOTAL OTHER SERV. & CHGS. - 800 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL BUILDING MAl NT. 51,044 77 3,616 3,386 1,897 60,020 8,840 8,840 2,952 326 6,893 o 10, 171 79,031 73 48,028 o 3,434 4,208 1,921 57,591 8,500 8,500 4,000 1,000 5,400 400 10,800 o 76,891 48,028 o 3,434 4,208 1,921 57,591 8,500 8,500 4,000 1,000 5,400 400 10,800 o 76,891 48,028 o 3,607 4,191 1,921 57,147 9,000 9,000 5,000 o 6,750 400 12, 150 o o 78,897 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAt~ Planning & Development Building Inspection PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Building Inspection Division of Planning & Development enforces the Uniform Building, Plumbing, Heating and Fire Codes for the Clty,and Is also responsible for enforcement of the National Electric Code and the A.N.S.I. Elevator Code. Permits, contractor licenses, and the performance of various inspections during construction of buildings and the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy are also responsibilities of this division. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue with the same level of construction inspection and provide service to the publ ic. 2. Continue with dangerous building surveys and removal. 3. Continue as Civil Disaster Coordinator (CBI). 4. Computerization of the building division record system. 4. Continue in-house training. INDICATOR PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 ACTUAL 1987 EST! MATED 1988 PROJECTED Perm i ts Issued 1329 1476 1500 Inspections Completed 2964 3000 3000 Dollar Value 16. 4 ~1 i I . 16. 5 ~~ i I . 20 t~ i I. 75 DIVISION SUr,H'1ARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION 04 122 CLASSIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 111,221 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,160 OTHER SERV. 8. CHGS. 7,694 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1,692 TOTAL DIVISION 122,767 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 105,624 3, 110 10,250 1,692 120,676 105,624 3, 110 10,250 1,692 120,676 107,464 2,515 9,965 1,692 121,636 - PO SIT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - Chief Building Inspector 1 Building Inspector 1 Clerk-Typist 1 Electrical Inspector .33 15 9 2 9 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 3.33 2403-3005 1773-2216 1185-1481 1773-2216 76 1 1 1 .33 3.33 15 9 2 9 2253-3155 1663-2327 1111-1555 1663-2327 - FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION Object Account Classification 600 602 Salaries and Wages 603 Longevity 610 Overtime Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 651 Visco Office Suppl ies 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies - TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 - 702 Conference 8. Mtg. Exp. 704 Contractua I Serv ices 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 728 Training 730 Uniforms/Protect. Cloth. 750 Professional Services 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 776 Other Equipment Maint. 799 Misc. Services & Charges TOTAL OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 807 Fleet Replacement DIVISION DETAIL 01 Actual 1986 94,415 o o 1,344 6,678 5,586 3,198 111,221 761 732 582 85 2,160 121 4,353 461 o 67 o 2,127 560 5 7,694 o 1,692 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1,692 ------TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 122,767 77 04 Budget 1987 89,792 o o o 6,420 5,820 3,592 105,624 760 1,150 1,000 200 3,110 650 5,200 450 o 100 1,000 1,550 1,100 200 10,250 o 1,692 1,692 120,676 122 Revised 1987 89,792 o o o 6,420 5,820 3,592 105,624 760 1,150 1,000 200 3, 110 575 5,200 450 o 175 1,000 1,550 , , 100 200 10,250 o 1,692 1,692 120,676 Budget 1988 89,792 1,810 o o 6,743 5,883 3,236 107,464 850 800 765 100 2,515 200 5,200 450 200 65 1,000 2,100 650 100 9,965 o 1,692 1,692 121,636 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Planning & Development Civil Disaster PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program is designed to coordinate the activities of various City, County and State resources in the mitigation of natural and man-made disasters. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Maintain training of personnel. 2. Purchase City equipment to aid in preparedness. 3. Maintain resource list. ... ... ... 79 DIVISION SU~1~lARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PLANNING 8. DEVELOPMENT CIVIL DISASTER 04 124 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 t~ATER I ALS & SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 OTHE;;; SERVo 8. CHGS. 2,809 3,721 3,721 3,937 CAPiTAL OUTLAYS 63 63 63 63 - TOTAL DIVISION 2,872 4,784 4,784 5,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE - POSITION TITLE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - - - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL o o 80 DIVISION DETAIL FUND GENERAL DEPT. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIV. CIVIL DISASTER 01 04 124 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ObJect Account Classification Actua I 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 600 ------ 610 Overtime Pay 0 500 500 500 617 City Temporary Personnel 0 500 500 500 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 650 ------ TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 700 ------ 704 Contractual Services 2,221 2,221 2,221 2,221 772 Fleet Repa I r/r-1tce. 61 0 0 0 799 MIsc. Services & Charges 527 1,500 1,500 1 , 7 1 6 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 2,809 3,721 3,721 3,937 800 ------ 805 Communications Equipment 0 0 0 0 807 Fleet Replacement 63 63 63 63 ---------- --------- --------- --------- - TOTAL CAP IT AL OUTLAYS 63 63 63 63 ------TOTAL CIVIL DISASTER 2,872 4,784 4,784 5,000 81 FUND GENERAL 01 DEPT. POLICE 05 DEPARH1ENT SU~.lI~ARY CLASSIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTlAYS TOTAL DEPART/lENT 2,484,256 35,568 212,436 203,953 2,936,213 2,558,605 44,485 2,565,535 44,485 302,682 139,423 3,045,195 300,182 3,021,559 111,357 2,683,580 41, 188 322,824 108,636 3,156,228 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE POSITION TiTlE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 Auth/GradeSALARY RANGE No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chief of Pol ice 1 Division Commander 2 Pol ice Lieutenant 5 Pol ice Sergeant 6 Sen ior Pol ice Off icer 3 Pol ice Off icer I & II 36 Senior Secretary 3 CC I 0 10 Pol ice Records Supervisor 1 Pol ice Records Clerk 7 Animal/Park Enforcement Off i cer II Animal/Park Enforcement Officer I 3 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 78 23 20 18 14 11 9-10 5 5 9 3 8 6 3343-4179 1 2876-3595 2 2617-3271 5 2347-2934 6 2009-2512 3 1773-2373 40* 1454-1818 3 1454-1818 10 1773-2216 1 1258-1574 7 1682-2103 1558-1948 3 82 23 20 1 8 14 11 9-10 5 5 9 3 8 6 3134-4388 2697-3775 2453-3435 2201-3081 1884-2638 1663-2492 1363-1909 1363-1909 1663-2327 1180-1652 1578-2208 1461-2045 * Four (4) Pol ice Officers hired for Colo. State HI'IY Safety Grant in 1988. 83 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Police Administration PROGRAM DESCRIPTION To provide high qual ity law enforcement services through coordination, organization, and planning of departmental functions within budgetary constraints; and through communication with other City departments, citizens, and other agencies. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Active management of resources to maximize cost effectiveness in the delivery of law enforcement services. 2. Maintain effectiveness in crime investigation, response to calls for service, and crime prevention programs. 3. Continue implementation of automated data processing systems for crime analysis, investigative support, directed patrol, records processing, and dispatch assistance. - 4. Expand publ ic information and education efforts regarding criminal victimization In Wheat Ridge. 5. Expand the use of volunteers in selected support roles throughout the department. - 85 DIVISION SUMMARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 POLICE ADt.11 N I STRAT I ON 05 201 CLASSIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUDGET 1988 ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 174,765 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES OTHER SERV. & CHG S. 7,249 37,283 139,945 CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL DIVISION 359,242 164,477 166,106 165,315 9,800 86,250 26,648 288,013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEl SCHEDULE 9,852 9,852 71,784 POSITION TITLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71,784 105,648 77,582 Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 351,761 325,324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chief of Pol ice Pol ice Lieutenant Police Officer II Senior Secretary 23 18 10 5 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 4 3343-4179 2617-3271 1898-2373 1454-1818 23 18 10 5 4 86 3134-4388 2453-3435 1780-2492 1363-1909 - FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL POLICE ADrllNISTRATION DIVISION DETAIL 01 05 201 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 603 Longevity 610 Overtime Pay 618 Court Pay 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense 633 Police Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 651 Misc. Office Supplies 654 Photocopy 6 Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies - TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 - 702 Conference 8. Mtg. Exp. 704 Contractual Services 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 728 Training 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 74 1 Un i for m A I I ow a nee 759 Telephone Expense 772 Fleet Repalr/Mtce. 776 Other Equipment Maint. 796 Reserve 8. Cadet Expense - TOTAL OTHER SERVo 8. CHGS. 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 807 Fleet Replacement 809 Other Major Equipment 811 City Ha I I Improvements TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL PD- ADMINISTRATION 150,667 o 1, 143 o 1,675 8,793 866 11,621 174,765 454 84 1,698 5,013 7,249 624 481 3,001 16,330 -120 1,000 1,512 1,676 8,849 3,930 37,283 o 648 138,110 1, 187 139,945 359,242 140,218 o 500 200 1,620 9,231 876 11,832 164,477 2,700 1,402 2,750 3,000 141,847 o 500 200 1,620 9,231 876 11,832 166,106 2,700 1,402 2,750 3,000 9,852 9,852 1,250 600 2,870 20,270 100 1,200 2,300 2,694 40,500 o 71,784 o 648 105,000 o 105,648 351,761 87 1,250 600 2,870 20,270 100 1,200 2,300 2,694 40,500 o 71,784 o 648 76,934 o 77,582 325,324 137,327 4,487 800 100 1,675 8,507 876 11,543 165,315 2,500 1,400 2,700 3,200 9,800 1,200 500 2,800 20,000 50 1,200 2,500 2,000 56,000 o 86,250 o 648 26,000 o 26,648 288,013 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARnlENT PROGRAM Pol ice PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Support Services ( Investigations) To thoroughly investigate the reports of felony crimes, child abuse/neglect/assault, narcotic law violation, and other criminal actIvity, and to provide qual ity intelligence gathering services designed to assist In the prevention and solution of criminal actIvity occurring within the City of \~heat Ridge. To provide for the collection, processIng and preservatIon of evIdence of criminal activity and prepare photographic documentation of various law enforcement related activities, as wel I as many cIty activities. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. CI ear 40% of a II cases ass I gned for Invest i gat ion. 2. Recover property equal in value to 45% of the reported property loss va I ue. 3. 50% reduction in rate of increase In burglaries. 4. Implementation of a pro-active approach to reduce burglary and unlawful controlled substances. 5. Increase crime scene processing. 6. Provide in-depth technical expertise as it relates to crime scene processing. 7. Improved Intel I igence information gathering and dissemination. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS INDICATOR INVESTIGATION: 1986 ACTUAL 1987 ESTIMATED 1988 PROJECTED - - Cases Assigned for Investigation Cases Cleared Case Clearance Rate Recovery Rate Annual Value Property Loss Annua I Va I ue Property Recovery 2,408 840 35% 42% 2,182,433 926,571 2,330 1,022 44% 59% 2,557,204 1,538,812 2,400 1,080 45% 45% 2,996,331 1,348,349 - - CRIME LAB, PROPERTY/EVIDENCE SECTION: Lab Tests (fingerprints, drugs) Rol Is of Film Developed Photographs Printed Lots of evidence processed 63 422 9,000 806 75 570 7,500 775 75 600 7,500 800 89 ,CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Pol ice PROGRAM Records PROGRAM DESCRIPTION To act as records repository and public service agency for the Wheat Ridge Police Department. Retain, correct, verify and up- date the CCIC/NCIC/WRCIC data base. Provide records information, data analysis and management information for various agencies and the public. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Process and maintain all pol Ice reports and related documents. Provide the publ ie, government, agencies and in-house personnel management information, on-I ine other related services. Perform bonding functions for ai I law enforcement agencies and all bookkeeping/billing functions for appropriate municipal ordinances. Process al I Wheat Ridge Municipal and Jefferson County warrants for service. Develop and implement Improved procedures to provide accurate data for crime analysis and record keeping. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 ACTUAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - -' INDICATORS Report Requests: Ma II Counter In-House Computer Query/Entry(CCIC/NCIC) Computer Query/Entry (WRCIC) False Alarm Bkkpg/Billlng Expungements Bonding \'iarrants DA Requests STEP Entry/Query Phone Contact Reports Processed Microfilm HOURS PER FUNCTION/MONTH Report Requests Computer Query CCIC/NCIC/WRCIC *86 figures do not Inc. \'IRCIC False Alarm Bkkpg./Billing Expungements Bonding ~Iarrants DA Requests STEP Entry/Query Phone Contact Reports Processed t.1icrofilm In-house Stats ~, i s c: \'1 a r ran t f 0 I I ow - up, confirming fil lng, transports, vehicle sales, file purging. - other criminal Justice with pol ice reports, computer information and 1987 ESTIMATED 1988 PROJECTED 2,147 3,593 580 22,000 o 1,256 134 246 482 984 9,505 5, 110 22,195 22,195 2,211 2,280 3,700 3,810 580 580 22,780 23,235 50,000 52,000 1,318 1,353 156 168 325 332 1,574 1,605 993 1,002 6,337 6,337 5,475 5,657 22,580 22,500 22,580 23,257 62 63.7 265 270 17.1 17.4 3.45 3.70 6.6 6.7 28.2 28.7 6.76 6.82 210.5 210.5 22.5 23 150 159 274 282.2 40 40 85.6 88 58 235* 16.5 3 5 9.4 6.7 263.5 21 120 249.5 60 91 78 DIVISION SU~I~IARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 POLICE SUPPORT SERVICES 05 202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 717,521 701,498 704,041 730,186 MATERIALS 8. SUPPLIES 19,240 15,195 15,195 17 ,328 OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 34,253 27,686 25,186 37,458 CAPITAL OUTlAYS 7,200 18,950 18,950 8,545 TOTAL DIVISION 778,214 763,329 763,372 793,517 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PO SIT ION T I Tl E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - Division Commander 1 20 2876-3595 1 20 2697-3775 Pol ice Lieutenant 1 18 2617-3271 1 18 2453-3435 Police Sergeant 2 14 2347-2934 2 14 2201-3081 Senior Pol ice Officer 3 11 2009-2512 3 11 1884-2638 Pol ice Off Icer II 6 10 1898-2373 6 10 1780-2492 Senior Secretary 1 5 1454-1818 1 5 1363-1909 Sen. Pol. Records Clerk 1 9 1773-2216 1 9 1663-2327 Pol ice Records Clerk 7 3 1258-1574 7 3 1180-1652 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 22 22 92 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL POLICE SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION DETAIL 01 05 202 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 603 Longevity 610 Overtime Pay 614 Standby Pay 618 Court Pay 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense 633 Pol ice Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 - 651 Misc. Office Supplies 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies 587,573 o 26,370 5,026 3,186 1,991 11,883 37,629 4,968 38,895 717,521 4,058 7,634 o 7,548 573,122 o 17,000 5,495 3,606 o 12,496 42,267 6,534 40,978 701,498 1,480 7,750 o 5,965 575,665 o 17,000 5,495 3,606 o 12,496 42,267 6,534 40,978 704,041 1,480 7,750 o 5,965 580,000 16,413 25,497 5,713 4,463 o 12,848 37,625 6,250 41,377 730,186 3,700 7,300 o 6,328 - TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES ---------- --------- --------- --------- 17,328 700 - - 730 Un i forms/Protect. Cloth. 741 Uniform Allo~/ance 750 Professional Services 758 Rentals and Leases 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 776 Other Equipment Maint. 799 Misc. Services & Charges 19,240 78 6,250 o 49 18,039 3,354 6,483 15, 195 595 6,843 500 425 5,751 5,572 8,000 15,195 595 6,843 500 425 5,751 5,572 5,500 o 7,800 500 o 19,000 4,158 6,000 TOTAL OTHER SERV. & CHGS. ---------- --------- --------- --------- 37,458 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 804 Engr. & Photo Equip. 805 Communications Equipment 807 Fleet Replacement 809 Other Major Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES 34,253 o o o 7,200 o 7,200 778,214 93 8,000 1,400 3,040 1,092 4,008 9,410 18,950 743,643 5,500 1,400 3,040 1,092 4,008 9,410 18,950 743,686 1,545 o o 7,000 o 8,545 793,517 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Pol Ice PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM Operations - (Animal, Parks Enforcement Officers) To provide the citizens of Wheat Ridge with proactive patrol of the City to Include the City's parks, open space areas, trails, lakes, and enforcing the City Ordinances as appropriate. To provide interpretive programs, speeches, and tours for various communIty groups regarding the parks, open space areas, and animal care and safety. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - 8. 9. 10. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Patrol the City including city parks, open space areas, trails, via horseback, vehicles, bicycle or foot. Enforce violations of city ordinances and city violators as appropriate (I.e., animal cruelty cases, public animal complaints, rules and regulations governing parks, greenbelt, and recreation areas). Euthanlze and dispose of InJured, sick, and unclaimed animals. Assist the shelter in euthanizing and disposing of animal carcasses. Return lost pets to their rightful owners. Prepare and present publ ic education programs concerning nature presentations, animal care and safety, and historical sites. This includes tours and hikes for school groups, social groups and citizens. Inspect and issue kennel I icenses, exotic animal permits and boat permits. Provide for care and feeding of horses used In Parks Horse Program. Prosecute repeat offenders. Expand our volunteer program regarding the Anlmal/Parks Enforcement Unit In areas of nature hikes, tours, and care and feed of horses. Trap and relocate/dlspose of problem wildlife In a humane manner. Continue emphasis on impounding dogs and other animals which are abandoned, vicious or running at large and pose a danger to the community. Investigate al I anImal bites that are reported to this agency. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 ACTUAL 529 429 341 78 548 130 371 89/1970 242 INDICATOR Animal impoundments Violation warnings issued Animals released to owners Animal bites investigated Animal carcasses disposed of Traps loaned to citizens Summons issued Tours/People (old Ranger Boat Permits (old Ranger stats) stats) 95 1987 EST I MATED 600 500 350 80 500 150 300 50/1000 200 1988 PROJECTED 700 550 350 80 475 150 375 50/1000 250 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Po lice Opera.t ions - (Communications) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION To provide 24 hour, 7 days per week, high quality dispatching for pollee, fire and emergency medical service. To answer telephone calls from the publ ic which are related to pol ice, fire, and emergency medical services. To support the patrol/traffic function by providing CCIO personnel to handle citizen requests for service, and other assigned tasks where commissioned pol ice officer response is not needed. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Receive and dispatch cal Is for emergency service within one minute of receipt. 2. Perform computer Information inquiries for department personnel upon request. Enter relevant data into appropriate computer system file(s) either CCIC/NCIC or police R~lS/CAD System. 3. Answer all calls received by the Communications Section within 10 seconds or by the third ring. 4. Handle 30% of the walk-in citizen requests for service where commissioned pol ice officers response Is not needed. 5 . 1.1 a k e 0 u t g 0 I n g tel e p h 0 nee a I Is, a s nee d ed, w hie h i n ere a s est h e effectiveness of the overall police operations. 6. Monitor E911 emergency telephone service for the community of Wheat Ridge. 7. Continue to Increase the overal I efficiency of Communicctions through our automation efforts (i.e., one time, direct entry of information). - PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 1987 1988 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED Incoming telephone ca I Is 59,854 60,000 61,000 Outgoing telephone ca II s 7,442 7,000 7,000 Computer Inquiries/entries 110,000 130,000 350,000 Complaint reports issued/ dispatched 22,187 22,000 22,500 \~ a I k - i n complaints handled 221 300 350 Emergency ca I Is: Received to dispatch N/ A less than less than 1 m in. 1 m in. 96 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Po lice Operations - (Patrol & Traffic) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION To provide the citizens of ~/heat Ridge with the highest quality of law enforcement, and maintain the hIghest level of protection for lives and property. Provide necessary field support unites) which are specially trained in tactical operations in those situations which pose immediate threat to human life. PROGRAM OBJECTIVE 1. Develop and Implement a Traffic Enforcement Unit with a two-fold emphasis on selective traffic enforcement activities and DUI/DWAI apprehensions. The Traffic Enforcement Unit wil I work to reduce the number of traffic crashes by six percent. 2. Increase use of crime analysis information from our RMS computer system for directed patrol activities. These activities wil I increase the proactive response to contacting suspicious persons, and resolving suspicious and/or criminal incidents. 3. ProvIde emergency response time not to exceed three minutes, and non- emergency response not to exceed fIfteen minutes. 4. Expand volunteer programs in the areas of Animal, Parks Enforcement Program, and Pol ice Emergency Preparedness (i.e., interpretive nature programs, care and training of horses, evacuation plans for natural _ disasters, critical Incidents, pol Ice reserve program). 5. To Improve our Operations Division Community Relations programs by affording more direct citizen interaction with Division personnel (I.e., school presentations, ride-along program, tours, public presentations, and more neighborhood contacts). 6. Review and Improvement of current special ized units, with more emphasis on training and practical exercises (i.e., Tactical Unit, Canine Unit, Traffic Unit, FTO Program). INDICATOR PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 ACTUAL 1987 ESTIMATED 1988 PROJECTED Calls for service handled Traffic accidents investigated Arrests - traffic/criminal Arrests - DUI Summons issued Suspicious persons contacted Emergency response time 22,187 1.945 2,469 529 6,203 2,368 2.82 min. 22,000 2,000 2,900 550 5,200 2,850 Less 22,500 1,880 3,000 600 6,200 3,000 than 3 min. 97 DIVISION S U~H~ ARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL POLICE OPERATIONS 01 05 203 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 1,591,970 1,692,630 1,695,388 1,788,079 MATERIALS 8. SUPPLIES 9,079 19,438 19,438 14,060 OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 140,900 203,212 203,212 199, 116 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 56,808 14,825 14,825 73,443 TOTAL DIVISION 1,798,757 1,930,105 1,932,863 2,074,698 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERsorHlEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSITION TITLE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Division Commander 1 20 2876-3595 1 20 2697-3775 Po I ice Lieutenant 3 18 2617-3271 3 18 2453-2435 Pol ice Sergeant 4 14 2347-2934 4 14 2201-3081 Pol ice Off i cer I & II 29 9-10 1773-2373 33* 9-10 1663-2492 Senior Secretary 1 5 1454-1818 1 5 1363-1909 CCIO 10 5 1454-1818 10 5 1363-1909 Animal/Park Enforcement 1 8 1682-2103 1 8 1578-2208 Officer Ii Animal/Park Enforcement 3 6 1558-1948 3 6 1461-2045 Officer I AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 52 56 * Four (4) Pol ice Officers hired for Colo. State HVlY Safety Grant. 98 FUND GENERAL DEPT. POL ICE DIV. OPERATIONS D I V I S I 0 t~ DETAIL 01 05 203 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Object Account Classification 600 602 603 610 614 618 620 622 625 630 633 650 Salaries and Wages Longevity Overtime Pay Standby Pay Court Pay FICA Expense Employer Health and Life Insurance ~,1e d I car eTa x Retirement Expense Pol ice Retirement Expense Actual 1986 1,316,702 o 41,069 135 25,396 17,140 82,591 o 6,128 102,809 Budget 1987 1,366,160 o 52,582 o 25,745 25,015 101,045 2,025 12,371 107,687 Revised 1987 1,368,918 o 52,582 o 25,745 25,015 101,045 2,025 12,371 107,687 Budget 1988 1,442,207 20,510 44,889 o 29,157 22,973 101,256 3,000 9,773 114,314 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,591,970 1,692,630 1,695,388 1,788,079 651 r~isc. Office Suppl ies 654 Photocopy 8. Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operat i ng Supp I I es 700 TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 704 Contractu a I Serv Ices 720 Veterinary Services 728 Training 730 Uniforms/Protect. Cloth. 740 Auto Mileage 741 Uniform Allowance 750 Profess i ona I Serv ices 758 Rentals and Leases 772 Fleet Repalr/Mtce. 776 Other Equipment Malnt. 796 Po lice Reserve/Cadet Exp. 799 Misc. Services & Charges - 800 4,627 o o 4,452 9,079 1,310 o o 4,453 o 18,057 2,401 o 96,551 17,855 o 273 TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 140,900 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 805 Communications Equipment 807 Fleet Replacement 809 Other Major Equipment ------TOTAL OPERATIONS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS o o 56,808 o 56,808 3,758 o o 15,680 19,438 4,625 995 o 6,864 600 25,020 5,000 110 128,513 26,735 4,250 500 203,212 o 9,055 1,440 4,330 14,825 3,758 o o 15,680 19,438 4,625 995 o 6,864 600 25,020 5,000 110 128,513 26,735 4,250 500 203,212 o 9,055 1,440 4,330 14,825 5, 160 o o 8,900 14,060 4,794 675 o 9,795 o 25,160 2,850 o 130,492 21,200 3,850 300 199,116 o 10,700 54,400 8,343 1,798,757 1,930,105 1,932,863 2,074,698 73,443 NOTE: (l)Park Rangers are included in Police Operations in 1987 & 1988. (2)Colo. State H~IY Safety Grant included in Pol ice Oper. in 1988. 99 DEPARH1ENT SUf,1MARY FUND GENERAL 01 DEPT. P UBL I C l'fORK S 06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 812,234 879,167 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 179,035 215,540 879,167 210,979 885,739 176,900 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 378,415 399,000 399,520 359,090 CAPITAL OUTlAYS 70,314 1 11,349 115,390 74,807 TOTAL DEPARTMENT 1,439,998 1,605,056 1,605,056 1,496,536 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSITION TITLE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Director of Pub I i c 23 3343-4179 23 3134-4388 ~f 0 r k s / C i t Y Engineer Senior Project Engineer 1 17 2550-3188 1 17 2390-3347 C iv i I Engineer 2 15 2403-3005 2 15 2253-3155 Street ~1t c e Superint. 1 1 6 2480-3100 1 16 2325-3255 Engineering Technician 6 9 1773-2216 6 9 1663-2327 to1otor Equip. Oper. II 3 7 1607-2009 3 7 1507-2109 Traffic ~'tce. Supervisor 1 12 2180-2725 1 12 2014-2820 Engineering Assistant 2 5 1454-1818 2 5 1363-1909 tJlotor Equipment Operator 1 5 1454-1818 1 5 1363-1909 Senior Secretary 1 5 1454-1818 1 5 1363-1909 Traffic Technician I 1 4 1341-1676 2 4 1258-1760 Maintenance l'Iorker 8 3 1258-1574 8 3 1180-1652 Vehicle Fleet Special ist 1 5 1454-1818 * NOTE: Shops Supervisor, Auto r'lechanic, Auto & Equip. ~'lechanic, Vehicle Fleet Special ist can be found in Fleet t,'ianagement Fund(57-305) * Vehicle Fleet Specialist was in Publ ic I"forks Administration in 1987 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 29 29 101 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Public \~orks Administration PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Provides executive direction to the EngineerIng, Streets, Traffic and Shops divisions and maintains responsibility for all projects funded by the Capital Improvements fund. Provides recommendations to City Administration and City Councl I on future Publ ic \~orks programs. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Maintain coordination among Publ ic l'Iorks divisions and other departments of the City. 2. Provide long range decisions on work priorIties, manpower scheduling and division policies. 3. Monitor progress on al I construction proJects and ma i ntenance programs in the Pub II c Works department. - 4. Respond to all cItizen inquiries regarding Publ ic Works Department programs, and problems with the street rights-of-way drainage courses within the City. 103 DIVISION S Ur~~,lAR y FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 06 301 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 89,860 110,795 110,795 86,592 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1,856 2,180 2,180 1,850 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 4,082 6,950 6,950 5,450 CAPITAL OUTlAYS 2,311 648 648 648 TOTAL DIVISION 98,109 120,573 120,573 94,540 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE POSITION TITlE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 Director of Publ ic ~orks/City Engineer Senior Secretary Vehicle Fleet Special ist 23 3343-4179 23 3134-4388 5 5 1454-1818 1454-1818 1 0* 5 1363-1909 *Vehicle Fleet Special ist has been moved to the Fleet Management Fund for 1988 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 3 2 104 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ADr.ll N I STRAT I ON DIVISION DETAIL 01 06 301 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 604 Deferred Compensation 610 Overtime Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 Cont. Temporary Porsonnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Heelth and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense 640 Outside Personal Services TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 651 r.lisc. Office Suppl ies 654 Photocopy 8. Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies - TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 - 702 Con fer e nee 8. r-lt g . Ex p . 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 759 Telephone Expense 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 776 Other Equipment Maint. 799 Misc. Services & Charges 77,479 1,977 o o 1,085 4,663 3,790 866 o 89,860 920 232 167 537 94,129 2,013 1,000 o o 6,421 5,480 1,752 o 110,795 1,080 300 250 550 1,856 2,180 1,928 631 o 217 966 259 81 2,500 400 50 400 1,500 2,000 100 94,129 2,013 1,000 o o 6,421 5,480 1,752 o 110,795 1,080 300 250 550 2,180 2,500 400 50 400 1,500 2,000 100 72,241 2,014 1,000 o o 5,402 4,059 876 1,000 86,592 900 250 200 500 1,850 2,000 400 50 200 1,200 1,500 100 TOTAL OTHER SERVo 8. CHGS. ---------- --------- --------- --------- 5,450 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 807 Fleet Replacement 809 Other Major Equipment 4,082 o 648 1,663 6,950 o 648 o 6,950 o 648 o o 648 o TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ---------- --------- --------- --------- 648 ------TOTAL PW - ADMINISTRATION 2,311 98,109 105 648 120,573 648 120,573 94,540 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Public Works Engineering PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Plan the Capital Improvement Program; administer the design and construction of Capital Improvement proJects and major maintenance projects either with staff personnel or consultants and contractors; and provide technical support to the Department of Planning & Development. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Prepare the design of major maintenance and Capital Improvement proJects through staff personnel or consultants. 2. Provide construction management for al I Capital Improvement and maJor maintenance projects. 3. Review Planning & Development referrals in accordance with applicable regulations and pol icies. - 4. Provide technical resources to citizens, other departments of the City, and governmental agencies. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS INDICATOR Number proJects designed Number contracts administered Number of referrals Number of street cut permits 1986 ACTUAL 11 11 25 246 1987 ESTIMATED 12 10 36 250 1988 PROJECTED 12 10 40 250 107 DIVISION SUMrMRY FUND DEPT. DIV. GUJERAL PUBL I C \10RKS EtJG I NEER I NG 01 06 302 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 332,250 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 7,212 OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 53,844 CAPITAL OUTlAYS 11,450 TOTAL DIVISION 404,756 359,394 359,394 371,997 10,100 9,200 8,700 56,350 56,350 24,000 11,558 12,458 10,268 437,402 437,402 414,965 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSITION TiTlE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senior ProJect Engineer 1 Civil Engineer 2 Engineering Technician 6 Engineering Assistant 2 17 15 9 5 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 11 2550-3188 2403-3005 1773-2216 1454-1818 1 2 6 2 1 7 1 5 9 5 2390-3347 2253-3155 1663-2327 1363-1909 11 lOa FUND GENERAL DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS DIV. ENGINEERING DIVISION DETAIL 01 06 302 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 600 ------ 602 Salaries and ~I a ge s 255,606 287,868 283,012 298,830 610 Overtime Pay 6,355 7,500 7,500 7,500 617 City Temporary Personnel 25,349 10,500 15,063 11,000 620 FICA Expense Employer 20,325 21,870 21,870 23,832 622 Health and Life Insurance 14,697 20,141 20,141 18,882 630 Retirement Expense 9,918 11,515 11,515 11,953 640 Outside Personal Services 0 0 293 0 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 332,250 359,394 359,394 371,997 650 6 5 1 r,~ i s c. 0 f f ice Sup P lie s 654 Photocopy 8. Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies TOTAL ~ATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 702 Conference 8. ~ltg. Exp. 704 Contractual Services 706 Dues, Books 8. Subscrp. 730 Un i forms/Protect. Cloth. 740 Auto Mileage Expense 750 Professional Services 758 Rentals and Leases 772 Fleet Repalr/Mtce. 776 Other Equipment Malnt. 793 Title Search and Reports 799 Misc. Services 8. Charges TOTAL OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 807 Fleet Replacement 809 Other MaJor Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL ENGINEERING 1,042 587 305 5,278 7,212 1,891 38,322 769 796 109 2,284 o 7,024 2,013 200 436 53,844 4,232 6,768 450 11,450 404,756 109 1,400 1,000 200 7,500 10,100 1,000 30,000 750 1,000 100 2,500 500 15,000 2,500 2,500 500 56,350 o 6,768 4,790 11,558 437,402 1,400 1,000 200 6,600 9,200 1,000 30,000 750 1,000 100 2,500 500 15,000 2,500 2,500 500 56,350 900 6,768 4,790 12,458 437,402 1,000 1,000 200 6,500 8,700 1,000 8,000 700 500 50 2,000 250 8,500 2,000 500 500 24,000 o 6,768 3,500 10,268 414,965 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Public Works PROGRAM Street Maintenance PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ProvIde routine and preventive maintenance services for streets, alleys, storm drains, and other miscellaneous features within the publ Ie rights-of-way. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1 . t., a i n t a i n 1 29m I I e s 0 f C I t y s t r e e t s . 2. r1aintaln all City alleYI./ays. 3. Maintain 28 miles of storm drainage. 4. Provide snow and Ice control on City streets. 5. Provide seasonal mowing and weed control within City rlghts- of-way. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 1987 1988 INDICATORS ACTUAL EST! MATED PROJECTED t.lI I as of storm draIns maintained 25 27 28 Tons of asphalt patching 2750 3000 3000 Tons of crack sealant 20 20 20 Miles of streets swept 660 700 700 Tons of salt/sand mix 1615 2000 2000 111 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PUBL I C \'/ORK S STREET MAINTENANCE CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES OTHER SERV. & CHGS. CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL DIVISION DIVISION SU~1~1ARY ACTUAL 1986 335,117 112,709 304,985 49,438 802,249 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 06 BUDGETED 1987 345,026 123,200 328,650 89,634 886,510 303 REVISED 1987 345,026 121,300 328,650 91,534 886,510 BUDGET 1988 340,087 106,300 322,790 59,782 828,959 PO SIT ION T I Tl E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 Street Mtce Superlnt. 1 Motor Equip. Operator I I 3 Motor Equ I p. Operator I 1 Maintenance Worker 8 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 16 7 5 3 13 2480-3100 1607-2009 1454-1818 1258-1574 112 1 3 1 8 1 6 7 5 3 13 2325-3255 1507-2109 1363-1909 1180-1652 DIVISION DETAIL FUND GENERAL DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS DIV. STREET ~.iAINTENANCE 01 06 303 Object Account Classification Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ------ 602 Salaries and Wages 248,087 254,078 254,078 250,898 603 Longevity 1,662 1,780 1,780 1,867 610 Overtime Pay 9,205 20,000 20,000 20,000 614 Standby Pay 5,002 7,000 7,000 7,000 617 City Temporary Personnel 20,026 8,000 8,000 8,400 620 FICA Expense Employer 20,631 20,797 20,797 21,501 622 Health and Life Insurance 21,303 23,208 23,208 21,072 6<;'" Retirement Expense 9,201 10,163 10,163 9,349 - ~ ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 335,117 345,026 345,026 340,087 - 650 ------ 651 Misc. Off ice Supplies 374 200 200 200 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 0 0 0 100 660 Operating Suppl ies 112,335 123,000 121,100 106,000 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 112,709 123,200 121,300 106,300 700 ------ - 702 Conference & !>ltg. Exp. 207 800 800 250 706 Dues, Books &. Subscrp. 176 200 200 200 728 Training 1,138 2,000 2,000 2,500 - 730 Uniforms/Protect. Cloth. 9,602 8,400 8,400 8,400 740 Auto r.1 i I eage Reimb. 428 450 450 400 758 Rentals and Leases 26 2,000 2,000 500 - 759 Telephone Expense 866 600 600 500 761 Street Lighting Utilities 184,911 216,000 216,000 205,000 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 106,424 96,000 96,000 102,840 776 Other Equipment Maint. 1, 187 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 799 r" i sc. Services 8. Charges 20 200 200 200 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL OTHER SERVo 0 CHGS. 304,985 328,650 328,650 322,790 0. 800 ------ 802 Office Furn. &. Equip. -99 0 0 0 807 Fleet Replacement 45,634 45,634 45,634 46,282 809 Other r"lajor Equipment 600 4,000 4,000 3,500 812 Pub I I c VI or k s Shops Imprv. 3,303 40,000 41,900 10,000 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL CAP IT AL OUTLAYS 49,438 89,634 91,534 59,782 ------ TOT AL STREET ~,1A I f'iTENANCE 802,249 886,510 886,510 828,959 113 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Pub lie ~I 0 r k s Traffic Maintenance PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Provides construction and maintenance services for Installing, replacing, and updating traffic control devices In accordance with all legal and technical codes. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Provide proper lane control markings on City streets. 2. Install and maintain regulatory warning and informational signing on City streets. 3. Provide pedestrian crosswalks at al I schools and high volume pedestrian crossing areas. 4. Provide traffic count data on CIty streets as required. 5. Install and maintain safety devices such as guard rail, flashing beacons, and other warning devices. 6. Provide routine service of traffic signals. - PERFORMANCE INDICATORS INDICATOR 1986 ACTUAL 1987 ESTIMATED 1988 PROJECTED Miles of roadway marking New slans installed Signs ~erviced Crosswalks marked Traffic counts taken Flashing beacons servIced Traffic signals serviced * 92 131 221 130 60 8 o 95 150 225 130 75 8 29 95 150 225 130 75 1 0 30 * This activity was handled exclusively by contract in 1986 and was hand I ed part i a II y by contract in 1987. I tis proposed to prov i de a II service by city employees In 1988. 115 DIVISION SUr'1~lARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PUBL I C \'IORKS TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE 06 304 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 55,007 63,952 63,952 87,063 MATERIALS e, SUPPL!!:S 57,258 80,060 78,299 60,050 OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 15,504 7,050 7,570 6,850 CAP IT AL OUTLAYS 7,115 9,509 10,750 4,109 TOT AL D I V I S lor! 134,884 160,571 160,571 150,072 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO SIT ION T I TL E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Traffic Mtce. Supervisor Traffic Technician I 12 4 2180-2725 1341-1676 1 2 12 4 2014-2820 1258-1760 AUTHOR I ZED PERSONt,EL 2 3 116 FUND GENERAL DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS DIV. TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE DIVISION Dn A I L 01 06 304 ObJect Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 603 Longevity 610 Overtime Pay 614 Standby Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 651 Misc. Office Supplies 660 Operat i ng Supp lies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 702 Conference & Mtg. Exp. 704 Contractual Services 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 728 Training 730 Uniforms/Protect. Cloth. 758 Rentals and Leases 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 776 Other Equipment Maint. 799 Misc. Services & Charges TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 807 Fleet Replacement 809 Other MaJor Equipment 8 1 2 Pub I I c \'/0 r k s S hop s Imp r v . 45,546 425 328 o o 3,533 3,357 1 ,818 55,007 102 57,156 57,258 947 1,800 100 345 470 437 10,983 394 28 15,504 o 1, 109 4,629 1377 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 7,115 ------TOTAL TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE 134,884 117 46,812 1332 2,000 o 4,000 3,776 4,160 1,872 63,952 60 80,000 80,060 300 o 100 200 1, 100 400 4,500 350 100 7,050 o 1,109 8,400 o 9,509 160,571 46,812 1332 2,000 o 4,000 3,776 4,160 1,872 63,952 60 78,239 78,299 300 o 100 720 1, 100 400 4,500 350 100 7,570 o 1, 109 9,641 o 10,750 160,571 66,543 1,384 2,000 o 4,200 5,463 5,558 1 , 9 1 5 87,063 50 60,000 60,050 250 o 150 500 600 400 4,500 350 100 6,850 o 1,109 3,000 o 4,109 158,072 DEP ARTI~E tn SUMt.1ARY FUND 01 GENERAL DEPT. PARKS & RECREATION 07 CLASSIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 838,193 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 104,604 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTlAYS 219,806 25,422 TOTAL DEPARTMENT 1,188,025 774,986 775,900 739,242 103,387 269,093 103,387 98,739 268,344 225,859 34,888 35,637 30,518 1,182,354 1,183,268 1,094,358 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PO SIT ION T I Tl E ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auth/Grade No. SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Director of 21 3088-3860 21 2895-4053 Parks & Recreation Recreation Prog. Supv. 1 16 2480-3100 1 1 6 2325-3255 - Parks Mtce. Supervisor 1 1 6 2480-3100 1 16 2325-3255 City Arborlst 1 10 1898-2373 1 10 1780-2492 Recreation Prog. Coord. 3 10 1898-2373 3 10 1780-2492 Parks t.1tce. Leadworker 2 5 1454-1818 2 5 1363-1909 Tree Trimmer 1 5 1454-1818 1 5 1363-1909 Senior Secretary 1 5 1454-1818 1 5 1363-1909 Parks r,1a i ntenance Worker 4 3 1258-1574 4 3 1180-1652 Clerk-Typist .75 2 1185-1481 .75 2 1111-1555 NOTE: (1 )Parks Rangers Division was transferred into Police - Operations in 1987 and 1988. (2)Forestry Division was transferred into Park Maintenance In 1987. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 15.75 15.75 119 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Parks and Recreation Administration PROGRAM DESCRIPTION To provide executive direction to the Department of Parks and Recreation. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Foster and maintain effective working relationships with other City departments and related governmental agencies. 2. Provide enjoyable and meaningful Parks and Recreation experiences. 3. Attract and retain a competent and wel I trained staff to del iver qual ity parks and recreation services. 4. Whenever and wherever possible, work with other departments and agencies to achieve the City Councl I goals and objectives for 1988. 5. To actively pursue funding for Park improvement projects from Federal, State, and City sources when available. - 121 DIVISION SUr~r'lARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PARKS 8. RECREATION ADnl r~ I STRAT ION 07 601 CLASSIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 76,918 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,491 OTHER SERV. 8. CHGS. 3,824 CAPITAL OUTlAYS 1,462 TOT~L DIVISION/DEPARTMENT 84,695 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PO SIT ION T I Tl E Auth/Grade No. Director of Parks and Recreation Senior Secretary 21 5 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 2 76,936 3,040 4,418 648 85,042 SALARY 1987 3088-3860 1454-1818 122 76,936 3,040 4,418 648 85,042 Auth/Grade No. 21 5 2 80,693 3,000 4,440 648 88,781 SALARY 1988 2895-4053 1363-1909 FUND DEPT. DIV. GE NERAL PARKS & RECREATION ADt,11 N I STRAT I ON D I V I S 10tJ DETAIL 01 07 601 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 603 Longevity Pay 610 Overtime Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health end Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSOrJAL SERV ICES 650 651 r'1isc. Office Supplies 654 Photocopy 8. Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 - 702 Conference & r~tg. E)(p. 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 728 Training 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 758 Rentals and Leases 759 Telephone Expense 772 Fleet Repair/ntce. 776 Other Equipment Maint. 799 Misc. Services 8. Charges TOTAL OTHER SERVo 8. CHGS. 800 802 Office Furn. & Equip. 807 Fleet Replacement TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL P&R ADMINISTRATION 66,980 o o o 4,255 3,759 1,924 76,918 157 682 1,199 453 2,491 2,018 200 o o 401 271 854 30 50 3,824 814 648 1,462 84,695 123 65,049 o 100 o 4,552 4,633 2,602 76,936 840 1,500 500 200 3,040 2,000 200 200 o 200 500 978 140 200 4,418 o 648 648 85,042 65,049 o 100 o 4,552 4,633 2,602 76,936 840 1,500 500 200 3,040 2,000 200 200 o 200 500 978 140 200 4,418 o 648 648 85,042 66,555 2,325 o o 5,173 3,978 2,662 80,693 800 1,500 500 200 3,000 1,800 200 200 o 200 500 1,200 140 200 4,440 o 648 648 88,781 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Parks 8. Recreation Recreation PROGRAM DESCRIPTION To provide recreation programs and activities. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. To provide a variety of different types of recreation programs and services to youth, adults and senior citizens in the areas of athletics, leisure arts, continuing education programs and seasonal aquatics. 2. Operation of two community centers and one outdoor swimming poo I. - 3. To make these programs self-sustaining through fees and charges. INDICATOR PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 ACTUAL 1987 EST! MATED 1988 PROJECTED - Programs and activities offered 400 400 400 Number of participants 74,000 74,000 74,000 Revenue 173,101 174,000 174,000 Revenue as a 'f, of operating expense 42.8% 40.5% 43.0% 125 DIVISION SUr\~\ARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PARKS 8. RECREATION RECREATION 07 602 CLASSIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUDGET 1988 ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 305,720 304,914 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 31,238 73,120 33,976 92,445 OTHER SERVo & CHGS. CAPITAL OUTLAYS 4,320 4,590 TOTAL DIVISION 414,398 435,925 304,969 33,976 91,696 5,339 435,980 296,648 30,400 88,415 4,945 420,408 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PO SIT ION T I Tl E ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recreation Prog. Suprv. 1 Rec. prog. Coord i nator 3 Clerk-Typist .75 1 6 10 2 2480-3100 1898-2373 1185-1481 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 4.75 126 1 3 .75 16 10 2 4.75 2325-3255 17GO-2492 1111 - 1 555 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION DETAIL 01 07 602 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ObJect Account Classification 1986 Actual 1987 Budget 1987 Revised 1988 Budget 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 603 Longevity 610 Overtime Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense 640 Outside Personal Services TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 65 1 r.11 s c . Office Sup P lie s 654 Photocopy and Printing Ex 655 Postage Costs 138,941 o 692 74,218 65,417 14,473 6,722 5,257 o 305,720 870 9,166 4,693 133,460 o 200 75,600 64,500 15,502 10,314 5,338 o 304,914 320 10,656 5,500 127,515 o 200 78,600 55,380 15,502 10,314 5,338 12,120 304,969 1,320 10,656 5,500 131, 171 715 200 72,363 54,082 15,301 8,430 4,686 9,700 296,648 500 9,050 4,850 ---------- --------- --------- --------- 660 Operating Suppl ies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 - 7 0 2 Con fer e nee 8. tH g . E x P . 704 Contractual Services 706 Dues, Books 8. Subscrp. 728 Training and Safety 730 Un i forr,ls/Protect. Cloth. 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 758 Rentals and Leases 759 Telephone Expense 760 Uti I itles 772 Fleet Repalr/Mtce. 774 Faci Ilty Repair 8. r'laint. 776 Other Equipment Maint. 799 Misc. Services & Charges - 16,509 31,238 461 18,364 262 53 747 425 o 1 8 30,828 5, 116 14,369 2,467 10 17,500 33,976 525 20,760 310 225 850 650 300 200 44,812 7,013 15,000 1,700 100 16,500 33,976 525 20,760 310 225 850 650 300 200 43,612 7,013 14,251 2,900 100 16,000 30,400 500 21,000 315 100 700 500 o o 45,000 8,200 10,000 2,000 100 TOTAL OTHER SERV. 8. CHGS. ---------- --------- --------- --------- 88,415 800 802 Office Furn. 8. Eqpt. 807 Fleet Replacement 809 Other Major Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL RECREATION 73,120 o 4,320 o 4,320 414,398 127 92,445 270 4,320 o 4,590 435,925 91,696 270 4,320 749 5,339 435,980 o 4,200 745 4,945 420,408 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Parks 8. Recreation Par k ~,l a i n ten a n c e and Forestry PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Division of Park Maintenance and Forestry is responsible for the development and maintenance of a system of parks, open space, greenbelt trails, and urban forestry programs which will enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Wheat Ridge. - 6. 7. - 8. 9. 10. - PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. t~aintain 103.5 acres of developed parkland on a yearly basis. 2. Maintain a 5 mile greenbelt trail system. 3. l1aintain 21 acres of undeveloped parkland. 4. Maintain safe and healthy trees and shrubs on publ ic rights-of-way L,.,cJ in the parks syster~;. 5. Provide adequate pest control including insect, disease, and weeds for right-Of-way and parks trees in cooperation with the State Forest Service, Colorado Department of Aariculture, and Colorado State University. ~ Licensing of commercial arborist and lawn care companies. Reimburse $220,000 of Park Maintenance costs from the Jefferson County Open Space program. Reconstruct 9 acres of parkland <Paramount Park). Develop an elementary school/park site cooperative agreement with R-l School District. Arbor Day activities to promote tree awareness through citizen participation. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - 1986 1987 1988 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED Cost per acre to maintain developed parkland 2,700 2,900 3,000 Cost per acre to maintain undeveloped parkland 300 320 325 Cost per acre to develop parkland 36,000 38,000 39,000 Cost share to develop park site 50,000 50,000 50,000 Trees & shrubs maintained 15,000 20,000 24,000 Trees , shrubs planted 3,000 6,000 3,500 <>. Pesticide applications 3,000 3,000 3,500 Arborist & Lawn Care license 40 45 60 129 DIVISION SUMr'1ARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PARKS 8. RECREATION 07 PARKS MAINTENANCE & FORESTRY 603 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 276,753 393,136 393,995 361,901 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 50,559 66,371 66,371 65,339 OTHER SERV. & CHGS. CAPITAL OUTlAYS 109,725 13,424 172,230 172,230 29,650 29,650 133,004 24,925 TOTAL DIVISION 450,461 661,387 662,246 585,169 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO SIT ION T I Tl E Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parks ~1a in t. Supt. 1 16 2480-3100 1 16 2325-3255 Parks rla i nt. Leadworker 2 5 1454-1818 2 5 1363-1909 Parks r1a i ntenance \'1 0 r k e r 4 3 1258-1574 4 3 1180-1652 City Arborist 1 1 0 1898-2373 1 10 1780-2492 - Tree Trimmer 1 5 1454-1818 1 5 1363-1909 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 9 9 130 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PARKS 8. RECREATION PARKS MAINTENANCE & FORESTRY D I V I S lOti DETAIL 07 603 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 603 Longevity Pay 610 Overtime Pay 614 Standby Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense 640 Outside Personal Services TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES G50 651 tlisc. Office Supplies 654 Photocopy & Printin9 Exp 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 - 702 Conference 8. Mtg. Exp. 704 Contractual Services 706 Dues, Books 8. Subscrp. 718 Ordinance Enforcement 728 Training 730 Un i forms/Protect. Cloth. 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 750 Professional Services 758 Rentals and Leases 760 Utilities 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 7 7 4 F a c i lit Y R e p air & t~ a i n t . 776 Other Equipment Maint. 799 Misc. Services & Charges 157,483 o 8,999 3,647 68,414 2,956 17,127 12,092 6,035 o 276,753 338 147 o 50,074 50,559 383 5,501 65 o 185 2,777 46 o 745 56,645 25,936 8,234 9,168 40 800 TOTAL OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 109,725 805 Communications Equipment 807 Fleet Replacement 809 Other Major Equipment 861 Park Beautification TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL PARKS MAINTENANCE o 13,424 o o 13,424 450,461 131 204,159 o 8,779 4,680 126,027 655 24,571 16,099 8,166 o 393,136 370 660 300 65,041 66,371 1,050 31,465 710 500 100 5,882 175 500 1,700 64,020 48,758 9,500 7,770 100 172,230 3,400 18,200 3,050 5,000 205,018 o 8,779 4,680 126,027 655 24,571 16,099 8,166 o 393,995 370 660 300 65,041 66,371 1,050 31,465 710 500 100 5,882 175 500 1,700 64,020 48,758 9,500 7,770 100 172,230 3,400 18,200 3,050 5,000 29,650 29,650 661,387* 662,246 202,593 3,296 8,935 3,575 96,161 o 23,376 15,309 8,001 655 361,901 400 660 130 64,149 65,339 825 25,391 819 250 90 3,119 50 355 1,384 55,883 26,969 8,132 9,687 50 133,004 o 18,200 3,725 3,000 24,925 585,169 DIVISION SU~H.1ARY FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PARKS 8. RECREATION FORESTRY 07 604 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS I F I CAT I O~~ ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 96,449 o o o MATERIALS 8. SUPPLIES 17,068 o o o GTHER SERV. & CHGS. 25,251 o o o CAPITAL OUTLAYS 4,776 o o o TOTAL DIVISION 143,544 o o o ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSITION TITLE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- City Arborist Tree Trimmer o o - NOTE: Forestry Division was transferred Into Park Maintenance in 1987. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 0 133 FUND GENERAL DEPT. PARKS & RECREATION DIV. FORESTRY DIVISION DETAIL 01 07 604 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 610 Overtime Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense 75,796 119 7,050 5,896 4,740 2,848 o o o o o o TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES ---------- --------- --------- 650 651 Misc. Office Supplies 654 Photocopy & Printing Exp. 655 Postage Costs 660 Operating Suppl ies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 702 Conference 8. r.'tg. Exp. 704 Contractual Services 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 718 Ordinance Enforcement 728 Training 730 Uniforms/Protect. Cloth. 740 Auto Mileage Reimb. 750 Professional Services 758 Rentals and Leases 760 Ut i lit i es 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 774 Facil ity Repair & Maint. 776 Other Equipment Maint. 96,449 488 211 o 16,369 17 ,068 465 14,196 754 o 94 408 o 366 671 381 7,130 65 721 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o TOTAL OTHER SERV. & CHGS. ---------- --------- --------- 800 802 Office Furn. 8. Equip. 807 Fleet Replacement 861 Comm. Impv/Beautification TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL FORESTRY 25,251 o 4,776 o 4,776 143,544* NOTE: * Forestry Division transferred into Park Division in 1987 and 1988 134 o o o o o o ria in ten a nee o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - o o o o o o o o o o o o o - - - o o o o o o DIVISION S UlUM R Y FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL 01 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS RANGERS 07 605 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 82,353 o o o MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 3,248 o o o o o o o OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 7,886 o CAP ITAL OUTLAYS 1,440 o TOTAL DIVISION 94,927 o o o - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSITION TiTlE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Park Ranger/ Naturalist II Park Ranger/ Natura 1 i st I o - o NOTE: Parks Rangers Division was transferred into Pol ice - Operations in 1987. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL o 135 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION PARKS RANGER DIVISION DET A I L 01 07 605 Object Account Clessification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 Salaries and Wages 610 Overtime Pay 617 Sity Temporary Personnel 618 Court Pay 620 FICA Expense Employer 622 Health and Life Insurance 630 Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 650 651 rlisc. Office Suppl ies 660 Operating Suppl ies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 702 Conference & Mtg. Exp. 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 720 Veterinary Services/Suppl 728 Training 730 Un i forms/Protect. Cloth. 740 fluto r~ileage Reimb. 741 Uniform Allowance 758 Rentals and Leases 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 776 Other Equipment Malnt. 799 Misc. Services 8. Charges TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 800 807 Fleet Replacement TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL PARKS RANGERS 43,219 829 28,555 30 5,114 3,038 1,568 82,353 334 2,914 3,248 398 145 686 640 815 147 504 5 4,544 2 o 7,886 1,440 1,440 94,927* o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o *NOTE:Parks Rangers Vlere transferred into Police-Operations in 1987 and 1988 136 GENERAL FUND CAPITAL EQUIPt1ENT SUM~1ARY 800 - Capital Outlays by Department - CITY ADMIN/PERSONNEL CITY CLERK t.WN I C I PAL COURT TREASURER- Accounting Budget/Sales Tax Data ProcessIng Total Treasury PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT- Planning/Zoning/Code - Total Planning 8. Development POLICE - Administration Support Services Total Police Workstation Typewriter Computer Table TypewrIter Typewriter Locking File Cabinet NCR Disk Subsystem Worksaver 2 pen plotter $ 14,150 MS-DOS PC Computer $ 3,500 $ 1,000 600 300 600 600 200 800 12,000 750 12,750 3,500 Records Management Processor - additional disk storage 24,000 2 terminals 2,000 26,000 2 typewriters 2 steno chairs $27,545 137 1,200 345 1,545 Capital Outlays (con't) PUBL Ie \'IORK S - Engineering Street Maintenance Traffic Maintenance City Shops (Fleet Mgmnt. Fund) Lab 8. Field Testing Equipment Construction Equipment Residing 1/2 P/W Shops Building Saw for pavement loops Residing 1/2 P/W Shops Building Tot a I Pub I i cWo r k s $ 30, 000 PARKS AND RECREATION - Recreation Parks Maintenance 8. Forestry Tota I Parks 8. Recreation Exercise Bicycle Row i ng t'lach i ne (2) Chainsaws (1) 5 HP Rototiller (1) Hooklift Frame (3) Snow control Attachments for snow plows Community Improvement and Beautification $ 7,470 TOTAL GENERAL FUND CAPITAL OUTLAYS 138 3,500 3,500 10,000 13,500 3,000 10,000 425 320 745 600 1,000 1,000 1,125 3,000 6,725 $87,065 FLEET MANAGEMENT FUND FLEET REPLACEMENT VEHICLES 800 - Fleet Replacement by Department - CITY COUriCIL POLICE DEPT. STREET MAINTENANCE Ambulance Remodel Patrol Cars (6) Storm-drain vacuum truck (one-year lease payments) TOTAL 1988 FLEET REPLACEMENT - - 139 $27,350 53,000 44,150 $124,500 CAPITAL 111PROVEMENT FUnD 1987 THROUGH 1992 REVEIJUES: Sales Tax Interest C.G.Sidewalk - Citizen ~atch Carryover State Grants L a k e woo d ,., ate h TOTAL REVENUES ACCT# EXPENDITURES: ----------------------------- Drainage - 795 Una II ocated/Carryover 833 Drainage Improvements 834 39th & Upham 835 45th (Everett-Garrison) 836 Aer i a I Photos 837 45th (Jay - Lamar) 838 Other 28th & Nevil and 828 41st (Kendall-Lamar) 35th & Parfet 841 37th (Holl and - Lena) 3 9 t h (r.i i I I e r - Len a ) 45th :'. Parfet 829 Harlan (38th-44th) Budget 1987 2,746,919 50,000 25,000 124,600 o o Revised 1987 2,746,919 50,000 25,000 860,281 413,589 o Budget 1988 2,600,000 55,000 25,000 75,000 o 125,000 Proposed 1989 2,755,500 60,000 25,000- 191,006 o --------- --------- --------- --------- 2,946,519 4,095,789 2,880,000 3,031,506 171,519 100,000 o o o o o o 525,000 o o o o 600,000 200,519 100,000 o o o o o o 525,000 o o o o 646,000 Total Drainage Expenditures 1,396,519 1,471,519 S t r e e t 11 a i n ten an c e - 840 Loca I Streets 842 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk 839 Pedestrian Walkways 883 Monumentation 884 Preventative Maintenance 844 Bridge Deck - Youngfield 852 44th (Youngfield-Tabor) 831 44th (Wadsworth-Harlan) 845 32nd (Youngfield - Simms) 846 38th (Wadsworth-Pierce) 849 38th (Kipl lng-Dudley) 850 32nd (Simms-i<ipl ing) 38th (Pierce-Sheridan) 38th (Dudley-Wadsworth) Parfet (32nd-38th) 32nd (Pierce-Sheridan) 38th (Kipl ing-Parfet) Tota I Street Ma i ntenance Traffic - 843 Traffic Signal Replacement 891 Transfer to General Fund 275,000 100,000 150,000 75,000 150,000 o o 500,000 o o o o o o o o o 275,000 100,000 45,000 75,000 150,000 518,589 594,000 566,681 o o o o o o o o o 191,006 100,000 o o o o o o o o 650,000 o o o 456,506- 100,000 o 0_ o o o 0- o o 0- 500,000 C 0_ 941,006 1,056,506 260,000 100,000 50,000 75,000 150,000 o o o 750,000 o o o o o o o o - 250,000 100,000 50,000 - 75,000 150,000 o - o o o 750,000 - o o o o o o o 1,250,000 2,324,270 1,385,000 1,375,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 453,994 100,000 500,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,946,519 4,095,789 2,880,000 3,031,506 140 CAPITAL Ir:PROVE~.iEt'!T FUlW 1987 THROUGH 1992 REVEnUES: Sales Tax Interest C. G. '" Sid e VI a I k - C I t i zen ria t c h Carryover Fund Balance Lakewood tliltch TOTAL REVENUES ---------------------------- ACCT# EXPENDITURES: Drainage - 795 Una II ocated/Carryover 833 Drainage Improvement 834 39th & Upham 835 38th (Harlan-Pierce) 836 Aer i a I Photos 837 45th (Jay-Lamar) 838 Other 30th (, Jay 41st (Kendall-Lamar) 35th (. Parfet 37th (Holland-Lena) 39th (niller -Lena) 45th & Parfet 4 8 t h U.'l i I I e r - Rob b ) Total Drainaqe Expenditures - Street Maintenance - 840 Loca I Streets 842 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk 839 Pedestrian Walkways 883 Monumentation 884 Preventative Maintenance 844 Bridge Deck-Youngfield 852 44th (Youngfield-Tabor) 831 44th (Wadsworth-Harlan) 845 32nd (Youngfield-Simms) 846 38th (Wadsworth-Pierce) 849 38th (Kipl lng-Dudley) 850 32nd (Simms-Kipl ing) 38th (Pierce-Sheridan) 38th (Dudley-Wadsworth) Parfet (32nd-38th) 32nd (Pierce-Sheridan) 38th (Kipl ing-Parfet) Tota I Street r'ia i ntenance Traffic - 843 Traffic Signal Replacement 891 Transfer to Genera I Fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES Proposed 1990 2,865,720 60,000 25,000 456,506 300,000 3,707,226 232,226 100,000 o o o o o o o 500,000 o o o o 832,226 250,000 100,000 50,000 75,000 150,000 o o o o o 750,000 900,000 o o o o o 2,275,000 100,000 500,000 3,707,226 141 Proposed 1991 2,980,500 65,000 25,000 232,226 o 3,302,726 -47,274 100,000 o o o o o o o o o o 200,000 500,000 752,726 250,000 100,000 50,000 o 150,000 o o o o o o o 750,000 650,000 o o o 1,950,000 100,000 500,000 3,302,726 Proposed 1992 3,099,700 65,000 25,000 -47,274 o 3,142,426 -607,574 100,000 o o o o o 600,000 o o o o o 92,426 250,000 100,000 50,000 o 150,000 o o o o o o o o o 500,000 650,000 750,000 2,450,000 100,000 500,000 3,142,426 DETAIL FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND (Fund 19) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES 151,814 0 0 0 8,240 200 200 50 69,274 34,058 64,166 3,200 ---------- --------- --------- --------- 229,328 34,258 64,366 3,250 U. S. Government Interest Carryover Fund Balance E X P E tm I T U RES GENERAL OPERATIONS TOTAL GENERAL OPERATIONS 33,393 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- 33,393 0 0 0 774 Facility Repair/ Maint. 809 Other Major Equipment FINANCE Treasury/Accounting 802 Office FurnIture 8. Equip. 809 Other Major Equipment 607 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- 607 0 0 0 - Budget/Sales Tax 802 Office Furniture & Eq u i p. 1,048 0 0 0 - Data Processing 758 Rentals & Leases 4,420 0 0 0 802 Off lee Furniture & Equ f p. 2,339 0 0 0 809 Other t~ a j 0 r Equ i pr,lent 12,256 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- 19,015 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL FINANCE 20,670 0 0 0 CITY CLERK 802 Office Furniture 8. Equip. o o o o --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL CITY CLERK o o o o MUNICIPAL COURT 802 Office Furntlure & Equip. 809 Other Major Equipment 900 115 o o o o o o -------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT 1 ,015 143 o o o DET A I L REVENUE SHARING FUND (CON'T) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXPENDITURES Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLANNING & DEVELOPt!lENT Building ~1 a i n ten a nee 811 City Ha II Improv. 0 0 0 0 AdminIstration 802 Off Ice Furniture & Equ I p. 3,000 0 0 0 Planning & Zoning 802 Off Ice Furniture & EquIp. 3,887 0 0 0 Building Inspection 802 Office Furniture & Eq u I p. 3,500 0 0 0 Code Enforcement 802 Off ice Furniture & Equip. 1,999 0 0 0 C Iv II Disaster 805 Communication Equipment 3,000 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- ---.----- TOTAL PLANN I NG & DEV E L Opr~E NT 15,386 0 0 0 POLICE Administration 802 Office Furniture & Equip. 0 0 0 0 809 Other MaJor Equipment 900 0 30,108 2,500 --------- --------- --------- --------- 900 0 30,108 2,500 Support 802 Office Furniture & Equ i p. 2,870 0 0 330 804 Engin. & Photo Equipment 2,747 0 0 0 805 Communication Equipment 333 0 0 0 809 Other Major Equipment 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- 5,950 0 0 330 Operations 802 Office Furniture & Eq u I p. 1,225 0 0 420 805 Communication Equipment 17,605 0 0 0 809 Other Major Equipment 3,995 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- 22,825 0 0 420 --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL POLICE 29,675 0 30,108 3,250 PUBLIC ~IORKS Administration 802 Office Furniture & Equip. 294 0 0 0 144 DETAIL REVENUE SHARING FUND (CON'I) EXPENDITURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Engineering 802 Office Furniture 8. Equip. 804 Engln. & Photo Equipment 805 Communication Equipment 11,242 o o o o o o o o o o o --------- --------- --------- --------- Street Maintenance 805 Communication Equipment 807 Fleet Replacement 809 Other Major Equipment 11,242 0 0 0 o 9,734 11,020 o o o o o o o o o --------- --------- --------- --------- Shops 807 Fleet Replacement 809 Other MaJor Equipment TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS PARKS AND RECREATION Administration 802 Office Furniture & Equip. Recreation 802 Office Furniture & Equip. 809 Other Major Equipment - Park 802 805 809 832 Maintenance Office Furniture & Equip. Communication Equipment Other Major Equipment Tools & Work Equipment Forestry 802 Office Furniture & Equip. 804 Engln. & Photo Equipment 805 Communication Equipment 809 Other Major Equipment 832 Tools & Work Equipment 20,754 0 0 0 o 11,842 34,258 o 34,258 o o o 44,132 11,842 34,258 34,258 0 34,258 o o 325 2,211 2,536 o o 4,559 o 34,258 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 4,559 0 0 0 405 490 o 12,900 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o --------- --------- --------- --------- 13,795 0 0 0 145 DETAIL REVENUE SHARING FUND CCON'Tl ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 ------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- Rangers 805 Communication Equipment 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 20,890 0 0 0 OTHER Una I located 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE SHARING 165,161 34,258 64,366 3,250 - 14E PARK ACQUISITION FUND (Fund 11) (Account 603-) 1986 1987 1987 1988 REVENUE ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET -------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- InTerest 1, 124 500 500 700 Subdivision Fees 450 700 700 700 Carryover Fund Balance 18,532 19,732 19.732 24,000 ---------- --------- -------- --------- TOT AL REVENUE 20,106 20,932 20,932 25,400 EXPENDITURES - Park Improvements o 20,932 20,932 25,400 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES o 20,932 20,932 25,400 - - - 147 OPEN SPACE FUND REVENUE 1986 ACTUAL Carryover Fund Balance Interest Jefferson County 40,589 o 332,545 TOT/'lL REVEfJUES 373,134 EXPEND ITURES 857 Boyds Crossing Park Devel. 7,306 862 1'.1isc. Park Improvement 117,380 859 Park Shelters 1,255 860 Paramount Park 0 887 Rock - acquisition 0 888 Future Land Acquisition 2,400 889 Panorama Park - Sprinkler Sys. 129,491 857 Hwy Cross i ng-C I ear Crk/K i p ling 0 861 Prospect Park Improvement 101,257 862 Ye Old Firehouse Landsc. Impr. 4,187 855 38th Avenue - Owens to Parfet 0 813 Anderson Building Improvements 0 814 Tennis Court Resurfacing - 0 880 rlunicipal Swimming Pool 0 815 Sod House Improvements 0 890-891 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND- Park Maintenance 0 UNALLOCATED 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 363,226 148 1987 BUDGET o o 820,000 820,000 140,000 150,000 70,000 50,000 35,000 5,000 15,000 30,000 170,000 155,000 820,000 (Fund 32) (Account 601-) 1987 1988 REVISED BUDGET o o 820,000 o o 1,100,000 820,000 1,100,000 o o o o 140,000 150,000 70,000 o o o 50,000 35,000 5,000 15,000 30,000 170,000 155,000 o o o o o o o 400,000 150,000 150,000 o o 100,000 o o o o o o o o o 220,000 820,000 1,100,000 80,000 SEf!IOR CEnTER FUND (Fund 53) (Account 602-) 1966 1987 1087 1988 REV U:U!: ACTUAL 8UDGET REVISED ClUDGET ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- iliscelluneous 8,373 10,000 10,000 10,000 Interest 1,036 900 900 1,000 Carryover 22,696 26,587 26,587 6,500 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOT AL REVENUE 32,105 37,487 37,487 17,500 EXPENDITURES 799 "1 i 5 c . S e r v. & C h 0 s 13,050 37,487 37,487 17,500 TOTAL EXPEt!D ITURES 13,050 37,487 37,487 17,500 - 149 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND (Fund 54) (Account 601-) ----------------------- REVENUE 1986 I\CTUAL 1987 1987 BUDGETED REVISED 1988 BUDGET ---------------------------------------- State of Colorado 108,613 108,000 108,000 125,000 Interest 5,861 5,000 5,000 5,000 Carryover Fund Balance 83,571 156,729 156,729 200,000 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL REVENUES 198,045 269,729 269,729 330,000 EXPENDITURES 799- Joint City/R-l District ProJ. (Martenson & Pennington) 814- Tennis Court Resurfacing 815- Sod House ImDrovements 880- I-junicipal Swimming Pool 877- Other ProJects 886- Richards-Hart Estate 827- Parking Lot Lights-Comm. Cntr. 795- Una II ocated Fund Ba lance 0 120000 120000 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 135,000 1,257 0 0 50,000 49,529 0 0 0 16,160 0 0 0 149,729 149,729 100,000 ---------- --------- --------- --------- 66,946 269,729 269,729 330,000 - - - 150 ------------------------------- (Fund 55) (Account 122-) BUILDING REPAIR/DEMOLITION FUND 1986 1987 1987 1988 REVENUE ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET ---------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- Interest 780 450 450 800 Carryover 13,005 13,455 13,455 14,585 --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL REVENUE 13,785 13,905 13,905 15,385 EXPDW I TURE S 718 OrdInance Enforcement o 13,905 13,905 15,385 --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL EXPEi:O ITURES o 13,905 13,905 15,385 151 DEPARn'tENT S U r-H~AR Y FUND URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY DEPT. URBAN R U~E\I AL 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1986 BUDGETED 1987 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 11,006 0 0 0 r~ATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4,071 0 0 0 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 7,659 79,339 29,432 0 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 49,653 142,258 379,568 0 TOTAL DEPARH1ENT 72,389 221,597 409,000 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSITIOtJ TITLE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL o o NOTE: Urban Renewal Authority renamed Economic Development and Revital ization Commission, October, 1987. See separate budget. 153 Dn A I L URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY KIPLING ACTIVITY CENTER (Fund 34) (Account 120) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ObJect Account Classification Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUES -------- Carryover 26,781 26,231 35,231 0 Sales Tax Increment 42,348 1,500 12,000 0 Property Tax Increment 0 16,381 63,974 0 Interest 3,233 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- -------- TOTAL REVENUES 72,362 44,112 111,205 0 EXPENDITURES ------------ 600 ------ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 650 ------ TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 700 ------ 750 Professional Services 0 2,339 17,000 0 799 Misc. Services & Charges -4 0 2,432 0 - ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. -4 2,339 19,432 0 800 ------ 810 44th 8. Kip I I ng fJ::: !\rea 0 0 0 0 875 Attract Development 0 0 45,000 876 Other Projects 0 891 Transfer to General Fund 15,800 41,773 41,773 0 898 Transfer to URA-Gen Admin 1,888 0 5,000 0 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 17,688 41,773 91,773 0 ------ TOT AL EXPENDITURES 17,684 44,112 111,205 0 Note: Urban Renewal Authority renamed Economic Development and Revital ization Commission, October, 1987. See separate budget document. 154 DETAIL URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY ECONO/lIC REVITALIZATION AUTHORITY Object Account Classification REVENUES Transfer I n- Genera I Fund Carryover 600 EXPENDITURES 602 610 617 619 620 622 630 650 651 654 655 660 - 700 - 702 704 706 740 750 759 795 799 800 802 804 Salaries & Wages Overtime & Premium Pay City Temporary Personnel Cont. Temporary Personnel FICA Expense Employer Hea I th Insurance Retirement Expense TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES t!'isc. Office Suppl ies Photocopy & Printing Postage Costs Operating Suppl ies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES Conference & Meeting Contractual Services Dues, Books & Subscrp. Auto Mileage Reimb. Professional Services Telephone Expense Unal located Misc. Services & Charges TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. Office Furn. e, Equip. Eng. & Photo Equip. ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS Actual 1986 Budget Revised 1987 1987 o o 75,000 o (Fund 35) (Account 120) o o Budget 1988 o o o 75,000 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o nOTE: Urban Renewal Authority renamed Economic Development and Revital isatlon Commission, October, 1987. See separate budget. 155 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 75,000 o o 75,000 o o o o o o o 75,000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o DET A \ L URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY CITYWIDE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Fund 36) (Account 128) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Object Account Classification Actual 1986 Budget Revised 1987 1987 Budqet 1988 REVEtJUES --------- Transfer In- General Fund 0 0 0 0 Carryover 54,532 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- 54,532 0 0 0 EXPENDITURES ------------ 600 ----- 602 Salaries 8. \'Iages 0 0 0 0 610 Overtime & Prem i um Pay 208 0 0 0 617 City Temporary Personnel 10,103 0 0 0 619 Cont. Temporary Personnel 0 0 0 0 620 FICA Expense Employer 695 0 0 0 622 Health Insurance 0 0 0 0 630 Retirement Expense 0 0 0 0 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 11,006 0 0 0 650 - ------ 651 654 655 660 700 702 704 706 740 750 759 776 799 800 802 804 fi i s c . 0 f fie e Sup p lie s Photocopy 8. Printing Postage Costs Operating Suppl ies TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLIES Conference & Meetinc ~ Contractua I Serv ices Dues, Books & Subscrp. Auto ~ileage Reimb. Professional Services Telephone Expense Other Equipment Maint. Misc. Services & Charges TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. Office Furn. ~,Equip. Eng. & Photo Equip. ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 26 3,791 29 225 o o o o o o o o o o o o - ---------- --------- --------- --------- 4,071 o o o 676 o o 196 5,523 o o 582 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - --------- --------- --------- --------- 6,977 o o o 664 o o o o o o o --------- --------- --------- --------- 664 o o o 22,713 o o o NOTE: Urban Renewal Authority rena~ed Economic Development and Revital ization Corr.mission, October, 1987. See separate budget. 156 DETAIL URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY WADSWORTH TOWN CENTER {Fund 37> (Account 120) Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 Budget 1988 REVEtJUES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Carryover Sa I es Tax Increment Property Tax Increment Interest ------TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES 600 TOTAL PERSONAL SE~VICES 650 TOTAL r.'ATEP I ALS!SUPPL I ES 700 702 Conference [. r'1t!;. Exp. 704 Contractua I Serv ices 750 Professional Services 776 Other Equipment Maint. 799 Misc. Services & Charges TOTAL OTHER SERVo & CHGS. 800 - 820 Accel/Decel- 43rd Ave. 866 Connector Drive End Caps 872 WTC Park Construction 870 WTC Park Design 873 AccelDecel - 39th Ave. 874 Acce I Dece I - 41 st Ave. 875 Attract Development 876 Other Projects:Wadsworth 877 Edge Landscaping 878 WRTC Signs 891 Transfer to General Fund 898 Transfer to Gen. Admin. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES 210,129 18, 4 1 6 o 15,262 243,807 o o 637 o 49 686 6,000 o 12,565 -1,037 5,987 o o o o o o 7,786 31,301 31,987 102,485 o o o 102,485 o o o o 2,000 o o 2,000 o 46,000 o o o o o o 31,035 23,450 o o 100,485 102,485 189,049 80,000 25,346 3,400 297,795 o o NOTE: Urban Renewal Authority renamed Economic Development and Revital ization Commission, October, 1987. See separate budget. 157 o o o o 10,000 o o 10,000 o 13,000 o o o 20,000 182,795 60,000 12,000 o o o 287,795 297,795 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PROGRAM Public Works Fleet Management PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Provide preventative and fuel management. waste management. maintenance and repair of City equipment, Provide hazardous material and hazardous PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Provide preventive and routine maintenance of al I City equipment. 2. Repair al I City equipment as required. 3. Operate the City fueling station. 4. Provide fleet analysis to al I departments of the City. 5. Manage, handle, and dispose of hazardous materials In compl iance with all appl icable regulations. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1986 1987 1988 INDICATORS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED Equipment managed 160 186 190 Work orders completed 1,147 1,657 1,700 Fuel used(gallons) 94,497 95,000 95,000 Fleet analysis reports 1 8 36 42 159 FLEET MANAGEMENT FUND (Fund 57) (Account 305-) ----------------------- 1986 ACTUAL 1987 BUDGET 1987 REVISED 1988 BUDGET ---------------------------------------- REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES 294,754 0 0 301,818 157,358 451,987 451,987 126,091 7,134 0 0 0 929 5,500 5,500 5,000 137,545 36,245 36,245 53,351 ---------- ----------------------------- 597,720 493,732 493,732 486,260 Charges for Services Transfers In r.Hscellaneous Interest Carryover Fund Balance EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 99,701 100,381 100,381 131,385 165,556 200,680 200,680 187,275 23,930 37,433 37,433 33,100 165,454 155,238 155,238 134,500 ---------- ----------------------------- 454,641 493,732 493,732 486,260 Per sona I Serv Ices ~1aterlals 8. Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlays - - - - - 160 DIVISION SUr,HIARY FUND DEPT. DIV. FLEET MANAGEMENT FUND PUBL IC \'IORKS SHOPS 57 06 305 CLASSIFICATION BUDGETED 1987 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL 1986 REVISED 1987 BUDGET 1988 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEPSONAL SERVICES 99,701 100,381 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 165,556 200,680 OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 23,930 37,433 CAPITAL OUTlAYS 165,454 155,238 TOTAL DIVISIOtl 454,641 493,732 100,381 200,680 37,433 155,238 493,732 131,385 187,275 33,100 134,500 486,260 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SON tJ E L SCHEDULE PO S IT lOt! T I Tl E ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE Auth/Grade SALARY RANGE No. 1987 No. 1988 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Shops Supervisor 1 Auto & Equip. Mechanic 1 Automotive Mechanic 1 Vehicle Fleet Special ist 0 2180-2725 1682-2103 1454-1818 1454-1818 12 8 5 1 1 1 1 * 1 2 8 5 5 2014-2820 1578-2208 1363-1909 1363-1909 * Vehicle Fleet Special ist was transferred into Fleet Management Fund in 1988. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 3 161 4 Furw DEPT. DIV. FLEET ~1ANAGEMENT PUBL I C \~ORKS SHOPS DIVISION DETAIL 57 06 305 Object Account Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Budget 1988 Actual 1986 Budget 1987 Revised 1987 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 600 ------ 602 Salaries and ~I age s 83,093 79,529 79,529 105,898 610 Overtime Pay 1,309 4,000 4,000 4,000 614 Standby Pay 295 2,000 2,000 2,000 620 FICA Expense Employer 6,155 6,115 6,115 8,001 622 Health and Life Insurance 5,458 5,556 5,556 7,250 630 Retirement Expense 3,391 3,181 3,181 4,236 ---------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL PERSO~I^L SERVICES 99,701 100,381 100,381 131,385 650 651 Misc. Office Supplies 654 Photocopy and Printing Ex 660 Operat i ng Supp lies 661 Gas and 011 662 Vehicle and Equip. Parts 663 Hazardous Waste Disposal TOTAL ~ATERIALS/SUPPLIES 700 702 Conference & t.ltg. Exp. 704 Contractual Services 706 Dues, Books & Subscrp. 728 Training 730 Un I forms/Protect. Cloth. 760 Utilities 772 Fleet Repair/Mtce. 774 Facility Repair & Maint. 776 Other Equipment Malnt. TOTAL OTHER SERV. & CHGS. 800 802 Office Furniture & Eqpt. 807 Fleet Replacement 809 Other Major Equipment 812 Publ ic Works Shops Irr.prv. 832 Tools & Work Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ------TOTAL SHOPS 361 96 15,532 46,017 101,708 1,842 165,556 79 5,649 352 585 2,938 8,166 1,777 3,968 416 23,930 1,395 157,560 o 6,499 o 165,454 160 100 16,000 66,000 116,420 2,000 200,680 200 5,800 315 1,050 2,200 17, 115 4,978 4,200 1,575 37,433 850 127,608 o 21,000 5,780 155,238 454,6~1 493,732 .. 162 160 100 15,400 66,000 116,420 2,600 200,680 200 5,800 315 1,050 2,200 17, 115 4,978 4,200 1,575 37,433 850 127,608 o 21,000 5,780 155,238 493,732 175 100 15,000 65,000 105,000 2,000 187,275 200 6,000 300 1,000 2,000 15,000 3,000 4,200 1,400 - - - 33,100 o 124,500 o 10,000 o 134,500 486,260 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Account A record of a business transaction; a reckoning of money received or paid. Appropriation The legal authorization by City Council to make expenditures or Incur obligation for specific purposes. Assessed Valuation To set an estimated value on property, etc., for taxation. The County Assessor determines the assessed valuation of Residential Real Property (home & land) at 18% of its actual value using 1985 as the base year for calculating property values. Assets All properties owned by a government, including both current and fixed assets. Budget The city's financial plan balancing proposed expenditures for a certain period of time to the expected income or revenue for that same period. Capital Outlays Expenditures that result in the acquisition of or addition to fixed assets Charter A document to guide local government based on sound principles to meet the present and future needs of its citizens. Contingency Funds appropriated to cover unexpected expenses that may occur during the budgeted year. - Expenditures A decrease in net financial resources. Fiscal year A twelve-month period of time to which the annual budget appl ies and at the end of which a governmental unit determines its financial position and the results of its operations. Fund An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with specific regulations, restrictions, or limitations. Fund Balance The excess or deficiency of the assets of a fund over its liabilities and reserves. Genera I Fund The general operating fund of the city. It is used to account for al I financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. 163 Glossary of Terms (cont'd) Inter-Fund Transfers Intra-Fund Transfers Lease Obi igatlons Mill Levy Pay-As-You-Go Basis Performance Indicators Persona I Serv ices Prel iminary Budget Property Tax ProJected Reserve Revenue Sales Tax Amounts transferred from one account to another account between different funds. Amounts transferred from one account to another account within the same fund. The city Is obligated for certain leases which haVE- been capitalized. The leases are subJect to the annual appropriation of funds available. A rate appl ied to assessed valuation in determining property tax. A mi II is 1/10 of a penny. The Clty'~ 1988 mi II levy is 2.082, per adopted budget resolution. A term used to describe the financial pol icy of the City in utilizing current revenues to finance capital outlays. Identifiable functions performed by a department. Used in setting goals and determining effectiveness. SalarIes and related costs of permanent and hourly- employees. Proposed revenues and expenditures and anticlpated_ uses of fund balance and working capital for the next year submitted to the City Council. A tax levied on real property based on the County - Assessor's assessed valuation and other factors, and regulated by the Statutory Property Tax Revenue L i m i ts. - An estimation of past trends, the future financial revenues and expenditures based on present economic situation, and forecasts. - An amount budgeted to be set aside in a fund for future use. City Council must approve the use of these funds. An inflow of assets, not necessarily In cash, In exchange for services rendered. Estimated sources of monies to be appropriated. The tax levied on all sales, leases, and rentals at- retai I on the basis of the purchase or sale price of purchases of tangible personal property and specific taxable services. 164 Glossary of Terms (cont'dl Special Revenue Funds Used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. Use Tax The tax levied upon the privilege of using, storing, distributing, or consuming tangible personal property and taxable services which property or service is purchased, leased, or rented at retail and not subject to the Wheat Ridge sales tax. ... ... ... ... 165